@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+import throughput_protocols
+import basic_protocols
+import useful
+import time
+import os
+import argparse
+import logging
+import socket
+import random
+import multiprocessing
+import stem.control
+import stem.descriptor.remote
+import stem.process
+import base64
+import binascii
+def start_client_process(protocol, id_num, finished_queue):
+ p = multiprocessing.Process(target=run_client, args=(protocol, id_num, finished_queue))
+ p.start()
+ return p
+def run_client(protocol, id_num, finished_queue):
+ had_error = False
+ try:
+ logging.info('Starting protocol (id: {})'.format(id_num))
+ protocol.run()
+ logging.info('Done protocol (id: {})'.format(id_num))
+ except:
+ had_error = True
+ logging.warning('Protocol error')
+ logging.exception('Protocol id: {} had an error'.format(id_num))
+ finally:
+ finished_queue.put((id_num, had_error))
+ #
+def parse_range(range_str):
+ return tuple(int(x) for x in range_str.split('-'))
+def get_socks_port(control_port):
+ with stem.control.Controller.from_port(port=control_port) as controller:
+ controller.authenticate()
+ #
+ socks_addresses = controller.get_listeners(stem.control.Listener.SOCKS)
+ #logging.info(socks_addresses)
+ assert(len(socks_addresses) == 1)
+ assert(socks_addresses[0][0] == '')
+ #
+ return socks_addresses[0][1]
+ #
+def send_measureme(controller, circuit_id, measureme_id, hop):
+ response = controller.msg('SENDMEASUREME %s ID=%s HOP=%s' % (circuit_id, measureme_id, hop))
+ stem.response.convert('SINGLELINE', response)
+ #
+ if not response.is_ok():
+ if response.code in ('512', '552'):
+ if response.message.startswith('Unknown circuit '):
+ raise stem.InvalidArguments(response.code, response.message, [circuit_id])
+ #
+ raise stem.InvalidRequest(response.code, response.message)
+ else:
+ raise stem.ProtocolError('MEASUREME returned unexpected response code: %s' % response.code)
+ #
+ #
+def connect_and_send_measureme(control_port, circuit_id, measureme_id, hop):
+ with stem.control.Controller.from_port(port=control_port) as controller:
+ controller.authenticate()
+ send_measureme(controller, circuit_id, measureme_id, hop)
+ #
+def send_all_measuremes(controller, circuit_id, measureme_id):
+ send_measureme(controller, circuit_id, measureme_id, 2)
+ send_measureme(controller, circuit_id, measureme_id, 0)
+def push_start_measureme_cb(control_port, circuit_id, measureme_id, wait_until, hops):
+ logging.info('Sending measuremes to control port {}, then sleeping'.format(control_port))
+ with stem.control.Controller.from_port(port=control_port) as controller:
+ controller.authenticate()
+ for hop in hops:
+ send_measureme(controller, circuit_id, measureme_id, hop)
+ #
+ #
+ time.sleep(wait_until-time.time())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ #
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test the network throughput (optionally through a proxy).')
+ parser.add_argument('ip', type=str, help='destination ip address')
+ parser.add_argument('port', type=int, help='destination port')
+ parser.add_argument('num_bytes', type=useful.parse_bytes,
+ help='number of bytes to send per connection (can also end with \'B\', \'KiB\', \'MiB\', or \'GiB\')', metavar='num-bytes')
+ parser.add_argument('num_clients', type=int, help='number of Tor clients to start', metavar='num-clients')
+ parser.add_argument('num_streams_per_client', type=int, help='number of streams per Tor client', metavar='num-streams-per-client')
+ #parser.add_argument('--wait', type=int,
+ # help='wait until the given time before pushing data (time in seconds since epoch)', metavar='time')
+ parser.add_argument('--buffer-len', type=useful.parse_bytes,
+ help='size of the send and receive buffers (can also end with \'B\', \'KiB\', \'MiB\', or \'GiB\')', metavar='bytes')
+ parser.add_argument('--no-accel', action='store_true', help='don\'t use C acceleration (use pure Python)')
+ parser.add_argument('--wait-range', type=int, default=0,
+ help='add a random wait time to each connection so that they don\'t all start at the same time (default is 0)', metavar='time')
+ parser.add_argument('--proxy-control-port-range', type=parse_range, help='range of ports for the control ports')
+ parser.add_argument('--measureme', action='store_true', help='send measureme cells to the exit')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ #
+ endpoint = (args.ip, args.port)
+ #
+ streams_per_client = args.num_streams_per_client
+ #
+ if args.num_clients > 0:
+ num_clients = args.num_clients
+ socks_port_start = 9551
+ control_port_start = 12001
+ target_relay = 'BCEDF6C193AA687AE471B8A22EBF6BC57C2D285E' # gurgle
+ other_relays = list(set(['BC630CBBB518BE7E9F4E09712AB0269E9DC7D626', '18CFB7BA07F13AEABF50A7148786DA68773B2498', 'B771AA877687F88E6F1CA5354756DF6C8A7B6B24', '204DFD2A2C6A0DC1FA0EACB495218E0B661704FD', 'F6740DEABFD5F62612FA025A5079EA72846B1F67', 'A21D24309FD17F57395CDB0B4A3B813AE73FBC5A', 'B204DE75B37064EF6A4C6BAF955C5724578D0B32', '874D84382C892F3F61CC9E106BF08843DE0B865A', '25990FC54D7268C914170A118EE4EE75025451DA', 'B872BA6804C8C6E140AE1897B44CF32B42FD2397', 'B143D439B72D239A419F8DCE07B8A8EB1B486FA7', 'DA4B488C2826DFBBD04D635DA1E71A2BA5B20747', 'D80EA21626BFAE8044E4037FE765252E157E3586']))
+ # bad relays = ['3F62F05E859D7F98B086F702A31F7714D566E49A', '8EE0534532EA31AA5172B1892F53B2F25C76EB02', '7DC52AE6667A30536BA2383CD102CFC24F20AD71']
+ # no longer exist = ['DBAD17D706E2B6D5D917C2077961750513BDF879']
+ #
+ logging.info('Getting consensus')
+ #
+ try:
+ consensus = stem.descriptor.remote.get_consensus()
+ #relay_fingerprints = [desc.fingerprint for desc in consensus]
+ logging.info([desc.exit_policy.can_exit_to(*endpoint) for desc in consensus if desc.fingerprint==target_relay])
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise Exception('Unable to retrieve the consensus') from e
+ #
+ logging.info('Starting tor processes')
+ #
+ clients = []
+ #
+ try:
+ for client_index in range(num_clients):
+ # start a tor client
+ #
+ socks_port = socks_port_start+client_index
+ control_port = control_port_start+client_index
+ #
+ tor_process = stem.process.launch_tor_with_config(
+ config = {
+ 'Log': ['notice file /tmp/tor{}/log'.format(client_index), 'notice stdout'],
+ 'TruncateLogFile': '1',
+ 'MeasuremeLogFile': '/ramdisk/sengler/real/measureme-{}.log'.format(client_index),
+ 'SafeLogging': 'relay',
+ 'SocksPort': str(socks_port),
+ 'ControlPort': str(control_port),
+ 'DataDirectory': '/tmp/tor{}'.format(client_index),
+ }
+ )
+ clients.append({'socks_port':socks_port, 'control_port':control_port, 'process':tor_process})
+ logging.info('Started '+str(client_index))
+ #
+ except:
+ for c in clients:
+ if 'process' in c:
+ c['process'].kill()
+ #
+ #
+ raise
+ #
+ else:
+ proxy_control_ports = list(range(args.proxy_control_port_range[0], args.proxy_control_port_range[1]+1))
+ socks_ports = [get_socks_port(x) for x in proxy_control_ports]
+ #
+ logging.info('Getting consensus')
+ #
+ try:
+ consensus = stem.descriptor.remote.get_consensus(endpoints=(stem.DirPort('', 7000),))
+ #
+ relay_fingerprints = [desc.fingerprint for desc in consensus]
+ exit_fingerprints = [desc.fingerprint for desc in consensus if desc.exit_policy.can_exit_to(*endpoint)]
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise Exception('Unable to retrieve the consensus') from e
+ #
+ print('Num socks ports: {}'.format(len(socks_ports)))
+ print('Num relays: {}'.format(len(relay_fingerprints)))
+ print('Num exits: {}'.format(len(exit_fingerprints)))
+ #
+ assert(len(relay_fingerprints) >= 2)
+ assert(len(exit_fingerprints) == 1)
+ #
+ target_relay = exit_fingerprints[0]
+ other_relays = list(set(relay_fingerprints)-set(exit_fingerprints))
+ #
+ clients = []
+ #
+ for client_index in range(len(proxy_control_ports)):
+ socks_port = socks_ports[client_index]
+ control_port = proxy_control_ports[client_index]
+ #
+ clients.append({'socks_port':socks_port, 'control_port':control_port})
+ #
+ #
+ ######################################3
+ #
+ controllers = []
+ #
+ for client_index in range(len(clients)):
+ # make connections to client control ports
+ #
+ connection = stem.control.Controller.from_port(port=clients[client_index]['control_port'])
+ connection.authenticate()
+ #
+ controllers.append({'connection':connection, 'id':client_index})
+ #
+ all_circuits_okay = True
+ #
+ for controller in controllers:
+ # for each client, override the circuits for new streams
+ #
+ controller['circuits_remaining'] = []
+ controller['circuit_ids'] = []
+ controller['circuit_verbose'] = []
+ #
+ logging.info('Setting up controller id={}'.format(controller['id']))
+ #
+ for y in range(streams_per_client):
+ circuit_id = None
+ #
+ while circuit_id is None:
+ #circuit = [random.choice(relay_fingerprints), target_relay]
+ first_relay = random.choice(other_relays)
+ exit_relay = target_relay
+ #circuit = [target_relay, exit_relay]
+ circuit = [first_relay, exit_relay]
+ #
+ #if [desc.exit_policy.can_exit_to(*endpoint) for desc in consensus if desc.fingerprint==exit_relay][0] is False:
+ # logging.info('Relay {} can\'t exit!'.format(exit_relay))
+ # all_circuits_okay = False
+ #
+ try:
+ circuit_id = controller['connection'].new_circuit(circuit, await_build=True)
+ logging.info('New circuit (id={}): {}'.format(circuit_id, circuit))
+ except stem.CircuitExtensionFailed:
+ logging.info('Failed circuit: {}'.format(circuit))
+ logging.warning('Circuit creation failed. Retrying...')
+ #
+ #
+ #try:
+ # circuit_id = controller['connection'].new_circuit(circuit, await_build=True)
+ #except stem.CircuitExtensionFailed:
+ # for c in controllers:
+ # c['connection'].close()
+ # #
+ # for c in clients:
+ # c['process'].kill()
+ # #
+ # raise
+ #
+ controller['circuits_remaining'].append(circuit_id)
+ controller['circuit_ids'].append(circuit_id)
+ controller['circuit_verbose'].append(circuit)
+ time.sleep(0.5)#1.5
+ #
+ def attach_stream(stream, controller):
+ try:
+ if stream.status == 'NEW':
+ # by default, let tor handle new streams
+ circuit_id = 0
+ #
+ if stream.purpose == 'USER':
+ # this is probably one of our streams (although not guaranteed)
+ circuit_id = controller['circuits_remaining'][0]
+ controller['circuits_remaining'] = controller['circuits_remaining'][1:]
+ #
+ try:
+ controller['connection'].attach_stream(stream.id, circuit_id)
+ #logging.info('Attaching to circuit {}'.format(circuit_id))
+ except stem.UnsatisfiableRequest:
+ if stream.purpose != 'USER':
+ # could not attach a non-user stream, so probably raised:
+ # stem.UnsatisfiableRequest: Connection is not managed by controller.
+ # therefore we should ignore this exception
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ except:
+ logging.exception('Error while attaching the stream (controller_id={}, circuit_id={}).'.format(controller['id'], circuit_id))
+ raise
+ #
+ #
+ controller['connection'].add_event_listener(lambda x, controller=controller: attach_stream(x, controller),
+ stem.control.EventType.STREAM)
+ controller['connection'].set_conf('__LeaveStreamsUnattached', '1')
+ #
+ '''
+ if not all_circuits_okay:
+ for c in clients:
+ if 'process' in c:
+ c['process'].kill()
+ #
+ #
+ raise Exception('Not all circuits can exit! Stopping...')
+ #
+ '''
+ processes = {}
+ circuits = {}
+ process_counter = 0
+ finished_processes = multiprocessing.Queue()
+ #
+ logging.info('Starting protocols')
+ #
+ wait_time = int(time.time()+30)
+ #
+ for stream_index in range(streams_per_client):
+ for client_index in range(len(clients)):
+ client_socket = socket.socket()
+ protocols = []
+ #
+ proxy_username = bytes([z for z in os.urandom(12) if z != 0])
+ proxy_endpoint = ('', clients[client_index]['socks_port'])
+ #
+ logging.debug('Socket %d connecting to proxy %r...', client_socket.fileno(), proxy_endpoint)
+ client_socket.connect(proxy_endpoint)
+ logging.debug('Socket %d connected', client_socket.fileno())
+ #
+ proxy_protocol = basic_protocols.Socks4Protocol(client_socket, endpoint, username=proxy_username)
+ protocols.append(proxy_protocol)
+ #
+ wait_until = wait_time+random.randint(0, args.wait_range)
+ #
+ if args.measureme:
+ control_port = clients[client_index]['control_port']
+ controller = controllers[client_index]['connection']
+ circuit_id = controllers[client_index]['circuit_ids'][stream_index]
+ measureme_id = stream_index*streams_per_client + client_index + 1
+ #print('Data: {}, {}'.format(circuit_id, measureme_id))
+ #measureme_cb = lambda control_port=control_port, circuit_id=circuit_id, measureme_id=measureme_id: connect_and_send_measureme(control_port, circuit_id, measureme_id, 2) <---- need to change this to also send to hop 0
+ #measureme_cb = lambda controller=controller, circuit_id=circuit_id, measureme_id=measureme_id: send_all_measuremes(controller, circuit_id, measureme_id)
+ #measureme_cb()
+ if args.num_clients==0:
+ # using Chutney
+ hops = [2, 1, 0]
+ else:
+ hops = [0]
+ #
+ start_cb = lambda control_port=control_port, circuit_id=circuit_id, measureme_id=measureme_id, \
+ until=wait_until, hops=hops: \
+ push_start_measureme_cb(control_port, circuit_id, measureme_id, until, hops)
+ circuit_bytes = (controllers[client_index]['circuit_verbose'][stream_index][0]+':'+str(measureme_id)).encode('utf-8')
+ else:
+ start_cb = lambda until=wait_until: time.sleep(until-time.time())
+ circuit_bytes = (controllers[client_index]['circuit_verbose'][stream_index][0]).encode('utf-8')
+ #
+ throughput_protocol = throughput_protocols.ClientProtocol(client_socket, args.num_bytes,
+# wait_until=wait_time+random.randint(0, args.wait_range),
+ group_id=wait_time,
+ custom_data=circuit_bytes,
+ send_buffer_len=args.buffer_len,
+ use_acceleration=(not args.no_accel),
+ push_start_cb=start_cb)
+ protocols.append(throughput_protocol)
+ #
+ combined_protocol = basic_protocols.ChainedProtocol(protocols)
+ processes[process_counter] = start_client_process(combined_protocol, process_counter, finished_processes)
+ circuits[process_counter] = controllers[client_index]['circuit_verbose'][stream_index]
+ process_counter += 1
+ client_socket.close()
+ #
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ #
+ #
+ if wait_time is not None:
+ logging.info('Starting in {:.2f} seconds'.format(wait_time-time.time()))
+ #
+ try:
+ while len(processes) > 0:
+ logging.info('Waiting for processes ({} left)'.format(len(processes)))
+ (p_id, error) = finished_processes.get()
+ p = processes[p_id]
+ p.join()
+ processes.pop(p_id)
+ if error:
+ logging.info('Circuit with error: '+str(circuits[p_id]))
+ #
+ circuits.pop(p_id)
+ #
+ except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
+ print()
+ for p_id in processes:
+ processes[p_id].terminate()
+ #
+ #
+ logging.info('Processes finished')
+ #
+ for c in controllers:
+ c['connection'].close()
+ #
+ for c in clients:
+ if 'process' in c:
+ c['process'].terminate()
+ #
+ #