@@ -32,100 +32,252 @@ class DummyEnterExit:
-def asdasd():
- server_address = ('', 12353)
- #
- stop_event = multiprocessing.Event()
- server = throughput_server.ThroughputServer(server_address, stop_event)
- p = multiprocessing.Process(target=server.run)
- p.start()
- #
- try:
- stop_cpu_logging_event = threading.Event()
- t = threading.Thread(target=log_system_usage.log_cpu_stats,
- args=(os.path.join(save_data_path, 'cpu_stats.pickle.gz'), 0.5, stop_cpu_logging_event))
- t.start()
+class Experiment:
+ def __init__(self, save_data_path, measureme_log_path, num_bytes, num_streams_per_client,
+ num_clients, num_guards, num_authorities, num_exits,
+ buffer_len=None, wait_range=None, measureme=False):
+ self.save_data_path = save_data_path
+ self.measureme_log_path = measureme_log_path
+ self.num_bytes = num_bytes
+ self.num_streams_per_client = num_streams_per_client
+ self.num_clients = num_clients
+ self.num_guards = num_guards
+ self.num_authorities = num_authorities
+ self.num_exits = num_exits
+ self.buffer_len = buffer_len
+ self.wait_range = wait_range
+ self.measureme = measureme
- try:
- logging.debug('Getting consensus')
- try:
- consensus = stem.descriptor.remote.get_consensus(endpoints=(stem.DirPort('', 7000),))
- except Exception as e:
- raise Exception('Unable to retrieve the consensus') from e
- #
- fingerprints = experiment_client.get_fingerprints(consensus)
- exit_fingerprints = experiment_client.get_exit_fingerprints(consensus, server_address)
- non_exit_fingerprints = list(set(fingerprints)-set(exit_fingerprints))
+ self.chutney_path = '/home/sengler/code/measureme/chutney'
+ self.tor_path = '/home/sengler/code/measureme/tor'
+ self.server_address = ('', 12353)
+ #
+ self.nodes = None
+ self.proxy_control_ports = None
+ #
+ self.configure_chutney()
+ #
+ if save_data_path is not None:
+ with open(os.path.join(save_data_path, 'experiment-settings.json'), 'w') as f:
+ settings = {}
+ settings['save_data_path'] = self.save_data_path
+ settings['num_bytes'] = self.num_bytes
+ settings['num_streams_per_client'] = self.num_streams_per_client
+ settings['num_clients'] = self.num_clients
+ settings['num_guards'] = self.num_guards
+ settings['num_authorities'] = self.num_authorities
+ settings['num_exits'] = self.num_exits
+ settings['buffer_len'] = self.buffer_len
+ settings['wait_range'] = self.wait_range
+ settings['measureme'] = self.measureme
+ settings['chutney_path'] = self.chutney_path
+ settings['tor_path'] = self.tor_path
+ settings['server_address'] = self.server_address
+ #
+ json.dump(settings, f)
- assert len(exit_fingerprints) == 1, 'Need exactly one exit relay'
- assert len(non_exit_fingerprints) >= 1, 'Need at least one non-exit relay'
+ #
+ #
+ def configure_chutney(self):
+ self.nodes = [chutney_manager.Node(tag='a', relay=1, num_cpus=2, authority=1, torrc='authority.tmpl') for _ in range(self.num_authorities)] + \
+ [chutney_manager.Node(tag='r', relay=1, num_cpus=2, torrc='relay-non-exit.tmpl') for _ in range(self.num_guards)] + \
+ [chutney_manager.Node(tag='e', exit=1, num_cpus=2, torrc='relay.tmpl') for _ in range(self.num_exits)] + \
+ [chutney_manager.Node(tag='c', client=1, num_cpus=1, torrc='client.tmpl') for _ in range(self.num_clients)]
+ #
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ if self.measureme_log_path is not None:
+ node.options['measureme_log_dir'] = measureme_log_path
- circuit_generator = lambda: [random.choice(non_exit_fingerprints), exit_fingerprints[0]]
+ #
+ numa_remaining = numa.get_numa_overview()
+ numa_sets = {}
+ for (node, index) in zip(self.nodes, range(len(self.nodes))):
+ num_cpus = node.options['num_cpus']
+ if num_cpus%2 != 0:
+ num_cpus += 1
- proxy_addresses = []
- for control_port in proxy_control_ports:
- proxy = {}
- proxy['control'] = ('', control_port)
- proxy['socks'] = ('', experiment_client.get_socks_port(control_port))
- proxy_addresses.append(proxy)
+ (numa_node, processors) = chutney_manager.numa_scheduler(num_cpus, numa_remaining)
+ node.options['numa_settings'] = (numa_node, processors)
+ numa_sets[node.guess_nickname(index)] = (numa_node, processors)
+ #
+ #unused_processors = useful.generate_range_list([z for node in numa_remaining for y in numa_remaining[node]['physical_cores'] for z in y])
+ #
+ #nicknames = [self.nodes[x].guess_nickname(x) for x in range(len(self.nodes))]
+ self.proxy_control_ports = [self.nodes[x].guess_control_port(x) for x in range(len(self.nodes)) if ('client', 1) in self.nodes[x].options.items()]
+ # TODO: ^^ improve this
+ #
+ if self.save_data_path is not None:
+ with gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(self.save_data_path, 'numa_data.pickle.gz'), 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump(numa_sets, f, protocol=4)
- controllers = []
- protocol_manager = experiment_client.ExperimentProtocolManager()
+ #
+ #
+ def start_chutney(self, next_action=None):
+ #
+ (fd, tmp_network_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='chutney-network-')
+ try:
+ with os.fdopen(fd, mode='w') as f:
+ f.write(chutney_manager.create_chutney_config(self.nodes))
- for proxy_address in proxy_addresses:
- controller = experiment_client.ExperimentController(proxy_address['control'])
- controller.connect()
- # the controller has to attach new streams to circuits, so the
- # connection has to stay open until we're done creating streams
+ chutney_network = None
+ num_attemtps = 0
+ while chutney_network is None:
+ try:
+ num_attemtps += 1
+ chutney_network = chutney_manager.ChutneyNetwork(self.chutney_path, self.tor_path, tmp_network_file)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except:
+ logging.exception('The Chutney network failed to start (attempt {})'.format(num_attempts))
- for _ in range(args.num_streams_per_client):
- # make a circuit for each stream
- controller.build_circuit(circuit_generator)
- time.sleep(0.5)
- #
- controllers.append(controller)
- #
- start_event = multiprocessing.Event()
- for stream_index in range(args.num_streams_per_client):
- for (controller_index, proxy_address, controller) in zip(range(len(controllers)), proxy_addresses, controllers):
- if args.measureme:
- measureme_id = stream_index*args.num_streams_per_client + controller_index + 1
- else:
- measureme_id = None
+ #with chutney_network as net:
+ with chutney_network:
+ nicknames = [self.nodes[x].guess_nickname(x) for x in range(len(self.nodes))]
+ fingerprints = {nick: chutney_manager.read_fingerprint(nick, self.chutney_path) for nick in nicknames}
+ #
+ if self.save_data_path is not None:
+ with gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(self.save_data_path, 'fingerprints.pickle.gz'), 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump(fingerprints, f, protocol=4)
- wait_duration = random.randint(0, args.wait_range)
- protocol = experiment_client.build_client_protocol(server_address, proxy_address['socks'],
- proxy_address['control'], controller, start_event,
- wait_duration=wait_duration, measureme_id=measureme_id,
- num_bytes=args.num_bytes, buffer_len=args.buffer_len)
- protocol_manager.start_experiment_protocol(protocol, protocol_id=None)
+ #
+ if next_action is not None:
+ next_action()
- time.sleep(2)
- start_event.set()
- #
- protocol_manager.wait(finished_protocol_cb=lambda protocol_id,had_error: logging.info('Finished {} (had_error={})'.format(protocol_id,had_error)))
- for controller in controllers:
- controller.disconnect()
+ if self.measureme_log_path is not None:
+ for f in os.listdir(self.measureme_log_path):
+ shutil.move(os.path.join(self.measureme_log_path, f), os.path.join(self.save_data_path, f))
+ #
+ shutil.rmtree(self.measureme_log_path)
- protocol_manager.stop()
+ #
+ finally:
+ if self.save_data_path is not None:
+ shutil.copyfile(tmp_network_file, os.path.join(self.save_data_path, os.path.basename(tmp_network_file)))
+ #
+ os.remove(tmp_network_file)
+ #
+ #
+ def start_throughput_server(self, next_action=None):
+ stop_event = multiprocessing.Event()
+ server = throughput_server.ThroughputServer(self.server_address, stop_event)
+ p = multiprocessing.Process(target=server.run)
+ p.start()
+ #
+ try:
+ if next_action is not None:
+ next_action()
+ #
+ finally:
+ stop_event.set()
+ #
+ p.join()
+ #
+ with gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(self.save_data_path, 'server_results.pickle.gz'), 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump([x['results'] for x in server.results], f, protocol=4)
+ #
+ #
+ def start_system_logging(self, next_action=None):
+ stop_cpu_logging_event = multiprocessing.Event()
+ p = multiprocessing.Process(target=log_system_usage.log_cpu_stats,
+ args=(os.path.join(save_data_path, 'cpu_stats.pickle.gz'), 0.1, stop_cpu_logging_event))
+ p.start()
+ #
+ try:
+ if next_action is not None:
+ next_action()
- t.join()
- finally:
- stop_event.set()
+ p.join()
- p.join()
+ def start_throughput_clients(self):
+ logging.debug('Getting consensus')
+ try:
+ consensus = stem.descriptor.remote.get_consensus(endpoints=(stem.DirPort('', 7000),))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise Exception('Unable to retrieve the consensus') from e
+ #
+ fingerprints = experiment_client.get_fingerprints(consensus)
+ exit_fingerprints = experiment_client.get_exit_fingerprints(consensus, self.server_address)
+ non_exit_fingerprints = list(set(fingerprints)-set(exit_fingerprints))
+ #
+ assert len(exit_fingerprints) == 1, 'Need exactly one exit relay'
+ assert len(non_exit_fingerprints) >= 1, 'Need at least one non-exit relay'
+ #
+ circuit_generator = lambda: [random.choice(non_exit_fingerprints), exit_fingerprints[0]]
+ #
+ proxy_addresses = []
+ for control_port in self.proxy_control_ports:
+ proxy = {}
+ proxy['control'] = ('', control_port)
+ proxy['socks'] = ('', experiment_client.get_socks_port(control_port))
+ proxy_addresses.append(proxy)
+ #
+ controllers = []
+ protocol_manager = experiment_client.ExperimentProtocolManager()
+ #
+ try:
+ for proxy_address in proxy_addresses:
+ controller = experiment_client.ExperimentController(proxy_address['control'])
+ controller.connect()
+ # the controller has to attach new streams to circuits, so the
+ # connection has to stay open until we're done creating streams
+ #
+ for _ in range(self.num_streams_per_client):
+ # make a circuit for each stream
+ controller.build_circuit(circuit_generator)
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ #
+ controllers.append(controller)
+ #
+ start_event = multiprocessing.Event()
+ #
+ used_measureme_ids = set()
+ for stream_index in range(self.num_streams_per_client):
+ for (controller_index, proxy_address, controller) in zip(range(len(controllers)), proxy_addresses, controllers):
+ if self.measureme:
+ measureme_id = stream_index*len(controllers) + controller_index + 1
+ assert len(set([measureme_id]) & used_measureme_ids) == 0, 'Sanity check: Attempting to use a previously-used measureme_id'
+ used_measureme_ids |= set([measureme_id])
+ else:
+ measureme_id = None
+ #
+ wait_duration = random.randint(0, self.wait_range)
+ protocol = experiment_client.build_client_protocol(self.server_address, proxy_address['socks'],
+ proxy_address['control'], controller, start_event,
+ wait_duration=wait_duration, measureme_id=measureme_id,
+ num_bytes=self.num_bytes, buffer_len=self.buffer_len)
+ protocol_manager.start_experiment_protocol(protocol, protocol_id=None)
+ #
+ #
+ time.sleep(2)
+ start_event.set()
+ #
+ protocol_manager.wait(finished_protocol_cb=lambda protocol_id,had_error: logging.info('Finished {} (had_error={})'.format(protocol_id,had_error)))
+ finally:
+ for controller in controllers:
+ controller.disconnect()
+ #
+ protocol_manager.stop()
+ #
- with gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(save_data_path, 'server_results.pickle.gz'), 'wb') as f:
- pickle.dump([x['results'] for x in server.results], f, protocol=4)
+def wait_for_keyboard_interrupt():
+ try:
+ logging.info('Press Ctrl-C to stop.')
+ while True:
+ time.sleep(30)
+ #
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print('')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -140,82 +292,118 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument('--wait-range', type=int, default=0,
parser.add_argument('--wait-range', type=int, default=0,
help='add a random wait time to each connection so that they don\'t all start at the same time (default is 0)', metavar='time')
help='add a random wait time to each connection so that they don\'t all start at the same time (default is 0)', metavar='time')
parser.add_argument('--measureme', action='store_true', help='send measureme cells to the exit')
parser.add_argument('--measureme', action='store_true', help='send measureme cells to the exit')
- parser.add_argument('--chutney-only', action='store_true', help='only start chutney')
- parser.add_argument('--no-chutney', action='store_true', help='don\'t start chutney')
+ parser.add_argument('--debugging', choices=['only-chutney','no-chutney'], help='debugging options')
args = parser.parse_args()
args = parser.parse_args()
- chutney_path = '/home/sengler/code/measureme/chutney'
- tor_path = '/home/sengler/code/measureme/tor'
+ experiment_time = time.time()
- if not args.chutney_only:
- save_data_path = os.path.join('/home/sengler/data/experiments', str(int(time.time())))
+ if args.debugging != 'only-chutney':
+ save_data_path = os.path.join('/home/sengler/data/experiments', str(int(experiment_time)))
- if not args.no_chutney:
- measureme_log_dir = os.path.join('/ramdisk/sengler/chutney', str(int(time.time())))
- os.mkdir(measureme_log_dir)
- #
+ else:
+ save_data_path = None
- nodes = [chutney_manager.Node(tag='a', relay=1, num_cpus=2, authority=1, torrc='authority.tmpl') for _ in range(2)] + \
- [chutney_manager.Node(tag='r', relay=1, num_cpus=2, torrc='relay-non-exit.tmpl') for _ in range(2)] + \
- [chutney_manager.Node(tag='e', exit=1, num_cpus=2, torrc='relay.tmpl') for _ in range(1)] + \
- [chutney_manager.Node(tag='c', client=1, num_cpus=1, torrc='client.tmpl') for _ in range(2)]
+ if args.debugging is not None:
+ measureme_log_path = None
+ else:
+ measureme_log_path = os.path.join('/ramdisk/sengler/chutney', str(int(experiment_time)))
+ os.mkdir(measureme_log_path)
- numa_remaining = numa.get_numa_overview()
- numa_sets = []
- for node in nodes:
- if not args.chutney_only and not args.no_chutney:
- node.options['measureme_log_dir'] = measureme_log_dir
- #
- num_cpus = node.options['num_cpus']
- if num_cpus%2 != 0:
- num_cpus += 1
- #
- (numa_node, processors) = chutney_manager.numa_scheduler(num_cpus, numa_remaining)
- node.options['numa_settings'] = (numa_node, processors)
- numa_sets.append((numa_node, processors))
+ experiment = Experiment(save_data_path, measureme_log_path, args.num_bytes, args.num_streams_per_client,
+ args.buffer_len, args.wait_range, args.measureme)
- unused_processors = useful.generate_range_list([z for node in numa_remaining for y in numa_remaining[node]['physical_cores'] for z in y])
+ start_time = time.time()
- nicknames = [nodes[x].guess_nickname(x) for x in range(len(nodes))]
- proxy_control_ports = [nodes[x].guess_control_port(x) for x in range(len(nodes)) if ('client', 1) in nodes[x].options.items()]
+ if args.debugging == 'no-chutney':
+ experiment.start_throughput_server(lambda: experiment.start_system_logging(experiment.start_throughput_clients))
+ elif args.debugging == 'only-chutney':
+ experiment.start_chutney(wait_for_keyboard_interrupt)
+ else:
+ experiment.start_chutney(lambda: experiment.start_throughput_server(lambda: experiment.start_system_logging(experiment.start_throughput_clients)))
- (fd, tmp_network_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='chutney-network-')
- try:
- with os.fdopen(fd, mode='w') as f:
- f.write(chutney_manager.create_chutney_config(nodes))
+ logging.info('Total time: {:.2f} minutes'.format((time.time()-start_time)/60))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ logging.getLogger('stem').setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ #
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test the network throughput.')
+ parser.add_argument('num_bytes', type=useful.parse_bytes,
+ help='number of bytes to send per connection (can also end with \'B\', \'KiB\', \'MiB\', or \'GiB\')', metavar='num-bytes')
+ parser.add_argument('--buffer-len', type=useful.parse_bytes,
+ help='size of the send and receive buffers (can also end with \'B\', \'KiB\', \'MiB\', or \'GiB\')', metavar='bytes')
+ parser.add_argument('--wait-range', type=int, default=0,
+ help='add a random wait time to each connection so that they don\'t all start at the same time (default is 0)', metavar='time')
+ parser.add_argument('--measureme', action='store_true', help='send measureme cells to the exit')
+ parser.add_argument('--debugging', choices=['only-chutney','no-chutney'], help='debugging options')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ #
+ num_clients = 4
+ num_guards = 6
+ num_authorities = 2 # will also act as a guard
+ num_exits = 1
+ #
+ experiment_time = time.time()
+ #
+ if args.debugging != 'only-chutney':
+ base_save_data_path = os.path.join('/home/sengler/data/experiments', str(int(experiment_time)))
+ os.mkdir(base_save_data_path)
+ else:
+ base_save_data_path = None
+ #
+ if args.debugging is not None:
+ measureme_log_path = None
+ else:
+ measureme_log_path = os.path.join('/ramdisk/sengler/chutney', str(int(experiment_time)))
+ #
+ start_time = time.time()
+ all_data_paths = []
+ #
+ #for num_streams_per_client in [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]:
+ for num_streams_per_client in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
+ #for num_streams_per_client in [6,7,8]:
+ logging.info('Starting with {} streams per client'.format(num_streams_per_client))
+ save_data_path = None
+ #
+ if base_save_data_path is not None:
+ save_data_path = os.path.join(base_save_data_path, 'streams-{:04d}'.format(num_streams_per_client*num_clients))
+ all_data_paths.append(save_data_path)
+ os.mkdir(save_data_path)
+ #
+ if measureme_log_path is not None:
+ os.mkdir(measureme_log_path)
- if args.no_chutney:
- asdasd()
+ experiment = Experiment(save_data_path, measureme_log_path, args.num_bytes, num_streams_per_client,
+ num_clients, num_guards, num_authorities, num_exits,
+ args.buffer_len, args.wait_range, args.measureme)
+ #
+ if args.debugging == 'no-chutney':
+ experiment.start_throughput_server(lambda: experiment.start_system_logging(experiment.start_throughput_clients))
+ elif args.debugging == 'only-chutney':
+ experiment.start_chutney(wait_for_keyboard_interrupt)
- try:
- with chutney_manager.ChutneyNetwork(chutney_path, tor_path, tmp_network_file) as net:
- if args.chutney_only:
- try:
- logging.info('Press Ctrl-C to stop.')
- while True:
- time.sleep(30)
- #
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print('')
- #
- else:
- fingerprints = []
- for nick in nicknames:
- fingerprints.append(chutney_manager.read_fingerprint(nick, chutney_path))
- #
- asdasd()
- #
- #
- finally:
- if not args.chutney_only:
- for f in os.listdir(measureme_log_dir):
- shutil.move(os.path.join(measureme_log_dir, f), os.path.join(save_data_path, f))
- #
- shutil.rmtree(measureme_log_dir)
- #
+ experiment.start_chutney(lambda: experiment.start_throughput_server(lambda: experiment.start_system_logging(experiment.start_throughput_clients)))
+ #
+ #
+ logging.info('Total time: {:.2f} minutes'.format((time.time()-start_time)/60))
+ #
+ import parse_measureme_logs
+ for path in all_data_paths:
+ logging.info('Parsing logs for {}'.format(path))
+ measureme_tor_logs = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f.startswith('measureme-')]
+ #
+ logs = []
+ for name in measureme_tor_logs:
+ with open(name, 'r') as f:
+ logs.append(parse_measureme_logs.read_log(f))
- finally:
- os.remove(tmp_network_file)
+ streams = parse_measureme_logs.get_streams_from_logs(logs)
+ #
+ with gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(path, 'measureme-data.pickle.gz'), 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump(streams, f, protocol=4)
+ #