@@ -1499,6 +1499,108 @@ circuit_mark_for_close_(circuit_t *circ, int reason, int line,
+ * recover memory. */
+static void
+marked_circuit_free_cells(circuit_t *circ)
+ if (!circ->marked_for_close) {
+ log_warn(LD_BUG, "Called on non-marked circuit");
+ return;
+ }
+ cell_queue_clear(&circ->n_conn_cells);
+ if (! CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ))
+ cell_queue_clear(& TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circ)->p_conn_cells);
+static size_t
+n_cells_in_circ_queues(const circuit_t *c)
+ size_t n = c->n_conn_cells.n;
+ n += TO_OR_CIRCUIT((circuit_t*)c)->p_conn_cells.n;
+ return n;
+ * order. */
+static int
+circuits_compare_by_queue_len_(const void **a_, const void **b_)
+ const circuit_t *a = *a_;
+ const circuit_t *b = *b_;
+ size_t a_n = n_cells_in_circ_queues(a);
+ size_t b_n = n_cells_in_circ_queues(b);
+ if (a_n < b_n)
+ return 1;
+ else if (a_n == b_n)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ * bytes' worth. Kill the 'worst' circuits until we're under
+ * FRACTION_OF_CIRCS_TO_RETAIN_ON_OOM of our maximum usage. */
+circuits_handle_oom(size_t current_allocation)
+ smartlist_t *circlist = smartlist_new();
+ circuit_t *circ;
+ size_t n_cells_removed=0, n_cells_to_remove;
+ int n_circuits_killed=0;
+ log_notice(LD_GENERAL, "We're low on memory. Killing circuits with "
+ "over-long queues. (This behavior is controlled by "
+ "MaxMemInCellQueues.)");
+ {
+ size_t mem_target = (size_t)(get_options()->MaxMemInCellQueues *
+ size_t mem_to_recover;
+ if (current_allocation <= mem_target)
+ return;
+ mem_to_recover = current_allocation - mem_target;
+ n_cells_to_remove = CEIL_DIV(mem_to_recover, packed_cell_mem_cost());
+ }
+ * to actually run it. */
+ for (circ = global_circuitlist; circ; circ = circ->next)
+ smartlist_add(circlist, circ);
+ * Let's hope this doesn't happen enough to be in the critical path. */
+ smartlist_sort(circlist, circuits_compare_by_queue_len_);
+ * them, and reclaim their storage aggressively. */
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(circlist, circuit_t *, circ) {
+ size_t n = n_cells_in_circ_queues(circ);
+ if (! circ->marked_for_close) {
+ circuit_mark_for_close(circ, END_CIRC_REASON_RESOURCELIMIT);
+ }
+ marked_circuit_free_cells(circ);
+ ++n_circuits_killed;
+ n_cells_removed += n;
+ if (n_cells_removed >= n_cells_to_remove)
+ break;
+ clean_cell_pool();
+ log_notice(LD_GENERAL, "Removed "U64_FORMAT" bytes by killing %d circuits.",
+ U64_PRINTF_ARG(n_cells_removed * packed_cell_mem_cost()),
+ n_circuits_killed);
+ smartlist_free(circlist);
* correct. Trigger an assert if anything is invalid.