or.h 131 KB

  1. /* Copyright (c) 2001 Matej Pfajfar.
  2. * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine.
  3. * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson. */
  4. /* See LICENSE for licensing information */
  5. /* $Id$ */
  6. /**
  7. * \file or.h
  8. * \brief Master header file for Tor-specific functionality.
  9. **/
  10. #ifndef __OR_H
  11. #define __OR_H
  12. #define OR_H_ID "$Id$"
  13. #include "orconfig.h"
  14. #ifdef MS_WINDOWS
  15. #define WIN32_WINNT 0x400
  16. #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x400
  17. #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
  18. #endif
  19. #include <stdio.h>
  20. #include <stdlib.h>
  21. #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
  22. #include <unistd.h>
  23. #endif
  24. #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H
  25. #include <string.h>
  26. #endif
  27. #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H
  28. #include <signal.h>
  29. #endif
  30. #ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H
  31. #include <netdb.h>
  32. #endif
  33. #ifdef HAVE_CTYPE_H
  34. #include <ctype.h>
  35. #endif
  36. #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H
  37. #include <sys/param.h> /* FreeBSD needs this to know what version it is */
  38. #endif
  39. #include "../common/torint.h"
  40. #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H
  41. #include <sys/wait.h>
  42. #endif
  43. #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H
  44. #include <sys/fcntl.h>
  45. #endif
  46. #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
  47. #include <fcntl.h>
  48. #endif
  49. #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H
  50. #include <sys/ioctl.h>
  51. #endif
  52. #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H
  53. #include <sys/socket.h>
  54. #endif
  55. #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
  56. #include <sys/time.h>
  57. #endif
  58. #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H
  59. #include <sys/stat.h>
  60. #endif
  61. #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H
  62. #include <netinet/in.h>
  63. #endif
  64. #ifdef HAVE_ARPA_INET_H
  65. #include <arpa/inet.h>
  66. #endif
  67. #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H
  68. #include <errno.h>
  69. #endif
  70. #ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
  71. #include <assert.h>
  72. #endif
  73. #ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
  74. #include <time.h>
  75. #endif
  76. /** Upper bound on maximum simultaneous connections; can be lowered by
  77. * config file. */
  78. #if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  79. /* http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/Aug-2006/msg00210.html */
  80. #define MAXCONNECTIONS 3200
  81. #else
  82. /* very high by default. "nobody should need more than this..." */
  83. #define MAXCONNECTIONS 15000
  84. #endif
  85. #ifdef MS_WINDOWS
  86. /* No, we don't need to redefine FD_SETSIZE before including winsock:
  87. * we use libevent now, and libevent handles the select() stuff. Yes,
  88. * some documents imply that we need to redefine anyway if we're using
  89. * select() anywhere in our application or in anything it links to: these
  90. * documents are either the holy texts of a cargo cult of network
  91. * programmers, or more likely a simplification of what's going on for
  92. * people who haven't read winsock[2].c for themselves.
  93. */
  94. #if (_MSC_VER <= 1300)
  95. #include <winsock.h>
  96. #else
  97. #include <winsock2.h>
  98. #include <ws2tcpip.h>
  99. #endif
  100. #endif
  101. #ifdef MS_WINDOWS
  102. #include <io.h>
  103. #include <process.h>
  104. #include <direct.h>
  105. #include <windows.h>
  106. #define snprintf _snprintf
  107. #endif
  108. #ifdef HAVE_EVENT_H
  109. #include <event.h>
  110. #else
  111. #error "Tor requires libevent to build."
  112. #endif
  113. #include "../common/crypto.h"
  114. #include "../common/tortls.h"
  115. #include "../common/log.h"
  116. #include "../common/compat.h"
  117. #include "../common/container.h"
  118. #include "../common/util.h"
  119. #include "../common/torgzip.h"
  120. /* These signals are defined to help control_signal_act work.
  121. */
  122. #ifndef SIGHUP
  123. #define SIGHUP 1
  124. #endif
  125. #ifndef SIGINT
  126. #define SIGINT 2
  127. #endif
  128. #ifndef SIGUSR1
  129. #define SIGUSR1 10
  130. #endif
  131. #ifndef SIGUSR2
  132. #define SIGUSR2 12
  133. #endif
  134. #ifndef SIGTERM
  135. #define SIGTERM 15
  136. #endif
  137. /* Controller signals start at a high number so we don't
  138. * conflict with system-defined signals. */
  139. #define SIGNEWNYM 129
  140. #define SIGCLEARDNSCACHE 130
  141. #if (SIZEOF_CELL_T != 0)
  142. /* On Irix, stdlib.h defines a cell_t type, so we need to make sure
  143. * that our stuff always calls cell_t something different. */
  144. #define cell_t tor_cell_t
  145. #endif
  146. /** DOCDOC */
  147. #define MAX_NICKNAME_LEN 19
  148. /** DOCDOC: Hex digest plus dollar sign. */
  150. /** DOCDOC: $Hexdigest=nickname */
  152. /** Maximum size, in bytes, for resized buffers. */
  153. #define MAX_BUF_SIZE ((1<<24)-1)
  154. /** DOCDOC */
  155. #define MAX_DIR_SIZE MAX_BUF_SIZE
  156. /** For http parsing DOCDOC */
  157. #define MAX_HEADERS_SIZE 50000
  158. /** DOCDOC */
  159. #define MAX_BODY_SIZE 500000
  160. /** How long do we keep DNS cache entries before purging them (regardless of
  161. * their TTL)? */
  162. #define MAX_DNS_ENTRY_AGE (30*60)
  163. /** DOCDOC */
  164. #define DEFAULT_DNS_TTL (30*60)
  165. /** How long can a TTL be before we stop believing it? */
  166. #define MAX_DNS_TTL (3*60*60)
  167. /** How small can a TTL be before we stop believing it? */
  168. #define MIN_DNS_TTL (60)
  169. /** How often do we rotate onion keys? */
  170. #define MIN_ONION_KEY_LIFETIME (7*24*60*60)
  171. /** How often do we rotate TLS contexts? */
  172. #define MAX_SSL_KEY_LIFETIME (2*60*60)
  173. /** How old do we allow a router to get before removing it
  174. * from the router list? In seconds. */
  175. #define ROUTER_MAX_AGE (60*60*48)
  176. /** How old can a router get before we (as a server) will no longer
  177. * consider it live? In seconds. */
  178. #define ROUTER_MAX_AGE_TO_PUBLISH (60*60*20)
  179. /** How old do we let a saved descriptor get before force-removing it? */
  180. #define OLD_ROUTER_DESC_MAX_AGE (60*60*24*5)
  181. /** How old do we let a networkstatus get before ignoring it? */
  182. #define NETWORKSTATUS_MAX_AGE (60*60*24)
  183. /** DOCDOC */
  184. typedef enum {
  187. } circ_id_type_t;
  188. #define _CONN_TYPE_MIN 3
  189. /** Type for sockets listening for OR connections. */
  190. #define CONN_TYPE_OR_LISTENER 3
  191. /** A bidirectional TLS connection transmitting a sequence of cells.
  192. * May be from an OR to an OR, or from an OP to an OR. */
  193. #define CONN_TYPE_OR 4
  194. /** A TCP connection from an onion router to a stream's destination. */
  195. #define CONN_TYPE_EXIT 5
  196. /** Type for sockets listening for SOCKS connections. */
  197. #define CONN_TYPE_AP_LISTENER 6
  198. /** A SOCKS proxy connection from the user application to the onion
  199. * proxy. */
  200. #define CONN_TYPE_AP 7
  201. /** Type for sockets listening for HTTP connections to the directory server. */
  202. #define CONN_TYPE_DIR_LISTENER 8
  203. /** Type for HTTP connections to the directory server. */
  204. #define CONN_TYPE_DIR 9
  205. /** Connection from the main process to a DNS worker process. */
  206. #define CONN_TYPE_DNSWORKER 10
  207. /** Connection from the main process to a CPU worker process. */
  208. #define CONN_TYPE_CPUWORKER 11
  209. /** Type for listening for connections from user interface process. */
  211. /** Type for connections from user interface process. */
  212. #define CONN_TYPE_CONTROL 13
  213. /** Type for sockets listening for transparent connections redirected by pf or
  214. * netfilter. */
  216. /** Type for sockets listening for transparent connections redirected by
  217. * natd. */
  218. #define CONN_TYPE_AP_NATD_LISTENER 15
  219. #define _CONN_TYPE_MAX 15
  220. #define CONN_IS_EDGE(x) \
  221. ((x)->type == CONN_TYPE_EXIT || (x)->type == CONN_TYPE_AP)
  222. /** State for any listener connection. */
  223. #define LISTENER_STATE_READY 0
  224. #define _DNSWORKER_STATE_MIN 1
  225. /** State for a connection to a dnsworker process that's idle. */
  226. #define DNSWORKER_STATE_IDLE 1
  227. /** State for a connection to a dnsworker process that's resolving a
  228. * hostname. */
  229. #define DNSWORKER_STATE_BUSY 2
  230. #define _DNSWORKER_STATE_MAX 2
  231. #define _CPUWORKER_STATE_MIN 1
  232. /** State for a connection to a cpuworker process that's idle. */
  233. #define CPUWORKER_STATE_IDLE 1
  234. /** State for a connection to a cpuworker process that's processing a
  235. * handshake. */
  237. #define _CPUWORKER_STATE_MAX 2
  239. #define _OR_CONN_STATE_MIN 1
  240. /** State for a connection to an OR: waiting for connect() to finish. */
  242. /** State for a connection to an OR: waiting for proxy command to flush. */
  244. /** State for a connection to an OR: waiting for proxy response. */
  246. /** State for a connection to an OR: SSL is handshaking, not done yet. */
  248. /** State for a connection to an OR: Ready to send/receive cells. */
  249. #define OR_CONN_STATE_OPEN 5
  250. #define _OR_CONN_STATE_MAX 5
  251. #define _EXIT_CONN_STATE_MIN 1
  252. /** State for an exit connection: waiting for response from dns farm. */
  254. /** State for an exit connection: waiting for connect() to finish. */
  256. /** State for an exit connection: open and ready to transmit data. */
  257. #define EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN 3
  258. /** State for an exit connection: waiting to be removed. */
  260. #define _EXIT_CONN_STATE_MAX 4
  261. /* the AP state values must be disjoint from the EXIT state values */
  262. #define _AP_CONN_STATE_MIN 5
  263. /** State for a SOCKS connection: waiting for SOCKS request. */
  264. #define AP_CONN_STATE_SOCKS_WAIT 5
  265. /** State for a SOCKS connection: got a y.onion URL; waiting to receive
  266. * rendezvous descriptor. */
  268. /** The controller will attach this connection to a circuit; it isn't our
  269. * job to do so. */
  271. /** State for a SOCKS connection: waiting for a completed circuit. */
  273. /** State for a SOCKS connection: sent BEGIN, waiting for CONNECTED. */
  275. /** State for a SOCKS connection: sent RESOLVE, waiting for RESOLVED. */
  276. #define AP_CONN_STATE_RESOLVE_WAIT 10
  277. /** State for a SOCKS connection: ready to send and receive. */
  278. #define AP_CONN_STATE_OPEN 11
  279. /** State for a transparent natd connection: waiting for original
  280. * destination. */
  281. #define AP_CONN_STATE_NATD_WAIT 12
  282. #define _AP_CONN_STATE_MAX 12
  283. /** DOCDOC */
  284. #define AP_CONN_STATE_IS_UNATTACHED(s) \
  286. #define _DIR_CONN_STATE_MIN 1
  287. /** State for connection to directory server: waiting for connect(). */
  289. /** State for connection to directory server: sending HTTP request. */
  291. /** State for connection to directory server: reading HTTP response. */
  293. /** State for connection to directory server: happy and finished. */
  295. /** State for connection at directory server: waiting for HTTP request. */
  297. /** State for connection at directory server: sending HTTP response. */
  299. #define _DIR_CONN_STATE_MAX 6
  300. /** DOCDOC */
  301. #define DIR_CONN_IS_SERVER(conn) ((conn)->purpose == DIR_PURPOSE_SERVER)
  302. #define _CONTROL_CONN_STATE_MIN 1
  303. /** DOCDOC */
  304. #define CONTROL_CONN_STATE_OPEN_V0 1
  305. /** DOCDOC */
  306. #define CONTROL_CONN_STATE_OPEN_V1 2
  307. /** DOCDOC */
  309. /** DOCDOC */
  311. #define _CONTROL_CONN_STATE_MAX 4
  312. #define _DIR_PURPOSE_MIN 1
  313. /** A connection to a directory server: download a directory. */
  314. #define DIR_PURPOSE_FETCH_DIR 1
  315. /** A connection to a directory server: download just the list
  316. * of running routers. */
  318. /** A connection to a directory server: download a rendezvous
  319. * descriptor. */
  321. /** A connection to a directory server: set after a rendezvous
  322. * descriptor is downloaded. */
  324. /** A connection to a directory server: download one or more network-status
  325. * objects */
  327. /** A connection to a directory server: download one or more server
  328. * descriptors. */
  330. /** A connection to a directory server: upload a server descriptor. */
  331. #define DIR_PURPOSE_UPLOAD_DIR 7
  332. /** A connection to a directory server: upload a rendezvous
  333. * descriptor. */
  335. /** Purpose for connection at a directory server. */
  336. #define DIR_PURPOSE_SERVER 9
  337. #define _DIR_PURPOSE_MAX 9
  338. #define _EXIT_PURPOSE_MIN 1
  339. /** This exit stream wants to do an ordinary connect. */
  340. #define EXIT_PURPOSE_CONNECT 1
  341. /** This exit stream wants to do a resolve (either normal or reverse). */
  342. #define EXIT_PURPOSE_RESOLVE 2
  343. #define _EXIT_PURPOSE_MAX 2
  344. /** Circuit state: I'm the origin, still haven't done all my handshakes. */
  346. /** Circuit state: Waiting to process the onionskin. */
  348. /** Circuit state: I'd like to deliver a create, but my n_conn is still
  349. * connecting. */
  350. #define CIRCUIT_STATE_OR_WAIT 2
  351. /** Circuit state: onionskin(s) processed, ready to send/receive cells. */
  352. #define CIRCUIT_STATE_OPEN 3
  353. #define _CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_MIN 1
  354. /* these circuits were initiated elsewhere */
  355. #define _CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_OR_MIN 1
  356. /** OR-side circuit purpose: normal circuit, at OR. */
  357. #define CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_OR 1
  358. /** OR-side circuit purpose: At OR, from Bob, waiting for intro from Alices. */
  360. /** OR-side circuit purpose: At OR, from Alice, waiting for Bob. */
  362. /** OR-side circuit purpose: At OR, both circuits have this purpose. */
  364. #define _CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_OR_MAX 4
  365. /* these circuits originate at this node */
  366. /* here's how circ client-side purposes work:
  367. * normal circuits are C_GENERAL.
  368. * circuits that are c_introducing are either on their way to
  369. * becoming open, or they are open and waiting for a
  370. * suitable rendcirc before they send the intro.
  371. * circuits that are c_introduce_ack_wait have sent the intro,
  372. * but haven't gotten a response yet.
  373. * circuits that are c_establish_rend are either on their way
  374. * to becoming open, or they are open and have sent the
  375. * establish_rendezvous cell but haven't received an ack.
  376. * circuits that are c_rend_ready are open and have received a
  377. * rend ack, but haven't heard from bob yet. if they have a
  378. * buildstate->pending_final_cpath then they're expecting a
  379. * cell from bob, else they're not.
  380. * circuits that are c_rend_ready_intro_acked are open, and
  381. * some intro circ has sent its intro and received an ack.
  382. * circuits that are c_rend_joined are open, have heard from
  383. * bob, and are talking to him.
  384. */
  385. /** Client-side circuit purpose: Normal circuit, with cpath. */
  387. /** Client-side circuit purpose: at Alice, connecting to intro point. */
  389. /** Client-side circuit purpose: at Alice, sent INTRODUCE1 to intro point,
  390. * waiting for ACK/NAK. */
  392. /** Client-side circuit purpose: at Alice, introduced and acked, closing. */
  394. /** Client-side circuit purpose: at Alice, waiting for ack. */
  396. /** Client-side circuit purpose: at Alice, waiting for Bob. */
  398. /** Client-side circuit purpose: at Alice, waiting for Bob, INTRODUCE
  399. * has been acknowledged. */
  401. /** Client-side circuit purpose: at Alice, rendezvous established. */
  403. /** Hidden-service-side circuit purpose: at Bob, waiting for introductions. */
  405. /** Hidden-service-side circuit purpose: at Bob, successfully established
  406. * intro. */
  407. #define CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_INTRO 14
  408. /** Hidden-service-side circuit purpose: at Bob, connecting to rend point. */
  410. /** Hidden-service-side circuit purpose: at Bob, rendezvous established. */
  412. /** A testing circuit; not meant to be used for actual traffic. */
  414. /** A controller made this circuit and Tor should not use it. */
  416. #define _CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_MAX 18
  417. /** True iff the circuit purpose <b>p</b> is for a circuit that
  418. * originated at this node. */
  420. #define CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(c) (CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_IS_ORIGIN((c)->purpose))
  421. /** How many circuits do we want simultaneously in-progress to handle
  422. * a given stream? */
  424. #define RELAY_COMMAND_BEGIN 1
  425. #define RELAY_COMMAND_DATA 2
  426. #define RELAY_COMMAND_END 3
  428. #define RELAY_COMMAND_SENDME 5
  429. #define RELAY_COMMAND_EXTEND 6
  433. #define RELAY_COMMAND_DROP 10
  434. #define RELAY_COMMAND_RESOLVE 11
  435. #define RELAY_COMMAND_RESOLVED 12
  436. #define RELAY_COMMAND_BEGIN_DIR 13
  439. #define RELAY_COMMAND_INTRODUCE1 34
  440. #define RELAY_COMMAND_INTRODUCE2 35
  446. /* Reasons why an OR connection is closed */
  447. #define END_OR_CONN_REASON_DONE 1
  450. #define END_OR_CONN_REASON_TLS_CONNRESET 4 /* tls connection reset by peer */
  452. #define END_OR_CONN_REASON_TLS_NO_ROUTE 6 /* no route to host/net */
  453. #define END_OR_CONN_REASON_TLS_IO_ERROR 7 /* tls read/write error */
  454. #define END_OR_CONN_REASON_TLS_MISC 8
  455. /* Reasons why we (or a remote OR) might close a stream. See tor-spec.txt for
  456. * documentation of these. */
  457. #define END_STREAM_REASON_MISC 1
  462. #define END_STREAM_REASON_DONE 6
  464. /* 8 is unallocated. */
  471. /* These high-numbered end reasons are not part of the official spec,
  472. * and are not intended to be put in relay end cells. They are here
  473. * to be more informative when sending back socks replies to the
  474. * application. */
  475. /* XXXX 256 is no longer used; feel free to reuse it. */
  476. /** DOCDOC */
  478. /** DOCDOC */
  480. /** DOCDOC */
  482. /** DOCDOC */
  484. /** DOCDOC */
  486. /** Bitwise-and this value with endreason to mask out all flags. */
  487. #define END_STREAM_REASON_MASK 511
  488. /** Bitwise-or this with the argument to control_event_stream_status
  489. * to indicate that the reason came from an END cell. */
  491. /** Bitwise-or this with the argument to control_event_stream_status
  492. * to indicate that we already sent a CLOSED stream event. */
  494. /** Bitwise-or this with endreason to indicate that we already sent
  495. * a socks reply, and no further reply needs to be sent from
  496. * connection_mark_unattached_ap(). */
  498. /* DOCDOC */
  500. #define RESOLVED_TYPE_IPV4 4
  501. #define RESOLVED_TYPE_IPV6 6
  503. #define RESOLVED_TYPE_ERROR 0xF1
  504. /* Negative reasons are internal: we never send them in a DESTROY or TRUNCATE
  505. * call; they only go to the controller for tracking */
  506. /** We couldn't build a path for this circuit. */
  507. #define END_CIRC_REASON_NOPATH -2
  508. /** Catch-all "other" reason for closing origin circuits. */
  509. #define END_CIRC_AT_ORIGIN -1
  510. /* Reasons why we (or a remote OR) might close a circuit. See tor-spec.txt for
  511. * documentation of these. */
  512. #define _END_CIRC_REASON_MIN 0
  513. #define END_CIRC_REASON_NONE 0
  523. #define END_CIRC_REASON_TIMEOUT 10
  526. #define _END_CIRC_REASON_MAX 12
  527. /* OR this with the argument to circuit_mark_for_close, or
  528. * control_event_circuit_status to indicate that the reason came from a
  529. * destroy or truncate cell. */
  530. #define END_CIRC_REASON_FLAG_REMOTE 512
  531. /** Length of 'y' portion of 'y.onion' URL. */
  532. #define REND_SERVICE_ID_LEN 16
  533. #define CELL_DIRECTION_IN 1
  534. #define CELL_DIRECTION_OUT 2
  535. #ifdef TOR_PERF
  536. #define CIRCWINDOW_START 10000
  537. #define CIRCWINDOW_INCREMENT 1000
  538. #define STREAMWINDOW_START 5000
  540. #else
  541. /** DOCDOC */
  542. #define CIRCWINDOW_START 1000
  543. /** DOCDOC */
  544. #define CIRCWINDOW_INCREMENT 100
  545. /** DOCDOC */
  546. #define STREAMWINDOW_START 500
  547. /** DOCDOC */
  549. #endif
  550. /* cell commands */
  551. #define CELL_PADDING 0
  552. #define CELL_CREATE 1
  553. #define CELL_CREATED 2
  554. #define CELL_RELAY 3
  555. #define CELL_DESTROY 4
  556. #define CELL_CREATE_FAST 5
  557. #define CELL_CREATED_FAST 6
  558. /** How long to test reachability before complaining to the user. */
  560. /** Legal characters in a nickname. */
  562. "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
  563. /** Name to use in client TLS certificates if no nickname is given. */
  564. #define DEFAULT_CLIENT_NICKNAME "client"
  565. /** DOCDOC */
  566. #define SOCKS4_NETWORK_LEN 8
  567. /** DOCDOC */
  568. typedef enum {
  569. SOCKS5_SUCCEEDED = 0x00,
  570. SOCKS5_GENERAL_ERROR = 0x01,
  571. SOCKS5_NOT_ALLOWED = 0x02,
  575. SOCKS5_TTL_EXPIRED = 0x06,
  578. } socks5_reply_status_t;
  579. /*
  580. * Relay payload:
  581. * Relay command [1 byte]
  582. * Recognized [2 bytes]
  583. * Stream ID [2 bytes]
  584. * Partial SHA-1 [4 bytes]
  585. * Length [2 bytes]
  586. * Relay payload [498 bytes]
  587. */
  588. /** DOCDOC */
  589. #define CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE 509
  590. /** DOCDOC */
  591. #define CELL_NETWORK_SIZE 512
  592. /** DOCDOC */
  593. #define RELAY_HEADER_SIZE (1+2+2+4+2)
  594. /** DOCDOC */
  596. /** Parsed onion routing cell. All communication between nodes
  597. * is via cells. */
  598. typedef struct {
  599. uint16_t circ_id; /**< Circuit which received the cell. */
  600. uint8_t command; /**< Type of the cell: one of PADDING, CREATE, RELAY,
  601. * or DESTROY. */
  602. char payload[CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; /**< Cell body. */
  603. } cell_t;
  604. /** Beginning of a RELAY cell payload. */
  605. typedef struct {
  606. uint8_t command; /**< The end-to-end relay command. */
  607. uint16_t recognized; /**< Used to tell whether cell is for us. */
  608. uint16_t stream_id; /**< Which stream is this cell associated with? */
  609. char integrity[4]; /**< Used to tell whether cell is corrupted. */
  610. uint16_t length; /**< How long is the payload body? */
  611. } relay_header_t;
  612. typedef struct buf_t buf_t;
  613. typedef struct socks_request_t socks_request_t;
  614. /** DOCDOC */
  615. #define BASE_CONNECTION_MAGIC 0x7C3C304Eu
  616. /** DOCDOC */
  617. #define OR_CONNECTION_MAGIC 0x7D31FF03u
  618. /** DOCDOC */
  619. #define EDGE_CONNECTION_MAGIC 0xF0374013u
  620. /** DOCDOC */
  621. #define DIR_CONNECTION_MAGIC 0x9988ffeeu
  622. /** DOCDOC */
  623. #define CONTROL_CONNECTION_MAGIC 0x8abc765du
  624. /** Description of a connection to another host or process, and associated
  625. * data.
  626. *
  627. * A connection is named based on what it's connected to -- an "OR
  628. * connection" has a Tor node on the other end, an "exit
  629. * connection" has a website or other server on the other end, and an
  630. * "AP connection" has an application proxy (and thus a user) on the
  631. * other end.
  632. *
  633. * Every connection has a type and a state. Connections never change
  634. * their type, but can go through many state changes in their lifetime.
  635. *
  636. * Every connection has two associated input and output buffers.
  637. * Listeners don't use them. For non-listener connections, incoming
  638. * data is appended to conn->inbuf, and outgoing data is taken from
  639. * conn->outbuf. Connections differ primarily in the functions called
  640. * to fill and drain these buffers.
  641. */
  642. typedef struct connection_t {
  643. uint32_t magic; /**< For memory debugging: must equal one of
  644. * *_CONNECTION_MAGIC. */
  645. uint8_t type; /**< What kind of connection is this? */
  646. uint8_t state; /**< Current state of this connection. */
  647. uint8_t purpose; /**< Only used for DIR and EXIT types currently. */
  648. /* The next fields are all one-bit booleans. Some are only applicable
  649. * to connection subtypes, but we hold them here anyway, to save space.
  650. * (Currently, they all fit into a single byte.) */
  651. unsigned wants_to_read:1; /**< Boolean: should we start reading again once
  652. * the bandwidth throttler allows it? */
  653. unsigned wants_to_write:1; /**< Boolean: should we start writing again once
  654. * the bandwidth throttler allows reads? */
  655. unsigned hold_open_until_flushed:1; /**< Despite this connection's being
  656. * marked for close, do we flush it
  657. * before closing it? */
  658. unsigned int inbuf_reached_eof:1; /**< Boolean: did read() return 0 on this
  659. * conn? */
  660. unsigned edge_has_sent_end:1; /**< For debugging; only used on edge
  661. * connections. Set once we've set the stream end,
  662. * and check in connection_about_to_close_connection().
  663. */
  664. /** Used for OR conns that shouldn't get any new circs attached to them. */
  665. unsigned int or_is_obsolete:1;
  666. /** For AP connections only. If 1, and we fail to reach the chosen exit,
  667. * stop requiring it. */
  668. unsigned int chosen_exit_optional:1;
  669. int s; /**< Our socket; -1 if this connection is closed. */
  670. int conn_array_index; /**< Index into the global connection array. */
  671. struct event *read_event; /**< Libevent event structure. */
  672. struct event *write_event; /**< Libevent event structure. */
  673. buf_t *inbuf; /**< Buffer holding data read over this connection. */
  674. buf_t *outbuf; /**< Buffer holding data to write over this connection. */
  675. size_t outbuf_flushlen; /**< How much data should we try to flush from the
  676. * outbuf? */
  677. time_t timestamp_lastread; /**< When was the last time libevent said we could
  678. * read? */
  679. time_t timestamp_lastwritten; /**< When was the last time libevent said we
  680. * could write? */
  681. time_t timestamp_created; /**< When was this connection_t created? */
  682. uint32_t addr; /**< IP of the other side of the connection; used to identify
  683. * routers, along with port. */
  684. uint16_t port; /**< If non-zero, port on the other end
  685. * of the connection. */
  686. uint16_t marked_for_close; /**< Should we close this conn on the next
  687. * iteration of the main loop? (If true, holds
  688. * the line number where this connection was
  689. * marked.) */
  690. const char *marked_for_close_file; /**< For debugging: in which file were
  691. * we marked for close? */
  692. char *address; /**< FQDN (or IP) of the guy on the other end.
  693. * strdup into this, because free_connection frees it. */
  694. } connection_t;
  695. /** Subtype of connection_t for an "OR connection" -- that is, one that speaks
  696. * cells over TLS. */
  697. typedef struct or_connection_t {
  698. connection_t _base;
  699. char identity_digest[DIGEST_LEN]; /**< Hash of the public RSA key for
  700. * the other side's signing key. */
  701. char *nickname; /**< Nickname of OR on other side (if any). */
  702. tor_tls_t *tls; /**< TLS connection state */
  703. int tls_error; /**< Last tor_tls error code */
  704. time_t timestamp_lastempty; /**< When was the outbuf last completely empty?*/
  705. /* bandwidth* and read_bucket only used by ORs in OPEN state: */
  706. int bandwidthrate; /**< Bytes/s added to the bucket. (OPEN ORs only.) */
  707. int bandwidthburst; /**< Max bucket size for this conn. (OPEN ORs only.) */
  708. int read_bucket; /**< When this hits 0, stop receiving. Every second we
  709. * add 'bandwidthrate' to this, capping it at
  710. * bandwidthburst. (OPEN ORs only) */
  711. circ_id_type_t circ_id_type; /**< When we send CREATE cells along this
  712. * connection, which half of the space should
  713. * we use? */
  714. int n_circuits; /**< How many circuits use this connection as p_conn or
  715. * n_conn ? */
  716. struct or_connection_t *next_with_same_id; /**< Next connection with same
  717. * identity digest as this one. */
  718. /** Linked list of bridged dirserver connections that can't write until
  719. * this connection's outbuf is less full. */
  720. struct dir_connection_t *blocked_dir_connections;
  721. uint16_t next_circ_id; /**< Which circ_id do we try to use next on
  722. * this connection? This is always in the
  723. * range 0..1<<15-1. */
  724. } or_connection_t;
  725. /** Subtype of connection_t for an "edge connection" -- that is, a socks (ap)
  726. * connection, or an exit. */
  727. typedef struct edge_connection_t {
  728. connection_t _base;
  729. struct edge_connection_t *next_stream; /**< Points to the next stream at this
  730. * edge, if any */
  731. struct crypt_path_t *cpath_layer; /**< A pointer to which node in the circ
  732. * this conn exits at. */
  733. int package_window; /**< How many more relay cells can I send into the
  734. * circuit? */
  735. int deliver_window; /**< How many more relay cells can end at me? */
  736. /** Nickname of planned exit node -- used with .exit support. */
  737. char *chosen_exit_name;
  738. socks_request_t *socks_request; /**< SOCKS structure describing request (AP
  739. * only.) */
  740. struct circuit_t *on_circuit; /**< The circuit (if any) that this edge
  741. * connection is using. */
  742. uint32_t address_ttl; /**< TTL for address-to-addr mapping on exit
  743. * connection. Exit connections only. */
  744. uint16_t stream_id; /**< The stream ID used for this edge connection on its
  745. * circuit */
  746. /** The reason why this connection is closing; passed to the controller. */
  747. uint16_t end_reason;
  748. /** Quasi-global identifier for this connection; used for control.c */
  749. /* XXXX NM This can get re-used after 2**32 streams */
  750. uint32_t global_identifier;
  751. /** Exit only: a dirserv connection that is tunneled over this connection
  752. * using a socketpair. */
  753. struct dir_connection_t *bridge_for_conn;
  754. char rend_query[REND_SERVICE_ID_LEN+1]; /**< What rendezvous service are we
  755. * querying for? (AP only) */
  756. /** Number of times we've reassigned this application connection to
  757. * a new circuit. We keep track because the timeout is longer if we've
  758. * already retried several times. */
  759. uint8_t num_socks_retries;
  760. } edge_connection_t;
  761. /** Subtype of connection_t for an "directory connection" -- that is, an HTTP
  762. * connection to retrieve or serve directory material. */
  763. typedef struct dir_connection_t {
  764. connection_t _base;
  765. char *requested_resource; /**< Which 'resource' did we ask the directory
  766. * for? */
  767. unsigned int dirconn_direct:1; /**< Is this dirconn direct, or via Tor? */
  768. /** True iff this is a dirserv conn, and it's tunneled over an or_conn,
  769. * and we've stopped writing because the or_conn had too much pending
  770. * data to write */
  771. unsigned int is_blocked_on_or_conn : 1;
  772. /* Used only for server sides of some dir connections, to implement
  773. * "spooling" of directory material to the outbuf. Otherwise, we'd have
  774. * to append everything to the outbuf in one enormous chunk. */
  775. /** What exactly are we spooling right now? */
  776. enum {
  779. } dir_spool_src : 3;
  780. /** List of fingerprints for networkstatuses or desriptors to be spooled. */
  781. smartlist_t *fingerprint_stack;
  782. /** A cached_dir_t object that we're currently spooling out */
  783. struct cached_dir_t *cached_dir;
  784. /** The current offset into cached_dir. */
  785. off_t cached_dir_offset;
  786. /** The zlib object doing on-the-fly compression for spooled data. */
  787. tor_zlib_state_t *zlib_state;
  788. char rend_query[REND_SERVICE_ID_LEN+1]; /**< What rendezvous service are we
  789. * querying for? */
  790. char identity_digest[DIGEST_LEN]; /**< Hash of the public RSA key for
  791. * the directory server's signing key. */
  792. /** If this is a dirserv conn created with a BEGIN_DIR (a "bridged" dirserv
  793. * connection), a pointer to the edge_conn at the other end of its
  794. * socketpair. */
  795. edge_connection_t *bridge_conn;
  796. /** Next connection in linked list of dirserv connections blocked until
  797. * the or_conns over which they're bridged have enough space in their
  798. * outbufs. */
  799. struct dir_connection_t *next_blocked_on_same_or_conn;
  800. } dir_connection_t;
  801. /** Subtype of connection_t for an connection to a controller. */
  802. typedef struct control_connection_t {
  803. connection_t _base;
  804. uint32_t event_mask; /**< Bitfield: which events does this controller
  805. * care about? */
  806. unsigned int use_long_names:1; /**< True if we should use long nicknames
  807. * on this (v1) connection. Only settable
  808. * via v1 controllers. */
  809. /** For control connections only. If set, we send extended info with control
  810. * events as appropriate. */
  811. unsigned int use_extended_events:1;
  812. uint32_t incoming_cmd_len;
  813. uint32_t incoming_cmd_cur_len;
  814. char *incoming_cmd;
  815. /* Used only by control v0 connections */
  816. uint16_t incoming_cmd_type;
  817. } control_connection_t;
  818. /** Cast a connection_t subtype pointer to a connection_t **/
  819. #define TO_CONN(c) (&(((c)->_base)))
  820. /** Helper macro: Given a pointer to to._base, of type from*, return &to. */
  821. #define DOWNCAST(to, ptr) \
  822. (to*) (((char*)(ptr)) - STRUCT_OFFSET(to, _base))
  823. /** Convert a connection_t* to an or_connection_t*; assert if the cast is
  824. * invalid. */
  825. static or_connection_t *TO_OR_CONN(connection_t *);
  826. /** Convert a connection_t* to a dir_connection_t*; assert if the cast is
  827. * invalid. */
  828. static dir_connection_t *TO_DIR_CONN(connection_t *);
  829. /** Convert a connection_t* to an edge_connection_t*; assert if the cast is
  830. * invalid. */
  831. static edge_connection_t *TO_EDGE_CONN(connection_t *);
  832. /** Convert a connection_t* to an control_connection_t*; assert if the cast is
  833. * invalid. */
  834. static control_connection_t *TO_CONTROL_CONN(connection_t *);
  835. static INLINE or_connection_t *TO_OR_CONN(connection_t *c)
  836. {
  837. tor_assert(c->magic == OR_CONNECTION_MAGIC);
  838. return DOWNCAST(or_connection_t, c);
  839. }
  840. static INLINE dir_connection_t *TO_DIR_CONN(connection_t *c)
  841. {
  842. tor_assert(c->magic == DIR_CONNECTION_MAGIC);
  843. return DOWNCAST(dir_connection_t, c);
  844. }
  845. static INLINE edge_connection_t *TO_EDGE_CONN(connection_t *c)
  846. {
  847. tor_assert(c->magic == EDGE_CONNECTION_MAGIC);
  848. return DOWNCAST(edge_connection_t, c);
  849. }
  850. static INLINE control_connection_t *TO_CONTROL_CONN(connection_t *c)
  851. {
  852. tor_assert(c->magic == CONTROL_CONNECTION_MAGIC);
  853. return DOWNCAST(control_connection_t, c);
  854. }
  855. typedef enum {
  858. } addr_policy_action_t;
  859. /** A linked list of policy rules */
  860. typedef struct addr_policy_t {
  861. addr_policy_action_t policy_type; /**< What to do when the policy matches.*/
  862. char *string; /**< String representation of this rule. */
  863. uint32_t addr; /**< Base address to accept or reject. */
  864. uint32_t msk; /**< Accept/reject all addresses <b>a</b> such that
  865. * a &amp; msk == <b>addr</b> &amp; msk . */
  866. uint16_t prt_min; /**< Lowest port number to accept/reject. */
  867. uint16_t prt_max; /**< Highest port number to accept/reject. */
  868. struct addr_policy_t *next; /**< Next rule in list. */
  869. } addr_policy_t;
  870. /** A cached_dir_t represents a cacheable directory object, along with its
  871. * compressed form. */
  872. typedef struct cached_dir_t {
  873. char *dir; /**< Contents of this object */
  874. char *dir_z; /**< Compressed contents of this object. */
  875. size_t dir_len; /**< Length of <b>dir</b> */
  876. size_t dir_z_len; /**< Length of <b>dir_z</b> */
  877. time_t published; /**< When was this object published */
  878. int refcnt; /**< Reference count for this cached_dir_t. */
  879. } cached_dir_t;
  880. /** Enum used to remember where a signed_descriptor_t is stored and how to
  881. * manage the memory for signed_descriptor_body. */
  882. typedef enum {
  883. /** The descriptor isn't stored on disk at all: the copy in memory is
  884. * canonical; the saved_offset field is meaningless. */
  886. /** The descriptor is stored in the cached_routers file: the
  887. * signed_descriptor_body is meaningless; the signed_descriptor_len and
  888. * saved_offset are used to index into the mmaped cache file. */
  890. /** The descriptor is stored in the cached_routers.new file: the
  891. * signed_descriptor_body and saved_offset fields are both set. */
  892. /* FFFF (We could also mmap the file and grow the mmap as needed, or
  893. * lazy-load the descriptor text by using seek and read. We don't, for
  894. * now.)
  895. */
  897. } saved_location_t;
  898. /** Information need to cache an onion router's descriptor. */
  899. typedef struct signed_descriptor_t {
  900. /** Pointer to the raw server descriptor. Not necessarily NUL-terminated.
  901. * If saved_location is SAVED_IN_CACHE, this pointer is null. */
  902. char *signed_descriptor_body;
  903. /** Length of the server descriptor. */
  904. size_t signed_descriptor_len;
  905. /** Digest of the server descriptor, computed as specified in dir-spec.txt */
  906. char signed_descriptor_digest[DIGEST_LEN];
  907. /** Identity digest of the router. */
  908. char identity_digest[DIGEST_LEN];
  909. /** Declared publication time of the descriptor */
  910. time_t published_on;
  911. /** Where is the descriptor saved? */
  912. saved_location_t saved_location;
  913. /** If saved_location is SAVED_IN_CACHE or SAVED_IN_JOURNAL, the offset of
  914. * this descriptor in the corresponding file. */
  915. off_t saved_offset;
  916. } signed_descriptor_t;
  917. /** Information about another onion router in the network. */
  918. typedef struct {
  919. signed_descriptor_t cache_info;
  920. char *address; /**< Location of OR: either a hostname or an IP address. */
  921. char *nickname; /**< Human-readable OR name. */
  922. uint32_t addr; /**< IPv4 address of OR, in host order. */
  923. uint16_t or_port; /**< Port for TLS connections. */
  924. uint16_t dir_port; /**< Port for HTTP directory connections. */
  925. crypto_pk_env_t *onion_pkey; /**< Public RSA key for onions. */
  926. crypto_pk_env_t *identity_pkey; /**< Public RSA key for signing. */
  927. char *platform; /**< What software/operating system is this OR using? */
  928. /* link info */
  929. uint32_t bandwidthrate; /**< How many bytes does this OR add to its token
  930. * bucket per second? */
  931. uint32_t bandwidthburst; /**< How large is this OR's token bucket? */
  932. /** How many bytes/s is this router known to handle? */
  933. uint32_t bandwidthcapacity;
  934. addr_policy_t *exit_policy; /**< What streams will this OR permit
  935. * to exit? */
  936. long uptime; /**< How many seconds the router claims to have been up */
  937. smartlist_t *declared_family; /**< Nicknames of router which this router
  938. * claims are its family. */
  939. char *contact_info; /**< Declared contact info for this router. */
  940. unsigned int is_hibernating:1; /**< Whether the router claims to be
  941. * hibernating */
  942. unsigned int has_old_dnsworkers:1; /**< Whether the router is using
  943. * dnsworker code. */
  944. /* local info */
  945. unsigned int is_running:1; /**< As far as we know, is this OR currently
  946. * running? */
  947. unsigned int is_valid:1; /**< Has a trusted dirserver validated this OR?
  948. * (For Authdir: Have we validated this OR?)
  949. */
  950. unsigned int is_named:1; /**< Do we believe the nickname that this OR gives
  951. * us? */
  952. unsigned int is_fast:1; /** Do we think this is a fast OR? */
  953. unsigned int is_stable:1; /** Do we think this is a stable OR? */
  954. unsigned int is_possible_guard:1; /**< Do we think this is an OK guard? */
  955. unsigned int is_exit:1; /**< Do we think this is an OK exit? */
  956. unsigned int is_bad_exit:1; /**< Do we think this exit is censored, borked,
  957. * or otherwise nasty? */
  958. /** Tor can use this desc for circuit-building. */
  960. /** Tor should avoid using this desc for circuit-building. */
  962. uint8_t purpose; /** Should Tor use this desc for circuit-building? */
  963. /* The below items are used only by authdirservers for
  964. * reachability testing. */
  965. /** When was the last time we could reach this OR? */
  966. time_t last_reachable;
  967. /** When did we start testing reachability for this OR? */
  968. time_t testing_since;
  969. /** How many times has a descriptor been posted and we believed
  970. * this router to be unreachable? We only actually warn on the third. */
  971. int num_unreachable_notifications;
  972. /** What position is this descriptor within routerlist->routers? -1 for
  973. * none. */
  974. int routerlist_index;
  975. } routerinfo_t;
  976. /** Contents of a single router entry in a network status object.
  977. */
  978. typedef struct routerstatus_t {
  979. time_t published_on; /**< When was this router published? */
  980. char nickname[MAX_NICKNAME_LEN+1]; /**< The nickname this router says it
  981. * has. */
  982. char identity_digest[DIGEST_LEN]; /**< Digest of the router's identity
  983. * key. */
  984. char descriptor_digest[DIGEST_LEN]; /**< Digest of the router's most recent
  985. * descriptor. */
  986. uint32_t addr; /**< IPv4 address for this router. */
  987. uint16_t or_port; /**< OR port for this router. */
  988. uint16_t dir_port; /**< Directory port for this router. */
  989. unsigned int is_exit:1; /**< True iff this router is a good exit. */
  990. unsigned int is_stable:1; /**< True iff this router stays up a long time. */
  991. unsigned int is_fast:1; /**< True iff this router has good bandwidth. */
  992. unsigned int is_running:1; /**< True iff this router is up. */
  993. unsigned int is_named:1; /**< True iff "nickname" belongs to this router. */
  994. unsigned int is_valid:1; /**< True iff this router is validated. */
  995. unsigned int is_v2_dir:1; /**< True iff this router can serve directory
  996. * information with v2 of the directory
  997. * protocol. (All directory caches cache v1
  998. * directories.) */
  999. unsigned int is_possible_guard:1; /**< True iff this router would be a good
  1000. * choice as an entry guard. */
  1001. unsigned int is_bad_exit:1; /**< True iff this node is a bad choice for
  1002. * an exit node. */
  1003. unsigned int is_bad_directory:1; /**< Do we think this directory is junky,
  1004. * underpowered, or otherwise useless? */
  1005. /** True iff we know version info for this router. (i.e., a "v" entry was
  1006. * included.) We'll replace all these with a big tor_version_t or a char[]
  1007. * if the number of traits we care about ever becomes incredibly big. */
  1008. unsigned int version_known:1;
  1009. /** True iff this router is a version that supports BEGIN_DIR cells. */
  1010. unsigned int version_supports_begindir:1;
  1011. /** True if we, as a directory mirror, want to download the corresponding
  1012. * routerinfo from the authority who gave us this routerstatus. (That is,
  1013. * if we don't have the routerinfo, and if we haven't already tried to get it
  1014. * from this authority.)
  1015. */
  1016. unsigned int need_to_mirror:1;
  1017. } routerstatus_t;
  1018. /** Our "local" or combined view of the info from all networkstatus objects
  1019. * about a single router. */
  1020. typedef struct local_routerstatus_t {
  1021. /** What do we believe to be the case about this router? In this field,
  1022. * descriptor_digest represents the descriptor we would most like to use for
  1023. * this router. */
  1024. routerstatus_t status;
  1025. time_t next_attempt_at; /**< When should we try downloading this descriptor
  1026. * again? */
  1027. time_t last_dir_503_at; /**< When did this router last tell us that it
  1028. * was too busy to serve directory info? */
  1029. uint8_t n_download_failures; /**< Number of failures trying to download the
  1030. * most recent descriptor. */
  1031. unsigned int name_lookup_warned:1; /**< Have we warned the user for referring
  1032. * to this (unnamed) router by nickname?
  1033. */
  1034. } local_routerstatus_t;
  1035. /** How many times will we try to download a router's descriptor before giving
  1036. * up? */
  1038. /** Contents of a (v2 or later) network status object. */
  1039. typedef struct networkstatus_t {
  1040. /** When did we receive the network-status document? */
  1041. time_t received_on;
  1042. /** What was the digest of the document? */
  1043. char networkstatus_digest[DIGEST_LEN];
  1044. unsigned int is_recent; /**< Is this recent enough to influence running
  1045. * status? */
  1046. /* These fields come from the actual network-status document.*/
  1047. time_t published_on; /**< Declared publication date. */
  1048. char *source_address; /**< Canonical directory server hostname. */
  1049. uint32_t source_addr; /**< Canonical directory server IP. */
  1050. uint16_t source_dirport; /**< Canonical directory server dirport. */
  1051. char identity_digest[DIGEST_LEN]; /**< Digest of signing key. */
  1052. char *contact; /**< How to contact directory admin? (may be NULL). */
  1053. crypto_pk_env_t *signing_key; /**< Key used to sign this directory. */
  1054. char *client_versions; /**< comma-separated list of recommended client
  1055. * versions. */
  1056. char *server_versions; /**< comma-separated list of recommended server
  1057. * versions. */
  1058. unsigned int binds_names:1; /**< True iff this directory server binds
  1059. * names. */
  1060. unsigned int recommends_versions:1; /**< True iff this directory server
  1061. * recommends client and server software
  1062. * versions. */
  1063. unsigned int lists_bad_exits:1; /**< True iff this directory server marks
  1064. * malfunctioning exits as bad. */
  1065. /** True iff this directory server marks malfunctioning directories as
  1066. * bad. */
  1067. unsigned int lists_bad_directories:1;
  1068. smartlist_t *entries; /**< List of routerstatus_t*. This list is kept
  1069. * sorted by identity_digest. */
  1070. } networkstatus_t;
  1071. /** Contents of a directory of onion routers. */
  1072. typedef struct {
  1073. /** Map from server identity digest to a member of routers. */
  1074. digestmap_t *identity_map;
  1075. /** Map from server descriptor digest to a signed_descriptor_t from
  1076. * routers or old_routers. */
  1077. digestmap_t *desc_digest_map;
  1078. /** List of routerinfo_t for all currently live routers we know. */
  1079. smartlist_t *routers;
  1080. /** List of signed_descriptor_t for older router descriptors we're
  1081. * caching. */
  1082. smartlist_t *old_routers;
  1083. /** Mmaped file holding server descriptors. If present, any router whose
  1084. * cache_info.saved_location == SAVED_IN_CACHE is stored in this file
  1085. * starting at cache_info.saved_offset */
  1086. tor_mmap_t *mmap_descriptors;
  1087. } routerlist_t;
  1088. /** Information on router used when extending a circuit. We don't need a
  1089. * full routerinfo_t to extend: we only need addr:port:keyid to build an OR
  1090. * connection, and onion_key to create the onionskin. Note that for onehop
  1091. * general-purpose tunnels, the onion_key is NULL. */
  1092. typedef struct extend_info_t {
  1093. char nickname[MAX_HEX_NICKNAME_LEN+1]; /**< This router's nickname for
  1094. * display. */
  1095. char identity_digest[DIGEST_LEN]; /**< Hash of this router's identity key. */
  1096. uint32_t addr; /**< IP address in host order. */
  1097. uint16_t port; /**< OR port. */
  1098. crypto_pk_env_t *onion_key; /**< Current onionskin key. */
  1099. } extend_info_t;
  1100. #define CRYPT_PATH_MAGIC 0x70127012u
  1101. /** Holds accounting information for a single step in the layered encryption
  1102. * performed by a circuit. Used only at the client edge of a circuit. */
  1103. typedef struct crypt_path_t {
  1104. uint32_t magic;
  1105. /* crypto environments */
  1106. /** Encryption key and counter for cells heading towards the OR at this
  1107. * step. */
  1108. crypto_cipher_env_t *f_crypto;
  1109. /** Encryption key and counter for cells heading back from the OR at this
  1110. * step. */
  1111. crypto_cipher_env_t *b_crypto;
  1112. /** Digest state for cells heading towards the OR at this step. */
  1113. crypto_digest_env_t *f_digest; /* for integrity checking */
  1114. /** Digest state for cells heading away from the OR at this step. */
  1115. crypto_digest_env_t *b_digest;
  1116. /** Current state of Diffie-Hellman key negotiation with the OR at this
  1117. * step. */
  1118. crypto_dh_env_t *dh_handshake_state;
  1119. /** Current state of 'fast' (non-PK) key negotiation with the OR at this
  1120. * step. Used to save CPU when TLS is already providing all the
  1121. * authentication, secrecy, and integrity we need, and we're already
  1122. * distinguishable from an OR.
  1123. */
  1124. char fast_handshake_state[DIGEST_LEN];
  1125. /** Negotiated key material shared with the OR at this step. */
  1126. char handshake_digest[DIGEST_LEN];/* KH in tor-spec.txt */
  1127. /** Information to extend to the OR at this step. */
  1128. extend_info_t *extend_info;
  1129. /** Is the circuit built to this step? Must be one of:
  1130. * - CPATH_STATE_CLOSED (The circuit has not been extended to this step)
  1131. * - CPATH_STATE_AWAITING_KEYS (We have sent an EXTEND/CREATE to this step
  1132. * and not received an EXTENDED/CREATED)
  1133. * - CPATH_STATE_OPEN (The circuit has been extended to this step) */
  1134. uint8_t state;
  1135. #define CPATH_STATE_CLOSED 0
  1137. #define CPATH_STATE_OPEN 2
  1138. struct crypt_path_t *next; /**< Link to next crypt_path_t in the circuit.
  1139. * (The list is circular, so the last node
  1140. * links to the first.) */
  1141. struct crypt_path_t *prev; /**< Link to previous crypt_path_t in the
  1142. * circuit. */
  1143. int package_window; /**< How many bytes are we allowed to originate ending
  1144. * at this step? */
  1145. int deliver_window; /**< How many bytes are we willing to deliver originating
  1146. * at this step? */
  1147. } crypt_path_t;
  1148. #define CPATH_KEY_MATERIAL_LEN (20*2+16*2)
  1149. #define DH_KEY_LEN DH_BYTES
  1151. CIPHER_KEY_LEN+\
  1152. DH_KEY_LEN)
  1155. /** Information used to build a circuit. */
  1156. typedef struct {
  1157. /** Intended length of the final circuit. */
  1158. int desired_path_len;
  1159. /** How to extend to the planned exit node. */
  1160. extend_info_t *chosen_exit;
  1161. /** Whether every node in the circ must have adequate uptime. */
  1162. int need_uptime;
  1163. /** Whether every node in the circ must have adequate capacity. */
  1164. int need_capacity;
  1165. /** Whether the last hop was picked with exiting in mind. */
  1166. int is_internal;
  1167. /** Did we pick this as a one-hop tunnel (not safe for other conns)?
  1168. * These are for encrypted connections that exit to this router, not
  1169. * for arbitrary exits from the circuit. */
  1170. int onehop_tunnel;
  1171. /** The crypt_path_t to append after rendezvous: used for rendezvous. */
  1172. crypt_path_t *pending_final_cpath;
  1173. /** How many times has building a circuit for this task failed? */
  1174. int failure_count;
  1175. /** At what time should we give up on this task? */
  1176. time_t expiry_time;
  1177. } cpath_build_state_t;
  1178. #define ORIGIN_CIRCUIT_MAGIC 0x35315243u
  1179. #define OR_CIRCUIT_MAGIC 0x98ABC04Fu
  1180. typedef uint16_t circid_t;
  1181. /**
  1182. * A circuit is a path over the onion routing
  1183. * network. Applications can connect to one end of the circuit, and can
  1184. * create exit connections at the other end of the circuit. AP and exit
  1185. * connections have only one circuit associated with them (and thus these
  1186. * connection types are closed when the circuit is closed), whereas
  1187. * OR connections multiplex many circuits at once, and stay standing even
  1188. * when there are no circuits running over them.
  1189. *
  1190. * A circuit_t structure can fill one of two roles. First, a or_circuit_t
  1191. * links two connections together: either an edge connection and an OR
  1192. * connection, or two OR connections. (When joined to an OR connection, a
  1193. * circuit_t affects only cells sent to a particular circID on that
  1194. * connection. When joined to an edge connection, a circuit_t affects all
  1195. * data.)
  1196. * Second, an origin_circuit_t holds the cipher keys and state for sending data
  1197. * along a given circuit. At the OP, it has a sequence of ciphers, each
  1198. * of which is shared with a single OR along the circuit. Separate
  1199. * ciphers are used for data going "forward" (away from the OP) and
  1200. * "backward" (towards the OP). At the OR, a circuit has only two stream
  1201. * ciphers: one for data going forward, and one for data going backward.
  1202. */
  1203. typedef struct circuit_t {
  1204. uint32_t magic; /**< For memory and type debugging: must equal
  1206. /** The OR connection that is next in this circuit. */
  1207. or_connection_t *n_conn;
  1208. /** The identity hash of n_conn. */
  1209. char n_conn_id_digest[DIGEST_LEN];
  1210. /** The circuit_id used in the next (forward) hop of this circuit. */
  1211. uint16_t n_circ_id;
  1212. /** The port for the OR that is next in this circuit. */
  1213. uint16_t n_port;
  1214. /** The IPv4 address of the OR that is next in this circuit. */
  1215. uint32_t n_addr;
  1216. /** How many relay data cells can we package (read from edge streams)
  1217. * on this circuit before we receive a circuit-level sendme cell asking
  1218. * for more? */
  1219. int package_window;
  1220. /** How many relay data cells will we deliver (write to edge streams)
  1221. * on this circuit? When deliver_window gets low, we send some
  1222. * circuit-level sendme cells to indicate that we're willing to accept
  1223. * more. */
  1224. int deliver_window;
  1225. /** For storage while passing to cpuworker (state
  1226. * CIRCUIT_STATE_ONIONSKIN_PENDING), or while n_conn is pending
  1227. * (state CIRCUIT_STATE_OR_WAIT). When defined, it is always
  1228. * length ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN. */
  1229. char *onionskin;
  1230. time_t timestamp_created; /**< When was this circuit created? */
  1231. time_t timestamp_dirty; /**< When the circuit was first used, or 0 if the
  1232. * circuit is clean. */
  1233. uint8_t state; /**< Current status of this circuit. */
  1234. uint8_t purpose; /**< Why are we creating this circuit? */
  1235. uint16_t marked_for_close; /**< Should we close this circuit at the end of
  1236. * the main loop? (If true, holds the line number
  1237. * where this circuit was marked.) */
  1238. const char *marked_for_close_file; /**< For debugging: in which file was this
  1239. * circuit marked for close? */
  1240. struct circuit_t *next; /**< Next circuit in linked list. */
  1241. } circuit_t;
  1242. /** An origin_circuit_t holds data necessary to build and use a circuit.
  1243. */
  1244. typedef struct origin_circuit_t {
  1245. circuit_t _base;
  1246. /** Linked list of AP streams (or EXIT streams if hidden service)
  1247. * associated with this circuit. */
  1248. edge_connection_t *p_streams;
  1249. /** Build state for this circuit. It includes the intended path
  1250. * length, the chosen exit router, rendezvous information, etc.
  1251. */
  1252. cpath_build_state_t *build_state;
  1253. /** The doubly-linked list of crypt_path_t entries, one per hop,
  1254. * for this circuit. This includes ciphers for each hop,
  1255. * integrity-checking digests for each hop, and package/delivery
  1256. * windows for each hop.
  1257. */
  1258. crypt_path_t *cpath;
  1259. /** The rend_pk_digest field holds a hash of location-hidden service's
  1260. * PK if purpose is S_ESTABLISH_INTRO or S_RENDEZVOUSING.
  1261. */
  1262. char rend_pk_digest[DIGEST_LEN];
  1263. /** Holds rendezvous cookie if purpose is C_ESTABLISH_REND. Filled with
  1264. * zeroes otherwise.
  1265. */
  1266. char rend_cookie[REND_COOKIE_LEN];
  1267. /**
  1268. * The rend_query field holds the y portion of y.onion (nul-terminated)
  1269. * if purpose is C_INTRODUCING or C_ESTABLISH_REND, or is a C_GENERAL
  1270. * for a hidden service, or is S_*.
  1271. */
  1272. char rend_query[REND_SERVICE_ID_LEN+1];
  1273. /** The next stream_id that will be tried when we're attempting to
  1274. * construct a new AP stream originating at this circuit. */
  1275. uint16_t next_stream_id;
  1276. /** Quasi-global identifier for this circuit; used for control.c */
  1277. /* XXXX NM This can get re-used after 2**32 circuits. */
  1278. uint32_t global_identifier;
  1279. } origin_circuit_t;
  1280. /** An or_circuit_t holds information needed to implement a circuit at an
  1281. * OR. */
  1282. typedef struct or_circuit_t {
  1283. circuit_t _base;
  1284. /** The circuit_id used in the previous (backward) hop of this circuit. */
  1285. circid_t p_circ_id;
  1286. /** The OR connection that is previous in this circuit. */
  1287. or_connection_t *p_conn;
  1288. /** Linked list of Exit streams associated with this circuit. */
  1289. edge_connection_t *n_streams;
  1290. /** Linked list of Exit streams associated with this circuit that are
  1291. * still being resolved. */
  1292. edge_connection_t *resolving_streams;
  1293. /** The cipher used by intermediate hops for cells heading toward the
  1294. * OP. */
  1295. crypto_cipher_env_t *p_crypto;
  1296. /** The cipher used by intermediate hops for cells heading away from
  1297. * the OP. */
  1298. crypto_cipher_env_t *n_crypto;
  1299. /** The integrity-checking digest used by intermediate hops, for
  1300. * cells packaged here and heading towards the OP.
  1301. */
  1302. crypto_digest_env_t *p_digest;
  1303. /** The integrity-checking digest used by intermediate hops, for
  1304. * cells packaged at the OP and arriving here.
  1305. */
  1306. crypto_digest_env_t *n_digest;
  1307. /** Points to spliced circuit if purpose is REND_ESTABLISHED, and circuit
  1308. * is not marked for close. */
  1309. struct or_circuit_t *rend_splice;
  1312. #else
  1314. #endif
  1315. /** A hash of location-hidden service's PK if purpose is INTRO_POINT, or a
  1316. * rendezvous cookie if purpose is REND_POINT_WAITING. Filled with zeroes
  1317. * otherwise.
  1318. * ???? move to a subtype or adjunct structure? Wastes 20 bytes. -NM
  1319. */
  1320. char rend_token[REND_TOKEN_LEN];
  1321. /* ???? move to a subtype or adjunct structure? Wastes 20 bytes -NM */
  1322. char handshake_digest[DIGEST_LEN]; /**< Stores KH for the handshake. */
  1323. /** True iff this circuit was made with a CREATE_FAST cell. */
  1324. unsigned int is_first_hop : 1;
  1325. } or_circuit_t;
  1326. /** Convert a circuit subtype to a circuit_t.*/
  1327. #define TO_CIRCUIT(x) (&((x)->_base))
  1328. /** Convert a circuit_t* to a pointer to the enclosing or_circuit_t. Asserts
  1329. * if the cast is impossible. */
  1330. static or_circuit_t *TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circuit_t *);
  1331. /** Convert a circuit_t* to a pointer to the enclosing origin_circuit_t.
  1332. * Asserts if the cast is impossible. */
  1333. static origin_circuit_t *TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circuit_t *);
  1334. static INLINE or_circuit_t *TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circuit_t *x)
  1335. {
  1336. tor_assert(x->magic == OR_CIRCUIT_MAGIC);
  1337. //return (or_circuit_t*) (((char*)x) - STRUCT_OFFSET(or_circuit_t, _base));
  1338. return DOWNCAST(or_circuit_t, x);
  1339. }
  1340. static INLINE origin_circuit_t *TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circuit_t *x)
  1341. {
  1342. tor_assert(x->magic == ORIGIN_CIRCUIT_MAGIC);
  1343. //return (origin_circuit_t*)
  1344. // (((char*)x) - STRUCT_OFFSET(origin_circuit_t, _base));
  1345. return DOWNCAST(origin_circuit_t, x);
  1346. }
  1347. #define ALLOW_INVALID_ENTRY 1
  1348. #define ALLOW_INVALID_EXIT 2
  1349. #define ALLOW_INVALID_MIDDLE 4
  1352. /** An entry specifying a set of addresses and ports that should be remapped
  1353. * to another address and port before exiting this exit node. */
  1354. typedef struct exit_redirect_t {
  1355. uint32_t addr;
  1356. uint32_t mask;
  1357. uint16_t port_min;
  1358. uint16_t port_max;
  1359. uint32_t addr_dest;
  1360. uint16_t port_dest;
  1361. unsigned is_redirect:1;
  1362. } exit_redirect_t;
  1363. /** A linked list of lines in a config file. */
  1364. typedef struct config_line_t {
  1365. char *key;
  1366. char *value;
  1367. struct config_line_t *next;
  1368. } config_line_t;
  1369. /** Configuration options for a Tor process. */
  1370. typedef struct {
  1371. uint32_t _magic;
  1372. /** What should the tor process actually do? */
  1373. enum {
  1376. } command;
  1377. const char *command_arg; /**< Argument for command-line option. */
  1378. config_line_t *Logs; /**< New-style list of configuration lines
  1379. * for logs */
  1380. char *DebugLogFile; /**< Where to send verbose log messages. */
  1381. char *DataDirectory; /**< OR only: where to store long-term data. */
  1382. char *Nickname; /**< OR only: nickname of this onion router. */
  1383. char *Address; /**< OR only: configured address for this onion router. */
  1384. char *PidFile; /**< Where to store PID of Tor process. */
  1385. char *ExitNodes; /**< Comma-separated list of nicknames of ORs to consider
  1386. * as exits. */
  1387. char *EntryNodes; /**< Comma-separated list of nicknames of ORs to consider
  1388. * as entry points. */
  1389. int StrictExitNodes; /**< Boolean: When none of our ExitNodes are up, do we
  1390. * stop building circuits? */
  1391. int StrictEntryNodes; /**< Boolean: When none of our EntryNodes are up, do we
  1392. * stop building circuits? */
  1393. char *ExcludeNodes; /**< Comma-separated list of nicknames of ORs not to
  1394. * use in circuits. */
  1395. char *RendNodes; /**< Comma-separated list of nicknames used as introduction
  1396. * points. */
  1397. char *RendExcludeNodes; /**< Comma-separated list of nicknames not to use
  1398. * as introduction points. */
  1399. smartlist_t *AllowInvalidNodes; /**< List of "entry", "middle", "exit" */
  1400. int _AllowInvalid; /**< Bitmask; derived from AllowInvalidNodes; */
  1401. config_line_t *ExitPolicy; /**< Lists of exit policy components. */
  1402. int ExitPolicyRejectPrivate; /**< Should we not exit to local addresses? */
  1403. config_line_t *SocksPolicy; /**< Lists of socks policy components */
  1404. config_line_t *DirPolicy; /**< Lists of dir policy components */
  1405. /** Addresses to bind for listening for SOCKS connections. */
  1406. config_line_t *SocksListenAddress;
  1407. /** Addresses to bind for listening for transparent pf/nefilter
  1408. * connections. */
  1409. config_line_t *TransListenAddress;
  1410. /** Addresses to bind for listening for transparent natd connections */
  1411. config_line_t *NatdListenAddress;
  1412. /** Addresses to bind for listening for OR connections. */
  1413. config_line_t *ORListenAddress;
  1414. /** Addresses to bind for listening for directory connections. */
  1415. config_line_t *DirListenAddress;
  1416. /** Addresses to bind for listening for control connections. */
  1417. config_line_t *ControlListenAddress;
  1418. /** Local address to bind outbound sockets */
  1419. char *OutboundBindAddress;
  1420. /** Directory server only: which versions of
  1421. * Tor should we tell users to run? */
  1422. config_line_t *RecommendedVersions;
  1423. config_line_t *RecommendedClientVersions;
  1424. config_line_t *RecommendedServerVersions;
  1425. /** Whether dirservers refuse router descriptors with private IPs. */
  1426. int DirAllowPrivateAddresses;
  1427. char *User; /**< Name of user to run Tor as. */
  1428. char *Group; /**< Name of group to run Tor as. */
  1429. double PathlenCoinWeight; /**< Parameter used to configure average path
  1430. * length (alpha in geometric distribution). */
  1431. int ORPort; /**< Port to listen on for OR connections. */
  1432. int SocksPort; /**< Port to listen on for SOCKS connections. */
  1433. /** Port to listen on for transparent pf/netfilter connections. */
  1434. int TransPort;
  1435. int NatdPort; /**< Port to listen on for transparent natd connections. */
  1436. int ControlPort; /**< Port to listen on for control connections. */
  1437. int DirPort; /**< Port to listen on for directory connections. */
  1438. int AssumeReachable; /**< Whether to publish our descriptor regardless. */
  1439. int AuthoritativeDir; /**< Boolean: is this an authoritative directory? */
  1440. int V1AuthoritativeDir; /**< Boolean: is this an authoritative directory
  1441. * for version 1 directories? */
  1442. int HSAuthoritativeDir; /**< Boolean: does this an authoritative directory
  1443. * handle hidden service requests? */
  1444. int NamingAuthoritativeDir; /**< Boolean: is this an authoritative directory
  1445. * that's willing to bind names? */
  1446. int VersioningAuthoritativeDir; /**< Boolean: is this an authoritative
  1447. * directory that's willing to recommend
  1448. * versions? */
  1449. int AvoidDiskWrites; /**< Boolean: should we never cache things to disk?
  1450. * Not used yet. */
  1451. int ClientOnly; /**< Boolean: should we never evolve into a server role? */
  1452. int NoPublish; /**< Boolean: should we never publish a descriptor? */
  1453. int PublishServerDescriptor; /**< Do we publish our descriptor as normal? */
  1454. int PublishHidServDescriptors; /**< and our hidden service descriptors? */
  1455. int FetchServerDescriptors; /**< Do we fetch server descriptors as normal? */
  1456. int FetchHidServDescriptors; /** and hidden service descriptors? */
  1457. int FetchUselessDescriptors; /**< Do we fetch non-running descriptors too? */
  1458. int AllDirActionsPrivate; /**< Should every directory action be sent
  1459. * through a Tor circuit? */
  1460. int ConnLimit; /**< Demanded minimum number of simultaneous connections. */
  1461. int _ConnLimit; /**< Maximum allowed number of simultaneous connections. */
  1462. int RunAsDaemon; /**< If true, run in the background. (Unix only) */
  1463. int FascistFirewall; /**< Whether to prefer ORs reachable on open ports. */
  1464. smartlist_t *FirewallPorts; /**< Which ports our firewall allows
  1465. * (strings). */
  1466. config_line_t *ReachableAddresses; /**< IP:ports our firewall allows. */
  1467. config_line_t *ReachableORAddresses; /**< IP:ports for OR conns. */
  1468. config_line_t *ReachableDirAddresses; /**< IP:ports for Dir conns. */
  1469. /** Application ports that require all nodes in circ to have sufficient
  1470. * uptime. */
  1471. smartlist_t *LongLivedPorts;
  1472. /** Should we try to reuse the same exit node for a given host */
  1473. smartlist_t *TrackHostExits;
  1474. int TrackHostExitsExpire; /**< Number of seconds until we expire an
  1475. * addressmap */
  1476. config_line_t *AddressMap; /**< List of address map directives. */
  1477. int RendPostPeriod; /**< How often do we post each rendezvous service
  1478. * descriptor? Remember to publish them independently. */
  1479. int KeepalivePeriod; /**< How often do we send padding cells to keep
  1480. * connections alive? */
  1481. int SocksTimeout; /**< How long do we let a socks connection wait
  1482. * unattached before we fail it? */
  1483. int CircuitBuildTimeout; /**< Cull non-open circuits that were born
  1484. * at least this many seconds ago. */
  1485. int CircuitIdleTimeout; /**< Cull open clean circuits that were born
  1486. * at least this many seconds ago. */
  1487. int MaxOnionsPending; /**< How many circuit CREATE requests do we allow
  1488. * to wait simultaneously before we start dropping
  1489. * them? */
  1490. int NewCircuitPeriod; /**< How long do we use a circuit before building
  1491. * a new one? */
  1492. int MaxCircuitDirtiness; /**< Never use circs that were first used more than
  1493. this interval ago. */
  1494. uint64_t BandwidthRate; /**< How much bandwidth, on average, are we willing
  1495. * to use in a second? */
  1496. uint64_t BandwidthBurst; /**< How much bandwidth, at maximum, are we willing
  1497. * to use in a second? */
  1498. uint64_t MaxAdvertisedBandwidth; /**< How much bandwidth are we willing to
  1499. * tell people we have? */
  1500. uint64_t RelayBandwidthRate; /**< How much bandwidth, on average, are we
  1501. * willing to use for all relayed conns? */
  1502. uint64_t RelayBandwidthBurst; /**< How much bandwidth, at maximum, will we
  1503. * use in a second for all relayed conns? */
  1504. int NumCpus; /**< How many CPUs should we try to use? */
  1505. int RunTesting; /**< If true, create testing circuits to measure how well the
  1506. * other ORs are running. */
  1507. char *TestVia; /**< When reachability testing, use these as middle hop. */
  1508. config_line_t *RendConfigLines; /**< List of configuration lines
  1509. * for rendezvous services. */
  1510. char *ContactInfo; /**< Contact info to be published in the directory */
  1511. char *HttpProxy; /**< hostname[:port] to use as http proxy, if any */
  1512. uint32_t HttpProxyAddr; /**< Parsed IPv4 addr for http proxy, if any */
  1513. uint16_t HttpProxyPort; /**< Parsed port for http proxy, if any */
  1514. char *HttpProxyAuthenticator; /**< username:password string, if any */
  1515. char *HttpsProxy; /**< hostname[:port] to use as https proxy, if any */
  1516. uint32_t HttpsProxyAddr; /**< Parsed IPv4 addr for https proxy, if any */
  1517. uint16_t HttpsProxyPort; /**< Parsed port for https proxy, if any */
  1518. char *HttpsProxyAuthenticator; /**< username:password string, if any */
  1519. config_line_t *DirServers; /**< List of configuration lines
  1520. * for directory servers. */
  1521. char *MyFamily; /**< Declared family for this OR. */
  1522. config_line_t *NodeFamilies; /**< List of config lines for
  1523. * node families */
  1524. config_line_t *RedirectExit; /**< List of config lines for simple
  1525. * addr/port redirection */
  1526. smartlist_t *RedirectExitList; /**< List of exit_redirect_t */
  1527. config_line_t *AuthDirBadExit; /**< Address policy for descriptors to
  1528. * mark as bad exits. */
  1529. config_line_t *AuthDirReject; /**< Address policy for descriptors to
  1530. * reject. */
  1531. config_line_t *AuthDirInvalid; /**< Address policy for descriptors to
  1532. * never mark as valid. */
  1533. int AuthDirListBadExits; /**< True iff we should list bad exits,
  1534. * and vote for all other exits as good. */
  1535. int AuthDirRejectUnlisted; /**< Boolean: do we reject all routers that
  1536. * aren't named in our fingerprint file? */
  1537. char *AccountingStart; /**< How long is the accounting interval, and when
  1538. * does it start? */
  1539. uint64_t AccountingMax; /**< How many bytes do we allow per accounting
  1540. * interval before hibernation? 0 for "never
  1541. * hibernate." */
  1542. char *HashedControlPassword; /**< Base64-encoded hash of a password for
  1543. * the control system. */
  1544. int CookieAuthentication; /**< Boolean: do we enable cookie-based auth for
  1545. * the control system? */
  1546. int LeaveStreamsUnattached; /**< Boolean: Does Tor attach new streams to
  1547. * circuits itself (0), or does it expect a controller
  1548. * to cope? (1) */
  1549. int ShutdownWaitLength; /**< When we get a SIGINT and we're a server, how
  1550. * long do we wait before exiting? */
  1551. int SafeLogging; /**< Boolean: are we allowed to log sensitive strings
  1552. * such as addresses (0), or do we scrub them first (1)? */
  1553. int SafeSocks; /**< Boolean: should we outright refuse application
  1554. * connections that use socks4 or socks5-with-local-dns? */
  1555. #define LOG_PROTOCOL_WARN (get_options()->ProtocolWarnings ? \
  1556. LOG_WARN : LOG_INFO)
  1557. int ProtocolWarnings; /**< Boolean: when other parties screw up the Tor
  1558. * protocol, is it a warn or an info in our logs? */
  1559. int TestSocks; /**< Boolean: when we get a socks connection, do we loudly
  1560. * log whether it was DNS-leaking or not? */
  1561. int HardwareAccel; /**< Boolean: Should we enable OpenSSL hardware
  1562. * acceleration where available? */
  1563. int UseEntryGuards; /**< Boolean: Do we try to enter from a smallish number
  1564. * of fixed nodes? */
  1565. int NumEntryGuards; /**< How many entry guards do we try to establish? */
  1566. int RephistTrackTime; /**< How many seconds do we keep rephist info? */
  1567. int FastFirstHopPK; /**< If Tor believes it is safe, should we save a third
  1568. * of our PK time by sending CREATE_FAST cells? */
  1569. addr_policy_t *reachable_addr_policy; /**< Parsed from ReachableAddresses */
  1570. char *VirtualAddrNetwork; /**< Address and mask to hand out for virtual
  1571. * MAPADDRESS requests. */
  1572. int ServerDNSSearchDomains; /**< Boolean: If set, we don't force exit
  1573. * addresses to be FQDNs, but rather search for them in
  1574. * the local domains. */
  1575. int ServerDNSDetectHijacking; /**< Boolean: If true, check for DNS failure
  1576. * hijacking. */
  1577. char *ServerDNSResolvConfFile; /**< If provided, we configure our internal
  1578. * resolver from the file here rather than from
  1579. * /etc/resolv.conf (Unix) or the registry (Windows). */
  1580. smartlist_t *ServerDNSTestAddresses; /**< A list of addresses that definitely
  1581. * should be resolveable. Used for
  1582. * testing our DNS server. */
  1583. int EnforceDistinctSubnets; /**< If true, don't allow multiple routers in the
  1584. * same network zone in the same circuit. */
  1585. int TunnelDirConns; /**< If true, use BEGIN_DIR rather than BEGIN when
  1586. * possible. */
  1587. int PreferTunneledDirConns; /**< If true, avoid dirservers that don't
  1588. * support BEGIN_DIR, when possible. */
  1589. int AllowNonRFC953Hostnames; /**< If true, we allow connections to hostnames
  1590. * with weird characters. */
  1591. /** If true, we try resolving hostnames with weird characters. */
  1592. int ServerDNSAllowNonRFC953Hostnames;
  1593. } or_options_t;
  1594. /** Persistent state for an onion router, as saved to disk. */
  1595. typedef struct {
  1596. uint32_t _magic;
  1597. /** The time at which we next plan to write the state to the disk. Equal to
  1598. * TIME_MAX if there are no saveable changes, 0 if there are changes that
  1599. * should be saved right away. */
  1600. time_t next_write;
  1601. /** When was the state last written to disk? */
  1602. time_t LastWritten;
  1603. /** Fields for accounting bandwidth use. */
  1604. time_t AccountingIntervalStart;
  1605. uint64_t AccountingBytesReadInInterval;
  1606. uint64_t AccountingBytesWrittenInInterval;
  1607. int AccountingSecondsActive;
  1608. uint64_t AccountingExpectedUsage;
  1609. /** A list of Entry Guard-related configuration lines. */
  1610. config_line_t *EntryGuards;
  1611. /** These fields hold information on the history of bandwidth usage for
  1612. * servers. The "Ends" fields hold the time when we last updated the
  1613. * bandwidth usage. The "Interval" fields hold the granularity, in seconds,
  1614. * of the entries of Values. The "Values" lists hold decimal string
  1615. * representations of the number of bytes read or written in each
  1616. * interval. */
  1617. time_t BWHistoryReadEnds;
  1618. int BWHistoryReadInterval;
  1619. smartlist_t *BWHistoryReadValues;
  1620. time_t BWHistoryWriteEnds;
  1621. int BWHistoryWriteInterval;
  1622. smartlist_t *BWHistoryWriteValues;
  1623. /** What version of Tor wrote this state file? */
  1624. char *TorVersion;
  1625. /** Holds any unrecognized values we found in the state file, in the order
  1626. * in which we found them. */
  1627. config_line_t *ExtraLines;
  1628. /** When did we last rotate our onion key? "0" for 'no idea'. */
  1629. time_t LastRotatedOnionKey;
  1630. } or_state_t;
  1631. /** Change the next_write time of <b>state</b> to <b>when</b>, unless the
  1632. * state is already scheduled to be written to disk earlier than <b>when</b>.
  1633. */
  1634. static INLINE void or_state_mark_dirty(or_state_t *state, time_t when)
  1635. {
  1636. if (state->next_write > when)
  1637. state->next_write = when;
  1638. }
  1639. #define MAX_SOCKS_REPLY_LEN 1024
  1640. #define MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN 256
  1641. /** Please open a TCP connection to this addr:port. */
  1642. #define SOCKS_COMMAND_CONNECT 0x01
  1643. /** Please turn this FQDN into an IP address, privately. */
  1644. #define SOCKS_COMMAND_RESOLVE 0xF0
  1645. /** Please turn this IP address into an FQDN, privately. */
  1646. #define SOCKS_COMMAND_RESOLVE_PTR 0xF1
  1647. /** Please open an encrypted direct TCP connection to the directory port
  1648. * of the Tor server specified by address:port. (In this case address:port
  1649. * specifies the ORPort of the server.) */
  1650. #define SOCKS_COMMAND_CONNECT_DIR 0xF2
  1655. /** State of a SOCKS request from a user to an OP */
  1656. struct socks_request_t {
  1657. /** Which version of SOCKS did the client use? One of "0, 4, 5" -- where
  1658. * 0 means that no socks handshake ever took place, and this is just a
  1659. * stub connection (e.g. see connection_ap_make_bridge()). */
  1660. char socks_version;
  1661. int command; /**< What is this stream's goal? One from the above list. */
  1662. size_t replylen; /**< Length of <b>reply</b>. */
  1663. char reply[MAX_SOCKS_REPLY_LEN]; /**< Write an entry into this string if
  1664. * we want to specify our own socks reply,
  1665. * rather than using the default socks4 or
  1666. * socks5 socks reply. We use this for the
  1667. * two-stage socks5 handshake.
  1668. */
  1669. int has_finished; /**< Has the SOCKS handshake finished? */
  1670. char address[MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN]; /**< What address did the client ask to
  1671. connect to? */
  1672. uint16_t port; /**< What port did the client ask to connect to? */
  1673. };
  1674. /* all the function prototypes go here */
  1675. /********************************* buffers.c ***************************/
  1676. buf_t *buf_new(void);
  1677. buf_t *buf_new_with_capacity(size_t size);
  1678. void buf_free(buf_t *buf);
  1679. void buf_clear(buf_t *buf);
  1680. void buf_shrink(buf_t *buf);
  1681. size_t buf_datalen(const buf_t *buf);
  1682. size_t buf_capacity(const buf_t *buf);
  1683. const char *_buf_peek_raw_buffer(const buf_t *buf);
  1684. int read_to_buf(int s, size_t at_most, buf_t *buf, int *reached_eof);
  1685. int read_to_buf_tls(tor_tls_t *tls, size_t at_most, buf_t *buf);
  1686. int flush_buf(int s, buf_t *buf, size_t sz, size_t *buf_flushlen);
  1687. int flush_buf_tls(tor_tls_t *tls, buf_t *buf, size_t sz, size_t *buf_flushlen);
  1688. int write_to_buf(const char *string, size_t string_len, buf_t *buf);
  1689. int write_to_buf_zlib(buf_t *buf, tor_zlib_state_t *state,
  1690. const char *data, size_t data_len, int done);
  1691. int fetch_from_buf(char *string, size_t string_len, buf_t *buf);
  1692. int fetch_from_buf_http(buf_t *buf,
  1693. char **headers_out, size_t max_headerlen,
  1694. char **body_out, size_t *body_used, size_t max_bodylen,
  1695. int force_complete);
  1696. int fetch_from_buf_socks(buf_t *buf, socks_request_t *req,
  1697. int log_sockstype, int safe_socks);
  1698. int fetch_from_buf_control0(buf_t *buf, uint32_t *len_out, uint16_t *type_out,
  1699. char **body_out, int check_for_v1);
  1700. int fetch_from_buf_line(buf_t *buf, char *data_out, size_t *data_len);
  1701. int fetch_from_buf_line_lf(buf_t *buf, char *data_out, size_t *data_len);
  1702. void assert_buf_ok(buf_t *buf);
  1703. /********************************* circuitbuild.c **********************/
  1704. char *circuit_list_path(origin_circuit_t *circ, int verbose);
  1705. char *circuit_list_path_for_controller(origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1706. void circuit_log_path(int severity, unsigned int domain,
  1707. origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1708. void circuit_rep_hist_note_result(origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1709. origin_circuit_t *origin_circuit_init(uint8_t purpose, int onehop_tunnel,
  1710. int need_uptime,
  1711. int need_capacity, int internal);
  1712. origin_circuit_t *circuit_establish_circuit(uint8_t purpose,
  1713. int onehop_tunnel, extend_info_t *exit,
  1714. int need_uptime, int need_capacity,
  1715. int internal);
  1716. int circuit_handle_first_hop(origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1717. void circuit_n_conn_done(or_connection_t *or_conn, int status);
  1718. int inform_testing_reachability(void);
  1719. int circuit_send_next_onion_skin(origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1720. void circuit_note_clock_jumped(int seconds_elapsed);
  1721. int circuit_extend(cell_t *cell, circuit_t *circ);
  1722. int circuit_init_cpath_crypto(crypt_path_t *cpath, const char *key_data,
  1723. int reverse);
  1724. int circuit_finish_handshake(origin_circuit_t *circ, uint8_t cell_type,
  1725. const char *reply);
  1726. int circuit_truncated(origin_circuit_t *circ, crypt_path_t *layer);
  1727. int onionskin_answer(or_circuit_t *circ, uint8_t cell_type,
  1728. const char *payload, const char *keys);
  1729. int circuit_all_predicted_ports_handled(time_t now, int *need_uptime,
  1730. int *need_capacity);
  1731. int circuit_append_new_exit(origin_circuit_t *circ, extend_info_t *info);
  1732. int circuit_extend_to_new_exit(origin_circuit_t *circ, extend_info_t *info);
  1733. void onion_append_to_cpath(crypt_path_t **head_ptr, crypt_path_t *new_hop);
  1734. extend_info_t *extend_info_from_router(routerinfo_t *r);
  1735. extend_info_t *extend_info_from_routerstatus(routerstatus_t *s);
  1736. extend_info_t *extend_info_dup(extend_info_t *info);
  1737. void extend_info_free(extend_info_t *info);
  1738. routerinfo_t *build_state_get_exit_router(cpath_build_state_t *state);
  1739. const char *build_state_get_exit_nickname(cpath_build_state_t *state);
  1740. void entry_guards_compute_status(void);
  1741. int entry_guard_register_connect_status(const char *digest, int succeeded,
  1742. time_t now);
  1743. void entry_nodes_should_be_added(void);
  1744. void entry_guards_prepend_from_config(void);
  1745. void entry_guards_update_state(or_state_t *state);
  1746. int entry_guards_parse_state(or_state_t *state, int set, char **msg);
  1747. int getinfo_helper_entry_guards(control_connection_t *conn,
  1748. const char *question, char **answer);
  1749. void entry_guards_free_all(void);
  1750. /********************************* circuitlist.c ***********************/
  1751. circuit_t * _circuit_get_global_list(void);
  1752. const char *circuit_state_to_string(int state);
  1753. void circuit_dump_by_conn(connection_t *conn, int severity);
  1754. void circuit_set_p_circid_orconn(or_circuit_t *circ, uint16_t id,
  1755. or_connection_t *conn);
  1756. void circuit_set_n_circid_orconn(circuit_t *circ, uint16_t id,
  1757. or_connection_t *conn);
  1758. void circuit_set_state(circuit_t *circ, int state);
  1759. void circuit_close_all_marked(void);
  1760. origin_circuit_t *origin_circuit_new(void);
  1761. or_circuit_t *or_circuit_new(uint16_t p_circ_id, or_connection_t *p_conn);
  1762. circuit_t *circuit_get_by_circid_orconn(uint16_t circ_id,
  1763. or_connection_t *conn);
  1764. circuit_t *circuit_get_by_edge_conn(edge_connection_t *conn);
  1765. void circuit_unlink_all_from_or_conn(or_connection_t *conn, int reason);
  1766. origin_circuit_t *circuit_get_by_global_id(uint32_t id);
  1767. origin_circuit_t *circuit_get_by_rend_query_and_purpose(const char *rend_query,
  1768. uint8_t purpose);
  1769. origin_circuit_t *circuit_get_next_by_pk_and_purpose(origin_circuit_t *start,
  1770. const char *digest, uint8_t purpose);
  1771. or_circuit_t *circuit_get_rendezvous(const char *cookie);
  1772. or_circuit_t *circuit_get_intro_point(const char *digest);
  1773. origin_circuit_t *circuit_find_to_cannibalize(uint8_t purpose,
  1774. extend_info_t *info,
  1775. int need_uptime,
  1776. int need_capacity, int internal);
  1777. void circuit_mark_all_unused_circs(void);
  1778. void circuit_expire_all_dirty_circs(void);
  1779. void _circuit_mark_for_close(circuit_t *circ, int reason,
  1780. int line, const char *file);
  1781. int circuit_get_cpath_len(origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1782. void circuit_get_all_pending_on_or_conn(smartlist_t *out,
  1783. or_connection_t *or_conn);
  1784. int circuit_count_pending_on_or_conn(or_connection_t *or_conn);
  1785. #define circuit_mark_for_close(c, reason) \
  1786. _circuit_mark_for_close((c), (reason), __LINE__, _SHORT_FILE_)
  1787. void assert_cpath_layer_ok(const crypt_path_t *cp);
  1788. void assert_circuit_ok(const circuit_t *c);
  1789. void circuit_free_all(void);
  1790. /********************************* circuituse.c ************************/
  1791. void circuit_expire_building(time_t now);
  1792. void circuit_remove_handled_ports(smartlist_t *needed_ports);
  1793. int circuit_stream_is_being_handled(edge_connection_t *conn, uint16_t port,
  1794. int min);
  1795. void circuit_build_needed_circs(time_t now);
  1796. void circuit_detach_stream(circuit_t *circ, edge_connection_t *conn);
  1797. void reset_bandwidth_test(void);
  1798. int circuit_enough_testing_circs(void);
  1799. void circuit_has_opened(origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1800. void circuit_build_failed(origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1801. origin_circuit_t *circuit_launch_by_nickname(uint8_t purpose,
  1802. int onehop_tunnel,
  1803. const char *exit_nickname,
  1804. int need_uptime, int need_capacity,
  1805. int is_internal);
  1806. origin_circuit_t *circuit_launch_by_extend_info(uint8_t purpose,
  1807. int onehop_tunnel,
  1808. extend_info_t *info,
  1809. int need_uptime, int need_capacity,
  1810. int is_internal);
  1811. origin_circuit_t *circuit_launch_by_router(uint8_t purpose,
  1812. int onehop_tunnel,
  1813. routerinfo_t *exit,
  1814. int need_uptime, int need_capacity,
  1815. int is_internal);
  1816. void circuit_reset_failure_count(int timeout);
  1817. int connection_ap_handshake_attach_chosen_circuit(edge_connection_t *conn,
  1818. origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1819. int connection_ap_handshake_attach_circuit(edge_connection_t *conn);
  1820. /********************************* command.c ***************************/
  1821. void command_process_cell(cell_t *cell, or_connection_t *conn);
  1822. extern uint64_t stats_n_padding_cells_processed;
  1823. extern uint64_t stats_n_create_cells_processed;
  1824. extern uint64_t stats_n_created_cells_processed;
  1825. extern uint64_t stats_n_relay_cells_processed;
  1826. extern uint64_t stats_n_destroy_cells_processed;
  1827. /********************************* config.c ***************************/
  1828. or_options_t *get_options(void);
  1829. int set_options(or_options_t *new_val, char **msg);
  1830. void config_free_all(void);
  1831. const char *safe_str(const char *address);
  1832. const char *escaped_safe_str(const char *address);
  1833. int config_get_lines(char *string, config_line_t **result);
  1834. void config_free_lines(config_line_t *front);
  1835. int options_trial_assign(config_line_t *list, int use_defaults,
  1836. int clear_first, char **msg);
  1837. int resolve_my_address(int warn_severity, or_options_t *options,
  1838. uint32_t *addr, char **hostname_out);
  1839. int is_local_IP(uint32_t ip) ATTR_PURE;
  1840. void options_init(or_options_t *options);
  1841. int options_init_from_torrc(int argc, char **argv);
  1842. int options_init_logs(or_options_t *options, int validate_only);
  1843. int option_is_recognized(const char *key);
  1844. const char *option_get_canonical_name(const char *key);
  1845. config_line_t *option_get_assignment(or_options_t *options,
  1846. const char *key);
  1847. char *options_dump(or_options_t *options, int minimal);
  1848. int options_save_current(void);
  1849. const char *get_torrc_fname(void);
  1850. or_state_t *get_or_state(void);
  1851. int or_state_load(void);
  1852. int or_state_save(time_t now);
  1853. int getinfo_helper_config(control_connection_t *conn,
  1854. const char *question, char **answer);
  1855. /********************************* connection.c ***************************/
  1856. const char *conn_type_to_string(int type);
  1857. const char *conn_state_to_string(int type, int state);
  1858. connection_t *connection_new(int type);
  1859. void connection_unregister(connection_t *conn);
  1860. void connection_free(connection_t *conn);
  1861. void connection_free_all(void);
  1862. void connection_about_to_close_connection(connection_t *conn);
  1863. void connection_close_immediate(connection_t *conn);
  1864. void _connection_mark_for_close(connection_t *conn,int line, const char *file);
  1865. #define connection_mark_for_close(c) \
  1866. _connection_mark_for_close((c), __LINE__, _SHORT_FILE_)
  1867. void connection_expire_held_open(void);
  1868. int connection_connect(connection_t *conn, const char *address, uint32_t addr,
  1869. uint16_t port);
  1870. int retry_all_listeners(int force, smartlist_t *replaced_conns,
  1871. smartlist_t *new_conns);
  1872. int connection_bucket_write_limit(connection_t *conn);
  1873. int global_write_bucket_low(connection_t *conn, size_t attempt, int priority);
  1874. void connection_bucket_init(void);
  1875. void connection_bucket_refill(int seconds_elapsed);
  1876. int connection_handle_read(connection_t *conn);
  1877. int connection_fetch_from_buf(char *string, size_t len, connection_t *conn);
  1878. int connection_wants_to_flush(connection_t *conn);
  1879. int connection_outbuf_too_full(connection_t *conn);
  1880. int connection_handle_write(connection_t *conn, int force);
  1881. void _connection_write_to_buf_impl(const char *string, size_t len,
  1882. connection_t *conn, int zlib);
  1883. static void connection_write_to_buf(const char *string, size_t len,
  1884. connection_t *conn);
  1885. static void connection_write_to_buf_zlib(const char *string, size_t len,
  1886. dir_connection_t *conn, int done);
  1887. static INLINE void
  1888. connection_write_to_buf(const char *string, size_t len, connection_t *conn)
  1889. {
  1890. _connection_write_to_buf_impl(string, len, conn, 0);
  1891. }
  1892. static INLINE void
  1893. connection_write_to_buf_zlib(const char *string, size_t len,
  1894. dir_connection_t *conn, int done)
  1895. {
  1896. _connection_write_to_buf_impl(string, len, TO_CONN(conn), done ? -1 : 1);
  1897. }
  1898. or_connection_t *connection_or_exact_get_by_addr_port(uint32_t addr,
  1899. uint16_t port);
  1900. edge_connection_t *connection_get_by_global_id(uint32_t id);
  1901. connection_t *connection_get_by_type(int type);
  1902. connection_t *connection_get_by_type_purpose(int type, int purpose);
  1903. connection_t *connection_get_by_type_addr_port_purpose(int type, uint32_t addr,
  1904. uint16_t port, int purpose);
  1905. connection_t *connection_get_by_type_state(int type, int state);
  1906. connection_t *connection_get_by_type_state_lastwritten(int type, int state);
  1907. connection_t *connection_get_by_type_state_rendquery(int type, int state,
  1908. const char *rendquery);
  1909. #define connection_speaks_cells(conn) ((conn)->type == CONN_TYPE_OR)
  1910. int connection_is_listener(connection_t *conn);
  1911. int connection_state_is_open(connection_t *conn);
  1912. int connection_state_is_connecting(connection_t *conn);
  1913. char *alloc_http_authenticator(const char *authenticator);
  1914. void assert_connection_ok(connection_t *conn, time_t now);
  1915. int connection_or_nonopen_was_started_here(or_connection_t *conn);
  1916. int connection_or_too_full_for_dirserv_data(or_connection_t *conn);
  1917. /********************************* connection_edge.c *************************/
  1918. #define connection_mark_unattached_ap(conn, endreason) \
  1919. _connection_mark_unattached_ap((conn), (endreason), __LINE__, _SHORT_FILE_)
  1920. void _connection_mark_unattached_ap(edge_connection_t *conn, int endreason,
  1921. int line, const char *file);
  1922. int connection_edge_reached_eof(edge_connection_t *conn);
  1923. int connection_edge_process_inbuf(edge_connection_t *conn,
  1924. int package_partial);
  1925. int connection_edge_destroy(uint16_t circ_id, edge_connection_t *conn);
  1926. int connection_edge_end(edge_connection_t *conn, char reason,
  1927. crypt_path_t *cpath_layer);
  1928. int connection_edge_end_errno(edge_connection_t *conn,
  1929. crypt_path_t *cpath_layer);
  1930. int connection_edge_finished_flushing(edge_connection_t *conn);
  1931. int connection_edge_finished_connecting(edge_connection_t *conn);
  1932. int connection_ap_handshake_send_begin(edge_connection_t *ap_conn,
  1933. origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1934. int connection_ap_handshake_send_resolve(edge_connection_t *ap_conn,
  1935. origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1936. int connection_ap_make_bridge(char *address, uint16_t port,
  1937. const char *digest, int command);
  1938. void connection_ap_handshake_socks_reply(edge_connection_t *conn, char *reply,
  1939. size_t replylen,
  1940. int endreason);
  1941. void connection_ap_handshake_socks_resolved(edge_connection_t *conn,
  1942. int answer_type,
  1943. size_t answer_len,
  1944. const char *answer,
  1945. int ttl);
  1946. int connection_exit_begin_conn(cell_t *cell, circuit_t *circ);
  1947. int connection_exit_begin_resolve(cell_t *cell, or_circuit_t *circ);
  1948. void connection_exit_connect(edge_connection_t *conn);
  1949. int connection_edge_is_rendezvous_stream(edge_connection_t *conn);
  1950. int connection_ap_can_use_exit(edge_connection_t *conn, routerinfo_t *exit);
  1951. void connection_ap_expire_beginning(void);
  1952. void connection_ap_attach_pending(void);
  1953. void circuit_discard_optional_exit_enclaves(extend_info_t *info);
  1954. int connection_ap_detach_retriable(edge_connection_t *conn,
  1955. origin_circuit_t *circ,
  1956. int reason);
  1957. int connection_ap_process_transparent(edge_connection_t *conn);
  1958. int address_is_invalid_destination(const char *address, int client);
  1959. void addressmap_init(void);
  1960. void addressmap_clean(time_t now);
  1961. void addressmap_clear_configured(void);
  1962. void addressmap_clear_transient(void);
  1963. void addressmap_free_all(void);
  1964. int addressmap_rewrite(char *address, size_t maxlen);
  1965. int addressmap_have_mapping(const char *address);
  1966. void addressmap_register(const char *address, char *new_address,
  1967. time_t expires);
  1968. int parse_virtual_addr_network(const char *val, int validate_only,
  1969. char **msg);
  1970. int client_dns_incr_failures(const char *address);
  1971. void client_dns_clear_failures(const char *address);
  1972. void client_dns_set_addressmap(const char *address, uint32_t val,
  1973. const char *exitname, int ttl);
  1974. int address_is_in_virtual_range(const char *addr);
  1975. const char *addressmap_register_virtual_address(int type, char *new_address);
  1976. void addressmap_get_mappings(smartlist_t *sl, time_t min_expires,
  1977. time_t max_expires);
  1978. int connection_ap_handshake_rewrite_and_attach(edge_connection_t *conn,
  1979. origin_circuit_t *circ);
  1980. void set_exit_redirects(smartlist_t *lst);
  1981. typedef enum hostname_type_t {
  1983. } hostname_type_t;
  1984. hostname_type_t parse_extended_hostname(char *address);
  1985. /********************************* connection_or.c ***************************/
  1986. void connection_or_remove_from_identity_map(or_connection_t *conn);
  1987. void connection_or_clear_identity_map(void);
  1988. or_connection_t *connection_or_get_by_identity_digest(const char *digest);
  1989. int connection_or_reached_eof(or_connection_t *conn);
  1990. int connection_or_process_inbuf(or_connection_t *conn);
  1991. int connection_or_flushed_some(or_connection_t *conn);
  1992. int connection_or_finished_flushing(or_connection_t *conn);
  1993. int connection_or_finished_connecting(or_connection_t *conn);
  1994. or_connection_t *connection_or_connect(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port,
  1995. const char *id_digest);
  1996. int connection_tls_start_handshake(or_connection_t *conn, int receiving);
  1997. int connection_tls_continue_handshake(or_connection_t *conn);
  1998. void connection_or_write_cell_to_buf(const cell_t *cell,
  1999. or_connection_t *conn);
  2000. int connection_or_send_destroy(uint16_t circ_id, or_connection_t *conn,
  2001. int reason);
  2002. /********************************* control.c ***************************/
  2003. typedef enum circuit_status_event_t {
  2005. CIRC_EVENT_BUILT = 1,
  2007. CIRC_EVENT_FAILED = 3,
  2008. CIRC_EVENT_CLOSED = 4,
  2009. } circuit_status_event_t;
  2010. typedef enum stream_status_event_t {
  2016. STREAM_EVENT_NEW = 5,
  2020. } stream_status_event_t;
  2021. typedef enum or_conn_status_event_t {
  2026. OR_CONN_EVENT_NEW = 4,
  2027. } or_conn_status_event_t;
  2028. void control_update_global_event_mask(void);
  2029. void control_adjust_event_log_severity(void);
  2030. /** Execute the statement <b>stmt</b>, which may log events concerning the
  2031. * connection <b>conn</b>. To prevent infinite loops, disable log messages
  2032. * being sent to controllers if <b>conn</b> is a control connection.
  2033. *
  2034. * Stmt must not contain any return or goto statements.
  2035. */
  2036. #define CONN_LOG_PROTECT(conn, stmt) \
  2037. do { \
  2038. int _log_conn_is_control = (conn && conn->type == CONN_TYPE_CONTROL); \
  2039. if (_log_conn_is_control) \
  2040. disable_control_logging(); \
  2041. do {stmt;} while (0); \
  2042. if (_log_conn_is_control) \
  2043. enable_control_logging(); \
  2044. } while (0)
  2045. /** Log information about the connection <b>conn</b>, protecting it as with
  2046. * CONN_LOG_PROTECT. Example:
  2047. *
  2048. * LOG_FN_CONN(conn, (LOG_DEBUG, "Socket %d wants to write", conn->s));
  2049. **/
  2050. #define LOG_FN_CONN(conn, args) \
  2051. CONN_LOG_PROTECT(conn, log_fn args)
  2052. int connection_control_finished_flushing(control_connection_t *conn);
  2053. int connection_control_reached_eof(control_connection_t *conn);
  2054. int connection_control_process_inbuf(control_connection_t *conn);
  2055. int control_event_circuit_status(origin_circuit_t *circ,
  2056. circuit_status_event_t e, int reason);
  2057. int control_event_stream_status(edge_connection_t *conn,
  2058. stream_status_event_t e,
  2059. int reason);
  2060. int control_tls_error_to_reason(int e);
  2061. int control_event_or_conn_status(or_connection_t *conn,
  2062. or_conn_status_event_t e, int reason);
  2063. int control_event_bandwidth_used(uint32_t n_read, uint32_t n_written);
  2064. void control_event_logmsg(int severity, unsigned int domain, const char *msg);
  2065. int control_event_descriptors_changed(smartlist_t *routers);
  2066. int control_event_address_mapped(const char *from, const char *to,
  2067. time_t expires);
  2068. int control_event_or_authdir_new_descriptor(const char *action,
  2069. const char *descriptor,
  2070. const char *msg);
  2071. int control_event_my_descriptor_changed(void);
  2072. int control_event_networkstatus_changed(smartlist_t *statuses);
  2073. int control_event_networkstatus_changed_single(local_routerstatus_t *rs);
  2074. int control_event_general_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
  2075. CHECK_PRINTF(2,3);
  2076. int control_event_client_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
  2077. CHECK_PRINTF(2,3);
  2078. int control_event_server_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
  2079. CHECK_PRINTF(2,3);
  2080. int control_event_guard(const char *nickname, const char *digest,
  2081. const char *status);
  2082. int init_cookie_authentication(int enabled);
  2083. int decode_hashed_password(char *buf, const char *hashed);
  2084. void disable_control_logging(void);
  2085. void enable_control_logging(void);
  2086. /********************************* cpuworker.c *****************************/
  2087. void cpu_init(void);
  2088. void cpuworkers_rotate(void);
  2089. int connection_cpu_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn);
  2090. int connection_cpu_reached_eof(connection_t *conn);
  2091. int connection_cpu_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn);
  2092. int assign_to_cpuworker(connection_t *cpuworker, uint8_t question_type,
  2093. void *task);
  2094. /********************************* directory.c ***************************/
  2095. void directory_post_to_dirservers(uint8_t purpose, const char *payload,
  2096. size_t payload_len);
  2097. void directory_get_from_dirserver(uint8_t purpose, const char *resource,
  2098. int retry_if_no_servers);
  2099. void directory_initiate_command_routerstatus(routerstatus_t *status,
  2100. uint8_t purpose,
  2101. int private_connection,
  2102. const char *resource,
  2103. const char *payload,
  2104. size_t payload_len);
  2105. int parse_http_response(const char *headers, int *code, time_t *date,
  2106. compress_method_t *compression, char **response);
  2107. int connection_dir_reached_eof(dir_connection_t *conn);
  2108. int connection_dir_process_inbuf(dir_connection_t *conn);
  2109. int connection_dir_finished_flushing(dir_connection_t *conn);
  2110. int connection_dir_finished_connecting(dir_connection_t *conn);
  2111. void connection_dir_request_failed(dir_connection_t *conn);
  2112. void directory_initiate_command(const char *address, uint32_t addr,
  2113. uint16_t dir_port, int supports_begindir,
  2114. const char *digest, uint8_t purpose,
  2115. int private_connection, const char *resource,
  2116. const char *payload, size_t payload_len);
  2117. int dir_split_resource_into_fingerprints(const char *resource,
  2118. smartlist_t *fp_out, int *compresseed_out,
  2119. int decode_hex, int sort_uniq);
  2120. char *directory_dump_request_log(void);
  2121. /********************************* dirserv.c ***************************/
  2122. #define UNNAMED_ROUTER_NICKNAME "Unnamed"
  2123. int connection_dirserv_flushed_some(dir_connection_t *conn);
  2124. void connection_dirserv_unlink_from_bridge(dir_connection_t *dir_conn);
  2125. void connection_dirserv_stop_blocking_all_on_or_conn(or_connection_t *or_conn);
  2126. int dirserv_add_own_fingerprint(const char *nickname, crypto_pk_env_t *pk);
  2127. int dirserv_load_fingerprint_file(void);
  2128. void dirserv_free_fingerprint_list(void);
  2129. const char *dirserv_get_nickname_by_digest(const char *digest);
  2130. int dirserv_add_descriptor(const char *desc, const char **msg);
  2131. int getinfo_helper_dirserv_unregistered(control_connection_t *conn,
  2132. const char *question, char **answer);
  2133. void dirserv_free_descriptors(void);
  2134. int dirserv_thinks_router_is_blatantly_unreachable(routerinfo_t *router,
  2135. time_t now);
  2136. int list_server_status(smartlist_t *routers, char **router_status_out,
  2137. int for_controller);
  2138. int dirserv_dump_directory_to_string(char **dir_out,
  2139. crypto_pk_env_t *private_key,
  2140. int complete);
  2141. void directory_set_dirty(void);
  2142. cached_dir_t *dirserv_get_directory(void);
  2143. size_t dirserv_get_runningrouters(const char **rr, int compress);
  2144. void dirserv_set_cached_directory(const char *directory, time_t when,
  2145. int is_running_routers);
  2146. void dirserv_set_cached_networkstatus_v2(const char *directory,
  2147. const char *identity,
  2148. time_t published);
  2149. void dirserv_clear_old_networkstatuses(time_t cutoff);
  2150. void dirserv_get_networkstatus_v2(smartlist_t *result, const char *key);
  2151. void dirserv_get_networkstatus_v2_fingerprints(smartlist_t *result,
  2152. const char *key);
  2153. int dirserv_get_routerdesc_fingerprints(smartlist_t *fps_out, const char *key,
  2154. const char **msg);
  2155. int dirserv_get_routerdescs(smartlist_t *descs_out, const char *key,
  2156. const char **msg);
  2157. void dirserv_orconn_tls_done(const char *address,
  2158. uint16_t or_port,
  2159. const char *digest_rcvd,
  2160. const char *nickname,
  2161. int as_advertised);
  2162. void dirserv_test_reachability(int try_all);
  2163. int authdir_wants_to_reject_router(routerinfo_t *ri, const char **msg,
  2164. int complain);
  2165. int dirserv_would_reject_router(routerstatus_t *rs);
  2166. size_t dirserv_estimate_data_size(smartlist_t *fps, int is_serverdescs,
  2167. int compressed);
  2168. void dirserv_free_all(void);
  2169. void cached_dir_decref(cached_dir_t *d);
  2170. /********************************* dns.c ***************************/
  2171. int dns_init(void);
  2172. void dns_free_all(void);
  2173. uint32_t dns_clip_ttl(uint32_t ttl);
  2174. int connection_dns_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn);
  2175. int connection_dns_reached_eof(connection_t *conn);
  2176. int connection_dns_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn);
  2177. int dns_reset(void);
  2178. void connection_dns_remove(edge_connection_t *conn);
  2179. void assert_connection_edge_not_dns_pending(edge_connection_t *conn);
  2180. void assert_all_pending_dns_resolves_ok(void);
  2181. void dns_cancel_pending_resolve(const char *question);
  2182. int dns_resolve(edge_connection_t *exitconn, or_circuit_t *circ);
  2183. void dns_launch_correctness_checks(void);
  2184. int dns_seems_to_be_broken(void);
  2185. void dns_reset_correctness_checks(void);
  2186. /********************************* hibernate.c **********************/
  2187. int accounting_parse_options(or_options_t *options, int validate_only);
  2188. int accounting_is_enabled(or_options_t *options);
  2189. void configure_accounting(time_t now);
  2190. void accounting_run_housekeeping(time_t now);
  2191. void accounting_add_bytes(size_t n_read, size_t n_written, int seconds);
  2192. int accounting_record_bandwidth_usage(time_t now, or_state_t *state);
  2193. void hibernate_begin_shutdown(void);
  2194. int we_are_hibernating(void);
  2195. void consider_hibernation(time_t now);
  2196. int getinfo_helper_accounting(control_connection_t *conn,
  2197. const char *question, char **answer);
  2198. void accounting_set_bandwidth_usage_from_state(or_state_t *state);
  2199. /********************************* main.c ***************************/
  2200. extern int has_completed_circuit;
  2201. int connection_add(connection_t *conn);
  2202. int connection_remove(connection_t *conn);
  2203. int connection_in_array(connection_t *conn);
  2204. void add_connection_to_closeable_list(connection_t *conn);
  2205. int connection_is_on_closeable_list(connection_t *conn);
  2206. void get_connection_array(connection_t ***array, int *n);
  2207. void connection_watch_events(connection_t *conn, short events);
  2208. int connection_is_reading(connection_t *conn);
  2209. void connection_stop_reading(connection_t *conn);
  2210. void connection_start_reading(connection_t *conn);
  2211. int connection_is_writing(connection_t *conn);
  2212. void connection_stop_writing(connection_t *conn);
  2213. void connection_start_writing(connection_t *conn);
  2214. void directory_all_unreachable(time_t now);
  2215. void directory_info_has_arrived(time_t now, int from_cache);
  2216. void ip_address_changed(int at_interface);
  2217. void dns_servers_relaunch_checks(void);
  2218. void control_signal_act(int the_signal);
  2219. void handle_signals(int is_parent);
  2220. void tor_cleanup(void);
  2221. void tor_free_all(int postfork);
  2222. int tor_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
  2223. /********************************* onion.c ***************************/
  2224. int onion_pending_add(or_circuit_t *circ);
  2225. or_circuit_t *onion_next_task(void);
  2226. void onion_pending_remove(or_circuit_t *circ);
  2227. int onion_skin_create(crypto_pk_env_t *router_key,
  2228. crypto_dh_env_t **handshake_state_out,
  2229. char *onion_skin_out);
  2230. int onion_skin_server_handshake(const char *onion_skin,
  2231. crypto_pk_env_t *private_key,
  2232. crypto_pk_env_t *prev_private_key,
  2233. char *handshake_reply_out,
  2234. char *key_out,
  2235. size_t key_out_len);
  2236. int onion_skin_client_handshake(crypto_dh_env_t *handshake_state,
  2237. const char *handshake_reply,
  2238. char *key_out,
  2239. size_t key_out_len);
  2240. int fast_server_handshake(const char *key_in,
  2241. char *handshake_reply_out,
  2242. char *key_out,
  2243. size_t key_out_len);
  2244. int fast_client_handshake(const char *handshake_state,
  2245. const char *handshake_reply_out,
  2246. char *key_out,
  2247. size_t key_out_len);
  2248. void clear_pending_onions(void);
  2249. /********************************* policies.c ************************/
  2250. /* (length of "accept\n" plus a
  2251. * nul.)
  2252. */
  2253. #define POLICY_BUF_LEN 52
  2254. typedef enum {
  2259. } addr_policy_result_t;
  2260. int firewall_is_fascist_or(void);
  2261. int fascist_firewall_allows_address_or(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port);
  2262. int fascist_firewall_allows_address_dir(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port);
  2263. int dir_policy_permits_address(uint32_t addr);
  2264. int socks_policy_permits_address(uint32_t addr);
  2265. int authdir_policy_permits_address(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port);
  2266. int authdir_policy_valid_address(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port);
  2267. int authdir_policy_badexit_address(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port);
  2268. int validate_addr_policies(or_options_t *options, char **msg);
  2269. void policies_parse_from_options(or_options_t *options);
  2270. int cmp_addr_policies(addr_policy_t *a, addr_policy_t *b);
  2271. addr_policy_result_t compare_addr_to_addr_policy(uint32_t addr,
  2272. uint16_t port, addr_policy_t *policy);
  2273. int policies_parse_exit_policy(config_line_t *cfg,
  2274. addr_policy_t **dest,
  2275. int rejectprivate);
  2276. int exit_policy_is_general_exit(addr_policy_t *policy);
  2277. int policy_is_reject_star(addr_policy_t *policy);
  2278. int getinfo_helper_policies(control_connection_t *conn,
  2279. const char *question, char **answer);
  2280. int policy_write_item(char *buf, size_t buflen, addr_policy_t *policy);
  2281. void addr_policy_free(addr_policy_t *p);
  2282. void policies_free_all(void);
  2283. /********************************* relay.c ***************************/
  2284. extern uint64_t stats_n_relay_cells_relayed;
  2285. extern uint64_t stats_n_relay_cells_delivered;
  2286. int circuit_receive_relay_cell(cell_t *cell, circuit_t *circ,
  2287. int cell_direction);
  2288. void relay_header_pack(char *dest, const relay_header_t *src);
  2289. void relay_header_unpack(relay_header_t *dest, const char *src);
  2290. int relay_send_command_from_edge(uint16_t stream_id, circuit_t *circ,
  2291. int relay_command, const char *payload,
  2292. size_t payload_len, crypt_path_t *cpath_layer);
  2293. int connection_edge_send_command(edge_connection_t *fromconn, circuit_t *circ,
  2294. int relay_command, const char *payload,
  2295. size_t payload_len,
  2296. crypt_path_t *cpath_layer);
  2297. int connection_edge_package_raw_inbuf(edge_connection_t *conn,
  2298. int package_partial);
  2299. void connection_edge_consider_sending_sendme(edge_connection_t *conn);
  2300. socks5_reply_status_t connection_edge_end_reason_socks5_response(int reason);
  2301. int errno_to_end_reason(int e);
  2302. extern uint64_t stats_n_data_cells_packaged;
  2303. extern uint64_t stats_n_data_bytes_packaged;
  2304. extern uint64_t stats_n_data_cells_received;
  2305. extern uint64_t stats_n_data_bytes_received;
  2306. /********************************* rephist.c ***************************/
  2307. void rep_hist_init(void);
  2308. void rep_hist_note_connect_failed(const char* nickname, time_t when);
  2309. void rep_hist_note_connect_succeeded(const char* nickname, time_t when);
  2310. void rep_hist_note_disconnect(const char* nickname, time_t when);
  2311. void rep_hist_note_connection_died(const char* nickname, time_t when);
  2312. void rep_hist_note_extend_succeeded(const char *from_name,
  2313. const char *to_name);
  2314. void rep_hist_note_extend_failed(const char *from_name, const char *to_name);
  2315. void rep_hist_dump_stats(time_t now, int severity);
  2316. void rep_hist_note_bytes_read(int num_bytes, time_t when);
  2317. void rep_hist_note_bytes_written(int num_bytes, time_t when);
  2318. int rep_hist_bandwidth_assess(void);
  2319. char *rep_hist_get_bandwidth_lines(void);
  2320. void rep_hist_update_state(or_state_t *state);
  2321. int rep_hist_load_state(or_state_t *state, char **err);
  2322. void rep_history_clean(time_t before);
  2323. void rep_hist_note_used_port(uint16_t port, time_t now);
  2324. smartlist_t *rep_hist_get_predicted_ports(time_t now);
  2325. void rep_hist_note_used_resolve(time_t now);
  2326. void rep_hist_note_used_internal(time_t now, int need_uptime,
  2327. int need_capacity);
  2328. int rep_hist_get_predicted_internal(time_t now, int *need_uptime,
  2329. int *need_capacity);
  2330. int any_predicted_circuits(time_t now);
  2331. int rep_hist_circbuilding_dormant(time_t now);
  2332. typedef enum {
  2338. } pk_op_t;
  2339. void note_crypto_pk_op(pk_op_t operation);
  2340. void dump_pk_ops(int severity);
  2341. void rep_hist_free_all(void);
  2342. /********************************* rendclient.c ***************************/
  2343. void rend_client_introcirc_has_opened(origin_circuit_t *circ);
  2344. void rend_client_rendcirc_has_opened(origin_circuit_t *circ);
  2345. int rend_client_introduction_acked(origin_circuit_t *circ, const char *request,
  2346. size_t request_len);
  2347. void rend_client_refetch_renddesc(const char *query);
  2348. int rend_client_remove_intro_point(extend_info_t *failed_intro,
  2349. const char *query);
  2350. int rend_client_rendezvous_acked(origin_circuit_t *circ, const char *request,
  2351. size_t request_len);
  2352. int rend_client_receive_rendezvous(origin_circuit_t *circ, const char *request,
  2353. size_t request_len);
  2354. void rend_client_desc_here(const char *query);
  2355. extend_info_t *rend_client_get_random_intro(const char *query);
  2356. int rend_client_send_introduction(origin_circuit_t *introcirc,
  2357. origin_circuit_t *rendcirc);
  2358. /********************************* rendcommon.c ***************************/
  2359. /** Information used to connect to a hidden service. */
  2360. typedef struct rend_service_descriptor_t {
  2361. crypto_pk_env_t *pk; /**< This service's public key. */
  2362. int version; /**< 0 or 1. */
  2363. time_t timestamp; /**< Time when the descriptor was generated. */
  2364. uint16_t protocols; /**< Bitmask: which rendezvous protocols are supported?
  2365. * (We allow bits '0', '1', and '2' to be set.) */
  2366. int n_intro_points; /**< Number of introduction points. */
  2367. /** Array of n_intro_points elements for this service's introduction points'
  2368. * nicknames. Elements are removed from this array if introduction attempts
  2369. * fail. */
  2370. char **intro_points;
  2371. /** Array of n_intro_points elements for this service's introduction points'
  2372. * extend_infos, or NULL if this descriptor is V0. Elements are removed
  2373. * from this array if introduction attempts fail. If this array is present,
  2374. * its elements correspond to the elements of intro_points. */
  2375. extend_info_t **intro_point_extend_info;
  2376. } rend_service_descriptor_t;
  2377. int rend_cmp_service_ids(const char *one, const char *two);
  2378. void rend_process_relay_cell(circuit_t *circ, int command, size_t length,
  2379. const char *payload);
  2380. void rend_service_descriptor_free(rend_service_descriptor_t *desc);
  2381. int rend_encode_service_descriptor(rend_service_descriptor_t *desc,
  2382. int version,
  2383. crypto_pk_env_t *key,
  2384. char **str_out,
  2385. size_t *len_out);
  2386. rend_service_descriptor_t *rend_parse_service_descriptor(const char *str,
  2387. size_t len);
  2388. int rend_get_service_id(crypto_pk_env_t *pk, char *out);
  2389. /** A cached rendezvous descriptor. */
  2390. typedef struct rend_cache_entry_t {
  2391. size_t len; /**< Length of <b>desc</b> */
  2392. time_t received; /**< When was the descriptor received? */
  2393. char *desc; /**< Service descriptor */
  2394. rend_service_descriptor_t *parsed; /**< Parsed value of 'desc' */
  2395. } rend_cache_entry_t;
  2396. void rend_cache_init(void);
  2397. void rend_cache_clean(void);
  2398. void rend_cache_free_all(void);
  2399. int rend_valid_service_id(const char *query);
  2400. int rend_cache_lookup_desc(const char *query, int version, const char **desc,
  2401. size_t *desc_len);
  2402. int rend_cache_lookup_entry(const char *query, int version,
  2403. rend_cache_entry_t **entry_out);
  2404. int rend_cache_store(const char *desc, size_t desc_len);
  2405. /********************************* rendservice.c ***************************/
  2406. int num_rend_services(void);
  2407. int rend_config_services(or_options_t *options, int validate_only);
  2408. int rend_service_load_keys(void);
  2409. void rend_services_init(void);
  2410. void rend_services_introduce(void);
  2411. void rend_consider_services_upload(time_t now);
  2412. void rend_service_intro_has_opened(origin_circuit_t *circuit);
  2413. int rend_service_intro_established(origin_circuit_t *circuit,
  2414. const char *request,
  2415. size_t request_len);
  2416. void rend_service_rendezvous_has_opened(origin_circuit_t *circuit);
  2417. int rend_service_introduce(origin_circuit_t *circuit, const char *request,
  2418. size_t request_len);
  2419. void rend_service_relaunch_rendezvous(origin_circuit_t *oldcirc);
  2420. int rend_service_set_connection_addr_port(edge_connection_t *conn,
  2421. origin_circuit_t *circ);
  2422. void rend_service_dump_stats(int severity);
  2423. void rend_service_free_all(void);
  2424. /********************************* rendmid.c *******************************/
  2425. int rend_mid_establish_intro(or_circuit_t *circ, const char *request,
  2426. size_t request_len);
  2427. int rend_mid_introduce(or_circuit_t *circ, const char *request,
  2428. size_t request_len);
  2429. int rend_mid_establish_rendezvous(or_circuit_t *circ, const char *request,
  2430. size_t request_len);
  2431. int rend_mid_rendezvous(or_circuit_t *circ, const char *request,
  2432. size_t request_len);
  2433. /********************************* router.c ***************************/
  2434. crypto_pk_env_t *get_onion_key(void);
  2435. time_t get_onion_key_set_at(void);
  2436. void set_identity_key(crypto_pk_env_t *k);
  2437. crypto_pk_env_t *get_identity_key(void);
  2438. int identity_key_is_set(void);
  2439. void dup_onion_keys(crypto_pk_env_t **key, crypto_pk_env_t **last);
  2440. void rotate_onion_key(void);
  2441. crypto_pk_env_t *init_key_from_file(const char *fname);
  2442. int init_keys(void);
  2443. int check_whether_orport_reachable(void);
  2444. int check_whether_dirport_reachable(void);
  2445. void consider_testing_reachability(int test_or, int test_dir);
  2446. void router_orport_found_reachable(void);
  2447. void router_dirport_found_reachable(void);
  2448. void router_perform_bandwidth_test(int num_circs, time_t now);
  2449. int authdir_mode(or_options_t *options);
  2450. int clique_mode(or_options_t *options);
  2451. int server_mode(or_options_t *options);
  2452. int advertised_server_mode(void);
  2453. int proxy_mode(or_options_t *options);
  2454. void consider_publishable_server(int force);
  2455. int router_is_clique_mode(routerinfo_t *router);
  2456. void router_upload_dir_desc_to_dirservers(int force);
  2457. void mark_my_descriptor_dirty_if_older_than(time_t when);
  2458. void mark_my_descriptor_dirty(void);
  2459. void check_descriptor_bandwidth_changed(time_t now);
  2460. void check_descriptor_ipaddress_changed(time_t now);
  2461. void router_new_address_suggestion(const char *suggestion);
  2462. int router_compare_to_my_exit_policy(edge_connection_t *conn);
  2463. routerinfo_t *router_get_my_routerinfo(void);
  2464. const char *router_get_my_descriptor(void);
  2465. int router_digest_is_me(const char *digest);
  2466. int router_is_me(routerinfo_t *router);
  2467. int router_fingerprint_is_me(const char *fp);
  2468. int router_pick_published_address(or_options_t *options, uint32_t *addr);
  2469. int router_rebuild_descriptor(int force);
  2470. int router_dump_router_to_string(char *s, size_t maxlen, routerinfo_t *router,
  2471. crypto_pk_env_t *ident_key);
  2472. int is_legal_nickname(const char *s);
  2473. int is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(const char *s);
  2474. int is_legal_hexdigest(const char *s);
  2475. void router_get_verbose_nickname(char *buf, routerinfo_t *router);
  2476. void router_reset_warnings(void);
  2477. void router_reset_reachability(void);
  2478. void router_free_all(void);
  2479. /********************************* routerlist.c ***************************/
  2480. /** Represents information about a single trusted directory server. */
  2481. typedef struct trusted_dir_server_t {
  2482. char *description;
  2483. char *nickname;
  2484. char *address; /**< Hostname. */
  2485. uint32_t addr; /**< IPv4 address. */
  2486. uint16_t dir_port; /**< Directory port. */
  2487. uint16_t or_port; /**< OR port: Used for tunneling connections. */
  2488. char digest[DIGEST_LEN]; /**< Digest of identity key. */
  2489. unsigned int is_running:1; /**< True iff we think this server is running. */
  2490. /** True iff this server is an authority for the older ("v1") directory
  2491. * protocol. */
  2492. unsigned int is_v1_authority:1;
  2493. /** True iff this server is an authority for the newer ("v2") directory
  2494. * protocol. */
  2495. unsigned int is_v2_authority:1;
  2496. /** True iff this server is an authority for hidden services. */
  2497. unsigned int is_hidserv_authority:1;
  2498. /** True iff this server has accepted the most recent server descriptor
  2499. * we tried to upload to it. */
  2500. unsigned int has_accepted_serverdesc:1;
  2501. int n_networkstatus_failures; /**< How many times have we asked for this
  2502. * server's network-status unsuccessfully? */
  2503. local_routerstatus_t fake_status; /**< Used when we need to pass this trusted
  2504. * dir_server_t to directory_initiate_command_*
  2505. * as a routerstatus_t. Not updated by the
  2506. * router-status management code!
  2507. **/
  2508. } trusted_dir_server_t;
  2509. int router_reload_router_list(void);
  2510. int router_reload_networkstatus(void);
  2511. smartlist_t *router_get_trusted_dir_servers(void);
  2512. routerstatus_t *router_pick_directory_server(int requireother,
  2513. int fascistfirewall,
  2514. int for_v2_directory,
  2515. int retry_if_no_servers);
  2516. typedef enum {
  2518. } authority_type_t;
  2519. routerstatus_t *router_pick_trusteddirserver(authority_type_t type,
  2520. int requireother,
  2521. int fascistfirewall,
  2522. int retry_if_no_servers);
  2523. trusted_dir_server_t *router_get_trusteddirserver_by_digest(
  2524. const char *digest);
  2525. void routerlist_add_family(smartlist_t *sl, routerinfo_t *router);
  2526. void add_nickname_list_to_smartlist(smartlist_t *sl, const char *list,
  2527. int must_be_running,
  2528. int warn_if_down, int warn_if_unnamed);
  2529. int router_nickname_is_in_list(routerinfo_t *router, const char *list);
  2530. routerinfo_t *routerlist_find_my_routerinfo(void);
  2531. routerinfo_t *router_find_exact_exit_enclave(const char *address,
  2532. uint16_t port);
  2534. int router_is_unreliable(routerinfo_t *router, int need_uptime,
  2535. int need_capacity, int need_guard);
  2536. uint32_t router_get_advertised_bandwidth(routerinfo_t *router);
  2537. routerinfo_t *routerlist_sl_choose_by_bandwidth(smartlist_t *sl, int for_exit);
  2538. routerstatus_t *routerstatus_sl_choose_by_bandwidth(smartlist_t *sl);
  2539. routerinfo_t *router_choose_random_node(const char *preferred,
  2540. const char *excluded,
  2541. smartlist_t *excludedsmartlist,
  2542. int need_uptime, int need_bandwidth,
  2543. int need_guard,
  2544. int allow_invalid, int strict,
  2545. int weight_for_exit);
  2546. routerinfo_t *router_get_by_nickname(const char *nickname,
  2547. int warn_if_unnamed);
  2548. routerinfo_t *router_get_by_hexdigest(const char *hexdigest);
  2549. routerinfo_t *router_get_by_digest(const char *digest);
  2550. signed_descriptor_t *router_get_by_descriptor_digest(const char *digest);
  2551. const char *signed_descriptor_get_body(signed_descriptor_t *desc);
  2552. int router_digest_version_as_new_as(const char *digest, const char *cutoff);
  2553. int router_digest_is_trusted_dir(const char *digest);
  2554. routerlist_t *router_get_routerlist(void);
  2555. void routerlist_reset_warnings(void);
  2556. void routerlist_free(routerlist_t *routerlist);
  2557. void dump_routerlist_mem_usage(int severity);
  2558. void routerlist_remove(routerlist_t *rl, routerinfo_t *ri, int idx,
  2559. int make_old);
  2560. void routerinfo_free(routerinfo_t *router);
  2561. void routerstatus_free(routerstatus_t *routerstatus);
  2562. void networkstatus_free(networkstatus_t *networkstatus);
  2563. void routerlist_free_all(void);
  2564. routerinfo_t *routerinfo_copy(const routerinfo_t *router);
  2565. void router_set_status(const char *digest, int up);
  2566. void routerlist_remove_old_routers(void);
  2567. void networkstatus_list_clean(time_t now);
  2568. int router_add_to_routerlist(routerinfo_t *router, const char **msg,
  2569. int from_cache, int from_fetch);
  2570. int router_load_single_router(const char *s, uint8_t purpose,
  2571. const char **msg);
  2572. void router_load_routers_from_string(const char *s,
  2573. saved_location_t saved_location,
  2574. smartlist_t *requested_fingerprints);
  2575. typedef enum {
  2577. } networkstatus_source_t;
  2578. int router_set_networkstatus(const char *s, time_t arrived_at,
  2579. networkstatus_source_t source,
  2580. smartlist_t *requested_fingerprints);
  2581. char *networkstatus_get_cache_filename(const char *identity_digest);
  2582. int router_exit_policy_all_routers_reject(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port,
  2583. int need_uptime);
  2584. int router_exit_policy_rejects_all(routerinfo_t *router);
  2585. void add_trusted_dir_server(const char *nickname, const char *address,
  2586. uint16_t dir_port, uint16_t or_port,
  2587. const char *digest, int is_v1_authority,
  2588. int is_v2_authority, int is_hidserv_authority);
  2589. void clear_trusted_dir_servers(void);
  2590. int any_trusted_dir_is_v1_authority(void);
  2591. networkstatus_t *networkstatus_get_by_digest(const char *digest);
  2592. local_routerstatus_t *router_get_combined_status_by_digest(const char *digest);
  2593. routerstatus_t *routerstatus_get_by_hexdigest(const char *hexdigest);
  2594. void update_networkstatus_downloads(time_t now);
  2595. void update_router_descriptor_downloads(time_t now);
  2596. void routers_update_all_from_networkstatus(void);
  2597. void routers_update_status_from_networkstatus(smartlist_t *routers,
  2598. int reset_failures);
  2599. smartlist_t *router_list_superseded(void);
  2600. int router_have_minimum_dir_info(void);
  2601. void networkstatus_list_update_recent(time_t now);
  2602. void router_reset_descriptor_download_failures(void);
  2603. void router_reset_status_download_failures(void);
  2604. int router_differences_are_cosmetic(routerinfo_t *r1, routerinfo_t *r2);
  2605. const char *esc_router_info(routerinfo_t *router);
  2606. char *networkstatus_getinfo_helper_single(routerstatus_t *rs);
  2607. int getinfo_helper_networkstatus(control_connection_t *conn,
  2608. const char *question, char **answer);
  2609. /********************************* routerparse.c ************************/
  2610. #define MAX_STATUS_TAG_LEN 32
  2611. /** Structure to hold parsed Tor versions. This is a little messier
  2612. * than we would like it to be, because we changed version schemes with 0.1.0.
  2613. *
  2614. * See version-spec.txt for the whole business.
  2615. */
  2616. typedef struct tor_version_t {
  2617. int major;
  2618. int minor;
  2619. int micro;
  2620. /** Release status. For version in the post-0.1 format, this is always
  2621. * VER_RELEASE. */
  2622. enum { VER_PRE=0, VER_RC=1, VER_RELEASE=2, } status;
  2623. int patchlevel;
  2624. char status_tag[MAX_STATUS_TAG_LEN];
  2625. } tor_version_t;
  2626. typedef enum version_status_t {
  2627. VS_RECOMMENDED=0, /**< This version is listed as recommended. */
  2628. VS_OLD=1, /**< This version is older than any recommended version. */
  2629. VS_NEW=2, /**< This version is newer than any recommended version. */
  2630. VS_NEW_IN_SERIES=3, /**< This version is newer than any recommended version
  2631. * in its series, and such recommended versions exist. */
  2632. VS_UNRECOMMENDED=4 /**< This version is not recommended (general case) */
  2633. } version_status_t;
  2634. int router_get_router_hash(const char *s, char *digest);
  2635. int router_get_dir_hash(const char *s, char *digest);
  2636. int router_get_runningrouters_hash(const char *s, char *digest);
  2637. int router_get_networkstatus_v2_hash(const char *s, char *digest);
  2638. int router_append_dirobj_signature(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
  2639. const char *digest,
  2640. crypto_pk_env_t *private_key);
  2641. int router_parse_list_from_string(const char **s,
  2642. smartlist_t *dest,
  2643. saved_location_t saved_location);
  2644. int router_parse_routerlist_from_directory(const char *s,
  2645. routerlist_t **dest,
  2646. crypto_pk_env_t *pkey,
  2647. int check_version,
  2648. int write_to_cache);
  2649. int router_parse_runningrouters(const char *str);
  2650. int router_parse_directory(const char *str);
  2651. routerinfo_t *router_parse_entry_from_string(const char *s, const char *end,
  2652. int cache_copy);
  2653. addr_policy_t *router_parse_addr_policy_from_string(const char *s,
  2654. int assume_action);
  2655. version_status_t tor_version_is_obsolete(const char *myversion,
  2656. const char *versionlist);
  2657. version_status_t version_status_join(version_status_t a, version_status_t b);
  2658. int tor_version_parse(const char *s, tor_version_t *out);
  2659. int tor_version_as_new_as(const char *platform, const char *cutoff);
  2660. int tor_version_compare(tor_version_t *a, tor_version_t *b);
  2661. void sort_version_list(smartlist_t *lst, int remove_duplicates);
  2662. void assert_addr_policy_ok(addr_policy_t *t);
  2663. void dump_distinct_digest_count(int severity);
  2664. networkstatus_t *networkstatus_parse_from_string(const char *s);
  2665. #endif