Browse Source

Merge remote-tracking branch 'dgoulet/ticket20700_035_03'

Nick Mathewson 6 years ago

+ 5 - 2

@@ -459,6 +459,7 @@ static config_var_t option_vars_[] = {
   VAR("HiddenServiceNumIntroductionPoints", LINELIST_S, RendConfigLines, NULL),
   VAR("HiddenServiceStatistics", BOOL, HiddenServiceStatistics_option, "1"),
   V(HidServAuth,                 LINELIST, NULL),
+  V(ClientOnionAuthDir,          FILENAME, NULL),
   V(HiddenServiceSingleHopMode,  BOOL,     "0"),
@@ -1927,7 +1928,7 @@ options_act(const or_options_t *old_options)
-  if (running_tor && rend_parse_service_authorization(options, 0) < 0) {
+  if (running_tor && hs_config_client_auth_all(options, 0) < 0) {
     log_warn(LD_BUG, "Previously validated client authorization for "
                      "hidden services could not be added!");
@@ -3193,6 +3194,8 @@ warn_about_relative_paths(or_options_t *options)
   n += warn_if_option_path_is_relative("AccelDir",options->AccelDir);
   n += warn_if_option_path_is_relative("DataDirectory",options->DataDirectory);
   n += warn_if_option_path_is_relative("PidFile",options->PidFile);
+  n += warn_if_option_path_is_relative("ClientOnionAuthDir",
+                                        options->ClientOnionAuthDir);
   for (config_line_t *hs_line = options->RendConfigLines; hs_line;
        hs_line = hs_line->next) {
@@ -4344,7 +4347,7 @@ options_validate(or_options_t *old_options, or_options_t *options,
     REJECT("Failed to configure rendezvous options. See logs for details.");
   /* Parse client-side authorization for hidden services. */
-  if (rend_parse_service_authorization(options, 1) < 0)
+  if (hs_config_client_auth_all(options, 1) < 0)
     REJECT("Failed to configure client authorization for hidden services. "
            "See logs for details.");

+ 2 - 0

@@ -380,6 +380,8 @@ struct or_options_t {
   struct config_line_t *HidServAuth; /**< List of configuration lines for
                                * client-side authorizations for hidden
                                * services */
+  char *ClientOnionAuthDir; /**< Directory to keep client
+                             * onion service authorization secret keys */
   char *ContactInfo; /**< Contact info to be published in the directory. */
   int HeartbeatPeriod; /**< Log heartbeat messages after this many seconds

+ 265 - 1

@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@
 #include "core/or/extend_info_st.h"
 #include "core/or/origin_circuit_st.h"
+/* Client-side authorizations for hidden services; map of service identity
+ * public key to hs_client_service_authorization_t *. */
+static digest256map_t *client_auths = NULL;
 /* Return a human-readable string for the client fetch status code. */
 static const char *
 fetch_status_to_string(hs_client_fetch_status_t status)
@@ -1177,6 +1181,19 @@ can_client_refetch_desc(const ed25519_public_key_t *identity_pk,
   return 0;
+/* Return the client auth in the map using the service identity public key.
+ * Return NULL if it does not exist in the map. */
+static hs_client_service_authorization_t *
+find_client_auth(const ed25519_public_key_t *service_identity_pk)
+  /* If the map is not allocated, we can assume that we do not have any client
+   * auth information. */
+  if (!client_auths) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  return digest256map_get(client_auths, service_identity_pk->pubkey);
 /* ========== */
 /* Public API */
 /* ========== */
@@ -1215,11 +1232,19 @@ hs_client_decode_descriptor(const char *desc_str,
   int ret;
   uint8_t subcredential[DIGEST256_LEN];
   ed25519_public_key_t blinded_pubkey;
+  hs_client_service_authorization_t *client_auth = NULL;
+  curve25519_secret_key_t *client_auht_sk = NULL;
+  /* Check if we have a client authorization for this service in the map. */
+  client_auth = find_client_auth(service_identity_pk);
+  if (client_auth) {
+    client_auht_sk = &client_auth->enc_seckey;
+  }
   /* Create subcredential for this HS so that we can decrypt */
     uint64_t current_time_period = hs_get_time_period_num(0);
@@ -1229,7 +1254,8 @@ hs_client_decode_descriptor(const char *desc_str,
   /* Parse descriptor */
-  ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(desc_str, subcredential, desc);
+  ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(desc_str, subcredential,
+                                  client_auht_sk, desc);
   memwipe(subcredential, 0, sizeof(subcredential));
   if (ret < 0) {
     log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Could not parse received descriptor as client.");
@@ -1393,6 +1419,233 @@ hs_client_receive_rendezvous_acked(origin_circuit_t *circ,
   return -1;
+#define client_service_authorization_free(auth)                      \
+  FREE_AND_NULL(hs_client_service_authorization_t,                   \
+                client_service_authorization_free_, (auth))
+static void
+client_service_authorization_free_(hs_client_service_authorization_t *auth)
+  if (auth) {
+    memwipe(auth, 0, sizeof(*auth));
+  }
+  tor_free(auth);
+/** Helper for digest256map_free. */
+static void
+client_service_authorization_free_void(void *auth)
+  client_service_authorization_free_(auth);
+static void
+  if (!client_auths) {
+    return;
+  }
+  digest256map_free(client_auths, client_service_authorization_free_void);
+/* Check if the auth key file name is valid or not. Return 1 if valid,
+ * otherwise return 0. */
+auth_key_filename_is_valid(const char *filename)
+  int ret = 1;
+  const char *valid_extension = ".auth_private";
+  tor_assert(filename);
+  /* The length of the filename must be greater than the length of the
+   * extension and the valid extension must be at the end of filename. */
+  if (!strcmpend(filename, valid_extension) &&
+      strlen(filename) != strlen(valid_extension)) {
+    ret = 1;
+  } else {
+    ret = 0;
+  }
+  return ret;
+STATIC hs_client_service_authorization_t *
+parse_auth_file_content(const char *client_key_str)
+  char *onion_address = NULL;
+  char *auth_type = NULL;
+  char *key_type = NULL;
+  char *seckey_b32 = NULL;
+  hs_client_service_authorization_t *auth = NULL;
+  smartlist_t *fields = smartlist_new();
+  tor_assert(client_key_str);
+  smartlist_split_string(fields, client_key_str, ":",
+                         SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE, 0);
+  /* Wrong number of fields. */
+  if (smartlist_len(fields) != 4) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  onion_address = smartlist_get(fields, 0);
+  auth_type = smartlist_get(fields, 1);
+  key_type = smartlist_get(fields, 2);
+  seckey_b32 = smartlist_get(fields, 3);
+  /* Currently, the only supported auth type is "descriptor" and the only
+   * supported key type is "x25519". */
+  if (strcmp(auth_type, "descriptor") || strcmp(key_type, "x25519")) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (strlen(seckey_b32) != BASE32_NOPAD_LEN(CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN)) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Client authorization encoded base32 private key "
+                      "length is invalid: %s", seckey_b32);
+    goto err;
+  }
+  auth = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_client_service_authorization_t));
+  if (base32_decode((char *) auth->enc_seckey.secret_key,
+                    sizeof(auth->enc_seckey.secret_key),
+                    seckey_b32, strlen(seckey_b32)) < 0) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  strncpy(auth->onion_address, onion_address, HS_SERVICE_ADDR_LEN_BASE32);
+  /* Success. */
+  goto done;
+ err:
+  client_service_authorization_free(auth);
+ done:
+  /* It is also a good idea to wipe the private key. */
+  if (seckey_b32) {
+    memwipe(seckey_b32, 0, strlen(seckey_b32));
+  }
+  if (fields) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(fields, char *, s, tor_free(s));
+    smartlist_free(fields);
+  }
+  return auth;
+/* From a set of <b>options</b>, setup every client authorization detail
+ * found. Return 0 on success or -1 on failure. If <b>validate_only</b>
+ * is set, parse, warn and return as normal, but don't actually change
+ * the configuration. */
+hs_config_client_authorization(const or_options_t *options,
+                               int validate_only)
+  int ret = -1;
+  digest256map_t *auths = digest256map_new();
+  char *key_dir = NULL;
+  smartlist_t *file_list = NULL;
+  char *client_key_str = NULL;
+  char *client_key_file_path = NULL;
+  tor_assert(options);
+  /* There is no client auth configured. We can just silently ignore this
+   * function. */
+  if (!options->ClientOnionAuthDir) {
+    ret = 0;
+    goto end;
+  }
+  key_dir = tor_strdup(options->ClientOnionAuthDir);
+  /* Make sure the directory exists and is private enough. */
+  if (check_private_dir(key_dir, 0, options->User) < 0) {
+    goto end;
+  }
+  file_list = tor_listdir(key_dir);
+  if (file_list == NULL) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Client authorization key directory %s can't be listed.",
+             key_dir);
+    goto end;
+  }
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(file_list, char *, filename) {
+    hs_client_service_authorization_t *auth = NULL;
+    ed25519_public_key_t identity_pk;
+    log_info(LD_REND, "Loading a client authorization key file %s...",
+             filename);
+    if (!auth_key_filename_is_valid(filename)) {
+      log_notice(LD_REND, "Client authorization unrecognized filename %s. "
+                          "File must end in .auth_private. Ignoring.",
+                 filename);
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Create a full path for a file. */
+    client_key_file_path = hs_path_from_filename(key_dir, filename);
+    client_key_str = read_file_to_str(client_key_file_path, 0, NULL);
+    /* Free the file path immediately after using it. */
+    tor_free(client_key_file_path);
+    /* If we cannot read the file, continue with the next file. */
+    if (!client_key_str) {
+      log_warn(LD_REND, "The file %s cannot be read.", filename);
+      continue;
+    }
+    auth = parse_auth_file_content(client_key_str);
+    /* Free immediately after using it. */
+    tor_free(client_key_str);
+    if (auth) {
+      /* Parse the onion address to get an identity public key and use it
+       * as a key of global map in the future. */
+      if (hs_parse_address(auth->onion_address, &identity_pk,
+                           NULL, NULL) < 0) {
+        client_service_authorization_free(auth);
+        log_warn(LD_REND, "The onion address \"%s\" is invalid in "
+                          "file %s", filename, auth->onion_address);
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (digest256map_get(auths, identity_pk.pubkey)) {
+        client_service_authorization_free(auth);
+        log_warn(LD_REND, "Duplicate authorization for the same hidden "
+                          "service address %s.",
+                 safe_str_client(auth->onion_address));
+        goto end;
+      }
+      digest256map_set(auths, identity_pk.pubkey, auth);
+      log_info(LD_REND, "Loaded a client authorization key file %s.",
+               filename);
+    }
+  /* Success. */
+  ret = 0;
+ end:
+  tor_free(key_dir);
+  tor_free(client_key_str);
+  tor_free(client_key_file_path);
+  if (file_list) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(file_list, char *, s, tor_free(s));
+    smartlist_free(file_list);
+  }
+  if (!validate_only && ret == 0) {
+    client_service_authorization_free_all();
+    client_auths = auths;
+  } else {
+    digest256map_free(auths, client_service_authorization_free_void);
+  }
+  return ret;
 /* This is called when a descriptor has arrived following a fetch request and
  * has been stored in the client cache. Every entry connection that matches
  * the service identity key in the ident will get attached to the hidden
@@ -1589,6 +1842,7 @@ hs_client_free_all(void)
   /* Purge the hidden service request cache. */
+  client_service_authorization_free_all();
 /* Purge all potentially remotely-detectable state held in the hidden
@@ -1621,3 +1875,13 @@ hs_client_dir_info_changed(void)
    * AP_CONN_STATE_RENDDESC_WAIT state in order to fetch the descriptor. */
+STATIC digest256map_t *
+  return client_auths;
+#endif /* defined(TOR_UNIT_TESTS) */

+ 24 - 0

@@ -31,6 +31,16 @@ typedef enum {
 } hs_client_fetch_status_t;
+/** Client-side configuration of authorization for a service. */
+typedef struct hs_client_service_authorization_t {
+  /* An curve25519 secret key used to compute decryption keys that
+   * allow the client to decrypt the hidden service descriptor. */
+  curve25519_secret_key_t enc_seckey;
+  /* An onion address that is used to connect to the onion service. */
+  char onion_address[HS_SERVICE_ADDR_LEN_BASE32+1];
+} hs_client_service_authorization_t;
 void hs_client_note_connection_attempt_succeeded(
                                        const edge_connection_t *conn);
@@ -63,6 +73,9 @@ void hs_client_desc_has_arrived(const hs_ident_dir_conn_t *ident);
 extend_info_t *hs_client_get_random_intro_from_edge(
                                           const edge_connection_t *edge_conn);
+int hs_config_client_authorization(const or_options_t *options,
+                                   int validate_only);
 int hs_client_reextend_intro_circuit(origin_circuit_t *circ);
 void hs_client_purge_state(void);
@@ -71,6 +84,11 @@ void hs_client_free_all(void);
+STATIC int auth_key_filename_is_valid(const char *filename);
+STATIC hs_client_service_authorization_t *
+parse_auth_file_content(const char *client_key_str);
 STATIC routerstatus_t *
 pick_hsdir_v3(const ed25519_public_key_t *onion_identity_pk);
@@ -86,6 +104,12 @@ STATIC int handle_rendezvous2(origin_circuit_t *circ, const uint8_t *payload,
 MOCK_DECL(STATIC hs_client_fetch_status_t,
           fetch_v3_desc, (const ed25519_public_key_t *onion_identity_pk));
+STATIC digest256map_t *get_hs_client_auths_map(void);
+#endif /* defined(TOR_UNIT_TESTS) */
 #endif /* defined(HS_CLIENT_PRIVATE) */
 #endif /* !defined(TOR_HS_CLIENT_H) */

+ 27 - 0

@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
 #include "feature/hs/hs_common.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_config.h"
+#include "feature/hs/hs_client.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_service.h"
+#include "feature/rend/rendclient.h"
 #include "feature/rend/rendservice.h"
 #include "lib/encoding/confline.h"
 #include "app/config/or_options_st.h"
@@ -613,3 +615,28 @@ hs_config_service_all(const or_options_t *options, int validate_only)
   /* Tor main should call the free all function on error. */
   return ret;
+/* From a set of <b>options</b>, setup every client authorization found.
+ * Return 0 on success or -1 on failure. If <b>validate_only</b> is set,
+ * parse, warn and return as normal, but don't actually change the
+ * configured state. */
+hs_config_client_auth_all(const or_options_t *options, int validate_only)
+  int ret = -1;
+  /* Configure v2 authorization. */
+  if (rend_parse_service_authorization(options, validate_only) < 0) {
+    goto done;
+  }
+  /* Configure v3 authorization. */
+  if (hs_config_client_authorization(options, validate_only) < 0) {
+    goto done;
+  }
+  /* Success. */
+  ret = 0;
+ done:
+  return ret;

+ 1 - 0

@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 /* API */
 int hs_config_service_all(const or_options_t *options, int validate_only);
+int hs_config_client_auth_all(const or_options_t *options, int validate_only);
 #endif /* !defined(TOR_HS_CONFIG_H) */

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 495 - 275

+ 75 - 9

@@ -37,12 +37,6 @@ struct link_specifier_t;
 #define HS_DESC_CERT_LIFETIME (54 * 60 * 60)
 /* Length of the salt needed for the encrypted section of a descriptor. */
-/* Length of the secret input needed for the KDF construction which derives
- * the encryption key for the encrypted data section of the descriptor. This
- * adds up to 68 bytes being the blinded key, hashed subcredential and
- * revision counter. */
-  ED25519_PUBKEY_LEN + DIGEST256_LEN + sizeof(uint64_t)
 /* Length of the KDF output value which is the length of the secret key,
  * the secret IV and MAC key length which is the length of H() output. */
@@ -59,6 +53,17 @@ struct link_specifier_t;
+/* Length of each components in the auth client section in the descriptor. */
+/* The number of auth client entries in the descriptor must be the multiple
+ * of this constant. */
 /* Type of authentication in the descriptor. */
 typedef enum {
   HS_DESC_AUTH_ED25519 = 1
@@ -126,6 +131,20 @@ typedef struct hs_desc_intro_point_t {
   unsigned int cross_certified : 1;
 } hs_desc_intro_point_t;
+/* Authorized client information located in a descriptor. */
+typedef struct hs_desc_authorized_client_t {
+  /* An identifier that the client will use to identify which auth client
+   * entry it needs to use. */
+  uint8_t client_id[HS_DESC_CLIENT_ID_LEN];
+  /* An IV that is used to decrypt the encrypted descriptor cookie. */
+  uint8_t iv[CIPHER_IV_LEN];
+  /* An encrypted descriptor cookie that the client needs to decrypt to use
+   * it to decrypt the descriptor. */
+  uint8_t encrypted_cookie[HS_DESC_ENCRYPED_COOKIE_LEN];
+} hs_desc_authorized_client_t;
 /* The encrypted data section of a descriptor. Obviously the data in this is
  * in plaintext but encrypted once encoded. */
 typedef struct hs_desc_encrypted_data_t {
@@ -144,6 +163,24 @@ typedef struct hs_desc_encrypted_data_t {
   smartlist_t *intro_points;
 } hs_desc_encrypted_data_t;
+/* The superencrypted data section of a descriptor. Obviously the data in
+ * this is in plaintext but encrypted once encoded. */
+typedef struct hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t {
+  /* This field contains ephemeral x25519 public key which is used by
+   * the encryption scheme in the client authorization. */
+  curve25519_public_key_t auth_ephemeral_pubkey;
+  /* A list of authorized clients. Contains hs_desc_authorized_client_t
+   * objects. */
+  smartlist_t *clients;
+  /* Decoding only: The b64-decoded encrypted blob from the descriptor */
+  uint8_t *encrypted_blob;
+  /* Decoding only: Size of the encrypted_blob */
+  size_t encrypted_blob_size;
+} hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t;
 /* Plaintext data that is unencrypted information of the descriptor. */
 typedef struct hs_desc_plaintext_data_t {
   /* Version of the descriptor format. Spec specifies this field as a
@@ -182,6 +219,11 @@ typedef struct hs_descriptor_t {
   /* Contains the plaintext part of the descriptor. */
   hs_desc_plaintext_data_t plaintext_data;
+  /* The following contains what's in the superencrypted part of the
+   * descriptor. It's only encrypted in the encoded version of the descriptor
+   * thus the data contained in that object is in plaintext. */
+  hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t superencrypted_data;
   /* The following contains what's in the encrypted part of the descriptor.
    * It's only encrypted in the encoded version of the descriptor thus the
    * data contained in that object is in plaintext. */
@@ -211,6 +253,10 @@ void hs_descriptor_free_(hs_descriptor_t *desc);
 void hs_desc_plaintext_data_free_(hs_desc_plaintext_data_t *desc);
 #define hs_desc_plaintext_data_free(desc) \
   FREE_AND_NULL(hs_desc_plaintext_data_t, hs_desc_plaintext_data_free_, (desc))
+void hs_desc_superencrypted_data_free_(hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t *desc);
+#define hs_desc_superencrypted_data_free(desc) \
+  FREE_AND_NULL(hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t, \
+                hs_desc_superencrypted_data_free_, (desc))
 void hs_desc_encrypted_data_free_(hs_desc_encrypted_data_t *desc);
 #define hs_desc_encrypted_data_free(desc) \
   FREE_AND_NULL(hs_desc_encrypted_data_t, hs_desc_encrypted_data_free_, (desc))
@@ -226,14 +272,19 @@ void hs_descriptor_clear_intro_points(hs_descriptor_t *desc);
           hs_desc_encode_descriptor,(const hs_descriptor_t *desc,
                                      const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_kp,
+                                     const uint8_t *descriptor_cookie,
                                      char **encoded_out));
 int hs_desc_decode_descriptor(const char *encoded,
                               const uint8_t *subcredential,
+                              const curve25519_secret_key_t *client_auth_sk,
                               hs_descriptor_t **desc_out);
 int hs_desc_decode_plaintext(const char *encoded,
                              hs_desc_plaintext_data_t *plaintext);
+int hs_desc_decode_superencrypted(const hs_descriptor_t *desc,
+                                 hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t *desc_out);
 int hs_desc_decode_encrypted(const hs_descriptor_t *desc,
+                             const curve25519_secret_key_t *client_auth_sk,
                              hs_desc_encrypted_data_t *desc_out);
 size_t hs_desc_obj_size(const hs_descriptor_t *data);
@@ -243,10 +294,27 @@ hs_desc_intro_point_t *hs_desc_intro_point_new(void);
 void hs_desc_intro_point_free_(hs_desc_intro_point_t *ip);
 #define hs_desc_intro_point_free(ip) \
   FREE_AND_NULL(hs_desc_intro_point_t, hs_desc_intro_point_free_, (ip))
+void hs_desc_authorized_client_free_(hs_desc_authorized_client_t *client);
+#define hs_desc_authorized_client_free(client) \
+  FREE_AND_NULL(hs_desc_authorized_client_t, \
+                hs_desc_authorized_client_free_, (client))
 link_specifier_t *hs_desc_lspec_to_trunnel(
                                    const hs_desc_link_specifier_t *spec);
+hs_desc_authorized_client_t *hs_desc_build_fake_authorized_client(void);
+void hs_desc_build_authorized_client(const uint8_t *subcredential,
+                                     const curve25519_public_key_t *
+                                     client_auth_pk,
+                                     const curve25519_secret_key_t *
+                                     auth_ephemeral_sk,
+                                     const uint8_t *descriptor_cookie,
+                                     hs_desc_authorized_client_t *client_out);
+void hs_desc_plaintext_data_free_contents(hs_desc_plaintext_data_t *desc);
+void hs_desc_superencrypted_data_free_contents(
+                                        hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t *desc);
+void hs_desc_encrypted_data_free_contents(hs_desc_encrypted_data_t *desc);
 /* Encoding. */
@@ -265,13 +333,11 @@ STATIC int cert_is_valid(tor_cert_t *cert, uint8_t type,
 STATIC int desc_sig_is_valid(const char *b64_sig,
                              const ed25519_public_key_t *signing_pubkey,
                              const char *encoded_desc, size_t encoded_len);
-STATIC size_t decode_superencrypted(const char *message, size_t message_len,
-                                   uint8_t **encrypted_out);
-STATIC void desc_plaintext_data_free_contents(hs_desc_plaintext_data_t *desc);
 MOCK_DECL(STATIC size_t, decrypt_desc_layer,(const hs_descriptor_t *desc,
                                              const uint8_t *encrypted_blob,
                                              size_t encrypted_blob_size,
+                                             const uint8_t *descriptor_cookie,
                                              int is_superencrypted_layer,
                                              char **decrypted_out));

+ 514 - 11

@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
 /* Onion service directory file names. */
 static const char fname_keyfile_prefix[] = "hs_ed25519";
+static const char dname_client_pubkeys[] = "authorized_clients";
 static const char fname_hostname[] = "hostname";
 static const char address_tld[] = "onion";
@@ -103,9 +104,16 @@ static smartlist_t *hs_service_staging_list;
 static int consider_republishing_hs_descriptors = 0;
 /* Static declaration. */
+static int load_client_keys(hs_service_t *service);
 static void set_descriptor_revision_counter(hs_service_descriptor_t *hs_desc,
                                             time_t now, bool is_current);
+static int build_service_desc_superencrypted(const hs_service_t *service,
+                                             hs_service_descriptor_t *desc);
 static void move_descriptors(hs_service_t *src, hs_service_t *dst);
+static int service_encode_descriptor(const hs_service_t *service,
+                                     const hs_service_descriptor_t *desc,
+                                     const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_kp,
+                                     char **encoded_out);
 /* Helper: Function to compare two objects in the service map. Return 1 if the
  * two service have the same master public identity key. */
@@ -235,7 +243,7 @@ set_service_default_config(hs_service_config_t *c,
 /* From a service configuration object config, clear everything from it
  * meaning free allocated pointers and reset the values. */
-static void
+STATIC void
 service_clear_config(hs_service_config_t *config)
   if (config == NULL) {
@@ -247,6 +255,11 @@ service_clear_config(hs_service_config_t *config)
+  if (config->clients) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(config->clients, hs_service_authorized_client_t *, p,
+                      service_authorized_client_free(p));
+    smartlist_free(config->clients);
+  }
   memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config));
@@ -1070,6 +1083,11 @@ load_service_keys(hs_service_t *service)
     goto end;
+  /* Load all client authorization keys in the service. */
+  if (load_client_keys(service) < 0) {
+    goto end;
+  }
   /* Succes. */
   ret = 0;
@@ -1077,6 +1095,223 @@ load_service_keys(hs_service_t *service)
   return ret;
+/* Check if the client file name is valid or not. Return 1 if valid,
+ * otherwise return 0. */
+client_filename_is_valid(const char *filename)
+  int ret = 1;
+  const char *valid_extension = ".auth";
+  tor_assert(filename);
+  /* The file extension must match and the total filename length can't be the
+   * length of the extension else we do not have a filename. */
+  if (!strcmpend(filename, valid_extension) &&
+      strlen(filename) != strlen(valid_extension)) {
+    ret = 1;
+  } else {
+    ret = 0;
+  }
+  return ret;
+/* Parse an authorized client from a string. The format of a client string
+ * looks like (see rend-spec-v3.txt):
+ *
+ *  <auth-type>:<key-type>:<base32-encoded-public-key>
+ *
+ * The <auth-type> can only be "descriptor".
+ * The <key-type> can only be "x25519".
+ *
+ * Return the key on success, return NULL, otherwise. */
+STATIC hs_service_authorized_client_t *
+parse_authorized_client(const char *client_key_str)
+  char *auth_type = NULL;
+  char *key_type = NULL;
+  char *pubkey_b32 = NULL;
+  hs_service_authorized_client_t *client = NULL;
+  smartlist_t *fields = smartlist_new();
+  tor_assert(client_key_str);
+  smartlist_split_string(fields, client_key_str, ":",
+                         SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE, 0);
+  /* Wrong number of fields. */
+  if (smartlist_len(fields) != 3) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Unknown format of client authorization file.");
+    goto err;
+  }
+  auth_type = smartlist_get(fields, 0);
+  key_type = smartlist_get(fields, 1);
+  pubkey_b32 = smartlist_get(fields, 2);
+  /* Currently, the only supported auth type is "descriptor". */
+  if (strcmp(auth_type, "descriptor")) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Client authorization auth type '%s' not supported.",
+             auth_type);
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Currently, the only supported key type is "x25519". */
+  if (strcmp(key_type, "x25519")) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Client authorization key type '%s' not supported.",
+             key_type);
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* We expect a specific length of the base32 encoded key so make sure we
+   * have that so we don't successfully decode a value with a different length
+   * and end up in trouble when copying the decoded key into a fixed length
+   * buffer. */
+  if (strlen(pubkey_b32) != BASE32_NOPAD_LEN(CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN)) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Client authorization encoded base32 public key "
+                      "length is invalid: %s", pubkey_b32);
+    goto err;
+  }
+  client = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_service_authorized_client_t));
+  if (base32_decode((char *) client->client_pk.public_key,
+                    sizeof(client->client_pk.public_key),
+                    pubkey_b32, strlen(pubkey_b32)) < 0) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Client authorization public key cannot be decoded: %s",
+             pubkey_b32);
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Success. */
+  goto done;
+ err:
+  service_authorized_client_free(client);
+ done:
+  /* It is also a good idea to wipe the public key. */
+  if (pubkey_b32) {
+    memwipe(pubkey_b32, 0, strlen(pubkey_b32));
+  }
+  if (fields) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(fields, char *, s, tor_free(s));
+    smartlist_free(fields);
+  }
+  return client;
+/* Load all the client public keys for the given service. Return 0 on
+ * success else -1 on failure. */
+static int
+load_client_keys(hs_service_t *service)
+  int ret = -1;
+  char *client_key_str = NULL;
+  char *client_key_file_path = NULL;
+  char *client_keys_dir_path = NULL;
+  hs_service_config_t *config;
+  smartlist_t *file_list = NULL;
+  tor_assert(service);
+  config = &service->config;
+  /* Before calling this function, we already call load_service_keys to make
+   * sure that the directory exists with the right permission. So, if we
+   * cannot create a client pubkey key directory, we consider it as a bug. */
+  client_keys_dir_path = hs_path_from_filename(config->directory_path,
+                                               dname_client_pubkeys);
+  if (BUG(hs_check_service_private_dir(get_options()->User,
+                                       client_keys_dir_path,
+                                       config->dir_group_readable, 1) < 0)) {
+    goto end;
+  }
+  /* If the list of clients already exists, we must clear it first. */
+  if (config->clients) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(config->clients, hs_service_authorized_client_t *, p,
+                      service_authorized_client_free(p));
+    smartlist_free(config->clients);
+  }
+  config->clients = smartlist_new();
+  file_list = tor_listdir(client_keys_dir_path);
+  if (file_list == NULL) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Client authorization directory %s can't be listed.",
+             client_keys_dir_path);
+    goto end;
+  }
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(file_list, const char *, filename) {
+    hs_service_authorized_client_t *client = NULL;
+    log_info(LD_REND, "Loading a client authorization key file %s...",
+             filename);
+    if (!client_filename_is_valid(filename)) {
+      log_warn(LD_REND, "Client authorization unrecognized filename %s. "
+                        "File must end in .auth. Ignoring.", filename);
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Create a full path for a file. */
+    client_key_file_path = hs_path_from_filename(client_keys_dir_path,
+                                                 filename);
+    client_key_str = read_file_to_str(client_key_file_path, 0, NULL);
+    /* Free immediately after using it. */
+    tor_free(client_key_file_path);
+    /* If we cannot read the file, continue with the next file. */
+    if (!client_key_str)  {
+      log_warn(LD_REND, "Client authorization file %s can't be read. "
+                        "Corrupted or verify permission? Ignoring.",
+               client_key_file_path);
+      continue;
+    }
+    client = parse_authorized_client(client_key_str);
+    /* Wipe and free immediately after using it. */
+    memwipe(client_key_str, 0, strlen(client_key_str));
+    tor_free(client_key_str);
+    if (client) {
+      smartlist_add(config->clients, client);
+      log_info(LD_REND, "Loaded a client authorization key file %s.",
+               filename);
+    }
+  /* If the number of clients is greater than zero, set the flag to be true. */
+  if (smartlist_len(config->clients) > 0) {
+    config->is_client_auth_enabled = 1;
+  }
+  /* Success. */
+  ret = 0;
+ end:
+  if (client_key_str) {
+    memwipe(client_key_str, 0, strlen(client_key_str));
+  }
+  if (file_list) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(file_list, char *, s, tor_free(s));
+    smartlist_free(file_list);
+  }
+  tor_free(client_key_str);
+  tor_free(client_key_file_path);
+  tor_free(client_keys_dir_path);
+  return ret;
+STATIC void
+service_authorized_client_free_(hs_service_authorized_client_t *client)
+  if (!client) {
+    return;
+  }
+  memwipe(&client->client_pk, 0, sizeof(client->client_pk));
+  tor_free(client);
 /* Free a given service descriptor object and all key material is wiped. */
 STATIC void
 service_descriptor_free_(hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
@@ -1111,8 +1346,113 @@ service_descriptor_new(void)
   return sdesc;
-/* Move descriptor(s) from the src service to the dst service. We do this
- * during SIGHUP when we re-create our hidden services. */
+/* Allocate and return a deep copy of client. */
+static hs_service_authorized_client_t *
+service_authorized_client_dup(const hs_service_authorized_client_t *client)
+  hs_service_authorized_client_t *client_dup = NULL;
+  tor_assert(client);
+  client_dup = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_service_authorized_client_t));
+  /* Currently, the public key is the only component of
+   * hs_service_authorized_client_t. */
+  memcpy(client_dup->client_pk.public_key,
+         client->client_pk.public_key,
+         CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
+  return client_dup;
+/* If two authorized clients are equal, return 0. If the first one should come
+ * before the second, return less than zero. If the first should come after
+ * the second, return greater than zero. */
+static int
+service_authorized_client_cmp(const hs_service_authorized_client_t *client1,
+                              const hs_service_authorized_client_t *client2)
+  tor_assert(client1);
+  tor_assert(client2);
+  /* Currently, the public key is the only component of
+   * hs_service_authorized_client_t. */
+  return tor_memcmp(client1->client_pk.public_key,
+                    client2->client_pk.public_key,
+                    CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
+/* Helper for sorting authorized clients. */
+static int
+compare_service_authorzized_client_(const void **_a, const void **_b)
+  const hs_service_authorized_client_t *a = *_a, *b = *_b;
+  return service_authorized_client_cmp(a, b);
+/* If the list of hs_service_authorized_client_t's is different between
+ * src and dst, return 1. Otherwise, return 0. */
+service_authorized_client_config_equal(const hs_service_config_t *config1,
+                                       const hs_service_config_t *config2)
+  int ret = 0;
+  int i;
+  smartlist_t *sl1 = smartlist_new();
+  smartlist_t *sl2 = smartlist_new();
+  tor_assert(config1);
+  tor_assert(config2);
+  tor_assert(config1->clients);
+  tor_assert(config2->clients);
+  /* If the number of clients is different, it is obvious that the list
+   * changes. */
+  if (smartlist_len(config1->clients) != smartlist_len(config2->clients)) {
+    goto done;
+  }
+  /* We do not want to mutate config1 and config2, so we will duplicate both
+   * entire client lists here. */
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(config1->clients,
+              hs_service_authorized_client_t *, client,
+              smartlist_add(sl1, service_authorized_client_dup(client)));
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(config2->clients,
+              hs_service_authorized_client_t *, client,
+              smartlist_add(sl2, service_authorized_client_dup(client)));
+  smartlist_sort(sl1, compare_service_authorzized_client_);
+  smartlist_sort(sl2, compare_service_authorzized_client_);
+  for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(sl1); i++) {
+    /* If the clients at index i in both lists differ, the whole configs
+     * differ. */
+    if (service_authorized_client_cmp(smartlist_get(sl1, i),
+                                      smartlist_get(sl2, i))) {
+      goto done;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Success. */
+  ret = 1;
+ done:
+  if (sl1) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl1, hs_service_authorized_client_t *, p,
+                      service_authorized_client_free(p));
+    smartlist_free(sl1);
+  }
+  if (sl2) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl2, hs_service_authorized_client_t *, p,
+                      service_authorized_client_free(p));
+    smartlist_free(sl2);
+  }
+  return ret;
+/* Move descriptor(s) from the src service to the dst service and modify their
+ * content if necessary. We do this during SIGHUP when we re-create our
+ * hidden services. */
 static void
 move_descriptors(hs_service_t *src, hs_service_t *dst)
@@ -1136,6 +1476,37 @@ move_descriptors(hs_service_t *src, hs_service_t *dst)
     dst->desc_next = src->desc_next;
     src->desc_next = NULL;
+  /* If the client authorization changes, we must rebuild the superencrypted
+   * section and republish the descriptors. */
+  int client_auth_changed =
+    !service_authorized_client_config_equal(&src->config, &dst->config);
+  if (client_auth_changed && dst->desc_current) {
+    /* We have to clear the superencrypted content first. */
+    hs_desc_superencrypted_data_free_contents(
+                                &dst->desc_current->desc->superencrypted_data);
+    if (build_service_desc_superencrypted(dst, dst->desc_current) < 0) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    service_desc_schedule_upload(dst->desc_current, time(NULL), 1);
+  }
+  if (client_auth_changed && dst->desc_next) {
+    /* We have to clear the superencrypted content first. */
+    hs_desc_superencrypted_data_free_contents(
+                                &dst->desc_next->desc->superencrypted_data);
+    if (build_service_desc_superencrypted(dst, dst->desc_next) < 0) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    service_desc_schedule_upload(dst->desc_next, time(NULL), 1);
+  }
+  return;
+ err:
+  /* If there is an error, free all descriptors to make it clean and generate
+   * them later. */
+  service_descriptor_free(dst->desc_current);
+  service_descriptor_free(dst->desc_next);
 /* From the given service, remove all expired failing intro points for each
@@ -1353,6 +1724,85 @@ build_service_desc_encrypted(const hs_service_t *service,
   return 0;
+/* Populate the descriptor superencrypted section from the given service
+ * object. This will generate a valid list of hs_desc_authorized_client_t
+ * of clients that are authorized to use the service. Return 0 on success
+ * else -1 on error. */
+static int
+build_service_desc_superencrypted(const hs_service_t *service,
+                                  hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
+  const hs_service_config_t *config;
+  int i;
+  hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t *superencrypted;
+  tor_assert(service);
+  tor_assert(desc);
+  superencrypted = &desc->desc->superencrypted_data;
+  config = &service->config;
+  /* The ephemeral key pair is already generated, so this should not give
+   * an error. */
+  if (BUG(!curve25519_public_key_is_ok(&desc->auth_ephemeral_kp.pubkey))) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  memcpy(&superencrypted->auth_ephemeral_pubkey,
+         &desc->auth_ephemeral_kp.pubkey,
+         sizeof(curve25519_public_key_t));
+  /* Test that subcred is not zero because we might use it below */
+  if (BUG(tor_mem_is_zero((char*)desc->desc->subcredential, DIGEST256_LEN))) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  /* Create a smartlist to store clients */
+  superencrypted->clients = smartlist_new();
+  /* We do not need to build the desc authorized client if the client
+   * authorization is disabled */
+  if (config->is_client_auth_enabled) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(config->clients,
+                            hs_service_authorized_client_t *, client) {
+      hs_desc_authorized_client_t *desc_client;
+      desc_client = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_desc_authorized_client_t));
+      /* Prepare the client for descriptor and then add to the list in the
+       * superencrypted part of the descriptor */
+      hs_desc_build_authorized_client(desc->desc->subcredential,
+                                      &client->client_pk,
+                                      &desc->auth_ephemeral_kp.seckey,
+                                      desc->descriptor_cookie, desc_client);
+      smartlist_add(superencrypted->clients, desc_client);
+  }
+  /* We cannot let the number of auth-clients to be zero, so we need to
+   * make it be 16. If it is already a multiple of 16, we do not need to
+   * do anything. Otherwise, add the additional ones to make it a
+   * multiple of 16. */
+  int num_clients = smartlist_len(superencrypted->clients);
+  int num_clients_to_add;
+  if (num_clients == 0) {
+    num_clients_to_add = HS_DESC_AUTH_CLIENT_MULTIPLE;
+  } else if (num_clients % HS_DESC_AUTH_CLIENT_MULTIPLE == 0) {
+    num_clients_to_add = 0;
+  } else {
+    num_clients_to_add =
+      - (num_clients % HS_DESC_AUTH_CLIENT_MULTIPLE);
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < num_clients_to_add; i++) {
+    hs_desc_authorized_client_t *desc_client =
+      hs_desc_build_fake_authorized_client();
+    smartlist_add(superencrypted->clients, desc_client);
+  }
+  return 0;
 /* Populate the descriptor plaintext section from the given service object.
  * The caller must make sure that the keys in the descriptors are valid that
  * is are non-zero. Return 0 on success else -1 on error. */
@@ -1418,13 +1868,14 @@ generate_ope_cipher_for_desc(const hs_service_descriptor_t *hs_desc)
 /* For the given service and descriptor object, create the key material which
- * is the blinded keypair and the descriptor signing keypair. Return 0 on
- * success else -1 on error where the generated keys MUST be ignored. */
+ * is the blinded keypair, the descriptor signing keypair, the ephemeral
+ * keypair, and the descriptor cookie. Return 0 on success else -1 on error
+ * where the generated keys MUST be ignored. */
 static int
 build_service_desc_keys(const hs_service_t *service,
                         hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
-  int ret = 0;
+  int ret = -1;
   ed25519_keypair_t kp;
@@ -1455,9 +1906,28 @@ build_service_desc_keys(const hs_service_t *service,
     log_warn(LD_REND, "Can't generate descriptor signing keypair for "
                       "service %s",
-    ret = -1;
+    goto end;
+  /* No need for extra strong, this is a temporary key only for this
+   * descriptor. Nothing long term. */
+  if (curve25519_keypair_generate(&desc->auth_ephemeral_kp, 0) < 0) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Can't generate auth ephemeral keypair for "
+                      "service %s",
+             safe_str_client(service->onion_address));
+    goto end;
+  }
+  /* Random a descriptor cookie to be used as a part of a key to encrypt the
+   * descriptor, if the client auth is enabled. */
+  if (service->config.is_client_auth_enabled) {
+    crypto_strongest_rand(desc->descriptor_cookie,
+                          sizeof(desc->descriptor_cookie));
+  }
+  /* Success. */
+  ret = 0;
+ end:
   return ret;
@@ -1491,6 +1961,10 @@ build_service_descriptor(hs_service_t *service, time_t now,
   if (build_service_desc_plaintext(service, desc, now) < 0) {
     goto err;
+  /* Setup superencrypted descriptor content. */
+  if (build_service_desc_superencrypted(service, desc) < 0) {
+    goto err;
+  }
   /* Setup encrypted descriptor content. */
   if (build_service_desc_encrypted(service, desc) < 0) {
     goto err;
@@ -1499,7 +1973,7 @@ build_service_descriptor(hs_service_t *service, time_t now,
   /* Let's make sure that we've created a descriptor that can actually be
    * encoded properly. This function also checks if the encoded output is
    * decodable after. */
-  if (BUG(hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc->desc, &desc->signing_kp,
+  if (BUG(service_encode_descriptor(service, desc, &desc->signing_kp,
                                     &encoded_desc) < 0)) {
     goto err;
@@ -2338,7 +2812,7 @@ upload_descriptor_to_hsdir(const hs_service_t *service,
   /* First of all, we'll encode the descriptor. This should NEVER fail but
    * just in case, let's make sure we have an actual usable descriptor. */
-  if (BUG(hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc->desc, &desc->signing_kp,
+  if (BUG(service_encode_descriptor(service, desc, &desc->signing_kp,
                                     &encoded_desc) < 0)) {
     goto end;
@@ -2904,6 +3378,34 @@ service_key_on_disk(const char *directory_path)
+  return ret;
+/* This is a proxy function before actually calling hs_desc_encode_descriptor
+ * because we need some preprocessing here */
+static int
+service_encode_descriptor(const hs_service_t *service,
+                          const hs_service_descriptor_t *desc,
+                          const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_kp,
+                          char **encoded_out)
+  int ret;
+  const uint8_t *descriptor_cookie = NULL;
+  tor_assert(service);
+  tor_assert(desc);
+  tor_assert(encoded_out);
+  /* If the client authorization is enabled, send the descriptor cookie to
+   * hs_desc_encode_descriptor. Otherwise, send NULL */
+  if (service->config.is_client_auth_enabled) {
+    descriptor_cookie = desc->descriptor_cookie;
+  }
+  ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc->desc, signing_kp,
+                                  descriptor_cookie, encoded_out);
   return ret;
@@ -3114,7 +3616,8 @@ hs_service_lookup_current_desc(const ed25519_public_key_t *pk)
     /* No matter what is the result (which should never be a failure), return
      * the encoded variable, if success it will contain the right thing else
      * it will be NULL. */
-    hs_desc_encode_descriptor(service->desc_current->desc,
+    service_encode_descriptor(service,
+                              service->desc_current,
     return encoded_desc;
@@ -3281,6 +3784,7 @@ hs_service_lists_fnames_for_sandbox(smartlist_t *file_list,
     service_add_fnames_to_list(service, file_list);
     smartlist_add_strdup(dir_list, service->config.directory_path);
+    smartlist_add_strdup(dir_list, dname_client_pubkeys);
@@ -3451,7 +3955,6 @@ hs_service_load_all_keys(void)
     if (load_service_keys(service) < 0) {
       goto err;
-    /* XXX: Load/Generate client authorization keys. (#20700) */
   /* Final step, the staging list contains service in a quiescent state that

+ 36 - 0

@@ -105,6 +105,13 @@ typedef struct hs_service_descriptor_t {
    * publishes the descriptor. */
   hs_descriptor_t *desc;
+  /* Client authorization ephemeral keypair. */
+  curve25519_keypair_t auth_ephemeral_kp;
+  /* Descriptor cookie used to encrypt the descriptor, when the client
+   * authorization is enabled */
+  uint8_t descriptor_cookie[HS_DESC_DESCRIPTOR_COOKIE_LEN];
   /* Descriptor signing keypair. */
   ed25519_keypair_t signing_kp;
@@ -148,6 +155,12 @@ typedef struct hs_service_keys_t {
   unsigned int is_identify_key_offline : 1;
 } hs_service_keys_t;
+/** Service side configuration of client authorization. */
+typedef struct hs_service_authorized_client_t {
+  /* The client auth public key used to encrypt the descriptor cookie. */
+  curve25519_public_key_t client_pk;
+} hs_service_authorized_client_t;
 /* Service configuration. The following are set from the torrc options either
  * set by the configuration file or by the control port. Nothing else should
  * change those values. */
@@ -176,6 +189,13 @@ typedef struct hs_service_config_t {
    * HiddenServiceNumIntroductionPoints option. */
   unsigned int num_intro_points;
+  /* True iff the client auth is enabled. */
+  unsigned int is_client_auth_enabled : 1;
+  /* List of hs_service_authorized_client_t's of clients that may access this
+   * service. Specified by HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient option. */
+  smartlist_t *clients;
   /* True iff we allow request made on unknown ports. Specified by
    * HiddenServiceAllowUnknownPorts option. */
   unsigned int allow_unknown_ports : 1;
@@ -336,6 +356,9 @@ STATIC hs_service_descriptor_t *service_desc_find_by_intro(
                                          const hs_service_t *service,
                                          const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip);
 /* Helper functions. */
+STATIC int client_filename_is_valid(const char *filename);
+STATIC hs_service_authorized_client_t *
+parse_authorized_client(const char *client_key_str);
 STATIC void get_objects_from_ident(const hs_ident_circuit_t *ident,
                                    hs_service_t **service,
                                    hs_service_intro_point_t **ip,
@@ -356,6 +379,13 @@ STATIC void service_descriptor_free_(hs_service_descriptor_t *desc);
 #define service_descriptor_free(d) \
   FREE_AND_NULL(hs_service_descriptor_t, \
                            service_descriptor_free_, (d))
+STATIC void
+service_authorized_client_free_(hs_service_authorized_client_t *client);
+#define service_authorized_client_free(c) \
+  FREE_AND_NULL(hs_service_authorized_client_t, \
+                           service_authorized_client_free_, (c))
 write_address_to_file(const hs_service_t *service, const char *fname_);
@@ -369,6 +399,12 @@ STATIC void service_desc_schedule_upload(hs_service_descriptor_t *desc,
 STATIC int service_desc_hsdirs_changed(const hs_service_t *service,
                                 const hs_service_descriptor_t *desc);
+STATIC int service_authorized_client_config_equal(
+                                         const hs_service_config_t *config1,
+                                         const hs_service_config_t *config2);
+STATIC void service_clear_config(hs_service_config_t *config);
 #endif /* defined(HS_SERVICE_PRIVATE) */
 #endif /* !defined(TOR_HS_SERVICE_H) */

+ 2 - 2

@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ crypto_strongest_rand_raw(uint8_t *out, size_t out_len)
  * Try to get <b>out_len</b> bytes of the strongest entropy we can generate,
  * storing it into <b>out</b>.
-crypto_strongest_rand(uint8_t *out, size_t out_len)
+crypto_strongest_rand,(uint8_t *out, size_t out_len))
 #define DLEN DIGEST512_LEN

+ 1 - 1

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 int crypto_seed_rng(void) ATTR_WUR;
 MOCK_DECL(void,crypto_rand,(char *to, size_t n));
 void crypto_rand_unmocked(char *to, size_t n);
-void crypto_strongest_rand(uint8_t *out, size_t out_len);
+MOCK_DECL(void,crypto_strongest_rand,(uint8_t *out, size_t out_len));
 int crypto_rand_int(unsigned int max);
 int crypto_rand_int_range(unsigned int min, unsigned int max);
 uint64_t crypto_rand_uint64_range(uint64_t min, uint64_t max);

+ 3 - 1

@@ -38,11 +38,13 @@ static size_t
 mock_decrypt_desc_layer(const hs_descriptor_t *desc,
                         const uint8_t *encrypted_blob,
                         size_t encrypted_blob_size,
+                        const uint8_t *descriptor_cookie,
                         int is_superencrypted_layer,
                         char **decrypted_out)
+  (void)descriptor_cookie;
   const size_t overhead = HS_DESC_ENCRYPTED_SALT_LEN + DIGEST256_LEN;
   if (encrypted_blob_size < overhead)
     return 0;
@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ fuzz_main(const uint8_t *data, size_t sz)
   char *fuzzing_data = tor_memdup_nulterm(data, sz);
   memset(subcredential, 'A', sizeof(subcredential));
-  hs_desc_decode_descriptor(fuzzing_data, subcredential, &desc);
+  hs_desc_decode_descriptor(fuzzing_data, subcredential, NULL, &desc);
   if (desc) {
     log_debug(LD_GENERAL, "Decoding okay");

+ 43 - 0

@@ -98,8 +98,11 @@ static hs_descriptor_t *
 hs_helper_build_hs_desc_impl(unsigned int no_ip,
                              const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_kp)
+  int ret;
+  int i;
   time_t now = approx_time();
   ed25519_keypair_t blinded_kp;
+  curve25519_keypair_t auth_ephemeral_kp;
   hs_descriptor_t *descp = NULL, *desc = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*desc));
   desc->plaintext_data.version = HS_DESC_SUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION_MAX;
@@ -126,6 +129,20 @@ hs_helper_build_hs_desc_impl(unsigned int no_ip,
   hs_get_subcredential(&signing_kp->pubkey, &blinded_kp.pubkey,
+  /* Setup superencrypted data section. */
+  ret = curve25519_keypair_generate(&auth_ephemeral_kp, 0);
+  tt_int_op(ret, ==, 0);
+  memcpy(&desc->superencrypted_data.auth_ephemeral_pubkey,
+         &auth_ephemeral_kp.pubkey,
+         sizeof(curve25519_public_key_t));
+  desc->superencrypted_data.clients = smartlist_new();
+  for (i = 0; i < HS_DESC_AUTH_CLIENT_MULTIPLE; i++) {
+    hs_desc_authorized_client_t *desc_client =
+      hs_desc_build_fake_authorized_client();
+    smartlist_add(desc->superencrypted_data.clients, desc_client);
+  }
   /* Setup encrypted data section. */
   desc->encrypted_data.create2_ntor = 1;
   desc->encrypted_data.intro_auth_types = smartlist_new();
@@ -207,6 +224,32 @@ hs_helper_desc_equal(const hs_descriptor_t *desc1,
    * encrypted blob. As contrast to the decoding process where we populate a
    * descriptor object. */
+  /* Superencrypted data section. */
+  tt_mem_op(desc1->superencrypted_data.auth_ephemeral_pubkey.public_key, OP_EQ,
+            desc2->superencrypted_data.auth_ephemeral_pubkey.public_key,
+            CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
+  /* Auth clients. */
+  {
+    tt_assert(desc1->superencrypted_data.clients);
+    tt_assert(desc2->superencrypted_data.clients);
+    tt_int_op(smartlist_len(desc1->superencrypted_data.clients), ==,
+              smartlist_len(desc2->superencrypted_data.clients));
+    for (int i=0;
+         i < smartlist_len(desc1->superencrypted_data.clients);
+         i++) {
+      hs_desc_authorized_client_t
+        *client1 = smartlist_get(desc1->superencrypted_data.clients, i),
+        *client2 = smartlist_get(desc2->superencrypted_data.clients, i);
+      tor_memeq(client1->client_id, client2->client_id,
+                sizeof(client1->client_id));
+      tor_memeq(client1->iv, client2->iv,
+                sizeof(client1->iv));
+      tor_memeq(client1->encrypted_cookie, client2->encrypted_cookie,
+                sizeof(client1->encrypted_cookie));
+    }
+  }
   /* Encrypted data section. */
   tt_uint_op(desc1->encrypted_data.create2_ntor, ==,

+ 10 - 10

@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ test_directory(void *arg)
   tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
   desc1 = hs_helper_build_hs_desc_with_ip(&signing_kp1);
-  ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc1, &signing_kp1, &desc1_str);
+  ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc1, &signing_kp1, NULL, &desc1_str);
   tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
   /* Very first basic test, should be able to be stored, survive a
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ test_directory(void *arg)
     desc_zero_lifetime->plaintext_data.lifetime_sec = 0;
     char *desc_zero_lifetime_str;
     ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc_zero_lifetime, &signing_kp_zero,
-                                    &desc_zero_lifetime_str);
+                                    NULL, &desc_zero_lifetime_str);
     tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
     ret = hs_cache_store_as_dir(desc1_str);
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ test_directory(void *arg)
     tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 1);
     /* Bump revision counter. */
-    ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc1, &signing_kp1, &new_desc_str);
+    ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc1, &signing_kp1, NULL, &new_desc_str);
     tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
     ret = hs_cache_store_as_dir(new_desc_str);
     tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ test_clean_as_dir(void *arg)
   tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
   desc1 = hs_helper_build_hs_desc_with_ip(&signing_kp1);
-  ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc1, &signing_kp1, &desc1_str);
+  ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc1, &signing_kp1, NULL, &desc1_str);
   tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
   ret = hs_cache_store_as_dir(desc1_str);
   tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ test_upload_and_download_hs_desc(void *arg)
     published_desc = hs_helper_build_hs_desc_with_ip(&signing_kp);
     retval = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(published_desc, &signing_kp,
-                                       &published_desc_str);
+                                       NULL, &published_desc_str);
     tt_int_op(retval, OP_EQ, 0);
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ test_hsdir_revision_counter_check(void *arg)
     published_desc = hs_helper_build_hs_desc_with_ip(&signing_kp);
     retval = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(published_desc, &signing_kp,
-                                       &published_desc_str);
+                                       NULL, &published_desc_str);
     tt_int_op(retval, OP_EQ, 0);
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ test_hsdir_revision_counter_check(void *arg)
     received_desc_str = helper_fetch_desc_from_hsdir(blinded_key);
     retval = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(received_desc_str,
-                                       subcredential, &received_desc);
+                                       subcredential, NULL, &received_desc);
     tt_int_op(retval, OP_EQ, 0);
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ test_hsdir_revision_counter_check(void *arg)
     published_desc->plaintext_data.revision_counter = 1313;
     retval = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(published_desc, &signing_kp,
-                                       &published_desc_str);
+                                       NULL, &published_desc_str);
     tt_int_op(retval, OP_EQ, 0);
     retval = handle_post_hs_descriptor("/tor/hs/3/publish",published_desc_str);
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ test_hsdir_revision_counter_check(void *arg)
     received_desc_str = helper_fetch_desc_from_hsdir(blinded_key);
     retval = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(received_desc_str,
-                                       subcredential, &received_desc);
+                                       subcredential, NULL, &received_desc);
     tt_int_op(retval, OP_EQ, 0);
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ test_client_cache(void *arg)
     published_desc = hs_helper_build_hs_desc_with_ip(&signing_kp);
     retval = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(published_desc, &signing_kp,
-                                       &published_desc_str);
+                                       NULL, &published_desc_str);
     tt_int_op(retval, OP_EQ, 0);
     memcpy(wanted_subcredential, published_desc->subcredential, DIGEST256_LEN);
     tt_assert(!tor_mem_is_zero((char*)wanted_subcredential, DIGEST256_LEN));

+ 177 - 1

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
  * \brief Test prop224 HS client functionality.
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@
 #include "feature/hs/hs_circuit.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_circuitmap.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_client.h"
+#include "feature/hs/hs_config.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_ident.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_cache.h"
 #include "core/or/circuitlist.h"
@@ -73,6 +75,20 @@ mock_networkstatus_get_live_consensus(time_t now)
   return &mock_ns;
+static int
+helper_config_client(const char *conf, int validate_only)
+  int ret = 0;
+  or_options_t *options = NULL;
+  tt_assert(conf);
+  options = helper_parse_options(conf);
+  tt_assert(options);
+  ret = hs_config_client_auth_all(options, validate_only);
+ done:
+  or_options_free(options);
+  return ret;
 /* Test helper function: Setup a circuit and a stream with the same hidden
  * service destination, and put them in <b>circ_out</b> and
  * <b>conn_out</b>. Make the stream wait for circuits to be established to the
@@ -366,7 +382,7 @@ test_client_pick_intro(void *arg)
     char *encoded = NULL;
     desc = hs_helper_build_hs_desc_with_ip(&service_kp);
-    ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc, &service_kp, &encoded);
+    ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc, &service_kp, NULL, &encoded);
     tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
@@ -601,6 +617,160 @@ test_descriptor_fetch(void *arg)
+static void
+test_auth_key_filename_is_valid(void *arg)
+  (void) arg;
+  /* Valid file name. */
+  tt_assert(auth_key_filename_is_valid("a.auth_private"));
+  /* Valid file name with special character. */
+  tt_assert(auth_key_filename_is_valid("a-.auth_private"));
+  /* Invalid extension. */
+  tt_assert(!auth_key_filename_is_valid("a.ath_private"));
+  /* Nothing before the extension. */
+  tt_assert(!auth_key_filename_is_valid(".auth_private"));
+ done:
+  ;
+static void
+test_parse_auth_file_content(void *arg)
+  hs_client_service_authorization_t *auth = NULL;
+  (void) arg;
+  /* Valid authorized client. */
+  auth = parse_auth_file_content(
+      "4acth47i6kxnvkewtm6q7ib2s3ufpo5sqbsnzjpbi7utijcltosqemad:descriptor:"
+      "x25519:zdsyvn2jq534ugyiuzgjy4267jbtzcjbsgedhshzx5mforyxtryq");
+  tt_assert(auth);
+  /* Wrong number of fields. */
+  tt_assert(!parse_auth_file_content("a:b"));
+  /* Wrong auth type. */
+  tt_assert(!parse_auth_file_content(
+      "4acth47i6kxnvkewtm6q7ib2s3ufpo5sqbsnzjpbi7utijcltosqemad:x:"
+      "x25519:zdsyvn2jq534ugyiuzgjy4267jbtzcjbsgedhshzx5mforyxtryq"));
+  /* Wrong key type. */
+  tt_assert(!parse_auth_file_content(
+      "4acth47i6kxnvkewtm6q7ib2s3ufpo5sqbsnzjpbi7utijcltosqemad:descriptor:"
+      "x:zdsyvn2jq534ugyiuzgjy4267jbtzcjbsgedhshzx5mforyxtryq"));
+  /* Some malformed string. */
+  tt_assert(!parse_auth_file_content("xx:descriptor:x25519:aa=="));
+  /* Bigger key than it should be */
+  tt_assert(!parse_auth_file_content("xx:descriptor:x25519:"
+                     "vjqea4jbhwwc4hto7ekyvqfbeodghbaq6nxi45hz4wr3qvhqv3yqa"));
+ done:
+  tor_free(auth);
+static char *
+mock_read_file_to_str(const char *filename, int flags, struct stat *stat_out)
+  char *ret = NULL;
+  (void) flags;
+  (void) stat_out;
+  if (!strcmp(filename, get_fname("auth_keys" PATH_SEPARATOR
+                                              "client1.auth_private"))) {
+    ret = tor_strdup(
+        "4acth47i6kxnvkewtm6q7ib2s3ufpo5sqbsnzjpbi7utijcltosqemad:descriptor:"
+        "x25519:zdsyvn2jq534ugyiuzgjy4267jbtzcjbsgedhshzx5mforyxtryq");
+    goto done;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(filename, get_fname("auth_keys" PATH_SEPARATOR ""))) {
+    ret = tor_strdup(
+        "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:descriptor:"
+        "x25519:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
+    goto done;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(filename, get_fname("auth_keys" PATH_SEPARATOR
+                                              "client2.auth_private"))) {
+    ret = tor_strdup(
+        "25njqamcweflpvkl73j4szahhihoc4xt3ktcgjnpaingr5yhkenl5sid:descriptor:"
+        "x25519:fdreqzjqso7d2ac7qscrxfl5qfpamdvgy5d6cxejcgzc3hvhurmq");
+    goto done;
+  }
+ done:
+  return ret;
+static int
+mock_check_private_dir(const char *dirname, cpd_check_t check,
+                       const char *effective_user)
+  (void) dirname;
+  (void) check;
+  (void) effective_user;
+  return 0;
+static smartlist_t *
+mock_tor_listdir(const char *dirname)
+  smartlist_t *file_list = smartlist_new();
+  (void) dirname;
+  smartlist_add(file_list, tor_strdup("client1.auth_private"));
+  smartlist_add(file_list, tor_strdup(""));
+  smartlist_add(file_list, tor_strdup("client2.auth_private"));
+  return file_list;
+static void
+test_config_client_authorization(void *arg)
+  int ret;
+  char *conf = NULL;
+  ed25519_public_key_t pk1, pk2;
+  digest256map_t *global_map = NULL;
+  char *key_dir = tor_strdup(get_fname("auth_keys"));
+  (void) arg;
+  MOCK(read_file_to_str, mock_read_file_to_str);
+  MOCK(tor_listdir, mock_tor_listdir);
+  MOCK(check_private_dir, mock_check_private_dir);
+#define conf_fmt \
+  "ClientOnionAuthDir %s\n"
+  tor_asprintf(&conf, conf_fmt, key_dir);
+  ret = helper_config_client(conf, 0);
+  tor_free(conf);
+  tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+#undef conf_fmt
+  global_map = get_hs_client_auths_map();
+  tt_int_op(digest256map_size(global_map), OP_EQ, 2);
+  hs_parse_address("4acth47i6kxnvkewtm6q7ib2s3ufpo5sqbsnzjpbi7utijcltosqemad",
+                   &pk1, NULL, NULL);
+  hs_parse_address("25njqamcweflpvkl73j4szahhihoc4xt3ktcgjnpaingr5yhkenl5sid",
+                   &pk2, NULL, NULL);
+  tt_assert(digest256map_get(global_map, pk1.pubkey));
+  tt_assert(digest256map_get(global_map, pk2.pubkey));
+ done:
+  tor_free(key_dir);
+  hs_free_all();
+  UNMOCK(read_file_to_str);
+  UNMOCK(tor_listdir);
+  UNMOCK(check_private_dir);
 struct testcase_t hs_client_tests[] = {
   { "e2e_rend_circuit_setup_legacy", test_e2e_rend_circuit_setup_legacy,
@@ -610,5 +780,11 @@ struct testcase_t hs_client_tests[] = {
   { "descriptor_fetch", test_descriptor_fetch,
+  { "auth_key_filename_is_valid", test_auth_key_filename_is_valid, TT_FORK,
+    NULL, NULL },
+  { "parse_auth_file_content", test_parse_auth_file_content, TT_FORK,
+    NULL, NULL },
+  { "config_client_authorization", test_config_client_authorization,

+ 4 - 2

@@ -428,11 +428,13 @@ mock_directory_initiate_request(directory_request_t *req)
 static int
 mock_hs_desc_encode_descriptor(const hs_descriptor_t *desc,
-                           const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_kp,
-                           char **encoded_out)
+                               const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_kp,
+                               const uint8_t *descriptor_cookie,
+                               char **encoded_out)
+  (void)descriptor_cookie;
   tor_asprintf(encoded_out, "lulu");
   return 0;

+ 163 - 99

@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ DISABLE_GCC_WARNING(overlength-strings)
 #include ""
+/* Mock function to fill all bytes with 1 */
+static void
+mock_crypto_strongest_rand(uint8_t *out, size_t out_len)
+  memset(out, 1, out_len);
 /* Test certificate encoding put in a descriptor. */
 static void
 test_cert_encoding(void *arg)
@@ -284,7 +291,6 @@ static void
 test_encode_descriptor(void *arg)
   int ret;
-  char *encoded = NULL;
   ed25519_keypair_t signing_kp;
   hs_descriptor_t *desc = NULL;
@@ -293,19 +299,38 @@ test_encode_descriptor(void *arg)
   ret = ed25519_keypair_generate(&signing_kp, 0);
   tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
   desc = hs_helper_build_hs_desc_with_ip(&signing_kp);
-  ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc, &signing_kp, &encoded);
-  tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
-  tt_assert(encoded);
+  {
+    char *encoded = NULL;
+    ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc, &signing_kp, NULL, &encoded);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+    tt_assert(encoded);
+    tor_free(encoded);
+  }
+  {
+    char *encoded = NULL;
+    uint8_t descriptor_cookie[HS_DESC_DESCRIPTOR_COOKIE_LEN];
+    crypto_strongest_rand(descriptor_cookie, sizeof(descriptor_cookie));
+    ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc, &signing_kp,
+                                   descriptor_cookie, &encoded);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+    tt_assert(encoded);
+    tor_free(encoded);
+  }
-  tor_free(encoded);
 static void
 test_decode_descriptor(void *arg)
   int ret;
+  int i;
   char *encoded = NULL;
   ed25519_keypair_t signing_kp;
   hs_descriptor_t *desc = NULL;
@@ -323,14 +348,15 @@ test_decode_descriptor(void *arg)
   /* Give some bad stuff to the decoding function. */
-  ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor("hladfjlkjadf", subcredential, &decoded);
+  ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor("hladfjlkjadf", subcredential,
+                                  NULL, &decoded);
   tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, -1);
-  ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc, &signing_kp, &encoded);
+  ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc, &signing_kp, NULL, &encoded);
   tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
-  ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(encoded, subcredential, &decoded);
+  ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(encoded, subcredential, NULL, &decoded);
   tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
@@ -346,13 +372,84 @@ test_decode_descriptor(void *arg)
     desc_no_ip = hs_helper_build_hs_desc_no_ip(&signing_kp_no_ip);
-    ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc_no_ip, &signing_kp_no_ip, &encoded);
+    ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc_no_ip, &signing_kp_no_ip,
+                                    NULL, &encoded);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+    tt_assert(encoded);
+    hs_descriptor_free(decoded);
+    ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(encoded, subcredential, NULL, &decoded);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+    tt_assert(decoded);
+  }
+  /* Decode a descriptor with auth clients. */
+  {
+    uint8_t descriptor_cookie[HS_DESC_DESCRIPTOR_COOKIE_LEN];
+    curve25519_keypair_t auth_ephemeral_kp;
+    curve25519_keypair_t client_kp, invalid_client_kp;
+    smartlist_t *clients;
+    hs_desc_authorized_client_t *client, *fake_client;
+    client = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_desc_authorized_client_t));
+    /* Prepare all the keys needed to build the auth client. */
+    curve25519_keypair_generate(&auth_ephemeral_kp, 0);
+    curve25519_keypair_generate(&client_kp, 0);
+    curve25519_keypair_generate(&invalid_client_kp, 0);
+    crypto_strongest_rand(descriptor_cookie, HS_DESC_DESCRIPTOR_COOKIE_LEN);
+    memcpy(&desc->superencrypted_data.auth_ephemeral_pubkey,
+           &auth_ephemeral_kp.pubkey, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
+    hs_helper_get_subcred_from_identity_keypair(&signing_kp,
+                                                subcredential);
+    /* Build and add the auth client to the descriptor. */
+    clients = desc->superencrypted_data.clients;
+    if (!clients) {
+      clients = smartlist_new();
+    }
+    hs_desc_build_authorized_client(subcredential,
+                                    &client_kp.pubkey,
+                                    &auth_ephemeral_kp.seckey,
+                                    descriptor_cookie, client);
+    smartlist_add(clients, client);
+    /* We need to add fake auth clients here. */
+    for (i=0; i < 15; ++i) {
+      fake_client = hs_desc_build_fake_authorized_client();
+      smartlist_add(clients, fake_client);
+    }
+    desc->superencrypted_data.clients = clients;
+    /* Test the encoding/decoding in the following lines. */
+    tor_free(encoded);
+    ret = hs_desc_encode_descriptor(desc, &signing_kp,
+                                    descriptor_cookie, &encoded);
     tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+    /* If we do not have the client secret key, the decoding must fail. */
-    ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(encoded, subcredential, &decoded);
+    ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(encoded, subcredential,
+                                    NULL, &decoded);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_LT, 0);
+    tt_assert(!decoded);
+    /* If we have an invalid client secret key, the decoding must fail. */
+    hs_descriptor_free(decoded);
+    ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(encoded, subcredential,
+                                    &invalid_client_kp.seckey, &decoded);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_LT, 0);
+    tt_assert(!decoded);
+    /* If we have the client secret key, the decoding must succeed and the
+     * decoded descriptor must be correct. */
+    ret = hs_desc_decode_descriptor(encoded, subcredential,
+                                    &client_kp.seckey, &decoded);
     tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+    hs_helper_desc_equal(desc, decoded);
@@ -588,7 +685,7 @@ test_decode_bad_signature(void *arg)
-  desc_plaintext_data_free_contents(&desc_plaintext);
+  hs_desc_plaintext_data_free_contents(&desc_plaintext);
 static void
@@ -764,101 +861,69 @@ test_desc_signature(void *arg)
-/* bad desc auth type */
-static const char bad_superencrypted_text1[] = "desc-auth-type scoobysnack\n"
-  "desc-auth-ephemeral-key A/O8DVtnUheb3r1JqoB8uJB7wxXL1XJX3eny4yB+eFA=\n"
-  "auth-client oiNrQB8WwKo S5D02W7vKgiWIMygrBl8RQ FB//SfOBmLEx1kViEWWL1g\n"
-  "encrypted\n"
-  "-----BEGIN MESSAGE-----\n"
-  "YmVpbmcgb24gbW91bnRhaW5zLCB0aGlua2luZyBhYm91dCBjb21wdXRlcnMsIGlzIG5vdC"
-  "BiYWQgYXQgYWxs\n"
-  "-----END MESSAGE-----\n";
-/* bad ephemeral key */
-static const char bad_superencrypted_text2[] = "desc-auth-type x25519\n"
-  "desc-auth-ephemeral-key differentalphabet\n"
-  "auth-client oiNrQB8WwKo S5D02W7vKgiWIMygrBl8RQ FB//SfOBmLEx1kViEWWL1g\n"
-  "encrypted\n"
-  "-----BEGIN MESSAGE-----\n"
-  "YmVpbmcgb24gbW91bnRhaW5zLCB0aGlua2luZyBhYm91dCBjb21wdXRlcnMsIGlzIG5vdC"
-  "BiYWQgYXQgYWxs\n"
-  "-----END MESSAGE-----\n";
-/* bad encrypted msg */
-static const char bad_superencrypted_text3[] = "desc-auth-type x25519\n"
-  "desc-auth-ephemeral-key A/O8DVtnUheb3r1JqoB8uJB7wxXL1XJX3eny4yB+eFA=\n"
-  "auth-client oiNrQB8WwKo S5D02W7vKgiWIMygrBl8RQ FB//SfOBmLEx1kViEWWL1g\n"
-  "encrypted\n"
-  "-----BEGIN MESSAGE-----\n"
-  "-----END MESSAGE-----\n";
-static const char correct_superencrypted_text[] = "desc-auth-type x25519\n"
-  "desc-auth-ephemeral-key A/O8DVtnUheb3r1JqoB8uJB7wxXL1XJX3eny4yB+eFA=\n"
-  "auth-client oiNrQB8WwKo S5D02W7vKgiWIMygrBl8RQ FB//SfOBmLEx1kViEWWL1g\n"
-  "auth-client Od09Qu636Qo /PKLzqewAdS/+0+vZC+MvQ dpw4NFo13zDnuPz45rxrOg\n"
-  "auth-client JRr840iGYN0 8s8cxYqF7Lx23+NducC4Qg zAafl4wPLURkuEjJreZq1g\n"
-  "encrypted\n"
-  "-----BEGIN MESSAGE-----\n"
-  "YmVpbmcgb24gbW91bnRhaW5zLCB0aGlua2luZyBhYm91dCBjb21wdXRlcnMsIGlzIG5vdC"
-  "BiYWQgYXQgYWxs\n"
-  "-----END MESSAGE-----\n";
-static const char correct_encrypted_plaintext[] = "being on mountains, "
-  "thinking about computers, is not bad at all";
 static void
-test_parse_hs_desc_superencrypted(void *arg)
+test_build_authorized_client(void *arg)
+  int ret;
+  hs_desc_authorized_client_t *desc_client = NULL;
+  uint8_t descriptor_cookie[HS_DESC_DESCRIPTOR_COOKIE_LEN];
+  curve25519_secret_key_t auth_ephemeral_sk;
+  curve25519_secret_key_t client_auth_sk;
+  curve25519_public_key_t client_auth_pk;
+  const char ephemeral_sk_b16[] =
+    "d023b674d993a5c8446bd2ca97e9961149b3c0e88c7dc14e8777744dd3468d6a";
+  const char descriptor_cookie_b16[] =
+    "07d087f1d8c68393721f6e70316d3b29";
+  const char client_pubkey_b16[] =
+    "8c1298fa6050e372f8598f6deca32e27b0ad457741422c2629ebb132cf7fae37";
+  uint8_t subcredential[DIGEST256_LEN];
+  char *mem_op_hex_tmp=NULL;
   (void) arg;
-  size_t retval;
-  uint8_t *encrypted_out = NULL;
-  {
-    setup_full_capture_of_logs(LOG_WARN);
-    retval = decode_superencrypted(bad_superencrypted_text1,
-                                   strlen(bad_superencrypted_text1),
-                                   &encrypted_out);
-    tt_u64_op(retval, OP_EQ, 0);
-    tt_ptr_op(encrypted_out, OP_EQ, NULL);
-    expect_log_msg_containing("Unrecognized desc auth type");
-    teardown_capture_of_logs();
-  }
+  ret = curve25519_secret_key_generate(&auth_ephemeral_sk, 0);
+  tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
-  {
-    setup_full_capture_of_logs(LOG_WARN);
-    retval = decode_superencrypted(bad_superencrypted_text2,
-                                   strlen(bad_superencrypted_text2),
-                                   &encrypted_out);
-    tt_u64_op(retval, OP_EQ, 0);
-    tt_ptr_op(encrypted_out, OP_EQ, NULL);
-    expect_log_msg_containing("Bogus desc auth key in HS desc");
-    teardown_capture_of_logs();
-  }
+  ret = curve25519_secret_key_generate(&client_auth_sk, 0);
+  tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+  curve25519_public_key_generate(&client_auth_pk, &client_auth_sk);
-  {
-    setup_full_capture_of_logs(LOG_WARN);
-    retval = decode_superencrypted(bad_superencrypted_text3,
-                                   strlen(bad_superencrypted_text3),
-                                   &encrypted_out);
-    tt_u64_op(retval, OP_EQ, 0);
-    tt_ptr_op(encrypted_out, OP_EQ, NULL);
-    expect_log_msg_containing("Length of descriptor\'s encrypted data "
-                              "is too small.");
-    teardown_capture_of_logs();
-  }
+  memset(subcredential, 42, sizeof(subcredential));
-  /* Now finally the good one */
-  retval = decode_superencrypted(correct_superencrypted_text,
-                                 strlen(correct_superencrypted_text),
-                                 &encrypted_out);
+  desc_client = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_desc_authorized_client_t));
-  tt_u64_op(retval, OP_EQ, strlen(correct_encrypted_plaintext));
-  tt_mem_op(encrypted_out, OP_EQ, correct_encrypted_plaintext,
-            strlen(correct_encrypted_plaintext));
+  base16_decode((char *) &auth_ephemeral_sk,
+                sizeof(auth_ephemeral_sk),
+                ephemeral_sk_b16,
+                strlen(ephemeral_sk_b16));
+  base16_decode((char *) descriptor_cookie,
+                sizeof(descriptor_cookie),
+                descriptor_cookie_b16,
+                strlen(descriptor_cookie_b16));
+  base16_decode((char *) &client_auth_pk,
+                sizeof(client_auth_pk),
+                client_pubkey_b16,
+                strlen(client_pubkey_b16));
+  MOCK(crypto_strongest_rand, mock_crypto_strongest_rand);
+  hs_desc_build_authorized_client(subcredential,
+                                  &client_auth_pk, &auth_ephemeral_sk,
+                                  descriptor_cookie, desc_client);
+  test_memeq_hex((char *) desc_client->client_id,
+                 "EC19B7FF4D2DDA13");
+  test_memeq_hex((char *) desc_client->iv,
+                "01010101010101010101010101010101");
+  test_memeq_hex((char *) desc_client->encrypted_cookie,
+                "B21222BE13F385F355BD07B2381F9F29");
-  tor_free(encrypted_out);
+  tor_free(desc_client);
+  tor_free(mem_op_hex_tmp);
+  UNMOCK(crypto_strongest_rand);
 struct testcase_t hs_descriptor[] = {
@@ -891,9 +956,8 @@ struct testcase_t hs_descriptor[] = {
     NULL, NULL },
   { "desc_signature", test_desc_signature, TT_FORK,
     NULL, NULL },
-  { "parse_hs_desc_superencrypted", test_parse_hs_desc_superencrypted,
+  { "build_authorized_client", test_build_authorized_client, TT_FORK,
+    NULL, NULL },

+ 459 - 0

@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 #include "core/or/circuitlist.h"
 #include "core/or/circuituse.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
+#include "lib/fs/dir.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/dirvote.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
@@ -65,6 +66,13 @@
 /* Trunnel */
 #include "trunnel/hs/cell_establish_intro.h"
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
 static networkstatus_t mock_ns;
 static networkstatus_t *
@@ -220,6 +228,40 @@ helper_create_origin_circuit(int purpose, int flags)
   return circ;
+/* Helper: Return a newly allocated authorized client object with
+ * and a newly generated public key. */
+static hs_service_authorized_client_t *
+  int ret;
+  hs_service_authorized_client_t *client;
+  curve25519_secret_key_t seckey;
+  client = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_service_authorized_client_t));
+  ret = curve25519_secret_key_generate(&seckey, 0);
+  tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+  curve25519_public_key_generate(&client->client_pk, &seckey);
+ done:
+  return client;
+/* Helper: Return a newly allocated authorized client object with the
+ * same client name and the same public key as the given client. */
+static hs_service_authorized_client_t *
+helper_clone_authorized_client(const hs_service_authorized_client_t *client)
+  hs_service_authorized_client_t *client_out;
+  tor_assert(client);
+  client_out = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_service_authorized_client_t));
+  memcpy(client_out->client_pk.public_key,
+         client->client_pk.public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
+  return client_out;
 /* Helper: Return a newly allocated service object with the identity keypair
  * sets and the current descriptor. Then register it to the global map.
  * Caller should us hs_free_all() to free this service or remove it from the
@@ -244,6 +286,26 @@ helper_create_service(void)
   return service;
+/* Helper: Return a newly allocated service object with clients. */
+static hs_service_t *
+helper_create_service_with_clients(int num_clients)
+  int i;
+  hs_service_t *service = helper_create_service();
+  tt_assert(service);
+  service->config.is_client_auth_enabled = 1;
+  service->config.clients = smartlist_new();
+  for (i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {
+    hs_service_authorized_client_t *client;
+    client = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    smartlist_add(service->config.clients, client);
+  }
+ done:
+  return service;
 /* Helper: Return a newly allocated service intro point with two link
  * specifiers, one IPv4 and one legacy ID set to As. */
 static hs_service_intro_point_t *
@@ -303,6 +365,8 @@ test_load_keys(void *arg)
   /* It's in staging? */
   tt_int_op(get_hs_service_staging_list_size(), OP_EQ, 1);
+#undef conf_fmt
   /* Load the keys for these. After that, the v3 service should be registered
    * in the global map. */
@@ -322,12 +386,193 @@ test_load_keys(void *arg)
   tt_int_op(hs_address_is_valid(addr), OP_EQ, 1);
   tt_str_op(addr, OP_EQ, s->onion_address);
+  /* Check that the is_client_auth_enabled is not set. */
+  tt_assert(!s->config.is_client_auth_enabled);
+static void
+test_client_filename_is_valid(void *arg)
+  (void) arg;
+  /* Valid file name. */
+  tt_assert(client_filename_is_valid("a.auth"));
+  /* Valid file name with special character. */
+  tt_assert(client_filename_is_valid("a-.auth"));
+  /* Invalid extension. */
+  tt_assert(!client_filename_is_valid("a.ath"));
+  /* Nothing before the extension. */
+  tt_assert(!client_filename_is_valid(".auth"));
+ done:
+  ;
+static void
+test_parse_authorized_client(void *arg)
+  hs_service_authorized_client_t *client = NULL;
+  (void) arg;
+  /* Valid authorized client. */
+  client = parse_authorized_client(
+    "descriptor:x25519:dz4q5xqlb4ldnbs72iarrml4ephk3du4i7o2cgiva5lwr6wkquja");
+  tt_assert(client);
+  /* Wrong number of fields. */
+  tt_assert(!parse_authorized_client("a:b:c:d:e"));
+  /* Wrong auth type. */
+  tt_assert(!parse_authorized_client(
+    "x:x25519:dz4q5xqlb4ldnbs72iarrml4ephk3du4i7o2cgiva5lwr6wkquja"));
+  /* Wrong key type. */
+  tt_assert(!parse_authorized_client(
+    "descriptor:x:dz4q5xqlb4ldnbs72iarrml4ephk3du4i7o2cgiva5lwr6wkquja"));
+  /* Some malformed string. */
+  tt_assert(!parse_authorized_client("descriptor:x25519:aa=="));
+  tt_assert(!parse_authorized_client("descriptor:"));
+  tt_assert(!parse_authorized_client("descriptor:x25519"));
+  tt_assert(!parse_authorized_client("descriptor:x25519:"));
+  tt_assert(!parse_authorized_client(""));
+ done:
+  service_authorized_client_free(client);
+static char *
+mock_read_file_to_str(const char *filename, int flags, struct stat *stat_out)
+  char *ret = NULL;
+  (void) flags;
+  (void) stat_out;
+  if (!strcmp(filename, get_fname("hs3" PATH_SEPARATOR
+                                  "authorized_clients" PATH_SEPARATOR
+                                  "client1.auth"))) {
+    ret = tor_strdup("descriptor:x25519:"
+                  "dz4q5xqlb4ldnbs72iarrml4ephk3du4i7o2cgiva5lwr6wkquja");
+    goto done;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(filename, get_fname("hs3" PATH_SEPARATOR
+                                  "authorized_clients" PATH_SEPARATOR
+                                  ""))) {
+    ret = tor_strdup("descriptor:x25519:"
+                  "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
+    goto done;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(filename, get_fname("hs3" PATH_SEPARATOR
+                                  "authorized_clients" PATH_SEPARATOR
+                                  "client2.auth"))) {
+    ret = tor_strdup("descriptor:x25519:"
+                  "okoi2gml3wd6x7jganlk5d66xxyjgg24sxw4y7javx4giqr66zta");
+    goto done;
+  }
+ done:
+  return ret;
+static smartlist_t *
+mock_tor_listdir(const char *dirname)
+  smartlist_t *file_list = smartlist_new();
+  (void) dirname;
+  smartlist_add(file_list, tor_strdup("client1.auth"));
+  smartlist_add(file_list, tor_strdup(""));
+  smartlist_add(file_list, tor_strdup("client2.auth"));
+  return file_list;
+static void
+test_load_keys_with_client_auth(void *arg)
+  int ret;
+  char *conf = NULL;
+  smartlist_t *pubkey_b32_list = smartlist_new();
+  char *hsdir_v3 = tor_strdup(get_fname("hs3"));
+  hs_service_t *service;
+  (void) arg;
+  hs_init();
+  smartlist_add(pubkey_b32_list, tor_strdup(
+                "dz4q5xqlb4ldnbs72iarrml4ephk3du4i7o2cgiva5lwr6wkquja"));
+  smartlist_add(pubkey_b32_list, tor_strdup(
+                "okoi2gml3wd6x7jganlk5d66xxyjgg24sxw4y7javx4giqr66zta"));
+#define conf_fmt \
+  "HiddenServiceDir %s\n" \
+  "HiddenServiceVersion %d\n" \
+  "HiddenServicePort 65534\n"
+  tor_asprintf(&conf, conf_fmt, hsdir_v3, HS_VERSION_THREE);
+  ret = helper_config_service(conf);
+  tor_free(conf);
+  tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+  /* It's in staging? */
+  tt_int_op(get_hs_service_staging_list_size(), OP_EQ, 1);
+#undef conf_fmt
+  MOCK(read_file_to_str, mock_read_file_to_str);
+  MOCK(tor_listdir, mock_tor_listdir);
+  /* Load the keys for these. After that, the v3 service should be registered
+   * in the global map. */
+  hs_service_load_all_keys();
+  tt_int_op(get_hs_service_map_size(), OP_EQ, 1);
+  service = get_first_service();
+  tt_assert(service->config.clients);
+  tt_int_op(smartlist_len(service->config.clients), OP_EQ,
+            smartlist_len(pubkey_b32_list));
+  /* Test that the is_client_auth_enabled flag is set. */
+  tt_assert(service->config.is_client_auth_enabled);
+  /* Test that the keys in clients are correct. */
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(pubkey_b32_list, char *, pubkey_b32) {
+    curve25519_public_key_t pubkey;
+    /* This flag will be set if the key is found in clients. */
+    int is_found = 0;
+    base32_decode((char *) pubkey.public_key, sizeof(pubkey.public_key),
+                  pubkey_b32, strlen(pubkey_b32));
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(service->config.clients,
+                            hs_service_authorized_client_t *, client) {
+      if (tor_memeq(&pubkey, &client->client_pk, sizeof(pubkey))) {
+        is_found = 1;
+        break;
+      }
+    tt_assert(is_found);
+  } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(pubkey_b32);
+ done:
+  if (pubkey_b32_list) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(pubkey_b32_list, char *, s, tor_free(s));
+  }
+  smartlist_free(pubkey_b32_list);
+  tor_free(hsdir_v3);
+  hs_free_all();
+  UNMOCK(read_file_to_str);
+  UNMOCK(tor_listdir);
 static void
 test_access_service(void *arg)
@@ -1371,6 +1616,90 @@ test_build_update_descriptors(void *arg)
+/** Test building descriptors. We use this separate function instead of
+ *  using test_build_update_descriptors because that function is too complex
+ *  and also too interactive. */
+static void
+test_build_descriptors(void *arg)
+  int ret;
+  time_t now = time(NULL);
+  (void) arg;
+  hs_init();
+  MOCK(get_or_state,
+       get_or_state_replacement);
+  MOCK(networkstatus_get_live_consensus,
+       mock_networkstatus_get_live_consensus);
+  dummy_state = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(or_state_t));
+  ret = parse_rfc1123_time("Sat, 26 Oct 1985 03:00:00 UTC",
+                           &mock_ns.valid_after);
+  tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+  ret = parse_rfc1123_time("Sat, 26 Oct 1985 04:00:00 UTC",
+                           &mock_ns.fresh_until);
+  tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+  voting_schedule_recalculate_timing(get_options(), mock_ns.valid_after);
+  /* Generate a valid number of fake auth clients when a client authorization
+   * is disabled. */
+  {
+    hs_service_t *service = helper_create_service();
+    service_descriptor_free(service->desc_current);
+    service->desc_current = NULL;
+    build_all_descriptors(now);
+    hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t *superencrypted;
+    superencrypted = &service->desc_current->desc->superencrypted_data;
+    tt_int_op(smartlist_len(superencrypted->clients), OP_EQ, 16);
+  }
+  /* Generate a valid number of fake auth clients when the number of
+   * clients is zero. */
+  {
+    hs_service_t *service = helper_create_service_with_clients(0);
+    service_descriptor_free(service->desc_current);
+    service->desc_current = NULL;
+    build_all_descriptors(now);
+    hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t *superencrypted;
+    superencrypted = &service->desc_current->desc->superencrypted_data;
+    tt_int_op(smartlist_len(superencrypted->clients), OP_EQ, 16);
+  }
+  /* Generate a valid number of fake auth clients when the number of
+   * clients is not a multiple of 16. */
+  {
+    hs_service_t *service = helper_create_service_with_clients(20);
+    service_descriptor_free(service->desc_current);
+    service->desc_current = NULL;
+    build_all_descriptors(now);
+    hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t *superencrypted;
+    superencrypted = &service->desc_current->desc->superencrypted_data;
+    tt_int_op(smartlist_len(superencrypted->clients), OP_EQ, 32);
+  }
+  /* Do not generate any fake desc client when the number of clients is
+   * a multiple of 16 but not zero. */
+  {
+    hs_service_t *service = helper_create_service_with_clients(32);
+    service_descriptor_free(service->desc_current);
+    service->desc_current = NULL;
+    build_all_descriptors(now);
+    hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t *superencrypted;
+    superencrypted = &service->desc_current->desc->superencrypted_data;
+    tt_int_op(smartlist_len(superencrypted->clients), OP_EQ, 32);
+  }
+ done:
+  hs_free_all();
 static void
 test_upload_descriptors(void *arg)
@@ -1556,11 +1885,137 @@ test_rendezvous1_parsing(void *arg)
+static void
+test_authorized_client_config_equal(void *arg)
+  int ret;
+  hs_service_config_t *config1, *config2;
+  (void) arg;
+  config1 = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*config1));
+  config2 = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*config2));
+  /* Both configs are empty. */
+  {
+    config1->clients = smartlist_new();
+    config2->clients = smartlist_new();
+    ret = service_authorized_client_config_equal(config1, config2);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 1);
+    service_clear_config(config1);
+    service_clear_config(config2);
+  }
+  /* Both configs have exactly the same client config. */
+  {
+    config1->clients = smartlist_new();
+    config2->clients = smartlist_new();
+    hs_service_authorized_client_t *client1, *client2;
+    client1 = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    client2 = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    smartlist_add(config1->clients, client1);
+    smartlist_add(config1->clients, client2);
+    /* We should swap the order of clients here to test that the order
+     * does not matter. */
+    smartlist_add(config2->clients, helper_clone_authorized_client(client2));
+    smartlist_add(config2->clients, helper_clone_authorized_client(client1));
+    ret = service_authorized_client_config_equal(config1, config2);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 1);
+    service_clear_config(config1);
+    service_clear_config(config2);
+  }
+  /* The numbers of clients in both configs are not equal. */
+  {
+    config1->clients = smartlist_new();
+    config2->clients = smartlist_new();
+    hs_service_authorized_client_t *client1, *client2;
+    client1 = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    client2 = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    smartlist_add(config1->clients, client1);
+    smartlist_add(config1->clients, client2);
+    smartlist_add(config2->clients, helper_clone_authorized_client(client1));
+    ret = service_authorized_client_config_equal(config1, config2);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+    service_clear_config(config1);
+    service_clear_config(config2);
+  }
+  /* The first config has two distinct clients while the second config
+   * has two clients but they are duplicate. */
+  {
+    config1->clients = smartlist_new();
+    config2->clients = smartlist_new();
+    hs_service_authorized_client_t *client1, *client2;
+    client1 = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    client2 = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    smartlist_add(config1->clients, client1);
+    smartlist_add(config1->clients, client2);
+    smartlist_add(config2->clients, helper_clone_authorized_client(client1));
+    smartlist_add(config2->clients, helper_clone_authorized_client(client1));
+    ret = service_authorized_client_config_equal(config1, config2);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+    service_clear_config(config1);
+    service_clear_config(config2);
+  }
+  /* Both configs have totally distinct clients. */
+  {
+    config1->clients = smartlist_new();
+    config2->clients = smartlist_new();
+    hs_service_authorized_client_t *client1, *client2, *client3, *client4;
+    client1 = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    client2 = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    client3 = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    client4 = helper_create_authorized_client();
+    smartlist_add(config1->clients, client1);
+    smartlist_add(config1->clients, client2);
+    smartlist_add(config2->clients, client3);
+    smartlist_add(config2->clients, client4);
+    ret = service_authorized_client_config_equal(config1, config2);
+    tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0);
+    service_clear_config(config1);
+    service_clear_config(config2);
+  }
+ done:
+  tor_free(config1);
+  tor_free(config2);
 struct testcase_t hs_service_tests[] = {
   { "e2e_rend_circuit_setup", test_e2e_rend_circuit_setup, TT_FORK,
     NULL, NULL },
   { "load_keys", test_load_keys, TT_FORK,
     NULL, NULL },
+  { "client_filename_is_valid", test_client_filename_is_valid, TT_FORK,
+    NULL, NULL },
+  { "parse_authorized_client", test_parse_authorized_client, TT_FORK,
+    NULL, NULL },
+  { "load_keys_with_client_auth", test_load_keys_with_client_auth, TT_FORK,
+    NULL, NULL },
   { "access_service", test_access_service, TT_FORK,
     NULL, NULL },
   { "service_intro_point", test_service_intro_point, TT_FORK,
@@ -1583,10 +2038,14 @@ struct testcase_t hs_service_tests[] = {
     NULL, NULL },
   { "build_update_descriptors", test_build_update_descriptors, TT_FORK,
     NULL, NULL },
+  { "build_descriptors", test_build_descriptors, TT_FORK,
+    NULL, NULL },
   { "upload_descriptors", test_upload_descriptors, TT_FORK,
     NULL, NULL },
   { "rendezvous1_parsing", test_rendezvous1_parsing, TT_FORK,
     NULL, NULL },
+  { "authorized_client_config_equal", test_authorized_client_config_equal,

+ 2 - 2

@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ get_fname_suffix(const char *name, const char *suffix)
   if (!name)
     return temp_dir;
-  tor_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s/%s%s%s",temp_dir,name,suffix ? "_" : "",
-               suffix ? suffix : "");
+  tor_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s%s%s%s%s", temp_dir, PATH_SEPARATOR, name,
+               suffix ? "_" : "", suffix ? suffix : "");
   return buf;

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff