1. $Id$
  2. Legend:
  3. SPEC!! - Not specified
  4. SPEC - Spec not finalized
  5. N - nick claims
  6. R - arma claims
  7. P - phobos claims
  8. - Not done
  9. * Top priority
  10. . Partially done
  11. o Done
  12. d Deferrable
  13. D Deferred
  14. X Abandoned
  15. X <nickm> "Let's try to find a way to make it run and make the version
  16. match, but if not, let's just make it run."
  17. X <arma> "should we detect if we have a --with-ssl-dir and try the -R
  18. by default, if it works?"
  19. Items for 0.1.2.x, real soon now:
  20. ? - Bug: combination of things:
  21. When we've been idle a long time, we stop fetching server
  22. descriptors. When we then get a socks request, we build circuits
  23. immediately using whatever descriptors we have, rather than waiting
  24. until we've fetched correct ones.
  25. N - Test guard unreachable logic; make sure that we actually attempt to
  26. connect to guards that we think are unreachable from time to time.
  27. Make sure that we don't freak out when the network is down.
  28. o Stop recommending exits as guards?
  29. look at the overall fraction of exits in the network. if the
  30. fraction is too small, none of them get to be guards.
  31. R - Reconstruct ChangeLog; put rolled-up info in ReleaseNotes or something.
  32. Items for 0.1.2.x:
  33. - enumerate events of important things that occur in tor, so vidalia can
  34. react.
  35. o Backend implementation
  36. R - Actually list all the events (notice and warn log messages are a good
  37. place to look.) Divide messages into categories, perhaps.
  38. R - Specify general event system
  39. R - Specify actual events.
  40. R - and implement the rest
  41. . Have (and document) a BEGIN_DIR relay cell that means "Connect to your
  42. directory port."
  43. o Specify
  44. o Implement
  45. o Use for something, so we can be sure it works.
  46. o Test and debug
  47. R - turn the received socks addr:port into a digest for setting .exit
  48. - be able to connect without having a server descriptor, to bootstrap.
  49. R - handle connect-dir streams that don't have a chosen_exit_name set.
  50. o include ORPort in DirServers lines so we can know where to connect.
  51. list the orport as 0 if it can't handle begin_dir.
  52. N - list versions in status page
  53. a new line in the status entry. "Tor". If it's
  54. a version, treat it like one. If it's something else, assume
  55. it's at least 0.1.2.x.
  56. maybe we could have it be a new 'v' line in the status, with
  57. key=value syntax. so we could have a 'tor' version, but we
  58. could also have a 'conn' version, a 'dir' version, etc down
  59. the road. and one day maybe the 'tor' key would be deprecated.
  60. o Document .noconnect addresses...
  61. A new file 'address-spec.txt' that describes .exit, .onion,
  62. .noconnect, etc?
  63. - Servers are easy to setup and run: being a relay is about as easy as
  64. being a client.
  65. . Reduce resource load
  66. o A way to alert controller when router flags change.
  67. o Specify: SETEVENTS NS
  68. o Implement
  69. R - Hunt for places that change networkstatus info that I might have
  70. missed.
  71. R . option to dl directory info via tor
  72. o Make an option like __AllDirActionsPrivate that falls back to
  73. non-Tor DL when not enough info present. (TunnelDirConns).
  74. - Set default to 0 before release candidate.
  75. - Think harder about whether TunnelDirConns should be on
  76. by default.
  77. - Handle case where we have no descriptors and so don't know who can
  78. handle BEGIN_DIR.
  79. N - DNS improvements
  80. o Don't ask reject *:* nodes for DNS unless client wants you to.
  81. . Asynchronous DNS
  82. - Make evdns use windows strerror equivalents.
  83. - Make sure patches get into libevent.
  84. - Verify that it works well on windows
  85. . Make reverse DNS work.
  86. . Add client-side interface
  87. o SOCKS interface: specify
  88. o SOCKS interface: implement
  89. d - Cache answers client-side
  90. o Add to
  91. - Add to tor-resolve
  92. d - Be a DNS proxy.
  93. o Check for invalid characters in hostnames before trying to resolve
  94. them. (This will help catch attempts do to mean things to our DNS
  95. server, and bad software that tries to do DNS lookups on whole URLs.)
  96. o address_is_invalid_destination() is the right thing to call here
  97. (and feel free to make that function smarter)
  98. o add a config option to turn it off.
  99. - and a man page for that option
  100. - Bug 364: notice when all the DNS requests we get back (including a few
  101. well-known sites) are all going to the same place.
  102. o Bug 363: Warn and die if we can't find a nameserver and we're running a
  103. server; don't fall back to
  104. ? - maybe re-check dns when we change IP addresses, rather than
  105. every 12 hours?
  106. - Bug 326: Give fewer error messages from nameservers.
  107. - Only warn when _all_ nameservers are down; otherwise info.
  108. - Increase timeout; what's industry standard?
  109. - Alternatively, raise timeout when nameserver dies but comes back
  110. quickly?
  111. - Don't believe that our sole nameserver is dead? or, not until more
  112. failures than it would take to think one of several nameservers was
  113. dead?
  114. - Possibly, don't warn until second retry of a nameserver gets no
  115. answer?
  116. - warn if all of your nameservers go down and stay down for like
  117. 5 minutes.
  118. R o Take out the '5 second' timeout from the socks detach schedule.
  119. - Performance improvements
  120. - Critical but minor bugs, backport candidates.
  121. - support dir 503s better
  122. o clients don't log as loudly when they receive them
  123. N - they don't count toward the 3-strikes rule
  124. - should there be some threshold of 503's after which we give up?
  125. - Delay when we get a lot of 503s?
  126. N - split "router is down" from "dirport shouldn't be tried for a while"?
  127. We want a field to hold "when did we last get a 503 from this
  128. directory server." Probably, it should go in local_routerstatus_t,
  129. not in routerinfo_t, since we can try to use servers as directories
  130. before we have their descriptors. Possibly, it should also go in
  131. trusted_dir_server_t.
  132. - authorities should *never* 503 a cache, and should never 503
  133. network status requests. They can 503 client descriptor requests
  134. when they feel like it.
  135. - update dir-spec with what we decided for each of these
  136. Nd- Have a mode that doesn't write to disk much, so we can run Tor on
  137. flash memory (e.g. Linksys routers or USB keys).
  138. o Add AvoidDiskWrites config option.
  139. . only write state file when it's "changed"
  140. - crank up the numbers if avoiddiskwrites is on.
  141. - some things may not want to get written at all.
  142. - stop writing identity key / fingerprint / etc every restart
  143. - more?
  144. NR. Write path-spec.txt
  145. - Packaging
  146. - Tell people about OSX Uninstaller
  147. - Quietly document NT Service options
  148. - Switch canonical win32 compiler to mingw.
  149. NR D Get some kind of "meta signing key" to be used solely to sign
  150. releases/to certify releases when signed by the right people/
  151. to certify sign the right people's keys? Also use this to cert the SSL
  152. key, etc.
  153. - If we haven't replaced privoxy, lock down its configuration in all
  154. packages, as documented in tor-doc-unix.html
  155. o script to look at config.c, torrc.sample,, to tell us
  156. what's missing in which and notice which descriptions are missing.
  157. - Docs
  158. - More prominently, we should have a recommended apps list.
  159. - recommend gaim.
  160. - unrecommend IE because of ftp:// bug.
  161. - needs attention?
  162. - we should add a preamble to tor-design saying it's out of date.
  163. - Improvements to bandwidth counting
  164. R - look into "uncounting" bytes spent on local connections, so
  165. we can bandwidthrate but still have fast downloads.
  166. R - "bandwidth classes", for incoming vs initiated-here conns,
  167. and to give dir conns lower priority.
  168. . Write limiting; separate token bucket for write
  169. o preemptively give a 503 to some v1 dir requests
  170. - preemptively give a 503 to some v2 dir requests
  171. - per-conn write buckets
  172. - separate config options for read vs write limiting
  173. Topics to think about during 0.1.2.x development:
  174. * Figure out incentives.
  175. - (How can we make this tolerant of a bad v0?)
  176. * Figure out non-clique.
  177. * Figure out China.
  178. - Figure out partial network knowledge.
  179. - Figure out hidden services.
  180. - Design next-version protocol for directories
  181. - Design next-version protocol for connections
  182. For blocking-resistance scheme:
  183. o allow ordinary-looking ssl for dir connections. need a new dirport
  184. for this, or can we handle both ssl and non-ssl, or should we
  185. entirely switch to ssl in certain cases?
  186. D need to figure out how to fetch status of a few servers from the BDA
  187. without fetching all statuses. A new URL to fetch I presume?
  188. Deferred from 0.1.2.x:
  189. P - Figure out why dll's compiled in mingw don't work right in WinXP.
  190. P - Figure out why openssl 0.9.8d "make test" fails at sha256t test.
  191. - Directory guards
  192. - RAM use in directory authorities.
  193. - Memory use improvements:
  194. - Look into pulling serverdescs off buffers as they arrive.
  195. - Save and mmap v1 directories, and networkstatus docs; store them
  196. zipped, not uncompressed.
  197. - Switch cached_router_t to use mmap.
  198. - What to do about reference counts on windows? (On Unix, this is
  199. easy: unlink works fine. (Right?) On Windows, I have doubts. Do we
  200. need to keep multiple files?)
  201. - What do we do about the fact that people can't read zlib-
  202. compressed files manually?
  203. - Refactor DNS resolve implementation
  204. - Refactor exit side of resolve: do we need a connection_t?
  205. - Refactor entry side of resolve: do we need a connection_t?
  206. - If the client's clock is too far in the past, it will drop (or
  207. just not try to get) descriptors, so it'll never build circuits.
  208. - Tolerate clock skew on bridge relays.
  209. - A more efficient dir protocol.
  210. - Authorities should fetch the network-statuses amongst each
  211. other, consensus them, and advertise a communal network-status.
  212. This is not so much for safety/complexity as it is to reduce
  213. bandwidth requirements for Alice.
  214. - How does this interact with our goal of being able to choose
  215. your own dir authorities? I guess we're now assuming that all
  216. dir authorities know all the other authorities in their "group"?
  217. - Should we also look into a "delta since last network-status
  218. checkpoint" scheme, to reduce overhead further?
  219. - Extend the "r" line in network-status to give a set of buckets (say,
  220. comma-separated) for that router.
  221. - Buckets are deterministic based on IP address.
  222. - Then clients can choose a bucket (or set of buckets) to
  223. download and use.
  224. - Improvements to versioning.
  225. - When we connect to a Tor server, it sends back a cell listing
  226. the IP it believes it is using. Use this to block dvorak's attack.
  227. Also, this is a fine time to say what time you think it is.
  228. o Verify that a new cell type is okay with deployed codebase
  229. . Specify HELLO cells
  230. . Figure out v0 compatibility.
  231. - Implement
  232. - Eventdns improvements
  233. - Have a way to query for AAAA and A records simultaneously.
  234. - Improve request API: At the very least, add the ability to construct
  235. a more-or-less arbitrary request and get a response.
  236. - (Can we suppress cnames? Should we?)
  237. - Now that we're avoiding exits when picking non-exit positions,
  238. we need to consider how to pick nodes for internal circuits. If
  239. we avoid exits for all positions, we skew the load balancing. If
  240. we accept exits for all positions, we leak whether it's an internal
  241. circuit at every step. If we accept exits only at the last hop, we
  242. reintroduce Lasse's attacks from the Oakland paper.
  243. - We should ship with a list of stable dir mirrors -- they're not
  244. trusted like the authorities, but they'll provide more robustness
  245. and diversity for bootstrapping clients.
  246. - Simplify authority operation
  247. - Follow weasel's proposal, crossed with mixminion dir config format
  248. - A way to adjust router flags from the controller.
  249. (How do we prevent the authority from clobbering them soon after?)
  250. - a way to pick entry guards based wholly on extend_info equivalent;
  251. a way to export extend_info equivalent.
  252. - Count TLS bandwidth more accurately
  253. - Better estimates in the directory of whether servers have good uptime
  254. (high expected time to failure) or good guard qualities (high
  255. fractional uptime).
  256. - AKA Track uptime as %-of-time-up, as well as time-since-last-down
  257. - Have a "Faster" status flag that means it. Fast2, Fast4, Fast8?
  258. - spec
  259. - implement
  260. - Failed rend desc fetches sometimes don't get retried. True/false?
  261. - Windows server usability
  262. - Solve the ENOBUFS problem.
  263. - make tor's use of openssl operate on buffers rather than sockets,
  264. so we can make use of libevent's buffer paradigm once it has one.
  265. - make tor's use of libevent tolerate either the socket or the
  266. buffer paradigm; includes unifying the functions in connect.c.
  267. - We need a getrlimit equivalent on Windows so we can reserve some
  268. file descriptors for saving files, etc. Otherwise we'll trigger
  269. asserts when we're out of file descriptors and crash.
  270. M - rewrite how libevent does select() on win32 so it's not so very slow.
  271. - Add overlapped IO
  272. - Add an option (related to AvoidDiskWrites) to disable directory caching.
  273. Minor items for 0.1.2.x as time permits:
  274. R - add d64 and fp64 along-side d and fp so people can paste status
  275. entries into a url. since + is a valid base64 char, only allow one
  276. at a time. spec and then do.
  277. D don't do dns hijacking tests if we're reject *:* exit policy?
  278. (deferred until 0.1.1.x is less common)
  279. - When we export something from foo.c file for testing purposes only,
  280. make a foo_test.h file for test.c to include.
  281. - The Debian package now uses --verify-config when (re)starting,
  282. to distinguish configuration errors from other errors. Perhaps
  283. the RPM and other startup scripts should too?
  284. - add a "default.action" file to the tor/vidalia bundle so we can fix the
  285. https thing in the default configuration:
  287. o even if your torrc lists yourself in your myfamily line, don't list it in
  288. the descriptor.
  289. . Flesh out options_description array in src/or/config.c
  290. - Don't let 'newnym' be triggered more often than every n seconds.
  291. o change log_fn() to log() on notice/warn/err logs where we can.
  292. X If we try to publish as a nickname that's already claimed, should
  293. we append a number (or increment the number) and try again? This
  294. way people who read their logs can fix it as before, but people
  295. who don't read their logs will still offer Tor servers.
  296. - Fall back to unnamed; warn user; send controller event. ("When we
  297. notice a 'Rejected: There is already a named server with this nickname'
  298. message... or maybe instead when we see in the networkstatuses that
  299. somebody else is Named with the name we want: warn the user, send a
  300. STATUS_SERVER message, and fall back to unnamed.")
  301. ! - Tor should bind its ports before dropping privs, so users don't
  302. have to do the ipchains dance.
  303. - Rate limit exit connections to a given destination -- this helps
  304. us play nice with websites when Tor users want to crawl them; it
  305. also introduces DoS opportunities.
  306. o The bw_accounting file should get merged into the state file.
  307. - Streamline how we pick entry nodes: Make choose_random_entry() have
  308. less magic and less control logic.
  309. - Christian Grothoff's attack of infinite-length circuit.
  310. the solution is to have a separate 'extend-data' cell type
  311. which is used for the first N data cells, and only
  312. extend-data cells can be extend requests.
  313. - Specify, including thought about anonymity implications.
  314. - Display the reasons in 'destroy' and 'truncated' cells under some
  315. circumstances?
  316. - We need a way for the authorities to declare that nodes are
  317. in a family. Also, it kinda sucks that family declarations use O(N^2)
  318. space in the descriptors.
  319. - If the server is spewing complaints about raising your ulimit -n,
  320. we should add a note about this to the server descriptor so other
  321. people can notice too.
  322. - cpu fixes:
  323. - see if we should make use of truncate to retry
  324. X kill dns workers more slowly
  325. . Directory changes
  326. . Some back-out mechanism for auto-approval
  327. - a way of rolling back approvals to before a timestamp
  328. - Consider minion-like fingerprint file/log combination.
  329. - packaging and ui stuff:
  330. . multiple sample torrc files
  331. . figure out how to make nt service stuff work?
  332. . Document it.
  333. - Vet all pending installer patches
  334. - Win32 installer plus privoxy, sockscap/freecap, etc.
  335. - Vet win32 systray helper code
  336. - Improve controller
  337. - a NEWSTATUS event similar to NEWDESC.
  338. - change circuit status events to give more details, like purpose,
  339. whether they're internal, when they become dirty, when they become
  340. too dirty for further circuits, etc.
  341. - What do we want here, exactly?
  342. - Specify and implement it.
  343. - Change stream status events analogously.
  344. - What do we want here, exactly?
  345. - Specify and implement it.
  346. - Make other events "better".
  347. - Change stream status events analogously.
  348. - What do we want here, exactly?
  349. - Specify and implement it.
  350. - Make other events "better" analogously
  351. - What do we want here, exactly?
  352. - Specify and implement it.
  353. . Expose more information via getinfo:
  354. - import and export rendezvous descriptors
  355. - Review all static fields for additional candidates
  356. - Allow EXTENDCIRCUIT to unknown server.
  357. - We need some way to adjust server status, and to tell tor not to
  358. download directories/network-status, and a way to force a download.
  359. - It would be nice to request address lookups from the controller
  360. without using SOCKS.
  361. - Make everything work with hidden services
  362. - Directory system improvements
  363. - config option to publish what ports you listen on, beyond
  364. ORPort/DirPort. It should support ranges and bit prefixes (?) too.
  365. - Parse this.
  366. - Relay this in networkstatus.
  367. Future version:
  368. - Configuration format really wants sections.
  369. - Good RBL substitute.
  370. - Authorities should try using exits for http to connect to some URLS
  371. (specified in a configuration file, so as not to make the List Of Things
  372. Not To Censor completely obvious) and ask them for results. Exits that
  373. don't give good answers should have the BadExit flag set.
  374. - Our current approach to block attempts to use Tor as a single-hop proxy
  375. is pretty lame; we should get a better one.
  376. . Update the hidden service stuff for the new dir approach.
  377. - switch to an ascii format, maybe sexpr?
  378. - authdirservers publish blobs of them.
  379. - other authdirservers fetch these blobs.
  380. - hidserv people have the option of not uploading their blobs.
  381. - you can insert a blob via the controller.
  382. - and there's some amount of backwards compatibility.
  383. - teach clients, intro points, and hidservs about auth mechanisms.
  384. - come up with a few more auth mechanisms.
  385. - auth mechanisms to let hidden service midpoint and responder filter
  386. connection requests.
  387. - Bind to random port when making outgoing connections to Tor servers,
  388. to reduce remote sniping attacks.
  389. - Have new people be in limbo and need to demonstrate usefulness
  390. before we approve them.
  391. - Clients should estimate their skew as median of skew from servers
  392. over last N seconds.
  393. - Make router_is_general_exit() a bit smarter once we're sure what it's for.
  394. - Audit everything to make sure rend and intro points are just as likely to
  395. be us as not.
  396. - Do something to prevent spurious EXTEND cells from making middleman
  397. nodes connect all over. Rate-limit failed connections, perhaps?
  398. - Automatically determine what ports are reachable and start using
  399. those, if circuits aren't working and it's a pattern we recognize
  400. ("port 443 worked once and port 9001 keeps not working").
  401. - Limit to 2 dir, 2 OR, N SOCKS connections per IP.
  402. - Handle full buffers without totally borking
  403. - Rate-limit OR and directory connections overall and per-IP and
  404. maybe per subnet.
  405. - Hold-open-until-flushed now works by accident; it should work by
  406. design.
  407. - DoS protection: TLS puzzles, public key ops, bandwidth exhaustion.
  408. - Specify?
  409. - tor-resolve script should use socks5 to get better error messages.
  410. - hidserv offerers shouldn't need to define a SocksPort
  411. * figure out what breaks for this, and do it.
  412. - tor should be able to have a pool of outgoing IP addresses
  413. that it is able to rotate through. (maybe)
  414. - Specify; implement.
  415. - let each hidden service (or other thing) specify its own
  416. OutboundBindAddress?
  417. - Stop using tor_socketpair to make connection bridges: do an
  418. implementation that uses buffers only.
  419. Blue-sky:
  420. - Patch privoxy and socks protocol to pass strings to the browser.
  421. - Standby/hotswap/redundant hidden services.
  422. - Robust decentralized storage for hidden service descriptors.
  423. - The "China problem"
  424. - Allow small cells and large cells on the same network?
  425. - Cell buffering and resending. This will allow us to handle broken
  426. circuits as long as the endpoints don't break, plus will allow
  427. connection (tls session key) rotation.
  428. - Implement Morphmix, so we can compare its behavior, complexity, etc.
  429. - Other transport. HTTP, udp, rdp, airhook, etc. May have to do our own
  430. link crypto, unless we can bully openssl into it.
  431. - Need a relay teardown cell, separate from one-way ends.
  432. (Pending a user who needs this)
  433. - Handle half-open connections: right now we don't support all TCP
  434. streams, at least according to the protocol. But we handle all that
  435. we've seen in the wild.
  436. (Pending a user who needs this)
  437. Non-Coding:
  438. - Mark up spec; note unclear points about servers
  439. - Mention controller libs someplace.
  440. . more pictures from ren. he wants to describe the tor handshake
  441. NR- write a spec appendix for 'being nice with tor'
  442. - tor-in-the-media page
  443. - Remove need for HACKING file.
  444. - Figure out licenses for website material.
  445. - Specify the keys and key rotation schedules and stuff
  446. Website:
  447. - and remove home and make the "Tor" picture be the link to home.
  448. - put the logo on the website, in source form, so people can put it on
  449. stickers directly, etc.
  450. R - make a page with the hidden service diagrams.
  451. - ask Jan to be the translation coordinator? add to volunteer page.
  452. - add a page for localizing all tor's components.