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prop224: Change encryption keys descriptor encoding

A descriptor only contains the curve25519 public key in the enc-key field so
the private key should not be in that data structure. The service data
structures will have access to the full keypair (#20657).

Furthermore, ticket #21871 has highlighted an issue in the proposal 224 about
the encryption key and legacy key being mutually exclusive. This is very wrong
and this commit fixes the code to follow the change to the proposal of that

Signed-off-by: David Goulet <>
David Goulet 8 years ago
5 changed files with 231 additions and 186 deletions
  1. 171 146
  2. 23 18
  3. 3 1
  4. 33 20
  5. 1 1

+ 171 - 146

@@ -79,7 +79,9 @@
 #define str_intro_point "introduction-point"
 #define str_ip_auth_key "auth-key"
 #define str_ip_enc_key "enc-key"
-#define str_ip_enc_key_cert "enc-key-certification"
+#define str_ip_enc_key_cert "enc-key-cert"
+#define str_ip_legacy_key "legacy-key"
+#define str_ip_legacy_key_cert "legacy-key-cert"
 #define str_intro_point_start "\n" str_intro_point " "
 /* Constant string value for the construction to encrypt the encrypted data
  * section. */
@@ -134,9 +136,10 @@ static token_rule_t hs_desc_encrypted_v3_token_table[] = {
 static token_rule_t hs_desc_intro_point_v3_token_table[] = {
   T1_START(str_intro_point, R3_INTRODUCTION_POINT, EQ(1), NO_OBJ),
   T1(str_ip_auth_key, R3_INTRO_AUTH_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_OBJ),
-  T1(str_ip_enc_key, R3_INTRO_ENC_KEY, ARGS, OBJ_OK),
-  T1_END(str_ip_enc_key_cert, R3_INTRO_ENC_KEY_CERTIFICATION,
-         NO_ARGS, NEED_OBJ),
+  T1(str_ip_enc_key, R3_INTRO_ENC_KEY, GE(2), OBJ_OK),
+  T1(str_ip_enc_key_cert, R3_INTRO_ENC_KEY_CERT, ARGS, OBJ_OK),
+  T01(str_ip_legacy_key, R3_INTRO_LEGACY_KEY, ARGS, NEED_KEY_1024),
+  T01(str_ip_legacy_key_cert, R3_INTRO_LEGACY_KEY_CERT, ARGS, OBJ_OK),
@@ -153,8 +156,12 @@ desc_intro_point_free(hs_desc_intro_point_t *ip)
-  if (ip->enc_key_type == HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_LEGACY) {
-    crypto_pk_free(ip->enc_key.legacy);
+  tor_cert_free(ip->enc_key_cert);
+  if (ip->legacy.key) {
+    crypto_pk_free(ip->legacy.key);
+  }
+  if (ip->legacy.cert.encoded) {
+    tor_free(ip->legacy.cert.encoded);
@@ -406,101 +413,68 @@ encode_link_specifiers(const smartlist_t *specs)
   return encoded_b64;
-/* Encode an introduction point encryption key and return a newly allocated
- * string with it. On failure, return NULL. */
+/* Encode an introduction point legacy key and certificate. Return a newly
+ * allocated string with it. On failure, return NULL. */
 static char *
-encode_enc_key(const ed25519_public_key_t *sig_key,
-               const hs_desc_intro_point_t *ip)
+encode_legacy_key(const hs_desc_intro_point_t *ip)
-  char *encoded = NULL;
-  time_t now = time(NULL);
+  char *key_str, b64_cert[256], *encoded = NULL;
+  size_t key_str_len;
-  tor_assert(sig_key);
-  switch (ip->enc_key_type) {
-  {
-    char *key_str, b64_cert[256];
-    ssize_t cert_len;
-    size_t key_str_len;
-    uint8_t *cert_data = NULL;
-    /* Create cross certification cert. */
-    cert_len = tor_make_rsa_ed25519_crosscert(sig_key, ip->enc_key.legacy,
-                                              now + HS_DESC_CERT_LIFETIME,
-                                              &cert_data);
-    if (cert_len < 0) {
-      log_warn(LD_REND, "Unable to create legacy crosscert.");
-      goto err;
-    }
-    /* Encode cross cert. */
-    if (base64_encode(b64_cert, sizeof(b64_cert), (const char *) cert_data,
-                      cert_len, BASE64_ENCODE_MULTILINE) < 0) {
-      tor_free(cert_data);
-      log_warn(LD_REND, "Unable to encode legacy crosscert.");
-      goto err;
-    }
-    tor_free(cert_data);
-    /* Convert the encryption key to a string. */
-    if (crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(ip->enc_key.legacy, &key_str,
-                                             &key_str_len) < 0) {
-      log_warn(LD_REND, "Unable to encode legacy encryption key.");
-      goto err;
-    }
-    tor_asprintf(&encoded,
-                 "%s legacy\n%s"  /* Newline is added by the call above. */
-                 "%s\n"
-                 "-----BEGIN CROSSCERT-----\n"
-                 "%s"
-                 "-----END CROSSCERT-----",
-                 str_ip_enc_key, key_str,
-                 str_ip_enc_key_cert, b64_cert);
-    tor_free(key_str);
-    break;
-  }
-  case HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_CURVE25519:
-  {
-    int signbit, ret;
-    char *encoded_cert, key_fp_b64[CURVE25519_BASE64_PADDED_LEN + 1];
-    ed25519_keypair_t curve_kp;
+  /* Encode cross cert. */
+  if (base64_encode(b64_cert, sizeof(b64_cert),
+                    (const char *) ip->legacy.cert.encoded,
+                    ip->legacy.cert.len, BASE64_ENCODE_MULTILINE) < 0) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Unable to encode legacy crosscert.");
+    goto done;
+  }
+  /* Convert the encryption key to PEM format NUL terminated. */
+  if (crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(ip->legacy.key, &key_str,
+                                           &key_str_len) < 0) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Unable to encode legacy encryption key.");
+    goto done;
+  }
+  tor_asprintf(&encoded,
+               "%s \n%s"  /* Newline is added by the call above. */
+               "%s\n"
+               "-----BEGIN CROSSCERT-----\n"
+               "%s"
+               "-----END CROSSCERT-----",
+               str_ip_legacy_key, key_str,
+               str_ip_legacy_key_cert, b64_cert);
+  tor_free(key_str);
-    if (ed25519_keypair_from_curve25519_keypair(&curve_kp, &signbit,
-                                                &ip->enc_key.curve25519)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    tor_cert_t *cross_cert = tor_cert_create(&curve_kp,
-                                             CERT_TYPE_CROSS_HS_IP_KEYS,
-                                             sig_key, now,
-                                             HS_DESC_CERT_LIFETIME,
-                                             CERT_FLAG_INCLUDE_SIGNING_KEY);
-    memwipe(&curve_kp, 0, sizeof(curve_kp));
-    if (!cross_cert) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    ret = tor_cert_encode_ed22519(cross_cert, &encoded_cert);
-    tor_cert_free(cross_cert);
-    if (ret) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    if (curve25519_public_to_base64(key_fp_b64,
-                                    &ip->enc_key.curve25519.pubkey) < 0) {
-      tor_free(encoded_cert);
-      goto err;
-    }
-    tor_asprintf(&encoded,
-                 "%s ntor %s\n"
-                 "%s\n%s",
-                 str_ip_enc_key, key_fp_b64,
-                 str_ip_enc_key_cert, encoded_cert);
-    tor_free(encoded_cert);
-    break;
+ done:
+  return encoded;
+/* Encode an introduction point encryption key and certificate. Return a newly
+ * allocated string with it. On failure, return NULL. */
+static char *
+encode_enc_key(const hs_desc_intro_point_t *ip)
+  char *encoded = NULL, *encoded_cert;
+  char key_b64[CURVE25519_BASE64_PADDED_LEN + 1];
+  tor_assert(ip);
+  /* Base64 encode the encryption key for the "enc-key" field. */
+  if (curve25519_public_to_base64(key_b64, &ip->enc_key) < 0) {
+    goto done;
-  default:
-    tor_assert(0);
+  if (tor_cert_encode_ed22519(ip->enc_key_cert, &encoded_cert) < 0) {
+    goto done;
+  tor_asprintf(&encoded,
+               "%s ntor %s\n"
+               "%s\n%s",
+               str_ip_enc_key, key_b64,
+               str_ip_enc_key_cert, encoded_cert);
+  tor_free(encoded_cert);
- err:
+ done:
   return encoded;
@@ -535,7 +509,7 @@ encode_intro_point(const ed25519_public_key_t *sig_key,
   /* Encryption key encoding. */
-    char *encoded_enc_key = encode_enc_key(sig_key, ip);
+    char *encoded_enc_key = encode_enc_key(ip);
     if (encoded_enc_key == NULL) {
       goto err;
@@ -543,6 +517,18 @@ encode_intro_point(const ed25519_public_key_t *sig_key,
+  /* Legacy key if any. */
+  if (ip->legacy.key != NULL) {
+    /* Strong requirement else the IP creation was badly done. */
+    tor_assert(ip->legacy.cert.encoded);
+    char *encoded_legacy_key = encode_legacy_key(ip);
+    if (encoded_legacy_key == NULL) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(lines, "%s", encoded_legacy_key);
+    tor_free(encoded_legacy_key);
+  }
   /* Join them all in one blob of text. */
   encoded_ip = smartlist_join_strings(lines, "\n", 1, NULL);
@@ -1581,6 +1567,64 @@ desc_decrypt_all(const hs_descriptor_t *desc, char **decrypted_out)
   return decrypted_len;
+/* Given the token tok for an intro point legacy key, the list of tokens, the
+ * introduction point ip being decoded and the descriptor desc from which it
+ * comes from, decode the legacy key and set the intro point object. Return 0
+ * on success else -1 on failure. */
+static int
+decode_intro_legacy_key(const directory_token_t *tok,
+                        smartlist_t *tokens,
+                        hs_desc_intro_point_t *ip,
+                        const hs_descriptor_t *desc)
+  tor_assert(tok);
+  tor_assert(tokens);
+  tor_assert(ip);
+  tor_assert(desc);
+  if (!crypto_pk_public_exponent_ok(tok->key)) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point legacy key is invalid");
+    goto err;
+  }
+  ip->legacy.key = crypto_pk_dup_key(tok->key);
+  /* Extract the legacy cross certification cert which MUST be present if we
+   * have a legacy key. */
+  tok = find_opt_by_keyword(tokens, R3_INTRO_LEGACY_KEY_CERT);
+  if (!tok) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point legacy key cert is missing");
+    goto err;
+  }
+  tor_assert(tok->object_body);
+  if (strcmp(tok->object_type, "CROSSCERT")) {
+    /* Info level because this might be an unknown field that we should
+     * ignore. */
+    log_info(LD_REND, "Introduction point legacy encryption key "
+                      "cross-certification has an unknown format.");
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Keep a copy of the certificate. */
+  ip->legacy.cert.encoded = tor_memdup(tok->object_body, tok->object_size);
+  ip->legacy.cert.len = tok->object_size;
+  /* The check on the expiration date is for the entire lifetime of a
+   * certificate which is 24 hours. However, a descriptor has a maximum
+   * lifetime of 12 hours meaning we have a 12h difference between the two
+   * which ultimately accomodate the clock skewed client. */
+  if (rsa_ed25519_crosscert_check(ip->legacy.cert.encoded,
+                                  ip->legacy.cert.len, ip->legacy.key,
+                                  &desc->plaintext_data.signing_pubkey,
+                                  approx_time() - HS_DESC_CERT_LIFETIME)) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Unable to check cross-certification on the "
+                      "introduction point legacy encryption key.");
+    ip->cross_certified = 0;
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Success. */
+  return 0;
+ err:
+  return -1;
 /* Given the start of a section and the end of it, decode a single
  * introduction point from that section. Return a newly allocated introduction
  * point object containing the decoded data. Return NULL if the section can't
@@ -1591,7 +1635,6 @@ decode_introduction_point(const hs_descriptor_t *desc, const char *start)
   hs_desc_intro_point_t *ip = NULL;
   memarea_t *area = NULL;
   smartlist_t *tokens = NULL;
-  tor_cert_t *cross_cert = NULL;
   const directory_token_t *tok;
@@ -1625,84 +1668,67 @@ decode_introduction_point(const hs_descriptor_t *desc, const char *start)
     log_warn(LD_REND, "Unexpected object type for introduction auth key");
     goto err;
   /* Parse cert and do some validation. */
   if (cert_parse_and_validate(&ip->auth_key_cert, tok->object_body,
                               tok->object_size, CERT_TYPE_AUTH_HS_IP_KEY,
                               "introduction point auth-key") < 0) {
     goto err;
+  /* Validate authentication certificate with descriptor signing key. */
+  if (tor_cert_checksig(ip->auth_key_cert,
+                        &desc->plaintext_data.signing_pubkey, 0) < 0) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Invalid authentication key signature");
+    goto err;
+  }
-  /* Exactly one "enc-key" ... */
+  /* Exactly one "enc-key" SP "ntor" SP key NL */
   tok = find_by_keyword(tokens, R3_INTRO_ENC_KEY);
   if (!strcmp(tok->args[0], "ntor")) {
-    /* "enc-key" SP "ntor" SP key NL */
-    if (tok->n_args != 2 || tok->object_body) {
-      log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point ntor encryption key is invalid");
-      goto err;
-    }
+    /* This field is using GE(2) so for possible forward compatibility, we
+     * accept more fields but must be at least 2. */
+    tor_assert(tok->n_args >= 2);
-    if (curve25519_public_from_base64(&ip->enc_key.curve25519.pubkey,
-                                      tok->args[1]) < 0) {
-      log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point ntor encryption key is invalid");
+    if (curve25519_public_from_base64(&ip->enc_key, tok->args[1]) < 0) {
+      log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point ntor enc-key is invalid");
       goto err;
-    ip->enc_key_type = HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_CURVE25519;
-  } else if (!strcmp(tok->args[0], "legacy")) {
-    /* "enc-key" SP "legacy" NL key NL */
-    if (!tok->key) {
-      log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point legacy encryption key is "
-               "invalid");
-      goto err;
-    }
-    ip->enc_key.legacy = crypto_pk_dup_key(tok->key);
-    ip->enc_key_type = HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_LEGACY;
   } else {
     /* Unknown key type so we can't use that introduction point. */
     log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point encryption key is unrecognized.");
     goto err;
-  /* "enc-key-certification" NL certificate NL */
-  tok = find_by_keyword(tokens, R3_INTRO_ENC_KEY_CERTIFICATION);
+  /* Exactly once "enc-key-cert" NL certificate NL */
+  tok = find_by_keyword(tokens, R3_INTRO_ENC_KEY_CERT);
   /* Do the cross certification. */
-  switch (ip->enc_key_type) {
-  case HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_CURVE25519:
-  {
-    if (strcmp(tok->object_type, "ED25519 CERT")) {
+  if (strcmp(tok->object_type, "ED25519 CERT")) {
       log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point ntor encryption key "
                         "cross-certification has an unknown format.");
       goto err;
-    }
-    if (cert_parse_and_validate(&cross_cert, tok->object_body,
-                       tok->object_size, CERT_TYPE_CROSS_HS_IP_KEYS,
-                       "introduction point enc-key-certification") < 0) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    break;
-    if (strcmp(tok->object_type, "CROSSCERT")) {
-      log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point legacy encryption key "
-                        "cross-certification has an unknown format.");
-      goto err;
-    }
-    if (rsa_ed25519_crosscert_check((const uint8_t *) tok->object_body,
-          tok->object_size, ip->enc_key.legacy,
-          &desc->plaintext_data.signing_key_cert->signed_key,
-          approx_time()-86400)) {
-      log_warn(LD_REND, "Unable to check cross-certification on the "
-                        "introduction point legacy encryption key.");
-      goto err;
-    }
-    break;
-  default:
-    tor_assert(0);
-    break;
+  if (cert_parse_and_validate(&ip->enc_key_cert, tok->object_body,
+                              tok->object_size, CERT_TYPE_CROSS_HS_IP_KEYS,
+                              "introduction point enc-key-cert") < 0) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (tor_cert_checksig(ip->enc_key_cert,
+                        &desc->plaintext_data.signing_pubkey, 0) < 0) {
+    log_warn(LD_REND, "Invalid encryption key signature");
+    goto err;
   /* It is successfully cross certified. Flag the object. */
   ip->cross_certified = 1;
+  /* Do we have a "legacy-key" SP key NL ?*/
+  tok = find_opt_by_keyword(tokens, R3_INTRO_LEGACY_KEY);
+  if (tok) {
+    if (decode_intro_legacy_key(tok, tokens, ip, desc) < 0) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Introduction point has been parsed successfully. */
   goto done;
@@ -1710,7 +1736,6 @@ decode_introduction_point(const hs_descriptor_t *desc, const char *start)
   ip = NULL;
-  tor_cert_free(cross_cert);
   SMARTLIST_FOREACH(tokens, directory_token_t *, t, token_clear(t));
   if (area) {

+ 23 - 18

@@ -58,12 +58,6 @@ typedef enum {
   HS_DESC_AUTH_ED25519 = 1
 } hs_desc_auth_type_t;
-/* Type of encryption key in the descriptor. */
-typedef enum {
-} hs_desc_key_type_t;
 /* Link specifier object that contains information on how to extend to the
  * relay that is the address, port and handshake type. */
 typedef struct hs_desc_link_specifier_t {
@@ -91,18 +85,29 @@ typedef struct hs_desc_intro_point_t {
    * the blinded key and in turn signs it. */
   tor_cert_t *auth_key_cert;
-  /* Encryption key type so we know which one to use in the union below. */
-  hs_desc_key_type_t enc_key_type;
-  /* Keys are mutually exclusive thus the union. */
-  union {
-    /* Encryption key used to encrypt request to hidden service. */
-    curve25519_keypair_t curve25519;
-    /* Backward compat: RSA 1024 encryption key for legacy purposes.
-     * Mutually exclusive with enc_key. */
-    crypto_pk_t *legacy;
-  } enc_key;
+  /* Encryption key for the "ntor" type. */
+  curve25519_public_key_t enc_key;
+  /* Certificate cross certifying the descriptor signing key by the encryption
+   * curve25519 key. This certificate contains the signing key and is of type
+  tor_cert_t *enc_key_cert;
+  /* (Optional): If this introduction point is a legacy one that is version <=
+   * 0.2.9.x (HSIntro=3), we use this extra key for the intro point to be able
+   * to relay the cells to the service correctly. */
+  struct {
+    /* RSA public key. */
+    crypto_pk_t *key;
+    /* Cross certified cert with the descriptor signing key (RSA->Ed). Because
+     * of the cross certification API, we need to keep the certificate binary
+     * blob and its length in order to properly encode it after. */
+    struct {
+      uint8_t *encoded;
+      size_t len;
+    } cert;
+  } legacy;
   /* True iff the introduction point has passed the cross certification. Upon
    * decoding an intro point, this must be true. */

+ 3 - 1

@@ -162,7 +162,9 @@ typedef enum {

+ 33 - 20

@@ -51,15 +51,36 @@ hs_helper_build_intro_point(const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_kp, time_t now,
   if (legacy) {
-    ip->enc_key.legacy = crypto_pk_new();
-    ip->enc_key_type = HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_LEGACY;
-    tt_assert(ip->enc_key.legacy);
-    ret = crypto_pk_generate_key(ip->enc_key.legacy);
+    ip->legacy.key = crypto_pk_new();
+    tt_assert(ip->legacy.key);
+    ret = crypto_pk_generate_key(ip->legacy.key);
     tt_int_op(ret, ==, 0);
-  } else {
-    ret = curve25519_keypair_generate(&ip->enc_key.curve25519, 0);
+    ssize_t cert_len = tor_make_rsa_ed25519_crosscert(
+                                    &signing_kp->pubkey, ip->legacy.key,
+                                    now + HS_DESC_CERT_LIFETIME,
+                                    &ip->legacy.cert.encoded);
+    tt_assert(ip->legacy.cert.encoded);
+    tt_u64_op(cert_len, OP_GT, 0);
+    ip->legacy.cert.len = cert_len;
+  }
+  /* Encryption key. */
+  {
+    int signbit;
+    curve25519_keypair_t curve25519_kp;
+    ed25519_keypair_t ed25519_kp;
+    tor_cert_t *cross_cert;
+    ret = curve25519_keypair_generate(&curve25519_kp, 0);
     tt_int_op(ret, ==, 0);
-    ip->enc_key_type = HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_CURVE25519;
+    ed25519_keypair_from_curve25519_keypair(&ed25519_kp, &signbit,
+                                            &curve25519_kp);
+    cross_cert = tor_cert_create(signing_kp, CERT_TYPE_CROSS_HS_IP_KEYS,
+                                 &ed25519_kp.pubkey, time(NULL),
+                                 HS_DESC_CERT_LIFETIME,
+                                 CERT_FLAG_INCLUDE_SIGNING_KEY);
+    tt_assert(cross_cert);
+    ip->enc_key_cert = cross_cert;
   intro_point = ip;
@@ -192,19 +213,11 @@ hs_helper_desc_equal(const hs_descriptor_t *desc1,
                             *ip2 = smartlist_get(desc2->encrypted_data
                                                  .intro_points, i);
       tt_assert(tor_cert_eq(ip1->auth_key_cert, ip2->auth_key_cert));
-      tt_int_op(ip1->enc_key_type, OP_EQ, ip2->enc_key_type);
-      tt_assert(ip1->enc_key_type == HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_LEGACY ||
-                ip1->enc_key_type == HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_CURVE25519);
-      switch (ip1->enc_key_type) {
-        case HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_LEGACY:
-          tt_int_op(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(ip1->enc_key.legacy,
-                                       ip2->enc_key.legacy), OP_EQ, 0);
-          break;
-        case HS_DESC_KEY_TYPE_CURVE25519:
-          tt_mem_op(ip1->enc_key.curve25519.pubkey.public_key, OP_EQ,
-                    ip2->enc_key.curve25519.pubkey.public_key,
-                    CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
-          break;
+      if (ip1->legacy.key) {
+        tt_int_op(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(ip1->legacy.key, ip2->legacy.key),
+                  OP_EQ, 0);
+      } else {
+        tt_mem_op(&ip1->enc_key, OP_EQ, &ip2->enc_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
       tt_int_op(smartlist_len(ip1->link_specifiers), ==,

+ 1 - 1

@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ test_decode_invalid_intro_point(void *arg)
   const char *enc_key =
     "enc-key ntor bpZKLsuhxP6woDQ3yVyjm5gUKSk7RjfAijT2qrzbQk0=";
   const char *enc_key_cert =
-    "enc-key-certification\n"
+    "enc-key-cert\n"
     "-----BEGIN ED25519 CERT-----\n"