@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ If \fB/\fP\fIMASK\fP is omitted then this policy just applies to the host
given. Instead of giving a host or network you can also use "\fB*\fP" to
denote the universe ( \fIPORT\fP can be a single port number,
an interval of ports "\fIFROM_PORT\fP\fB-\fP\fITO_PORT\fP", or "\fB*\fP".
-If \fiPORT\fP is omitted, that means "\fB*\fP".
+If \fIPORT\fP is omitted, that means "\fB*\fP".
For example, "accept*,reject*,accept *:*" would
reject any traffic destined for MIT except for web.mit.edu, and