
Comment router*.c

Nick Mathewson 21 年之前
共有 2 個文件被更改,包括 231 次插入107 次删除
  1. 106 20
  2. 125 87

+ 106 - 20

@@ -10,41 +10,62 @@ extern or_options_t options; /* command-line and config-file options */
-/* private keys */
-static time_t onionkey_set_at=0;
+ * Key management: ORs only.
+ *****/
+/* Private keys for this OR.  There is also an SSL key managed by tortls.c.
+ */
+static time_t onionkey_set_at=0; /* When was onionkey last changed? */
 static crypto_pk_env_t *onionkey=NULL;
 static crypto_pk_env_t *lastonionkey=NULL;
 static crypto_pk_env_t *identitykey=NULL;
+/* Replace the current onion key with 'k'.  Does not affect lastonionkey;
+ * to update onionkey correctly, call rotate_onion_key().
+ */
 void set_onion_key(crypto_pk_env_t *k) {
   onionkey = k;
   onionkey_set_at = time(NULL);
+/* Return the current onion key.  Requires that the onion key has been
+ * loaded or generated. */
 crypto_pk_env_t *get_onion_key(void) {
   return onionkey;
+/* Return the onion key that was current before the most recent onion
+ * key rotation.  If no rotation has been performed since this process
+ * started, return NULL.
+ */
 crypto_pk_env_t *get_previous_onion_key(void) {
   return lastonionkey;
+/* Return the time when the onion key was last set.  This is either the time
+ * when the process launched, or the time of the most recent key rotation since
+ * the process launched.
+ */
 time_t get_onion_key_set_at(void) {
   return onionkey_set_at;
+/* Set the current identity key to k.
+ */
 void set_identity_key(crypto_pk_env_t *k) {
   identitykey = k;
+/* Returns the current identity key; requires that the identity key has been
+ * set.
+ */
 crypto_pk_env_t *get_identity_key(void) {
   return identitykey;
 /* Replace the previous onion key with the current onion key, and generate
  * a new previous onion key.  Immediately after calling this function,
  * the OR should:
@@ -134,6 +155,9 @@ crypto_pk_env_t *init_key_from_file(const char *fname)
   return NULL;
+/* Initialize all OR private keys, and the TLS context, as necessary.
+ * On OPs, this only initializes the tls context.
+ */
 int init_keys(void) {
   char keydir[512];
   char fingerprint[FINGERPRINT_LEN+MAX_NICKNAME_LEN+3];
@@ -150,6 +174,7 @@ int init_keys(void) {
     return 0;
+  /* Make sure DataDirectory exists, and is private. */
   if (strlen(options.DataDirectory) > (512-128)) {
     log_fn(LOG_ERR, "DataDirectory is too long.");
@@ -158,6 +183,7 @@ int init_keys(void) {
   if (check_private_dir(options.DataDirectory, 1)) {
     return -1;
+  /* Check the key directory. */
   if (check_private_dir(keydir, 1)) {
     return -1;
@@ -178,8 +204,6 @@ int init_keys(void) {
   /* 3. Initialize link key and TLS context. */
-  /* XXXX use actual rotation interval as cert lifetime, once we do
-   *  connection rotation. */
   if (tor_tls_context_new(get_identity_key(), 1, options.Nickname,
                           MAX_SSL_KEY_LIFETIME) < 0) {
     log_fn(LOG_ERR, "Error initializing TLS context");
@@ -247,11 +271,12 @@ int init_keys(void) {
   return 0;
-static routerinfo_t *desc_routerinfo = NULL; /* my descriptor */
-static char descriptor[8192]; /* string representation of my descriptor */
+ * Clique maintenance
+ *****/
+/* OR only: try to open connections to all of the otehr ORs we know about.
+ */
 void router_retry_connections(void) {
   int i;
   routerinfo_t *router;
@@ -270,6 +295,18 @@ void router_retry_connections(void) {
+ * OR descriptor generation.
+ *****/
+/* my routerinfo. */
+static routerinfo_t *desc_routerinfo = NULL;
+/* string representation of my descriptor, signed by me. */
+static char descriptor[8192];
+/* OR only: try to upload our signed descriptor to all the directory servers
+ * we know about.
+ */
 void router_upload_dir_desc_to_dirservers(void) {
   const char *s;
@@ -281,6 +318,13 @@ void router_upload_dir_desc_to_dirservers(void) {
   router_post_to_dirservers(DIR_PURPOSE_UPLOAD_DIR, s, strlen(s));
+/* Start a connection to every known directory server, using
+ * connection purpose 'purpose' and uploading the payload 'payload'
+ * (length 'payload_len').  The purpose should be one of
+ */
+/* XXXX This is misnamed; it shouldn't be a router-only function; it should
+ * XXXX be in directory, since rendservice uses it too. */
 void router_post_to_dirservers(uint8_t purpose, const char *payload, int payload_len) {
   int i;
   routerinfo_t *router;
@@ -297,7 +341,9 @@ void router_post_to_dirservers(uint8_t purpose, const char *payload, int payload
-static void router_add_exit_policy_from_config_helper(char *s, routerinfo_t *router) {
+/* Append the comma-separated sequence of exit policies in 's' to the
+ * exit policy in 'router'. */
+static void router_add_exit_policy_from_config_helper(const char *s, routerinfo_t *router) {
   char *e;
   int last=0;
   char line[1024];
@@ -330,19 +376,24 @@ static void router_add_exit_policy_from_config_helper(char *s, routerinfo_t *rou
-#define DefaultExitPolicy "reject,reject,reject,reject,reject,reject,accept *:20-22,accept *:53,accept *:79-80,accept *:110,accept *:143,accept *:443,accept *:873,accept *:993,accept *:995,accept *:1024-65535,reject *:*"
+#define DEFAULT_EXIT_POLICY "reject,reject,reject,reject,reject,reject,accept *:20-22,accept *:53,accept *:79-80,accept *:110,accept *:143,accept *:443,accept *:873,accept *:993,accept *:995,accept *:1024-65535,reject *:*"
+/* Set the exit policy on 'router' to match the exit policy in the current
+ * configuration file.  If the exit policy doesn't have a catch-all rule,
+ * then append the default exit policy as well.
+ */
 static void router_add_exit_policy_from_config(routerinfo_t *router) {
   router_add_exit_policy_from_config_helper(options.ExitPolicy, router);
+  /* XXXX This is wrong; you can spell *;* many ways. */
   if(strstr(options.ExitPolicy," *:*") == NULL) {
     /* if exitpolicy includes a *:* line, then we're done. Else, append
      * the default exitpolicy. */
-    router_add_exit_policy_from_config_helper(DefaultExitPolicy, router);
+    router_add_exit_policy_from_config_helper(DEFAULT_EXIT_POLICY, router);
-/* Return false if my exit policy says to allow connection to conn.
- * Else return true.
+/* OR only: Return false if my exit policy says to allow connection to
+ * conn.  Else return true.
 int router_compare_to_my_exit_policy(connection_t *conn)
@@ -355,12 +406,17 @@ int router_compare_to_my_exit_policy(connection_t *conn)
+/* Return true iff 'router' has the same nickname as this OR.  (For an OP,
+ * always returns false.)
+ */
 int router_is_me(routerinfo_t *router)
   return options.Nickname && !strcasecmp(router->nickname, options.Nickname);
+/* Return a routerinfo for this OR, rebuilding a fresh one if
+ * necessary.  Return NULL on error, or if called on an OP. */
 routerinfo_t *router_get_my_routerinfo(void)
   if (!options.ORPort)
@@ -373,6 +429,9 @@ routerinfo_t *router_get_my_routerinfo(void)
   return desc_routerinfo;
+/* OR only: Return a signed server descriptor for this OR, rebuilding a fresh
+ * one if necessary.  Return NULL on error.
+ */
 const char *router_get_my_descriptor(void) {
   if (!desc_routerinfo) {
     if (router_rebuild_descriptor())
@@ -382,6 +441,9 @@ const char *router_get_my_descriptor(void) {
   return descriptor;
+/* Rebuild a fresh routerinfo and signed server descriptor for this
+ * OR.  Return 0 on success, -1 on error.
+ */
 int router_rebuild_descriptor(void) {
   routerinfo_t *ri;
   struct in_addr addr;
@@ -417,6 +479,10 @@ int router_rebuild_descriptor(void) {
   return 0;
+/* Set 'platform' (max length 'len') to a NUL-terminated short string
+ * describing the version of Tor and the operating system we're
+ * currently running on.
+ */
 void get_platform_str(char *platform, int len)
   snprintf(platform, len-1, "Tor %s on %s", VERSION, get_uname());
@@ -429,14 +495,20 @@ void get_platform_str(char *platform, int len)
  *     near the end of maxlen?
+/* OR only: Given a routerinfo for this router, and an identity key to
+ * sign with, encode the routerinfo as a signed server descriptor and
+ * write the result into 's', using at most 'maxlen' bytes.  Return -1
+ * on failure, and the number of bytes used on success.
+ */
 int router_dump_router_to_string(char *s, int maxlen, routerinfo_t *router,
                                  crypto_pk_env_t *ident_key) {
-  char *onion_pkey;
-  char *identity_pkey;
-  struct in_addr in;
+  char *onion_pkey; /* Onion key, PEM-encoded. */
+  char *identity_pkey; /* Identity key, PEM-encoded. */
   char digest[20];
   char signature[128];
   char published[32];
+  struct in_addr in;
   int onion_pkeylen, identity_pkeylen;
   int written;
   int result=0;
@@ -447,25 +519,31 @@ int router_dump_router_to_string(char *s, int maxlen, routerinfo_t *router,
   routerinfo_t *ri_tmp;
+  /* Make sure the identity key matches the one in the routerinfo. */
   if (crypto_pk_cmp_keys(ident_key, router->identity_pkey)) {
     log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Tried to sign a router with a private key that didn't match router's public key!");
     return -1;
+  /* PEM-encode the onion key */
                                           &onion_pkey,&onion_pkeylen)<0) {
     log_fn(LOG_WARN,"write onion_pkey to string failed!");
     return -1;
+  /* PEM-encode the identity key key */
                                           &identity_pkey,&identity_pkeylen)<0) {
     log_fn(LOG_WARN,"write identity_pkey to string failed!");
+    tor_free(onion_pkey);
     return -1;
+  /* Encode the publication time. */
   strftime(published, 32, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(&router->published_on));
+  /* Generate the easy portion of the router descriptor. */
   result = snprintf(s, maxlen,
                     "router %s %s %d %d %d\n"
                     "platform %s\n"
@@ -484,17 +562,20 @@ int router_dump_router_to_string(char *s, int maxlen, routerinfo_t *router,
     (int) router->bandwidthburst,
     onion_pkey, identity_pkey);
-  free(onion_pkey);
-  free(identity_pkey);
+  tor_free(onion_pkey);
+  tor_free(identity_pkey);
   if(result < 0 || result >= maxlen) {
     /* apparently different glibcs do different things on snprintf error.. so check both */
     return -1;
+  /* From now on, we use 'written' to remember the current length of 's'. */
   written = result;
+  /* Write the exit policy to the end of 's'. */
   for(tmpe=router->exit_policy; tmpe; tmpe=tmpe->next) {
     in.s_addr = htonl(tmpe->addr);
+    /* Write: "accept" */
     result = snprintf(s+written, maxlen-written, "%s %s",
         tmpe->policy_type == EXIT_POLICY_ACCEPT ? "accept" : "reject",
         tmpe->msk == 0 ? "*" : inet_ntoa(in));
@@ -504,6 +585,7 @@ int router_dump_router_to_string(char *s, int maxlen, routerinfo_t *router,
     written += result;
     if (tmpe->msk != 0xFFFFFFFFu && tmpe->msk != 0) {
+      /* Write "/" */
       in.s_addr = htonl(tmpe->msk);
       result = snprintf(s+written, maxlen-written, "/%s", inet_ntoa(in));
       if (result<0 || result+written > maxlen)
@@ -511,16 +593,19 @@ int router_dump_router_to_string(char *s, int maxlen, routerinfo_t *router,
       written += result;
     if (tmpe->prt_min == 0 && tmpe->prt_max == 65535) {
+      /* There is no port set; write ":*" */
       if (written > maxlen-4)
         return -1;
       strcat(s+written, ":*\n");
       written += 3;
     } else if (tmpe->prt_min == tmpe->prt_max) {
+      /* There is only one port; write ":80". */
       result = snprintf(s+written, maxlen-written, ":%d\n", tmpe->prt_min);
       if (result<0 || result+written > maxlen)
         return -1;
       written += result;
     } else {
+      /* There is a range of ports; write ":79-80". */
       result = snprintf(s+written, maxlen-written, ":%d-%d\n", tmpe->prt_min,
       if (result<0 || result+written > maxlen)
@@ -531,6 +616,7 @@ int router_dump_router_to_string(char *s, int maxlen, routerinfo_t *router,
   if (written > maxlen-256) /* Not enough room for signature. */
     return -1;
+  /* Sign the directory */
   strcat(s+written, "router-signature\n");
   written += strlen(s+written);
   s[written] = '\0';

+ 125 - 87

@@ -11,15 +11,21 @@
-static routerlist_t *routerlist = NULL; /* router array */
 extern or_options_t options; /* command-line and config-file options */
-/* Enumeration of possible token types.  The ones starting with K_ correspond
- * to directory 'keywords'.  _SIGNATURE and _PUBLIC_KEY are self-explanatory.
- * _ERR is an error in the tokenizing process, _EOF is an end-of-file marker,
- * and _NIL is used to encode not-a-token.
+/* We parse a directory by breaking it into "tokens", each consisting
+ * of a keyword, a line full of arguments, and a binary object.  The
+ * arguments and object are both optional, depending on the keyword
+ * type.
+ */
+/* Enumeration of possible token types.  The ones starting with K_
+ * correspond to directory 'keywords'.  _UNRECOGNIZED is for an
+ * unrecognized keyword; _ERR is an error in the tokenizing process,
+ * _EOF is an end-of-file marker, and _NIL is used to encode
+ * not-a-token.
 typedef enum {
@@ -44,60 +50,65 @@ typedef enum {
 } directory_keyword;
+/* Structure to hold a single directory tokon.
+ */
 typedef struct directory_token_t {
   directory_keyword tp;        /* Type of the token. */
-  int n_args;
-  char **args;
-  char *object_type;
-  int object_size;
-  char *object_body;
-  crypto_pk_env_t *key;      /* For public keys only. */
-  char *error;               /* For _ERR tokens only. */
+  int n_args;                  /* Number of elements in args */
+  char **args;                 /* Array of aguments from keyword line. */
+  char *object_type;           /* -----BEGIN [object_type]-----*/
+  int object_size;             /* Bytes in object_boody */
+  char *object_body;           /* Contents of object, base65-decoded. */
+  crypto_pk_env_t *key;        /* For public keys only. */
+  char *error;                 /* For _ERR tokens only. */
 } directory_token_t;
 /* ********************************************************************** */
-/* Every keyword takes either... */
+/* We use a table of rules to decide how to parse each token type. */
+/* Rules for how many arguments a keyword can take. */
 typedef enum {
   NO_ARGS,     /*    (1) no arguments, ever */
   ARGS,        /*    (2) a list of arguments separated by spaces */
   CONCAT_ARGS, /* or (3) the rest of the line, treated as a single argument. */
 } arg_syntax;
+/* Rules for whether the keyword needs an object. */
 typedef enum {
-  NO_OBJ,
-  OBJ_OK,
+  NO_OBJ,      /*    (1) no object, ever */
+  NEED_OBJ,    /*    (2) object is required */
+  NEED_KEY,    /*    (3) object is requierd, and must be a public key. */
+  OBJ_OK,      /* or (4) object is optional. */
 } obj_syntax;
+/* Rules for where a keyword can apper. */
 typedef enum {
-  ANY = 0,
+  ANY = 0,    /* Appears in router descriptor or in directory sections. */
+  DIR_ONLY,   /* Appears only in directory. */
+  RTR_ONLY,   /* Appears only in router descriptor. */
 } where_syntax;
-/* Table mapping keywods to token value and to argument rules. */
+/* Table mapping keywords to token value and to argument rules. */
 static struct {
   char *t; int v; arg_syntax s; obj_syntax os; where_syntax ws;
 } token_table[] = {
-  { "accept", K_ACCEPT, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
-  { "directory-signature", K_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE, ARGS, NEED_OBJ, DIR_ONLY},
-  { "reject", K_REJECT, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
-  { "router", K_ROUTER, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
-  { "recommended-software", K_RECOMMENDED_SOFTWARE, ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR_ONLY },
-  { "signed-directory", K_SIGNED_DIRECTORY, NO_ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR_ONLY },
-  { "signing-key", K_SIGNING_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY, RTR_ONLY },
-  { "onion-key", K_ONION_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY, RTR_ONLY },
-  { "link-key", K_LINK_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY, RTR_ONLY },
-  { "router-signature", K_ROUTER_SIGNATURE, NO_ARGS, NEED_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
-  { "published", K_PUBLISHED, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ, ANY },
-  { "running-routers", K_RUNNING_ROUTERS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR_ONLY },
-  { "ports", K_PORTS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
-  { "bandwidth", K_BANDWIDTH, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
-  { "opt", K_OPT, CONCAT_ARGS, OBJ_OK, ANY },
+  { "accept",              K_ACCEPT,              ARGS,    NO_OBJ,  RTR_ONLY },
+  { "directory-signature", K_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE, ARGS,    NEED_OBJ,DIR_ONLY},
+  { "reject",              K_REJECT,              ARGS,    NO_OBJ,  RTR_ONLY },
+  { "router",              K_ROUTER,              ARGS,    NO_OBJ,  RTR_ONLY },
+  { "recommended-software",K_RECOMMENDED_SOFTWARE,ARGS,    NO_OBJ,  DIR_ONLY },
+  { "signed-directory",    K_SIGNED_DIRECTORY,    NO_ARGS, NO_OBJ,  DIR_ONLY },
+  { "signing-key",         K_SIGNING_KEY,         NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY,RTR_ONLY },
+  { "onion-key",           K_ONION_KEY,           NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY,RTR_ONLY },
+  { "link-key",            K_LINK_KEY,            NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY,RTR_ONLY },
+  { "router-signature",    K_ROUTER_SIGNATURE,    NO_ARGS, NEED_OBJ,RTR_ONLY },
+  { "running-routers",     K_RUNNING_ROUTERS,     ARGS,    NO_OBJ,  DIR_ONLY },
+  { "ports",               K_PORTS,               ARGS,    NO_OBJ,  RTR_ONLY },
+  { "bandwidth",           K_BANDWIDTH,           ARGS,    NO_OBJ,  RTR_ONLY },
+  { "platform",            K_PLATFORM,        CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ,  RTR_ONLY },
+  { "published",           K_PUBLISHED,       CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ,  ANY },
+  { "opt",                 K_OPT,             CONCAT_ARGS, OBJ_OK,  ANY },
   { NULL, -1 }
@@ -131,9 +142,18 @@ static directory_token_t *get_next_token(const char **s, where_syntax where);
-extern int has_fetched_directory;
+ * Functions to manage and access our list of known routers. (Note:
+ * dirservers maintain a separate, independent list of known router
+ * descriptors.)
+ *****/
+/* Global list of all of the routers that we, as an OR or OP, know about. */
+static routerlist_t *routerlist = NULL;
-/* try to find a running dirserver. if there are no dirservers
+extern int has_fetched_directory; /* from main.c */
+/* Try to find a running dirserver.  If there are no running dirservers
  * in our routerlist, reload the routerlist and try again. */
 routerinfo_t *router_pick_directory_server(void) {
   routerinfo_t *choice;
@@ -155,7 +175,8 @@ routerinfo_t *router_pick_directory_server(void) {
   return choice;
-/* pick a random running router with a positive dir_port */
+/* Pick a random running router with a positive dir_port from our
+ * routerlist. */
 static routerinfo_t *router_pick_directory_server_impl(void) {
   int i;
   routerinfo_t *router, *dirserver=NULL;
@@ -164,6 +185,7 @@ static routerinfo_t *router_pick_directory_server_impl(void) {
     return NULL;
+  /* Find all the running dirservers we know about. */
   sl = smartlist_create();
   for(i=0;i< smartlist_len(routerlist->routers); i++) {
     router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i);
@@ -177,8 +199,9 @@ static routerinfo_t *router_pick_directory_server_impl(void) {
     return router;
   log_fn(LOG_INFO,"No dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.");
-  /* no running dir servers found? go through and mark them all as up,
-   * and we'll cycle through the list again. */
+  /* No running dir servers found? go through and mark them all as up,
+   * and next time, we'll cycle through the list again. */
   for(i=0; i < smartlist_len(routerlist->routers); i++) {
     router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i);
     if(router->dir_port > 0) {
@@ -191,7 +214,11 @@ static routerinfo_t *router_pick_directory_server_impl(void) {
   return dirserver;
-void add_nickname_list_to_smartlist(smartlist_t *sl, char *list) {
+/* Given a comma-and-whitespace separated list of nicknames, see which
+ * nicknames in 'list' name routers in our routerlist that are
+ * currently running.  Add the routerinfos for those routers to 'sl'.
+ */
+void add_nickname_list_to_smartlist(smartlist_t *sl, const char *list) {
   char *start,*end;
   char nick[MAX_NICKNAME_LEN+1];
   routerinfo_t *router;
@@ -220,6 +247,8 @@ void add_nickname_list_to_smartlist(smartlist_t *sl, char *list) {
+/* Add every router from our routerlist that is currently running to 'sl'.
+ */
 void router_add_running_routers_to_smartlist(smartlist_t *sl) {
   routerinfo_t *router;
   int i;
@@ -236,9 +265,10 @@ void router_add_running_routers_to_smartlist(smartlist_t *sl) {
-/* Pick a random node from preferred if possible, else from all of dir.
- * Never pick a node in excluded.
- * If excludedsmartlist is defined, never pick a node in it either.
+/* Pick a random running router from a routerlist 'dir'.  If any node
+ * named in 'preferred' is available, pick one of those.  Never pick a
+ * node named in 'excluded', or whose routerinfo is in
+ * 'excludedsmartlist', even if they are the only nodes available.
 routerinfo_t *router_choose_random_node(routerlist_t *dir,
                                         char *preferred, char *excluded,
@@ -273,6 +303,9 @@ routerinfo_t *router_choose_random_node(routerlist_t *dir,
   return choice;
+/* Return the router in our routerlist whose address is 'addr' and
+ * whose OR port is 'port'. Return NULL if no such router is known.
+ */
 routerinfo_t *router_get_by_addr_port(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port) {
   int i;
   routerinfo_t *router;
@@ -287,6 +320,9 @@ routerinfo_t *router_get_by_addr_port(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port) {
   return NULL;
+/* Return the router in our routerlist whose nickname is 'nickname'
+ * (case insensitive).  Return NULL if no such router is known.
+ */
 routerinfo_t *router_get_by_nickname(char *nickname)
   int i;
@@ -303,12 +339,12 @@ routerinfo_t *router_get_by_nickname(char *nickname)
   return NULL;
-/* a way to access routerlist outside this file */
+/* Set *prouterlist to the current list of all known routers. */
 void router_get_routerlist(routerlist_t **prouterlist) {
   *prouterlist = routerlist;
-/* delete a router from memory */
+/* Free all storage held by 'router'. */
 void routerinfo_free(routerinfo_t *router)
   struct exit_policy_t *e;
@@ -332,6 +368,7 @@ void routerinfo_free(routerinfo_t *router)
+/* Allocate a fresh copy of 'router' */
 routerinfo_t *routerinfo_copy(const routerinfo_t *router)
   routerinfo_t *r;
@@ -358,6 +395,7 @@ routerinfo_t *routerinfo_copy(const routerinfo_t *router)
   return r;
+/* Free all storage held by a routerlist 'rl' */
 static void routerlist_free(routerlist_t *rl)
   SMARTLIST_FOREACH(rl->routers, routerinfo_t *, r,
@@ -367,6 +405,7 @@ static void routerlist_free(routerlist_t *rl)
+/* Mark the router named 'nickname' as non-running in our routerlist. */
 void router_mark_as_down(char *nickname) {
   routerinfo_t *router = router_get_by_nickname(nickname);
   if(!router) /* we don't seem to know about him in the first place */
@@ -375,23 +414,9 @@ void router_mark_as_down(char *nickname) {
   router->is_running = 0;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#if 0
-static void dump_onion_keys(int severity)
-  int i;
-  char buf[FINGERPRINT_LEN+1];
-  routerinfo_t *r;
-  log_fn(severity, "Parsed a directory.  Here are the onion keys:");
-  for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(routerlist->routers); i++) {
-    r = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i);
-    crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(r->onion_pkey, buf);
-    log_fn(severity, "%10s: %s", r->nickname, buf);
-  }
+ * Code to parse router descriptors and directories.
+ *****/
 /* Replace the current router list with the one stored in 'routerfile'. */
 int router_set_routerlist_from_file(char *routerfile)
@@ -450,8 +475,8 @@ int router_get_router_hash(const char *s, char *digest)
                               "router ","router-signature");
-/* return 1 if myversion is in versionlist. Else return 0.
- * (versionlist contains a comma-separated list of versions.) */
+/* Return 1 if myversion is in versionlist. Else return 0.
+ * (versionlist is a comma-separated list of versions.) */
 int is_recommended_version(const char *myversion,
                            const char *versionlist) {
   int len_myversion = strlen(myversion);
@@ -472,8 +497,9 @@ int is_recommended_version(const char *myversion,
-/* Replace the current routerlist with the routers stored in the directory
- * 's'.  If pkey is provided, make sure that 's' is signed with pkey. */
+/* Replace the current routerlist with the routers stored in the
+ * signed directory 's'.  If pkey is provided, make sure that 's' is
+ * signed with pkey. */
 int router_set_routerlist_from_directory(const char *s, crypto_pk_env_t *pkey)
   if (router_get_routerlist_from_directory_impl(s, &routerlist, pkey)) {
@@ -497,11 +523,10 @@ int router_set_routerlist_from_directory(const char *s, crypto_pk_env_t *pkey)
-  /* dump_onion_keys(LOG_NOTICE); */
   return 0;
-/* Helper function: resolve the hostname for 'router' */
+/* Helper function: resolve the hostname for 'router'. */
 static int
 router_resolve(routerinfo_t *router)
@@ -550,7 +575,9 @@ router_resolve_routerlist(routerlist_t *rl)
   return 0;
-/* Addr is 0 for "IP unknown".
+/* Decide whether a given addr:port is definitely accepted, definitely
+ * rejected, or neither by a given exit policy.  If 'addr' is 0, we
+ * don't know the IP of the target address.
  * Returns -1 for 'rejected', 0 for accepted, 1 for 'maybe' (since IP is
  * unknown.
@@ -615,8 +642,8 @@ int router_compare_addr_to_exit_policy(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port,
-/* return 1 if all running routers will reject addr:port, return 0 if
-   any might accept it. */
+/* Return 1 if all running routers will reject addr:port, return 0 if
+ * any might accept it. */
 int router_exit_policy_all_routers_reject(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port) {
   int i;
   routerinfo_t *router;
@@ -630,11 +657,16 @@ int router_exit_policy_all_routers_reject(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port) {
   return 1; /* all will reject. */
+/* Return true iff 'router' does not permit exit streams.
+ */
 int router_exit_policy_rejects_all(routerinfo_t *router) {
   return router_compare_addr_to_exit_policy(0, 0, router->exit_policy)
+/* Parse a date of the format 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" and store the result into
+ * *t.
+ */
 static int parse_time(const char *cp, time_t *t)
   struct tm st_tm;
@@ -881,12 +913,9 @@ router_get_list_from_string_impl(const char **s, routerlist_t **dest,
-/* Helper function: reads a single router entry from *s, and advances
- * *s so it points to just after the router it just read.
- * mallocs a new router and returns it if all goes well, else returns
+/* Helper function: reads a single router entry from *s ... *end.
+ * Mallocs a new router and returns it if all goes well, else returns
  * NULL.
- *
 routerinfo_t *router_get_entry_from_string(const char *s,
                                            const char *end) {
@@ -1239,13 +1268,12 @@ policy_read_failed:
   return -1;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Tokenizer for router descriptors and directories. */
+ * Low-level tokenizer for router descriptors and directories.
+ *****/
-/* Free any malloced resources allocated for a token.  Does not free
- *  the token itself.
- */
+/* Free all resources allocated for 'tok' */
 static void
 token_free(directory_token_t *tok)
@@ -1264,8 +1292,9 @@ token_free(directory_token_t *tok)
-/* Helper function: read the next token from *s, and stores it into a new
- * directory token *tok.
+/* Helper function: read the next token from *s, advance *s to the end
+ * of the token, and return the parsed token.  If 'where' is DIR_ONLY
+ * or RTR_ONLY, reject all tokens of the wrong type.
 static directory_token_t *
 get_next_token(const char **s, where_syntax where) {
@@ -1448,6 +1477,10 @@ get_next_token(const char **s, where_syntax where) {
 #undef RET_ERR
+/* Read all tokens from a string between 'start' and 'end', and add
+ * them to 'out'.  If 'is_dir' is true, reject all non-directory
+ * tokens; else reject all non-routerdescriptor tokens.
+ */
 static int
 tokenize_string(const char *start, const char *end, smartlist_t *out,
                 int is_dir)
@@ -1469,6 +1502,9 @@ tokenize_string(const char *start, const char *end, smartlist_t *out,
   return 0;
+/* Find the first token in 's' whose keyword is 'keyword'; return NULL if no
+ * such keyword is found.
+ */
 static directory_token_t *
 find_first_by_keyword(smartlist_t *s, directory_keyword keyword)
@@ -1476,6 +1512,8 @@ find_first_by_keyword(smartlist_t *s, directory_keyword keyword)
   return NULL;
+/* Return a newly allocated smartlist of all accept or reject tokens in 's'.
+ */
 static smartlist_t *
 find_all_exitpolicy(smartlist_t *s)