@@ -17,15 +17,13 @@ P - phobos claims
- <arma> "should we detect if we have a --with-ssl-dir and try the -R
by default, if it works?"
-Important bugfixes in 0.1.2.x:
+Items for 0.1.2.x, real soon now:
- When we've been idle a long time, we stop fetching server
descriptors. When we then get a socks request, we build circuits
immediately using whatever descriptors we have, rather than waiting
until we've fetched correct ones.
- If the client's clock is too far in the past, it will drop (or
just not try to get) descriptors, so it'll never build circuits.
-Items for 0.1.2.x, real soon now:
- when we start, remove any entryguards that are listed in excludenodes.
. start calling dev releases, not -cvs. Do we need
to change the code in any way for this? Appears to be "no".
@@ -47,6 +45,8 @@ N - Clients stop dumping old descriptors if the network-statuses
retire moria1 from the main list.
Items for 0.1.2.x, later on:
+ - re-enable blossom functionality: let tor servers decide if they
+ will use local search when resolving, or not.
- enumerate events of important things that occur in tor, so vidalia can
- We should ship with a list of stable dir mirrors -- they're not