@@ -19,11 +19,14 @@ Do you want to run a tor server?
First, move sample-server-torrc onto torrc, and edit it. Create the
First, move sample-server-torrc onto torrc, and edit it. Create the
DataDirectory, and make sure it's owned by whoever will be running
DataDirectory, and make sure it's owned by whoever will be running
- tor. Fix your system clock so it's not too far off. Then run tor
+ tor. Fix your system clock so it's not too far off. Make sure name
- to generate keys. One of the generated files is your 'fingerprint'
+ resolution works. Make sure other people can reliably resolve the
- file. Mail it to arma@mit.edu. Remember that you won't be able to
+ Address you chose.
- authenticate to the other tor nodes until I've added you to the
- directory.
+ Then run tor to generate keys. One of the generated files is your
+ 'fingerprint' file. Mail it to arma@mit.edu. Remember that you won't
+ be able to authenticate to the other tor nodes until I've added you
+ to the directory.
Configuring tsocks:
Configuring tsocks: