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- $Id: /tor/branches/eventdns/doc/dir-spec.txt 9469 2006-11-01T23:56:30.179423Z nickm $
- Voting on the Tor Directory System
- 0. Scope and preliminaries
- This document describes a consensus voting scheme for Tor directories.
- Once it's accepted, it should be merged with dir-spec.txt. Some
- preliminaries for authority and caching support should be done during
- the 0.1.2.x series; the main deployment should come during the 0.1.3.x
- series.
- 0.1. Goals and motivation: voting.
- The current directory system relies on clients downloading separate
- network status statements from the caches signed by each directory.
- Clients download a new statement every 30 minutes or so, choosing to
- replace the oldest statement they currently have.
- This creates a partitioning problem: different clients have different
- "most recent" networkstatus sources, and different versions of each
- (since authorities change their statements often).
- It also creates a scaling problem: most of the downloaded networkstatus
- are probably quite similar, and the redundancy grows as we add more
- authorities.
- So if we have clients only download a single multiply signed consensus
- network status statement, we can:
- - Save bandwidth.
- - Reduce client partitioning
- - Reduce client-side and cache-side storage
- - Simplify client-side voting code (by moving voting away from the
- client)
- We should try to do this without:
- - Assuming that client-side or cache-side clocks are more correct
- than we assume now.
- - Assuming that authority clocks are perfectly correct.
- - Degrading badly if a few authorities die or are offline for a bit.
- We do not have to perform well if:
- - No clique of more than half the authorities can agree about who
- the authorities are.
- 1. The idea.
- Instead of publishing a network status whenever something changes,
- each authority instead publishes a fresh network status only once per
- "period" (say, 60 minutes). Authorities either upload this network
- status (or "vote") to every other authority, or download every other
- authority's "vote" (see 3.1 below for discussion on push vs pull).
- After an authority has (or has become convinced that it won't be able to
- get) every other authority's vote, it deterministically computes a
- consensus networkstatus, and signs it. Authorities download (or are
- uploaded; see 3.1) one another's signatures, and form a multiply signed
- consensus. This multiply-signed consensus is what caches cache and what
- clients download.
- If an authority is down, authorities vote based on what they *can*
- download/get uploaded.
- If an authority is "a little" down and only some authorities can reach
- it, authorities try to get its info from other authorities.
- If an authority computes the vote wrong, its signature isn't included on
- the consensus.
- Clients use a consensus if it is "trusted": signed by more than half the
- authorities they recognize. If clients can't find any such consensus,
- they use the most recent trusted consensus they have. If they don't
- have any trusted consensus, they warn the user and refuse to operate
- (and if DirServers is not the default, beg the user to adapt the list
- of authorities).
- 2. Details.
- 2.1. Vote specifications
- Votes in v2.1 are just like v2 network status documents. We add these
- fields to the preamble:
- "vote-status" -- the word "vote".
- "valid-until" -- the time when this authority expects to publish its
- next vote.
- "known-flags" -- a space-separated list of flags that will sometimes
- be included on "s" lines later in the vote.
- "dir-source" -- as before, except the "hostname" part MUST be the
- authority's nickname, which MUST be unique among authorities, and
- MUST match the nickname in the "directory-signature" entry.
- Authorities SHOULD cache their most recently generated votes so they
- can persist them across restarts. Authorities SHOULD NOT generate
- another document until valid-until has passed.
- Router entries in the vote MUST be sorted in ascending order by router
- identity digest. The flags in "s" lines MUST appear in alphabetical
- order.
- Votes SHOULD be synchronized to half-hour publication intervals (one
- hour? XXX say more; be more precise.)
- XXXX some way to request older networkstatus docs?
- 2.2. Consensus directory specifications
- Consensuses are like v2.1 votes, except for the following fields:
- "vote-status" -- the word "consensus".
- "published" is the latest of all the published times on the votes.
- "valid-until" is the earliest of all the valid-until times on the
- votes.
- "dir-source" and "fingerprint" and "dir-signing-key" and "contact"
- are included for each authority that contributed to the vote.
- "vote-digest" for each authority that contributed to the vote,
- calculated as for the digest in the signature on the vote. [XXX
- re-English this sentence]
- "client-versions" and "server-versions" are sorted in ascending
- order based on version-spec.txt.
- "dir-options" and "known-flags" are not included.
- [XXX really? why not list the ones that are used in the consensus?
- For example, right now BadExit is in use, but no servers would be
- labelled BadExit, and it's still worth knowing that it was considered
- by the authorities. -RD]
- The fields MUST occur in the following order:
- "network-status-version"
- "vote-status"
- "published"
- "valid-until"
- For each authority, sorted in ascending order of nickname, case-
- insensitively:
- "dir-source", "fingerprint", "contact", "dir-signing-key",
- "vote-digest".
- "client-versions"
- "server-versions"
- The signatures at the end of the document appear as multiple instances
- of directory-signature, sorted in ascending order by nickname,
- case-insensitively.
- A router entry should be included in the result if it is included by more
- than half of the authorities (total authorities, not just those whose votes
- we have). A router entry has a flag set if it is included by more than
- half of the authorities who care about that flag. [XXXX this creates an
- incentive for attackers to DOS authorities whose votes they don't like.
- Can we remember what flags people set the last time we saw them? -NM]
- [Which 'we' are we talking here? The end-users never learn which
- authority sets which flags. So you're thinking the authorities
- should record the last vote they saw from each authority and if it's
- within a week or so, count all the flags that it advertised as 'no'
- votes? Plausible. -RD]
- The signature hash covers from the "network-status-version" line through
- the characters "directory-signature" in the first "directory-signature"
- line.
- Consensus directories SHOULD be rejected if they are not signed by more
- than half of the known authorities.
- 2.2.1. Detached signatures
- Assuming full connectivity, every authority should compute and sign the
- same consensus directory in each period. Therefore, it isn't necessary to
- download the consensus computed by each authority; instead, the authorities
- only push/fetch each others' signatures. A "detached signature" document
- contains a single "consensus-digest" entry and one or more
- directory-signature entries. [XXXX specify more.]
- 2.3. URLs and timelines
- 2.3.1. URLs and timeline used for agreement
- An authority SHOULD publish its vote immediately at the start of each voting
- period. It does this by making it available at
- http://<hostname>/tor/status-vote/current/authority.z
- and sending it in an HTTP POST request to each other authority at the URL
- http://<hostname>/tor/post/vote
- If, N minutes after the voting period has begun, an authority does not have
- a current statement from another authority, the first authority retrieves
- the other's statement.
- Once an authority has a vote from another authority, it makes it available
- at
- http://<hostname>/tor/status-vote/current/<fp>.z
- where <fp> is the fingerprint of the other authority's identity key.
- The consensus network status, along with as many signatures as the server
- currently knows, should be available at
- http://<hostname>/tor/status-vote/current/consensus.z
- All of the detached signatures it knows for consensus status should be
- available at:
- http://<hostname>/tor/status-vote/current/consensus-signatures.z
- Once an authority has computed and signed a consensus network status, it
- should send its detached signature to each other authority in an HTTP POST
- request to the URL:
- http://<hostname>/tor/post/consensus-signature
- [XXXX Store votes to disk.]
- 2.3.2. Serving a consensus directory
- Once the authority is done getting signatures on the consensus directory,
- it should serve it from:
- http://<hostname>/tor/status/consensus.z
- Caches SHOULD download consensus directories from an authority and serve
- them from the same URL.
- 2.3.3. Timeline and synchronization
- [XXXX]
- 2.4. Distributing routerdescs between authorities
- Consensus will be more meaningful if authorities take steps to make sure
- that they all have the same set of descriptors _before_ the voting
- starts. This is safe, since all descriptors are self-certified and
- timestamped: it's always okay to replace a signed descriptor with a more
- recent one signed by the same identity.
- In the long run, we might want some kind of sophisticated process here.
- For now, since authorities already download one another's networkstatus
- documents and use them to determine what descriptors to download from one
- another, we can rely on this existing mechanism to keep authorities up to
- date.
- [We should do a thorough read-through of dir-spec again to make sure
- that the authorities converge on which descriptor to "prefer" for
- each router. Right now the decision happens at the client, which is
- no longer the right place for it. -RD]
- 3. Questions and concerns
- 3.1. Push or pull?
- The URLs above define a push mechanism for publishing votes and consensus
- signatures via HTTP POST requests, and a pull mechanism for downloading
- these documents via HTTP GET requests. As specified, every authority will
- post to every other. The "download if no copy has been received" mechanism
- exists only as a fallback.
- 3.2. Dropping "opt".
- The "opt" keyword in Tor's directory formats was originally intended to
- mean, "it is okay to ignore this entry if you don't understand it"; the
- default behavior has been "discard a routerdesc if it contains entries you
- don't recognize."
- But so far, every new flag we have added has been marked 'opt'. It would
- probably make sense to change the default behavior to "ignore unrecognized
- fields", and add the statement that clients SHOULD ignore fields they don't
- recognize. As a meta-principle, we should say that clients and servers
- MUST NOT have to understand new fields in order to use directory documents
- correctly.
- Of course, this will make it impossible to say, "The format has changed a
- lot; discard this quietly if you don't understand it." We could do that by
- adding a version field.
- 3.3. Multilevel keys.
- Replacing a directory authority's identity key in the event of a compromise
- would be tremendously annoying. We'd need to tell every client to switch
- their configuration, or update to a new version with an uploaded list. So
- long as some weren't upgraded, they'd be at risk from whoever had
- compromised the key.
- With this in mind, it's a shame that our current protocol forces us to
- store identity keys unencrypted in RAM. We need some kind of signing key
- stored unencrypted, since we need to generate new descriptors/directories
- and rotate link and onion keys regularly. (And since, of course, we can't
- ask server operators to be on-hand to enter a passphrase every time we
- want to rotate keys or sign a descriptor.)
- The obvious solution seems to be to have a signing-only key that lives
- indefinitely (months or longer) and signs descriptors and link keys, and a
- separate identity key that's used to sign the signing key. Tor servers
- could run in one of several modes:
- 1. Identity key stored encrypted. You need to pick a passphrase when
- you enable this mode, and re-enter this passphrase every time you
- rotate the signing key.
- 1'. Identity key stored separate. You save your identity key to a
- floppy, and use the floppy when you need to rotate the signing key.
- 2. All keys stored unencrypted. In this case, we might not want to even
- *have* a separate signing key. (We'll need to support no-separate-
- signing-key mode anyway to keep old servers working.)
- 3. All keys stored encrypted. You need to enter a passphrase to start
- Tor.
- (Of course, we might not want to implement all of these.)
- Case 1 is probably most usable and secure, if we assume that people don't
- forget their passphrases or lose their floppies. We could mitigate this a
- bit by encouraging people to PGP-encrypt their passphrases to themselves,
- or keep a cleartext copy of their secret key secret-split into a few
- pieces, or something like that.
- Migration presents another difficulty, especially with the authorities. If
- we use the current set of identity keys as the new identity keys, we're in
- the position of having sensitive keys that have been stored on
- media-of-dubious-encryption up to now. Also, we need to keep old clients
- (who will expect descriptors to be signed by the identity keys they know
- and love, and who will not understand signing keys) happy.
- I'd enumerate designs here, but I'm hoping that somebody will come up with
- a better one, so I'll try not to prejudice them with more ideas yet.
- Oh, and of course, we'll want to make sure that the keys are
- cross-certified. :)
- Ideas? -NM
- 3.4. Long and short descriptors
- Some of the costliest fields in the current directory protocol are ones
- that no client actually uses. In particular, the "read-history" and
- "write-history" fields are used only by the authorities for monitoring the
- status of the network. If we took them out, the size of a compressed list
- of all the routers would fall by about 60%. (No other disposable field
- would save more than 2%.)
- One possible solution here is that routers should generate and upload a
- short-form and long-form descriptor. Only the short-form descriptor should
- ever be used by anybody for routing. The long-form descriptor should be
- used only for analytics and other tools. (If we allowed people to route with
- long descriptors, we'd have to ensure that they stayed in sync with the
- short ones somehow.)
- Another possible solution would be to drop these fields from descriptors,
- and have them uploaded as a part of a separate "bandwidth report" to the
- authorities. This could help prevent the mistake of using long descriptors
- in the place of short ones.
- Thoughts? -NM
- 3.5. Compression
- Gzip would be easier to work with than zlib; bzip2 would result in smaller
- data lengths.
- 4. Migration
- For directory voting:
- * It would be cool if caches could get ready to download these, verify
- enough signatures, and serve them now. That way once stuff works all
- we need to do is upgrade the authorities. Caches don't need to verify
- the correctness of the format so long as it's signed.
- For dropping the "opt" requirement:
- * stop requiring it as of 0.1.2.x. Stop generating it once earlier
- formats are obsolete.
- For multilevel keys:
- * no idea