@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+diff --git a/src/app/config/config.c b/src/app/config/config.c
+index deda2448b..059ab0d76 100644
+--- a/src/app/config/config.c
++++ b/src/app/config/config.c
+@@ -759,6 +759,7 @@ static const config_var_t option_vars_[] = {
+ V(TestingDirAuthVoteHSDirIsStrict, BOOL, "0"),
+ VAR_INVIS("___UsingTestNetworkDefaults", BOOL, UsingTestNetworkDefaults_,
+ "0"),
++ V(ThroughputLogFile, FILENAME, NULL),
+ };
+@@ -3247,6 +3248,8 @@ warn_about_relative_paths(or_options_t *options)
+ n += warn_if_option_path_is_relative("PidFile",options->PidFile);
+ n += warn_if_option_path_is_relative("ClientOnionAuthDir",
+ options->ClientOnionAuthDir);
++ n += warn_if_option_path_is_relative("ThroughputLogFile",
++ options->ThroughputLogFile);
+ for (config_line_t *hs_line = options->RendConfigLines; hs_line;
+ hs_line = hs_line->next) {
+diff --git a/src/app/config/or_options_st.h b/src/app/config/or_options_st.h
+index 32dcd9fb1..5ae69f68a 100644
+--- a/src/app/config/or_options_st.h
++++ b/src/app/config/or_options_st.h
+@@ -1109,6 +1109,8 @@ struct or_options_t {
+ **/
+ int DormantCanceledByStartup;
++ char *ThroughputLogFile;
+ /**
+ * Configuration objects for individual modules.
+ *
+diff --git a/src/core/include.am b/src/core/include.am
+index 9b4b251c8..9c2796173 100644
+--- a/src/core/include.am
++++ b/src/core/include.am
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ LIBTOR_APP_A_SOURCES = \
+ src/core/mainloop/mainloop_sys.c \
+ src/core/mainloop/netstatus.c \
+ src/core/mainloop/periodic.c \
++ src/core/mainloop/throughput_logging.c \
+ src/core/or/address_set.c \
+ src/core/or/channel.c \
+ src/core/or/channelpadding.c \
+@@ -233,6 +234,7 @@ noinst_HEADERS += \
+ src/core/mainloop/mainloop_sys.h \
+ src/core/mainloop/netstatus.h \
+ src/core/mainloop/periodic.h \
++ src/core/mainloop/throughput_logging.h \
+ src/core/or/addr_policy_st.h \
+ src/core/or/address_set.h \
+ src/core/or/cell_queue_st.h \
+diff --git a/src/core/mainloop/connection.c b/src/core/mainloop/connection.c
+index 6094f33e4..39d5ac951 100644
+--- a/src/core/mainloop/connection.c
++++ b/src/core/mainloop/connection.c
+@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
+ #include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
+ #include "core/mainloop/mainloop.h"
+ #include "core/mainloop/netstatus.h"
++#include "core/mainloop/throughput_logging.h"
+ #include "core/or/channel.h"
+ #include "core/or/channeltls.h"
+ #include "core/or/circuitbuild.h"
+@@ -175,7 +176,8 @@ static int connection_finished_connecting(connection_t *conn);
+ static int connection_reached_eof(connection_t *conn);
+ static int connection_buf_read_from_socket(connection_t *conn,
+ ssize_t *max_to_read,
+- int *socket_error);
++ int *socket_error,
++ monotime_coarse_t *now);
+ static int connection_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn, int package_partial);
+ static void client_check_address_changed(tor_socket_t sock);
+ static void set_constrained_socket_buffers(tor_socket_t sock, int size);
+@@ -3580,7 +3582,9 @@ connection_handle_read_impl(connection_t *conn)
+ conn->timestamp_last_read_allowed = approx_time();
+- connection_bucket_refill_single(conn, monotime_coarse_get_stamp());
++ monotime_coarse_t now;
++ monotime_coarse_get(&now);
++ connection_bucket_refill_single(conn, monotime_coarse_to_stamp(&now));
+ switch (conn->type) {
+@@ -3607,7 +3611,7 @@ connection_handle_read_impl(connection_t *conn)
+ tor_assert(!conn->marked_for_close);
+ before = buf_datalen(conn->inbuf);
+- if (connection_buf_read_from_socket(conn, &max_to_read, &socket_error) < 0) {
++ if (connection_buf_read_from_socket(conn, &max_to_read, &socket_error, &now) < 0) {
+ /* There's a read error; kill the connection.*/
+ if (conn->type == CONN_TYPE_OR) {
+ connection_or_notify_error(TO_OR_CONN(conn),
+@@ -3704,7 +3708,7 @@ connection_handle_read(connection_t *conn)
+ */
+ static int
+ connection_buf_read_from_socket(connection_t *conn, ssize_t *max_to_read,
+- int *socket_error)
++ int *socket_error, monotime_coarse_t *now)
+ {
+ int result;
+ ssize_t at_most = *max_to_read;
+@@ -3802,6 +3806,7 @@ connection_buf_read_from_socket(connection_t *conn, ssize_t *max_to_read,
+ tor_tls_get_n_raw_bytes(or_conn->tls, &n_read, &n_written);
+ log_debug(LD_GENERAL, "After TLS read of %d: %ld read, %ld written",
+ result, (long)n_read, (long)n_written);
++ log_recv_bytes(result, now);
+ } else if (conn->linked) {
+ if (conn->linked_conn) {
+ result = buf_move_to_buf(conn->inbuf, conn->linked_conn->outbuf,
+@@ -4009,7 +4014,9 @@ connection_handle_write_impl(connection_t *conn, int force)
+ conn->timestamp_last_write_allowed = now;
+- connection_bucket_refill_single(conn, monotime_coarse_get_stamp());
++ monotime_coarse_t now_coarse;
++ monotime_coarse_get(&now_coarse);
++ connection_bucket_refill_single(conn, monotime_coarse_to_stamp(&now_coarse));
+ /* Sometimes, "writable" means "connected". */
+ if (connection_state_is_connecting(conn)) {
+@@ -4148,6 +4155,7 @@ connection_handle_write_impl(connection_t *conn, int force)
+ * the *_buf_tls functions, we should make them return ssize_t or size_t
+ * or something. */
+ result = (int)(initial_size-buf_datalen(conn->outbuf));
++ log_sent_bytes(result, &now_coarse);
+ } else {
+ result = buf_flush_to_socket(conn->outbuf, conn->s,
+diff --git a/src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c b/src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c
+index c47e44077..48b415db5 100644
+--- a/src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c
++++ b/src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c
+@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
+ #include "core/mainloop/mainloop.h"
+ #include "core/mainloop/netstatus.h"
+ #include "core/mainloop/periodic.h"
++#include "core/mainloop/throughput_logging.h"
+ #include "core/or/channel.h"
+ #include "core/or/channelpadding.h"
+ #include "core/or/channeltls.h"
+@@ -2339,6 +2340,14 @@ do_main_loop(void)
+ periodic_events_connect_all();
++ bool logging_throughput = (get_options()->ThroughputLogFile != NULL &&
++ strlen(get_options()->ThroughputLogFile) != 0);
++ if (logging_throughput) {
++ init_throughput_logging(1);
++ init_thread_throughput_logging(0);
++ }
+ struct timeval one_second = { 1, 0 };
+ initialize_periodic_events_event = tor_evtimer_new(
+ tor_libevent_get_base(),
+@@ -2391,7 +2400,15 @@ do_main_loop(void)
+ }
+ #endif /* defined(ENABLE_RESTART_DEBUGGING) */
+- return run_main_loop_until_done();
++ int rv = run_main_loop_until_done();
++ if (logging_throughput) {
++ destroy_thread_throughput_logging();
++ write_throughput_log(get_options()->ThroughputLogFile);
++ destroy_throughput_logging();
++ }
++ return rv;
+ }
+ #ifndef _WIN32
+diff --git a/src/core/mainloop/throughput_logging.c b/src/core/mainloop/throughput_logging.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..ee99de1e5
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/core/mainloop/throughput_logging.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
++#include <stdbool.h>
++#include <stddef.h>
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <sys/time.h>
++#include "core/mainloop/throughput_logging.h"
++#include "lib/lock/compat_mutex.h"
++#include "lib/smartlist_core/smartlist_core.h"
++#include "lib/thread/threads.h"
++#include "lib/malloc/malloc.h"
++#include "lib/log/util_bug.h"
++const unsigned int timestep_ms = 500;
++bool throughput_logging_enabled = false;
++monotime_coarse_t throughput_logging_coarse_start_time;
++// NOTE: we don't lock these variables, so make sure they are set
++// before any threads have started, and that they don't change
++// while threads are running
++double throughput_logging_wall_start_time;
++tor_mutex_t throughput_logging_lock;
++smartlist_t **sent_lists = NULL;
++smartlist_t **recv_lists = NULL;
++tor_mutex_t *bytes_list_mutexes = NULL;
++int relay_bytes_lists_len = -1;
++tor_threadlocal_t thread_sent_list;
++tor_threadlocal_t thread_recv_list;
++tor_threadlocal_t thread_logging_mutex;
++// only call if no threads are running
++init_throughput_logging(int num_threads)
++ tor_assert(!throughput_logging_enabled);
++ tor_mutex_init(&throughput_logging_lock);
++ tor_mutex_acquire(&throughput_logging_lock);
++ relay_bytes_lists_len = num_threads;
++ monotime_coarse_get(&throughput_logging_coarse_start_time);
++ struct timeval ts;
++ gettimeofday(&ts, NULL);
++ throughput_logging_wall_start_time = ts.tv_sec+(ts.tv_usec/1000000.0);
++ sent_lists = tor_malloc_zero(num_threads*sizeof(smartlist_t *));
++ recv_lists = tor_malloc_zero(num_threads*sizeof(smartlist_t *));
++ bytes_list_mutexes = tor_malloc_zero(num_threads*sizeof(tor_mutex_t));
++ for (int i=0; i<num_threads; i++) {
++ tor_mutex_init(&bytes_list_mutexes[i]);
++ tor_mutex_acquire(&bytes_list_mutexes[i]);
++ sent_lists[i] = smartlist_new();
++ recv_lists[i] = smartlist_new();
++ tor_mutex_release(&bytes_list_mutexes[i]);
++ }
++ tor_threadlocal_init(&thread_sent_list);
++ tor_threadlocal_init(&thread_recv_list);
++ tor_threadlocal_init(&thread_logging_mutex);
++ throughput_logging_enabled = true;
++ tor_mutex_release(&throughput_logging_lock);
++// only call if no threads are running
++ tor_assert(throughput_logging_enabled);
++ tor_mutex_acquire(&throughput_logging_lock);
++ for (int i=0; i<relay_bytes_lists_len; i++) {
++ tor_mutex_acquire(&bytes_list_mutexes[i]);
++ smartlist_free(sent_lists[i]);
++ smartlist_free(recv_lists[i]);
++ sent_lists[i] = NULL;
++ recv_lists[i] = NULL;
++ tor_mutex_release(&bytes_list_mutexes[i]);
++ tor_mutex_uninit(&bytes_list_mutexes[i]);
++ }
++ tor_free(bytes_list_mutexes);
++ tor_free(sent_lists);
++ tor_free(recv_lists);
++ relay_bytes_lists_len = -1;
++ tor_threadlocal_destroy(&thread_sent_list);
++ tor_threadlocal_destroy(&thread_recv_list);
++ tor_threadlocal_destroy(&thread_logging_mutex);
++ throughput_logging_enabled = false;
++ tor_mutex_release(&throughput_logging_lock);
++ tor_mutex_uninit(&throughput_logging_lock);
++init_thread_throughput_logging(int thread_id)
++ tor_assert(throughput_logging_enabled);
++ tor_mutex_acquire(&throughput_logging_lock);
++ tor_assert(thread_id < relay_bytes_lists_len && thread_id >= 0);
++ tor_threadlocal_set(&thread_logging_mutex, &bytes_list_mutexes[thread_id]);
++ tor_mutex_acquire(&bytes_list_mutexes[thread_id]);
++ // we acquire this mutex for the lifetime of the thread, hope nobody
++ // tries to acquire it :)
++ tor_threadlocal_set(&thread_sent_list, sent_lists[thread_id]);
++ tor_threadlocal_set(&thread_recv_list, recv_lists[thread_id]);
++ tor_mutex_release(&throughput_logging_lock);
++ tor_assert(throughput_logging_enabled);
++ tor_threadlocal_set(&thread_sent_list, NULL);
++ tor_threadlocal_set(&thread_recv_list, NULL);
++ tor_mutex_t *mutex = tor_threadlocal_get(&thread_logging_mutex);
++ if (mutex != NULL) {
++ tor_mutex_release(mutex);
++ tor_threadlocal_set(&thread_logging_mutex, NULL);
++ }
++static void
++log_throughput(smartlist_t *list, uint32_t bytes, monotime_coarse_t *time)
++ tor_assert(throughput_logging_enabled);
++ int64_t ms_since_start = monotime_coarse_diff_msec(&throughput_logging_coarse_start_time, time);
++ int list_index = ms_since_start/timestep_ms;
++ if (list_index >= smartlist_len(list)) {
++ // need to grow the list
++ int additional_elements = (60000-1)/timestep_ms + 1;
++ // want an extra 60 seconds, and we want the ceil
++ int new_size = (list_index+1)+additional_elements;
++ // want enough room to store the current value, plus an extra 60 seconds
++ smartlist_grow(list, new_size);
++ }
++ uint32_t old_bytes = (intptr_t)smartlist_get(list, list_index);
++ uint32_t new_bytes = old_bytes+bytes;
++ if (new_bytes < old_bytes) {
++ new_bytes = UINT32_MAX;
++ }
++ smartlist_set(list, list_index, (void *)(intptr_t)new_bytes);
++log_sent_bytes(uint32_t bytes, monotime_coarse_t *now)
++ if (bytes > 0 && throughput_logging_enabled) {
++ smartlist_t *sent_list = tor_threadlocal_get(&thread_sent_list);
++ tor_assert(sent_list != NULL);
++ log_throughput(sent_list, bytes, now);
++ }
++log_recv_bytes(uint32_t bytes, monotime_coarse_t *now)
++ if (bytes > 0 && throughput_logging_enabled) {
++ smartlist_t *recv_list = tor_threadlocal_get(&thread_recv_list);
++ tor_assert(recv_list != NULL);
++ log_throughput(recv_list, bytes, now);
++ }
++// only run this function when the threads have finished
++write_throughput_log(char *file_name)
++ if (!throughput_logging_enabled) {
++ log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Throughput logging was not set up, so didn't write to log file");
++ return;
++ }
++ tor_mutex_acquire(&throughput_logging_lock);
++ if (file_name == NULL || strlen(file_name) == 0) {
++ log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Was not given a file name for the throughput log");
++ tor_mutex_release(&throughput_logging_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ FILE *log_file = fopen(file_name, "w");
++ if (log_file == NULL) {
++ log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Could not open throughput log file %s", file_name);
++ tor_mutex_release(&throughput_logging_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ for (int i=0; i<relay_bytes_lists_len; i++) {
++ tor_mutex_acquire(&bytes_list_mutexes[i]);
++ // this will block if any threads have not finished
++ }
++ struct timeval ts;
++ gettimeofday(&ts, NULL);
++ double current_time = ts.tv_sec+(ts.tv_usec/1000000.0);
++ // write header
++ fprintf(log_file, "time ");
++ for (int i=0; i<relay_bytes_lists_len; i++) {
++ for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
++ fprintf(log_file, ", thrd %d %s", 0, (j==0)?"sent":"recv");
++ }
++ }
++ fprintf(log_file, "\n");
++ // write data
++ bool thread_had_data = true;
++ int time_index = 0;
++ while (thread_had_data) {
++ // write line
++ thread_had_data = false;
++ double logging_time = throughput_logging_wall_start_time+(time_index*timestep_ms/1000.0);
++ fprintf(log_file, "%.3f", logging_time);
++ for (int i=0; i<relay_bytes_lists_len; i++) {
++ // write column
++ smartlist_t *sent_list = sent_lists[i];
++ smartlist_t *recv_list = recv_lists[i];
++ uint32_t bytes_sent = 0;
++ uint32_t bytes_recv = 0;
++ if (time_index < smartlist_len(sent_list)) {
++ bytes_sent = (intptr_t)smartlist_get(sent_list, time_index);
++ if (logging_time <= current_time || bytes_sent != 0) {
++ thread_had_data = true;
++ }
++ }
++ if (time_index < smartlist_len(recv_list)) {
++ bytes_recv = (intptr_t)smartlist_get(recv_list, time_index);
++ if (logging_time <= current_time || bytes_recv != 0) {
++ thread_had_data = true;
++ }
++ }
++ fprintf(log_file, ", %11"PRIu32", %11"PRIu32, bytes_sent, bytes_recv);
++ }
++ time_index += 1;
++ fprintf(log_file, "\n");
++ }
++ for (int i=0; i<relay_bytes_lists_len; i++) {
++ tor_mutex_release(&bytes_list_mutexes[i]);
++ }
++ fclose(log_file);
++ tor_mutex_release(&throughput_logging_lock);
+diff --git a/src/core/mainloop/throughput_logging.h b/src/core/mainloop/throughput_logging.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..3c39cd435
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/core/mainloop/throughput_logging.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
++#include "lib/time/compat_time.h"
++// the main thread should run the following before any threads have been
++// created
++void init_throughput_logging(int num_threads);
++// the main thread should run the following after all threads have completed
++void destroy_throughput_logging(void);
++// each thread should run the following
++void init_thread_throughput_logging(int thread_id);
++void destroy_thread_throughput_logging(void);
++// each thread should log the sent and received bytes with the following
++void log_sent_bytes(uint32_t bytes, monotime_coarse_t *now);
++void log_recv_bytes(uint32_t bytes, monotime_coarse_t *now);
++// the file should be written to after all threads have finished but before
++// calling 'destroy_throughput_logging()'
++void write_throughput_log(char *file_name);