@@ -224,11 +224,6 @@ For blocking-resistance scheme:
X allow ordinary-looking ssl for dir connections. need a new dirport
for this, or can we handle both ssl and non-ssl, or should we
entirely switch to ssl in certain cases?
-Rd- Official way to do authenticated dir conns: connect to OR port,
- and exit to 'localhost:dir-port'.
- - Make everybody with a dir-port implicitly accept exit to
- localhost:dir-port.
- - Check whether this works with one-hop circ case.
d - need to figure out how to fetch status of a few servers from the BDA
without fetching all statuses. A new URL to fetch I presume?
@@ -302,7 +297,7 @@ Minor items for 0.1.2.x as time permits:
us play nice with websites when Tor users want to crawl them; it
also introduces DoS opportunities.
! - The bw_accounting file should get merged into the state file.
-R - Streamline how we pick entry nodes.
+ - Streamline how we pick entry nodes.
! - Better installers and build processes.
- Commit edmanm's win32 makefile to tor contrib, or write a new one.
- Christian Grothoff's attack of infinite-length circuit.