@@ -324,10 +324,27 @@ monotime_diff_nsec(const monotime_t *start,
#elif defined(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME)
+ * Which clock should we use for coarse-grained monotonic time? By default
+ * this is CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, but it might not work -- for example,
+ * if we're compiled with newer Linux headers and then we try to run on
+ * an old Linux kernel. In that case, we will fall back to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
+ */
+static int clock_monotonic_coarse = CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE;
static void
+ struct timespec ts;
+ if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, &ts) < 0) {
+ log_info(LD_GENERAL, "CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE isn't working (%s); "
+ "falling back to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.", strerror(errno));
+ clock_monotonic_coarse = CLOCK_MONOTONIC;
+ }
@@ -355,7 +372,18 @@ monotime_coarse_get(monotime_coarse_t *out)
- int r = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, &out->ts_);
+ int r = clock_gettime(clock_monotonic_coarse, &out->ts_);
+ if (PREDICT_UNLIKELY(r < 0) &&
+ errno == EINVAL &&
+ clock_monotonic_coarse == CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE) {
+ */
+ log_warn(LD_BUG, "Falling back to non-coarse monotonic time %s initial "
+ "system start?", monotime_initialized?"after":"without");
+ clock_monotonic_coarse = CLOCK_MONOTONIC;
+ r = clock_gettime(clock_monotonic_coarse, &out->ts_);
+ }
tor_assert(r == 0);