@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ cp contrib/osx/Tor_Uninstaller.app.tar.gz $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/Tor_Uninstall
cp contrib/osx/uninstall_tor_bundle.sh $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/uninstall_tor_bundle.sh
cp contrib/osx/package_list.txt $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/package_list.txt
cp contrib/osx/tor_logo.gif $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/background.gif
+if [ $OS = "tiger" OR $OS = "leopard" ]; then
+cp contrib/osx/net.freehaven.tor.plist $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/net.freehaven.tor.plist
cat <<EOF > $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/Welcome.txt
Tor: an anonymous Internet communication system
@@ -130,17 +133,22 @@ $PACKAGEMAKER -build \
-d contrib/osx/PrivoxyConfDesc.plist
### Make Startup Script package
+# If Tiger or later, use launchd. Otherwise, use StartupItems
-mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR/torstartup_packageroot/Library/StartupItems/Tor
-cp contrib/osx/Tor contrib/osx/StartupParameters.plist \
+if [ $OS = "tiger" ]; then
+ cp contrib/osx/net.freehaven.tor.plist $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/net.freehaven.tor.plist
+ mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR/torstartup_packageroot/Library/StartupItems/Tor
+ cp contrib/osx/Tor contrib/osx/StartupParameters.plist \
-find $BUILD_DIR/torstartup_packageroot -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chown root:wheel
- -p $BUILD_DIR/output/torstartup.pkg \
- -f $BUILD_DIR/torstartup_packageroot \
- -i contrib/osx/TorStartupInfo.plist \
- -d contrib/osx/TorStartupDesc.plist
+ find $BUILD_DIR/torstartup_packageroot -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chown root:wheel
+ $PACKAGEMAKER -build \
+ -p $BUILD_DIR/output/torstartup.pkg \
+ -f $BUILD_DIR/torstartup_packageroot \
+ -i contrib/osx/TorStartupInfo.plist \
+ -d contrib/osx/TorStartupDesc.plist
### Assemble the metapackage. Packagemaker won't buld metapackages from
# the command line, so we need to do it by hand.