Forráskód Böngészése

Improved CPU usage logging

Steven Engler 4 éve
2 módosított fájl, 189 hozzáadás és 149 törlés
  1. 181 147
  2. 8 2

+ 181 - 147

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import time
 import threading
 import subprocess
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ import sys
 import os
 import pickle
 import gzip
+import argparse
 PROC_STAT_HEADERS = ('user', 'nice', 'system', 'idle', 'iowait', 'irq', 'softirq', 'steal', 'guest', 'guest_nice')
 PROC_PID_STAT_HEADERS = ('pid', 'comm', 'state', 'ppid', 'pgrp', 'session', 'tty_nr', 'tpgid', 'flags', 'minflt',
                          'cminflt', 'majflt', 'cmajflt', 'utime', 'stime', 'cutime', 'cstime', 'priority', 'nice',
@@ -17,224 +18,257 @@ PROC_PID_STAT_HEADERS = ('pid', 'comm', 'state', 'ppid', 'pgrp', 'session', 'tty
                          'sigcatch', 'wchan', 'nswap', 'cnswap', 'exit_signal', 'processor', 'rt_priority',
                          'policy', 'delayacct_blkio_ticks', 'guest_time', 'cguest_time', 'start_data', 'end_data',
                          'start_brk', 'arg_start', 'arg_end', 'env_start', 'env_end', 'exit_code')
-def get_cpu_stats(path='/proc/stat'):
-	"""
-	Get CPU statistics from /proc/stat. Output is returned for the system and each CPU.
-	Ex:
+pid_stat_regex = re.compile('(\(.*\)|\S+)', flags=re.DOTALL)
-	{'system': {'user': 8696397, 'nice': 22431, ...},
-	 'cpus': {
-	     0: {'user': 4199206, 'nice': 11615, ...},
-	     1: {'user': 4199308, 'nice': 10642, ...}
-	 }
-	}
-	"""
-	#
-	with open(path, 'r') as f:
-		lines = f.readlines()
-	#
-	cpu_lines = [l for l in lines if l.startswith('cpu')]
-	stats = {'system':None, 'cpus':{}}
+def read_proc_stat_file(f):
+	cpu_lines = []
+	found_cpu_line = False
+	for line in f:
+		# only read as much of the file as we need
+		if len(line) == 0:
+			continue
+		#
+		if line[0:3] == 'cpu':
+			cpu_lines.append(line)
+			found_cpu_line = True
+		elif found_cpu_line:
+			break
+		#
+	return cpu_lines
+def parse_proc_stat_file(cpu_lines):
+	stats = {'system': None, 'cpus': {}}
 	for l in cpu_lines:
 		l_split = l.split()
-		cpu_index = l_split[0][3:]
+		cpu_index = int(l_split[0][3:]) if len(l_split[0][3:]) != 0 else None
 		cpu_stats = {x[0]: int(x[1]) for x in zip(PROC_STAT_HEADERS, l_split[1:])}
-		#
-		if cpu_index == '':
+		if cpu_index == None:
 			stats['system'] = cpu_stats
-			stats['cpus'][int(cpu_index)] = cpu_stats
+			stats['cpus'][cpu_index] = cpu_stats
 	return stats
-def parse_stat_file(path):
-	with open(path, 'r') as f:
-		contents =
-	#
-	raw_stats = re.findall("(\(.*\)|\S+)", contents, flags=re.DOTALL)
+def read_proc_pid_stat_file(f):
+	return
+def parse_proc_pid_stat_file(contents):
+	raw_stats = pid_stat_regex.findall(contents)
 	proc_stats = {x[0]: x[1] for x in zip(PROC_PID_STAT_HEADERS, raw_stats)}
 	for k in proc_stats:
 		if k != 'comm' and k != 'state':
 			proc_stats[k] = int(proc_stats[k])
 	return proc_stats
-def get_proc_stats(pid):
-	pid = int(pid)
-	path = os.path.join('/proc', str(pid), 'stat')
-	#
-	return parse_stat_file(path)
-def get_thread_stats(tid):
-	tid = int(tid)
-	path = os.path.join('/proc', str(tid), 'task', str(tid), 'stat')
-	#
-	return parse_stat_file(path)
-def calculate_cpu_stats(stats):
+def calculate_cpu_idle_stats(stats):
 	idle = stats['idle'] + stats['iowait']
 	non_idle = stats['user'] + stats['nice'] + stats['system'] + stats['irq'] + stats['softirq'] + stats['steal']
-	#
 	return (idle, non_idle)
-def calculate_cpu_usage(initial, current):
+def calculate_core_cpu_usage(initial, current):
 	Calculation adapted from:
-	#
-	(initial_idle, initial_non_idle) = calculate_cpu_stats(initial)
+	(initial_idle, initial_non_idle) = calculate_cpu_idle_stats(initial)
 	initial_total = initial_idle + initial_non_idle
-	#
-	(current_idle, current_non_idle) = calculate_cpu_stats(current)
+	(current_idle, current_non_idle) = calculate_cpu_idle_stats(current)
 	current_total = current_idle + current_non_idle
-	#
-	return (current_non_idle-initial_non_idle)/(current_total-initial_total)
+	clock_ticks = current_non_idle-initial_non_idle
+	fraction = clock_ticks/(current_total-initial_total)
+	return (clock_ticks, fraction)
 def calculate_process_cpu_usage(process_initial, process_current, cpu_initial, cpu_current):
-	(initial_idle, initial_non_idle) = calculate_cpu_stats(cpu_initial)
-	initial_total = initial_idle + initial_non_idle
-	#
-	(current_idle, current_non_idle) = calculate_cpu_stats(cpu_current)
-	current_total = current_idle + current_non_idle
-	#
 	process_initial_non_idle = process_initial['utime'] + process_initial['stime']
 	process_current_non_idle = process_current['utime'] + process_current['stime']
+	used_cores = (process_initial['processor'], process_current['processor'])
+	core_totals = []
+	for core in used_cores:
+		(initial_idle, initial_non_idle) = calculate_cpu_idle_stats(cpu_initial[core])
+		initial_total = initial_idle + initial_non_idle
+		(current_idle, current_non_idle) = calculate_cpu_idle_stats(cpu_current[core])
+		current_total = current_idle + current_non_idle
+		core_totals.append(current_total-initial_total)
-	return (process_current_non_idle-process_initial_non_idle)/(current_total-initial_total)
+	clock_ticks = process_current_non_idle-process_initial_non_idle
+	fraction = clock_ticks/(sum(x**2 for x in core_totals)/sum(core_totals))
+	return (clock_ticks, fraction)
-def calculate_cpu_usage_continuous(stats):
-	cpu_usages = []
+def calculate_core_cpu_usage_continuous(stats):
+	ticks = []
+	fractions = []
 	for i in range(len(stats)-1):
-		cpu_usages.append(calculate_cpu_usage(stats[i], stats[i+1]))
+		(clock_ticks, fraction) = calculate_core_cpu_usage(stats[i], stats[i+1])
+		ticks.append(clock_ticks)
+		fractions.append(fraction)
-	return cpu_usages
+	return {'ticks': ticks, 'fractions': fractions}
 def calculate_process_cpu_usage_continuous(process_stats, cpu_stats):
-	process_usages = []
+	ticks = []
+	fractions = []
 	assert all([len(process_stats) == len(cpu_stats[i]) for i in cpu_stats])
 	for i in range(len(process_stats)-1):
-		using_core_0 = process_stats[i]['processor']
-		using_core_1 = process_stats[i+1]['processor']
-		usage_0 = calculate_process_cpu_usage(process_stats[i], process_stats[i+1], cpu_stats[using_core_0][i], cpu_stats[using_core_0][i+1])
-		usage_1 = calculate_process_cpu_usage(process_stats[i], process_stats[i+1], cpu_stats[using_core_1][i], cpu_stats[using_core_1][i+1])
-		process_usages.append((usage_0+usage_1)/2)
+		(clock_ticks, fraction) = calculate_process_cpu_usage(process_stats[i], process_stats[i+1], {core: cpu_stats[core][i] for core in cpu_stats}, {core: cpu_stats[core][i+1] for core in cpu_stats})
+		ticks.append(clock_ticks)
+		fractions.append(fraction)
-	return process_usages
-#def get_running_processes():
-#	lines = subprocess.check_output(['ps', '-a', '-x', '-o', 'pid,state,args', '--no-headers']).decode('utf-8').split('\n')
-#	lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
-#	lines = [line.split(' ', 2) for line in lines if len(line) != 0]
-#	#
-#	data = []
-#	for line in lines:
-#		data.append({'pid':int(line[0]), 'state':line[1], 'args':line[2]})
-#	#
-#	return data
+	return {'ticks': ticks, 'fractions': fractions}
 def log_cpu_stats(path, interval, pids, stop_event):
-	"""
-	Log the cpu stats to a gz compressed JSON file. Storing JSON
-	seems to only use about 10% more disk space than storing
-	bytes directly (4 bytes per value), so JSON is used for
-	simplicity.
-	path: file to save to
-	interval: how many seconds to wait before getting more data
-	stop_event: a threading.Event which stops the function
-	"""
-	#
-	pids = [int(pid) for pid in pids]
-	threads = {pid: [int(tid) for tid in os.listdir('/proc/{}/task'.format(pid))] for pid in pids}
-	stats = {'timestamps':[],
-	         'cpu':{'system':[],
-	                'id':{x: [] for x in get_cpu_stats()['cpus'].keys()}},
-	         'process':{x: {'pid': [],
-	                        'tid': {y: [] for y in threads[x]}} for x in pids}}
-	#
+	pids = sorted([int(pid) for pid in pids])
+	tids = {pid: sorted([int(tid) for tid in os.listdir('/proc/{}/task'.format(pid))]) for pid in pids}
+	stat_file = open('/proc/stat', 'r')
+	pid_files = {pid: open('/proc/{}/stat'.format(pid), 'r') for pid in pids}
+	tid_files = {pid: {tid: open('/proc/{}/task/{}/stat'.format(pid, tid), 'r') for tid in tids[pid]} for pid in pids}
+	raw_stats = {'timestamps': [],
+	             'timestamps_finished': [],
+	             'system': [],
+	             'process': {x: {'pid': [],
+	                             'tid': {y: [] for y in tid_files[x]}} for x in pid_files}}
+	# begin collecting data
 	while not stop_event.is_set():
-		current_time = time.time()
-		stats['timestamps'].append(current_time)
+		start_time = time.time()
+		raw_stats['timestamps'].append(start_time)
+		t_0 = time.time()
+		contents = read_proc_stat_file(stat_file)
+		t_1 = time.time()
+		raw_stats['system'].append((contents, t_1, t_1-t_0))
+		for pid in pids:
+			t_0 = time.time()
+			contents = read_proc_pid_stat_file(pid_files[pid])
+			t_1 = time.time()
+			raw_stats['process'][pid]['pid'].append((contents, t_1, t_1-t_0))
+			for tid in tids[pid]:
+				t_0 = time.time()
+				contents = read_proc_pid_stat_file(tid_files[pid][tid])
+				t_1 = time.time()
+				raw_stats['process'][pid]['tid'][tid].append((contents, t_1, t_1-t_0))
+			#
-		current_stats = get_cpu_stats()
-		stats['cpu']['system'].append(current_stats['system'])
+		finished_time = time.time()
+		raw_stats['timestamps_finished'].append(finished_time)
+		wait_time = max(0, interval-(time.time()-finished_time))
+		stop_event.wait(wait_time)
+	#
+	# begin formatting data
+	stats = {'timestamps': raw_stats['timestamps'],
+	         'timestamps_finished': raw_stats['timestamps_finished'],
+	         'cpu':{'system': [],
+	                'id': {cpu: [] for cpu in parse_proc_stat_file(raw_stats['system'][0][0])['cpus'].keys()}},
+	         'process': {pid: {'pid': [],
+	                           'tid': {tid: [] for tid in tids[pid]}} for pid in pids}}
+	for x in range(len(raw_stats['timestamps'])):
+		current_stats = parse_proc_stat_file(raw_stats['system'][x][0])
+		system_stats = current_stats['system']
+		system_stats['read_time'] = raw_stats['system'][x][1]
+		system_stats['read_duration'] = raw_stats['system'][x][2]
+		stats['cpu']['system'].append(system_stats)
 		for cpu in current_stats['cpus']:
 		for pid in pids:
-			stats['process'][pid]['pid'].append(get_proc_stats(pid))
-			for tid in threads[pid]:
-				stats['process'][pid]['tid'][tid].append(get_thread_stats(tid))
+			pid_stats = parse_proc_pid_stat_file(raw_stats['process'][pid]['pid'][x][0])
+			pid_stats['read_time'] = raw_stats['process'][pid]['pid'][x][1]
+			pid_stats['read_duration'] = raw_stats['process'][pid]['pid'][x][2]
+			stats['process'][pid]['pid'].append(pid_stats)
+			for tid in tids[pid]:
+				tid_stats = parse_proc_pid_stat_file(raw_stats['process'][pid]['tid'][tid][x][0])
+				tid_stats['read_time'] = raw_stats['process'][pid]['tid'][tid][x][1]
+				tid_stats['read_duration'] = raw_stats['process'][pid]['tid'][tid][x][2]
+				stats['process'][pid]['tid'][tid].append(tid_stats)
-		wait_time = max(0, interval-(time.time()-current_time))
-		stop_event.wait(wait_time)
 	with gzip.GzipFile(path, 'wb') as f:
 		pickle.dump(stats, f, protocol=4)
 def load_cpu_stats(path):
 	with gzip.GzipFile(path, 'rb') as f:
 		return pickle.load(f)
-def log_cpu_stats(path, interval, stop_event):
-	path: file to save to
-	interval: how many seconds to wait before getting more data
-	stop_event: a threading.Event which stops the function
-	#
-	with gzip.GzipFile(path+'.2.gz', 'w') as f:
-		f.write(' '.join(PROC_STAT_HEADERS).encode('utf-8'))
-		f.write('\n\n'.encode('utf-8'))
-		#
-		while not stop_event.is_set():
-			f.write(str(time.time()).encode('utf-8'))
-			f.write('\n'.encode('utf-8'))
-			stats = get_cpu_stats()
-			f.write('cpu '.encode('utf-8'))
-			#f.write(' '.join([str(stats['system'][x]) for x in PROC_STAT_HEADERS]).encode('utf-8'))
-			f.write(b''.join([stats['system'][x].to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') for x in PROC_STAT_HEADERS]))
-			f.write('\n'.encode('utf-8'))
-			for cpu in stats['cpus']:
-				f.write('cpu{} '.format(cpu).encode('utf-8'))
-				#f.write(' '.join([str(stats['cpus'][cpu][x]) for x in PROC_STAT_HEADERS]).encode('utf-8'))
-				f.write(b''.join([stats['cpus'][cpu][x].to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') for x in PROC_STAT_HEADERS]))
-				f.write('\n'.encode('utf-8'))
-			#
-			f.write('\n'.encode('utf-8'))
-			time.sleep(interval)
-		#
-	#
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 	stop_event = threading.Event()
-	#
-	assert len(sys.argv) >= 3
-	interval = float(sys.argv[1])
-	file_name = sys.argv[2]
-	if len(sys.argv) > 3:
-		pids = sys.argv[3].split(',')
+	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Log CPU usage data and save as a gzipped pickle file.',
+	                                 formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+	parser.add_argument('--interval', type=float, default=1, help='interval for data collection')
+	parser.add_argument('--pids', type=str, help='comma-separated list of processes to log')
+	parser.add_argument('file_out', metavar='file-out', type=str, help='where to save the data')
+	args = parser.parse_args()
+	if args.pids != None:
+		pids = [int(pid) for pid in args.pids.split(',')]
 		pids = []
-	t = threading.Thread(target=log_cpu_stats, args=(file_name, interval, pids, stop_event))
+	t = threading.Thread(target=log_cpu_stats, args=(args.file_out, args.interval, pids, stop_event))
-	#
-		while True:
-			time.sleep(100)
+		while t.is_alive():
+			t.join(timeout=100)
 	except KeyboardInterrupt:

+ 8 - 2

@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class CustomExperiment(experiment.Experiment):
 		tor_pids = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', self.remote_name, 'pgrep tor']).decode('utf-8').split()
 		tor_pids = [pid for pid in tor_pids]'Logging the following pids on {}: {}'.format(self.remote_name, tor_pids))
-		command = 'python3 {} 0.2 {} {}'.format(remote_script_path, remote_save_path, ','.join(tor_pids))
+		command = 'python3 {} --interval 0.2 --pids {} {}'.format(remote_script_path, ','.join(tor_pids), remote_save_path)
 			subprocess.check_output(['scp', local_script_path, '{}:{}'.format(self.remote_name, remote_script_path)], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
@@ -169,6 +169,12 @@ class CustomExperiment(experiment.Experiment):
 			if p.poll() != None:
 				raise Exception('Remote CPU monitoring script exited immediately')
+			try:
+				subprocess.check_output(['ssh', self.remote_name, 'sudo renice -n -10 -g "$(pgrep --full --exact "{}")"'.format(command)], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+				# need to set the niceness for the process group, not just the process in order to also apply to threads
+			except:
+				logging.warn('Could not set the nice value for the remote python script, ignoring...')
+			#
 			if next_action is not None:
@@ -180,7 +186,7 @@ class CustomExperiment(experiment.Experiment):
-				subprocess.check_output(['ssh', self.remote_name, 'pkill --full --signal sigint \'{}\''.format(command)], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+				subprocess.check_output(['ssh', self.remote_name, 'pkill --full --exact --signal sigint \'{}\''.format(command)], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
 				logging.warn('Could not kill remote python script')