exit-v4.i 663 B

  1. # An exit policy that allows exiting to IPv4 localhost
  2. #ExitPolicy accept*
  3. # An exit policy that allows exiting to the entire internet on HTTP(S)
  4. # This may be required to work around #11264 with microdescriptors enabled
  5. # "The core of this issue appears to be that the Exit flag code is
  6. # optimistic (just needs a /8 and 2 ports), but the microdescriptor
  7. # exit policy summary code is pessimistic (needs the entire internet)."
  8. # An alternative is to disable microdescriptors and use regular
  9. # descriptors, as they do not suffer from this issue.
  10. #ExitPolicy accept *:80
  11. #ExitPolicy accept *:443
  12. #ExitPolicy reject *:*
  13. # OR
  14. ExitPolicy accept *:*