Browse Source

prop224: Add ESTABLISH_INTRO and INTRO_ESTABLISHED trunnel definition

Signed-off-by: David Goulet <>
David Goulet 8 years ago

+ 594 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+/* cell_common.c -- generated by Trunnel v1.5.
+ *
+ * You probably shouldn't edit this file.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "trunnel-impl.h"
+#include "cell_common.h"
+#define TRUNNEL_SET_ERROR_CODE(obj) \
+  do {                              \
+    (obj)->trunnel_error_code_ = 1; \
+  } while (0)
+#if defined(__COVERITY__) || defined(__clang_analyzer__)
+/* If we're runnning a static analysis tool, we don't want it to complain
+ * that some of our remaining-bytes checks are dead-code. */
+int cellcommon_deadcode_dummy__ = 0;
+#define OR_DEADCODE_DUMMY || cellcommon_deadcode_dummy__
+#define CHECK_REMAINING(nbytes, label)                           \
+  do {                                                           \
+    if (remaining < (nbytes) OR_DEADCODE_DUMMY) {                \
+      goto label;                                                \
+    }                                                            \
+  } while (0)
+cell_extension_fields_t *
+  cell_extension_fields_t *val = trunnel_calloc(1, sizeof(cell_extension_fields_t));
+  if (NULL == val)
+    return NULL;
+  return val;
+/** Release all storage held inside 'obj', but do not free 'obj'.
+ */
+static void
+cell_extension_fields_clear(cell_extension_fields_t *obj)
+  (void) obj;
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_WIPE(&obj->field);
+cell_extension_fields_free(cell_extension_fields_t *obj)
+  if (obj == NULL)
+    return;
+  cell_extension_fields_clear(obj);
+  trunnel_memwipe(obj, sizeof(cell_extension_fields_t));
+  trunnel_free_(obj);
+cell_extension_fields_get_field_type(cell_extension_fields_t *inp)
+  return inp->field_type;
+cell_extension_fields_set_field_type(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, uint8_t val)
+  inp->field_type = val;
+  return 0;
+cell_extension_fields_get_field_len(cell_extension_fields_t *inp)
+  return inp->field_len;
+cell_extension_fields_set_field_len(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, uint8_t val)
+  inp->field_len = val;
+  return 0;
+cell_extension_fields_getlen_field(const cell_extension_fields_t *inp)
+  return TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&inp->field);
+cell_extension_fields_get_field(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, size_t idx)
+  return TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_GET(&inp->field, idx);
+cell_extension_fields_getconst_field(const cell_extension_fields_t *inp, size_t idx)
+  return cell_extension_fields_get_field((cell_extension_fields_t*)inp, idx);
+cell_extension_fields_set_field(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt)
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_SET(&inp->field, idx, elt);
+  return 0;
+cell_extension_fields_add_field(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, uint8_t elt)
+  if (inp->field.n_ == UINT8_MAX)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_ADD(uint8_t, &inp->field, elt, {});
+  return 0;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+uint8_t *
+cell_extension_fields_getarray_field(cell_extension_fields_t *inp)
+  return inp->field.elts_;
+const uint8_t  *
+cell_extension_fields_getconstarray_field(const cell_extension_fields_t *inp)
+  return (const uint8_t  *)cell_extension_fields_getarray_field((cell_extension_fields_t*)inp);
+cell_extension_fields_setlen_field(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, size_t newlen)
+  uint8_t *newptr;
+  if (newlen > UINT8_MAX)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  newptr = trunnel_dynarray_setlen(&inp->field.allocated_,
+                 &inp->field.n_, inp->field.elts_, newlen,
+                 sizeof(inp->field.elts_[0]), (trunnel_free_fn_t) NULL,
+                 &inp->trunnel_error_code_);
+  if (newlen != 0 && newptr == NULL)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  inp->field.elts_ = newptr;
+  return 0;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+const char *
+cell_extension_fields_check(const cell_extension_fields_t *obj)
+  if (obj == NULL)
+    return "Object was NULL";
+  if (obj->trunnel_error_code_)
+    return "A set function failed on this object";
+  if (TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->field) != obj->field_len)
+    return "Length mismatch for field";
+  return NULL;
+cell_extension_fields_encoded_len(const cell_extension_fields_t *obj)
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  if (NULL != cell_extension_fields_check(obj))
+     return -1;
+  /* Length of u8 field_type */
+  result += 1;
+  /* Length of u8 field_len */
+  result += 1;
+  /* Length of u8 field[field_len] */
+  result += TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->field);
+  return result;
+cell_extension_fields_clear_errors(cell_extension_fields_t *obj)
+  int r = obj->trunnel_error_code_;
+  obj->trunnel_error_code_ = 0;
+  return r;
+cell_extension_fields_encode(uint8_t *output, const size_t avail, const cell_extension_fields_t *obj)
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  size_t written = 0;
+  uint8_t *ptr = output;
+  const char *msg;
+  const ssize_t encoded_len = cell_extension_fields_encoded_len(obj);
+  if (NULL != (msg = cell_extension_fields_check(obj)))
+    goto check_failed;
+  trunnel_assert(encoded_len >= 0);
+  /* Encode u8 field_type */
+  trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+  if (avail - written < 1)
+    goto truncated;
+  trunnel_set_uint8(ptr, (obj->field_type));
+  written += 1; ptr += 1;
+  /* Encode u8 field_len */
+  trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+  if (avail - written < 1)
+    goto truncated;
+  trunnel_set_uint8(ptr, (obj->field_len));
+  written += 1; ptr += 1;
+  /* Encode u8 field[field_len] */
+  {
+    size_t elt_len = TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->field);
+    trunnel_assert(obj->field_len == elt_len);
+    trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+    if (avail - written < elt_len)
+      goto truncated;
+    if (elt_len)
+      memcpy(ptr, obj->field.elts_, elt_len);
+    written += elt_len; ptr += elt_len;
+  }
+  trunnel_assert(ptr == output + written);
+  {
+    trunnel_assert(encoded_len >= 0);
+    trunnel_assert((size_t)encoded_len == written);
+  }
+  return written;
+ truncated:
+  result = -2;
+  goto fail;
+ check_failed:
+  (void)msg;
+  result = -1;
+  goto fail;
+ fail:
+  trunnel_assert(result < 0);
+  return result;
+/** As cell_extension_fields_parse(), but do not allocate the output
+ * object.
+ */
+static ssize_t
+cell_extension_fields_parse_into(cell_extension_fields_t *obj, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in)
+  const uint8_t *ptr = input;
+  size_t remaining = len_in;
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  (void)result;
+  /* Parse u8 field_type */
+  CHECK_REMAINING(1, truncated);
+  obj->field_type = (trunnel_get_uint8(ptr));
+  remaining -= 1; ptr += 1;
+  /* Parse u8 field_len */
+  CHECK_REMAINING(1, truncated);
+  obj->field_len = (trunnel_get_uint8(ptr));
+  remaining -= 1; ptr += 1;
+  /* Parse u8 field[field_len] */
+  CHECK_REMAINING(obj->field_len, truncated);
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_EXPAND(uint8_t, &obj->field, obj->field_len, {});
+  obj->field.n_ = obj->field_len;
+  if (obj->field_len)
+    memcpy(obj->field.elts_, ptr, obj->field_len);
+  ptr += obj->field_len; remaining -= obj->field_len;
+  trunnel_assert(ptr + remaining == input + len_in);
+  return len_in - remaining;
+ truncated:
+  return -2;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+cell_extension_fields_parse(cell_extension_fields_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in)
+  ssize_t result;
+  *output = cell_extension_fields_new();
+  if (NULL == *output)
+    return -1;
+  result = cell_extension_fields_parse_into(*output, input, len_in);
+  if (result < 0) {
+    cell_extension_fields_free(*output);
+    *output = NULL;
+  }
+  return result;
+cell_extension_t *
+  cell_extension_t *val = trunnel_calloc(1, sizeof(cell_extension_t));
+  if (NULL == val)
+    return NULL;
+  return val;
+/** Release all storage held inside 'obj', but do not free 'obj'.
+ */
+static void
+cell_extension_clear(cell_extension_t *obj)
+  (void) obj;
+  {
+    unsigned idx;
+    for (idx = 0; idx < TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->fields); ++idx) {
+      cell_extension_fields_free(TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_GET(&obj->fields, idx));
+    }
+  }
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_WIPE(&obj->fields);
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_CLEAR(&obj->fields);
+cell_extension_free(cell_extension_t *obj)
+  if (obj == NULL)
+    return;
+  cell_extension_clear(obj);
+  trunnel_memwipe(obj, sizeof(cell_extension_t));
+  trunnel_free_(obj);
+cell_extension_get_num(cell_extension_t *inp)
+  return inp->num;
+cell_extension_set_num(cell_extension_t *inp, uint8_t val)
+  inp->num = val;
+  return 0;
+cell_extension_getlen_fields(const cell_extension_t *inp)
+  return TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&inp->fields);
+struct cell_extension_fields_st *
+cell_extension_get_fields(cell_extension_t *inp, size_t idx)
+  return TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_GET(&inp->fields, idx);
+ const struct cell_extension_fields_st *
+cell_extension_getconst_fields(const cell_extension_t *inp, size_t idx)
+  return cell_extension_get_fields((cell_extension_t*)inp, idx);
+cell_extension_set_fields(cell_extension_t *inp, size_t idx, struct cell_extension_fields_st * elt)
+  cell_extension_fields_t *oldval = TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_GET(&inp->fields, idx);
+  if (oldval && oldval != elt)
+    cell_extension_fields_free(oldval);
+  return cell_extension_set0_fields(inp, idx, elt);
+cell_extension_set0_fields(cell_extension_t *inp, size_t idx, struct cell_extension_fields_st * elt)
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_SET(&inp->fields, idx, elt);
+  return 0;
+cell_extension_add_fields(cell_extension_t *inp, struct cell_extension_fields_st * elt)
+  if (inp->fields.n_ == UINT8_MAX)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_ADD(struct cell_extension_fields_st *, &inp->fields, elt, {});
+  return 0;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+struct cell_extension_fields_st * *
+cell_extension_getarray_fields(cell_extension_t *inp)
+  return inp->fields.elts_;
+const struct cell_extension_fields_st *  const  *
+cell_extension_getconstarray_fields(const cell_extension_t *inp)
+  return (const struct cell_extension_fields_st *  const  *)cell_extension_getarray_fields((cell_extension_t*)inp);
+cell_extension_setlen_fields(cell_extension_t *inp, size_t newlen)
+  struct cell_extension_fields_st * *newptr;
+  if (newlen > UINT8_MAX)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  newptr = trunnel_dynarray_setlen(&inp->fields.allocated_,
+                 &inp->fields.n_, inp->fields.elts_, newlen,
+                 sizeof(inp->fields.elts_[0]), (trunnel_free_fn_t) cell_extension_fields_free,
+                 &inp->trunnel_error_code_);
+  if (newlen != 0 && newptr == NULL)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  inp->fields.elts_ = newptr;
+  return 0;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+const char *
+cell_extension_check(const cell_extension_t *obj)
+  if (obj == NULL)
+    return "Object was NULL";
+  if (obj->trunnel_error_code_)
+    return "A set function failed on this object";
+  {
+    const char *msg;
+    unsigned idx;
+    for (idx = 0; idx < TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->fields); ++idx) {
+      if (NULL != (msg = cell_extension_fields_check(TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_GET(&obj->fields, idx))))
+        return msg;
+    }
+  }
+  if (TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->fields) != obj->num)
+    return "Length mismatch for fields";
+  return NULL;
+cell_extension_encoded_len(const cell_extension_t *obj)
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  if (NULL != cell_extension_check(obj))
+     return -1;
+  /* Length of u8 num */
+  result += 1;
+  /* Length of struct cell_extension_fields fields[num] */
+  {
+    unsigned idx;
+    for (idx = 0; idx < TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->fields); ++idx) {
+      result += cell_extension_fields_encoded_len(TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_GET(&obj->fields, idx));
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+cell_extension_clear_errors(cell_extension_t *obj)
+  int r = obj->trunnel_error_code_;
+  obj->trunnel_error_code_ = 0;
+  return r;
+cell_extension_encode(uint8_t *output, const size_t avail, const cell_extension_t *obj)
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  size_t written = 0;
+  uint8_t *ptr = output;
+  const char *msg;
+  const ssize_t encoded_len = cell_extension_encoded_len(obj);
+  if (NULL != (msg = cell_extension_check(obj)))
+    goto check_failed;
+  trunnel_assert(encoded_len >= 0);
+  /* Encode u8 num */
+  trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+  if (avail - written < 1)
+    goto truncated;
+  trunnel_set_uint8(ptr, (obj->num));
+  written += 1; ptr += 1;
+  /* Encode struct cell_extension_fields fields[num] */
+  {
+    unsigned idx;
+    for (idx = 0; idx < TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->fields); ++idx) {
+      trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+      result = cell_extension_fields_encode(ptr, avail - written, TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_GET(&obj->fields, idx));
+      if (result < 0)
+        goto fail; /* XXXXXXX !*/
+      written += result; ptr += result;
+    }
+  }
+  trunnel_assert(ptr == output + written);
+  {
+    trunnel_assert(encoded_len >= 0);
+    trunnel_assert((size_t)encoded_len == written);
+  }
+  return written;
+ truncated:
+  result = -2;
+  goto fail;
+ check_failed:
+  (void)msg;
+  result = -1;
+  goto fail;
+ fail:
+  trunnel_assert(result < 0);
+  return result;
+/** As cell_extension_parse(), but do not allocate the output object.
+ */
+static ssize_t
+cell_extension_parse_into(cell_extension_t *obj, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in)
+  const uint8_t *ptr = input;
+  size_t remaining = len_in;
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  (void)result;
+  /* Parse u8 num */
+  CHECK_REMAINING(1, truncated);
+  obj->num = (trunnel_get_uint8(ptr));
+  remaining -= 1; ptr += 1;
+  /* Parse struct cell_extension_fields fields[num] */
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_EXPAND(cell_extension_fields_t *, &obj->fields, obj->num, {});
+  {
+    cell_extension_fields_t * elt;
+    unsigned idx;
+    for (idx = 0; idx < obj->num; ++idx) {
+      result = cell_extension_fields_parse(&elt, ptr, remaining);
+      if (result < 0)
+        goto relay_fail;
+      trunnel_assert((size_t)result <= remaining);
+      remaining -= result; ptr += result;
+      TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_ADD(cell_extension_fields_t *, &obj->fields, elt, {cell_extension_fields_free(elt);});
+    }
+  }
+  trunnel_assert(ptr + remaining == input + len_in);
+  return len_in - remaining;
+ truncated:
+  return -2;
+ relay_fail:
+  trunnel_assert(result < 0);
+  return result;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+cell_extension_parse(cell_extension_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in)
+  ssize_t result;
+  *output = cell_extension_new();
+  if (NULL == *output)
+    return -1;
+  result = cell_extension_parse_into(*output, input, len_in);
+  if (result < 0) {
+    cell_extension_free(*output);
+    *output = NULL;
+  }
+  return result;

+ 198 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+/* cell_common.h -- generated by by Trunnel v1.5.
+ *
+ * You probably shouldn't edit this file.
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "trunnel.h"
+struct cell_extension_fields_st {
+  uint8_t field_type;
+  uint8_t field_len;
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_HEAD(, uint8_t) field;
+  uint8_t trunnel_error_code_;
+typedef struct cell_extension_fields_st cell_extension_fields_t;
+struct cell_extension_st {
+  uint8_t num;
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_HEAD(, struct cell_extension_fields_st *) fields;
+  uint8_t trunnel_error_code_;
+typedef struct cell_extension_st cell_extension_t;
+/** Return a newly allocated cell_extension_fields with all elements
+ * set to zero.
+ */
+cell_extension_fields_t *cell_extension_fields_new(void);
+/** Release all storage held by the cell_extension_fields in 'victim'.
+ * (Do nothing if 'victim' is NULL.)
+ */
+void cell_extension_fields_free(cell_extension_fields_t *victim);
+/** Try to parse a cell_extension_fields from the buffer in 'input',
+ * using up to 'len_in' bytes from the input buffer. On success,
+ * return the number of bytes consumed and set *output to the newly
+ * allocated cell_extension_fields_t. On failure, return -2 if the
+ * input appears truncated, and -1 if the input is otherwise invalid.
+ */
+ssize_t cell_extension_fields_parse(cell_extension_fields_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in);
+/** Return the number of bytes we expect to need to encode the
+ * cell_extension_fields in 'obj'. On failure, return a negative
+ * value. Note that this value may be an overestimate, and can even be
+ * an underestimate for certain unencodeable objects.
+ */
+ssize_t cell_extension_fields_encoded_len(const cell_extension_fields_t *obj);
+/** Try to encode the cell_extension_fields from 'input' into the
+ * buffer at 'output', using up to 'avail' bytes of the output buffer.
+ * On success, return the number of bytes used. On failure, return -2
+ * if the buffer was not long enough, and -1 if the input was invalid.
+ */
+ssize_t cell_extension_fields_encode(uint8_t *output, size_t avail, const cell_extension_fields_t *input);
+/** Check whether the internal state of the cell_extension_fields in
+ * 'obj' is consistent. Return NULL if it is, and a short message if
+ * it is not.
+ */
+const char *cell_extension_fields_check(const cell_extension_fields_t *obj);
+/** Clear any errors that were set on the object 'obj' by its setter
+ * functions. Return true iff errors were cleared.
+ */
+int cell_extension_fields_clear_errors(cell_extension_fields_t *obj);
+/** Return the value of the field_type field of the
+ * cell_extension_fields_t in 'inp'
+ */
+uint8_t cell_extension_fields_get_field_type(cell_extension_fields_t *inp);
+/** Set the value of the field_type field of the
+ * cell_extension_fields_t in 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success;
+ * return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int cell_extension_fields_set_field_type(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, uint8_t val);
+/** Return the value of the field_len field of the
+ * cell_extension_fields_t in 'inp'
+ */
+uint8_t cell_extension_fields_get_field_len(cell_extension_fields_t *inp);
+/** Set the value of the field_len field of the
+ * cell_extension_fields_t in 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success;
+ * return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int cell_extension_fields_set_field_len(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, uint8_t val);
+/** Return the length of the dynamic array holding the field field of
+ * the cell_extension_fields_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+size_t cell_extension_fields_getlen_field(const cell_extension_fields_t *inp);
+/** Return the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
+ * field of the cell_extension_fields_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+uint8_t cell_extension_fields_get_field(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, size_t idx);
+/** As cell_extension_fields_get_field, but take and return a const
+ * pointer
+ */
+uint8_t cell_extension_fields_getconst_field(const cell_extension_fields_t *inp, size_t idx);
+/** Change the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
+ * field of the cell_extension_fields_t in 'inp', so that it will hold
+ * the value 'elt'.
+ */
+int cell_extension_fields_set_field(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt);
+/** Append a new element 'elt' to the dynamic array field field of the
+ * cell_extension_fields_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+int cell_extension_fields_add_field(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, uint8_t elt);
+/** Return a pointer to the variable-length array field field of
+ * 'inp'.
+ */
+uint8_t * cell_extension_fields_getarray_field(cell_extension_fields_t *inp);
+/** As cell_extension_fields_get_field, but take and return a const
+ * pointer
+ */
+const uint8_t  * cell_extension_fields_getconstarray_field(const cell_extension_fields_t *inp);
+/** Change the length of the variable-length array field field of
+ * 'inp' to 'newlen'.Fill extra elements with 0. Return 0 on success;
+ * return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int cell_extension_fields_setlen_field(cell_extension_fields_t *inp, size_t newlen);
+/** Return a newly allocated cell_extension with all elements set to
+ * zero.
+ */
+cell_extension_t *cell_extension_new(void);
+/** Release all storage held by the cell_extension in 'victim'. (Do
+ * nothing if 'victim' is NULL.)
+ */
+void cell_extension_free(cell_extension_t *victim);
+/** Try to parse a cell_extension from the buffer in 'input', using up
+ * to 'len_in' bytes from the input buffer. On success, return the
+ * number of bytes consumed and set *output to the newly allocated
+ * cell_extension_t. On failure, return -2 if the input appears
+ * truncated, and -1 if the input is otherwise invalid.
+ */
+ssize_t cell_extension_parse(cell_extension_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in);
+/** Return the number of bytes we expect to need to encode the
+ * cell_extension in 'obj'. On failure, return a negative value. Note
+ * that this value may be an overestimate, and can even be an
+ * underestimate for certain unencodeable objects.
+ */
+ssize_t cell_extension_encoded_len(const cell_extension_t *obj);
+/** Try to encode the cell_extension from 'input' into the buffer at
+ * 'output', using up to 'avail' bytes of the output buffer. On
+ * success, return the number of bytes used. On failure, return -2 if
+ * the buffer was not long enough, and -1 if the input was invalid.
+ */
+ssize_t cell_extension_encode(uint8_t *output, size_t avail, const cell_extension_t *input);
+/** Check whether the internal state of the cell_extension in 'obj' is
+ * consistent. Return NULL if it is, and a short message if it is not.
+ */
+const char *cell_extension_check(const cell_extension_t *obj);
+/** Clear any errors that were set on the object 'obj' by its setter
+ * functions. Return true iff errors were cleared.
+ */
+int cell_extension_clear_errors(cell_extension_t *obj);
+/** Return the value of the num field of the cell_extension_t in 'inp'
+ */
+uint8_t cell_extension_get_num(cell_extension_t *inp);
+/** Set the value of the num field of the cell_extension_t in 'inp' to
+ * 'val'. Return 0 on success; return -1 and set the error code on
+ * 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int cell_extension_set_num(cell_extension_t *inp, uint8_t val);
+/** Return the length of the dynamic array holding the fields field of
+ * the cell_extension_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+size_t cell_extension_getlen_fields(const cell_extension_t *inp);
+/** Return the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
+ * fields of the cell_extension_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+struct cell_extension_fields_st * cell_extension_get_fields(cell_extension_t *inp, size_t idx);
+/** As cell_extension_get_fields, but take and return a const pointer
+ */
+ const struct cell_extension_fields_st * cell_extension_getconst_fields(const cell_extension_t *inp, size_t idx);
+/** Change the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
+ * fields of the cell_extension_t in 'inp', so that it will hold the
+ * value 'elt'. Free the previous value, if any.
+ */
+int cell_extension_set_fields(cell_extension_t *inp, size_t idx, struct cell_extension_fields_st * elt);
+/** As cell_extension_set_fields, but does not free the previous
+ * value.
+ */
+int cell_extension_set0_fields(cell_extension_t *inp, size_t idx, struct cell_extension_fields_st * elt);
+/** Append a new element 'elt' to the dynamic array field fields of
+ * the cell_extension_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+int cell_extension_add_fields(cell_extension_t *inp, struct cell_extension_fields_st * elt);
+/** Return a pointer to the variable-length array field fields of
+ * 'inp'.
+ */
+struct cell_extension_fields_st * * cell_extension_getarray_fields(cell_extension_t *inp);
+/** As cell_extension_get_fields, but take and return a const pointer
+ */
+const struct cell_extension_fields_st *  const  * cell_extension_getconstarray_fields(const cell_extension_t *inp);
+/** Change the length of the variable-length array field fields of
+ * 'inp' to 'newlen'.Fill extra elements with NULL; free removed
+ * elements. Return 0 on success; return -1 and set the error code on
+ * 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int cell_extension_setlen_fields(cell_extension_t *inp, size_t newlen);

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+/* This file contains common data structure that cells use. */
+struct cell_extension_fields {
+  u8 field_type;
+  u8 field_len;
+  u8 field[field_len];
+struct cell_extension {
+  u8 num;
+  struct cell_extension_fields fields[num];

+ 735 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
+/* cell_establish_intro.c -- generated by Trunnel v1.5.
+ *
+ * You probably shouldn't edit this file.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "trunnel-impl.h"
+#include "cell_establish_intro.h"
+#define TRUNNEL_SET_ERROR_CODE(obj) \
+  do {                              \
+    (obj)->trunnel_error_code_ = 1; \
+  } while (0)
+#if defined(__COVERITY__) || defined(__clang_analyzer__)
+/* If we're runnning a static analysis tool, we don't want it to complain
+ * that some of our remaining-bytes checks are dead-code. */
+int cellestablishintro_deadcode_dummy__ = 0;
+#define OR_DEADCODE_DUMMY || cellestablishintro_deadcode_dummy__
+#define CHECK_REMAINING(nbytes, label)                           \
+  do {                                                           \
+    if (remaining < (nbytes) OR_DEADCODE_DUMMY) {                \
+      goto label;                                                \
+    }                                                            \
+  } while (0)
+typedef struct cell_extension_st cell_extension_t;
+cell_extension_t *cell_extension_new(void);
+void cell_extension_free(cell_extension_t *victim);
+ssize_t cell_extension_parse(cell_extension_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in);
+ssize_t cell_extension_encoded_len(const cell_extension_t *obj);
+ssize_t cell_extension_encode(uint8_t *output, size_t avail, const cell_extension_t *input);
+const char *cell_extension_check(const cell_extension_t *obj);
+int cell_extension_clear_errors(cell_extension_t *obj);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_t *
+  hs_cell_establish_intro_t *val = trunnel_calloc(1, sizeof(hs_cell_establish_intro_t));
+  if (NULL == val)
+    return NULL;
+  return val;
+/** Release all storage held inside 'obj', but do not free 'obj'.
+ */
+static void
+hs_cell_establish_intro_clear(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *obj)
+  (void) obj;
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_WIPE(&obj->auth_key);
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_CLEAR(&obj->auth_key);
+  cell_extension_free(obj->extensions);
+  obj->extensions = NULL;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_free(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *obj)
+  if (obj == NULL)
+    return;
+  hs_cell_establish_intro_clear(obj);
+  trunnel_memwipe(obj, sizeof(hs_cell_establish_intro_t));
+  trunnel_free_(obj);
+const uint8_t *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_get_start_cell(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return inp->start_cell;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_get_auth_key_type(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return inp->auth_key_type;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_set_auth_key_type(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, uint8_t val)
+  if (! ((val == 0 || val == 1 || val == 2))) {
+     return -1;
+  }
+  inp->auth_key_type = val;
+  return 0;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_get_auth_key_len(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return inp->auth_key_len;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_set_auth_key_len(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, uint16_t val)
+  inp->auth_key_len = val;
+  return 0;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getlen_auth_key(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&inp->auth_key);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_get_auth_key(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx)
+  return TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_GET(&inp->auth_key, idx);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getconst_auth_key(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx)
+  return hs_cell_establish_intro_get_auth_key((hs_cell_establish_intro_t*)inp, idx);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_set_auth_key(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt)
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_SET(&inp->auth_key, idx, elt);
+  return 0;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_add_auth_key(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, uint8_t elt)
+  if (inp->auth_key.n_ == UINT16_MAX)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_ADD(uint8_t, &inp->auth_key, elt, {});
+  return 0;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+uint8_t *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getarray_auth_key(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return inp->auth_key.elts_;
+const uint8_t  *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getconstarray_auth_key(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return (const uint8_t  *)hs_cell_establish_intro_getarray_auth_key((hs_cell_establish_intro_t*)inp);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_setlen_auth_key(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t newlen)
+  uint8_t *newptr;
+  if (newlen > UINT16_MAX)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  newptr = trunnel_dynarray_setlen(&inp->auth_key.allocated_,
+                 &inp->auth_key.n_, inp->auth_key.elts_, newlen,
+                 sizeof(inp->auth_key.elts_[0]), (trunnel_free_fn_t) NULL,
+                 &inp->trunnel_error_code_);
+  if (newlen != 0 && newptr == NULL)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  inp->auth_key.elts_ = newptr;
+  return 0;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+struct cell_extension_st *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_get_extensions(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return inp->extensions;
+const struct cell_extension_st *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getconst_extensions(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return hs_cell_establish_intro_get_extensions((hs_cell_establish_intro_t*) inp);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_set_extensions(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, struct cell_extension_st *val)
+  if (inp->extensions && inp->extensions != val)
+    cell_extension_free(inp->extensions);
+  return hs_cell_establish_intro_set0_extensions(inp, val);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_set0_extensions(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, struct cell_extension_st *val)
+  inp->extensions = val;
+  return 0;
+const uint8_t *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_get_end_mac_fields(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return inp->end_mac_fields;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getlen_handshake_mac(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  (void)inp;  return TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_get_handshake_mac(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx)
+  trunnel_assert(idx < TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN);
+  return inp->handshake_mac[idx];
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getconst_handshake_mac(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx)
+  return hs_cell_establish_intro_get_handshake_mac((hs_cell_establish_intro_t*)inp, idx);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_set_handshake_mac(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt)
+  trunnel_assert(idx < TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN);
+  inp->handshake_mac[idx] = elt;
+  return 0;
+uint8_t *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getarray_handshake_mac(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return inp->handshake_mac;
+const uint8_t  *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getconstarray_handshake_mac(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return (const uint8_t  *)hs_cell_establish_intro_getarray_handshake_mac((hs_cell_establish_intro_t*)inp);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_get_sig_len(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return inp->sig_len;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_set_sig_len(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, uint16_t val)
+  inp->sig_len = val;
+  return 0;
+const uint8_t *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_get_end_sig_fields(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return inp->end_sig_fields;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getlen_sig(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&inp->sig);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_get_sig(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx)
+  return TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_GET(&inp->sig, idx);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getconst_sig(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx)
+  return hs_cell_establish_intro_get_sig((hs_cell_establish_intro_t*)inp, idx);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_set_sig(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt)
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_SET(&inp->sig, idx, elt);
+  return 0;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_add_sig(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, uint8_t elt)
+  if (inp->sig.n_ == UINT16_MAX)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_ADD(uint8_t, &inp->sig, elt, {});
+  return 0;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+uint8_t *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getarray_sig(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return inp->sig.elts_;
+const uint8_t  *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_getconstarray_sig(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp)
+  return (const uint8_t  *)hs_cell_establish_intro_getarray_sig((hs_cell_establish_intro_t*)inp);
+hs_cell_establish_intro_setlen_sig(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t newlen)
+  uint8_t *newptr;
+  if (newlen > UINT16_MAX)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  newptr = trunnel_dynarray_setlen(&inp->sig.allocated_,
+                 &inp->sig.n_, inp->sig.elts_, newlen,
+                 sizeof(inp->sig.elts_[0]), (trunnel_free_fn_t) NULL,
+                 &inp->trunnel_error_code_);
+  if (newlen != 0 && newptr == NULL)
+    goto trunnel_alloc_failed;
+  inp->sig.elts_ = newptr;
+  return 0;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+const char *
+hs_cell_establish_intro_check(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *obj)
+  if (obj == NULL)
+    return "Object was NULL";
+  if (obj->trunnel_error_code_)
+    return "A set function failed on this object";
+  if (! (obj->auth_key_type == 0 || obj->auth_key_type == 1 || obj->auth_key_type == 2))
+    return "Integer out of bounds";
+  if (TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->auth_key) != obj->auth_key_len)
+    return "Length mismatch for auth_key";
+  {
+    const char *msg;
+    if (NULL != (msg = cell_extension_check(obj->extensions)))
+      return msg;
+  }
+  if (TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->sig) != obj->sig_len)
+    return "Length mismatch for sig";
+  return NULL;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_encoded_len(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *obj)
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  if (NULL != hs_cell_establish_intro_check(obj))
+     return -1;
+  /* Length of u8 auth_key_type IN [0, 1, 2] */
+  result += 1;
+  /* Length of u16 auth_key_len */
+  result += 2;
+  /* Length of u8 auth_key[auth_key_len] */
+  result += TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->auth_key);
+  /* Length of struct cell_extension extensions */
+  result += cell_extension_encoded_len(obj->extensions);
+  /* Length of u8 handshake_mac[TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN] */
+  result += TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN;
+  /* Length of u16 sig_len */
+  result += 2;
+  /* Length of u8 sig[sig_len] */
+  result += TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->sig);
+  return result;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_clear_errors(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *obj)
+  int r = obj->trunnel_error_code_;
+  obj->trunnel_error_code_ = 0;
+  return r;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_encode(uint8_t *output, const size_t avail, const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *obj)
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  size_t written = 0;
+  uint8_t *ptr = output;
+  const char *msg;
+  const ssize_t encoded_len = hs_cell_establish_intro_encoded_len(obj);
+  if (NULL != (msg = hs_cell_establish_intro_check(obj)))
+    goto check_failed;
+  trunnel_assert(encoded_len >= 0);
+  /* Encode u8 auth_key_type IN [0, 1, 2] */
+  trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+  if (avail - written < 1)
+    goto truncated;
+  trunnel_set_uint8(ptr, (obj->auth_key_type));
+  written += 1; ptr += 1;
+  /* Encode u16 auth_key_len */
+  trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+  if (avail - written < 2)
+    goto truncated;
+  trunnel_set_uint16(ptr, trunnel_htons(obj->auth_key_len));
+  written += 2; ptr += 2;
+  /* Encode u8 auth_key[auth_key_len] */
+  {
+    size_t elt_len = TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->auth_key);
+    trunnel_assert(obj->auth_key_len == elt_len);
+    trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+    if (avail - written < elt_len)
+      goto truncated;
+    if (elt_len)
+      memcpy(ptr, obj->auth_key.elts_, elt_len);
+    written += elt_len; ptr += elt_len;
+  }
+  /* Encode struct cell_extension extensions */
+  trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+  result = cell_extension_encode(ptr, avail - written, obj->extensions);
+  if (result < 0)
+    goto fail; /* XXXXXXX !*/
+  written += result; ptr += result;
+  /* Encode u8 handshake_mac[TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN] */
+  trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+  if (avail - written < TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN)
+    goto truncated;
+  memcpy(ptr, obj->handshake_mac, TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN);
+  written += TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN; ptr += TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN;
+  /* Encode u16 sig_len */
+  trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+  if (avail - written < 2)
+    goto truncated;
+  trunnel_set_uint16(ptr, trunnel_htons(obj->sig_len));
+  written += 2; ptr += 2;
+  /* Encode u8 sig[sig_len] */
+  {
+    size_t elt_len = TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_LEN(&obj->sig);
+    trunnel_assert(obj->sig_len == elt_len);
+    trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+    if (avail - written < elt_len)
+      goto truncated;
+    if (elt_len)
+      memcpy(ptr, obj->sig.elts_, elt_len);
+    written += elt_len; ptr += elt_len;
+  }
+  trunnel_assert(ptr == output + written);
+  {
+    trunnel_assert(encoded_len >= 0);
+    trunnel_assert((size_t)encoded_len == written);
+  }
+  return written;
+ truncated:
+  result = -2;
+  goto fail;
+ check_failed:
+  (void)msg;
+  result = -1;
+  goto fail;
+ fail:
+  trunnel_assert(result < 0);
+  return result;
+/** As hs_cell_establish_intro_parse(), but do not allocate the output
+ * object.
+ */
+static ssize_t
+hs_cell_establish_intro_parse_into(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *obj, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in)
+  const uint8_t *ptr = input;
+  size_t remaining = len_in;
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  (void)result;
+  obj->start_cell = ptr;
+  /* Parse u8 auth_key_type IN [0, 1, 2] */
+  CHECK_REMAINING(1, truncated);
+  obj->auth_key_type = (trunnel_get_uint8(ptr));
+  remaining -= 1; ptr += 1;
+  if (! (obj->auth_key_type == 0 || obj->auth_key_type == 1 || obj->auth_key_type == 2))
+    goto fail;
+  /* Parse u16 auth_key_len */
+  CHECK_REMAINING(2, truncated);
+  obj->auth_key_len = trunnel_ntohs(trunnel_get_uint16(ptr));
+  remaining -= 2; ptr += 2;
+  /* Parse u8 auth_key[auth_key_len] */
+  CHECK_REMAINING(obj->auth_key_len, truncated);
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_EXPAND(uint8_t, &obj->auth_key, obj->auth_key_len, {});
+  obj->auth_key.n_ = obj->auth_key_len;
+  if (obj->auth_key_len)
+    memcpy(obj->auth_key.elts_, ptr, obj->auth_key_len);
+  ptr += obj->auth_key_len; remaining -= obj->auth_key_len;
+  /* Parse struct cell_extension extensions */
+  result = cell_extension_parse(&obj->extensions, ptr, remaining);
+  if (result < 0)
+    goto relay_fail;
+  trunnel_assert((size_t)result <= remaining);
+  remaining -= result; ptr += result;
+  obj->end_mac_fields = ptr;
+  /* Parse u8 handshake_mac[TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN] */
+  memcpy(obj->handshake_mac, ptr, TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN);
+  remaining -= TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN; ptr += TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN;
+  /* Parse u16 sig_len */
+  CHECK_REMAINING(2, truncated);
+  obj->sig_len = trunnel_ntohs(trunnel_get_uint16(ptr));
+  remaining -= 2; ptr += 2;
+  obj->end_sig_fields = ptr;
+  /* Parse u8 sig[sig_len] */
+  CHECK_REMAINING(obj->sig_len, truncated);
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_EXPAND(uint8_t, &obj->sig, obj->sig_len, {});
+  obj->sig.n_ = obj->sig_len;
+  if (obj->sig_len)
+    memcpy(obj->sig.elts_, ptr, obj->sig_len);
+  ptr += obj->sig_len; remaining -= obj->sig_len;
+  trunnel_assert(ptr + remaining == input + len_in);
+  return len_in - remaining;
+ truncated:
+  return -2;
+ relay_fail:
+  trunnel_assert(result < 0);
+  return result;
+ trunnel_alloc_failed:
+  return -1;
+ fail:
+  result = -1;
+  return result;
+hs_cell_establish_intro_parse(hs_cell_establish_intro_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in)
+  ssize_t result;
+  *output = hs_cell_establish_intro_new();
+  if (NULL == *output)
+    return -1;
+  result = hs_cell_establish_intro_parse_into(*output, input, len_in);
+  if (result < 0) {
+    hs_cell_establish_intro_free(*output);
+    *output = NULL;
+  }
+  return result;
+hs_cell_intro_established_t *
+  hs_cell_intro_established_t *val = trunnel_calloc(1, sizeof(hs_cell_intro_established_t));
+  if (NULL == val)
+    return NULL;
+  return val;
+/** Release all storage held inside 'obj', but do not free 'obj'.
+ */
+static void
+hs_cell_intro_established_clear(hs_cell_intro_established_t *obj)
+  (void) obj;
+  cell_extension_free(obj->extensions);
+  obj->extensions = NULL;
+hs_cell_intro_established_free(hs_cell_intro_established_t *obj)
+  if (obj == NULL)
+    return;
+  hs_cell_intro_established_clear(obj);
+  trunnel_memwipe(obj, sizeof(hs_cell_intro_established_t));
+  trunnel_free_(obj);
+struct cell_extension_st *
+hs_cell_intro_established_get_extensions(hs_cell_intro_established_t *inp)
+  return inp->extensions;
+const struct cell_extension_st *
+hs_cell_intro_established_getconst_extensions(const hs_cell_intro_established_t *inp)
+  return hs_cell_intro_established_get_extensions((hs_cell_intro_established_t*) inp);
+hs_cell_intro_established_set_extensions(hs_cell_intro_established_t *inp, struct cell_extension_st *val)
+  if (inp->extensions && inp->extensions != val)
+    cell_extension_free(inp->extensions);
+  return hs_cell_intro_established_set0_extensions(inp, val);
+hs_cell_intro_established_set0_extensions(hs_cell_intro_established_t *inp, struct cell_extension_st *val)
+  inp->extensions = val;
+  return 0;
+const char *
+hs_cell_intro_established_check(const hs_cell_intro_established_t *obj)
+  if (obj == NULL)
+    return "Object was NULL";
+  if (obj->trunnel_error_code_)
+    return "A set function failed on this object";
+  {
+    const char *msg;
+    if (NULL != (msg = cell_extension_check(obj->extensions)))
+      return msg;
+  }
+  return NULL;
+hs_cell_intro_established_encoded_len(const hs_cell_intro_established_t *obj)
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  if (NULL != hs_cell_intro_established_check(obj))
+     return -1;
+  /* Length of struct cell_extension extensions */
+  result += cell_extension_encoded_len(obj->extensions);
+  return result;
+hs_cell_intro_established_clear_errors(hs_cell_intro_established_t *obj)
+  int r = obj->trunnel_error_code_;
+  obj->trunnel_error_code_ = 0;
+  return r;
+hs_cell_intro_established_encode(uint8_t *output, const size_t avail, const hs_cell_intro_established_t *obj)
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  size_t written = 0;
+  uint8_t *ptr = output;
+  const char *msg;
+  const ssize_t encoded_len = hs_cell_intro_established_encoded_len(obj);
+  if (NULL != (msg = hs_cell_intro_established_check(obj)))
+    goto check_failed;
+  trunnel_assert(encoded_len >= 0);
+  /* Encode struct cell_extension extensions */
+  trunnel_assert(written <= avail);
+  result = cell_extension_encode(ptr, avail - written, obj->extensions);
+  if (result < 0)
+    goto fail; /* XXXXXXX !*/
+  written += result; ptr += result;
+  trunnel_assert(ptr == output + written);
+  {
+    trunnel_assert(encoded_len >= 0);
+    trunnel_assert((size_t)encoded_len == written);
+  }
+  return written;
+ check_failed:
+  (void)msg;
+  result = -1;
+  goto fail;
+ fail:
+  trunnel_assert(result < 0);
+  return result;
+/** As hs_cell_intro_established_parse(), but do not allocate the
+ * output object.
+ */
+static ssize_t
+hs_cell_intro_established_parse_into(hs_cell_intro_established_t *obj, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in)
+  const uint8_t *ptr = input;
+  size_t remaining = len_in;
+  ssize_t result = 0;
+  (void)result;
+  /* Parse struct cell_extension extensions */
+  result = cell_extension_parse(&obj->extensions, ptr, remaining);
+  if (result < 0)
+    goto relay_fail;
+  trunnel_assert((size_t)result <= remaining);
+  remaining -= result; ptr += result;
+  trunnel_assert(ptr + remaining == input + len_in);
+  return len_in - remaining;
+ relay_fail:
+  trunnel_assert(result < 0);
+  return result;
+hs_cell_intro_established_parse(hs_cell_intro_established_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in)
+  ssize_t result;
+  *output = hs_cell_intro_established_new();
+  if (NULL == *output)
+    return -1;
+  result = hs_cell_intro_established_parse_into(*output, input, len_in);
+  if (result < 0) {
+    hs_cell_intro_established_free(*output);
+    *output = NULL;
+  }
+  return result;

+ 275 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+/* cell_establish_intro.h -- generated by by Trunnel v1.5.
+ *
+ * You probably shouldn't edit this file.
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "trunnel.h"
+struct cell_extension_st;
+#define TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN 32
+struct hs_cell_establish_intro_st {
+  const uint8_t *start_cell;
+  uint8_t auth_key_type;
+  uint16_t auth_key_len;
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_HEAD(, uint8_t) auth_key;
+  struct cell_extension_st *extensions;
+  const uint8_t *end_mac_fields;
+  uint8_t handshake_mac[TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN];
+  uint16_t sig_len;
+  const uint8_t *end_sig_fields;
+  TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_HEAD(, uint8_t) sig;
+  uint8_t trunnel_error_code_;
+typedef struct hs_cell_establish_intro_st hs_cell_establish_intro_t;
+struct hs_cell_intro_established_st {
+  struct cell_extension_st *extensions;
+  uint8_t trunnel_error_code_;
+typedef struct hs_cell_intro_established_st hs_cell_intro_established_t;
+/** Return a newly allocated hs_cell_establish_intro with all elements
+ * set to zero.
+ */
+hs_cell_establish_intro_t *hs_cell_establish_intro_new(void);
+/** Release all storage held by the hs_cell_establish_intro in
+ * 'victim'. (Do nothing if 'victim' is NULL.)
+ */
+void hs_cell_establish_intro_free(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *victim);
+/** Try to parse a hs_cell_establish_intro from the buffer in 'input',
+ * using up to 'len_in' bytes from the input buffer. On success,
+ * return the number of bytes consumed and set *output to the newly
+ * allocated hs_cell_establish_intro_t. On failure, return -2 if the
+ * input appears truncated, and -1 if the input is otherwise invalid.
+ */
+ssize_t hs_cell_establish_intro_parse(hs_cell_establish_intro_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in);
+/** Return the number of bytes we expect to need to encode the
+ * hs_cell_establish_intro in 'obj'. On failure, return a negative
+ * value. Note that this value may be an overestimate, and can even be
+ * an underestimate for certain unencodeable objects.
+ */
+ssize_t hs_cell_establish_intro_encoded_len(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *obj);
+/** Try to encode the hs_cell_establish_intro from 'input' into the
+ * buffer at 'output', using up to 'avail' bytes of the output buffer.
+ * On success, return the number of bytes used. On failure, return -2
+ * if the buffer was not long enough, and -1 if the input was invalid.
+ */
+ssize_t hs_cell_establish_intro_encode(uint8_t *output, size_t avail, const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *input);
+/** Check whether the internal state of the hs_cell_establish_intro in
+ * 'obj' is consistent. Return NULL if it is, and a short message if
+ * it is not.
+ */
+const char *hs_cell_establish_intro_check(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *obj);
+/** Clear any errors that were set on the object 'obj' by its setter
+ * functions. Return true iff errors were cleared.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_clear_errors(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *obj);
+/** Return the position for start_cell when we parsed this object
+ */
+const uint8_t * hs_cell_establish_intro_get_start_cell(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Return the value of the auth_key_type field of the
+ * hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'
+ */
+uint8_t hs_cell_establish_intro_get_auth_key_type(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Set the value of the auth_key_type field of the
+ * hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success;
+ * return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_set_auth_key_type(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, uint8_t val);
+/** Return the value of the auth_key_len field of the
+ * hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'
+ */
+uint16_t hs_cell_establish_intro_get_auth_key_len(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Set the value of the auth_key_len field of the
+ * hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success;
+ * return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_set_auth_key_len(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, uint16_t val);
+/** Return the length of the dynamic array holding the auth_key field
+ * of the hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+size_t hs_cell_establish_intro_getlen_auth_key(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Return the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
+ * auth_key of the hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+uint8_t hs_cell_establish_intro_get_auth_key(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx);
+/** As hs_cell_establish_intro_get_auth_key, but take and return a
+ * const pointer
+ */
+uint8_t hs_cell_establish_intro_getconst_auth_key(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx);
+/** Change the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
+ * auth_key of the hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp', so that it will
+ * hold the value 'elt'.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_set_auth_key(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt);
+/** Append a new element 'elt' to the dynamic array field auth_key of
+ * the hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_add_auth_key(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, uint8_t elt);
+/** Return a pointer to the variable-length array field auth_key of
+ * 'inp'.
+ */
+uint8_t * hs_cell_establish_intro_getarray_auth_key(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** As hs_cell_establish_intro_get_auth_key, but take and return a
+ * const pointer
+ */
+const uint8_t  * hs_cell_establish_intro_getconstarray_auth_key(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Change the length of the variable-length array field auth_key of
+ * 'inp' to 'newlen'.Fill extra elements with 0. Return 0 on success;
+ * return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_setlen_auth_key(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t newlen);
+/** Return the value of the extensions field of the
+ * hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'
+ */
+struct cell_extension_st * hs_cell_establish_intro_get_extensions(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** As hs_cell_establish_intro_get_extensions, but take and return a
+ * const pointer
+ */
+const struct cell_extension_st * hs_cell_establish_intro_getconst_extensions(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Set the value of the extensions field of the
+ * hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp' to 'val'. Free the old value if
+ * any. Steals the referenceto 'val'.Return 0 on success; return -1
+ * and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_set_extensions(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, struct cell_extension_st *val);
+/** As hs_cell_establish_intro_set_extensions, but does not free the
+ * previous value.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_set0_extensions(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, struct cell_extension_st *val);
+/** Return the position for end_mac_fields when we parsed this object
+ */
+const uint8_t * hs_cell_establish_intro_get_end_mac_fields(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Return the (constant) length of the array holding the
+ * handshake_mac field of the hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+size_t hs_cell_establish_intro_getlen_handshake_mac(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Return the element at position 'idx' of the fixed array field
+ * handshake_mac of the hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+uint8_t hs_cell_establish_intro_get_handshake_mac(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx);
+/** As hs_cell_establish_intro_get_handshake_mac, but take and return
+ * a const pointer
+ */
+uint8_t hs_cell_establish_intro_getconst_handshake_mac(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx);
+/** Change the element at position 'idx' of the fixed array field
+ * handshake_mac of the hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp', so that it
+ * will hold the value 'elt'.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_set_handshake_mac(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt);
+/** Return a pointer to the TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN-element array field
+ * handshake_mac of 'inp'.
+ */
+uint8_t * hs_cell_establish_intro_getarray_handshake_mac(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** As hs_cell_establish_intro_get_handshake_mac, but take and return
+ * a const pointer
+ */
+const uint8_t  * hs_cell_establish_intro_getconstarray_handshake_mac(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Return the value of the sig_len field of the
+ * hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'
+ */
+uint16_t hs_cell_establish_intro_get_sig_len(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Set the value of the sig_len field of the
+ * hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success;
+ * return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_set_sig_len(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, uint16_t val);
+/** Return the position for end_sig_fields when we parsed this object
+ */
+const uint8_t * hs_cell_establish_intro_get_end_sig_fields(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Return the length of the dynamic array holding the sig field of
+ * the hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+size_t hs_cell_establish_intro_getlen_sig(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Return the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
+ * sig of the hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+uint8_t hs_cell_establish_intro_get_sig(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx);
+/** As hs_cell_establish_intro_get_sig, but take and return a const
+ * pointer
+ */
+uint8_t hs_cell_establish_intro_getconst_sig(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx);
+/** Change the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
+ * sig of the hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp', so that it will hold
+ * the value 'elt'.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_set_sig(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt);
+/** Append a new element 'elt' to the dynamic array field sig of the
+ * hs_cell_establish_intro_t in 'inp'.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_add_sig(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, uint8_t elt);
+/** Return a pointer to the variable-length array field sig of 'inp'.
+ */
+uint8_t * hs_cell_establish_intro_getarray_sig(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** As hs_cell_establish_intro_get_sig, but take and return a const
+ * pointer
+ */
+const uint8_t  * hs_cell_establish_intro_getconstarray_sig(const hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp);
+/** Change the length of the variable-length array field sig of 'inp'
+ * to 'newlen'.Fill extra elements with 0. Return 0 on success; return
+ * -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int hs_cell_establish_intro_setlen_sig(hs_cell_establish_intro_t *inp, size_t newlen);
+/** Return a newly allocated hs_cell_intro_established with all
+ * elements set to zero.
+ */
+hs_cell_intro_established_t *hs_cell_intro_established_new(void);
+/** Release all storage held by the hs_cell_intro_established in
+ * 'victim'. (Do nothing if 'victim' is NULL.)
+ */
+void hs_cell_intro_established_free(hs_cell_intro_established_t *victim);
+/** Try to parse a hs_cell_intro_established from the buffer in
+ * 'input', using up to 'len_in' bytes from the input buffer. On
+ * success, return the number of bytes consumed and set *output to the
+ * newly allocated hs_cell_intro_established_t. On failure, return -2
+ * if the input appears truncated, and -1 if the input is otherwise
+ * invalid.
+ */
+ssize_t hs_cell_intro_established_parse(hs_cell_intro_established_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in);
+/** Return the number of bytes we expect to need to encode the
+ * hs_cell_intro_established in 'obj'. On failure, return a negative
+ * value. Note that this value may be an overestimate, and can even be
+ * an underestimate for certain unencodeable objects.
+ */
+ssize_t hs_cell_intro_established_encoded_len(const hs_cell_intro_established_t *obj);
+/** Try to encode the hs_cell_intro_established from 'input' into the
+ * buffer at 'output', using up to 'avail' bytes of the output buffer.
+ * On success, return the number of bytes used. On failure, return -2
+ * if the buffer was not long enough, and -1 if the input was invalid.
+ */
+ssize_t hs_cell_intro_established_encode(uint8_t *output, size_t avail, const hs_cell_intro_established_t *input);
+/** Check whether the internal state of the hs_cell_intro_established
+ * in 'obj' is consistent. Return NULL if it is, and a short message
+ * if it is not.
+ */
+const char *hs_cell_intro_established_check(const hs_cell_intro_established_t *obj);
+/** Clear any errors that were set on the object 'obj' by its setter
+ * functions. Return true iff errors were cleared.
+ */
+int hs_cell_intro_established_clear_errors(hs_cell_intro_established_t *obj);
+/** Return the value of the extensions field of the
+ * hs_cell_intro_established_t in 'inp'
+ */
+struct cell_extension_st * hs_cell_intro_established_get_extensions(hs_cell_intro_established_t *inp);
+/** As hs_cell_intro_established_get_extensions, but take and return a
+ * const pointer
+ */
+const struct cell_extension_st * hs_cell_intro_established_getconst_extensions(const hs_cell_intro_established_t *inp);
+/** Set the value of the extensions field of the
+ * hs_cell_intro_established_t in 'inp' to 'val'. Free the old value
+ * if any. Steals the referenceto 'val'.Return 0 on success; return -1
+ * and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
+ */
+int hs_cell_intro_established_set_extensions(hs_cell_intro_established_t *inp, struct cell_extension_st *val);
+/** As hs_cell_intro_established_set_extensions, but does not free the
+ * previous value.
+ */
+int hs_cell_intro_established_set0_extensions(hs_cell_intro_established_t *inp, struct cell_extension_st *val);

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * This contains the definition of the ESTABLISH_INTRO and INTRO_ESTABLISHED
+ * cell for onion service version 3 and onward. The following format is
+ * specified in proposal 224 section 3.1.
+ */
+extern struct cell_extension;
+const TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN = 32;
+/* ESTABLISH_INTRO payload. See details in section 3.1.1 */
+struct hs_cell_establish_intro {
+  /* Indicate the start of the handshake authentication data. */
+  @ptr start_cell;
+  /* Authentication key material. */
+  u8 auth_key_type IN [0x00, 0x01, 0x02];
+  u16 auth_key_len;
+  u8 auth_key[auth_key_len];
+  /* Extension(s). Reserved fields. */
+  struct cell_extension extensions;
+  @ptr end_mac_fields;
+  /* Handshake MAC. */
+  u8 handshake_mac[TRUNNEL_SHA3_256_LEN];
+  /* Signature */
+  u16 sig_len;
+  /* Indicate the end of the handshake authentication data. */
+  @ptr end_sig_fields;
+  u8 sig[sig_len];
+/* INTRO_ESTABLISHED payload which is an acknowledge of the ESTABLISH_INTRO
+ * cell. For legacy node, this payload is empty so the following only applies
+ * to version >= 3. */
+struct hs_cell_intro_established {
+  /* Extension(s). Reserved fields. */
+  struct cell_extension extensions;

+ 8 - 5

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 noinst_LIBRARIES += \
@@ -18,15 +17,19 @@ TRUNNELSOURCES = \
 	src/ext/trunnel/trunnel.c \
 	src/trunnel/ed25519_cert.c \
 	src/trunnel/link_handshake.c \
-	src/trunnel/pwbox.c
+	src/trunnel/pwbox.c			\
+	src/trunnel/hs/cell_common.c            \
+	src/trunnel/hs/cell_establish_intro.c
 	src/ext/trunnel/trunnel.h		\
 	src/ext/trunnel/trunnel-impl.h		\
-	src/trunnel/trunnel-local.h 		\
+	src/trunnel/trunnel-local.h		\
 	src/trunnel/ed25519_cert.h		\
-	src/trunnel/link_handshake.h	 	\
-	src/trunnel/pwbox.h
+	src/trunnel/link_handshake.h		\
+	src/trunnel/pwbox.h			\
+	src/trunnel/hs/cell_common.h            \
+	src/trunnel/hs/cell_establish_intro.h
 src_trunnel_libor_trunnel_a_SOURCES = $(TRUNNELSOURCES)
 src_trunnel_libor_trunnel_a_CPPFLAGS = -DTRUNNEL_LOCAL_H $(AM_CPPFLAGS)