
condense the rest of the discussion into proposal 129

Roger Dingledine 17 年 前
1 ファイル変更29 行追加4 行削除
  1. 29 4

+ 29 - 4

@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
-Below is a proposal to mitigate insecure protocol use over Tor.
+Filename: 129-reject-plaintext-ports.txt
 Title: Block Insecure Protocols by Default
+Version: $Revision$
+Last-Modified: $Date$
 Author: Kevin Bauer & Damon McCoy
-Date: January 15, 2008
+Created: 2008-01-15
+Status: Open
+  Below is a proposal to mitigate insecure protocol use over Tor.
   This document 1) demonstrates the extent to which insecure protocols are
   currently used within the Tor network, and 2) proposes a simple solution
   to prevent users from unknowingly using these insecure protocols. By
@@ -38,9 +42,14 @@ Motivation:
 Security Implications:
-  None. This proposal is intended to improve Tor's security by limiting the
+  This proposal is intended to improve Tor's security by limiting the
   use of insecure protocols.
+  Roger added: By adding these warnings for only some of the risky
+  behavior, users may do other risky behavior, not get a warning, and
+  believe that it is therefore safe. But overall, I think it's better
+  to warn for some of it than to warn for none of it.
   As an initial step towards mitigating the use of the above-mentioned
@@ -88,3 +97,19 @@ References:
       Wired. September 10, 2007.
+  Roger added this feature in
+  http://archives.seul.org/or/cvs/Jan-2008/msg00182.html
+  He also added a status event for Vidalia to recognize attempts to use
+  vulnerable-plaintext ports, so it can help the user understand what's
+  going on and how to fix it.
+Next steps:
+  a) Vidalia should learn to recognize this controller status event,
+  so we don't leave users out in the cold when we enable this feature.
+  b) We should decide which ports to reject by default. The current
+  consensus is 23,109,110,143 -- the same set that we warn for now.