@@ -672,15 +672,20 @@ directory_choose_address_routerstatus(const routerstatus_t *status,
- /* We rejected both addresses. This isn't great. */
+ /* We rejected all addresses in the relay's status. This means we can't
+ * connect to it. */
if (!have_or && !have_dir) {
- log_warn(LD_BUG, "Rejected all OR and Dir addresses from %s when "
- "launching a directory connection to: IPv4 %s OR %d Dir %d "
- "IPv6 %s OR %d Dir %d", routerstatus_describe(status),
+ static int logged_backtrace = 0;
+ log_info(LD_BUG, "Rejected all OR and Dir addresses from %s when "
+ "launching an outgoing directory connection to: IPv4 %s OR %d "
+ "Dir %d IPv6 %s OR %d Dir %d", routerstatus_describe(status),
fmt_addr32(status->addr), status->or_port,
status->dir_port, fmt_addr(&status->ipv6_addr),
status->ipv6_orport, status->dir_port);
- log_backtrace(LOG_WARN, LD_BUG, "Addresses came from");
+ if (!logged_backtrace) {
+ log_backtrace(LOG_INFO, LD_BUG, "Addresses came from");
+ logged_backtrace = 1;
+ }
return -1;
@@ -1100,14 +1105,23 @@ directory_initiate_command_rend(const tor_addr_port_t *or_addr_port,
if (or_connection && (!or_addr_port->port
|| tor_addr_is_null(&or_addr_port->addr))) {
- log_warn(LD_DIR, "Cannot make an OR connection without an OR port.");
- log_backtrace(LOG_WARN, LD_BUG, "Address came from");
+ static int logged_backtrace = 0;
+ log_warn(LD_DIR, "Cannot make an outgoing OR connection without an OR "
+ "port.");
+ if (!logged_backtrace) {
+ log_backtrace(LOG_INFO, LD_BUG, "Address came from");
+ logged_backtrace = 1;
+ }
} else if (!or_connection && (!dir_addr_port->port
|| tor_addr_is_null(&dir_addr_port->addr))) {
- log_warn(LD_DIR, "Cannot make a Dir connection without a Dir port.");
- log_backtrace(LOG_WARN, LD_BUG, "Address came from");
+ static int logged_backtrace = 0;
+ log_warn(LD_DIR, "Cannot make an outgoing Dir connection without a Dir "
+ "port.");
+ if (!logged_backtrace) {
+ log_backtrace(LOG_INFO, LD_BUG, "Address came from");
+ logged_backtrace = 1;
+ }