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Fix PEP8 errors

cypherpunks 10 år sedan
3 ändrade filer med 97 tillägg och 117 borttagningar
  1. 2 1
  2. 73 94
  3. 22 22

+ 2 - 1

@@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ class Environ(_DictWrapper):
        Environ, any keys not found in this Environ are searched for in
        the parent.
-       >>> animal = Environ(mobile=True,legs=4,can_program=False,can_meow=False)
+       >>> animal = Environ(mobile=True,legs=4,can_program=False,
+                            can_meow=False)
        >>> biped = Environ(animal,legs=2)
        >>> cat = Environ(animal,can_meow=True)
        >>> human = Environ(biped,feathers=False,can_program=True)

+ 73 - 94

@@ -10,10 +10,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 from __future__ import with_statement
-# Get verbose tracebacks, so we can diagnose better.
 import cgitb
 import os
 import signal
 import subprocess
@@ -30,6 +27,9 @@ _BASE_ENVIRON = None
+# Get verbose tracebacks, so we can diagnose better.
 def mkdir_p(d, mode=511):
     """Create directory 'd' and all of its parents as needed.  Unlike
@@ -244,15 +244,14 @@ class LocalNodeBuilder(NodeBuilder):
-                opts = subprocess.check_output(cmdline,
-                                               bufsize=-1,
+                opts = subprocess.check_output(cmdline, bufsize=-1,
             except OSError as e:
                 # only catch file not found error
                 if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                    print ("Cannot find tor binary %r. Use "
-                           "CHUTNEY_TOR environment variable to set the "
-                           "path, or put the binary into $PATH." % tor)
+                    print("Cannot find tor binary %r. Use "
+                          "CHUTNEY_TOR environment variable to set the "
+                          "path, or put the binary into $PATH." % tor)
@@ -278,15 +277,15 @@ class LocalNodeBuilder(NodeBuilder):
                 # check if the first word on the line is a supported option,
                 # preserving empty lines and comment lines
                 sline = line.strip()
-                if (len(sline) == 0
-                    or sline[0] == '#'
-                    or sline.split()[0].lower() in lower_opts):
+                if (len(sline) == 0 or
+                        sline[0] == '#' or
+                        sline.split()[0].lower() in lower_opts):
                     # well, this could get spammy
                     # TODO: warn once per option per tor binary
                     # TODO: print tor version?
-                    print (("The tor binary at %r does not support the "
+                    print(("The tor binary at %r does not support the "
                            "option in the torrc line:\n"
                            "%r") % (tor, line.strip()))
                     # we could decide to skip these lines entirely
@@ -341,11 +340,11 @@ class LocalNodeBuilder(NodeBuilder):
     def _makeHiddenServiceDir(self):
         """Create the hidden service subdirectory for this node.
           The directory name is stored under the 'hs_directory' environment
           key. It is combined with the 'dir' data directory key to yield the
           path to the hidden service directory.
           448 is the decimal representation of the octal number 0700. Since
           python2 only supports 0700 and python3 only supports 0o700, we can
           use neither.
@@ -420,8 +419,8 @@ class LocalNodeBuilder(NodeBuilder):
         stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
         fingerprint = "".join((stdout.rstrip().split('\n')[-1]).split()[1:])
         if not re.match(r'^[A-F0-9]{40}$', fingerprint):
-            print (("Error when calling %r. It gave %r as a fingerprint "
-                    " and %r on stderr.")%(" ".join(cmdline), stdout, stderr))
+            print(("Error when calling %r. It gave %r as a fingerprint "
+                   " and %r on stderr.") % (" ".join(cmdline), stdout, stderr))
         self._env['fingerprint'] = fingerprint
@@ -601,18 +600,18 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
-        if p.returncode != None and p.returncode != 0:
+        if p.returncode is not None and p.returncode != 0:
             if self._env['poll_launch_time'] is None:
                 print("Couldn't launch %s (%s): %s" % (self._env['nick'],
                                                        " ".join(cmdline),
                 print("Couldn't poll %s (%s) "
-                       "after waiting %s seconds for launch"
-                       ": %s" % (self._env['nick'],
-                                  " ".join(cmdline),
-                                  self._env['poll_launch_time'],
-                                  p.returncode))
+                      "after waiting %s seconds for launch"
+                      ": %s" % (self._env['nick'],
+                                " ".join(cmdline),
+                                self._env['poll_launch_time'],
+                                p.returncode))
             return False
         return True
@@ -643,21 +642,22 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
                 if len(stline) > 0:
                     splline = stline.split()
                     # if the line has at least two tokens on it
-                    if (len(splline) > 0
-                        and splline[0].lower() == "RunAsDaemon".lower()
-                        and splline[1] == "1"):
+                    if (len(splline) > 0 and
+                            splline[0].lower() == "RunAsDaemon".lower() and
+                            splline[1] == "1"):
                         # use the RunAsDaemon value from the torrc
                         # TODO: multiple values?
                         runAsDaemon = True
         if runAsDaemon:
             # we must use wait() instead of poll()
             self._env['poll_launch_time'] = None
-            return True;
+            return True
             # we must use poll() instead of wait()
             if self._env['poll_launch_time'] is None:
-                self._env['poll_launch_time'] = self._env['poll_launch_time_default']
-            return False;
+                self._env['poll_launch_time'] = \
+                    self._env['poll_launch_time_default']
+            return False
     'authority': False,
@@ -685,11 +685,11 @@ DEFAULTS = {
     'authorities': "AlternateDirAuthority bleargh bad torrc file!",
     'bridges': "Bridge bleargh bad torrc file!",
     'core': True,
-     # poll_launch_time: None means wait on launch (requires RunAsDaemon),
-     # otherwise, poll after that many seconds (can be fractional/decimal)
+    # poll_launch_time: None means wait on launch (requires RunAsDaemon),
+    # otherwise, poll after that many seconds (can be fractional/decimal)
     'poll_launch_time': None,
-     # Used when poll_launch_time is None, but RunAsDaemon is not set
-     # Set low so that we don't interfere with the voting interval
+    # Used when poll_launch_time is None, but RunAsDaemon is not set
+    # Set low so that we don't interfere with the voting interval
     'poll_launch_time_default': 0.1,
     # the number of bytes of random data we send on each connection
     'data_bytes': int(os.environ.get('CHUTNEY_DATA_BYTES', 10 * 1024)),
@@ -777,8 +777,7 @@ class TorEnviron(chutney.Templating.Environ):
         if my['hs-hostname'] is None:
             datadir = my['dir']
             # a file containing a single line with the hs' .onion address
-            hs_hostname_file = os.path.join(datadir,
-                                            my['hs_directory'],
+            hs_hostname_file = os.path.join(datadir, my['hs_directory'],
                 with open(hs_hostname_file, 'r') as hostnamefp:
@@ -787,8 +786,8 @@ class TorEnviron(chutney.Templating.Environ):
                 hostname = hostname.strip()
                 my['hs-hostname'] = hostname
             except IOError as e:
-                print("Error: hs %r error %d: %r opening hostname file '%r'"
-                      %(my['nick'], e.errno, e.strerror, hs_hostname_file))
+                print("Error: hs %r error %d: %r opening hostname file '%r'" %
+                      (my['nick'], e.errno, e.strerror, hs_hostname_file))
         return my['hs-hostname']
@@ -808,7 +807,7 @@ class Network(object):
     def move_aside_nodes(self):
-        nodesdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'net','nodes')
+        nodesdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'net', 'nodes')
         if not os.path.exists(nodesdir):
@@ -817,9 +816,9 @@ class Network(object):
         i = 0
         while os.path.exists(newdir):
             i += 1
-            newdir = "%s.%d" %(newdirbase, i)
+            newdir = "%s.%d" % (newdirbase, i)
-        print ("NOTE: renaming %r to %r"%(nodesdir, newdir))
+        print("NOTE: renaming %r to %r" % (nodesdir, newdir))
         os.rename(nodesdir, newdir)
     def _checkConfig(self):
@@ -876,7 +875,6 @@ class Network(object):
         # line in wait()ing output
         return rv
     def hup(self):
         print("Sending SIGHUP to nodes")
@@ -917,7 +915,7 @@ class Network(object):
     def _verify_traffic(self):
         """Verify (parts of) the network by sending traffic through it
         and verify what is received."""
-        LISTEN_PORT = 4747 # FIXME: Do better! Note the default exit policy.
+        LISTEN_PORT = 4747  # FIXME: Do better! Note the default exit policy.
         # HSs must have a HiddenServiceDir with
         # "HiddenServicePort <HS_PORT><LISTEN_PORT>"
         HS_PORT = 5858
@@ -927,8 +925,8 @@ class Network(object):
         # and a source-sink pair for a (bridge) client to each hidden service
         DATALEN = self._dfltEnv['data_bytes']
         # Print a dot each time a sink verifies this much data
-        DOTDATALEN = 5 * 1024 * 1024 # Octets.
-        TIMEOUT = 3                  # Seconds.
+        DOTDATALEN = 5 * 1024 * 1024  # Octets.
+        TIMEOUT = 3                   # Seconds.
         # Calculate the amount of random data we should use
         randomlen = self._calculate_randomlen(DATALEN)
         reps = self._calculate_reps(DATALEN, randomlen)
@@ -948,10 +946,7 @@ class Network(object):
             tmpdata = {}
         # now make the connections
         bind_to = ('', LISTEN_PORT)
-        tt = chutney.Traffic.TrafficTester(bind_to,
-                                           tmpdata,
-                                           TIMEOUT,
-                                           reps,
+        tt = chutney.Traffic.TrafficTester(bind_to, tmpdata, TIMEOUT, reps,
         client_list = filter(lambda n:
                              n._env['tag'] == 'c' or n._env['tag'] == 'bc',
@@ -975,15 +970,12 @@ class Network(object):
         # if a node is used in two paths, we count it twice
         # this is a lower bound, as cannabilised circuits are one node longer
         total_path_node_count = 0
-        total_path_node_count += self._configure_exits(tt, bind_to,
-                                                       tmpdata, reps,
-                                                       client_list, exit_list,
-                                                       LISTEN_PORT)
-        total_path_node_count += self._configure_hs(tt,
-                                                    tmpdata, reps,
+        total_path_node_count += self._configure_exits(tt, bind_to, tmpdata,
+                                                       reps, client_list,
+                                                       exit_list, LISTEN_PORT)
+        total_path_node_count += self._configure_hs(tt, tmpdata, reps,
                                                     client_list, hs_list,
-                                                    HS_PORT,
-                                                    LISTEN_PORT)
+                                                    HS_PORT, LISTEN_PORT)
         print("Transmitting Data:")
         start_time = time.clock()
         status =
@@ -1020,27 +1012,22 @@ class Network(object):
     # if there are any exits, each client / bridge client transmits
     # via 4 nodes (including the client) to an arbitrary exit
     # Each client binds directly to via an Exit relay
-    def _configure_exits(self, tt, bind_to,
-                         tmpdata, reps,
-                         client_list, exit_list,
-                         LISTEN_PORT):
+    def _configure_exits(self, tt, bind_to, tmpdata, reps, client_list,
+                         exit_list, LISTEN_PORT):
         connection_count = self._dfltEnv['connection_count']
         exit_path_node_count = 0
         if len(exit_list) > 0:
-            exit_path_node_count += (len(client_list)
-                                     * CLIENT_EXIT_PATH_NODES
-                                     * connection_count)
+            exit_path_node_count += (len(client_list) *
+                                     CLIENT_EXIT_PATH_NODES *
+                                     connection_count)
             for op in client_list:
                 print("  Exit to %s:%d via client %s:%s"
                       % ('', LISTEN_PORT,
                          'localhost', op._env['socksport']))
                 for i in range(connection_count):
-                    tt.add(chutney.Traffic.Source(tt,
-                                                  bind_to,
-                                                  tmpdata,
-                                                  ('localhost',
-                                                   int(op._env['socksport'])),
+                    proxy = ('localhost', int(op._env['socksport']))
+                    tt.add(chutney.Traffic.Source(tt, bind_to, tmpdata, proxy,
         return exit_path_node_count
@@ -1050,16 +1037,12 @@ class Network(object):
     # (including the client and hs) to each hidden service
     # Instead of binding directly to LISTEN_PORT via an Exit relay,
     # we bind to hs_hostname:HS_PORT via a hidden service connection
-    def _configure_hs(self, tt,
-                      tmpdata, reps,
-                      client_list, hs_list,
-                      HS_PORT,
+    def _configure_hs(self, tt, tmpdata, reps, client_list, hs_list, HS_PORT,
         connection_count = self._dfltEnv['connection_count']
-        hs_path_node_count = (len(hs_list)
-                              * CLIENT_HS_PATH_NODES
-                              * connection_count)
+        hs_path_node_count = (len(hs_list) * CLIENT_HS_PATH_NODES *
+                              connection_count)
         # Each client in hs_client_list connects to each hs
         if self._dfltEnv['hs_multi_client']:
             hs_client_list = client_list
@@ -1073,15 +1056,12 @@ class Network(object):
             for client in hs_client_list:
                 print("  HS to %s:%d (%s:%d) via client %s:%s"
                       % (hs._env['hs_hostname'], HS_PORT,
-                     '', LISTEN_PORT,
-                     'localhost', client._env['socksport']))
+                         '', LISTEN_PORT,
+                         'localhost', client._env['socksport']))
                 for i in range(connection_count):
-                    tt.add(chutney.Traffic.Source(tt,
-                                          hs_bind_to,
-                                          tmpdata,
-                                          ('localhost',
-                                           int(client._env['socksport'])),
-                                          reps))
+                    proxy = ('localhost', int(client._env['socksport']))
+                    tt.add(chutney.Traffic.Source(tt, hs_bind_to, tmpdata,
+                                                  proxy, reps))
         return hs_path_node_count
     # calculate the single stream bandwidth and overall tor bandwidth
@@ -1098,20 +1078,17 @@ class Network(object):
                           start_time, end_time):
         # otherwise, if we sent at least 5 MB cumulative total, and
         # it took us at least a second to send, report bandwidth
-        MIN_BWDATA = 5 * 1024 * 1024 # Octets.
-        MIN_ELAPSED_TIME = 1.0       # Seconds.
+        MIN_BWDATA = 5 * 1024 * 1024  # Octets.
+        MIN_ELAPSED_TIME = 1.0        # Seconds.
         cumulative_data_sent = total_path_node_count * data_length
         elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
-        if (cumulative_data_sent >= MIN_BWDATA
-            and elapsed_time >= MIN_ELAPSED_TIME):
+        if (cumulative_data_sent >= MIN_BWDATA and
+                elapsed_time >= MIN_ELAPSED_TIME):
             # Report megabytes per second
             BWDIVISOR = 1024*1024
-            single_stream_bandwidth = (data_length
-                                       / elapsed_time
-                                       / BWDIVISOR)
-            overall_bandwidth = (cumulative_data_sent
-                                 / elapsed_time
-                                 / BWDIVISOR)
+            single_stream_bandwidth = (data_length / elapsed_time / BWDIVISOR)
+            overall_bandwidth = (cumulative_data_sent / elapsed_time /
+                                 BWDIVISOR)
             print("Single Stream Bandwidth: %.2f MBytes/s"
                   % single_stream_bandwidth)
             print("Overall tor Bandwidth: %.2f MBytes/s"
@@ -1135,10 +1112,11 @@ def usage(network):
 def exit_on_error(err_msg):
-    print ("Error: {0}\n".format(err_msg))
-    print (usage(_THE_NETWORK))
+    print("Error: {0}\n".format(err_msg))
+    print(usage(_THE_NETWORK))
 def runConfigFile(verb, data):
@@ -1163,6 +1141,7 @@ def parseArgs():
         exit_on_error("Cannot find networkfile: {0}.".format(sys.argv[2]))
     return {'network_cfg': sys.argv[2], 'action': sys.argv[1]}
 def main():
     global _BASE_ENVIRON
     global _TORRC_OPTIONS

+ 22 - 22

@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ def socks_cmd(addr_port):
     SOCKSv5: RFC1928, RFC1929
-    ver = 4                     # Only SOCKSv4 for now.
-    cmd = 1                     # Stream connection.
+    ver = 4  # Only SOCKSv4 for now.
+    cmd = 1  # Stream connection.
     user = '\x00'
     dnsname = ''
     host, port = addr_port
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class Peer(object):
     def __init__(self, ptype, tt, s=None):
         self.type = ptype
- = tt            # TrafficTester
+ = tt  # TrafficTester
         if s is not None:
             self.s = s
@@ -156,18 +156,17 @@ class Sink(Peer):
         # shortcut read when we don't ever expect any data
         if self.repetitions == 0 or len( == 0:
             debug("no verification required - no data")
-            return 0;
+            return 0
         self.inbuf += self.s.recv(len(data) - len(self.inbuf))
         debug("successfully received (bytes=%d)" % len(self.inbuf))
         while len(self.inbuf) >= len(data):
             assert(len(self.inbuf) <= len(data) or self.repetitions > 1)
             if self.inbuf[:len(data)] != data:
                 debug("receive comparison failed (bytes=%d)" % len(data))
-                return -1       # Failed verification.
+                return -1  # Failed verification.
             # if we're not debugging, print a dot every dot_repetitions reps
-            elif (not debug_flag
-                  and > 0
-                  and self.repetitions % == 0):
+            elif (not debug_flag and > 0 and
+                  self.repetitions % == 0):
             # repeatedly check data against self.inbuf if required
@@ -246,11 +245,11 @@ class Source(Peer):
                     return -1
             assert(8 - len(self.inbuf) > 0)
             return 8 - len(self.inbuf)
-        return self.want_to_write()     # Keep us around for writing if needed
+        return self.want_to_write()  # Keep us around for writing if needed
     def want_to_write(self):
-        return (self.state == self.CONNECTING or len(self.outbuf) > 0
-                or (self.repetitions > 0 and len( > 0))
+        return (self.state == self.CONNECTING or len(self.outbuf) > 0 or
+                (self.repetitions > 0 and len( > 0))
     def on_writable(self):
         """Invoked when the socket becomes writable.
@@ -287,18 +286,19 @@ class Source(Peer):
         # it should print length of the data sent
         # but the code works as long as this doesn't keep on happening
         if n > 0:
-          debug("successfully sent (bytes=%d)" % n)
-          self._sent_no_bytes = 0
+            debug("successfully sent (bytes=%d)" % n)
+            self._sent_no_bytes = 0
-          debug("BUG: sent no bytes")
-          self._sent_no_bytes += 1
-          if self._sent_no_bytes >= 10:
-            print("Send no data %d times. Stalled." % (self._sent_no_bytes))
-            sys.exit(-1)
-          time.sleep(1)
+            debug("BUG: sent no bytes")
+            self._sent_no_bytes += 1
+            if self._sent_no_bytes >= 10:
+                print("Send no data %d times. Stalled." %
+                      (self._sent_no_bytes))
+                sys.exit(-1)
+            time.sleep(1)
         self.outbuf = self.outbuf[n:]
         if self.state == self.CONNECTING_THROUGH_PROXY:
-            return 1            # Keep us around.
+            return 1  # Keep us around.
         debug("bytes remaining on outbuf (bytes=%d)" % len(self.outbuf))
         # calculate the actual length of data remaining, including reps
         # When 0, we're being removed.
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ class TrafficTester():
    = {}
         self.dot_repetitions = dot_repetitions
         debug("listener fd=%d" % self.listener.fd())
-        self.peers = {}         # fd:Peer
+        self.peers = {}  # fd:Peer
     def sinks(self):
         return self.get_by_ptype(Peer.SINK)
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class TrafficTester():
                         print("verification failed!")
-            for fd in sets[1]:             # writable fd's
+            for fd in sets[1]:  # writable fd's
                 p = self.peers.get(fd)
                 if p is not None:  # Might have been removed above.
                     n = p.on_writable()