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polish r9726-r9903

Roger Dingledine 18 years ago

+ 4 - 9

@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ Changes in version - 2007-??-??
       eventdns code.
   o Minor bugfixes (portability):
-    - Even though windows is equally happy with / and \ as path separators,
-      try to use \ consistently on windows and / consistently on unix: it
+    - Even though Windows is equally happy with / and \ as path separators,
+      try to use \ consistently on Windows and / consistently on Unix: it
       makes the log messages nicer.
     - Correctly report platform name on Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows 98 SE.
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Changes in version - 2007-??-??
     - When we are reporting the DirServer line we just parsed, we were
       logging the second stanza of the key fingerprint, not the first.
     - When we have k non-v2 authorities in our DirServer config,
-      we ignored as many as k v2 authorities while updating our
+      we ignored the last k authorities in the list when updating our
   o Minor bugfixes (other):
@@ -152,15 +152,10 @@ Changes in version - 2007-??-??
     - Fix a typo in an error message when extendcircuit fails that
       caused us to not follow the \r\n-based delimiter protocol. Reported
       by daejees.
-    - The control spec described a GUARDS event, but the code
-      implemented a GUARD event. Standardize on GUARD, but support people
-      asking for GUARDS too. Reported by daejees.
-    - Correct the control spec to match how the code actually responds
-      to 'getinfo addr-mappings/*'. Reported by daejees.
     - Actually set the purpose correctly for descriptors inserted with
-  o Code simplifications and refactoring
+  o Code simplifications and refactoring:
     - Stop passing around circuit_t and crypt_path_t pointers that are
       implicit in other procedure arguments.
     - Drop the old code to choke directory connections when the corresponding

+ 5 - 5

@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ whistleblowers in firewalled corporate networks; and for people in
 unanticipated oppressive situations. In fact, by designing with
 a variety of adversaries in mind, we can take advantage of the fact that
 adversaries will be in different stages of the arms race at each location,
-so a server blocked in one locale can still be useful in others.
+so an address blocked in one locale can still be useful in others.
 We assume that the attackers' goals are somewhat complex.
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ We assume that the attackers' goals are somewhat complex.
 \item Complete blocking (where nobody at all can ever download censored
   content) is not a
   goal. Attackers typically recognize that perfect censorship is not only
-  impossible, but unnecessary: if ``undesirable'' information is known only
+  impossible, it is unnecessary: if ``undesirable'' information is known only
   to a small few, further censoring efforts can be focused elsewhere.
-\item Similarly, the censors are not attempting to shut down or block {\it
+\item Similarly, the censors do not attempt to shut down or block {\it
   every} anti-censorship tool---merely the tools that are popular and
   effective (because these tools impede the censors' information restriction
   goals) and those tools that are highly visible (thus making the censors
@@ -1667,8 +1667,8 @@ Many people working on this field want to publicize the existence
 and extent of censorship concurrently with the deployment of their
 circumvention software. The easy reason for this two-pronged push is
 to attract volunteers for running proxies in their systems; but in many
-cases their main goal is not to focus on actually allowing individuals
-to circumvent the firewall, but rather to educate the world about the
+cases their main goal is not to focus on getting more users signed up,
+but rather to educate the rest of the world about the
 censorship. The media also tries to do its part by broadcasting the
 existence of each new circumvention system.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ $Id$
          1 if it is not present.  Until, this option was
          not generated, even when eventdns was in use.  Versions of Tor
          before did not parse this option, so it should be
-         marked "opt".  With some future version, the old 'dnsworker' logic
-         will be removed, rendering this option of historical interest only.]
+         marked "opt".  With, the old 'dnsworker' logic has
+         been removed, rendering this option of historical interest only.]
 2.2. Nonterminals in router descriptors

+ 0 - 18

@@ -465,24 +465,6 @@ $Id$
         [See also migration notes in section 2.2.1.]
-    "eventdns" bool NL
-        [At most once]
-        Declare whether this version of Tor is using the newer enhanced
-        dns logic.  Versions of Tor without eventdns SHOULD NOT be used for
-        reverse hostname lookups.
-        [All versions of Tor before should be assumed to have
-         this option set to 0 if it is not present.  All Tor versions at
- or later should be assumed to have this option set to
-         1 if it is not present.  Until, this option was
-         not generated, even when eventdns was in use.  Versions of Tor
-         before did not parse this option, so it should be
-         marked "opt".  With some future version, the old 'dnsworker' logic
-         will be removed, rendering this option of historical interest
-         only.]
    "caches-extra-info" 0|1 NL
        [At most once.]

+ 1 - 2

@@ -104,8 +104,7 @@ _log_prefix(char *buf, size_t buf_len, int severity)
   t = (time_t)now.tv_sec;
   n = strftime(buf, buf_len, "%b %d %H:%M:%S", tor_localtime_r(&t, &tm));
-  r = tor_snprintf(buf+n, buf_len-n,
-                ".%.3ld [%s] ",
+  r = tor_snprintf(buf+n, buf_len-n, ".%.3ld [%s] ",
                    (long)now.tv_usec / 1000, sev_to_string(severity));
   if (r<0)
     return buf_len-1;

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1216,11 +1216,11 @@ connection_ap_handshake_attach_chosen_circuit(edge_connection_t *conn,
       consider_recording_trackhost(conn, circ);
       /* fall through */
-      if (connection_ap_handshake_send_begin(conn)<0)
+      if (connection_ap_handshake_send_begin(conn) < 0)
         return -1;
-      if (connection_ap_handshake_send_resolve(conn)<0)
+      if (connection_ap_handshake_send_resolve(conn) < 0)
         return -1;

+ 12 - 12

@@ -899,8 +899,8 @@ options_act(or_options_t *old_options)
   if (options->DirServers) {
     for (cl = options->DirServers; cl; cl = cl->next) {
       if (parse_dir_server_line(cl->value, 0)<0) {
-        log_err(LD_BUG,
-            "Previously validated DirServer line could not be added!");
+        log_warn(LD_BUG,
+                 "Previously validated DirServer line could not be added!");
         return -1;
@@ -912,15 +912,15 @@ options_act(or_options_t *old_options)
   if (options->Bridges) {
     for (cl = options->Bridges; cl; cl = cl->next) {
       if (parse_bridge_line(cl->value, 0)<0) {
-        log_err(LD_BUG,
-            "Previously validated Bridge line could not be added!");
+        log_warn(LD_BUG,
+                 "Previously validated Bridge line could not be added!");
         return -1;
   if (running_tor && rend_config_services(options, 0)<0) {
-    log_err(LD_BUG,
+    log_warn(LD_BUG,
        "Previously validated hidden services line could not be added!");
     return -1;
@@ -931,8 +931,8 @@ options_act(or_options_t *old_options)
     tor_snprintf(fn, len, "%s"PATH_SEPARATOR"cached-status",
     if (check_private_dir(fn, CPD_CREATE) != 0) {
-      log_err(LD_CONFIG,
-              "Couldn't access/create private data directory \"%s\"", fn);
+      log_warn(LD_CONFIG,
+               "Couldn't access/create private data directory \"%s\"", fn);
       return -1;
@@ -984,13 +984,13 @@ options_act(or_options_t *old_options)
   /* reload keys as needed for rendezvous services. */
   if (rend_service_load_keys()<0) {
-    log_err(LD_GENERAL,"Error loading rendezvous service keys");
+    log_warn(LD_GENERAL,"Error loading rendezvous service keys");
     return -1;
   /* Set up accounting */
   if (accounting_parse_options(options, 0)<0) {
-    log_err(LD_CONFIG,"Error in accounting options");
+    log_warn(LD_CONFIG,"Error in accounting options");
     return -1;
   if (accounting_is_enabled(options))
@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ options_act(or_options_t *old_options)
                "Worker-related options changed. Rotating workers.");
       if (server_mode(options) && !server_mode(old_options)) {
         if (init_keys() < 0) {
-          log_err(LD_BUG,"Error initializing keys; exiting");
+          log_warn(LD_BUG,"Error initializing keys; exiting");
           return -1;
@@ -3689,7 +3689,7 @@ normalize_data_directory(or_options_t *options)
  if (strncmp(d,"~/",2) == 0) {
    char *fn = expand_filename(d);
    if (!fn) {
-     log_err(LD_CONFIG,"Failed to expand filename \"%s\".", d);
+     log_warn(LD_CONFIG,"Failed to expand filename \"%s\".", d);
      return -1;
    if (!options->DataDirectory && !strcmp(fn,"/.tor")) {
@@ -3719,7 +3719,7 @@ validate_data_directory(or_options_t *options)
     return -1;
   if (strlen(options->DataDirectory) > (512-128)) {
-    log_err(LD_CONFIG, "DataDirectory is too long.");
+    log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "DataDirectory is too long.");
     return -1;
   return 0;

+ 32 - 33

@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ static smartlist_t *redirect_exit_list = NULL;
 static int connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(edge_connection_t *conn);
 static int connection_ap_process_natd(edge_connection_t *conn);
-static int connection_exit_connect_dir(edge_connection_t *exit_conn,
-                                       or_circuit_t *circ);
+static int connection_exit_connect_dir(edge_connection_t *exitconn);
 static int hostname_is_noconnect_address(const char *address);
 /** An AP stream has failed/finished. If it hasn't already sent back
@@ -2226,7 +2225,7 @@ connection_exit_begin_conn(cell_t *cell, circuit_t *circ)
     if (or_circ->p_conn && or_circ->p_conn->_base.addr)
       n_stream->_base.addr = or_circ->p_conn->_base.addr;
-    return connection_exit_connect_dir(n_stream, or_circ);
+    return connection_exit_connect_dir(n_stream);
   log_debug(LD_EXIT,"about to start the dns_resolve().");
@@ -2393,57 +2392,57 @@ connection_exit_connect(edge_connection_t *edge_conn)
  * bridge connection with a socketpair, create a new directory conn, and join
  * them together.  Return 0 on success (or if there was an error we could send
  * back an end cell for).  Return -(some circuit end reason) if the circuit
- * needs to be torn down.  Either connects exit_conn, frees it, or marks it,
- * as appropriate.
+ * needs to be torn down.  Either connects <b>exitconn<b/>, frees it,
+ * or marks it, as appropriate.
  * DOCDOC no longer uses socketpair
 static int
-connection_exit_connect_dir(edge_connection_t *exit_conn,
-                            or_circuit_t *circ)
+connection_exit_connect_dir(edge_connection_t *exitconn)
-  dir_connection_t *dir_conn = NULL;
+  dir_connection_t *dirconn = NULL;
+  or_circuit_t *circ = TO_OR_CIRCUIT(exitconn->on_circuit);
   log_info(LD_EXIT, "Opening local connection for anonymized directory exit");
-  exit_conn->_base.state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN;
+  exitconn->_base.state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN;
-  dir_conn = TO_DIR_CONN(connection_new(CONN_TYPE_DIR));
+  dirconn = TO_DIR_CONN(connection_new(CONN_TYPE_DIR));
-  dir_conn->_base.addr = 0x7f000001;
-  dir_conn->_base.port = 0;
-  dir_conn->_base.address = tor_strdup("Tor network");
-  dir_conn->_base.type = CONN_TYPE_DIR;
-  dir_conn->_base.purpose = DIR_PURPOSE_SERVER;
-  dir_conn->_base.state = DIR_CONN_STATE_SERVER_COMMAND_WAIT;
+  dirconn->_base.addr = 0x7f000001;
+  dirconn->_base.port = 0;
+  dirconn->_base.address = tor_strdup("Tor network");
+  dirconn->_base.type = CONN_TYPE_DIR;
+  dirconn->_base.purpose = DIR_PURPOSE_SERVER;
+  dirconn->_base.state = DIR_CONN_STATE_SERVER_COMMAND_WAIT;
-  connection_link_connections(TO_CONN(dir_conn), TO_CONN(exit_conn));
+  connection_link_connections(TO_CONN(dir_conn), TO_CONN(exitconn));
-  if (connection_add(TO_CONN(exit_conn))<0) {
-    connection_edge_end(exit_conn, END_STREAM_REASON_RESOURCELIMIT);
-    connection_free(TO_CONN(exit_conn));
-    connection_free(TO_CONN(dir_conn));
+  if (connection_add(TO_CONN(exitconn))<0) {
+    connection_edge_end(exitconn, END_STREAM_REASON_RESOURCELIMIT);
+    connection_free(TO_CONN(exitconn));
+    connection_free(TO_CONN(dirconn));
     return 0;
-  exit_conn->next_stream = circ->n_streams;
-  circ->n_streams = exit_conn;
+  exitconn->next_stream = circ->n_streams;
+  circ->n_streams = exitconn;
-  if (connection_add(TO_CONN(dir_conn))<0) {
-    connection_edge_end(exit_conn, END_STREAM_REASON_RESOURCELIMIT);
-    connection_close_immediate(TO_CONN(exit_conn));
-    connection_mark_for_close(TO_CONN(exit_conn));
-    connection_free(TO_CONN(dir_conn));
+  if (connection_add(TO_CONN(dirconn))<0) {
+    connection_edge_end(exitconn, END_STREAM_REASON_RESOURCELIMIT);
+    connection_close_immediate(TO_CONN(exitconn));
+    connection_mark_for_close(TO_CONN(exitconn));
+    connection_free(TO_CONN(dirconn));
     return 0;
-  connection_start_reading(TO_CONN(dir_conn));
-  connection_start_reading(TO_CONN(exit_conn));
+  connection_start_reading(TO_CONN(dirconn));
+  connection_start_reading(TO_CONN(exitconn));
-  if (connection_edge_send_command(exit_conn,
+  if (connection_edge_send_command(exitconn,
                                    RELAY_COMMAND_CONNECTED, NULL, 0) < 0) {
-    connection_mark_for_close(TO_CONN(exit_conn));
-    connection_mark_for_close(TO_CONN(dir_conn));
+    connection_mark_for_close(TO_CONN(exitconn));
+    connection_mark_for_close(TO_CONN(dirconn));
     return 0;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const char control_c_id[] =
  * \file control.c
  * \brief Implementation for Tor's control-socket interface.
- *   See control-spec.txt for full details on protocol.
+ *   See doc/spec/control-spec.txt for full details on protocol.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ directory_send_command(dir_connection_t *conn,
   if (strlen(proxystring) + strlen(url) >= 4096) {
-             "Squid does not like URLs longer than 4095 bytes, this "
+             "Squid does not like URLs longer than 4095 bytes, and this "
              "one is %d bytes long: %s%s",
              (int)(strlen(proxystring) + strlen(url)), proxystring, url);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const char dns_c_id[] =
  * \file dns.c
  * \brief Implements a local cache for DNS results for Tor servers.
- * This is implemetned as a wrapper around Adam Langley's eventdns.c code.
+ * This is implemented as a wrapper around Adam Langley's eventdns.c code.
  * (We can't just use gethostbyname() and friends because we really need to
  * be nonblocking.)

+ 2 - 2

@@ -515,8 +515,8 @@ conn_write_callback(int fd, short events, void *_conn)
     if (!conn->marked_for_close) {
       /* this connection is broken. remove it. */
-           "unhandled error on write for %s connection (fd %d); removing",
-           conn_type_to_string(conn->type), conn->s);
+             "unhandled error on write for %s connection (fd %d); removing",
+             conn_type_to_string(conn->type), conn->s);
       if (CONN_IS_EDGE(conn)) {
         /* otherwise we cry wolf about duplicate close */

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4344,7 +4344,7 @@ update_router_descriptor_cache_downloads(time_t now)
           if (router_get_by_descriptor_digest(rs->descriptor_digest)) {
-                 "We have a router descriptor, but need_to_mirror=1.");
+                     "We have a router descriptor, but need_to_mirror=1.");
             rs->need_to_mirror = 0;