1. Legend:
  2. SPEC!! - Not specified
  3. SPEC - Spec not finalized
  4. NICK - nick claims
  5. ARMA - arma claims
  6. - Not done
  7. * Top priority
  8. . Partially done
  9. o Done
  10. D Deferred
  11. X Abandoned
  12. 0.0.9pre4:
  13. o Don't use FascistFirewall if you're going via Tor, or if
  14. you're going via HttpProxy.
  15. o make RecommendedVersions a CONFIG_TYPE_LINELIST option
  16. o node 'groups' that are known to be in the same zone of control.
  17. o Nodes can list their coadministrated nodes.
  18. o If A lists B, it only counts if B also lists A
  19. o Users can list other coadministrated nodes if they like.
  20. o Never choose two coadministrated nodes in the same circuit.
  21. o let tor servers use proxies for port 80 exits
  22. o Use generic port redirector for IP/bits:Port->IP:Port .
  23. o Make use of them when we're doing exit connections.
  24. X We should set things in options to NULL, not rely on memset(...0)
  25. being equivalent.
  26. o We should check for memset(0) setting things to NULL with
  27. autoconf, and then rely on it in the code.
  28. 0.0.9pre5/6:
  29. - per-month byte allowances.
  30. N - Based on bandwidth and per-month allowance, choose a
  31. window within month to be up. Stay up until allowance is
  32. used. Adjust next month's window based on outcome. Hibernate
  33. when we're not up.
  34. R - Hibernate means "stop accepting connections, and start sleeping"
  35. Implement hibernation.
  36. R . bandwidth buckets for write as well as read.
  37. N - Handle rendezvousing with unverified nodes.
  38. - Specify: Stick rendezvous point's key in INTRODUCE cell.
  39. Bob should _always_ use key from INTRODUCE cell.
  40. - Implement.
  41. R - figure out enclaves, e.g. so we know what to recommend that people
  42. do, and so running a tor server on your website is helpful.
  43. - Do enclaves for same IP only.
  44. - Resolve first, then if IP is an OR, connect to next guy.
  45. N - Pure C tor_resolve
  46. N - the user interface interface
  47. - Skeleton only.
  48. - Implement parts along with trivial fun gui.
  49. N - add ipv6 support.
  50. - Spec issue: if a resolve returns an IP4 and an IP6 address,
  51. which to use?
  52. N&R - Update Spec
  53. R - learn from ben about his openssl-reinitialization-trick to
  54. rotate tls keys without making new connections.
  55. - (Roger grabs Ben next time he sees him on IRC)
  56. - christian grothoff's attack of infinite-length circuit.
  57. the solution is to have a separate 'extend-data' cell type
  58. which is used for the first N data cells, and only
  59. extend-data cells can be extend requests.
  60. - have a pool of circuits available, cannibalize them
  61. for your purposes (e.g. rendezvous, etc).
  62. D nt services on win32.
  63. - Once we have a trusted directory on port 80, stop falling back to
  64. forbidden ports when fascistfirewall blocks all good dirservers.
  65. 0.0.9 and beyond:
  66. - fix sprintf's to snprintf's?
  67. . Make intro points and rendezvous points accept $KEYID in addition
  68. to nicknames.
  69. o Specify
  70. o Implement parsing
  71. - Generate new formats (Not till 007 is dead)
  72. - make loglevel info less noisy
  73. - Facility to automatically choose long-term helper nodes; perhaps
  74. on by default for hidden services.
  75. - Make command-line strict about checking options; make only certain
  76. option prefixes work.
  77. - put expiry date on onion-key, so people don't keep trying
  78. old ones that they could know are expired?
  79. * Leave on todo list, see if pre3 onion fixes helped enough.
  80. - should the running-routers list put unverified routers at the
  81. end?
  82. * Cosmetic, don't do it yet.
  83. - make advertised_server_mode() ORs fetch dirs more often.
  84. * not necessary yet.
  85. - Add a notion of nickname->Pubkey binding that's not 'verification'
  86. * eventually, only when needed
  87. - ORs use uniquer default nicknames
  88. * Don't worry about this for now
  89. - Handle full buffers without totally borking
  90. * do this eventually, no rush.
  91. - do resolve before trying to attach the stream
  92. * don't do this for now.
  93. - if destination IP is running a tor node, extend a circuit there
  94. before sending begin.
  95. * don't do this for now. figure out how enclaves work. but do enclaves soon.
  96. - Support egd or other non-OS-integrated strong entropy sources
  97. more features, complex:
  98. - password protection for on-disk identity key
  99. . Switch dirservers entries to config lines:
  100. o read in and parse each TrustedDir config line.
  101. o stop reading dirservers file.
  102. o add some default TrustedDir lines if none defined, or if
  103. no torrc.
  104. o remove notion of ->is_trusted_dir from the routerlist. that's
  105. no longer where you look.
  106. o clean up router parsing flow, since it's simpler now?
  107. o when checking signature on a directory, look it up in
  108. options.TrustedDirs, and make sure there's a descriptor
  109. with that nickname, whose key hashes to the fingerprint,
  110. and who correctly signed the directory.
  111. o when fetching a directory, if you want a trusted one,
  112. choose from the trusteddir list.
  113. o which means keeping track of which ones are "up"
  114. ? if you don't need a trusted one, choose from the routerinfo
  115. list if you have one, else from the trusteddir list.
  116. * roger will do the above
  117. - add a listener for a ui
  118. * nick chats with weasel
  119. - and a basic gui
  120. - Have clients and dirservers preserve reputation info over
  121. reboots.
  122. * continue not doing until we have something we need to preserve
  123. - round detected bandwidth up to nearest 10KB?
  124. - client software not upload descriptor until:
  125. - you've been running for an hour
  126. - it's sufficiently satisfied with its bandwidth
  127. - it decides it is reachable
  128. - start counting again if your IP ever changes.
  129. - never regenerate identity keys, for now.
  130. - you can set a bit for not-being-an-OR.
  131. * no need to do this yet. few people define their ORPort.
  132. - authdirserver lists you as running iff:
  133. - he can connect to you
  134. - he has successfully extended to you
  135. - you have sufficient mean-time-between-failures
  136. * keep doing nothing for now.
  137. blue sky:
  138. - Possible to get autoconf to easily install things into ~/.tor?
  139. ongoing:
  140. . rename/rearrange functions for what file they're in
  141. - generalize our transport: add transport.c in preparation for
  142. http, airhook, etc transport.
  143. NICK - investigate sctp for alternate transport.
  144. For September:
  145. NICK . Windows port
  146. o works as client
  147. - deal with pollhup / reached_eof on all platforms
  148. . robust as a client
  149. . works as server
  150. - can be configured
  151. - robust as a server
  152. . Usable as NT service
  153. - docs for building in win
  154. - installer, including all needed libs.
  155. - Docs
  156. . FAQ
  157. o overview of tor. how does it work, what's it do, pros and
  158. cons of using it, why should I use it, etc.
  159. - a howto tutorial with examples
  160. * put a stub on the wiki
  161. o tutorial: how to set up your own tor network
  162. - (need to not hardcode dirservers file in config.c)
  163. * this will be solved when we put dirservers in config lines
  164. - port forwarding howto for ipchains, etc
  165. * roger add to wiki of requests
  166. . correct, update, polish spec
  167. - document the exposed function api?
  168. o document what we mean by socks.
  169. NICK . packages
  170. . rpm
  171. * nick will look at the spec file
  172. - find a long-term rpm maintainer
  173. * roger will start guilting people
  174. - code
  175. - better warn/info messages
  176. o let tor do resolves.
  177. o extend socks4 to do resolves?
  178. o make script to ask tor for resolves
  179. - write howto for setting up tsocks, socat.
  180. - including on osx and win32
  181. - freecap handling
  182. - tsocks
  183. o gather patches, submit to maintainer
  184. * send him a reminder mail and see what's up.
  185. - intercept gethostbyname and others
  186. * add this to tsocks
  187. o do resolve via tor
  188. - redesign and thorough code revamp, with particular eye toward:
  189. - support half-open tcp connections
  190. - conn key rotation
  191. - other transports -- http, airhook
  192. - modular introduction mechanism
  193. - allow non-clique topology
  194. Other details and small and hard things:
  195. - tor should be able to have a pool of outgoing IP addresses
  196. that it is able to rotate through. (maybe)
  197. - tie into squid
  198. - hidserv offerers shouldn't need to define a SocksPort
  199. * figure out what breaks for this, and do it.
  200. - when the client fails to pick an intro point for a hidserv,
  201. it should refetch the hidserv desc.
  202. . should maybe make clients exit(1) when bad things happen?
  203. e.g. clock skew.
  204. - should retry exitpolicy end streams even if the end cell didn't
  205. resolve the address for you
  206. . Make logs handle it better when writing to them fails.
  207. o Dirserver shouldn't put you in running-routers list if you haven't
  208. uploaded a descriptor recently
  209. . Refactor: add own routerinfo to routerlist. Right now, only
  210. router_get_by_nickname knows about 'this router', as a hack to
  211. get circuit_launch_new to do the right thing.
  212. . Scrubbing proxies
  213. - Find an smtp proxy?
  214. . Get socks4a support into Mozilla
  215. - Need a relay teardown cell, separate from one-way ends.
  216. - Make it harder to circumvent bandwidth caps: look at number of bytes
  217. sent across sockets, not number sent inside TLS stream.
  218. - fix router_get_by_* functions so they can get ourselves too,
  219. and audit everything to make sure rend and intro points are
  220. just as likely to be us as not.
  221. ***************************Future tasks:****************************
  222. Rendezvous and hidden services:
  223. make it fast:
  224. - preemptively build and start rendezvous circs.
  225. - preemptively build n-1 hops of intro circs?
  226. - cannibalize general circs?
  227. make it reliable:
  228. - standby/hotswap/redundant services.
  229. - store stuff to disk? dirservers forget service descriptors when
  230. they restart; nodes offering hidden services forget their chosen
  231. intro points when they restart.
  232. make it robust:
  233. - auth mechanisms to let midpoint and bob selectively choose
  234. connection requests.
  235. make it scalable:
  236. - right now the hidserv store/lookup system is run by the dirservers;
  237. this won't scale.
  238. Tor scalability:
  239. Relax clique assumptions.
  240. Redesign how directories are handled.
  241. - Separate running-routers lookup from descriptor list lookup.
  242. - Resolve directory agreement somehow.
  243. - Cache directory on all servers.
  244. Find and remove bottlenecks
  245. - Address linear searches on e.g. circuit and connection lists.
  246. Reputation/memory system, so dirservers can measure people,
  247. and so other people can verify their measurements.
  248. - Need to measure via relay, so it's not distinguishable.
  249. Bandwidth-aware path selection. So people with T3's are picked
  250. more often than people with DSL.
  251. Reliability-aware node selection. So people who are stable are
  252. preferred for long-term circuits such as intro and rend circs,
  253. and general circs for irc, aim, ssh, etc.
  254. Let dissidents get to Tor servers via Tor users. ("Backbone model")
  255. Anonymity improvements:
  256. Is abandoning the circuit the only option when an extend fails, or
  257. can we do something without impacting anonymity too much?
  258. Is exiting from the middle of the circuit always a bad idea?
  259. Helper nodes. Decide how to use them to improve safety.
  260. DNS resolution: need to make tor support resolve requests. Need to write
  261. a script and an interface (including an extension to the socks
  262. protocol) so we can ask it to do resolve requests. Need to patch
  263. tsocks to intercept gethostbyname, else we'll continue leaking it.
  264. Improve path selection algorithms based on routing-zones paper. Be sure
  265. to start and end circuits in different ASs. Ideally, consider AS of
  266. source and destination -- maybe even enter and exit via nearby AS.
  267. Intermediate model, with some delays and mixing.
  268. Add defensive dropping regime?
  269. Make it more correct:
  270. Handle half-open connections: right now we don't support all TCP
  271. streams, at least according to the protocol. But we handle all that
  272. we've seen in the wild.
  273. Support IPv6.
  274. Efficiency/speed/robustness:
  275. Congestion control. Is our current design sufficient once we have heavy
  276. use? Need to measure and tweak, or maybe overhaul.
  277. Allow small cells and large cells on the same network?
  278. Cell buffering and resending. This will allow us to handle broken
  279. circuits as long as the endpoints don't break, plus will allow
  280. connection (tls session key) rotation.
  281. Implement Morphmix, so we can compare its behavior, complexity, etc.
  282. Use cpuworker for more heavy lifting.
  283. - Signing (and verifying) hidserv descriptors
  284. - Signing (and verifying) intro/rend requests
  285. - Signing (and verifying) router descriptors
  286. - Signing (and verifying) directories
  287. - Doing TLS handshake (this is very hard to separate out, though)
  288. Buffer size pool: allocate a maximum size for all buffers, not
  289. a maximum size for each buffer. So we don't have to give up as
  290. quickly (and kill the thickpipe!) when there's congestion.
  291. Exit node caching: tie into squid or other caching web proxy.
  292. Other transport. HTTP, udp, rdp, airhook, etc. May have to do our own
  293. link crypto, unless we can bully openssl into it.
  294. P2P Tor:
  295. Do all the scalability stuff above, first.
  296. Incentives to relay. Not so hard.
  297. Incentives to allow exit. Possibly quite hard.
  298. Sybil defenses without having a human bottleneck.
  299. How to gather random sample of nodes.
  300. How to handle nodelist recommendations.
  301. Consider incremental switches: a p2p tor with only 50 users has
  302. different anonymity properties than one with 10k users, and should
  303. be treated differently.