@@ -4865,6 +4865,7 @@ read_file_to_str_mock(const char *filename, int flags,
return result;
static void
test_dir_populate_dump_desc_fifo(void *data)
@@ -4996,6 +4997,97 @@ test_dir_populate_dump_desc_fifo(void *data)
+static smartlist_t *
+listdir_mock(const char *dname)
+ smartlist_t *l;
+ (void)dname;
+ l = smartlist_new();
+ smartlist_add(l, tor_strdup("foo"));
+ smartlist_add(l, tor_strdup("bar"));
+ smartlist_add(l, tor_strdup("baz"));
+ return l;
+static dumped_desc_t *
+pop_one_mock(const char *dirname, const char *f)
+ dumped_desc_t *ent = NULL;
+ if (dirname != NULL && strcmp(dirname, "d") == 0) {
+ if (f != NULL && strcmp(f, "foo") == 0) {
+ ent = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*ent));
+ ent->filename = strdup("d/foo");
+ ent->len = 123;
+ ent->digest_sha256[0] = 1;
+ ent->when = 1024;
+ } else if (f != NULL && strcmp(f, "bar") == 0) {
+ ent = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*ent));
+ ent->filename = strdup("d/bar");
+ ent->len = 456;
+ ent->digest_sha256[0] = 2;
+ * Note that the timestamps are in a different order than
+ * listdir_mock() returns; we're testing the sort order.
+ */
+ ent->when = 512;
+ } else if (f != NULL && strcmp(f, "baz") == 0) {
+ ent = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*ent));
+ ent->filename = strdup("d/baz");
+ ent->len = 789;
+ ent->digest_sha256[0] = 3;
+ ent->when = 768;
+ }
+ }
+ return ent;
+static void
+test_dir_populate_dump_desc_fifo_2(void *data)
+ dumped_desc_t *ent = NULL;
+ (void)data;
+ MOCK(tor_listdir, listdir_mock);
+ MOCK(dump_desc_populate_one_file, pop_one_mock);
+ descs_dumped = NULL;
+ len_descs_dumped = 0;
+ dump_desc_populate_fifo_from_directory("d");
+ tt_assert(descs_dumped != NULL);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(descs_dumped), OP_EQ, 3);
+ tt_int_op(len_descs_dumped, OP_EQ, 1368);
+ ent = smartlist_get(descs_dumped, 0);
+ tt_str_op(ent->filename, OP_EQ, "d/bar");
+ tt_int_op(ent->len, OP_EQ, 456);
+ tt_int_op(ent->when, OP_EQ, 512);
+ ent = smartlist_get(descs_dumped, 1);
+ tt_str_op(ent->filename, OP_EQ, "d/baz");
+ tt_int_op(ent->len, OP_EQ, 789);
+ tt_int_op(ent->when, OP_EQ, 768);
+ ent = smartlist_get(descs_dumped, 2);
+ tt_str_op(ent->filename, OP_EQ, "d/foo");
+ tt_int_op(ent->len, OP_EQ, 123);
+ tt_int_op(ent->when, OP_EQ, 1024);
+ done:
+ dump_desc_fifo_cleanup();
+ UNMOCK(dump_desc_populate_one_file);
+ UNMOCK(tor_listdir);
+ return;
static int mock_networkstatus_consensus_is_bootstrapping_value = 0;
static int
mock_networkstatus_consensus_is_bootstrapping(time_t now)
@@ -5207,6 +5299,7 @@ struct testcase_t dir_tests[] = {
DIR(choose_compression_level, 0),
DIR(dump_unparseable_descriptors, 0),
DIR(populate_dump_desc_fifo, 0),
+ DIR(populate_dump_desc_fifo_2, 0),
DIR_ARG(find_dl_schedule, TT_FORK, "bf"),
DIR_ARG(find_dl_schedule, TT_FORK, "ba"),
DIR_ARG(find_dl_schedule, TT_FORK, "cf"),