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Remove the unused old fuzzy-time code

Nick Mathewson 14 лет назад
4 измененных файлов с 20 добавлено и 142 удалено
  1. 0 77
  2. 16 8
  3. 1 1
  4. 3 56

+ 0 - 77

@@ -1502,83 +1502,6 @@ update_approx_time(time_t now)
-/* =====
- * Fuzzy time
- * XXXX022 Use this consistently or rip most of it out.
- * ===== */
-/* In a perfect world, everybody would run NTP, and NTP would be perfect, so
- * if we wanted to know "Is the current time before time X?" we could just say
- * "time(NULL) < X".
- *
- * But unfortunately, many users are running Tor in an imperfect world, on
- * even more imperfect computers.  Hence, we need to track time oddly.  We
- * model the user's computer as being "skewed" from accurate time by
- * -<b>ftime_skew</b> seconds, such that our best guess of the current time is
- * time(NULL)+ftime_skew.  We also assume that our measurements of time may
- * have up to <b>ftime_slop</b> seconds of inaccuracy; IOW, our window of
- * estimate for the current time is now + ftime_skew +/- ftime_slop.
- */
-/** Our current estimate of our skew, such that we think the current time is
- * closest to time(NULL)+ftime_skew. */
-static int ftime_skew = 0;
-/** Tolerance during time comparisons, in seconds. */
-static int ftime_slop = 60;
-/** Set the largest amount of sloppiness we'll allow in fuzzy time
- * comparisons. */
-ftime_set_maximum_sloppiness(int seconds)
-  tor_assert(seconds >= 0);
-  ftime_slop = seconds;
-/** Set the amount by which we believe our system clock to differ from
- * real time. */
-ftime_set_estimated_skew(int seconds)
-  ftime_skew = seconds;
-#if 0
-ftime_get_window(time_t now, ftime_t *ft_out)
-  ft_out->earliest = now + ftime_skew - ftime_slop;
-  ft_out->latest =  now + ftime_skew + ftime_slop;
-/** Return true iff we think that <b>now</b> might be after <b>when</b>. */
-ftime_maybe_after(time_t now, time_t when)
-  /* It may be after when iff the latest possible current time is after when */
-  return (now + ftime_skew + ftime_slop) >= when;
-/** Return true iff we think that <b>now</b> might be before <b>when</b>. */
-ftime_maybe_before(time_t now, time_t when)
-  /* It may be before when iff the earliest possible current time is before */
-  return (now + ftime_skew - ftime_slop) < when;
-/** Return true if we think that <b>now</b> is definitely after <b>when</b>. */
-ftime_definitely_after(time_t now, time_t when)
-  /* It is definitely after when if the earliest time it could be is still
-   * after when. */
-  return (now + ftime_skew - ftime_slop) >= when;
-/** Return true if we think that <b>now</b> is definitely before <b>when</b>.
- */
-ftime_definitely_before(time_t now, time_t when)
-  /* It is definitely before when if the latest time it could be is still
-   * before when. */
-  return (now + ftime_skew + ftime_slop) < when;
 /* =====
  * Rate limiting
  * ===== */

+ 16 - 8

@@ -248,14 +248,22 @@ void update_approx_time(time_t now);
 /* Fuzzy time. */
-void ftime_set_maximum_sloppiness(int seconds);
-void ftime_set_estimated_skew(int seconds);
-/* typedef struct ftime_t { time_t earliest; time_t latest; } ftime_t; */
-/* void ftime_get_window(time_t now, ftime_t *ft_out); */
-int ftime_maybe_after(time_t now, time_t when);
-int ftime_maybe_before(time_t now, time_t when);
-int ftime_definitely_after(time_t now, time_t when);
-int ftime_definitely_before(time_t now, time_t when);
+/** Return true iff <a>a</b> is definitely after <b>b</b>, even if there
+ * could be up to <b>allow_seconds</b> of skew in one of them. */
+static INLINE int
+time_definitely_after(time_t a, time_t b, int allow_skew)
+  return a-allow_skew > b;
+/** Return true iff <a>a</b> is definitely before <b>b</b>, even if there
+ * could be up to <b>allow_seconds</b> of skew in one of them. */
+static INLINE int
+time_definitely_before(time_t a, time_t b, int allow_skew)
+  return a+allow_skew < b;
 /* Rate-limiter */

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ networkstatus_set_current_consensus(const char *consensus,
     write_str_to_file(consensus_fname, consensus, 0);
-  if (ftime_definitely_before(now, c->valid_after)) {
+  if (time_definitely_before(now, c->valid_after, 60)) {
     char tbuf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
     char dbuf[64];
     long delta = now - c->valid_after;

+ 3 - 56

@@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ trusted_dirs_remove_old_certs(void)
   time_t now = time(NULL);
 #define DEAD_CERT_LIFETIME (2*24*60*60)
 #define OLD_CERT_LIFETIME (7*24*60*60)
+#define CERT_EXPIRY_SKEW (60*60)
   if (!trusted_dir_certs)
@@ -331,7 +332,7 @@ trusted_dirs_remove_old_certs(void)
         time_t cert_published;
         if (newest == cert)
-        expired = ftime_definitely_after(now, cert->expires);
+        expired = time_definitely_after(now, cert->expires, CERT_EXPIRY_SKEW);
         cert_published = cert->cache_info.published_on;
         /* Store expired certs for 48 hours after a newer arrives;
@@ -523,7 +524,7 @@ authority_certs_fetch_missing(networkstatus_t *status, time_t now)
     cl = get_cert_list(ds->v3_identity_digest);
     SMARTLIST_FOREACH(cl->certs, authority_cert_t *, cert, {
-      if (!ftime_definitely_after(now, cert->expires)) {
+      if (! time_definitely_after(now, cert->expires, CERT_EXPIRY_SKEW)) {
         /* It's not expired, and we weren't looking for something to
          * verify a consensus with.  Call it done. */
@@ -1445,60 +1446,6 @@ nodes_in_same_family(const node_t *node1, const node_t *node2)
   return 0;
-#if 0
-/** Given a (possibly NULL) comma-and-whitespace separated list of nicknames,
- * see which nicknames in <b>list</b> name nodes we know about, and add
- * the nodes for those routers to <b>sl</b>.  If <b>must_be_running</b>,
- * only include routers that we think are running.
- * Warn if any non-Named routers are specified by nickname.
- */
-static void
-add_nickname_list_to_smartlist(smartlist_t *sl, const char *list,
-                               int must_be_running)
-{ /*XXXX MOVE or Kill. */
-  /*XXXX this is only used in one place. Can we kill it?*/
-  const node_t *node;
-  const routerinfo_t *router;
-  smartlist_t *nickname_list;
-  int have_dir_info = router_have_minimum_dir_info();
-  if (!list)
-    return; /* nothing to do */
-  tor_assert(sl);
-  nickname_list = smartlist_create();
-  if (!warned_nicknames)
-    warned_nicknames = smartlist_create();
-  smartlist_split_string(nickname_list, list, ",",
-                         SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE|SPLIT_IGNORE_BLANK, 0);
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(nickname_list, const char *, nick) {
-    int warned;
-    if (!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(nick)) {
-      log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Nickname '%s' is misformed; skipping", nick);
-      continue;
-    }
-    node = node_get_by_nickname(nick, 1);
-    router = node->ri;
-    warned = smartlist_string_isin(warned_nicknames, nick);
-    if (node) {
-      if (!must_be_running || node->is_running) {
-        smartlist_add(sl,(void*)node);
-      }
-    } else if (!router_get_consensus_status_by_nickname(nick,1)) {
-      if (!warned) {
-        log_fn(have_dir_info ? LOG_WARN : LOG_INFO, LD_CONFIG,
-               "Nickname list includes '%s' which isn't a known router.",nick);
-        smartlist_add(warned_nicknames, tor_strdup(nick));
-      }
-    }
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(nickname_list, char *, nick, tor_free(nick));
-  smartlist_free(nickname_list);
 /** Return 1 iff any member of the (possibly NULL) comma-separated list
  * <b>list</b> is an acceptable nickname or hexdigest for <b>router</b>.  Else
  * return 0.