tor-spec.txt 36 KB

  1. $Id$
  2. Tor Protocol Specification
  3. Roger Dingledine
  4. Nick Mathewson
  5. Note: This document aims to specify Tor as implemented in 0.1.2.x
  6. and earlier. Future versions of Tor may implement improved protocols, and
  7. compatibility is not guaranteed.
  8. This specification is not a design document; most design criteria
  9. are not examined. For more information on why Tor acts as it does,
  10. see tor-design.pdf.
  11. 0. Preliminaries
  12. 0.1. Notation and encoding
  13. PK -- a public key.
  14. SK -- a private key.
  15. K -- a key for a symmetric cypher.
  16. a|b -- concatenation of 'a' and 'b'.
  17. [A0 B1 C2] -- a three-byte sequence, containing the bytes with
  18. hexadecimal values A0, B1, and C2, in that order.
  19. All numeric values are encoded in network (big-endian) order.
  20. H(m) -- a cryptographic hash of m.
  21. 0.2. Security parameters
  22. Tor uses a stream cipher, a public-key cipher, the Diffie-Hellman
  23. protocol, and a hash function.
  24. KEY_LEN -- the length of the stream cipher's key, in bytes.
  25. PK_ENC_LEN -- the length of a public-key encrypted message, in bytes.
  26. PK_PAD_LEN -- the number of bytes added in padding for public-key
  27. encryption, in bytes. (The largest number of bytes that can be encrypted
  28. in a single public-key operation is therefore PK_ENC_LEN-PK_PAD_LEN.)
  29. DH_LEN -- the number of bytes used to represent a member of the
  30. Diffie-Hellman group.
  31. DH_SEC_LEN -- the number of bytes used in a Diffie-Hellman private key (x).
  32. HASH_LEN -- the length of the hash function's output, in bytes.
  33. PAYLOAD_LEN -- The longest allowable cell payload, in bytes. (509)
  34. CELL_LEN -- The length of a Tor cell, in bytes.
  35. 0.3. Ciphers
  36. For a stream cipher, we use 128-bit AES in counter mode, with an IV of all
  37. 0 bytes.
  38. For a public-key cipher, we use RSA with 1024-bit keys and a fixed
  39. exponent of 65537. We use OAEP-MGF1 padding, with SHA-1 as its digest
  40. function. We leave optional the "Label" parameter unset. (For OAEP
  41. padding, see
  42. For Diffie-Hellman, we use a generator (g) of 2. For the modulus (p), we
  43. use the 1024-bit safe prime from rfc2409 section 6.2 whose hex
  44. representation is:
  45. "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E08"
  46. "8A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B"
  47. "302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9"
  48. "A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE6"
  49. "49286651ECE65381FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"
  50. As an optimization, implementations SHOULD choose DH private keys (x) of
  51. 320 bits. Implementations that do this MUST never use any DH key more
  52. than once.
  53. [May other implementations reuse their DH keys?? -RD]
  54. [Probably not. Conceivably, you could get away with changing DH keys once
  55. per second, but there are too many oddball attacks for me to be
  56. comfortable that this is safe. -NM]
  57. For a hash function, we use SHA-1.
  58. KEY_LEN=16.
  59. DH_LEN=128; DH_SEC_LEN=40.
  60. PK_ENC_LEN=128; PK_PAD_LEN=42.
  61. HASH_LEN=20.
  62. When we refer to "the hash of a public key", we mean the SHA-1 hash of the
  63. DER encoding of an ASN.1 RSA public key (as specified in PKCS.1).
  64. All "random" values should be generated with a cryptographically strong
  65. random number generator, unless otherwise noted.
  66. The "hybrid encryption" of a byte sequence M with a public key PK is
  67. computed as follows:
  68. 1. If M is less than PK_ENC_LEN-PK_PAD_LEN, pad and encrypt M with PK.
  69. 2. Otherwise, generate a KEY_LEN byte random key K.
  70. Let M1 = the first PK_ENC_LEN-PK_PAD_LEN-KEY_LEN bytes of M,
  71. and let M2 = the rest of M.
  72. Pad and encrypt K|M1 with PK. Encrypt M2 with our stream cipher,
  73. using the key K. Concatenate these encrypted values.
  74. [XXX Note that this "hybrid encryption" approach does not prevent
  75. an attacker from adding or removing bytes to the end of M. It also
  76. allows attackers to modify the bytes not covered by the OAEP --
  77. see Goldberg's PET2006 paper for details. We will add a MAC to this
  78. scheme one day. -RD]
  79. 0.4. Other parameter values
  80. CELL_LEN=512
  81. 1. System overview
  82. Tor is a distributed overlay network designed to anonymize
  83. low-latency TCP-based applications such as web browsing, secure shell,
  84. and instant messaging. Clients choose a path through the network and
  85. build a ``circuit'', in which each node (or ``onion router'' or ``OR'')
  86. in the path knows its predecessor and successor, but no other nodes in
  87. the circuit. Traffic flowing down the circuit is sent in fixed-size
  88. ``cells'', which are unwrapped by a symmetric key at each node (like
  89. the layers of an onion) and relayed downstream.
  90. 1.1. Keys and names
  91. Every Tor server has multiple public/private keypairs:
  92. - A long-term signing-only "Identity key" used to sign documents and
  93. certificates, and used to establish server identity.
  94. - A medium-term "Onion key" used to decrypt onion skins when accepting
  95. circuit extend attempts. (See 5.1.) Old keys MUST be accepted for at
  96. least one week after they are no longer advertised. Because of this,
  97. servers MUST retain old keys for a while after they're rotated.
  98. - A short-term "Connection key" used to negotiate TLS connections.
  99. Tor implementations MAY rotate this key as often as they like, and
  100. SHOULD rotate this key at least once a day.
  101. Tor servers are also identified by "nicknames"; these are specified in
  102. dir-spec.txt.
  103. 2. Connections
  104. Tor uses TLS for link authentication and encryption. All implementations
  105. MUST support
  106. the TLS ciphersuite "TLS_EDH_RSA_WITH_DES_192_CBC3_SHA", and SHOULD
  107. support "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" if it is available.
  108. Implementations MAY support other ciphersuites, but MUST NOT
  109. support any suite without ephemeral keys, symmetric keys of at
  110. least KEY_LEN bits, and digests of at least HASH_LEN bits.
  111. Even though the connection protocol is identical, we think of the
  112. initiator as either an onion router (OR) if it is willing to relay
  113. traffic for other Tor users, or an onion proxy (OP) if it only handles
  114. local requests. Onion proxies SHOULD NOT provide long-term-trackable
  115. identifiers in their handshakes.
  116. During the TLS handshake, the connection initiator always sends a
  117. two-certificate chain, consisting of an X.509 certificate using a
  118. short-term connection public key and a second, self- signed X.509
  119. certificate containing its identity key. The commonName of the first
  120. certificate is the OR's nickname, and the commonName of the second
  121. certificate is the OR's nickname, followed by a space and the string
  122. "<identity>". The other party sends a similar certificate chain.
  123. Implementations running Protocol 1 and earlier use an
  124. organizationName of "Tor" or "TOR". Future implementations (which
  125. support the version negotiation protocol in section 4.1) MUST NOT
  126. have either of these values for their organizationName.
  127. All parties receiving certificates must confirm that the identity key is
  128. as expected. (When initiating a connection, the expected identity key is
  129. the one given in the directory; when creating a connection because of an
  130. EXTEND cell, the expected identity key is the one given in the cell.) If
  131. the key is not as expected, the party must close the connection.
  132. All parties SHOULD reject connections to or from ORs that have malformed
  133. or missing certificates. ORs MAY accept or reject connections from OPs
  134. with malformed or missing certificates.
  135. Once a TLS connection is established, the two sides send cells
  136. (specified below) to one another. Cells are sent serially. All
  137. cells are CELL_LEN bytes long. Cells may be sent embedded in TLS
  138. records of any size or divided across TLS records, but the framing
  139. of TLS records MUST NOT leak information about the type or contents
  140. of the cells.
  141. TLS connections are not permanent. Either side may close a connection
  142. if there are no circuits running over it and an amount of time
  143. (KeepalivePeriod, defaults to 5 minutes) has passed.
  144. (As an exception, directory servers may try to stay connected to all of
  145. the ORs -- though this will be phased out for the Tor 0.1.2.x release.)
  146. 3. Cell Packet format
  147. The basic unit of communication for onion routers and onion
  148. proxies is a fixed-width "cell".
  149. On a version 1 connection, each cell contains the following
  150. fields:
  151. CircID [2 bytes]
  152. Command [1 byte]
  153. Payload (padded with 0 bytes) [PAYLOAD_LEN bytes]
  154. The CircID field determines which circuit, if any, the cell is
  155. associated with.
  156. The 'Command' field holds one of the following values:
  157. 0 -- PADDING (Padding) (See Sec 7.2)
  158. 1 -- CREATE (Create a circuit) (See Sec 5.1)
  159. 2 -- CREATED (Acknowledge create) (See Sec 5.1)
  160. 3 -- RELAY (End-to-end data) (See Sec 5.5 and 6)
  161. 4 -- DESTROY (Stop using a circuit) (See Sec 5.4)
  162. 5 -- CREATE_FAST (Create a circuit, no PK) (See Sec 5.1)
  163. 6 -- CREATED_FAST (Circuit created, no PK) (See Sec 5.1)
  164. The interpretation of 'Payload' depends on the type of the cell.
  165. PADDING: Payload is unused.
  166. CREATE: Payload contains the handshake challenge.
  167. CREATED: Payload contains the handshake response.
  168. RELAY: Payload contains the relay header and relay body.
  169. DESTROY: Payload contains a reason for closing the circuit.
  170. (see 5.4)
  171. Upon receiving any other value for the command field, an OR must
  172. drop the cell. [XXXX Versions prior to 0.1.0.?? logged a warning
  173. when dropping the cell; this is bad behavior. -NM]
  174. The payload is padded with 0 bytes.
  175. PADDING cells are currently used to implement connection keepalive.
  176. If there is no other traffic, ORs and OPs send one another a PADDING
  177. cell every few minutes.
  178. CREATE, CREATED, and DESTROY cells are used to manage circuits;
  179. see section 4 below.
  180. RELAY cells are used to send commands and data along a circuit; see
  181. section 5 below.
  182. 4. [This section deliberately left blank.]
  183. 5. Circuit management
  184. 5.1. CREATE and CREATED cells
  185. Users set up circuits incrementally, one hop at a time. To create a
  186. new circuit, OPs send a CREATE cell to the first node, with the
  187. first half of the DH handshake; that node responds with a CREATED
  188. cell with the second half of the DH handshake plus the first 20 bytes
  189. of derivative key data (see section 5.2). To extend a circuit past
  190. the first hop, the OP sends an EXTEND relay cell (see section 5)
  191. which instructs the last node in the circuit to send a CREATE cell
  192. to extend the circuit.
  193. The payload for a CREATE cell is an 'onion skin', which consists
  194. of the first step of the DH handshake data (also known as g^x).
  195. This value is hybrid-encrypted (see 0.3) to Bob's onion key, giving
  196. an onion-skin of:
  197. PK-encrypted:
  198. Padding padding [PK_PAD_LEN bytes]
  199. Symmetric key [KEY_LEN bytes]
  200. First part of g^x [PK_ENC_LEN-PK_PAD_LEN-KEY_LEN bytes]
  201. Symmetrically encrypted:
  202. Second part of g^x [DH_LEN-(PK_ENC_LEN-PK_PAD_LEN-KEY_LEN)
  203. bytes]
  204. The relay payload for an EXTEND relay cell consists of:
  205. Address [4 bytes]
  206. Port [2 bytes]
  207. Onion skin [DH_LEN+KEY_LEN+PK_PAD_LEN bytes]
  208. Identity fingerprint [HASH_LEN bytes]
  209. The port and address field denote the IPV4 address and port of the next
  210. onion router in the circuit; the public key hash is the hash of the PKCS#1
  211. ASN1 encoding of the next onion router's identity (signing) key. (See 0.3
  212. above.) (Including this hash allows the extending OR verify that it is
  213. indeed connected to the correct target OR, and prevents certain
  214. man-in-the-middle attacks.)
  215. The payload for a CREATED cell, or the relay payload for an
  216. EXTENDED cell, contains:
  217. DH data (g^y) [DH_LEN bytes]
  218. Derivative key data (KH) [HASH_LEN bytes] <see 5.2 below>
  219. The CircID for a CREATE cell is an arbitrarily chosen 2-byte integer,
  220. selected by the node (OP or OR) that sends the CREATE cell. To prevent
  221. CircID collisions, when one OR sends a CREATE cell to another, it chooses
  222. from only one half of the possible values based on the ORs' public
  223. identity keys: if the sending OR has a lower key, it chooses a CircID with
  224. an MSB of 0; otherwise, it chooses a CircID with an MSB of 1.
  225. Public keys are compared numerically by modulus.
  226. As usual with DH, x and y MUST be generated randomly.
  227. [
  228. To implement backward-compatible version negotiation, parties MUST
  229. drop CREATE cells with all-[00] onion-skins.
  230. ]
  231. 5.1.1. CREATE_FAST/CREATED_FAST cells
  232. When initializing the first hop of a circuit, the OP has already
  233. established the OR's identity and negotiated a secret key using TLS.
  234. Because of this, it is not always necessary for the OP to perform the
  235. public key operations to create a circuit. In this case, the
  236. OP MAY send a CREATE_FAST cell instead of a CREATE cell for the first
  237. hop only. The OR responds with a CREATED_FAST cell, and the circuit is
  238. created.
  239. A CREATE_FAST cell contains:
  240. Key material (X) [HASH_LEN bytes]
  241. A CREATED_FAST cell contains:
  242. Key material (Y) [HASH_LEN bytes]
  243. Derivative key data [HASH_LEN bytes] (See 5.2 below)
  244. The values of X and Y must be generated randomly.
  245. [Versions of Tor before did not support these cell types;
  246. clients should not send CREATE_FAST cells to older Tor servers.]
  247. If an OR sees a circuit created with CREATE_FAST, the OR is sure to be the
  248. first hop of a circuit. ORs SHOULD reject attempts to create streams with
  249. RELAY_BEGIN exiting the circuit at the first hop: letting Tor be used as a
  250. single hop proxy makes exit nodes a more attractive target for compromise.
  251. 5.2. Setting circuit keys
  252. Once the handshake between the OP and an OR is completed, both can
  253. now calculate g^xy with ordinary DH. Before computing g^xy, both client
  254. and server MUST verify that the received g^x or g^y value is not degenerate;
  255. that is, it must be strictly greater than 1 and strictly less than p-1
  256. where p is the DH modulus. Implementations MUST NOT complete a handshake
  257. with degenerate keys. Implementations MUST NOT discard other "weak"
  258. g^x values.
  259. (Discarding degenerate keys is critical for security; if bad keys
  260. are not discarded, an attacker can substitute the server's CREATED
  261. cell's g^y with 0 or 1, thus creating a known g^xy and impersonating
  262. the server. Discarding other keys may allow attacks to learn bits of
  263. the private key.)
  264. (The mainline Tor implementation, in the 0.1.1.x-alpha series, discarded
  265. all g^x values less than 2^24, greater than p-2^24, or having more than
  266. 1024-16 identical bits. This served no useful purpose, and we stopped.)
  267. If CREATE or EXTEND is used to extend a circuit, the client and server
  268. base their key material on K0=g^xy, represented as a big-endian unsigned
  269. integer.
  270. If CREATE_FAST is used, the client and server base their key material on
  271. K0=X|Y.
  272. From the base key material K0, they compute KEY_LEN*2+HASH_LEN*3 bytes of
  273. derivative key data as
  274. K = H(K0 | [00]) | H(K0 | [01]) | H(K0 | [02]) | ...
  275. The first HASH_LEN bytes of K form KH; the next HASH_LEN form the forward
  276. digest Df; the next HASH_LEN 41-60 form the backward digest Db; the next
  277. KEY_LEN 61-76 form Kf, and the final KEY_LEN form Kb. Excess bytes from K
  278. are discarded.
  279. KH is used in the handshake response to demonstrate knowledge of the
  280. computed shared key. Df is used to seed the integrity-checking hash
  281. for the stream of data going from the OP to the OR, and Db seeds the
  282. integrity-checking hash for the data stream from the OR to the OP. Kf
  283. is used to encrypt the stream of data going from the OP to the OR, and
  284. Kb is used to encrypt the stream of data going from the OR to the OP.
  285. 5.3. Creating circuits
  286. When creating a circuit through the network, the circuit creator
  287. (OP) performs the following steps:
  288. 1. Choose an onion router as an exit node (R_N), such that the onion
  289. router's exit policy includes at least one pending stream that
  290. needs a circuit (if there are any).
  291. 2. Choose a chain of (N-1) onion routers
  292. (R_1...R_N-1) to constitute the path, such that no router
  293. appears in the path twice.
  294. 3. If not already connected to the first router in the chain,
  295. open a new connection to that router.
  296. 4. Choose a circID not already in use on the connection with the
  297. first router in the chain; send a CREATE cell along the
  298. connection, to be received by the first onion router.
  299. 5. Wait until a CREATED cell is received; finish the handshake
  300. and extract the forward key Kf_1 and the backward key Kb_1.
  301. 6. For each subsequent onion router R (R_2 through R_N), extend
  302. the circuit to R.
  303. To extend the circuit by a single onion router R_M, the OP performs
  304. these steps:
  305. 1. Create an onion skin, encrypted to R_M's public onion key.
  306. 2. Send the onion skin in a relay EXTEND cell along
  307. the circuit (see section 5).
  308. 3. When a relay EXTENDED cell is received, verify KH, and
  309. calculate the shared keys. The circuit is now extended.
  310. When an onion router receives an EXTEND relay cell, it sends a CREATE
  311. cell to the next onion router, with the enclosed onion skin as its
  312. payload. The initiating onion router chooses some circID not yet
  313. used on the connection between the two onion routers. (But see
  314. section 5.1. above, concerning choosing circIDs based on
  315. lexicographic order of nicknames.)
  316. When an onion router receives a CREATE cell, if it already has a
  317. circuit on the given connection with the given circID, it drops the
  318. cell. Otherwise, after receiving the CREATE cell, it completes the
  319. DH handshake, and replies with a CREATED cell. Upon receiving a
  320. CREATED cell, an onion router packs it payload into an EXTENDED relay
  321. cell (see section 5), and sends that cell up the circuit. Upon
  322. receiving the EXTENDED relay cell, the OP can retrieve g^y.
  323. (As an optimization, OR implementations may delay processing onions
  324. until a break in traffic allows time to do so without harming
  325. network latency too greatly.)
  326. 5.4. Tearing down circuits
  327. Circuits are torn down when an unrecoverable error occurs along
  328. the circuit, or when all streams on a circuit are closed and the
  329. circuit's intended lifetime is over. Circuits may be torn down
  330. either completely or hop-by-hop.
  331. To tear down a circuit completely, an OR or OP sends a DESTROY
  332. cell to the adjacent nodes on that circuit, using the appropriate
  333. direction's circID.
  334. Upon receiving an outgoing DESTROY cell, an OR frees resources
  335. associated with the corresponding circuit. If it's not the end of
  336. the circuit, it sends a DESTROY cell for that circuit to the next OR
  337. in the circuit. If the node is the end of the circuit, then it tears
  338. down any associated edge connections (see section 6.1).
  339. After a DESTROY cell has been processed, an OR ignores all data or
  340. destroy cells for the corresponding circuit.
  341. To tear down part of a circuit, the OP may send a RELAY_TRUNCATE cell
  342. signaling a given OR (Stream ID zero). That OR sends a DESTROY
  343. cell to the next node in the circuit, and replies to the OP with a
  344. RELAY_TRUNCATED cell.
  345. When an unrecoverable error occurs along one connection in a
  346. circuit, the nodes on either side of the connection should, if they
  347. are able, act as follows: the node closer to the OP should send a
  348. RELAY_TRUNCATED cell towards the OP; the node farther from the OP
  349. should send a DESTROY cell down the circuit.
  350. The payload of a RELAY_TRUNCATED or DESTROY cell contains a single octet,
  351. describing why the circuit is being closed or truncated. When sending a
  352. TRUNCATED or DESTROY cell because of another TRUNCATED or DESTROY cell,
  353. the error code should be propagated. The origin of a circuit always sets
  354. this error code to 0, to avoid leaking its version.
  355. The error codes are:
  356. 0 -- NONE (No reason given.)
  357. 1 -- PROTOCOL (Tor protocol violation.)
  358. 2 -- INTERNAL (Internal error.)
  359. 3 -- REQUESTED (A client sent a TRUNCATE command.)
  360. 4 -- HIBERNATING (Not currently operating; trying to save bandwidth.)
  361. 5 -- RESOURCELIMIT (Out of memory, sockets, or circuit IDs.)
  362. 6 -- CONNECTFAILED (Unable to reach server.)
  363. 7 -- OR_IDENTITY (Connected to server, but its OR identity was not
  364. as expected.)
  365. 8 -- OR_CONN_CLOSED (The OR connection that was carrying this circuit
  366. died.)
  367. 9 -- FINISHED (The circuit has expired for being dirty or old.)
  368. 10 -- TIMEOUT (Circuit construction took too long)
  369. 11 -- DESTROYED (The circuit was destroyed w/o client TRUNCATE)
  370. 12 -- NOSUCHSERVICE (Request for unknown hidden service)
  371. [Versions of Tor prior to didn't send reasons; implementations
  372. MUST accept empty TRUNCATED and DESTROY cells.]
  373. 5.5. Routing relay cells
  374. When an OR receives a RELAY cell, it checks the cell's circID and
  375. determines whether it has a corresponding circuit along that
  376. connection. If not, the OR drops the RELAY cell.
  377. Otherwise, if the OR is not at the OP edge of the circuit (that is,
  378. either an 'exit node' or a non-edge node), it de/encrypts the payload
  379. with the stream cipher, as follows:
  380. 'Forward' relay cell (same direction as CREATE):
  381. Use Kf as key; decrypt.
  382. 'Back' relay cell (opposite direction from CREATE):
  383. Use Kb as key; encrypt.
  384. Note that in counter mode, decrypt and encrypt are the same operation.
  385. The OR then decides whether it recognizes the relay cell, by
  386. inspecting the payload as described in section 6.1 below. If the OR
  387. recognizes the cell, it processes the contents of the relay cell.
  388. Otherwise, it passes the decrypted relay cell along the circuit if
  389. the circuit continues. If the OR at the end of the circuit
  390. encounters an unrecognized relay cell, an error has occurred: the OR
  391. sends a DESTROY cell to tear down the circuit.
  392. When a relay cell arrives at an OP, the OP decrypts the payload
  393. with the stream cipher as follows:
  394. OP receives data cell:
  395. For I=N...1,
  396. Decrypt with Kb_I. If the payload is recognized (see
  397. section 6..1), then stop and process the payload.
  398. For more information, see section 6 below.
  399. 6. Application connections and stream management
  400. 6.1. Relay cells
  401. Within a circuit, the OP and the exit node use the contents of
  402. RELAY packets to tunnel end-to-end commands and TCP connections
  403. ("Streams") across circuits. End-to-end commands can be initiated
  404. by either edge; streams are initiated by the OP.
  405. The payload of each unencrypted RELAY cell consists of:
  406. Relay command [1 byte]
  407. 'Recognized' [2 bytes]
  408. StreamID [2 bytes]
  409. Digest [4 bytes]
  410. Length [2 bytes]
  411. Data [CELL_LEN-14 bytes]
  412. The relay commands are:
  413. 1 -- RELAY_BEGIN [forward]
  414. 2 -- RELAY_DATA [forward or backward]
  415. 3 -- RELAY_END [forward or backward]
  416. 4 -- RELAY_CONNECTED [backward]
  417. 5 -- RELAY_SENDME [forward or backward] [sometimes control]
  418. 6 -- RELAY_EXTEND [forward] [control]
  419. 7 -- RELAY_EXTENDED [backward] [control]
  420. 8 -- RELAY_TRUNCATE [forward] [control]
  421. 9 -- RELAY_TRUNCATED [backward] [control]
  422. 10 -- RELAY_DROP [forward or backward] [control]
  423. 11 -- RELAY_RESOLVE [forward]
  424. 12 -- RELAY_RESOLVED [backward]
  425. 13 -- RELAY_BEGIN_DIR [forward]
  426. Commands labelled as "forward" must only be sent by the originator
  427. of the circuit. Commands labelled as "backward" must only be sent by
  428. other nodes in the circuit back to the originator. Commands marked
  429. as either can be sent either by the originator or other nodes.
  430. The 'recognized' field in any unencrypted relay payload is always set
  431. to zero; the 'digest' field is computed as the first four bytes of
  432. the running digest of all the bytes that have been destined for
  433. this hop of the circuit or originated from this hop of the circuit,
  434. seeded from Df or Db respectively (obtained in section 5.2 above),
  435. and including this RELAY cell's entire payload (taken with the digest
  436. field set to zero).
  437. When the 'recognized' field of a RELAY cell is zero, and the digest
  438. is correct, the cell is considered "recognized" for the purposes of
  439. decryption (see section 5.5 above).
  440. (The digest does not include any bytes from relay cells that do
  441. not start or end at this hop of the circuit. That is, it does not
  442. include forwarded data. Therefore if 'recognized' is zero but the
  443. digest does not match, the running digest at that node should
  444. not be updated, and the cell should be forwarded on.)
  445. All RELAY cells pertaining to the same tunneled stream have the
  446. same stream ID. StreamIDs are chosen arbitrarily by the OP. RELAY
  447. cells that affect the entire circuit rather than a particular
  448. stream use a StreamID of zero -- they are marked in the table above
  449. as "[control]" style cells. (Sendme cells are marked as "sometimes
  450. control" because they can take include a StreamID or not depending
  451. on their purpose -- see Section 7.)
  452. The 'Length' field of a relay cell contains the number of bytes in
  453. the relay payload which contain real payload data. The remainder of
  454. the payload is padded with NUL bytes.
  455. If the RELAY cell is recognized but the relay command is not
  456. understood, the cell must be dropped and ignored. Its contents
  457. still count with respect to the digests, though. [Before
  458., Tor closed circuits when it received an unknown relay
  459. command. Perhaps this will be more forward-compatible. -RD]
  460. 6.2. Opening streams and transferring data
  461. To open a new anonymized TCP connection, the OP chooses an open
  462. circuit to an exit that may be able to connect to the destination
  463. address, selects an arbitrary StreamID not yet used on that circuit,
  464. and constructs a RELAY_BEGIN cell with a payload encoding the address
  465. and port of the destination host. The payload format is:
  466. ADDRESS | ':' | PORT | [00]
  467. where ADDRESS can be a DNS hostname, or an IPv4 address in
  468. dotted-quad format, or an IPv6 address surrounded by square brackets;
  469. and where PORT is encoded in decimal.
  470. [What is the [00] for? -NM]
  471. [It's so the payload is easy to parse out with string funcs -RD]
  472. Upon receiving this cell, the exit node resolves the address as
  473. necessary, and opens a new TCP connection to the target port. If the
  474. address cannot be resolved, or a connection can't be established, the
  475. exit node replies with a RELAY_END cell. (See 6.4 below.)
  476. Otherwise, the exit node replies with a RELAY_CONNECTED cell, whose
  477. payload is in one of the following formats:
  478. The IPv4 address to which the connection was made [4 octets]
  479. A number of seconds (TTL) for which the address may be cached [4 octets]
  480. or
  481. Four zero-valued octets [4 octets]
  482. An address type (6) [1 octet]
  483. The IPv6 address to which the connection was made [16 octets]
  484. A number of seconds (TTL) for which the address may be cached [4 octets]
  485. [XXXX Versions of Tor before ignore and do not generate the TTL
  486. field. No version of Tor currently generates the IPv6 format.
  487. Tor servers before set the TTL field to a fixed value. Later
  488. versions set the TTL to the last value seen from a DNS server, and expire
  489. their own cached entries after a fixed interval. This prevents certain
  490. attacks.]
  491. The OP waits for a RELAY_CONNECTED cell before sending any data.
  492. Once a connection has been established, the OP and exit node
  493. package stream data in RELAY_DATA cells, and upon receiving such
  494. cells, echo their contents to the corresponding TCP stream.
  495. RELAY_DATA cells sent to unrecognized streams are dropped.
  496. Relay RELAY_DROP cells are long-range dummies; upon receiving such
  497. a cell, the OR or OP must drop it.
  498. 6.2.1. Opening a directory stream
  499. If a Tor server is a directory server, it should respond to a
  500. RELAY_BEGIN_DIR cell as if it had received a BEGIN cell requesting a
  501. connection to its directory port. RELAY_BEGIN_DIR cells ignore exit
  502. policy, since the stream is local to the Tor process.
  503. If the Tor server is not running a directory service, it should respond
  505. Clients MUST generate an all-zero payload for RELAY_BEGIN_DIR cells,
  506. and servers MUST ignore the payload.
  507. [RELAY_BEGIN_DIR was not supported before Tor; clients
  508. SHOULD NOT send it to routers running earlier versions of Tor.]
  509. 6.3. Closing streams
  510. When an anonymized TCP connection is closed, or an edge node
  511. encounters error on any stream, it sends a 'RELAY_END' cell along the
  512. circuit (if possible) and closes the TCP connection immediately. If
  513. an edge node receives a 'RELAY_END' cell for any stream, it closes
  514. the TCP connection completely, and sends nothing more along the
  515. circuit for that stream.
  516. The payload of a RELAY_END cell begins with a single 'reason' byte to
  517. describe why the stream is closing, plus optional data (depending on
  518. the reason.) The values are:
  519. 1 -- REASON_MISC (catch-all for unlisted reasons)
  520. 2 -- REASON_RESOLVEFAILED (couldn't look up hostname)
  521. 3 -- REASON_CONNECTREFUSED (remote host refused connection) [*]
  522. 4 -- REASON_EXITPOLICY (OR refuses to connect to host or port)
  523. 5 -- REASON_DESTROY (Circuit is being destroyed)
  524. 6 -- REASON_DONE (Anonymized TCP connection was closed)
  525. 7 -- REASON_TIMEOUT (Connection timed out, or OR timed out
  526. while connecting)
  527. 8 -- (unallocated) [**]
  528. 9 -- REASON_HIBERNATING (OR is temporarily hibernating)
  529. 10 -- REASON_INTERNAL (Internal error at the OR)
  530. 11 -- REASON_RESOURCELIMIT (OR has no resources to fulfill request)
  531. 12 -- REASON_CONNRESET (Connection was unexpectedly reset)
  532. 13 -- REASON_TORPROTOCOL (Sent when closing connection because of
  533. Tor protocol violations.)
  534. 14 -- REASON_NOTDIRECTORY (Client sent RELAY_BEGIN_DIR to a
  535. non-directory server.)
  536. (With REASON_EXITPOLICY, the 4-byte IPv4 address or 16-byte IPv6 address
  537. forms the optional data; no other reason currently has extra data.
  538. As of, the body also contains a 4-byte TTL.)
  539. OPs and ORs MUST accept reasons not on the above list, since future
  540. versions of Tor may provide more fine-grained reasons.
  541. [*] Older versions of Tor also send this reason when connections are
  542. reset.
  543. [**] Due to a bug in versions of Tor through 0095, error reason 8 must
  544. remain allocated until that version is obsolete.
  545. --- [The rest of this section describes unimplemented functionality.]
  546. Because TCP connections can be half-open, we follow an equivalent
  547. to TCP's FIN/FIN-ACK/ACK protocol to close streams.
  548. An exit connection can have a TCP stream in one of three states:
  549. 'OPEN', 'DONE_PACKAGING', and 'DONE_DELIVERING'. For the purposes
  550. of modeling transitions, we treat 'CLOSED' as a fourth state,
  551. although connections in this state are not, in fact, tracked by the
  552. onion router.
  553. A stream begins in the 'OPEN' state. Upon receiving a 'FIN' from
  554. the corresponding TCP connection, the edge node sends a 'RELAY_FIN'
  555. cell along the circuit and changes its state to 'DONE_PACKAGING'.
  556. Upon receiving a 'RELAY_FIN' cell, an edge node sends a 'FIN' to
  557. the corresponding TCP connection (e.g., by calling
  558. shutdown(SHUT_WR)) and changing its state to 'DONE_DELIVERING'.
  559. When a stream in already in 'DONE_DELIVERING' receives a 'FIN', it
  560. also sends a 'RELAY_FIN' along the circuit, and changes its state
  561. to 'CLOSED'. When a stream already in 'DONE_PACKAGING' receives a
  562. 'RELAY_FIN' cell, it sends a 'FIN' and changes its state to
  563. 'CLOSED'.
  564. If an edge node encounters an error on any stream, it sends a
  565. 'RELAY_END' cell (if possible) and closes the stream immediately.
  566. 6.4. Remote hostname lookup
  567. To find the address associated with a hostname, the OP sends a
  568. RELAY_RESOLVE cell containing the hostname to be resolved. (For a reverse
  569. lookup, the OP sends a RELAY_RESOLVE cell containing an
  570. address.) The OR replies with a RELAY_RESOLVED cell containing a status
  571. byte, and any number of answers. Each answer is of the form:
  572. Type (1 octet)
  573. Length (1 octet)
  574. Value (variable-width)
  575. TTL (4 octets)
  576. "Length" is the length of the Value field.
  577. "Type" is one of:
  578. 0x00 -- Hostname
  579. 0x04 -- IPv4 address
  580. 0x06 -- IPv6 address
  581. 0xF0 -- Error, transient
  582. 0xF1 -- Error, nontransient
  583. If any answer has a type of 'Error', then no other answer may be given.
  584. The RELAY_RESOLVE cell must use a nonzero, distinct streamID; the
  585. corresponding RELAY_RESOLVED cell must use the same streamID. No stream
  586. is actually created by the OR when resolving the name.
  587. 7. Flow control
  588. 7.1. Link throttling
  589. Each node should do appropriate bandwidth throttling to keep its
  590. user happy.
  591. Communicants rely on TCP's default flow control to push back when they
  592. stop reading.
  593. 7.2. Link padding
  594. Link padding can be created by sending PADDING cells along the
  595. connection; relay cells of type "DROP" can be used for long-range
  596. padding.
  597. Currently nodes are not required to do any sort of link padding or
  598. dummy traffic. Because strong attacks exist even with link padding,
  599. and because link padding greatly increases the bandwidth requirements
  600. for running a node, we plan to leave out link padding until this
  601. tradeoff is better understood.
  602. 7.3. Circuit-level flow control
  603. To control a circuit's bandwidth usage, each OR keeps track of
  604. two 'windows', consisting of how many RELAY_DATA cells it is
  605. allowed to package for transmission, and how many RELAY_DATA cells
  606. it is willing to deliver to streams outside the network.
  607. Each 'window' value is initially set to 1000 data cells
  608. in each direction (cells that are not data cells do not affect
  609. the window). When an OR is willing to deliver more cells, it sends a
  610. RELAY_SENDME cell towards the OP, with Stream ID zero. When an OR
  611. receives a RELAY_SENDME cell with stream ID zero, it increments its
  612. packaging window.
  613. Each of these cells increments the corresponding window by 100.
  614. The OP behaves identically, except that it must track a packaging
  615. window and a delivery window for every OR in the circuit.
  616. An OR or OP sends cells to increment its delivery window when the
  617. corresponding window value falls under some threshold (900).
  618. If a packaging window reaches 0, the OR or OP stops reading from
  619. TCP connections for all streams on the corresponding circuit, and
  620. sends no more RELAY_DATA cells until receiving a RELAY_SENDME cell.
  621. [this stuff is badly worded; copy in the tor-design section -RD]
  622. 7.4. Stream-level flow control
  623. Edge nodes use RELAY_SENDME cells to implement end-to-end flow
  624. control for individual connections across circuits. Similarly to
  625. circuit-level flow control, edge nodes begin with a window of cells
  626. (500) per stream, and increment the window by a fixed value (50)
  627. upon receiving a RELAY_SENDME cell. Edge nodes initiate RELAY_SENDME
  628. cells when both a) the window is <= 450, and b) there are less than
  629. ten cell payloads remaining to be flushed at that edge.
  630. A.1. Differences between spec and implementation
  631. - The current specification requires all ORs to have IPv4 addresses, but
  632. allows servers to exit and resolve to IPv6 addresses, and to declare IPv6
  633. addresses in their exit policies. The current codebase has no IPv6
  634. support at all.