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Remove old callgraph scripts; recommend calltool instead.

Nick Mathewson 7 anni fa

+ 3 - 10

@@ -226,17 +226,10 @@ performance! See the gperftools manual for more info, but basically:
 Generating and analyzing a callgraph
-1. Run `./scripts/maint/generate_callgraph.sh`.  This will generate a
-   bunch of files in a new ./callgraph directory.
+0. Build Tor on linux or mac, ideally with -O0 or -fno-inline.
-2. Run `./scripts/maint/analyze_callgraph.py callgraph/src/*/*`.  This
-   will do a lot of graph operations and then dump out a new
-   `callgraph.pkl` file, containing data in Python's 'pickle' format.
-3. Run `./scripts/maint/display_callgraph.py`.  It will display:
-    - the number of functions reachable from each function.
-    - all strongly-connnected components in the Tor callgraph
-    - the largest bottlenecks in the largest SCC in the Tor callgraph.
+1. Clone 'https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/nickm/calltool.git/' .
+   Follow the README in that repository.
 Note that currently the callgraph generator can't detect calls that pass
 through function pointers.

+ 0 - 259

@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-import re
-import sys
-import copy
-import cPickle
-import os
-class Parser:
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.calls = {}
-    self.definedIn = {}
-  def enter_func(self, name):
-    if self.infunc and not self.extern and self.calledfns:
-      if self.infunc in self.definedIn:
-        #print "{}: {} or {}?".format(
-        #  self.infunc, self.definedIn[self.infunc], self.module)
-        self.definedIn[self.infunc] = 'nil'
-      else:
-        self.definedIn[self.infunc] = self.module
-      self.calls.setdefault(self.infunc, set()).update( self.calledfns )
-    self.calledfns = set()
-    self.infunc = name
-    self.extern = False
-  def parse_callgraph_file(self, inp, module):
-    self.infunc = None
-    self.extern = False
-    self.calledfns = set()
-    self.module = module
-    for line in inp:
-       m = re.match(r"Call graph node for function: '([^']+)'", line)
-       if m:
-           self.enter_func(m.group(1))
-           continue
-       m = re.match(r"  CS<[^>]+> calls external node", line)
-       if m:
-           self.extern = True
-       m = re.match(r"  CS<[^>]+> calls function '([^']+)'", line)
-       if m:
-           self.calledfns.add(m.group(1))
-    self.enter_func(None)
-  def extract_callgraph(self):
-    c = self.calls
-    self.calls = {}
-    return c
-def transitive_closure(g):
-    passno = 0
-    changed = True
-    g = copy.deepcopy(g)
-    import random
-    while changed:
-      passno += 1
-      changed = False
-      keys = g.keys()
-      idx = 0
-      for k in keys:
-         idx += 1
-         print "Pass %d/?: %d/%d\r" %(passno, idx, len(keys)),
-         sys.stdout.flush()
-         newset = g[k].copy()
-         for fn in g[k]:
-            newset.update(g.get(fn, set()))
-         if len(newset) != len(g[k]):
-            g[k].update( newset )
-            changed = True
-      print
-    return g
-def strongly_connected_components(g):
-  # From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm, done stupidly.
-  index_of = {}
-  index = [ 0 ]
-  lowlink = {}
-  S = []
-  onStack = set()
-  all_sccs = []
-  def strongconnect(fn):
-    index_of[fn] = index[0]
-    lowlink[fn] = index[0]
-    index[0] += 1
-    S.append(fn)
-    onStack.add(fn)
-    for w in g.get(fn, []):
-      if w not in index_of:
-        strongconnect(w)
-        lowlink[fn] = min(lowlink[fn], lowlink[w])
-      elif w in onStack:
-        lowlink[fn] = min(lowlink[fn], index_of[w])
-    if lowlink[fn] == index_of[fn]:
-      this_scc = []
-      all_sccs.append(this_scc)
-      while True:
-        w = S.pop()
-        onStack.remove(w)
-        this_scc.append(w)
-        if w == fn:
-          break
-  for v in g.keys():
-    if v not in index_of:
-      strongconnect(v)
-  return all_sccs
-def biggest_component(sccs):
-  return max(len(c) for c in sccs)
-def connection_bottlenecks(callgraph):
-  callers = {}
-  for fn in callgraph:
-    for fn2 in callgraph[fn]:
-      callers.setdefault(fn2, set()).add(fn)
-  components = strongly_connected_components(callgraph)
-  components.sort(key=len)
-  big_component_fns = components[-1]
-  size = len(big_component_fns)
-  function_bottlenecks = fn_results = []
-  total = len(big_component_fns)
-  idx = 0
-  for fn in big_component_fns:
-    idx += 1
-    print "Pass 1/3: %d/%d\r"%(idx, total),
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    cg2 = copy.deepcopy(callgraph)
-    del cg2[fn]
-    fn_results.append( (size - biggest_component(strongly_connected_components(cg2)), fn) )
-  print
-  bcf_set = set(big_component_fns)
-  call_bottlenecks = fn_results = []
-  result_set = set()
-  total = len(big_component_fns)
-  idx = 0
-  for fn in big_component_fns:
-    fn_callers = callers[fn].intersection(bcf_set)
-    idx += 1
-    if len(fn_callers) != 1:
-      continue
-    print "Pass 2/3: %d/%d\r"%(idx, total),
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    caller = fn_callers.pop()
-    assert len(fn_callers) == 0
-    cg2 = copy.deepcopy(callgraph)
-    cg2[caller].remove(fn)
-    fn_results.append( (size - biggest_component(strongly_connected_components(cg2)), fn, "called by", caller) )
-    result_set.add( (caller, fn) )
-  print
-  total = len(big_component_fns)
-  idx = 0
-  for fn in big_component_fns:
-    fn_calls = callgraph[fn].intersection(bcf_set)
-    idx += 1
-    if len(fn_calls) != 1:
-      continue
-    print "Pass 3/3: %d/%d\r"%(idx, total),
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    callee = fn_calls.pop()
-    if (fn, callee) in result_set:
-      continue
-    assert len(fn_calls) == 0
-    cg2 = copy.deepcopy(callgraph)
-    cg2[fn].remove(callee)
-    fn_results.append( (size - biggest_component(strongly_connected_components(cg2)), callee, "called by", fn) )
-  print
-  return (function_bottlenecks, call_bottlenecks)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    p = Parser()
-    for fname in sys.argv[1:]:
-      modname = re.sub(r'.*/', '', fname).replace('.callgraph', '.c')
-      with open(fname, 'r') as f:
-        p.parse_callgraph_file(f, modname)
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    print "Building callgraph"
-    callgraph = p.extract_callgraph()
-    inModule = p.definedIn
-    print "Deriving module callgraph"
-    modCallgraph = {}
-    for fn in callgraph:
-      fnMod = inModule[fn]
-      for called in callgraph[fn]:
-        try:
-          calledMod = inModule[called]
-        except KeyError:
-            continue
-        modCallgraph.setdefault(fnMod, set()).add(calledMod)
-    del modCallgraph['nil']
-    print "Finding strongly connected components"
-    sccs = strongly_connected_components(callgraph)
-    print "Finding the transitive closure of the callgraph.."
-    closure = transitive_closure(callgraph)
-    print "Finding bottlenecks..."
-    bottlenecks = connection_bottlenecks(callgraph)
-    print "Finding module SCCs"
-    modSCCS = strongly_connected_components(modCallgraph)
-    print "Finding module TC"
-    modTC = transitive_closure(modCallgraph)
-    print "Finding module bottlenecks"
-    modB = connection_bottlenecks(modCallgraph)
-    data = {
-      'callgraph' : callgraph,
-      'sccs' : sccs,
-      'closure' : closure,
-      'bottlenecks' : bottlenecks,
-      'modules' : p.definedIn,
-      'modItems' : {
-        'callgraph' : modCallgraph,
-        'sccs' : modSCCS,
-        'closure' : modTC,
-        'bottlenecks' : modB,
-      }
-    }
-    with open('callgraph.pkl', 'w') as f:
-      cPickle.dump(data, f)

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-import cPickle
-data = cPickle.load(open("callgraph.pkl"))
-# data = data['modItems']
-callgraph = data['callgraph']
-closure = data['closure']
-sccs = data['sccs']
-fn_bottle, call_bottle = data['bottlenecks']
-for n_reachable, fn in sorted(list((len(r), fn) for fn, r in closure.iteritems())):
-   print "%s can reach %s other functions." %(fn, n_reachable)
-c = [ (len(component), component) for component in sccs ]
-print "\n================================"
-for n, component in c:
-   if n < 2:
-      continue
-   print "Strongly connected component of size %d:"%n
-   print component
-print "\n================================"
-print "====== Number of functions pulled into blob, by function in blob."
-for n, fn in fn_bottle[-30:]:
-   print "%3d: %s"%(n, fn)
-print "====== Number of functions pulled into blob, by call in blob."
-for n, fn1, _, fn2 in call_bottle[-30:]:
-   print "%3d: %s -> %s "%(n, fn2, fn1)

+ 0 - 14

@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-C_FILES=`echo src/common/*.c src/or/*.c src/tools/*.c`
-CFLAGS="-Isrc/ext/trunnel -Isrc/trunnel -I. -Isrc/ext -Isrc/common -DLOCALSTATEDIR=\"\" -DSHARE_DATADIR=\"\" -Dinline="
-mkdir -p callgraph/src/common
-mkdir -p callgraph/src/or
-mkdir -p callgraph/src/tools
-for fn in $C_FILES; do
-  echo $fn
-  clang $CFLAGS  -S -emit-llvm -fno-inline -o - $fn  | \
-    opt -analyze -print-callgraph >/dev/null 2> "callgraph/${fn}allgraph"