3.9 KB

  1. # Configuration file for a typical tor user
  2. # Replace this with "SocksPort 0" if you don't want clients to connect.
  3. SocksPort 9050
  4. SocksBindAddress # accept connections only from localhost
  5. #SocksBindAddress # listen on a chosen IP/port
  6. # Entry policies to allow/deny SOCKS requests based on IP address.
  7. # First entry that matches wins. If no SocksPolicy is set, we accept
  8. # all (and only) requests from SocksBindAddress.
  9. #
  10. #SocksPolicy accept
  11. #SocksPolicy reject *
  12. # Allow no-name routers (ones that the dirserver operators don't
  13. # know anything about) in only these positions in your circuits.
  14. # Other choices (not advised) are entry,exit,introduction.
  15. AllowUnverifiedNodes middle,rendezvous
  16. # Logs go to stdout unless redirected by something else, like one of
  17. # the below lines, or --logfile on the command line.
  18. ### Send all messages of level 'warn' or higher to @LOCALSTATEDIR@/log/tor/warnings
  19. #LogFile @LOCALSTATEDIR@/log/tor/warnings
  20. #LogLevel warn
  21. ### Send all debug and info messages to @LOCALSTATEDIR@/log/tor/debug
  22. #LogFile @LOCALSTATEDIR@/log/tor/debug
  23. #LogLevel debug-info
  24. ### Send all debug messages ONLY to @LOCALSTATEDIR@/log/tor/debug
  25. #LogFile @LOCALSTATEDIR@/log/tor/debug
  26. #LogLevel debug-debug
  27. ### To use the system log instead of Tor's logfiles, uncomment these lines:
  28. #SysLog
  29. #LogLevel notice
  30. # Uncomment this to start the process in the background... or use
  31. # --runasdaemon 1 on the command line.
  32. #RunAsDaemon 1
  33. # The three trusted directory servers on the current Tor network.
  34. # The entries below are for moria1, moria2, and tor26 respectively.
  35. # Tor only trusts directories signed with one of these three keys,
  36. # and uses the given addresses to connect to the trusted directory
  37. # servers.
  38. DirServer FFCB 46DB 1339 DA84 674C 70D7 CB58 6434 C437 0441
  39. DirServer 719B E45D E224 B607 C537 07D0 E214 3E2D 423E 74CF
  40. DirServer 847B 1F85 0344 D787 6491 A548 92F9 0493 4E4E B85D
  41. # The directory for keeping all the keys/etc for this server. By
  42. # default, we store things in $HOME/.tor on Unix, and in Application
  43. # Data\tor on Windows.
  44. #DataDirectory @LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/tor
  45. ##################### Below is just for servers #####################
  46. ## NOTE: If you enable these, you should consider mailing your
  47. ## identity key fingerprint to the tor-ops, so we can verify
  48. ## your configuration. See the README for details.
  49. #Nickname ididnteditheconfig # A unique handle for this server
  50. #Address # The IP or fqdn for this server
  51. #ContactInfo 1234D/FFFFFFFF Random Person <>
  52. #ORPort 9001 # where to listen for tor connections
  53. # If you want to listen on a port other than the one advertised
  54. # in ORPort, uncomment the line below.
  55. #ORBindAddress
  56. # Uncomment this to mirror the directory for others (please do)
  57. #DirPort 9030
  58. # If you want to listen on a port other than the one advertised
  59. # in DirPort, uncomment the line below.
  60. #DirBindAddress
  61. ## A comma-separated list of exit policies. They're considered first
  62. ## to last, and the first match wins. If you want to *replace*
  63. ## the default exit policy, end this with either a reject *:* or an
  64. ## accept *:*. Otherwise, you're *augmenting* (prepending to) the
  65. ## default exit policy. Leave commented to just use the default.
  66. #ExitPolicy accept *:6660-6667
  67. #ExitPolicy reject*
  68. #ExitPolicy reject *:*
  69. ##################### Below is just for location-hidden services ###
  70. ## Look in .../hidden_service/hostname for the url to tell people.
  71. ## HiddenServicePort x y:z says to redirect a port x request from the
  72. ## client to y:z.
  73. #HiddenServiceDir @LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/tor/hidden_service/
  74. #HiddenServicePort 80
  75. #HiddenServiceDir @LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/tor/other_hidden_service/
  76. #HiddenServicePort 80
  77. #HiddenServicePort 22
  78. #HiddenServiceNodes moria1,moria2
  79. #HiddenServiceExcludeNodes bad,otherbad