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Add script to convert GeoLite2 country databases.

Copied over from,
commit 52f0d43408ed3a0fe7c3b2fa7099da7f6b7c4502.
Karsten Loesing 11 years ago
1 changed files with 444 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 444 0

+ 444 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+#   This software has been dedicated to the public domain under the CC0
+#   public domain dedication.
+#   To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0
+#   with has waived all copyright and related or
+#   neighboring rights to
+#   You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this
+#   work in doc/cc0.txt.  If not, see
+#      <>.
+#  Nick Mathewson is responsible for this kludge, but takes no
+#  responsibility for it.
+"""This kludge is meant to
+   parse mmdb files in sufficient detail to dump out the old format
+   that Tor expects.  It's also meant to be pure-python.
+   When given a simplicity/speed tradeoff, it opts for simplicity.
+   You will not understand the code without undestanding the MaxMind-DB
+   file format.  It is specified at:
+   This isn't so much tested.  When it breaks, you get to keep both
+   pieces.
+import struct
+import bisect
+import socket
+import binascii
+import sys
+import time
+METADATA_MARKER = b'\xab\xcd\'
+# Here's some python2/python3 junk.  Better solutions wanted.
+    ord(b"1"[0])
+except TypeError:
+    def byte_to_int(b):
+        "convert a single element of a bytestring to an integer."
+        return b
+    byte_to_int = ord
+# Here's some more python2/python3 junk.  Better solutions wanted.
+    str(b"a", "utf8")
+except TypeError:
+    bytesToStr = str
+    def bytesToStr(b):
+        "convert a bytestring in utf8 to a string."
+        return str(b, 'utf8')
+def to_int(s):
+    "Parse a big-endian integer from bytestring s."
+    result = 0
+    for c in s:
+        result *= 256
+        result += byte_to_int(c)
+    return result
+def to_int24(s):
+    "Parse a pair of big-endian 24-bit integers from bytestring s."
+    a, b, c = struct.unpack("!HHH", s)
+    return ((a <<8)+(b>>8)), (((b&0xff)<<16)+c)
+def to_int32(s):
+    "Parse a pair of big-endian 32-bit integers from bytestring s."
+    a, b = struct.unpack("!LL", s)
+    return a, b
+def to_int28(s):
+    "Parse a pair of big-endian 28-bit integers from bytestring s."
+    a, b = unpack("!LL", s + b'\x00')
+    return (((a & 0xf0) << 20) + (a >> 8)), ((a & 0x0f) << 24) + (b >> 8)
+class Tree(object):
+    "Holds a node in the tree"
+    def __init__(self, left, right):
+        self.left = left
+        self.right = right
+def resolve_tree(tree, data):
+    """Fill in the left_item and right_item fields for all values in the tree
+       so that they point to another Tree, or to a Datum, or to None."""
+    d = Datum(None, None, None, None)
+    def resolve_item(item):
+        "Helper: resolve a single index."
+        if item < len(tree):
+            return tree[item]
+        elif item == len(tree):
+            return None
+        else:
+            d.pos = (item - len(tree) - 16)
+            p = bisect.bisect_left(data, d)
+            assert data[p].pos == d.pos
+            return data[p]
+    for t in tree:
+        t.left_item = resolve_item(t.left)
+        t.right_item = resolve_item(t.right)
+def parse_search_tree(s, record_size):
+    """Given a bytestring and a record size in bits, parse the tree.
+       Return a list of nodes."""
+    record_bytes = (record_size*2) // 8
+    nodes = []
+    p = 0
+    try:
+        to_leftright = { 24: to_int24,
+                         28: to_int28,
+                         32: to_int32 }[ record_size ]
+    except KeyError:
+        raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported record size in bits: %d" %
+                                  record_size)
+    while p < len(s):
+        left, right = to_leftright(s[p:p+record_bytes])
+        p += record_bytes
+        nodes.append( Tree(left, right ) )
+    return nodes
+class Datum(object):
+    """Holds a single entry from the Data section"""
+    def __init__(self, pos, kind, ln, data):
+        self.pos = pos    # Position of this record within data section
+        self.kind = kind  # Type of this record. one of TP_*
+        self.ln = ln      # Length field, which might be overloaded.
+ = data  # Raw bytes data.
+        self.children = None # Used for arrays and maps.
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "Datum(%r,%r,%r,%r)" % (self.pos, self.kind, self.ln,
+    # Comparison functions used for bsearch
+    def __lt__(self, other):
+        return self.pos < other.pos
+    def __gt__(self, other):
+        return self.pos > other.pos
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.pos == other.pos
+    def build_maps(self):
+        """If this is a map or array, fill in its 'map' field if it's a map,
+           and the 'map' field of all its children."""
+        if not hasattr(self, 'nChildren'):
+            return
+        if self.kind == TP_ARRAY:
+            del self.nChildren
+            for c in self.children:
+                c.build_maps()
+        elif self.kind == TP_MAP:
+            del self.nChildren
+   = {}
+            for i in range(0, len(self.children), 2):
+                k = self.children[i].deref()
+                v = self.children[i+1].deref()
+                v.build_maps()
+                if k.kind != TP_UTF8:
+                    raise ValueError("Bad dictionary key type %d"% k.kind)
+      [bytesToStr(] = v
+    def int_val(self):
+        """If this is an integer type, return its value"""
+        assert self.kind in (TP_UINT16, TP_UINT32, TP_UINT64,
+                             TP_UINT128, TP_SINT32)
+        i = to_int(
+        if self.kind == TP_SINT32:
+            if i & 0x80000000:
+                i = i - 0x100000000
+        return i
+    def deref(self):
+        """If this value is a pointer, return its pointed-to-value.  Chase
+           through multiple layers of pointers if need be.  If this isn't
+           a pointer, return it."""
+        n = 0
+        s = self
+        while s.kind == TP_PTR:
+            s = s.ptr
+            n += 1
+            assert n < 100
+        return s
+def resolve_pointers(data):
+    """Fill in the ptr field of every pointer in data."""
+    search = Datum(None, None, None, None)
+    for d in data:
+        if d.kind == TP_PTR:
+            search.pos = d.ln
+            p = bisect.bisect_left(data, search)
+            assert data[p].pos == d.ln
+            d.ptr = data[p]
+TP_PTR = 1
+TP_UTF8 = 2
+TP_DBL = 3
+TP_UINT16 = 5
+TP_UINT32 = 6
+TP_MAP = 7
+TP_SINT32 = 8
+TP_UINT64 = 9
+TP_UINT128 = 10
+TP_ARRAY = 11
+TP_END = 13
+TP_BOOL = 14
+TP_FLOAT = 15
+def get_type_and_len(s):
+    """Data parsing helper: decode the type value and much-overloaded 'length'
+       field for the value starting at s.  Return a 3-tuple of type, length,
+       and number of bytes used to encode type-plus-length."""
+    c = byte_to_int(s[0])
+    tp = c >> 5
+    skip = 1
+    if tp == 0:
+        tp = byte_to_int(s[1])+7
+        skip = 2
+    ln = c & 31
+    # I'm sure I don't know what they were thinking here...
+    if tp == TP_PTR:
+        len_len = (ln >> 3) + 1
+        if len_len < 4:
+            ln &= 7
+            ln <<= len_len * 8
+        else:
+            ln = 0
+        ln += to_int(s[skip:skip+len_len])
+        ln += (0, 0, 2048, 526336, 0)[len_len]
+        skip += len_len
+    elif ln >= 29:
+        len_len = ln - 28
+        ln = to_int(s[skip:skip+len_len])
+        ln += (0, 29, 285, 65821)[len_len]
+        skip += len_len
+    return tp, ln, skip
+# Set of types for which 'length' doesn't mean length.
+    TP_MAP,    # Length is number of key-value pairs that follow.
+    TP_ARRAY,  # Length is number of members that follow.
+    TP_PTR,    # Length is index to pointed-to data element.
+    TP_BOOL,   # Length is 0 or 1.
+    TP_DCACHE, # Length isnumber of members that follow
+def parse_data_section(s):
+    """Given a data section encoded in a bytestring, return a list of
+       Datum items."""
+    # Stack of possibly nested containers.  We use the 'nChildren' member of
+    # the last one to tell how many moreitems nest directly inside.
+    stack = []
+    # List of all items, including nested ones.
+    data = []
+    # Byte index within the data section.
+    pos = 0
+    while s:
+        tp, ln, skip = get_type_and_len(s)
+        if tp in IGNORE_LEN_TYPES:
+            real_len = 0
+        else:
+            real_len = ln
+        d = Datum(pos, tp, ln, s[skip:skip+real_len])
+        data.append(d)
+        pos += skip+real_len
+        s = s[skip+real_len:]
+        if stack:
+            stack[-1].children.append(d)
+            stack[-1].nChildren -= 1
+            if stack[-1].nChildren == 0:
+                del stack[-1]
+        if d.kind == TP_ARRAY:
+            d.nChildren = d.ln
+            d.children = []
+            stack.append(d)
+        elif d.kind == TP_MAP:
+            d.nChildren = d.ln * 2
+            d.children = []
+            stack.append(d)
+    return data
+def parse_mm_file(s):
+    """Parse a MaxMind-DB file."""
+    try:
+        metadata_ptr = s.rindex(METADATA_MARKER)
+    except ValueError:
+        raise ValueError("No metadata!")
+    metadata = parse_data_section(s[metadata_ptr+len(METADATA_MARKER):])
+    if metadata[0].kind != TP_MAP:
+        raise ValueError("Bad map")
+    metadata[0].build_maps()
+    mm = metadata[0].map
+    tree_size = (((mm['record_size'].int_val() * 2) // 8 ) *
+                 mm['node_count'].int_val())
+    if s[tree_size:tree_size+16] != b'\x00'*16:
+        raise ValueError("Missing section separator!")
+    tree = parse_search_tree(s[:tree_size], mm['record_size'].int_val())
+    data = parse_data_section(s[tree_size+16:metadata_ptr])
+    resolve_pointers(data)
+    resolve_tree(tree, data)
+    for d in data:
+        d.build_maps()
+    return metadata, tree, data
+def format_datum(datum):
+    """Given a Datum at a leaf of the tree, return the string that we should
+       write as its value.
+    """
+    try:
+        return bytesToStr(['country'].map['iso_code'].data)
+    except KeyError:
+        pass
+    return None
+IPV4_PREFIX = "0"*96
+def dump_item_ipv4(entries, prefix, val):
+    """Dump the information for an IPv4 address to entries, where 'prefix'
+       is a string holding a binary prefix for the address, and 'val' is the
+       value to dump.  If the prefix is not an IPv4 address (it does not start
+       with 96 bits of 0), then print nothing.
+    """
+    if not prefix.startswith(IPV4_PREFIX):
+        return
+    prefix = prefix[96:]
+    v = int(prefix, 2)
+    shift = 32 - len(prefix)
+    lo = v << shift
+    hi = ((v+1) << shift) - 1
+    entries.append((lo, hi, val))
+def fmt_item_ipv4(entry):
+    """Format an IPv4 range with lo and hi addresses in decimal form."""
+    return "%d,%d,%s\n"%(entry[0], entry[1], entry[2])
+def fmt_ipv6_addr(v):
+    """Given a 128-bit integer representing an ipv6 address, return a
+       string for that ipv6 address."""
+    return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, binascii.unhexlify("%032x"%v))
+def fmt_item_ipv6(entry):
+    """Format an IPv6 range with lo and hi addresses in hex form."""
+    return "%s,%s,%s\n"%(fmt_ipv6_addr(entry[0]),
+                         fmt_ipv6_addr(entry[1]),
+                         entry[2])
+IPV4_MAPPED_IPV6_PREFIX = "0"*80 + "1"*16
+IPV6_6TO4_PREFIX = "0010000000000010"
+def dump_item_ipv6(entries, prefix, val):
+    """Dump the information for an IPv6 address prefix to entries, where
+       'prefix' is a string holding a binary prefix for the address,
+       and 'val' is the value to dump.  If the prefix is an IPv4 address
+       (starts with 96 bits of 0), is an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address
+       (::ffff:0:0/96), or is in the 6to4 mapping subnet (2002::/16), then
+       print nothing.
+    """
+    if prefix.startswith(IPV4_PREFIX) or \
+       prefix.startswith(IPV4_MAPPED_IPV6_PREFIX) or \
+       prefix.startswith(IPV6_6TO4_PREFIX):
+        return
+    v = int(prefix, 2)
+    shift = 128 - len(prefix)
+    lo = v << shift
+    hi = ((v+1) << shift) - 1
+    entries.append((lo, hi, val))
+def dump_tree(entries, node, dump_item, prefix=""):
+    """Walk the tree rooted at 'node', and call dump_item on the
+       format_datum output of every leaf of the tree."""
+    if isinstance(node, Tree):
+        dump_tree(entries, node.left_item, dump_item, prefix+"0")
+        dump_tree(entries, node.right_item, dump_item, prefix+"1")
+    elif isinstance(node, Datum):
+        assert node.kind == TP_MAP
+        code = format_datum(node)
+        if code:
+            dump_item(entries, prefix, code)
+    else:
+        assert node == None
+def write_geoip_file(filename, metadata, the_tree, dump_item, fmt_item):
+    """Write the entries in the_tree to filename."""
+    entries = []
+    dump_tree(entries, the_tree[0], dump_item)
+    fobj = open(filename, 'w')
+    build_epoch = metadata[0].map['build_epoch'].int_val()
+    fobj.write("# Last updated based on %s Maxmind GeoLite2 Country\n"%
+               time.strftime('%B %d %Y', time.gmtime(build_epoch)))
+    unwritten = None
+    for entry in entries:
+        if not unwritten:
+            unwritten = entry
+        elif unwritten[1] + 1 == entry[0] and unwritten[2] == entry[2]:
+            unwritten = (unwritten[0], entry[1], unwritten[2])
+        else:
+            fobj.write(fmt_item(unwritten))
+            unwritten = entry
+    if unwritten:
+        fobj.write(fmt_item(unwritten))
+    fobj.close()
+content = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').read()
+metadata, the_tree, _ = parse_mm_file(content)
+write_geoip_file('geoip', metadata, the_tree, dump_item_ipv4, fmt_item_ipv4)
+write_geoip_file('geoip6', metadata, the_tree, dump_item_ipv6, fmt_item_ipv6)