test_oos.c 11 KB

  1. /* Copyright (c) 2016, The Tor Project, Inc. */
  2. /* See LICENSE for licensing information */
  3. /* Unit tests for OOS handler */
  5. #include "or.h"
  6. #include "config.h"
  7. #include "connection.h"
  8. #include "connection_or.h"
  9. #include "main.h"
  10. #include "test.h"
  11. static or_options_t mock_options;
  12. static void
  13. reset_options_mock(void)
  14. {
  15. memset(&mock_options, 0, sizeof(or_options_t));
  16. }
  17. static const or_options_t *
  18. mock_get_options(void)
  19. {
  20. return &mock_options;
  21. }
  22. static int moribund_calls = 0;
  23. static int moribund_conns = 0;
  24. static int
  25. mock_connection_count_moribund(void)
  26. {
  27. ++moribund_calls;
  28. return moribund_conns;
  29. }
  30. /*
  31. * For unit test purposes it's sufficient to tell that
  32. * kill_conn_list_for_oos() was called with an approximately
  33. * sane argument; it's just the thing we returned from the
  34. * mock for pick_oos_victims().
  35. */
  36. static int kill_conn_list_calls = 0;
  37. static int kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  38. static void
  39. kill_conn_list_mock(smartlist_t *conns)
  40. {
  41. ++kill_conn_list_calls;
  42. tt_assert(conns != NULL);
  43. kill_conn_list_killed += smartlist_len(conns);
  44. done:
  45. return;
  46. }
  47. static int pick_oos_mock_calls = 0;
  48. static int pick_oos_mock_fail = 0;
  49. static int pick_oos_mock_last_n = 0;
  50. static smartlist_t *
  51. pick_oos_victims_mock(int n)
  52. {
  53. smartlist_t *l = NULL;
  54. int i;
  55. ++pick_oos_mock_calls;
  56. tt_int_op(n, OP_GT, 0);
  57. if (!pick_oos_mock_fail) {
  58. /*
  59. * connection_check_oos() just passes the list onto
  60. * kill_conn_list_for_oos(); we don't need to simulate
  61. * its content for this mock, just its existence, but
  62. * we do need to check the parameter.
  63. */
  64. l = smartlist_new();
  65. for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) smartlist_add(l, NULL);
  66. } else {
  67. l = NULL;
  68. }
  69. pick_oos_mock_last_n = n;
  70. done:
  71. return l;
  72. }
  73. /** Unit test for the logic in connection_check_oos(), which is concerned
  74. * with comparing thresholds and connection counts to decide if an OOS has
  75. * occurred and if so, how many connections to try to kill, and then using
  76. * pick_oos_victims() and kill_conn_list_for_oos() to carry out its grim
  77. * duty.
  78. */
  79. static void
  80. test_oos_connection_check_oos(void *arg)
  81. {
  82. (void)arg;
  83. /* Set up mocks */
  84. reset_options_mock();
  85. /* OOS handling is only sensitive to these fields */
  86. mock_options.ConnLimit = 32;
  87. mock_options.ConnLimit_ = 64;
  88. mock_options.ConnLimit_high_thresh = 60;
  89. mock_options.ConnLimit_low_thresh = 50;
  90. MOCK(get_options, mock_get_options);
  91. moribund_calls = 0;
  92. moribund_conns = 0;
  93. MOCK(connection_count_moribund, mock_connection_count_moribund);
  94. kill_conn_list_calls = 0;
  95. kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  96. MOCK(kill_conn_list_for_oos, kill_conn_list_mock);
  97. pick_oos_mock_calls = 0;
  98. pick_oos_mock_fail = 0;
  99. MOCK(pick_oos_victims, pick_oos_victims_mock);
  100. /* No OOS case */
  101. connection_check_oos(50, 0);
  102. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 0);
  103. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 0);
  104. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 0);
  105. /* OOS from socket count, nothing moribund */
  106. connection_check_oos(62, 0);
  107. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 1);
  108. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 1);
  109. /* 12 == 62 - ConnLimit_low_thresh */
  110. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_last_n, OP_EQ, 12);
  111. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 1);
  112. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_killed, OP_EQ, 12);
  113. /* OOS from socket count, some are moribund */
  114. kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  115. moribund_conns = 5;
  116. connection_check_oos(62, 0);
  117. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 2);
  118. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 2);
  119. /* 7 == 62 - ConnLimit_low_thresh - moribund_conns */
  120. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_last_n, OP_EQ, 7);
  121. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 2);
  122. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_killed, OP_EQ, 7);
  123. /* OOS from socket count, but pick fails */
  124. kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  125. moribund_conns = 0;
  126. pick_oos_mock_fail = 1;
  127. connection_check_oos(62, 0);
  128. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 3);
  129. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 3);
  130. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 2);
  131. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_killed, OP_EQ, 0);
  132. pick_oos_mock_fail = 0;
  133. /*
  134. * OOS from socket count with so many moribund conns
  135. * we have none to kill.
  136. */
  137. kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  138. moribund_conns = 15;
  139. connection_check_oos(62, 0);
  140. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 4);
  141. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 3);
  142. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 2);
  143. /*
  144. * OOS from socket exhaustion; OOS handler will try to
  145. * kill 1/10 (5) of the connections.
  146. */
  147. kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  148. moribund_conns = 0;
  149. connection_check_oos(50, 1);
  150. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 5);
  151. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 4);
  152. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 3);
  153. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_killed, OP_EQ, 5);
  154. /* OOS from socket exhaustion with moribund conns */
  155. kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  156. moribund_conns = 2;
  157. connection_check_oos(50, 1);
  158. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 6);
  159. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 5);
  160. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 4);
  161. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_killed, OP_EQ, 3);
  162. /* OOS from socket exhaustion with many moribund conns */
  163. kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  164. moribund_conns = 7;
  165. connection_check_oos(50, 1);
  166. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 7);
  167. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 5);
  168. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 4);
  169. /* OOS with both socket exhaustion and above-threshold */
  170. kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  171. moribund_conns = 0;
  172. connection_check_oos(62, 1);
  173. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 8);
  174. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 6);
  175. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 5);
  176. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_killed, OP_EQ, 12);
  177. /*
  178. * OOS with both socket exhaustion and above-threshold with some
  179. * moribund conns
  180. */
  181. kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  182. moribund_conns = 5;
  183. connection_check_oos(62, 1);
  184. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 9);
  185. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 7);
  186. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 6);
  187. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_killed, OP_EQ, 7);
  188. /*
  189. * OOS with both socket exhaustion and above-threshold with many
  190. * moribund conns
  191. */
  192. kill_conn_list_killed = 0;
  193. moribund_conns = 15;
  194. connection_check_oos(62, 1);
  195. tt_int_op(moribund_calls, OP_EQ, 10);
  196. tt_int_op(pick_oos_mock_calls, OP_EQ, 7);
  197. tt_int_op(kill_conn_list_calls, OP_EQ, 6);
  198. done:
  199. UNMOCK(pick_oos_victims);
  200. UNMOCK(kill_conn_list_for_oos);
  201. UNMOCK(connection_count_moribund);
  202. UNMOCK(get_options);
  203. return;
  204. }
  205. static int cfe_calls = 0;
  206. static void
  207. close_for_error_mock(or_connection_t *orconn, int flush)
  208. {
  209. (void)flush;
  210. tt_assert(orconn != NULL);
  211. ++cfe_calls;
  212. done:
  213. return;
  214. }
  215. static int mark_calls = 0;
  216. static void
  217. mark_for_close_oos_mock(connection_t *conn,
  218. int line, const char *file)
  219. {
  220. (void)line;
  221. (void)file;
  222. tt_assert(conn != NULL);
  223. ++mark_calls;
  224. done:
  225. return;
  226. }
  227. static void
  228. test_oos_kill_conn_list(void *arg)
  229. {
  230. connection_t *c1, *c2;
  231. or_connection_t *or_c1 = NULL;
  232. dir_connection_t *dir_c2 = NULL;
  233. smartlist_t *l = NULL;
  234. (void)arg;
  235. /* Set up mocks */
  236. mark_calls = 0;
  237. MOCK(connection_mark_for_close_internal_, mark_for_close_oos_mock);
  238. cfe_calls = 0;
  239. MOCK(connection_or_close_for_error, close_for_error_mock);
  240. /* Make fake conns */
  241. or_c1 = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*or_c1));
  242. or_c1->base_.magic = OR_CONNECTION_MAGIC;
  243. or_c1->base_.type = CONN_TYPE_OR;
  244. c1 = TO_CONN(or_c1);
  245. dir_c2 = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*dir_c2));
  246. dir_c2->base_.magic = DIR_CONNECTION_MAGIC;
  247. dir_c2->base_.type = CONN_TYPE_DIR;
  248. c2 = TO_CONN(dir_c2);
  249. tt_assert(c1 != NULL);
  250. tt_assert(c2 != NULL);
  251. /* Make list */
  252. l = smartlist_new();
  253. smartlist_add(l, c1);
  254. smartlist_add(l, c2);
  255. /* Run kill_conn_list_for_oos() */
  256. kill_conn_list_for_oos(l);
  257. /* Check call counters */
  258. tt_int_op(mark_calls, OP_EQ, 1);
  259. tt_int_op(cfe_calls, OP_EQ, 1);
  260. done:
  261. UNMOCK(connection_or_close_for_error);
  262. UNMOCK(connection_mark_for_close_internal_);
  263. if (l) smartlist_free(l);
  264. tor_free(or_c1);
  265. tor_free(dir_c2);
  266. return;
  267. }
  268. static smartlist_t *conns_for_mock = NULL;
  269. static smartlist_t *
  270. get_conns_mock(void)
  271. {
  272. return conns_for_mock;
  273. }
  274. /*
  275. * For this mock, we pretend all conns have either zero or one circuits,
  276. * depending on if this appears on the list of things to say have a circuit.
  277. */
  278. static smartlist_t *conns_with_circs = NULL;
  279. static int
  280. get_num_circuits_mock(or_connection_t *conn)
  281. {
  282. int circs = 0;
  283. tt_assert(conn != NULL);
  284. if (conns_with_circs &&
  285. smartlist_contains(conns_with_circs, TO_CONN(conn))) {
  286. circs = 1;
  287. }
  288. done:
  289. return circs;
  290. }
  291. static void
  292. test_oos_pick_oos_victims(void *arg)
  293. {
  294. (void)arg;
  295. or_connection_t *ortmp;
  296. dir_connection_t *dirtmp;
  297. smartlist_t *picked;
  298. /* Set up mocks */
  299. conns_for_mock = smartlist_new();
  300. MOCK(get_connection_array, get_conns_mock);
  301. conns_with_circs = smartlist_new();
  302. MOCK(connection_or_get_num_circuits, get_num_circuits_mock);
  303. /* Make some fake connections */
  304. ortmp = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*ortmp));
  305. ortmp->base_.magic = OR_CONNECTION_MAGIC;
  306. ortmp->base_.type = CONN_TYPE_OR;
  307. smartlist_add(conns_for_mock, TO_CONN(ortmp));
  308. /* We'll pretend this one has a circuit too */
  309. smartlist_add(conns_with_circs, TO_CONN(ortmp));
  310. /* Next one */
  311. ortmp = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*ortmp));
  312. ortmp->base_.magic = OR_CONNECTION_MAGIC;
  313. ortmp->base_.type = CONN_TYPE_OR;
  314. smartlist_add(conns_for_mock, TO_CONN(ortmp));
  315. /* Next one is moribund */
  316. ortmp = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*ortmp));
  317. ortmp->base_.magic = OR_CONNECTION_MAGIC;
  318. ortmp->base_.type = CONN_TYPE_OR;
  319. ortmp->base_.marked_for_close = 1;
  320. smartlist_add(conns_for_mock, TO_CONN(ortmp));
  321. /* Last one isn't an orconn */
  322. dirtmp = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*dirtmp));
  323. dirtmp->base_.magic = DIR_CONNECTION_MAGIC;
  324. dirtmp->base_.type = CONN_TYPE_DIR;
  325. smartlist_add(conns_for_mock, TO_CONN(dirtmp));
  326. /* Try picking one */
  327. picked = pick_oos_victims(1);
  328. /* It should be the one with circuits */
  329. tt_assert(picked != NULL);
  330. tt_int_op(smartlist_len(picked), OP_EQ, 1);
  331. tt_assert(smartlist_contains(picked, smartlist_get(conns_for_mock, 0)));
  332. smartlist_free(picked);
  333. /* Try picking none */
  334. picked = pick_oos_victims(0);
  335. /* We should get an empty list */
  336. tt_assert(picked != NULL);
  337. tt_int_op(smartlist_len(picked), OP_EQ, 0);
  338. smartlist_free(picked);
  339. /* Try picking two */
  340. picked = pick_oos_victims(2);
  341. /* We should get both active orconns */
  342. tt_assert(picked != NULL);
  343. tt_int_op(smartlist_len(picked), OP_EQ, 2);
  344. tt_assert(smartlist_contains(picked, smartlist_get(conns_for_mock, 0)));
  345. tt_assert(smartlist_contains(picked, smartlist_get(conns_for_mock, 1)));
  346. smartlist_free(picked);
  347. /* Try picking three - only two are eligible */
  348. picked = pick_oos_victims(3);
  349. tt_int_op(smartlist_len(picked), OP_EQ, 2);
  350. tt_assert(smartlist_contains(picked, smartlist_get(conns_for_mock, 0)));
  351. tt_assert(smartlist_contains(picked, smartlist_get(conns_for_mock, 1)));
  352. smartlist_free(picked);
  353. done:
  354. /* Free leftover stuff */
  355. if (conns_with_circs) {
  356. smartlist_free(conns_with_circs);
  357. conns_with_circs = NULL;
  358. }
  359. UNMOCK(connection_or_get_num_circuits);
  360. if (conns_for_mock) {
  361. SMARTLIST_FOREACH(conns_for_mock, connection_t *, c, tor_free(c));
  362. smartlist_free(conns_for_mock);
  363. conns_for_mock = NULL;
  364. }
  365. UNMOCK(get_connection_array);
  366. return;
  367. }
  368. struct testcase_t oos_tests[] = {
  369. { "connection_check_oos", test_oos_connection_check_oos,
  370. TT_FORK, NULL, NULL },
  371. { "kill_conn_list", test_oos_kill_conn_list, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL },
  372. { "pick_oos_victims", test_oos_pick_oos_victims, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL },
  374. };