dir-spec.txt 35 KB

  1. $Id$
  2. Tor directory protocol, version 2
  3. 0. Scope and preliminaries
  4. This directory protocol is used by Tor version 0.1.1.x and later. See
  5. dir-spec-v1.txt for information on earlier versions.
  6. 0.1. Goals and motivation
  7. There were several problems with the way Tor handles directory information
  8. in version 0.1.0.x and earlier. Here are the problems we try to fix with
  9. this new design, already implemented in 0.1.1.x:
  10. 1. Directories were very large and use up a lot of bandwidth: clients
  11. downloaded descriptors for all router several times an hour.
  12. 2. Every directory authority was a trust bottleneck: if a single
  13. directory authority lied, it could make clients believe for a time an
  14. arbitrarily distorted view of the Tor network.
  15. 3. Our current "verified server" system is kind of nonsensical.
  16. 4. Getting more directory authorities would add more points of failure
  17. and worsen possible partitioning attacks.
  18. There are two problems that remain unaddressed by this design.
  19. 5. Requiring every client to know about every router won't scale.
  20. 6. Requiring every directory cache to know every router won't scale.
  21. We attempt to fix 1-4 here, and to build a solution that will work when we
  22. figure out an answer for 5. We haven't thought at all about what to do
  23. about 6.
  24. 1. Outline
  25. There is a small set (say, around 10) of semi-trusted directory
  26. authorities. A default list of authorities is shipped with the Tor
  27. software. Users can change this list, but are encouraged not to do so, in
  28. order to avoid partitioning attacks.
  29. Routers periodically upload signed "descriptors" to the directory
  30. authorities describing their keys, capabilities, and other information.
  31. Routers may act as directory mirrors (also called "caches"), to reduce
  32. load on the directory authorities. They announce this in their
  33. descriptors.
  34. Each directory authority periodically generates and signs a compact
  35. "network status" document that lists that authority's view of the current
  36. descriptors and status for known routers, but which does not include the
  37. descriptors themselves.
  38. Directory mirrors download, cache, and re-serve network-status documents
  39. to clients.
  40. Clients, directory mirrors, and directory authorities all use
  41. network-status documents to find out when their list of routers is
  42. out-of-date. If it is, they download any missing router descriptors.
  43. Clients download missing descriptors from mirrors; mirrors and authorities
  44. download from authorities. Descriptors are downloaded by the hash of the
  45. descriptor, not by the server's identity key: this prevents servers from
  46. attacking clients by giving them descriptors nobody else uses.
  47. All directory information is uploaded and downloaded with HTTP.
  48. Coordination among directory authorities is done client-side: clients
  49. compute a vote-like algorithm among the network-status documents they
  50. have, and base their decisions on the result.
  51. 1.1. What's different from 0.1.0.x?
  52. Clients used to download a signed concatenated set of router descriptors
  53. (called a "directory") from directory mirrors, regardless of which
  54. descriptors had changed.
  55. Between downloading directories, clients would download "network-status"
  56. documents that would list which servers were supposed to running.
  57. Clients would always believe the most recently published network-status
  58. document they were served.
  59. Routers used to upload fresh descriptors all the time, whether their keys
  60. and other information had changed or not.
  61. 1.2. Document meta-format
  62. Router descriptors, directories, and running-routers documents all obey the
  63. following lightweight extensible information format.
  64. The highest level object is a Document, which consists of one or more
  65. Items. Every Item begins with a KeywordLine, followed by one or more
  66. Objects. A KeywordLine begins with a Keyword, optionally followed by
  67. whitespace and more non-newline characters, and ends with a newline. A
  68. Keyword is a sequence of one or more characters in the set [A-Za-z0-9-].
  69. An Object is a block of encoded data in pseudo-Open-PGP-style
  70. armor. (cf. RFC 2440)
  71. More formally:
  72. Document ::= (Item | NL)+
  73. Item ::= KeywordLine Object*
  74. KeywordLine ::= Keyword NL | Keyword WS ArgumentsChar+ NL
  75. Keyword = KeywordChar+
  76. KeywordChar ::= 'A' ... 'Z' | 'a' ... 'z' | '0' ... '9' | '-'
  77. ArgumentChar ::= any printing ASCII character except NL.
  78. WS = (SP | TAB)+
  79. Object ::= BeginLine Base-64-encoded-data EndLine
  80. BeginLine ::= "-----BEGIN " Keyword "-----" NL
  81. EndLine ::= "-----END " Keyword "-----" NL
  82. The BeginLine and EndLine of an Object must use the same keyword.
  83. When interpreting a Document, software MUST reject any document containing a
  84. KeywordLine that starts with a keyword it doesn't recognize.
  85. The "opt" keyword is reserved for non-critical future extensions. All
  86. implementations MUST ignore any item of the form "opt keyword ....." when
  87. they would not recognize "keyword ....."; and MUST treat "opt keyword ....."
  88. as synonymous with "keyword ......" when keyword is recognized.
  89. 2. Router operation
  90. ORs SHOULD generate a new router descriptor whenever any of the
  91. following events have occurred:
  92. - A period of time (18 hrs by default) has passed since the last
  93. time a descriptor was generated.
  94. - A descriptor field other than bandwidth or uptime has changed.
  95. - Bandwidth has changed by more than +/- 50% from the last time a
  96. descriptor was generated, and at least a given interval of time
  97. (20 mins by default) has passed since then.
  98. - Its uptime has been reset (by restarting).
  99. After generating a descriptor, ORs upload it to every directory
  100. authority they know, by posting it to the URL
  101. http://<hostname:port>/tor/
  102. 2.1. Router descriptor format
  103. Every router descriptor MUST start with a "router" Item; MUST end with a
  104. "router-signature" Item and an extra NL; and MUST contain exactly one
  105. instance of each of the following Items: "published" "onion-key"
  106. "link-key" "signing-key" "bandwidth". Additionally, a router descriptor
  107. MAY contain any number of "accept", "reject", "fingerprint", "uptime", and
  108. "opt" Items. Other than "router" and "router-signature", the items may
  109. appear in any order.
  110. The items' formats are as follows:
  111. "router" nickname address ORPort SocksPort DirPort
  112. Indicates the beginning of a router descriptor. "address" must be an
  113. IPv4 address in dotted-quad format. The last three numbers indicate
  114. the TCP ports at which this OR exposes functionality. ORPort is a port
  115. at which this OR accepts TLS connections for the main OR protocol;
  116. SocksPort is deprecated and should always be 0; and DirPort is the
  117. port at which this OR accepts directory-related HTTP connections. If
  118. any port is not supported, the value 0 is given instead of a port
  119. number.
  120. "bandwidth" bandwidth-avg bandwidth-burst bandwidth-observed
  121. Estimated bandwidth for this router, in bytes per second. The
  122. "average" bandwidth is the volume per second that the OR is willing to
  123. sustain over long periods; the "burst" bandwidth is the volume that
  124. the OR is willing to sustain in very short intervals. The "observed"
  125. value is an estimate of the capacity this server can handle. The
  126. server remembers the max bandwidth sustained output over any ten
  127. second period in the past day, and another sustained input. The
  128. "observed" value is the lesser of these two numbers.
  129. "platform" string
  130. A human-readable string describing the system on which this OR is
  131. running. This MAY include the operating system, and SHOULD include
  132. the name and version of the software implementing the Tor protocol.
  133. "published" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  134. The time, in GMT, when this descriptor was generated.
  135. "fingerprint"
  136. A fingerprint (a HASH_LEN-byte of asn1 encoded public key, encoded in
  137. hex, with a single space after every 4 characters) for this router's
  138. identity key. A descriptor is considered invalid (and MUST be
  139. rejected) if the fingerprint line does not match the public key.
  140. [We didn't start parsing this line until Tor; it should
  141. be marked with "opt" until earlier versions of Tor are obsolete.]
  142. "hibernating" 0|1
  143. If the value is 1, then the Tor server was hibernating when the
  144. descriptor was published, and shouldn't be used to build circuits.
  145. [We didn't start parsing this line until Tor; it should be
  146. marked with "opt" until earlier versions of Tor are obsolete.]
  147. "uptime"
  148. The number of seconds that this OR process has been running.
  149. "onion-key" NL a public key in PEM format
  150. This key is used to encrypt EXTEND cells for this OR. The key MUST be
  151. accepted for at least XXXX hours after any new key is published in a
  152. subsequent descriptor.
  153. "signing-key" NL a public key in PEM format
  154. The OR's long-term identity key.
  155. "accept" exitpattern
  156. "reject" exitpattern
  157. These lines, in order, describe the rules that an OR follows when
  158. deciding whether to allow a new stream to a given address. The
  159. 'exitpattern' syntax is described below.
  160. "router-signature" NL Signature NL
  161. The "SIGNATURE" object contains a signature of the PKCS1-padded
  162. hash of the entire router descriptor, taken from the beginning of the
  163. "router" line, through the newline after the "router-signature" line.
  164. The router descriptor is invalid unless the signature is performed
  165. with the router's identity key.
  166. "contact" info NL
  167. Describes a way to contact the server's administrator, preferably
  168. including an email address and a PGP key fingerprint.
  169. "family" names NL
  170. 'Names' is a whitespace-separated list of server nicknames. If two
  171. ORs list one another in their "family" entries, then OPs should treat
  172. them as a single OR for the purpose of path selection.
  173. For example, if node A's descriptor contains "family B", and node B's
  174. descriptor contains "family A", then node A and node B should never
  175. be used on the same circuit.
  176. "read-history" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (NSEC s) NUM,NUM,NUM,NUM,NUM... NL
  177. "write-history" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (NSEC s) NUM,NUM,NUM,NUM,NUM... NL
  178. Declare how much bandwidth the OR has used recently. Usage is divided
  179. into intervals of NSEC seconds. The YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS field
  180. defines the end of the most recent interval. The numbers are the
  181. number of bytes used in the most recent intervals, ordered from
  182. oldest to newest.
  183. [We didn't start parsing these lines until Tor; they should
  184. be marked with "opt" until earlier versions of Tor are obsolete.]
  185. "eventdns" bool NL
  186. Declare whether this version of Tor is using the newer enhanced
  187. dns logic. Versions of Tor without eventdns SHOULD not be used for
  188. reverse hostname lookups.
  189. [All versions of Tor before should be assumed to have
  190. this option set to 0 if it is not present. All Tor versions at
  191. or later should be assumed to have this option set to
  192. 1 if it is not present. Until, this option was
  193. not generated, even when eventdns was in use. Versions of Tor
  194. before did not parse this option, so it should be
  195. marked "opt". With some future version, the old 'dnsworker' logic
  196. will be removed, rendering this option of historical interest only.]
  197. 2.1. Nonterminals in router descriptors
  198. nickname ::= between 1 and 19 alphanumeric characters, case-insensitive.
  199. exitpattern ::= addrspec ":" portspec
  200. portspec ::= "*" | port | port "-" port
  201. port ::= an integer between 1 and 65535, inclusive.
  202. addrspec ::= "*" | ip4spec | ip6spec
  203. ipv4spec ::= ip4 | ip4 "/" num_ip4_bits | ip4 "/" ip4mask
  204. ip4 ::= an IPv4 address in dotted-quad format
  205. ip4mask ::= an IPv4 mask in dotted-quad format
  206. num_ip4_bits ::= an integer between 0 and 32
  207. ip6spec ::= ip6 | ip6 "/" num_ip6_bits
  208. ip6 ::= an IPv6 address, surrounded by square brackets.
  209. num_ip6_bits ::= an integer between 0 and 128
  210. bool ::= "0" | "1"
  211. Ports are required; if they are not included in the router
  212. line, they must appear in the "ports" lines.
  213. 3. Network status format
  214. Directory authorities generate, sign, and compress network-status
  215. documents. Directory servers SHOULD generate a fresh network-status
  216. document when the contents of such a document would be different from the
  217. last one generated, and some time (at least one second, possibly longer)
  218. has passed since the last one was generated.
  219. The network status document contains a preamble, a set of router status
  220. entries, and a signature, in that order.
  221. We use the same meta-format as used for directories and router descriptors
  222. in "tor-spec.txt". Implementations MAY insert blank lines
  223. for clarity between sections; these blank lines are ignored.
  224. Implementations MUST NOT depend on blank lines in any particular location.
  225. As used here, "whitespace" is a sequence of 1 or more tab or space
  226. characters.
  227. The preamble contains:
  228. "network-status-version" -- A document format version. For this
  229. specification, the version is "2".
  230. "dir-source" -- The authority's hostname, current IP address, and
  231. directory port, all separated by whitespace.
  232. "fingerprint" -- A base16-encoded hash of the signing key's
  233. fingerprint, with no additional spaces added.
  234. "contact" -- An arbitrary string describing how to contact the
  235. directory server's administrator. Administrators should include at
  236. least an email address and a PGP fingerprint.
  237. "dir-signing-key" -- The directory server's public signing key.
  238. "client-versions" -- A comma-separated list of recommended client
  239. versions.
  240. "server-versions" -- A comma-separated list of recommended server
  241. versions.
  242. "published" -- The publication time for this network-status object.
  243. "dir-options" -- A set of flags, in any order, separated by whitespace:
  244. "Names" if this directory authority performs name bindings.
  245. "Versions" if this directory authority recommends software versions.
  246. The dir-options entry is optional. The "-versions" entries are required if
  247. the "Versions" flag is present. The other entries are required and must
  248. appear exactly once. The "network-status-version" entry must appear first;
  249. the others may appear in any order. Implementations MUST ignore
  250. additional arguments to the items above, and MUST ignore unrecognized
  251. flags.
  252. For each router, the router entry contains: (This format is designed for
  253. conciseness.)
  254. "r" -- followed by the following elements, in order, separated by
  255. whitespace:
  256. - The OR's nickname,
  257. - A hash of its identity key, encoded in base64, with trailing =
  258. signs removed.
  259. - A hash of its most recent descriptor, encoded in base64, with
  260. trailing = signs removed. (The hash is calculated as for
  261. computing the signature of a descriptor.)
  262. - The publication time of its most recent descriptor, in the form
  263. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, in GMT.
  264. - An IP address
  265. - An OR port
  266. - A directory port (or "0" for none")
  267. "s" -- A series of whitespace-separated status flags, in any order:
  268. "Authority" if the router is a directory authority.
  269. "Exit" if the router is useful for building general-purpose exit
  270. circuits.
  271. "Fast" if the router is suitable for high-bandwidth circuits.
  272. "Guard" if the router is suitable for use as an entry guard.
  273. (Currently, this means 'fast' and 'stable'.)
  274. "Named" if the router's identity-nickname mapping is canonical,
  275. and this authority binds names.
  276. "Stable" if the router is suitable for long-lived circuits.
  277. "Running" if the router is currently usable.
  278. "Valid" if the router has been 'validated'.
  279. "V2Dir" if the router implements this protocol.
  280. The "r" entry for each router must appear first and is required. The
  281. "s" entry is optional. Unrecognized flags on the "s" line and extra
  282. elements on the "r" line must be ignored.
  283. The signature section contains:
  284. "directory-signature". A signature of the rest of the document
  285. (the document up until the signature, including the line
  286. "directory-signature <nick>\n") using the directory authority's
  287. signing key.
  288. We compress the network status list with zlib before transmitting it.
  289. 3.1. Establishing server status
  290. (This section describes how directory authorities choose which status
  291. flags to apply to routers, as of Tor Later directory
  292. authorities MAY do things differently, so long as clients keep working
  293. well. Clients MUST NOT depend on the exact behaviors in this section.)
  294. "Valid" -- a router is 'Valid' if it seems to have been running well for a
  295. while, and is running a version of Tor not known to be broken, and the
  296. directory authority has not blacklisted it as suspicious.
  297. "Named" -- Directory authority administrators may decide to support name
  298. binding. If they do, then they must maintain a file of
  299. nickname-to-identity-key mappings, and try to keep this file consistent
  300. with other directory authorities. If they don't, they act as clients, and
  301. report bindings made by other directory authorities (name X is bound to
  302. identity Y if at least one binding directory lists it, and no directory
  303. binds X to some other Y'.) A router is called 'Named' if the router
  304. believes the given name should be bound to the given key.
  305. "Running" -- A router is 'Running' if the authority managed to connect to
  306. it successfully within the last 30 minutes.
  307. "Stable" -- A router is 'Stable' if its uptime is above median for known
  308. running, valid routers, and it's running a version of Tor not known to
  309. drop circuits stupidly. ( throught are stupid
  310. this way.)
  311. "Fast" -- A router is 'Fast' if its bandwidth is in the top 7/8ths for
  312. known running, valid routers.
  313. "Guard" -- A router is a possible 'Guard' if it is 'Stable' and its
  314. bandwidth is above median for known running, valid routers.
  315. "Authority" -- A router is called an 'Authority' if the authority
  316. generating the network-status document believes it is an authority.
  317. "V2Dir" -- A router supports the v2 directory protocol if it has an open
  318. directory port, and it is running a version of the directory protocol that
  319. supports the functionality clients need. (Currently, this is
  320. or later.)
  321. Directory server administrators may label some servers or IPs as
  322. blacklisted, and elect not to include them in their network-status lists.
  323. Thus, the network-status list includes all non-blacklisted,
  324. non-expired, non-superseded descriptors for ORs that the directory has
  325. observed at least once to be running.
  326. 4. Directory server operation
  327. All directory authorities and directory mirrors ("directory servers")
  328. implement this section, except as noted.
  329. 4.1. Accepting uploads (authorities only)
  330. When a router posts a signed descriptor to a directory authority, the
  331. authority first checks whether it is well-formed and correctly
  332. self-signed. If it is, the authority next verifies that the nickname
  333. question is already assigned to a router with a different public key.
  334. Finally, the authority MAY check that the router is not blacklisted
  335. because of its key, IP, or another reason.
  336. If the descriptor passes these tests, and the authority does not already
  337. have a descriptor for a router with this public key, it accepts the
  338. descriptor and remembers it.
  339. If the authority _does_ have a descriptor with the same public key, the
  340. newly uploaded descriptor is remembered if its publication time is more
  341. recent than the most recent old descriptor for that router, and either:
  342. - There are non-cosmetic differences between the old descriptor and the
  343. new one.
  344. - Enough time has passed between the descriptors' publication times.
  345. (Currently, 12 hours.)
  346. Differences between router descriptors are "non-cosmetic" if they would be
  347. sufficient to force an upload as described in section 2 above.
  348. Note that the "cosmetic difference" test only applies to uploaded
  349. descriptors, not to descriptors that the authority downloads from other
  350. authorities.
  351. 4.2. Downloading network-status documents (authorities and caches)
  352. All directory servers (authorities and mirrors) try to keep a fresh
  353. set of network-status documents from every authority. To do so,
  354. every 5 minutes, each authority asks every other authority for its
  355. most recent network-status document. Every 15 minutes, each mirror
  356. picks a random authority and asks it for the most recent network-status
  357. documents for all the authorities the authority knows about (including
  358. the chosen authority itself).
  359. Directory servers and mirrors remember and serve the most recent
  360. network-status document they have from each authority. Other
  361. network-status documents don't need to be stored. If the most recent
  362. network-status document is over 10 days old, it is discarded anyway.
  363. Mirrors SHOULD store and serve network-status documents from authorities
  364. they don't recognize, but SHOULD NOT use such documents for any other
  365. purpose. Mirrors SHOULD discard network-status documents older than 48
  366. hours.
  367. 4.3. Downloading and storing router descriptors (authorities and caches)
  368. Periodically (currently, every 10 seconds), directory servers check
  369. whether there are any specific descriptors (as identified by descriptor
  370. hash in a network-status document) that they do not have and that they
  371. are not currently trying to download.
  372. If so, the directory server launches requests to the authorities for these
  373. descriptors, such that each authority is only asked for descriptors listed
  374. in its most recent network-status. When more than one authority lists the
  375. descriptor, we choose which to ask at random.
  376. If one of these downloads fails, we do not try to download that descriptor
  377. from the authority that failed to serve it again unless we receive a newer
  378. network-status from that authority that lists the same descriptor.
  379. Directory servers must potentially cache multiple descriptors for each
  380. router. Servers must not discard any descriptor listed by any current
  381. network-status document from any authority. If there is enough space to
  382. store additional descriptors, servers SHOULD try to hold those which
  383. clients are likely download the most. (Currently, this is judged based on
  384. the interval for which each descriptor seemed newest.)
  385. Authorities SHOULD NOT download descriptors for routers that they would
  386. immediately reject for reasons listed in 3.1.
  387. 4.4. HTTP URLs
  388. "Fingerprints" in these URLs are base-16-encoded SHA1 hashes.
  389. The authoritative network-status published by a host should be available at:
  390. http://<hostname>/tor/status/authority.z
  391. The network-status published by a host with fingerprint
  392. <F> should be available at:
  393. http://<hostname>/tor/status/fp/<F>.z
  394. The network-status documents published by hosts with fingerprints
  395. <F1>,<F2>,<F3> should be available at:
  396. http://<hostname>/tor/status/fp/<F1>+<F2>+<F3>.z
  397. The most recent network-status documents from all known authorities,
  398. concatenated, should be available at:
  399. http://<hostname>/tor/status/all.z
  400. The most recent descriptor for a server whose identity key has a
  401. fingerprint of <F> should be available at:
  402. http://<hostname>/tor/server/fp/<F>.z
  403. The most recent descriptors for servers with identity fingerprints
  404. <F1>,<F2>,<F3> should be available at:
  405. http://<hostname>/tor/server/fp/<F1>+<F2>+<F3>.z
  406. (NOTE: Implementations SHOULD NOT download descriptors by identity key
  407. fingerprint. This allows a corrupted server (in collusion with a cache) to
  408. provide a unique descriptor to a client, and thereby partition that client
  409. from the rest of the network.)
  410. The server descriptor with (descriptor) digest <D> (in hex) should be
  411. available at:
  412. http://<hostname>/tor/server/d/<D>.z
  413. The most recent descriptors with digests <D1>,<D2>,<D3> should be
  414. available at:
  415. http://<hostname>/tor/server/d/<D1>+<D2>+<D3>.z
  416. The most recent descriptor for this server should be at:
  417. http://<hostname>/tor/server/authority.z
  418. [Nothing in the Tor protocol uses this resource yet, but it is useful
  419. for debugging purposes. Also, the official Tor implementations
  420. (starting at 0.1.1.x) use this resource to test whether a server's
  421. own DirPort is reachable.]
  422. A concatenated set of the most recent descriptors for all known servers
  423. should be available at:
  424. http://<hostname>/tor/server/all.z
  425. For debugging, directories SHOULD expose non-compressed objects at URLs like
  426. the above, but without the final ".z".
  427. Clients MUST handle compressed concatenated information in two forms:
  428. - A concatenated list of zlib-compressed objects.
  429. - A zlib-compressed concatenated list of objects.
  430. Directory servers MAY generate either format: the former requires less
  431. CPU, but the latter requires less bandwidth.
  432. Clients SHOULD use upper case letters (A-F) when base16-encoding
  433. fingerprints. Servers MUST accept both upper and lower case fingerprints
  434. in requests.
  435. 5. Client operation: downloading information
  436. Every Tor that is not a directory server (that is, those that do
  437. not have a DirPort set) implements this section.
  438. 5.1. Downloading network-status documents
  439. Each client maintains an ordered list of directory authorities.
  440. Insofar as possible, clients SHOULD all use the same ordered list.
  441. For each network-status document a client has, it keeps track of its
  442. publication time *and* the time when the client retrieved it. Clients
  443. consider a network-status document "live" if it was published within the
  444. last 24 hours.
  445. Clients try to have a live network-status document hours from *every*
  446. authority, and try to periodically get new network-status documents from
  447. each authority in rotation as follows:
  448. If a client is missing a live network-status document for any
  449. authority, it tries to fetch it from a directory cache. On failure,
  450. the client waits briefly, then tries that network-status document
  451. again from another cache. The client does not build circuits until it
  452. has live network-status documents from more than half the authorities
  453. it trusts, and it has descriptors for more than 1/4 of the routers
  454. that it believes are running.
  455. If the most recently _retrieved_ network-status document is over 30
  456. minutes old, the client attempts to download a network-status document.
  457. When choosing which documents to download, clients treat their list of
  458. directory authorities as a circular ring, and begin with the authority
  459. appearing immediately after the authority for their most recently
  460. retrieved network-status document. If this attempt fails, the client
  461. retries at other caches several times, before moving on to the next
  462. network-status document in sequence.
  463. Clients discard all network-status documents over 24 hours old.
  464. If enough mirrors (currently 4) claim not to have a given network status,
  465. we stop trying to download that authority's network-status, until we
  466. download a new network-status that makes us believe that the authority in
  467. question is running. Clients should wait a little longer after each
  468. failure.
  469. Clients SHOULD try to batch as many network-status requests as possible
  470. into each HTTP GET.
  471. (Note: clients can and should pick caches based on the network-status
  472. information they have: once they have first fetched network-status info
  473. from an authority, they should not need to go to the authority directly
  474. again.)
  475. 5.2. Downloading router descriptors
  476. Clients try to have the best descriptor for each router. A descriptor is
  477. "best" if:
  478. * It is the most recently published descriptor listed for that router
  479. by at least two network-status documents.
  480. OR,
  481. * No descriptor for that router is listed by two or more
  482. network-status documents, and it is the most recently published
  483. descriptor listed by any network-status document.
  484. Periodically (currently every 10 seconds) clients check whether there are
  485. any "downloadable" descriptors. A descriptor is downloadable if:
  486. - It is the "best" descriptor for some router.
  487. - The descriptor was published at least 10 minutes in the past.
  488. (This prevents clients from trying to fetch descriptors that the
  489. mirrors have probably not yet retrieved and cached.)
  490. - The client does not currently have it.
  491. - The client is not currently trying to download it.
  492. - The client would not discard it immediately upon receiving it.
  493. - The client thinks it is running and valid (see 6.1 below).
  494. If at least 16 known routers have downloadable descriptors, or if
  495. enough time (currently 10 minutes) has passed since the last time the
  496. client tried to download descriptors, it launches requests for all
  497. downloadable descriptors, as described in 5.3 below.
  498. When a descriptor download fails, the client notes it, and does not
  499. consider the descriptor downloadable again until a certain amount of time
  500. has passed. (Currently 0 seconds for the first failure, 60 seconds for the
  501. second, 5 minutes for the third, 10 minutes for the fourth, and 1 day
  502. thereafter.) Periodically (currently once an hour) clients reset the
  503. failure count.
  504. No descriptors are downloaded until the client has downloaded more than
  505. half of the network-status documents.
  506. 5.3. Managing downloads
  507. When a client has no live network-status documents, it downloads
  508. network-status documents from a randomly chosen authority. In all other
  509. cases, the client downloads from mirrors randomly chosen from among those
  510. believed to be V2 directory servers. (This information comes from the
  511. network-status documents; see 6 below.)
  512. When downloading multiple router descriptors, the client chooses multiple
  513. mirrors so that:
  514. - At least 3 different mirrors are used, except when this would result
  515. in more than one request for under 4 descriptors.
  516. - No more than 128 descriptors are requested from a single mirror.
  517. - Otherwise, as few mirrors as possible are used.
  518. After choosing mirrors, the client divides the descriptors among them
  519. randomly.
  520. After receiving any response client MUST discard any network-status
  521. documents and descriptors that it did not request.
  522. 6. Using directory information
  523. Everyone besides directory authorities uses the approaches in this section
  524. to decide which servers to use and what their keys are likely to be.
  525. (Directory authorities just believe their own opinions, as in 3.1 above.)
  526. 6.1. Choosing routers for circuits.
  527. Tor implementations only pay attention to "live" network-status documents.
  528. A network status is "live" if it is the most recently downloaded network
  529. status document for a given directory server, and the server is a
  530. directory server trusted by the client, and the network-status document is
  531. no more than 1 day old.
  532. For time-sensitive information, Tor implementations focus on "recent"
  533. network-status documents. A network status is "recent" if it is live, and
  534. if it was published in the last 60 minutes. If there are fewer
  535. than 3 such documents, the most recently published 3 are "recent." If
  536. there are fewer than 3 in all, all are "recent.")
  537. Circuits SHOULD NOT be built until the client has enough directory
  538. information: network-statuses (or failed attempts to download
  539. network-statuses) for all authorities, network-statuses for at more than
  540. half of the authorites, and descriptors for at least 1/4 of the servers
  541. believed to be running.
  542. A server is "listed" if it is included by more than half of the live
  543. network status documents. Clients SHOULD NOT use unlisted servers.
  544. Clients believe the flags "Valid", "Exit", "Fast", "Guard", "Stable", and
  545. "V2Dir" about a given router when they are asserted by more than half of
  546. the live network-status documents. Clients believe the flag "Running" if
  547. it is listed by more than half of the recent network-status documents.
  548. These flags are used as follows:
  549. - Clients SHOULD NOT use non-'Valid' or non-'Running' routers unless
  550. requested to do so.
  551. - Clients SHOULD NOT use non-'Fast' routers for any purpose other than
  552. very-low-bandwidth circuits (such as introduction circuits).
  553. - Clients SHOULD NOT use non-'Stable' routers for circuits that are
  554. likely to need to be open for a very long time (such as those used for
  555. IRC or SSH connections).
  556. - Clients SHOULD NOT choose non-'Guard' nodes when picking entry guard
  557. nodes.
  558. - Clients SHOULD NOT download directory information from non-'V2Dir'
  559. caches.
  560. 6.1. Managing naming
  561. In order to provide human-memorable names for individual server
  562. identities, some directory servers bind names to IDs. Clients handle
  563. names in two ways:
  564. When a client encounters a name it has not mapped before:
  565. If all the live "Naming" network-status documents the client has
  566. claim that the name binds to some identity ID, and the client has at
  567. least three live network-status documents, the client maps the name to
  568. ID.
  569. If a client encounters a name it has mapped before:
  570. It uses the last-mapped identity value, unless all of the "Naming"
  571. network status documents that list the name bind it to some other
  572. identity.
  573. When a user tries to refer to a router with a name that does not have a
  574. mapping under the above rules, the implementation SHOULD warn the user.
  575. After giving the warning, the implementation MAY use a router that at
  576. least one Naming authority maps the name to, so long as no other naming
  577. authority maps that name to a different router.
  578. (XXXX The last-bound thing above isn't implemented)
  579. 6.2. Software versions
  580. An implementation of Tor SHOULD warn when it has fetched (or has
  581. attempted to fetch and failed four consecutive times) a network-status
  582. for each authority, and it is running a software version
  583. not listed on more than half of the live "Versioning" network-status
  584. documents.
  585. 6.3. Warning about a router's status.
  586. If a router tries to publish its descriptor to a Naming authority
  587. that has its nickname mapped to another key, the router SHOULD
  588. warn the operator that it is either using the wrong key or is using
  589. an already claimed nickname.
  590. If a router has fetched (or attempted to fetch and failed four
  591. consecutive times) a network-status for every authority, and at
  592. least one of the authorities is "Naming", and no live "Naming"
  593. authorities publish a binding for the router's nickname, the
  594. router MAY remind the operator that the chosen nickname is not
  595. bound to this key at the authorities, and suggest contacting the
  596. authority operators.
  597. ...