@@ -11,10 +11,15 @@ ARMA - arma claims
D Deferred
X Abandoned
+ - Sometimes it picks a middleman node as the exit for a circuit.
- if you specify a non-dirserver as exitnode or entrynode, when it
makes the first few circuits it hasn't yet fetched the directory,
so it warns that it doesn't know the node.
+ - make 'make test' exit(1) if a test fails.
+ - fix buffer unit test so it passes
- when you hup, rewrite the router.desc file (and maybe others)
- consider handling broken socks4 implementations
- improve how it behaves when i remove a line from the approved-routers files
@@ -76,8 +81,6 @@ Short-term:
- remove per-connection rate limiting
- Make it harder to circumvent bandwidth caps: look at number of bytes
sent across sockets, not number sent inside TLS stream.
- - make 'make test' exit(1) if a test fails.
- - fix buffer unit test so it passes
. Better comments for functions!