Quellcode durchsuchen

Merge remote-tracking branch 'isis-github/bug25409'

Nick Mathewson vor 7 Jahren
10 geänderte Dateien mit 24 neuen und 458 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 12 0
  2. 6 0
  3. 3 16
  4. 0 348
  5. 1 8
  6. 2 11
  7. 0 29
  8. 0 4
  9. 0 32
  10. 0 10

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  o Removed features:
+    - The PortForwarding and PortForwardingHelper features have been
+      removed. The reasoning is, given that implementations of NAT traversal
+      protocols within common consumer grade routers are frequently buggy, and
+      that the target audience for a NAT punching feature is a perhaps
+      less-technically-inclined relay operator, when the helper fails to setup
+      traversal the problems are usually deep, ugly, and very router specific,
+      making them horrendously impossible for technical support to reliable
+      assist with, and thus resulting in frustration all around.  Unfortunately,
+      relay operators who would like to run relays behind NATs will need to
+      become more familiar with the port forwarding configurations on their
+      local router.  Closes 25409.

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  o Code simplification and refactoring:
+      We remove the PortForwsrding and PortForwardingHelper options, related
+      functions, and the port_forwarding tests. These options were used by
+      the now-deprecated Vidalia to help ordinary users become Tor relays or
+      bridges. Closes ticket 25409. Patch by Neel Chauhan.

+ 3 - 16

@@ -805,10 +805,9 @@ GENERAL OPTIONS
 [[NoExec]] **NoExec** **0**|**1**::
 [[NoExec]] **NoExec** **0**|**1**::
     If this option is set to 1, then Tor will never launch another
     If this option is set to 1, then Tor will never launch another
-    executable, regardless of the settings of PortForwardingHelper,
-    ClientTransportPlugin, or ServerTransportPlugin.  Once this
-    option has been set to 1, it cannot be set back to 0 without
-    restarting Tor. (Default: 0)
+    executable, regardless of the settings of ClientTransportPlugin
+    or ServerTransportPlugin.  Once this option has been set to 1,
+    it cannot be set back to 0 without restarting Tor. (Default: 0)
 [[Schedulers]] **Schedulers** **KIST**|**KISTLite**|**Vanilla**::
 [[Schedulers]] **Schedulers** **KIST**|**KISTLite**|**Vanilla**::
     Specify the scheduler type that tor should use. The scheduler is
     Specify the scheduler type that tor should use. The scheduler is
@@ -2087,18 +2086,6 @@ is non-zero):
     For obvious reasons, NoAdvertise and NoListen are mutually exclusive, and
     For obvious reasons, NoAdvertise and NoListen are mutually exclusive, and
     IPv4Only and IPv6Only are mutually exclusive.
     IPv4Only and IPv6Only are mutually exclusive.
-[[PortForwarding]] **PortForwarding** **0**|**1**::
-    Attempt to automatically forward the DirPort and ORPort on a NAT router
-    connecting this Tor server to the Internet. If set, Tor will try both
-    NAT-PMP (common on Apple routers) and UPnP (common on routers from other
-    manufacturers). (Default: 0)
-[[PortForwardingHelper]] **PortForwardingHelper** __filename__|__pathname__::
-    If PortForwarding is set, use this executable to configure the forwarding.
-    If set to a filename, the system path will be searched for the executable.
-    If set to a path, only the specified path will be executed.
-    (Default: tor-fw-helper)
 [[PublishServerDescriptor]] **PublishServerDescriptor** **0**|**1**|**v3**|**bridge**,**...**::
 [[PublishServerDescriptor]] **PublishServerDescriptor** **0**|**1**|**v3**|**bridge**,**...**::
     This option specifies which descriptors Tor will publish when acting as
     This option specifies which descriptors Tor will publish when acting as
     a relay. You can
     a relay. You can

+ 0 - 348

@@ -5111,30 +5111,6 @@ stream_status_to_string(enum stream_status stream_status)
-/* DOCDOC */
-static void
-log_portfw_spawn_error_message(const char *buf,
-                               const char *executable, int *child_status)
-  /* Parse error message */
-  int retval, child_state, saved_errno;
-  retval = tor_sscanf(buf, SPAWN_ERROR_MESSAGE "%x/%x",
-                      &child_state, &saved_errno);
-  if (retval == 2) {
-    log_warn(LD_GENERAL,
-             "Failed to start child process \"%s\" in state %d: %s",
-             executable, child_state, strerror(saved_errno));
-    if (child_status)
-      *child_status = 1;
-  } else {
-    /* Failed to parse message from child process, log it as a
-       warning */
-    log_warn(LD_GENERAL,
-             "Unexpected message from port forwarding helper \"%s\": %s",
-             executable, buf);
-  }
 #ifdef _WIN32
 #ifdef _WIN32
 /** Return a smartlist containing lines outputted from
 /** Return a smartlist containing lines outputted from
@@ -5254,42 +5230,6 @@ tor_get_lines_from_handle, (int fd, enum stream_status *stream_status_out))
   return lines;
   return lines;
-/** Read from fd, and send lines to log at the specified log level.
- * Returns 1 if stream is closed normally, -1 if there is a error reading, and
- * 0 otherwise. Handles lines from tor-fw-helper and
- * tor_spawn_background() specially.
- */
-static int
-log_from_pipe(int fd, int severity, const char *executable,
-              int *child_status)
-  char buf[256];
-  enum stream_status r;
-  for (;;) {
-    r = get_string_from_pipe(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
-    if (r == IO_STREAM_CLOSED) {
-      return 1;
-    } else if (r == IO_STREAM_EAGAIN) {
-      return 0;
-    } else if (r == IO_STREAM_TERM) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    tor_assert(r == IO_STREAM_OKAY);
-    /* Check if buf starts with SPAWN_ERROR_MESSAGE */
-    if (strcmpstart(buf, SPAWN_ERROR_MESSAGE) == 0) {
-      log_portfw_spawn_error_message(buf, executable, child_status);
-    } else {
-      log_fn(severity, LD_GENERAL, "Port forwarding helper says: %s", buf);
-    }
-  }
-  /* We should never get here */
-  return -1;
 #endif /* defined(_WIN32) */
 #endif /* defined(_WIN32) */
 /** Reads from <b>fd</b> and stores input in <b>buf_out</b> making
 /** Reads from <b>fd</b> and stores input in <b>buf_out</b> making
@@ -5332,294 +5272,6 @@ get_string_from_pipe(int fd, char *buf_out, size_t count)
   return IO_STREAM_OKAY;
   return IO_STREAM_OKAY;
-/** Parse a <b>line</b> from tor-fw-helper and issue an appropriate
- *  log message to our user. */
-static void
-handle_fw_helper_line(const char *executable, const char *line)
-  smartlist_t *tokens = smartlist_new();
-  char *message = NULL;
-  char *message_for_log = NULL;
-  const char *external_port = NULL;
-  const char *internal_port = NULL;
-  const char *result = NULL;
-  int port = 0;
-  int success = 0;
-  if (strcmpstart(line, SPAWN_ERROR_MESSAGE) == 0) {
-    /* We need to check for SPAWN_ERROR_MESSAGE again here, since it's
-     * possible that it got sent after we tried to read it in log_from_pipe.
-     *
-     * XXX Ideally, we should be using one of stdout/stderr for the real
-     * output, and one for the output of the startup code.  We used to do that
-     * before cd05f35d2c.
-     */
-    int child_status;
-    log_portfw_spawn_error_message(line, executable, &child_status);
-    goto done;
-  }
-  smartlist_split_string(tokens, line, NULL,
-                         SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE|SPLIT_IGNORE_BLANK, -1);
-  if (smartlist_len(tokens) < 5)
-    goto err;
-  if (strcmp(smartlist_get(tokens, 0), "tor-fw-helper") ||
-      strcmp(smartlist_get(tokens, 1), "tcp-forward"))
-    goto err;
-  external_port = smartlist_get(tokens, 2);
-  internal_port = smartlist_get(tokens, 3);
-  result = smartlist_get(tokens, 4);
-  if (smartlist_len(tokens) > 5) {
-    /* If there are more than 5 tokens, they are part of [<message>].
-       Let's use a second smartlist to form the whole message;
-       strncat loops suck. */
-    int i;
-    int message_words_n = smartlist_len(tokens) - 5;
-    smartlist_t *message_sl = smartlist_new();
-    for (i = 0; i < message_words_n; i++)
-      smartlist_add(message_sl, smartlist_get(tokens, 5+i));
-    tor_assert(smartlist_len(message_sl) > 0);
-    message = smartlist_join_strings(message_sl, " ", 0, NULL);
-    /* wrap the message in log-friendly wrapping */
-    tor_asprintf(&message_for_log, " ('%s')", message);
-    smartlist_free(message_sl);
-  }
-  port = atoi(external_port);
-  if (port < 1 || port > 65535)
-    goto err;
-  port = atoi(internal_port);
-  if (port < 1 || port > 65535)
-    goto err;
-  if (!strcmp(result, "SUCCESS"))
-    success = 1;
-  else if (!strcmp(result, "FAIL"))
-    success = 0;
-  else
-    goto err;
-  if (!success) {
-    log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Tor was unable to forward TCP port '%s' to '%s'%s. "
-             "Please make sure that your router supports port "
-             "forwarding protocols (like NAT-PMP). Note that if '%s' is "
-             "your ORPort, your relay will be unable to receive inbound "
-             "traffic.", external_port, internal_port,
-             message_for_log ? message_for_log : "",
-             internal_port);
-  } else {
-    log_info(LD_GENERAL,
-             "Tor successfully forwarded TCP port '%s' to '%s'%s.",
-             external_port, internal_port,
-             message_for_log ? message_for_log : "");
-  }
-  goto done;
- err:
-  log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "tor-fw-helper sent us a string we could not "
-           "parse (%s).", line);
- done:
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(tokens, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
-  smartlist_free(tokens);
-  tor_free(message);
-  tor_free(message_for_log);
-/** Read what tor-fw-helper has to say in its stdout and handle it
- *  appropriately */
-static int
-handle_fw_helper_output(const char *executable,
-                        process_handle_t *process_handle)
-  smartlist_t *fw_helper_output = NULL;
-  enum stream_status stream_status = 0;
-  fw_helper_output =
-    tor_get_lines_from_handle(tor_process_get_stdout_pipe(process_handle),
-                              &stream_status);
-  if (!fw_helper_output) { /* didn't get any output from tor-fw-helper */
-    /* if EAGAIN we should retry in the future */
-    return (stream_status == IO_STREAM_EAGAIN) ? 0 : -1;
-  }
-  /* Handle the lines we got: */
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(fw_helper_output, char *, line) {
-    handle_fw_helper_line(executable, line);
-    tor_free(line);
-  smartlist_free(fw_helper_output);
-  return 0;
-/** Spawn tor-fw-helper and ask it to forward the ports in
- *  <b>ports_to_forward</b>. <b>ports_to_forward</b> contains strings
- *  of the form "<external port>:<internal port>", which is the format
- *  that tor-fw-helper expects. */
-tor_check_port_forwarding(const char *filename,
-                          smartlist_t *ports_to_forward,
-                          time_t now)
-/* When fw-helper succeeds, how long do we wait until running it again */
-/* When fw-helper failed to start, how long do we wait until running it again
- */
-  /* Static variables are initialized to zero, so child_handle.status=0
-   * which corresponds to it not running on startup */
-  static process_handle_t *child_handle=NULL;
-  static time_t time_to_run_helper = 0;
-  int stderr_status, retval;
-  int stdout_status = 0;
-  tor_assert(filename);
-  /* Start the child, if it is not already running */
-  if ((!child_handle || child_handle->status != PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING) &&
-      time_to_run_helper < now) {
-    /*tor-fw-helper cli looks like this: tor_fw_helper -p :5555 -p 4555:1111 */
-    const char **argv; /* cli arguments */
-    int args_n, status;
-    int argv_index = 0; /* index inside 'argv' */
-    tor_assert(smartlist_len(ports_to_forward) > 0);
-    /* check for overflow during 'argv' allocation:
-       (len(ports_to_forward)*2 + 2)*sizeof(char*) > SIZE_MAX ==
-       len(ports_to_forward) > (((SIZE_MAX/sizeof(char*)) - 2)/2) */
-    if ((size_t) smartlist_len(ports_to_forward) >
-        (((SIZE_MAX/sizeof(char*)) - 2)/2)) {
-      log_warn(LD_GENERAL,
-               "Overflow during argv allocation. This shouldn't happen.");
-      return;
-    }
-    /* check for overflow during 'argv_index' increase:
-       ((len(ports_to_forward)*2 + 2) > INT_MAX) ==
-       len(ports_to_forward) > (INT_MAX - 2)/2 */
-    if (smartlist_len(ports_to_forward) > (INT_MAX - 2)/2) {
-      log_warn(LD_GENERAL,
-               "Overflow during argv_index increase. This shouldn't happen.");
-      return;
-    }
-    /* Calculate number of cli arguments: one for the filename, two
-       for each smartlist element (one for "-p" and one for the
-       ports), and one for the final NULL. */
-    args_n = 1 + 2*smartlist_len(ports_to_forward) + 1;
-    argv = tor_calloc(args_n, sizeof(char *));
-    argv[argv_index++] = filename;
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(ports_to_forward, const char *, port) {
-      argv[argv_index++] = "-p";
-      argv[argv_index++] = port;
-    argv[argv_index] = NULL;
-    /* Assume tor-fw-helper will succeed, start it later*/
-    time_to_run_helper = now + TIME_TO_EXEC_FWHELPER_SUCCESS;
-    if (child_handle) {
-      tor_process_handle_destroy(child_handle, 1);
-      child_handle = NULL;
-    }
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    /* Passing NULL as lpApplicationName makes Windows search for the .exe */
-    status = tor_spawn_background(NULL, argv, NULL, &child_handle);
-    status = tor_spawn_background(filename, argv, NULL, &child_handle);
-#endif /* defined(_WIN32) */
-    tor_free_((void*)argv);
-    argv=NULL;
-    if (PROCESS_STATUS_ERROR == status) {
-      log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Failed to start port forwarding helper %s",
-              filename);
-      time_to_run_helper = now + TIME_TO_EXEC_FWHELPER_FAIL;
-      return;
-    }
-    log_info(LD_GENERAL,
-             "Started port forwarding helper (%s) with pid '%d'",
-             filename, tor_process_get_pid(child_handle));
-  }
-  /* If child is running, read from its stdout and stderr) */
-  if (child_handle && PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING == child_handle->status) {
-    /* Read from stdout/stderr and log result */
-    retval = 0;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    stderr_status = log_from_handle(child_handle->stderr_pipe, LOG_INFO);
-    stderr_status = log_from_pipe(child_handle->stderr_pipe,
-                                  LOG_INFO, filename, &retval);
-#endif /* defined(_WIN32) */
-    if (handle_fw_helper_output(filename, child_handle) < 0) {
-      log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Failed to handle fw helper output.");
-      stdout_status = -1;
-      retval = -1;
-    }
-    if (retval) {
-      /* There was a problem in the child process */
-      time_to_run_helper = now + TIME_TO_EXEC_FWHELPER_FAIL;
-    }
-    /* Combine the two statuses in order of severity */
-    if (-1 == stdout_status || -1 == stderr_status)
-      /* There was a failure */
-      retval = -1;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    else if (!child_handle || tor_get_exit_code(child_handle, 0, NULL) !=
-             PROCESS_EXIT_RUNNING) {
-      /* process has exited or there was an error */
-      /* TODO: Do something with the process return value */
-      /* TODO: What if the process output something since
-       * between log_from_handle and tor_get_exit_code? */
-      retval = 1;
-    }
-#else /* !(defined(_WIN32)) */
-    else if (1 == stdout_status || 1 == stderr_status)
-      /* stdout or stderr was closed, the process probably
-       * exited. It will be reaped by waitpid() in main.c */
-      /* TODO: Do something with the process return value */
-      retval = 1;
-#endif /* defined(_WIN32) */
-    else
-      /* Both are fine */
-      retval = 0;
-    /* If either pipe indicates a failure, act on it */
-    if (0 != retval) {
-      if (1 == retval) {
-        log_info(LD_GENERAL, "Port forwarding helper terminated");
-        child_handle->status = PROCESS_STATUS_NOTRUNNING;
-      } else {
-        log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Failed to read from port forwarding helper");
-        child_handle->status = PROCESS_STATUS_ERROR;
-      }
-      /* TODO: The child might not actually be finished (maybe it failed or
-         closed stdout/stderr), so maybe we shouldn't start another? */
-    }
-  }
 /** Initialize the insecure RNG <b>rng</b> from a seed value <b>seed</b>. */
 /** Initialize the insecure RNG <b>rng</b> from a seed value <b>seed</b>. */
 tor_init_weak_random(tor_weak_rng_t *rng, unsigned seed)
 tor_init_weak_random(tor_weak_rng_t *rng, unsigned seed)

+ 1 - 8

@@ -414,11 +414,6 @@ void start_daemon(void);
 void finish_daemon(const char *desired_cwd);
 void finish_daemon(const char *desired_cwd);
 int write_pidfile(const char *filename);
 int write_pidfile(const char *filename);
-/* Port forwarding */
-void tor_check_port_forwarding(const char *filename,
-                               struct smartlist_t *ports_to_forward,
-                               time_t now);
 void tor_disable_spawning_background_processes(void);
 void tor_disable_spawning_background_processes(void);
 typedef struct process_handle_t process_handle_t;
 typedef struct process_handle_t process_handle_t;
@@ -457,9 +452,7 @@ void set_environment_variable_in_smartlist(struct smartlist_t *env_vars,
                                            void (*free_old)(void*),
                                            void (*free_old)(void*),
                                            int free_p);
                                            int free_p);
-/* Values of process_handle_t.status. PROCESS_STATUS_NOTRUNNING must be
- * 0 because tor_check_port_forwarding depends on this being the initial
- * statue of the static instance of process_handle_t */
+/* Values of process_handle_t.status. */

+ 2 - 11

@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ static config_var_t option_vars_[] = {
   V(TestingSigningKeySlop,           INTERVAL, "1 day"),
   V(TestingSigningKeySlop,           INTERVAL, "1 day"),
   V(OptimisticData,              AUTOBOOL, "auto"),
   V(OptimisticData,              AUTOBOOL, "auto"),
-  V(PortForwarding,              BOOL,     "0"),
-  V(PortForwardingHelper,        FILENAME, "tor-fw-helper"),
+  OBSOLETE("PortForwarding"),
+  OBSOLETE("PortForwardingHelper"),
   V(ProtocolWarnings,            BOOL,     "0"),
   V(ProtocolWarnings,            BOOL,     "0"),
   V(PublishServerDescriptor,     CSV,      "1"),
   V(PublishServerDescriptor,     CSV,      "1"),
@@ -3879,15 +3879,6 @@ options_validate(or_options_t *old_options, or_options_t *options,
   if (options->KeepalivePeriod < 1)
   if (options->KeepalivePeriod < 1)
     REJECT("KeepalivePeriod option must be positive.");
     REJECT("KeepalivePeriod option must be positive.");
-  if (options->PortForwarding && options->Sandbox) {
-    REJECT("PortForwarding is not compatible with Sandbox; at most one can "
-           "be set");
-  }
-  if (options->PortForwarding && options->NoExec) {
-    COMPLAIN("Both PortForwarding and NoExec are set; PortForwarding will "
-             "be ignored.");
-  }
   if (ensure_bandwidth_cap(&options->BandwidthRate,
   if (ensure_bandwidth_cap(&options->BandwidthRate,
                            "BandwidthRate", msg) < 0)
                            "BandwidthRate", msg) < 0)
     return -1;
     return -1;

+ 0 - 29

@@ -1335,7 +1335,6 @@ CALLBACK(retry_listeners);
@@ -1371,7 +1370,6 @@ static periodic_event_item_t periodic_events[] = {
-  CALLBACK(check_fw_helper_app),
@@ -2185,33 +2183,6 @@ write_bridge_ns_callback(time_t now, const or_options_t *options)
- * Periodic callback: poke the tor-fw-helper app if we're using one.
- */
-static int
-check_fw_helper_app_callback(time_t now, const or_options_t *options)
-  if (net_is_disabled() ||
-      ! server_mode(options) ||
-      ! options->PortForwarding ||
-      options->NoExec) {
-  }
-  /* 11. check the port forwarding app */
-  smartlist_t *ports_to_forward = get_list_of_ports_to_forward();
-  if (ports_to_forward) {
-    tor_check_port_forwarding(options->PortForwardingHelper,
-                              ports_to_forward,
-                              now);
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(ports_to_forward, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
-    smartlist_free(ports_to_forward);
-  }
 static int heartbeat_callback_first_time = 1;
 static int heartbeat_callback_first_time = 1;

+ 0 - 4

@@ -4200,10 +4200,6 @@ typedef struct {
                                         * testing our DNS server. */
                                         * testing our DNS server. */
   int EnforceDistinctSubnets; /**< If true, don't allow multiple routers in the
   int EnforceDistinctSubnets; /**< If true, don't allow multiple routers in the
                                * same network zone in the same circuit. */
                                * same network zone in the same circuit. */
-  int PortForwarding; /**< If true, use NAT-PMP or UPnP to automatically
-                       * forward the DirPort and ORPort on the NAT device */
-  char *PortForwardingHelper; /** < Filename or full path of the port
-                                  forwarding helper executable */
   int AllowNonRFC953Hostnames; /**< If true, we allow connections to hostnames
   int AllowNonRFC953Hostnames; /**< If true, we allow connections to hostnames
                                 * with weird characters. */
                                 * with weird characters. */
   /** If true, we try resolving hostnames with weird characters. */
   /** If true, we try resolving hostnames with weird characters. */

+ 0 - 32

@@ -2421,37 +2421,6 @@ test_options_validate__circuits(void *ignored)
-static void
-test_options_validate__port_forwarding(void *ignored)
-  (void)ignored;
-  int ret;
-  char *msg;
-  options_test_data_t *tdata = NULL;
-  free_options_test_data(tdata);
-  tdata = get_options_test_data(TEST_OPTIONS_DEFAULT_VALUES
-                                "PortForwarding 1\nSandbox 1\n");
-  ret = options_validate(tdata->old_opt, tdata->opt, tdata->def_opt, 0, &msg);
-  tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, -1);
-  tt_str_op(msg, OP_EQ, "PortForwarding is not compatible with Sandbox;"
-            " at most one can be set");
-  tor_free(msg);
-  free_options_test_data(tdata);
-  tdata = get_options_test_data(TEST_OPTIONS_DEFAULT_VALUES
-                                "PortForwarding 1\nSandbox 0\n");
-  ret = options_validate(tdata->old_opt, tdata->opt, tdata->def_opt, 0, &msg);
-  tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
-  tt_assert(!msg);
-  tor_free(msg);
- done:
-  free_options_test_data(tdata);
-  policies_free_all();
-  tor_free(msg);
 static void
 static void
 test_options_validate__tor2web(void *ignored)
 test_options_validate__tor2web(void *ignored)
@@ -4261,7 +4230,6 @@ struct testcase_t options_tests[] = {
-  LOCAL_VALIDATE_TEST(port_forwarding),

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-We no longer recommend the use of this tool.  Instead, please use the
-pure-Go version of tor-fw-helper available at
-     https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor-fw-helper.git
-The C code here was fine, but frankly: we don't trust the underlying
-libraries. They don't seem to have been written with network security
-in mind, and we have very little faith in their safety.