Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Nick Mathewson 485fdcf826 Unify parse_unix_socket_config and parse_port_config il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson d8b7dcca8d Merge remote-tracking branch 'andrea/ticket12585_v3' il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson ddfdeb5659 More documentation for proposal 227 work il y a 10 ans
  teor f9d57473e1 Create TestingDirAuthVoteHSDir like TestingDirAuthVoteExit/Guard il y a 10 ans
  Andrea Shepard 78956f5d85 Document disable option for ControlSocket and SocksSocket il y a 10 ans
  Jacob Appelbaum 8d59ddf3cb Commit second draft of Jake's SOCKS5-over-AF_UNIX patch. See ticket #12585. il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson 90b9e23bec Merge branch 'exitnode_10067_squashed' il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson 35efce1f3f Add an ExitRelay option to override ExitPolicy il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson 74cd57517c New option "HiddenServiceAllowUnknownPorts" il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson 4d6a971ba9 Tweak 13913 fix: clarify that the behavior is not promised il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson fd5d9d04b3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'rl1987/ticket13913' il y a 10 ans
  rl1987 f785723e0b Document the case of HiddenServiceDir being defined as relative path. il y a 10 ans
  George Kadianakis 13a6fb9a2a HS stats: Add changes file and improve man page. il y a 10 ans
  George Kadianakis 14e83e626b Add two hidden-service related statistics. il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson fb3000e10c whoops; removed the documentation for Support022HiddenServices too il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson ab08d8c4f7 document that hiddenserviceport can have an ipv6 addr.for 12670 il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson 26e7e519dc Document networkstatus-bridges il y a 10 ans
  rl1987 7f7df97579 Fixing typo in manpage. il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson 68af1e7e9b Throw identify-node-by-nickname down the memory hole il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson 4df419a4b1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'meejah/ticket-11291-extra-utests' il y a 10 ans
  Roger Dingledine f94e5f2e52 update pointer to faq entry il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson cc5571e1f1 Merge remote-tracking branches 'teor/issue-13161-test-network' and 'teor/issue-13161-TestingDirAuthVoteExit' il y a 10 ans
  Roger Dingledine 22a0708133 fix some typos in the man page il y a 10 ans
  teor 27f30040f6 Add TestingDirAuthVoteExit option (like TestingDirAuthVoteGuard) il y a 10 ans
  Roger Dingledine e440993f95 continue our habit of specifying the default in the manpage il y a 10 ans
  Nick Mathewson 8527a29966 Add an "AccountingRule" feature to permit limiting bw usage by read+write il y a 10 ans
  George Kadianakis e02138eb65 Introduce the Tor2webRendezvousPoints torrc option. il y a 10 ans
  Sebastian Hahn 8099dee992 Remove dirauth support for the BadDirectory flag il y a 10 ans
  Sebastian Hahn 607724c696 Remove support for naming directory authorities il y a 10 ans
  Sebastian Hahn 10fe5bad9a Remove the AuthDirRejectUnlisted config option il y a 10 ans