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Roger Dingledine vor 19 Jahren

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-  <title>Tor Mac OS X Install Instructions</title>
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 This document is obsolete. See the new <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<h1>Running the <a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a> client on Mac OS X</h1>
-<br />
-<b>Note that these are the installation instructions for running a Tor client on
-  Mac OS X. If you want to relay traffic for others to help the network
-  grow (please do), read the <a
-  href="tor-doc-server.html">Configuring a server</a> guide.</b>
-<hr />
-<a id="installing"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#installing">Step One: Download and Install Tor</a></h2>
-<br />
-The latest stable and experimental releases of Tor for Macintosh
-OS X bundle <a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a> and <a
-href="http://www.privoxy.org">Privoxy</a> (a filtering web proxy)
-into one package, with Privoxy pre-configured to proxy through Tor.
-<a href="http://tor.eff.org/download">Download one from the download
-<p>Our Tor installer should make everything pretty simple. Below is a
-screenshot of the setup page:
-<img alt="tor installer splash page"
-By default, Tor is configured to run at startup.  If you do not want Tor to
-run on startup, you can disable this by selecting "Customize" in the
-Installer, and then un-checking the "Tor Startup Script" box. Be sure to
-leave the other boxes checked.
-<p>Once the installer is finished and your computer restarts, Tor will
-start automatically.  Tor comes configured as a client by default. It
-uses a built-in default configuration file in <tt>/Library/Tor/torrc</tt>,
-but most people won't need to change any of the settings. Tor is now
-<p>Privoxy is installed as part of the Tor bundle package
-installer. Privoxy is a filtering web proxy that integrates well with
-Tor. Once it's installed, it will start automatically when your computer
-is restarted.
-<p>You do not need to configure Privoxy to use Tor. A custom Privoxy
-configuration for Tor has been installed as part of the installer package.
-<hr />
-<a id="using"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#using">Step Two: Configure your applications to use Tor</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>After installing Tor and Privoxy, you need to configure your
-applications to use them. The first step is to set up web browsing.</p>
-<p>If you're using Firefox (we recommend it), check out our <a
-href="tor-switchproxy.html">Tor SwitchProxy howto</a> to set up
-a plugin that makes it easy to switch between using Tor and using a
-direct connection.</p>
-<p>Otherwise, you need to manually configure your browser to HTTP proxy
-at localhost port 8118.
-(That's where Privoxy listens.)
-In Mozilla, this is in Mozilla|Preferences|Advanced|Proxies.
-You should set both your Web Proxy (HTTP) and your Secure Web Proxy
-(HTTPS or SSL) to localhost port 8118, to hide your SSL traffic too.
-You should consider configuring your "FTP Proxy" too; see <a
-note</a> about Tor and ftp proxies.
+href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation.html">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<p>If you want to use Tor with Safari, you need to change your
-Network Settings. Select your Network Preferences from the Apple |
-Location menu:</p>
-<img alt="Network settings"
-<p>Select the Network Interface on which you want to enable Tor. If you use
-more than one Interface you must change the proxy settings for each
-<img alt="Network preferences"
-<p>Select and enter and port 8118 for both
-Web Proxy (HTTP) and your Secure Web Proxy (HTTPS).
-You should also do this for "FTP Proxy" and "Gopher Proxy"; see <a
-note</a> about Tor and ftp proxies. Leave your Use Passive FTP Mode
-(PASV) setting as is.</p>
-<img alt="Proxy settings"
-<p>Using privoxy is <strong>necessary</strong> because <a
-leak your
-DNS requests when they use a SOCKS proxy directly</a>, which is bad for
-your anonymity. Privoxy also removes certain dangerous headers from your
-web requests, and blocks obnoxious ad sites like Doubleclick.</p>
-<p>To Torify other applications that support HTTP proxies, just
-point them at Privoxy (that is, localhost port 8118). To use SOCKS
-directly (for instant messaging, Jabber, IRC, etc), you can point
-your application directly at Tor (localhost port 9050), but see <a
-FAQ entry</a> for why this may be dangerous. For applications
-that support neither SOCKS nor HTTP, take a look at <a
-href="http://www.taiyo.co.jp/~gotoh/ssh/connect.html">connect</a> or
-<a href="http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/">socat</a>.</p>
-<p>For information on how to Torify other applications, check out the
-<a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/wiki/TheOnionRouter/TorifyHOWTO">Torify
-<hr />
-<a id="verify"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#verify">Step Three: Make sure it's working</a></h2>
-<br />
-Next, you should try using your browser with Tor and make
-sure that your IP address is being anonymized. Click on the <a
-detector</a> and see whether it thinks you're using Tor or not.
-(If that site is down, see <a
-FAQ entry</a> for more suggestions on how to test your Tor.)
-<p>If you have a personal firewall that limits your computer's
-ability to connect to itself, be sure to allow connections from
-your local applications to local port 8118 and port 9050. If
-your firewall blocks outgoing connections, punch a hole so
-it can connect to at least TCP ports 80 and 443, and then see <a
-FAQ entry</a>.
-<p>If it's still not working, look at <a
-FAQ entry</a> for hints.</p>
-<hr />
-<a id="server"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#server">Step Four: Configure it as a server</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>The Tor network relies on volunteers to donate bandwidth. The more
-people who run servers, the faster the Tor network will be. If you have
-at least 20 kilobytes/s each way, please help out Tor by configuring your
-Tor to be a server too. We have many features that make Tor servers easy
-and convenient, including rate limiting for bandwidth, exit policies so
-you can limit your exposure to abuse complaints, and support for dynamic
-IP addresses.</p>
-<p>Having servers in many different places on the Internet is what
-makes Tor users secure. <a
-may also get stronger anonymity yourself</a>,
-since remote sites can't know whether connections originated at your
-computer or were relayed from others.</p>
-<p>Read more at our <a href="tor-doc-server.html">Configuring a server</a>
-<hr />
-<a id="uninstall"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#uninstall">How To Uninstall Tor and Privoxy</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>The Tor 0.1.0.x series does not come with an uninstaller; this feature
-  will be added in the 0.1.1.x series.  If you want to remove Tor on OSX,
-  here's how:</p>
-<p>Change your application proxy settings back to their original values.
-   If you just want to stop using Tor, you can end at this point.</p>
-<p>To stop Tor and Privoxy from running on startup</b>, remove the
-   /Library/StartupItems/Tor and /Library/StartupItems/Privoxy directories
-   respectively. If you just want to stop Tor from running, you can end at this
-   point.</p>
-<p>To erase all remaining Tor and Privoxy files from your computer, delete
-  the following:
-   <ul>
-   <li>/Library/Tor</li>
-   <li>/Library/Privoxy</li>
-   <li>/usr/bin/tor</li>
-   <li>/usr/bin/tor_resolve</li>
-   <li>/var/log/tor</li>
-   <li>/usr/share/man/man1/tor.1</li>
-   <li>/usr/share/man/man1/tor-resolve.1</li>
-   <li>/usr/share/man/man1/torify.1</li>
-   <li>/Library/Receipts/Privoxy.pkg/</li>
-   <li>/Library/Receipts/privoxyconf.pkg/</li>
-   <li>/Library/Receipts/Tor.pkg/</li>
-   <li>/Library/Receipts/torstartup.pkg/</li>
-  </ul>
-<hr />
-<p>If you have suggestions for improving this document, please post
-them on <a href="http://bugs.noreply.org/tor">our bugtracker</a> in the
-website category. Thanks!</p>
-  </div><!-- #main -->
-  <div class="bottom" id="bottom">
-     <i><a href="/contact"
-     class="smalllink">Webmaster</a></i> - $Id$
-  </div>

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-  <title>Tor Server Configuration Instructions</title>
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 This document is obsolete. See the new <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<h1>Configuring a <a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a> server</h1>
-<br />
-The Tor network relies on volunteers to donate bandwidth. The more
-people who run servers, the faster the Tor network will be. If you have
-at least 20 kilobytes/s each way, please help out Tor by configuring your
-Tor to be a server too. We have many features that make Tor servers easy
-and convenient, including rate limiting for bandwidth, exit policies so
-you can limit your exposure to abuse complaints, and support for dynamic
-IP addresses.</p>
-<p>Having servers in many different places on the Internet is what
-makes Tor users secure. <a
-may also get stronger anonymity yourself</a>,
-since remote sites can't know whether connections originated at your
-computer or were relayed from others.</p>
-<p>Setting up a Tor server is easy and convenient:
-<li>Tor has built-in support for <a
-limiting</a>. Further, if you have a fast link
-but want to limit the number of bytes per day
-(or week or month) that you donate, check out the <a
-<li>Each Tor server has an <a
-policy</a> that specifies what sort of outbound connections are allowed
-or refused from that server. If you are uncomfortable allowing people
-to exit from your server, you can set it up to only allow connections
-to other Tor servers.
-<li>It's fine if the server goes offline sometimes. The directories
-notice this quickly and stop advertising the server. Just try to make
-sure it's not too often, since connections using the server when it
-disconnects will break.
-<li>We can handle servers with dynamic IPs just fine, as long as the
-server itself knows its IP. Have a look at this
-<a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#DynamicIP">
-entry in the FAQ</a>.
-<li>If your server is behind a NAT and it doesn't know its public
-IP (e.g. it has an IP of 192.168.x.y), you'll need to set up port
-forwarding. Forwarding TCP connections is system dependent but <a
-ents">this FAQ entry</a> offers some examples on how to do this.
-<li>Your server will passively estimate and advertise its recent
-bandwidth capacity, so high-bandwidth servers will attract more users than
-low-bandwidth ones. Therefore having low-bandwidth servers is useful too.
-<p>You can run a Tor server on
-pretty much any operating system, but see <a
-FAQ entry</a> for advice about which ones work best and other problems
-you might encounter.</p>
-<hr />
-<a id="zero"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#zero">Step Zero: Download and Install Tor</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>Before you start, you need to make sure that Tor is up and running.
-<p>For Windows users, this means at least <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-win32.html#installing">step one</a>
-of the Windows Tor installation howto. Mac OS X users need to do at least
-<a href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-osx.html#installing">step one</a>
-of OS X Tor installation howto.  Linux/BSD/Unix users should do at least
-<a href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-unix.html#installing">step one</a>
-of the Unix Tor installation howto.
-<p>If it's convenient, you might also want to use it as a client for a
-while to make sure it's actually working.</p>
-<hr />
-<a id="one"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#one">Step One: Set it up as a server</a></h2>
-<br />
-1. Verify that your clock is set correctly. If possible, synchronize
-your clock with public time servers. 
-2. Make sure name resolution works (that is, your computer can resolve addresses correctly).
+href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation.html">Tor documentation</a> page.
-3. Edit the bottom part of your torrc. (See <a
-FAQ entry</a> for help.)
-Make sure to define at least Nickname and ORPort. Create the DataDirectory
-if necessary, and make sure it's owned by the user that will be running
-tor. <em>If you want to run more than one server that's great, but
-please set <a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#MultipleServers">the
-MyFamily option</a> in all your servers' configuration files.</em>
-4. If you are using a firewall, open a hole in your firewall so
-incoming connections can reach the ports you configured (ORPort, plus
-DirPort if you enabled it). Make sure you allow all outgoing connections,
-so your server can reach the other Tor servers.
-5. Start your server: if you installed from source you can just
-run <tt>tor</tt>, whereas packages typically launch Tor from their
-initscripts or startup scripts. If it logs any warnings, address them. (By
-default Tor logs to stdout, but some packages log to <tt>/var/log/tor/</tt>
-instead. You can edit your torrc to configure log locations.)
-6. Subscribe to the <a
-mailing list. It is very low volume, and it will keep you informed
-of new stable releases. You might also consider subscribing to <a
-href="http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/">or-talk</a> (higher volume),
-where new development releases are announced.
-7. Have a look at the manual. 
-The <a href="http://tor.eff.org/tor-manual.html.en">manual</a> for the
-latest stable version provides detailed instructions for how to install
-and use Tor, including configuration of client and server options.
-If you are running the CVS version the manual is available 
-<a href="http://tor.eff.org/tor-manual-cvs.html.en">here</a>.
-8. Read 
-<a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/OperationalSecurity">this document</a>
-to get ideas how you can increase the security of your server.
-<hr />
-<a id="two"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#two">Step Two: Make sure it's working</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>As soon as your server manages to connect to the network, it will
-try to determine whether the ports you configured are reachable from
-the outside. This may take up to 20 minutes. Look for a log entry like
-<tt>Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside. Excellent.</tt>
-If you don't see this message, it means that your server is not reachable
-from the outside &mdash; you should re-check your firewalls, check that it's
-testing the IP and port you think it should be testing, etc.
-<p>When it decides that it's reachable, it will upload a "server
-descriptor" to the directories. This will let clients know
-what address, ports, keys, etc your server is using. You can <a
-href="http://belegost.seul.org/">load the directory manually</a> and
-look through it to find the nickname you configured, to make sure it's
-there. You may need to wait a few seconds to give enough time for it to
-make a fresh directory.</p>
-<hr />
-<a id="three"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#three">Step Three: Register your nickname</a></h2>
-<br />
-Once you are convinced it's working (after a day or two maybe), you should
-register your server.
-This reserves your nickname so nobody else can take it, and lets us
-contact you if you need to upgrade or something goes wrong.
-Send mail to <a
-href="mailto:tor-ops@freehaven.net">tor-ops@freehaven.net</a> with a
-subject of '[New Server] &lt;your server's nickname&gt;' and
-include the following information in the message:
-<li>Your server's nickname</li>
-<li>The fingerprint for your server's key (the contents of the
-"fingerprint" file in your DataDirectory &mdash; on Windows, look in
-\<i>username</i>\Application&nbsp;Data\tor\ or \Application&nbsp;Data\tor\;
-on OS X, look in /Library/Tor/var/lib/tor/; and on Linux/BSD/Unix,
-look in /var/lib/tor or ~/.tor)
-<li>Who you are, so we know whom to contact if a problem arises</li>
-<li>What kind of connectivity the new server will have</li>
-<hr />
-<a id="four"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#four">Step Four: Once it's working</a></h2>
-<br />
-We recommend the following steps as well:
-6. Decide what exit policy you want. By default your server allows
-access to many popular services, but we restrict some (such as port 25)
-due to abuse potential. You might want an exit policy that is
-less restrictive or more restrictive; edit your torrc appropriately.
-Read the FAQ entry on <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/faq-abuse.html#TypicalAbuses">issues you might
-encounter if you use the default exit policy</a>.
-If you choose a particularly open exit policy, you should make
-sure your ISP is ok with that choice.
-7. Decide about rate limiting. Cable modem, DSL, and other users
-who have asymmetric bandwidth (e.g. more down than up) should
-rate limit to their slower bandwidth, to avoid congestion. See the <a
-limiting FAQ entry</a> for details.
-8. If you control the name servers for your domain, consider setting
-your hostname to 'anonymous' or 'proxy' or 'tor-proxy', so when other
-people see the address in their web logs, they will more quickly
-understand what's going on.
-9. If your computer isn't running a webserver, please consider
-changing your ORPort to 443 and your DirPort to 80. Many Tor
-users are stuck behind firewalls that only let them browse the
-web, and this change will let them reach your Tor server. Win32
-servers can simply change their ORPort and DirPort directly
-in their torrc and restart Tor. OS X or Unix servers can't bind
-directly to these ports (since they don't run as root), so they will
-need to set up some sort of <a
-port forwarding</a> so connections can reach their Tor server. If you are
-using ports 80 and 443 already but still want to help out, other useful
-ports are 22, 110, and 143.
-10. If your Tor server provides other services on the same IP address
-&mdash; such as a public webserver &mdash; make sure that connections to the
-webserver are allowed from the local host too. You need to allow these
-connections because Tor clients will detect that your Tor server is the <a
-way to reach that webserver</a>, and always build a circuit that ends
-at your server. If you don't want to allow the connections, you must
-explicitly reject them in your exit policy.
-11. (Unix only). Make a separate user to run the server. If you
-installed the OS X package or the deb or the rpm, this is already
-done. Otherwise, you can do it by hand. (The Tor server doesn't need to
-be run as root, so it's good practice to not run it as root. Running
-as a 'tor' user avoids issues with identd and other services that
-detect user name. If you're the paranoid sort, feel free to <a
-href="http://wiki.noreply.org/wiki/TheOnionRouter/TorInChroot">put Tor
-into a chroot jail</a>.)
-12. (Unix only.) Your operating system probably limits the number
-of open file descriptors per process to 1024 (or even less). If you
-plan to be running a fast exit node, this is probably not enough. On
-Linux, you should add a line like "toruser hard nofile 8192" to your
-/etc/security/limits.conf file (where toruser is the user that runs the
-Tor process), and then restart Tor if it's installed as a package (or log
-out and log back in if you run it yourself). If that doesn't work, see <a
-FAQ entry</a> for other suggested ways to run "ulimit -n 8192" before
-you launch Tor.
-13. If you installed Tor via some package or installer, it probably starts
-Tor for you automatically on boot. But if you installed from source,
-you may find the initscripts in contrib/tor.sh or contrib/torctl useful.
-When you change your Tor configuration, be sure to restart Tor, and
-remember to verify that your server still works correctly after the
-<hr />
-<p>If you have suggestions for improving this document, please post
-them on <a href="http://bugs.noreply.org/tor">our bugtracker</a> in the
-website category. Thanks!</p>
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 This document is obsolete. See the new <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<h1>Running the <a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a> client on Linux/BSD/Unix</h1>
-<br />
-<b>Note that these are the installation instructions for running a Tor
-client. If you want to relay traffic for others to help the network grow
-(please do), read the <a
-href="tor-doc-server.html">Configuring a server</a> guide.</b>
-<hr />
-<a id="installing"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#installing">Step One: Download and Install Tor</a></h2>
-<br />
-The latest release of Tor can be found on the <a
-href="/download.html">download</a> page. We have packages for Debian,
-Red Hat, Gentoo, *BSD, etc there too.
-<p>If you're building from source, first install <a
-href="http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/">libevent</a>, and
-make sure you have openssl and zlib (including the -devel packages if
-applicable). Then Run <tt>tar xzf tor-;
-cd tor-</tt>. Then <tt>./configure &amp;&amp; make</tt>. Now you
-can run tor as <tt>src/or/tor</tt>, or you can run <tt>make install</tt>
-(as root if necessary) to install it into /usr/local/, and then you can
-start it just by running <tt>tor</tt>.
-<p>Tor comes configured as a client by default. It uses a built-in
-default configuration file, and most people won't need to change any of
-the settings. Tor is now installed.
-<hr />
-<a id="privoxy"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#privoxy">Step Two: Install Privoxy for Web Browsing</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>After installing Tor, you need to configure your applications to use it.
-The first step is to set up web browsing. Start by installing <a
-href="http://www.privoxy.org/">Privoxy</a>: click on 'recent releases'
-and pick your favorite package or install from source. Privoxy is a
-filtering web proxy that integrates well with Tor.
-<p>You need to configure Privoxy to use Tor.
-Open Privoxy's "config" file (look in /etc/privoxy/ or /usr/local/etc/)
-and add the line <br>
-<tt>forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 .</tt><br>
-to the top of the config file. Don't forget to add the dot at the end.
+href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation.html">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<p>Privoxy keeps a log file of everything passed through it.  In
-order to stop this you will need to comment out two lines by inserting a
-# before the line. The two lines are:<br>
-<tt>logfile logfile</tt><br>
-and the line <br>
-<tt>jarfile jarfile</tt><br>
-<p>You'll need to restart Privoxy for the changes to take effect.</p>
-<hr />
-<a id="using"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#using">Step Three: Configure your applications to use Tor</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>After installing Tor and Privoxy, you need to configure your
-applications to use them. The first step is to set up web browsing.</p>
-<p>If you're using Firefox (we recommend it), check out our <a
-href="tor-switchproxy.html">Tor SwitchProxy howto</a> to set up
-a plugin that makes it easy to switch between using Tor and using a
-direct connection.</p>
-<p>Otherwise, you need to manually configure your browser to HTTP proxy
-at localhost port 8118.
-(That's where Privoxy listens.)
-In Mozilla, this is in Edit|Preferences|Advanced|Proxies.
-In Opera 7.5x it's Tools|Preferences|Network|Proxy servers.
-You should click the "use the same proxy server for all protocols"
-button; but see <a
-note</a> about Tor and ftp proxies.
-<p>Using privoxy is <strong>necessary</strong> because <a
-leak your DNS requests when they use a SOCKS proxy directly</a>, which
-is bad for your anonymity. Privoxy also removes certain dangerous
-headers from your web requests, and blocks obnoxious ad sites like
-<p>To Torify other applications that support HTTP proxies, just
-point them at Privoxy (that is, localhost port 8118). To use SOCKS
-directly (for instant messaging, Jabber, IRC, etc), you can point
-your application directly at Tor (localhost port 9050), but see <a
-FAQ entry</a> for why this may be dangerous. For applications
-that support neither SOCKS nor HTTP, take a look at <a
-href="http://tsocks.sourceforge.net/">tsocks</a> or <a
-<p>For information on how to Torify other applications, check out the
-<a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/wiki/TheOnionRouter/TorifyHOWTO">Torify
-<hr />
-<a id="verify"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#verify">Step Four: Make sure it's working</a></h2>
-<br />
-Next, you should try using your browser with Tor and make
-sure that your IP address is being anonymized. Click on the <a
-detector</a> and see whether it thinks you're using Tor or not.
-(If that site is down, see <a
-FAQ entry</a> for more suggestions on how to test your Tor.)
-<p>If you have a personal firewall that limits your computer's
-ability to connect to itself (this includes something like SELinux on
-Fedora Core 4), be sure to allow connections from
-your local applications to Privoxy (local port 8118) and Tor (local port
-9050). If
-your firewall blocks outgoing connections, punch a hole so
-it can connect to at least TCP ports 80 and 443, and then see <a
-FAQ entry</a>.  If your SELinux config is not allowing tor or privoxy to
-run correctly, create a file named booleans.local in the directory
-/etc/selinux/targeted.  Edit this file in your favorite text editor and
-insert "allow_ypbind=1".  Restart your machine for this change to take
-<p>If it's still not working, look at <a
-FAQ entry</a> for hints.</p>
-<hr />
-<a id="server"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#server">Step Five: Configure it as a server</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>The Tor network relies on volunteers to donate bandwidth. The more
-people who run servers, the faster the Tor network will be. If you have
-at least 20 kilobytes/s each way, please help out Tor by configuring your
-Tor to be a server too. We have many features that make Tor servers easy
-and convenient, including rate limiting for bandwidth, exit policies so
-you can limit your exposure to abuse complaints, and support for dynamic
-IP addresses.</p>
-<p>Having servers in many different places on the Internet is what
-makes Tor users secure. <a
-may also get stronger anonymity yourself</a>,
-since remote sites can't know whether connections originated at your
-computer or were relayed from others.</p>
-<p>Read more at our <a href="tor-doc-server.html">Configuring a server</a>
-<hr />
-<p>If you have suggestions for improving this document, please post
-them on <a href="http://bugs.noreply.org/tor">our bugtracker</a> in the
-website category. Thanks!</p>
-  </div><!-- #main -->
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-<h1>Ejecutando el cliente <a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a> en MS Windows</h1>
-<p><font size="-2">N. del T.(TOR->The Onion Router, el enrutador "cebolla")</font></p>
-<p><b>N&oacute;tese que estas son las instrucciones de instalaci&oacute;n para ejecutar un cliente
-en MS Windows (98, 98SE, NT4, 2000, XP, Server).
-Si quieres gestionar tr&aacute;fico para otros y ayudar a crecer la red Tor,
- (h&aacute;zlo por favor), lee la gu&iacute;a 
-<a href="tor-doc-server.html">Configurar un servidor (English)</a>
-<a id="installing"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#installing">Paso Uno: Descarga e Instala Tor</a></h2>
-<p>La instalacion del "paquete" para MS Windows <a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a>,
-<a href="http://www.freehaven.net/%7Eedmanm/torcp/">TorCP</a>
-(un controlador de Tor que monitoriza y contola Tor), y 
-<a href="http://www.privoxy.org/">Privoxy</a> (un proxy con filtro web) en un solo paquete, 
-con las tres aplicaciones preconfiguradas para trabajar juntas.
-<a href="http://tor.eff.org/download">Descarga la versi&oacute;n estable o la experimental</a>.
-<b>Si quieres configurar un servidor Tor, necesitas instalar la versi&oacute;n experimental.</b>
-<p>Si el paquete no funciona para tus requisitos, puedes descargar Tor desde <a href="http://tor.eff.org/download">la página de descargas</a>, y
-<a href="tor-doc-unix.html#privoxy">instalar y configurar Privoxy por ti mismo</a>.
-<img alt="tor installer splash page" src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-win32-installer-splash.png">
-<p>Si ya has instalado Tor, TorCP, o Privoxy previamente, puedes deseleccionar cualquier componente
-que no necesites en cuadro de dialogo mostrado abajo.
-<img alt="select components to install" src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-win32-installer-components.png">
-<p>Tras completar la instalacion, los componentes seleccionados se iniciarán automáticamente.</p>
-This is explanatory
-Esto es aclaratory
-<p>Si no se inicia TorCP, hacer click con el boton derecho sobre su icono, y aparece un men&uacute; contextual
-con opcion de iniciar, parar, configurar, ... y salir definitivamente.
-<p>Tor comes configured as a client by default. It uses a built-in
-default configuration file, and most people won't need to change any of
-the settings. Tor is now installed.
-<a id="using"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#using">Paso Dos: Configurar tus aplicaciones para Tor</a></h2>
-<p>Tras instalar Tor y Privoxy, debes configurar tus aplicaciones para usarlos.
-El primer paso es configurar tu explorador.</p>
-<p>Si usas Firefox (te lo recomendamos), visitar <a href="tor-switchproxy.html">Tor SwitchProxy howto</a> para
-configurar una extensi&oacute;n de Firefox que hace muy facil cambiar entre usar Tor o usar conexi&oacute;n directa.</p>
-<p>De otro modo debes configurar tu explorador para
-HTTP proxy en localhost, port 8118.
-(Este es el puerto en el que Privoxy atiende.)
-<li>En Mozilla, entrar en Editar|Preferencias|Avanzado|Proxies.</li>
-<li>En Opera 7.5x, es en Herramientas|Preferencias|Red|Proxy servers.</li>
-<li>En IE, es en Herramientas|Opciones de Internet|Conexiones|Configuraci&oacute;n LAN|Avanzado.</li>
-Deber&iacute;as marcar la casilla "usar el mismo proxy para todos los protocolos"
-pero visita <a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#FtpProxy">esta nota</a> sobre Tor y ftp proxies.
-En IE,  aparece algo como esto:</p>
-<img alt="Proxy settings in IE" src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-win32-ie-proxies.jpg">
-<p>Usar Privoxy es <strong>necesario</strong> porque
-<a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#SOCKSAndDNS">
-los exploradores fallan al hacer peticiones DNS cuando usan un proxy SOCKS directamente</a>,
-lo cual es malo para el anonimato. Privoxy tambien elimina ciertas cabeceras
-peligrosas de tus peticiones web, y bloquea inc&oacute;modos sitios como Doubleclick.</p>
-<p>Para usar con TOR otras aplicaciones que soportan proxies HTTP, simplemente
-dirigirlo a Privoxy (localhost, puerto 8118). Para usar SOCKS directamente (para
-mensajer&iacute;a instantanea, Jabber, IRC, etc.) puedes dirigir tu aplicaci&oacute;n directamente
-a Tor (localhost, puerto 9050), pero visita <a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#SOCKSAndDNS">esta FAQ</a>
-donde se explica por qu&eacute; esto puede ser peligroso. Para aplicaciones que no soportan ni SOCKS ni HTTP,
-visitar <a href="http://www.socks.permeo.com/Download/SocksCapDownload/index.asp">SocksCap</a> o
-<a href="http://www.freecap.ru/eng/">FreeCap</a>.
-(FreeCap es free software; SocksCap es propietario)</p>
-<p>Para m&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n sobre como "TOR"ificar otras aplicaciones
-visitar <a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/wiki/TheOnionRouter/TorifyHOWTO">Torify
-<a id="verify"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#verify">Paso Tres: Asegurarse que funciona</a></h2>
-<p>Comprueba que Privoxy y TorCP se est&aacute;n ejecutando y que TorCP ha iniciado TOR con &eacute;xito.
-El icono de Privoxy es un circulo azul o verde con una "P" dentro, y TorCP es una
-cabeza de cebolla gris con una marca "V" en verde (cuando est&aacute; activado) como aqu&iacute;:</p>
-<img alt="TorCP Tray Icon" src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-win32-torcp.png">
-<p>Despu&eacute;s, deber&iacute;as intentar usar tu explorador con Tor y asegurarte que tu direccion
-IP esta siendo anonimizada.
-Visitar <a href="http://serifos.eecs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/ipaddr.pl?tor=1">Tor detector</a> 
-y comprobar si cree que usas Tor o no.
-(Si este sitio no responde, visitar <a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#IsMyConnectionPrivate">
-esta FAQ</a> para mas sugerencias sobre como testear Tor.)
-<p>Si usas un cortafuegos personal que limita la capacidad de conexi&oacute;n de tu computadora, 
-asegurate que permite conexiones de aplicaciones locales al puerto local 8118 y al puerto 9050. </p>
-<p>Si tu cortafuegos bloquea conexiones salientes, configuralo para que puedan hacerse conexiones 
-al menos por los puertos TCP 80 y 443 y visita 
-<a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#FirewalledClient">este apartado de la FAQ</a>.
-<p>Si a&uacute;n no funciona, visita 
-<a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#ItDoesntWork">este apartado de la FAQ</a> 
-para seguir consejos.</p>
-<a id="server"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#server">Paso Cuatro: Configurarlo como servidor</a></h2>
-<p>La red Tor se basa en voluntarios que donan su ancho de banda.
-Cuantos m&aacute;s servidores, m&aacute;s rapida ser&aacute; la red Tor. Si tienes al menos 20Kbytes/s en ambos sentidos,
-por favor ayuda a Tor configur&aacute;ndolo para que sea Servidor tambi&eacute;n. Tenemos varias caracter&iacute;sticas para que 
-hacer a Tor servidor sea facil y conveniente, incluyendo limitaci&oacute;n del ancho de banda cedido, politicas de 
-conexiones de salida que pueden limitar tu exposici&oacute;n a casos de abuso, y soporte para IP din&aacute;micas.
-<p>Tener servidores en varios y diferentes sitios en la Internet es lo que convierte a los usuarios de Tor seguros.
-<a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#ServerAnonymity">Puedes reforzar tu propio anonimato</a>,
-haciendo que sitios remotos no puedan saber si las conexiones se originaron en
-tu computadora o fueron iniciadas desde otras.</p>
-<p>Lee mas en nuestra gu&iacute;a <a href="tor-doc-server.html">Configurando un servidor</a></p>
-<p>Si tienes sugerencias para mejorar este documento, por favor env&iacute;alas a
-<a href="http://bugs.noreply.org/tor">nuestro bugtracker</a> en la categor&iacute;a "website". Gracias!</p>
-  </div><!-- #main -->
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 This document is obsolete. See the new <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<h1>Running the <a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a> client on MS Windows</h1>
-<br />
-<b>Note that these are the installation instructions for running a Tor
-client on MS Windows (98, 98SE, NT4, 2000, XP, Server).
-If you want to relay traffic for others to help the network grow (please
-do), read the <a href="tor-doc-server.html">Configuring a server</a>
-<hr />
-<a id="installing"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#installing">Step One: Download and Install Tor</a></h2>
-<br />
-The install for MS Windows bundles <a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a>,
-<a href="http://www.freehaven.net/~edmanm/torcp/">TorCP</a>
-(a Tor controller that lets you monitor and control Tor), and <a
-href="http://www.privoxy.org">Privoxy</a> (a filtering web proxy) into
-one package, with the three applications pre-configured to work together.
-<a href="http://tor.eff.org/download">Download either the stable or
-the experimental version from the download page</a>.
-<b>If you want to configure yourself to be a Tor server via TorCP,
-you will need the experimental version of the bundle.</b>
-<p>If the bundles don't work for you, you can download Tor by itself
-from the <a href="http://tor.eff.org/download">download page</a>, and then <a
-and configure Privoxy on your own</a>.
-<img alt="tor installer splash page"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-win32-installer-splash.png" />
-<p>If you have previously installed Tor, TorCP, or Privoxy
-you can deselect whichever components you do not need to install
-in the dialog shown below.
-<img alt="select components to install"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-win32-installer-components.png" />
-<p>After you have completed the installer, the components
-you selected will automatically be started for you.
-<p>Tor comes configured as a client by default. It uses a built-in
-default configuration file, and most people won't need to change any of
-the settings. Tor is now installed.
+href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation.html">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<hr />
-<a id="using"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#using">Step Two: Configure your applications to use Tor</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>After installing Tor and Privoxy, you need to configure your
-applications to use them. The first step is to set up web browsing.</p>
-<p>If you're using Firefox (we recommend it), check out our <a
-href="tor-switchproxy.html">Tor SwitchProxy howto</a> to set up
-a plugin that makes it easy to switch between using Tor and using a
-direct connection.</p>
-<p>Otherwise, you need to manually configure your browser to HTTP proxy
-at localhost port 8118.
-(That's where Privoxy listens.)
-In Mozilla, this is in Edit|Preferences|Advanced|Proxies.
-In Opera 7.5x it's Tools|Preferences|Network|Proxy servers.
-In IE, it's Tools|Internet Options|Connections|LAN Settings|Advanced.
-You should click the "use the same proxy server for all protocols"
-button; but see <a
-note</a> about Tor and ftp proxies.
-In IE, this looks something like:</p>
-<img alt="Proxy settings in IE"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-win32-ie-proxies.jpg" />
-<p>Using Privoxy is <strong>necessary</strong> because <a
-leak your DNS requests when they use a SOCKS proxy directly</a>, which
-is bad for your anonymity. Privoxy also removes certain dangerous
-headers from your web requests, and blocks obnoxious ad sites like
-<p>To Torify other applications that support HTTP proxies, just
-point them at Privoxy (that is, localhost port 8118). To use SOCKS
-directly (for instant messaging, Jabber, IRC, etc), you can point
-your application directly at Tor (localhost port 9050), but see <a
-FAQ entry</a> for why this may be dangerous. For applications
-that support neither SOCKS nor HTTP, take a look at <a
-href="http://www.socks.permeo.com/Download/SocksCapDownload/index.asp">SocksCap</a> or
-<a href="http://www.freecap.ru/eng/">FreeCap</a>.
-(FreeCap is free software; SocksCap is proprietary.)</p>
-<p>For information on how to Torify other applications, check out the
-<a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/wiki/TheOnionRouter/TorifyHOWTO">Torify
-<hr />
-<a id="verify"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#verify">Step Three: Make sure it's working</a></h2>
-<br />
-Check to see that Privoxy and TorCP are running and that TorCP has
-successfully started Tor. Privoxy's icon is a green or blue circle with a "P"
-in it, and TorCP uses a fat grey onion with a green checkmark in your
-system notification area, as shown below:
-<img alt="TorCP Tray Icon"
-Next, you should try using your browser with Tor and make
-sure that your IP address is being anonymized. Click on the <a
-detector</a> and see whether it thinks you're using Tor or not.
-(If that site is down, see <a
-FAQ entry</a> for more suggestions on how to test your Tor.)
-<p>If you have a personal firewall that limits your computer's
-ability to connect to itself, be sure to allow connections from
-your local applications to local port 8118 and port 9050. If
-your firewall blocks outgoing connections, punch a hole so
-it can connect to at least TCP ports 80 and 443, and then see <a
-FAQ entry</a>.
-<p>If it's still not working, look at <a
-FAQ entry</a> for hints.</p>
-<hr />
-<a id="server"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#server">Step Four: Configure it as a server</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>The Tor network relies on volunteers to donate bandwidth. The more
-people who run servers, the faster the Tor network will be. If you have
-at least 20 kilobytes/s each way, please help out Tor by configuring your
-Tor to be a server too. We have many features that make Tor servers easy
-and convenient, including rate limiting for bandwidth, exit policies so
-you can limit your exposure to abuse complaints, and support for dynamic
-IP addresses.</p>
-<p>Having servers in many different places on the Internet is what
-makes Tor users secure. <a
-may also get stronger anonymity yourself</a>,
-since remote sites can't know whether connections originated at your
-computer or were relayed from others.</p>
-<p>Read more at our <a href="tor-doc-server.html">Configuring a server</a>
-<hr />
-<p>If you have suggestions for improving this document, please post
-them on <a href="http://bugs.noreply.org/tor">our bugtracker</a> in the
-website category. Thanks!</p>
-  </div><!-- #main -->
-  <div class="bottom" id="bottom">
-     <i><a href="/contact"
-     class="smalllink">Webmaster</a></i> - $Id$
-  </div>

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-<h1><a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a> documentation</h1>
 This document is obsolete. See the new <a
 href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation.html">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<a name="why"></a>
-<h2>Why should I use Tor?</h2>
-<p>See the first section of the <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/overview.html">Tor Overview</a> to read about
-the variety of users Tor has.
-<a name="installing"></a>
-<a name="client"></a>
-<h2>Installing and configuring Tor</h2>
-<p>See the <a href="tor-doc-win32.html">Windows</a>,
-<a href="tor-doc-osx.html">OS X</a>, and <a
-href="tor-doc-unix.html">Linux/BSD/Unix</a> documentation guides.
-<a name="client-or-server"></a>
-<a name="server"></a>
-<h2>Configuring a server</h2>
-We've moved this section over to the new
-<a href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-server.html">Tor Server
-Configuration Guide</a>. Hope you like it.
-<a name="hidden-service"></a>
-<h2>Configuring a hidden service</h2>
-We've moved this section over to the new <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-hidden-service.html">Tor Hidden Service
-Howto</a>. Hope you like it.
-<a name="own-network"></a>
-<h2>Setting up your own network</h2>
-See the <a
-FAQ entry</a> for how to set up your
-own Tor network.

+ 6 - 302

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-<div class="center">
-<div class="main-column">
 This document is obsolete. See the new <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<h1>Configuring Hidden Services for <a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a></h1>
-<hr />
-<p>Tor allows clients and servers to offer hidden services. That is,
-you can offer a web server, SSH server, etc., without revealing your
-IP to its users. In fact, because you don't use any public address,
-you can run a hidden service from behind your firewall.
-<p>If you have Tor and Privoxy installed, you can see hidden services
-in action by visiting <a href="http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/">the
-hidden wiki</a>.
-<p>This howto describes the steps for setting up your own hidden service
-<hr />
-<a id="zero"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#zero">Step Zero: Get Tor and Privoxy working</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>Before you start, you need to make sure 1) Tor is up and running,
-2) Privoxy is up and running, 3) Privoxy is configured to point
-to Tor, and 4) You actually set it up correctly.</p>
-<p>Windows users should follow the <a
-howto</a>, OS X users should follow the <a
-X howto</a>, and Linux/BSD/Unix users should follow the <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-unix.html">Unix howto</a>.
-<p>Once you've got Tor and Privoxy installed and configured,
-you can see hidden services in action by following this link to <a
-href="http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/">the hidden wiki</a>.
-It will typically take 10-60 seconds to load
-(or to decide that it is currently unreachable). If it fails
-immediately and your browser pops up an alert saying that
-"www.6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion could not be found, please check the name and
-try again" then you haven't configured Tor and Privoxy correctly; see <a
-FAQ entry</a> for some help.
-<hr />
-<a id="one"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#one">Step One: Configure an example hidden service</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>In this step, you're going to configure a hidden service that points
-to www.google.com. This way we can make sure you have this step
-working before we start thinking about setting up a web server locally.
-<p>First, open your torrc file in your favorite text editor. (See <a
-FAQ entry</a> to learn what this means.) Go to the middle section and
-look for the line</p>
-############### This section is just for location-hidden services ###
-This section of the file consists of groups of lines, each representing
-one hidden service. Right now they are all commented out (the lines
-start with #), so hidden services are disabled. Each group of lines
-consists of one HiddenServiceDir line, and one or more HiddenServicePort
-<li><b>HiddenServiceDir</b> is a directory where Tor will store information
-about that hidden service.  In particular, Tor will create a file here named
-<i>hostname</i> which will tell you the onion URL.  You don't need to add any
-files to this directory.</li>
-<li><b>HiddenServicePort</b> lets you specify a virtual port (that is, what
-port people accessing the hidden service will think they're using) and an
-IP address and port for redirecting connections to this virtual port.</li>
-<p>In this example, we're going to set up a hidden service that points to
-Google. So add the following lines to your torrc:
-HiddenServiceDir /Library/Tor/var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
-HiddenServicePort 80 www.google.com:80
-<p>You're going to want to change the HiddenServiceDir line, so it points
-to an actual directory that is readable/writeable by the user that will
-be running Tor. The above line should work if you're using the OS X Tor
-package. On Unix, try "/home/username/hidserv/" and fill in your own
-username in place of "username". On Windows you might pick:</p>
-HiddenServiceDir C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\hidden_service\
-HiddenServicePort 80 www.google.com:80
-<p>Now save the torrc, shut down
-your Tor, and then start it again.  (See <a
-FAQ entry</a> for tips on restarting Tor.)
-<p>If Tor starts up again, great. Otherwise, something is wrong. Look
-at your torrc for obvious mistakes like typos. Then double-check
-that the directory you picked is writeable by you. If it's still
-not working, you should look at the Tor logs for hints. (See <a
-FAQ entry</a> if you don't know how to enable or find your log file.)
-<p>When Tor starts, it will automatically create the HiddenServiceDir
-that you specified (if necessary), and it will create two files there.
-First, it will generate a new
-public/private keypair for your hidden service, and write it into a
-file called "private_key". Don't share this key with others -- if you
-do they will be able to impersonate your hidden service.
+href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation.html">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<p>The other file it will create is called "hostname". This contains
-a short summary of your public key -- it will look something like
-<tt>6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion</tt>. This is the public name for your service,
-and you can tell it to people, publish it on websites, put it on business
-cards, etc. (If Tor runs as a different user than you, for example on
-OS X, Debian, or Red Hat, then you may need to become root to be able
-to view these files.)
-<p>Now that you've restarted Tor, it is busy picking introduction points
-in the Tor network, and generating what's called a "hidden service
-descriptor", which is a signed list of introduction points along with
-the service's full public key. It anonymously publishes this descriptor
-to the directory servers, and other people anonymously fetch it from the
-directory servers when they're trying to access your service.
-<p>Try it now: paste the contents of the hostname file into your web
-browser. If it works, you'll get the google frontpage, but the URL in your
-browser's window will be your hidden service hostname. If it doesn't work,
-look in your logs for some hints, and keep playing with it until it works.
-<hr />
-<a id="two"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#two">Step Two: Now install a web server locally</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>Now that you have hidden services working on Tor, you need to
-set up your web server locally. Setting up a web server is tricky,
-so we're just going to go over a few basics here. If you get stuck
-or want to do more, find a friend who can help you. We recommend you
-install a new separate web server for your hidden service, since even
-if you already have one installed, you may be using it (or want to use
-it later) for an actual website.
-<p>If you're on Unix or OS X and you're comfortable with
-the command-line, by far the best way to go is to install <a
-href="http://www.acme.com/software/thttpd/">thttpd</a>. Just grab the
-latest tarball, untar it (it will create its own directory), and run
-./configure &amp;&amp; make. Then mkdir hidserv, cd hidserv, and run
-"../thttpd -p 5222 -h localhost". It will give you back your prompt,
-and now you're running a webserver on port 5222. You can put files to
-serve in the hidserv directory.
-<p>If you're on Windows, ...what should we suggest here? Is there
-a good simple <a href="http://www.fsf.org/">free software</a> (not
-just "freeware") web server for Windows? Please
-let me know what we should say here. In the meantime,
-check out <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/">apache</a>,
-and be sure to
-configure it to bind only to localhost. You should also figure out
-what port you're listening on, because you'll use it below.
-<p>(The reason we bind the web server only to localhost is to make
-sure it isn't publically accessible. If people could get to it directly,
-they could confirm that your computer is the one offering the hidden
-<p>Once you've got your web server set up, make sure it works: open your
-browser and go to <a
-href="http://localhost:5222/">http://localhost:5222/</a>. Then
-try putting a file
-in the main html directory, and make sure it shows up when you access
-the site.
-<hr />
-<a id="three"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#three">Step Three: Connect your web server to your hidden service</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>This part is very simple. Open up your torrc again, and change the
-HiddenServicePort line from "www.google.com:80" to "localhost:5222".
-Then <a
-Tor</a>. Make sure that it's working by reloading your hidden
-service hostname in your browser.
-<hr />
-<a id="four"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#four">Step Four: More advanced tips</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>If you plan to keep your service available for a long time, you might
-want to make a backup copy of the private_key file somewhere.
-<p>We avoided recommending Apache above, a) because many people might
-already be running it for a public web server on their computer, and b)
-because it's big
-and has lots of places where it might reveal your IP address or other
-identifying information, for example in 404 pages. For people who need
-more functionality, though, Apache may be the right answer. Can
-somebody make us a checklist of ways to lock down your Apache when you're
-using it as a hidden service?
-<p>If you want to forward multiple virtual ports for a single hidden
-service, just add more HiddenServicePort lines.
-If you want to run multiple hidden services from the same Tor
-client, just add another HiddenServiceDir line. All the following
-HiddenServicePort lines refer to this HiddenServiceDir line, until
-you add another HiddenServiceDir line:
-HiddenServiceDir /usr/local/etc/tor/hidden_service/
-HiddenServicePort 80
-HiddenServiceDir /usr/local/etc/tor/other_hidden_service/
-HiddenServicePort 6667
-HiddenServicePort 22
-<p>There are some anonymity issues you should keep in mind too:
-<li>As mentioned above, be careful of letting your web server reveal
-identifying information about you, your computer, or your location.
-For example, readers can probably determine whether it's thttpd or
-Apache, and learn something about your operating system.</li>
-<li>If your computer isn't online all the time, your hidden service
-won't be either. This leaks information to an observant adversary.</li>
-<!-- increased risks over time -->
-<hr />
-<p>If you have suggestions for improving this document, please <a
-href="/contact">send them to us</a>. Thanks!</p>
-  </div><!-- #main -->
-  <div class="bottom" id="bottom">
-     <i><a href="/contact"
-     class="smalllink">Webmaster</a></i> - $Id$
-  </div>

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 This document is obsolete. See the new <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<h1>Installing SwitchProxy for <a href="http://tor.eff.org/">Tor</a></h1>
-<hr />
-SwitchProxy is a Firefox plugin that makes it easy for you to switch
-between using a proxy and connecting to websites directly.</p>
-<p>In this howto, you'll set up SwitchProxy to let you change
-between using Tor and a direct connection. We assume you already
-have Firefox installed and working.</p>
-<p>The screenshots here are oriented towards Windows users, but
-SwitchProxy works anywhere Firefox works. Hopefully everybody else can
-follow along just fine.</p>
-<hr />
-<a id="zero"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#zero">Step Zero: Download and Install Tor and Privoxy</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>Before you start, you need to make sure 1) Tor is up and running,
-2) Privoxy is up and running, and 3) Privoxy is configured to point
-to Tor.</p>
-<p>Windows users need to do <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-win32.html#installing">step one</a>
-of the Windows Tor installation howto, and Mac OS X users need to do <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-osx.html#installing">step one</a>
-of OS X Tor installation howto, since our Win32 and OS X packages include
-Privoxy and configure it already. Linux/BSD/Unix users should do <a
-href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-unix.html#installing">step one</a>
-and <a href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-unix.html#privoxy">step
-two</a> of the Unix Tor installation howto.
-<hr />
-<a id="one"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#one">Step One: Download and Install SwitchProxy</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>SwitchProxy is a Firefox plugin, so you need to go through
-the process of installing a new plugin. First, go to the <a
-SwitchProxy</a> web page. If you're using Firefox 1.5, you might need to 
-download SwitchProxy <a href="http://www.roundtwo.com/product/switchproxy">from
-here</a> instead.
-Turn on JavaScript for now and click "Install Now":</p>
-<img alt="switchproxy web page"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-switchproxy-webpage.jpg" />
-<p>It will pop up a window asking for permission to install the plugin.
-Click on the "Install Now" button:
-<img alt="firefox plugin warning"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-switchproxy-plugin-starting.jpg" />
-<p>Once the installer is finished, you should close all of your Firefox
-windows and restart Firefox.</p>
-<img alt="firefox plugin finished"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-switchproxy-plugin-finished.jpg" />
-<hr />
-<a id="two"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#two">Step Two: Configure SwitchProxy</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>When you restart Firefox, you'll notice there's a new toolbar
-that lets you control your proxies. Now we're going to set up a proxy
-configuration for Tor. Click on "Add" in the new Proxy toolbar:</p>
-<img alt="new toolbar"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-switchproxy-toolbar.jpg" />
-<p>It will ask you to select a proxy type. Choose
-"Standard." (There's also an "anonymous" proxy type that
-uses an ad hoc set of anonymous proxies out there. You
-don't want this, because those other "anonymous" proxies <a
-you much weaker security than Tor</a>.)
+href="http://tor.eff.org/documentation.html">Tor documentation</a> page.
-<img alt="standard proxy"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-switchproxy-proxytype.jpg" />
-<p>Now it will show you the standard proxy config window for Firefox.
-Give this configuration a proxy label of "tor". Then fill in "localhost"
-and "8118" for all four entries, as shown here. (Even
-though Privoxy doesn't support FTP and Gopher, <a
-should set them up anyway</a>.) Then click "OK":</p>
-<img alt="proxy config"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-switchproxy-proxyconfig.jpg" />
-<p>Now you've created the "tor" proxy label, but you're not using it yet.
-Click on the pull-down list and select tor, as shown here:</p>
-<img alt="switch to tor"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-switchproxy-switch.jpg" />
-<p>Almost done. Click "Apply" to make your change take effect:</p>
-<img alt="apply"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-switchproxy-apply.jpg" />
-<p>Done! Firefox will reload your current page. In
-this example screenshot, it reloaded the page and <a
-to get a German exit node</a>:</p>
-<img alt="german google"
-src="http://tor.eff.org/img/screenshot-switchproxy-german.jpg" />
-<hr />
-<a id="three"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#three">Step Step Three: Check if it works</a></h2>
-<br />
-<p>Now Firefox is using Privoxy as an HTTP proxy, Privoxy is using Tor as
-a socks4a proxy, and Tor is making your connections to the Internet.</p>
-<p>In the above example, it was clear that it worked because the web
-page showed up in a different language. In other cases, though,
-you'll want to verify that your setup is working. Do
-<a href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-win32.html#verify">step three</a>
-of the Windows Tor installation howto, or
-<a href="http://tor.eff.org/doc/tor-doc-osx.html#verify">step three</a>
-of the OS X Tor installation howto.</p>
-<p>You should be aware of one anonymity gotcha: when you switch from
-using Tor to a direct connection (or vice versa), by default the page
-that's currently active will be reloaded through the new proxy setting.
-So make sure you're on a page that isn't sensitive, before switching.
-(You can also change this behavior in SwitchProxy's "Options |
-Preferences" menu.)</p>
-<hr />
-<p>If you have suggestions for improving this document, please <a
-href="/contact">send them to us</a>. Thanks!</p>
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