@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import socket
+import struct
+import sys
+def socks4AResolveRequest(hostname):
+ version = 4
+ command = 0xF0
+ port = 0
+ addr = 0x0000001
+ username = ""
+ reqheader = struct.pack("!BBHL", version, command, port, addr)
+ return "%s%s\x00%s\x00"%(reqheader,username,hostname)
+def socks4AParseResponse(response):
+ if len(response) < RESPONSE_LEN:
+ print "return none", len(response)
+ return None
+ assert len(response) >= RESPONSE_LEN
+ version,status,port = struct.unpack("!BBH",response[:4])
+ assert version == 0
+ assert port == 0
+ if status == 90:
+ return "%d.%d.%d.%d"%tuple(map(ord, response[4:]))
+ else:
+ return "ERROR (status %d)"%status
+def socks5Hello():
+ return "\x05\x01\x00"
+def socks5ParseHello(response):
+ if response != "\x05\x00":
+ raise ValueError("Bizarre socks5 response")
+def socks5ResolveRequest(hostname):
+ version = 5
+ command = 0xF0
+ rsv = 0
+ port = 0
+ atype = 0x03
+ reqheader = struct.pack("!BBBB",version, command, rsv, atype)
+ portstr = struct.pach("!H",port)
+ return "%s%s\0%s"%(reqheader,hostname,port)
+def socks5ParseResponse(r):
+ if len(r)<8: return None
+ version, reply, rsv, atype = struct.unpack("!BBBB",r[:4])
+ assert version==5
+ assert rsv==0
+ if reply != 0x00:
+ return "ERROR"
+ assert atype in (0x01,0x04)
+ expected_len = 4 + ({1:4,4:16}[atype]) + 2
+ if len(r) < expected_len:
+ return None
+ elif len(r) > expected_len:
+ raise ValueError("Overlong socks5 reply!")
+ addr = r[4:-2]
+ if atype == 0x01:
+ return "%d.%d.%d.%d"%tuple(map(ord,addr))
+ else:
+ # not really the right way to format IPv6
+ return "IPv6: %s"%(":".join([hex(ord(c)) for c in addr]))
+def parseHostAndPort(h):
+ host, port = "localhost", 9050
+ if ":" in h:
+ i = h.index(":")
+ host = h[:i]
+ try:
+ port = int(h[i+1:])
+ except ValueError:
+ print "Bad hostname %r"%h
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif h:
+ try:
+ port = int(h)
+ except ValueError:
+ host = h
+ return host, port
+def resolve(hostname, sockshost, socksport, socksver=4):
+ assert socksver in (4,5)
+ if socksver == 4:
+ fmt = socks4AResolveRequest
+ parse = socks4AParseResponse
+ else:
+ fmt = socks5ResolveRequest
+ parse = socks5ParseResponse
+ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ s.connect((sockshost,socksport))
+ if socksver == 5:
+ s.send(socks5Hello())
+ socksParseHello(s.recv(2))
+ s.send(fmt(hostname))
+ answer = s.recv(8)
+ result = parse(answer)
+ while result is None:
+ answer += s.recv(1)
+ result = parse(answer)
+ print "Got answer",result
+ m = s.recv(1)
+ if m:
+ print "Got extra data too! Ick."
+ return result
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) not in (2,3,4):
+ print "Syntax: resolve.py [-4|-5] hostname [sockshost:socksport]"
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if sys.argv[1] in ("-4", "-5"):
+ socksver = int(sys.argv[1][1])
+ del sys.argv[1]
+ if len(sys.argv) == 4:
+ print "Syntax: resolve.py [-4|-5] hostname [sockshost:socksport]"
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if len(sys.argv) == 3:
+ sh,sp = parseHostAndPort(sys.argv[2])
+ else:
+ sh,sp = parseHostAndPort("")
+ resolve(sys.argv[1], sh, sp)