Selaa lähdekoodia

- made configure check if we are building for win32
- made configure link to required system dll's if building for win32
- added diffs for libevent 1.1b
- forced user to turn off eventdns if win32 is set
- cleaned up tor_mmap_file()_win32 (not sure if it's stable)
- cleaned up some warnings and typos


Mike Chiussi 18 vuotta sitten

+ 80 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Changes related to compilation under MinGW/any sane win32 gcc
+* event.c
+- If gcc include "WIN32-Code/misc.h" instead of "misc.h"
+* WIN32-Code/misc.h
+- Add struct prototypes for timeval and timezone
+* buffer.c
+- changed type of "i" from "u_int" to "unsigned int". My MinGW wasn't 
+  recognizing it. (u_int is normally typedef'ed to unsigned int, right?)
+* evbuffer.c
+- removed incorrect win32 error checking, see bufferevent_writecb().
+  (this needs to be fixed by anyone planning to use evbuffer on win32)
+* log.c
+- If gcc include "WIN32-Code/misc.h" instead of "misc.h" 
+* WIN32-Code/misc.c
+- if gcc, include "misc.h"
+- added newline at end of file to shut up gcc
+* WIN32-Code/win32.c
+- Altered the prototypes of win32_*() so their argument types didn't conflict
+  with the function definitions.
+- Casted types of win32_* to void inside win32ops so that it didn't conflict
+  with the definition of eventops (gcc doesn't like this)
+- Altered prototype of signal_handler to be static since definition is static
+  (why wasn't it like this before)
+- Casted the second argument of signal() to be void*, some reason my MinGW 
+  doesn't have sighandler_t typedef'ed.
+- some code to check if we are compiling for WIN32. 
+- if BUILD_WIN32 is defined, include WIN32-Code/misc.c and
+  WIN32-Code/win32.c as source files.
+- if WIN32, do not build test stuff. (not windows friendly)
+- if WIN32, explicitly link to ws2_32.dll
+- We assume that if __GNUC__ is undefined we are building with MSVC
+- If the user wishes to build a dll, they are on their own, the syntax is 
+  compiler specific. 
+- Getting this warning from libtool, no idea why
+  "libtool: link: warning: undefined symbols not allowed in i686-pc-mingw32
+   shared libraries"
+Changes related to "custom eventops"
+- add argument --enable-custom-eventops, sets USE_CUSTOM_EVENTOPS in config.h
+- add argument --enable-custom-code, sets USE_CUSTOM_CODE in Makefile
+- if USE_CUSTOM_CODE, include custom/custom.c as a source file.
+  (I can't think of a way to pass a string to, so I'm stuck naming
+   the new source file custom.c. It just seems simpler this way, but I'm open 
+   to suggestions)
+* event.c
+- if USE_CUSTOM_EVENTOPS, use eventops as defined in custom-eventops.h
+Just in case it isn't completely obvious, the goal of "custom eventops" is to
+allow the user to include their own event processing system without requiring a 
+fork. This is accomplished through two parts. Firstly, by allowing the user to 
+redefine eventops. (for example, the user may wish to use epoll() exclusively). 
+Secondly, by allowing the user to include their own code to support a private
+eventop (note, this may not be necessary, as the user may choose to include 
+already defined eventop's. 

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+The current SVN version of Tor should compile with MinGW.
+OpenSSL and libz both compile on MinGW out of the box.
+libevent 1.1b will not build unless you apply the diff in this directory.

+ 338 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+Only in libevent-1.1b: CHANGES
+Only in libevent-1.1b: Makefile
+diff -uwr libevent-1.1b-old/ libevent-1.1b/
+--- libevent-1.1b-old/	Wed Aug  9 22:16:35 2006
++++ libevent-1.1b/	Sat Sep  2 03:49:26 2006
+@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
+ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign no-dependencies
+-SUBDIRS = . sample test
+ EXTRA_DIST = acconfig.h event.h event-internal.h log.h evsignal.h event.3 \
+ 	kqueue.c epoll_sub.c epoll.c select.c rtsig.c poll.c signal.c \
+@@ -20,8 +19,29 @@
+-libevent_la_SOURCES = event.c buffer.c evbuffer.c log.c
+-libevent_la_LIBADD = @LTLIBOBJS@
++if BUILD_WIN32
++SUBDIRS = . sample
++SYS_LIBS = -lws2_32
++SYS_SRC = WIN32-Code/misc.c WIN32-Code/win32.c 
++SUBDIRS = . sample test
++SYS_SRC = 
++CUST_SRC = custom/custom.c
++libevent_la_SOURCES = event.c buffer.c evbuffer.c log.c $(CUST_SRC) $(SYS_SRC)
++libevent_la_LIBADD = @LTLIBOBJS@ $(SYS_LIBS)
+ libevent_la_LDFLAGS = -release @VERSION@ -version-info 1:2:0
+ include_HEADERS = event.h
+Only in libevent-1.1b:
+diff -uwr libevent-1.1b-old/WIN32-Code/misc.c libevent-1.1b/WIN32-Code/misc.c
+--- libevent-1.1b-old/WIN32-Code/misc.c	Wed Aug  9 21:01:14 2006
++++ libevent-1.1b/WIN32-Code/misc.c	Fri Sep  1 22:21:31 2006
+@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
+ #include <sys/timeb.h>
+ #include <time.h>
++#ifdef __GNUC__
++/*our prototypes for timeval and timezone are in here, just in case the above
++  headers don't have them*/
++#include "misc.h"
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Function: gettimeofday(struct timeval *, struct timezone *)
+diff -uwr libevent-1.1b-old/WIN32-Code/misc.h libevent-1.1b/WIN32-Code/misc.h
+--- libevent-1.1b-old/WIN32-Code/misc.h	Wed Aug  9 21:01:14 2006
++++ libevent-1.1b/WIN32-Code/misc.h	Fri Sep  1 18:47:09 2006
+@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+ #ifndef MISC_H
+ #define MISC_H
++struct timezone;
++struct timeval;
+ int gettimeofday(struct timeval *,struct timezone *);
+ #endif
+diff -uwr libevent-1.1b-old/WIN32-Code/win32.c libevent-1.1b/WIN32-Code/win32.c
+--- libevent-1.1b-old/WIN32-Code/win32.c	Wed Aug  9 21:25:48 2006
++++ libevent-1.1b/WIN32-Code/win32.c	Sat Sep  2 00:45:55 2006
+@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@
+ /* MSDN says this is required to handle SIGFPE */
+ volatile double SIGFPE_REQ = 0.0f;
+-int signal_handler(int sig);
++static int signal_handler(int sig);
+ void signal_process(void);
+ int signal_recalc(void);
+@@ -77,20 +78,21 @@
+ };
+ void *win32_init	(void);
+-int win32_insert	(void *, struct event *);
+-int win32_del	(void *, struct event *);
++int win32_insert	(struct win32op *, struct event *);
++int win32_del		(struct win32op *, struct event *);
+ int win32_recalc	(struct event_base *base, void *, int);
+-int win32_dispatch	(struct event_base *base, void *, struct timeval *);
++int win32_dispatch	(struct event_base *base, struct win32op *, struct timeval *);
+ struct eventop win32ops = {
+ 	"win32",
+ 	win32_init,
+-	win32_insert,
+-	win32_del,
++	(int (*) (void*, struct event*)) win32_insert,
++	(int (*) (void*, struct event*)) win32_del,
+ 	win32_recalc,
+-	win32_dispatch
++	(int (*) (struct event_base*, void*, struct timeval*)) win32_dispatch
+ };
+ #define FD_SET_ALLOC_SIZE(n) ((sizeof(struct win_fd_set) + ((n)-1)*sizeof(SOCKET)))
+ static int
+@@ -213,7 +215,13 @@
+ 		if (ev->ev_events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE))
+ 			event_errx(1, "%s: EV_SIGNAL incompatible use",
+ 			           __func__);
++#ifndef __GNUC__
+ 		if((int)signal(EVENT_SIGNAL(ev), signal_handler) == -1)
++		if((int)signal(EVENT_SIGNAL(ev), (void*) signal_handler) == -1)
+ 			return (-1);
+ 		return (0);
+@@ -382,8 +390,13 @@
+ 	/* Reinstall our signal handler. */
+ 	TAILQ_FOREACH(ev, &signalqueue, ev_signal_next) {
++#ifndef __GNUC__
+ 		if((int)signal(EVENT_SIGNAL(ev), signal_handler) == -1)
++		if((int)signal(EVENT_SIGNAL(ev), (void*) signal_handler) == -1)
+ 			return (-1);
+ 	}
+ 	return (0);
+ }
+Only in libevent-1.1b-old/: aclocal.m4
+Only in libevent-1.1b: autom4te.cache
+diff -uwr libevent-1.1b-old/buffer.c libevent-1.1b/buffer.c
+--- libevent-1.1b-old/buffer.c	Wed Aug  9 22:01:40 2006
++++ libevent-1.1b/buffer.c	Fri Sep  1 18:52:56 2006
+@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
+ 	u_char *data = EVBUFFER_DATA(buffer);
+ 	size_t len = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(buffer);
+ 	char *line;
+-	u_int i;
++	unsigned int i;
+ 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ 		if (data[i] == '\r' || data[i] == '\n')
+Only in libevent-1.1b: config.guess
+Only in libevent-1.1b: config.h
+diff -uwr libevent-1.1b-old/ libevent-1.1b/
+--- libevent-1.1b-old/	Wed Aug  9 21:27:37 2006
++++ libevent-1.1b/	Sat Sep  2 02:23:17 2006
+@@ -223,6 +223,9 @@
+ /* Define to 1 if you can safely include both <sys/time.h> and <time.h>. */
++/* Define to 1 if you want to use a custom eventops variable */
+ /* Version number of package */
+ #undef VERSION
+@@ -232,11 +235,9 @@
+ /* Define to empty if `const' does not conform to ANSI C. */
+ #undef const
+-/* Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler
+-   calls it, or to nothing if 'inline' is not supported under any name.  */
+-#ifndef __cplusplus
++/* Define as `__inline' if that's what the C compiler calls it, or to nothing
++   if it is not supported. */
+ #undef inline
+ /* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
+ #undef pid_t
+Only in libevent-1.1b:
+Only in libevent-1.1b: config.log
+Only in libevent-1.1b: config.status
+Only in libevent-1.1b: configure
+diff -uwr libevent-1.1b-old/ libevent-1.1b/
+--- libevent-1.1b-old/	Wed Aug  9 22:05:17 2006
++++ libevent-1.1b/	Sat Sep  2 03:40:15 2006
+@@ -21,6 +21,18 @@
+         CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall"
+ fi
++		[  --enable-custom-eventops   Use custom eventops variable],
++					[Define to 1 to use a custom eventops variable])
++		,)
++		[  --enable-custom-code       Use custom code from custom/],
++		customcodev=true,
++		customcodev=false)
++AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_CUSTOM_CODE, test x$customcodev = xtrue)
+ dnl   Uncomment "AC_DISABLE_SHARED" to make shared librraries not get
+@@ -110,6 +122,22 @@
+ )
+ fi
++dnl - check if the macro WIN32 is defined on this compiler.
++dnl - (this is how we check for a windows version of GCC)
++	[
++	#ifndef WIN32
++	#error
++	#endif
++	],
++	bwin32=true; AC_MSG_RESULT(yes),
++	bwin32=false; AC_MSG_RESULT(no),
++AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_WIN32, test x$bwin32 = xtrue)
+ dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
+diff -uwr libevent-1.1b-old/evbuffer.c libevent-1.1b/evbuffer.c
+--- libevent-1.1b-old/evbuffer.c	Wed Aug  9 21:01:14 2006
++++ libevent-1.1b/evbuffer.c	Fri Sep  1 19:18:13 2006
+@@ -154,12 +154,20 @@
+ 	if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(bufev->output)) {
+ 	    res = evbuffer_write(bufev->output, fd);
+ 	    if (res == -1) {
++#ifndef WIN32
++/*todo. evbuffer uses WriteFile when WIN32 is set. WIN32 system calls do not
++ *set errno. thus this error checking is not portable*/
+ 		    if (errno == EAGAIN ||
+ 			errno == EINTR ||
+ 			errno == EINPROGRESS)
+ 			    goto reschedule;
+ 		    /* error case */
+ 		    what |= EVBUFFER_ERROR;
++				goto reschedule;
+ 	    } else if (res == 0) {
+ 		    /* eof case */
+ 		    what |= EVBUFFER_EOF;
+@@ -181,6 +189,7 @@
+ 	return;
+  reschedule:
+ 	if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(bufev->output) != 0)
+ 		bufferevent_add(&bufev->ev_write, bufev->timeout_write);
+ 	return;
+diff -uwr libevent-1.1b-old/event.c libevent-1.1b/event.c
+--- libevent-1.1b-old/event.c	Wed Aug  9 21:25:48 2006
++++ libevent-1.1b/event.c	Sat Sep  2 04:22:05 2006
+@@ -30,8 +30,14 @@
+ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+ #include <windows.h>
+ #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
++#ifdef __GNUC__
++#include "WIN32-Code/misc.h"
+ #include "misc.h"
+ #endif
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/tree.h>
+ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
+@@ -53,6 +59,7 @@
+ #include "event-internal.h"
+ #include "log.h"
+ #ifdef HAVE_SELECT
+ extern const struct eventop selectops;
+ #endif
+@@ -75,6 +82,8 @@
+ extern const struct eventop win32ops;
+ #endif
+ /* In order of preference */
+ const struct eventop *eventops[] = {
+@@ -101,6 +110,11 @@
+ };
++#include "custom-eventops.h"
+ /* Global state */
+ struct event_list signalqueue;
+Only in libevent-1.1b: libtool
+diff -uwr libevent-1.1b-old/log.c libevent-1.1b/log.c
+--- libevent-1.1b-old/log.c	Wed Aug  9 21:01:14 2006
++++ libevent-1.1b/log.c	Fri Sep  1 19:09:45 2006
+@@ -45,8 +45,14 @@
+ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+ #include <windows.h>
+ #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
++#ifdef __GNUC__
++#include "WIN32-Code/misc.h"
+ #include "misc.h"
+ #endif
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/tree.h>
+ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
+Only in libevent-1.1b/sample: Makefile
+Only in libevent-1.1b/sample:
+Only in libevent-1.1b: stamp-h1
+Only in libevent-1.1b/test: Makefile
+Only in libevent-1.1b/test:

+ 67 - 5

@@ -74,6 +74,36 @@ AC_PROG_CC
+# If WIN32 is defined and non-zero, we are building for win32
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for win32])
+#ifdef WIN32
+#if WIN32
+//all is well
+bwin32=true; AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]),
+bwin32=false; AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+if test $bwin32 = true; then
+AC_DEFINE(MS_WINDOWS,1, [Define to 1 if we are building for a Windows platform.])
+if test $eventdns = true; then
+AC_MSG_ERROR([tor+eventdns not yet supported on Windows.])
 # The big search for OpenSSL
 # The big search for OpenSSL
 # copied from openssh's
 # copied from openssh's
@@ -133,8 +163,13 @@ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for libevent directory], ac_cv_libevent_dir, [
   for ledir in $trylibeventdir "" $prefix /usr/local ; do
   for ledir in $trylibeventdir "" $prefix /usr/local ; do
-    LIBS="$saved_LIBS -levent"
+    if test $bwin32 = true; then
+    	LIBS="$saved_LIBS -levent -lws2_32"
+    else
+    	LIBS="$saved_LIBS -levent"
+    fi
     # Skip the directory if it isn't there.
     # Skip the directory if it isn't there.
     if test ! -z "$ledir" -a ! -d "$ledir" ; then
     if test ! -z "$ledir" -a ! -d "$ledir" ; then
@@ -173,7 +208,12 @@ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for libevent directory], ac_cv_libevent_dir, [
     AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find a linkable libevent. You can specify an explicit path using --with-libevent-dir])
     AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find a linkable libevent. You can specify an explicit path using --with-libevent-dir])
+if test $bwin32 = true; then
+LIBS="$LIBS -levent -lws2_32"
 LIBS="$LIBS -levent"
 LIBS="$LIBS -levent"
 if test $ac_cv_libevent_dir != "(system)"; then
 if test $ac_cv_libevent_dir != "(system)"; then
   if test -d "$ac_cv_libevent_dir/lib" ; then
   if test -d "$ac_cv_libevent_dir/lib" ; then
     LDFLAGS="-L$ac_cv_libevent_dir/lib $LDFLAGS"
     LDFLAGS="-L$ac_cv_libevent_dir/lib $LDFLAGS"
@@ -233,8 +273,13 @@ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for OpenSSL directory], ac_cv_openssl_dir, [
   for ssldir in $tryssldir "" $prefix /usr/local/openssl /usr/lib/openssl /usr/local/ssl /usr/lib/ssl /usr/local /usr/athena /usr/pkg /opt /opt/openssl ; do
   for ssldir in $tryssldir "" $prefix /usr/local/openssl /usr/lib/openssl /usr/local/ssl /usr/lib/ssl /usr/local /usr/athena /usr/pkg /opt /opt/openssl ; do
-    LIBS="$saved_LIBS -lssl -lcrypto"
+	 if test $bwin32 = true; then
+		LIBS="$LIBS -lssl -lcrypto -lws2_32 -lgdi32"
+	 else
+		LIBS="$LIBS -lssl -lcrypto"
+	 fi
     # Skip the directory if it isn't there.
     # Skip the directory if it isn't there.
     if test ! -z "$ssldir" -a ! -d "$ssldir" ; then
     if test ! -z "$ssldir" -a ! -d "$ssldir" ; then
@@ -272,7 +317,13 @@ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for OpenSSL directory], ac_cv_openssl_dir, [
     AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find a linkable OpenSSL. You can specify an explicit path using --with-ssl-dir])
     AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find a linkable OpenSSL. You can specify an explicit path using --with-ssl-dir])
+if test $bwin32 = true; then
+LIBS="$LIBS -lssl -lcrypto -lws2_32 -lgdi32"
 LIBS="$LIBS -lssl -lcrypto"
 LIBS="$LIBS -lssl -lcrypto"
 if test "$ac_cv_openssl_dir" != "(system)"; then
 if test "$ac_cv_openssl_dir" != "(system)"; then
   if test -d "$ac_cv_openssl_dir/lib" ; then
   if test -d "$ac_cv_openssl_dir/lib" ; then
     LDFLAGS="-L$ac_cv_openssl_dir/lib $LDFLAGS"
     LDFLAGS="-L$ac_cv_openssl_dir/lib $LDFLAGS"
@@ -359,7 +410,18 @@ dnl The warning message here is no longer strictly accurate.
 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(unistd.h string.h signal.h netdb.h ctype.h sys/stat.h sys/types.h fcntl.h sys/fcntl.h sys/ioctl.h sys/socket.h sys/time.h netinet/in.h arpa/inet.h errno.h assert.h time.h pwd.h grp.h, , AC_MSG_WARN(some headers were not found, compilation may fail))
 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(unistd.h string.h signal.h netdb.h ctype.h sys/stat.h sys/types.h fcntl.h sys/fcntl.h sys/ioctl.h sys/socket.h sys/time.h netinet/in.h arpa/inet.h errno.h assert.h time.h pwd.h grp.h, , AC_MSG_WARN(some headers were not found, compilation may fail))
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS(event.h, , AC_MSG_ERROR(Libevent header (event.h) not found. Tor requires libevent to build.))
+# if the user doesn't have timeval this will generate a nasty warning. if  
+# timeval isn't provided, define one
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(event.h, , AC_MSG_ERROR(Libevent header (event.h) not found. Tor requires libevent to build.),
+[#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #else
+ struct timeval {
+ 	long	tv_sec;		
+	long	tv_usec;
+ }
+ #endif]
 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(zlib.h, , AC_MSG_ERROR(Zlib header (zlib.h) not found. Tor requires zlib to build. You may need to install a zlib development package.))
 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(zlib.h, , AC_MSG_ERROR(Zlib header (zlib.h) not found. Tor requires zlib to build. You may need to install a zlib development package.))

+ 45 - 27

@@ -163,47 +163,56 @@ typedef struct win_mmap_t {
 tor_mmap_t *
 tor_mmap_t *
 tor_mmap_file(const char *filename)
 tor_mmap_file(const char *filename)
-  win_mmap_t *res = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(win_mmap_t));
+  struct win_mmap_t *res = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct win_mmap_t));
   res->mmap_handle = res->file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
   res->mmap_handle = res->file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
-  res->file_handle = CreateFileForMapping(filename,
+  res->file_handle = CreateFile(filename,
-                                          GENERIC_READ,
+								  GENERIC_READ,
-                                          0, NULL,
+								  0, NULL,
-                                          OPEN_EXISTING,
+								  OPEN_EXISTING,
-                                          FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
+								  0);
+  if (res->file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+  	goto err;
   res->base.size = GetFileSize(res->file_handle, NULL);
   res->base.size = GetFileSize(res->file_handle, NULL);
   res->mmap_handle = CreateFileMapping(res->file_handle,
   res->mmap_handle = CreateFileMapping(res->file_handle,
-                                       (size >> 32),
+                                       0,
-                                       (size & 0xfffffffful),
+                                       res->base.size,
   if (res->mmap_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
   if (res->mmap_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
     goto err;
     goto err;
   res-> = (char*) MapViewOfFile(res->mmap_handle,
   res-> = (char*) MapViewOfFile(res->mmap_handle,
-                                         access,
+                                         FILE_MAP_READ,
                                          0, 0, 0);
                                          0, 0, 0);
-  if (!res->data)
+  if (!res->
     goto err;
     goto err;
   return &(res->base);
   return &(res->base);
-  tor_munmap_file(res);
+  tor_munmap_file(&res->base);
   return NULL;
   return NULL;
 tor_munmap_file(tor_mmap_t *handle)
 tor_munmap_file(tor_mmap_t *handle)
-  win_mmap_t *h = (win_mmap_t*)
+  struct win_mmap_t *h = (struct win_mmap_t*)
-    (((char*)handle) - STRUCT_OFFSET(win_mmap_t, base));
+    (((char*)handle) - STRUCT_OFFSET(struct win_mmap_t, base));
   if (handle->data)
   if (handle->data)
-    UnmapViewOfFile(handle->data);
-  if (res->mmap_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+  /*this is an ugly cast, but without it, "data" in struct tor_mmap_t would
-    CloseHandle(res->mmap_handle);
+    have to be redefined as const*/
-  if (res->file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+    UnmapViewOfFile( (LPVOID) handle->data);
-    CloseHandle(self->file_handle);
-  tor_free(res);
+  if (h->mmap_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+    CloseHandle(h->mmap_handle);
+  if (h->file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+    CloseHandle(h->file_handle);
+  tor_free(h);
 tor_mmap_t *
 tor_mmap_t *
@@ -417,8 +426,8 @@ void
 set_socket_nonblocking(int socket)
 set_socket_nonblocking(int socket)
 #ifdef MS_WINDOWS
 #ifdef MS_WINDOWS
-  int nonblocking = 1;
+	unsigned long nonblocking = 1;
-  ioctlsocket(socket, FIONBIO, (unsigned long*) &nonblocking);
+	ioctlsocket(socket, FIONBIO, (unsigned long*) &nonblocking);
   fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
   fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
@@ -444,7 +453,8 @@ set_socket_nonblocking(int socket)
 tor_socketpair(int family, int type, int protocol, int fd[2])
 tor_socketpair(int family, int type, int protocol, int fd[2])
+//don't use win32 socketpairs (they are always bad)
+#if defined(HAVE_SOCKETPAIR) && !defined(MS_WINDOWS)
   int r;
   int r;
   r = socketpair(family, type, protocol, fd);
   r = socketpair(family, type, protocol, fd);
   return r < 0 ? -errno : r;
   return r < 0 ? -errno : r;
@@ -562,7 +572,7 @@ set_max_file_descriptors(unsigned long limit, unsigned long cap)
   log_fn(LOG_INFO, LD_NET,
   log_fn(LOG_INFO, LD_NET,
          "This platform is missing getrlimit(). Proceeding.");
          "This platform is missing getrlimit(). Proceeding.");
   if (limit < cap) {
   if (limit < cap) {
-    log_info(LD_CONFIG, "ConnLimit must be at most %d. Using that.", cap);
+    log_info(LD_CONFIG, "ConnLimit must be at most %d. Using that.", (int) cap);
     limit = cap;
     limit = cap;
@@ -799,6 +809,8 @@ static int uname_result_is_set = 0;
 const char *
 const char *
 #ifdef HAVE_UNAME
 #ifdef HAVE_UNAME
   struct utsname u;
   struct utsname u;
@@ -852,7 +864,7 @@ get_uname(void)
         memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
         memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
         info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(info);
         info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(info);
         if (! GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO)&info)) {
         if (! GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO)&info)) {
-          int err = GetLastError();
           strlcpy(uname_result, "Bizarre version of Windows where GetVersionEx"
           strlcpy(uname_result, "Bizarre version of Windows where GetVersionEx"
                   " doesn't work.", sizeof(uname_result));
                   " doesn't work.", sizeof(uname_result));
           uname_result_is_set = 1;
           uname_result_is_set = 1;
@@ -954,7 +966,7 @@ tor_pthread_helper_fn(void *_data)
  * running.
  * running.
-spawn_func(int (*func)(void *), void *data)
+spawn_func(void (*func)(void *), void *data)
 #if defined(USE_WIN32_THREADS)
 #if defined(USE_WIN32_THREADS)
   int rv;
   int rv;
@@ -992,11 +1004,16 @@ spawn_func(int (*func)(void *), void *data)
 /** End the current thread/process.
 /** End the current thread/process.
 #if defined(USE_WIN32_THREADS)
 #if defined(USE_WIN32_THREADS)
+  //we should never get here. my compiler thinks that _endthread returns, this
+  //is an attempt to fool it.
+  tor_assert(0);
+  _exit(0);
 #elif defined(USE_PTHREADS)
 #elif defined(USE_PTHREADS)
@@ -1004,6 +1021,7 @@ spawn_exit(void)
    * call _exit, not exit, from child processes. */
    * call _exit, not exit, from child processes. */
 /** Set *timeval to the current time of day.  On error, log and terminate.
 /** Set *timeval to the current time of day.  On error, log and terminate.
@@ -1143,7 +1161,7 @@ tor_mutex_acquire(tor_mutex_t *m)
     case WAIT_FAILED:
     case WAIT_FAILED:
-      log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Failed to acquire mutex: %d", GetLastError());
+      log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Failed to acquire mutex: %d", (int) GetLastError());
@@ -1152,7 +1170,7 @@ tor_mutex_release(tor_mutex_t *m)
   BOOL r;
   BOOL r;
   r = ReleaseMutex(m->handle);
   r = ReleaseMutex(m->handle);
   if (!r) {
   if (!r) {
-    log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Failed to release mutex: %d", GetLastError());
+    log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Failed to release mutex: %d", (int) GetLastError());
 unsigned long
 unsigned long

+ 18 - 1

@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ int switch_id(char *user, char *group);
 char *get_user_homedir(const char *username);
 char *get_user_homedir(const char *username);
-int spawn_func(int (*func)(void *), void *data);
+int spawn_func(void (*func)(void *), void *data);
 void spawn_exit(void) ATTR_NORETURN;
 void spawn_exit(void) ATTR_NORETURN;
 #if defined(ENABLE_THREADS) && defined(MS_WINDOWS)
 #if defined(ENABLE_THREADS) && defined(MS_WINDOWS)
@@ -306,5 +306,22 @@ unsigned long tor_get_thread_id(void);
 #define tor_get_thread_id() (1UL)
 #define tor_get_thread_id() (1UL)
+/*for some reason my compiler doesn't have these version flags defined
+  a nice homework assignment for someone one day is to define the rest*/
+//these are the values as given on MSDN
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+#define VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT 0x00000040
+#define VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS 0x00000100

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2757,11 +2757,11 @@ options_init_from_torrc(int argc, char **argv)
   if (using_default_torrc) {
   if (using_default_torrc) {
     /* didn't find one, try CONFDIR */
     /* didn't find one, try CONFDIR */
     const char *dflt = get_default_conf_file();
     const char *dflt = get_default_conf_file();
-    char *fn = NULL;
     if (dflt && file_status(dflt) == FN_FILE) {
     if (dflt && file_status(dflt) == FN_FILE) {
       fname = tor_strdup(dflt);
       fname = tor_strdup(dflt);
     } else {
     } else {
 #ifndef MS_WINDOWS
 #ifndef MS_WINDOWS
+	  char *fn;
       fn = expand_filename("~/.torrc");
       fn = expand_filename("~/.torrc");
       if (fn && file_status(fn) == FN_FILE) {
       if (fn && file_status(fn) == FN_FILE) {
         fname = fn;
         fname = fn;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ spawn_cpuworker(void)
   tor_assert(fdarray[1] >= 0);
   tor_assert(fdarray[1] >= 0);
   fd = fdarray[0];
   fd = fdarray[0];
-  spawn_func(cpuworker_main, (void*)fdarray);
+  spawn_func((void*) cpuworker_main, (void*)fdarray);
   log_debug(LD_OR,"just spawned a cpu worker.");
   log_debug(LD_OR,"just spawned a cpu worker.");
   tor_close_socket(fdarray[1]); /* don't need the worker's side of the pipe */
   tor_close_socket(fdarray[1]); /* don't need the worker's side of the pipe */

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ spawn_dnsworker(void)
   fd = fdarray[0]; /* We copy this out here, since dnsworker_main may free
   fd = fdarray[0]; /* We copy this out here, since dnsworker_main may free
                     * fdarray */
                     * fdarray */
-  spawn_func(dnsworker_main, (void*)fdarray);
+  spawn_func((void*) dnsworker_main, (void*)fdarray);
   log_debug(LD_EXIT,"just spawned a dns worker.");
   log_debug(LD_EXIT,"just spawned a dns worker.");
   tor_close_socket(fdarray[1]); /* don't need the worker's side of the pipe */
   tor_close_socket(fdarray[1]); /* don't need the worker's side of the pipe */

+ 2 - 3

@@ -1778,7 +1778,7 @@ nt_service_main(void)
   if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(table)) {
   if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(table)) {
     result = GetLastError();
     result = GetLastError();
     errmsg = nt_strerror(result);
     errmsg = nt_strerror(result);
-    printf("Service error %d : %s\n", result, errmsg);
+    printf("Service error %d : %s\n", (int) result, errmsg);
       if (tor_init(backup_argc, backup_argv) < 0)
       if (tor_init(backup_argc, backup_argv) < 0)
@@ -1902,7 +1902,7 @@ nt_service_stop(SC_HANDLE hService)
     else {
     else {
       errmsg = nt_strerror(GetLastError());
       errmsg = nt_strerror(GetLastError());
-      printf("Service failed to stop : %s\n");
+      printf("Service failed to stop : %s\n",errmsg);
@@ -2015,7 +2015,6 @@ nt_service_remove(void)
   SC_HANDLE hSCManager = NULL;
   SC_HANDLE hSCManager = NULL;
   SC_HANDLE hService = NULL;
   SC_HANDLE hService = NULL;
-  BOOL result = FALSE;
   char *errmsg;
   char *errmsg;
   if ((hSCManager = nt_service_open_scm()) == NULL) {
   if ((hSCManager = nt_service_open_scm()) == NULL) {