@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# By default, Authorities are not configured as exits
+Authority = Node(tag="a", authority=1, relay=1, torrc="authority.tmpl")
+NonExitRelay = Node(tag="r", relay=1, torrc="relay-non-exit.tmpl")
+Client = Node(tag="c", torrc="client.tmpl")
+HS10 = Node(tag="h", hs=1, torrc="hs-v3-10.tmpl")
+# Since only 25% of relays get the guard flag,
+# TestingDirAuthVoteGuard * may need to be used in small networks
+# A hidden service needs 5 authorities/relays to ensure it can build HS
+# connections:
+# a minimum path length of 3, plus the client-nominated rendezvous point,
+# plus a seperate introduction point
+# A hidden service with 10 intro points actually tries 12, then repurposes 2
+NODES = Authority.getN(2) + NonExitRelay.getN(10) + \
+ Client.getN(1) + HS10.getN(2)