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Merge commit 'sebastian/oldstuff'


Roger Dingledine 15 years ago
41 changed files with 4 additions and 19165 deletions
  1. 0 41
  2. 4 0
  3. 0 73
  4. 0 52
  5. 0 41
  6. 0 357
  7. 0 21
  8. 0 2112
  9. BIN
  10. 0 1894
  11. 0 189
  12. 0 49
  13. BIN
  14. BIN
  15. BIN
  16. 0 1505
  17. 0 1612
  18. 0 168
  19. BIN
  20. 0 143
  21. BIN
  22. 0 463
  23. 0 122
  24. BIN
  25. BIN
  26. 0 1122
  27. 0 1016
  28. 0 353
  29. 0 1493
  30. 0 2488
  31. BIN
  32. 0 1988
  33. 0 96
  34. 0 7
  35. BIN
  36. BIN
  37. BIN
  38. 0 690
  39. BIN
  40. 0 895
  41. 0 175

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-                    This file lists the authors for Tor,
-        a free software project to provide anonymity on the Internet.
-       For more information about Tor, see
-             If you got this file as a part of a larger bundle,
-        there are probably other authors that you should be aware of.
-Main authors:
-Roger Dingledine <> overhauled all of the code, did
-a bunch of new design work, etc.
-Nick Mathewson <> wrote lots of stuff too, in
-particular the router and descriptor parsing, and the crypto and tls
-Matej Pfajfar <> wrote the first version of the code
-(called OR) in 2001-2002.
-John Bashinski <> contributed the initial rpm spec file.
-Christian Grothoff <> contributed better daemonizing
-Steven Hazel <> made 'make install' do the right
-Jason Holt <> contributed patches to the instructions
-and the man page.
-Peter Palfrader <> maintains everything that's
-debian-specific, and has written other useful features.
-Aaron Turner <> contributed the first version of
-the initscripts shell script.

+ 4 - 0

@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ Changes in version - 2010-??-??
     - Remove the --enable-iphone option.  According to reports from
       Marco Bonetti, Tor builds fine without any special tweaking on
       recent iPhone SDK versions.
+    - Removed some unnecessary files from the source distribution. The
+      AUTHORS file had its content merged into the people page on the
+      website. The roadmaps and design doc can now be found in the
+      projects directory in svn.
   o Removed features:
     - Stop shipping parts of the website and the design paper in the

+ 0 - 73

@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# A script to turn Tor SOCKS4a in Privoxy on or off.
-CONFFILE=/etc/privoxy/config            # privoxy config file.
-TOR_REG="forward.*localhost:9050"       # Regular expression to find Tor in privoxy
-PRIVOXY="/etc/init.d/privoxy restart"   # command to reload privoxy config file.
-SED="/bin/sed"                          # sed command, of course.
-GREP="/bin/grep"                        # grep command.
-usage () {
-echo "\
-privoxy-tor-toggle: Change Privoxy's configuration to use/not use Tor.
-   privoxy.tor                  <-- Switch Tor on or off.
-   privoxy.tor [on|off]         <-- Set Tor on or off.
-   privoxy.tor status           <-- Display Tor's current status.
-   privoxy.tor [-h|--help|-?]   <-- Print usage.
-# Find out the current status of tor. Set $tor_status
-get_status () {
-   gret=`$GREP -l -e "^$TOR_REG"  $CONFFILE`
-   if [ x$gret = x ] ; then
-        tor_status=off;
-   else
-        tor_status=on;
-   fi
-   return
-# Turn tor on/off according to $1
-set_tor () {
-   tor_gate=$1
-   get_status
-   if [ $tor_status = $tor_gate ] ; then
-      echo "Tor is already $1."
-      return
-   elif [ $tor_gate = flip ] ; then
-        if [ $tor_status = on ] ; then
-                tor_gate=off
-        elif [ $tor_status = off ] ; then
-                tor_gate=on
-        fi
-   fi
-   echo "Turning Tor $tor_gate..."
-   if [ $tor_gate = on ] ; then
-        reg=s/^#\($TOR_REG\)/\\1/
-        $SED -i.bak -r "$reg"  $CONFFILE
-   else
-        reg=s/^\($TOR_REG\)/#\\1/
-        $SED -i.bak -r "$reg" $CONFFILE
-   fi
-   return 0;
-if [ x$1 = x ] ; then
-   set_tor flip
-elif [ $1 = on ] ; then
-   set_tor on
-elif [ $1 = off ] ; then
-   set_tor off
-elif [ $1 = status ] ; then
-   get_status
-   echo "Tor is $tor_status"
-elif [ $1 = --help ] || [ $1 = -h ] || [ $1 = "-?" ] ; then
-   usage
-   exit 0
-   echo "Unrecognized option: \"$1\""

+ 0 - 52

@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Re: Anonymous/Nonymous Communication Coexisting?
-Kristian Köhntopp <>
-Fri, 10 Jun 2005 08:56:19 +0200
-On Wednesday 08 June 2005 04:20, wrote:
->> Is it possible to have a single application, such as a web
->> browser or a p2p client behave normally with normal url's but
->> use tor if the url is an xyz.onion address? Or is it
->> everything or nothing?
-This is basically a question of using your proxy or not. You can 
-control the behaviour of your browser in great detail writing a 
-proxy.pac program in Javascript and setting that program as the 
-proxy autoconfiguration URL in your browser.
-An example:
-kris@jordan01:~> cat /srv/www/htdocs/proxy.pac
-function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
-        var proxy_yes = "PROXY";
-        var proxy_no  = "DIRECT";
-        // Redirect all accesses to mlan hosts to the mlan proxy
-        if (dnsDomainIs(host, "")) {
-                return proxy_yes;
-        }
-        // Everything else is direct
-        return proxy_no;
-So here the program checks if the destination is a mlan-Host, and 
-if so, uses the appropriate proxy on jordan for the access, 
-while all other accesses are direct.
-You could do a similar thing with .onion accesses with a trivial 

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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-  <publisher>
-    <name>The Tor Project</name>
-    <url></url>
-  </publisher>
-  <license>
-    <name>BSD</name>
-    <url></url>
-  </license>
-  <identity>Tor</identity>
-  <version>@VERSION@</version>
-  <copyright>2007 The Tor Project, Inc.</copyright>
-  <description>Anonymity Online</description>
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-        <url type="http" location="ca"></url>
-        <url type="http" location="ca"></url>
-        <url type="http" location="ch"></url>
-        <url type="http" location="cn"></url>
-      </resources>
-    </file>
-  </files>

+ 0 - 357

@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
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-%center, size 9, font "thick", back "white", fore "black"
-%size 8
-Next-generation Onion Routing
-%size 7
-Roger Dingledine
-Nick Mathewson
-Paul Syverson
-The Free Haven Project
-%font "typewriter", fore "blue"
-Low-latency anonymity system
-Deployed: 20 nodes, hundreds (?) of users
-Many improvements on earlier design
-Free software -- modified BSD license
-Design is not covered by earlier onion routing
-Uses SOCKS to interface with client apps
-We have working code
-(14 kloc of C)
-and a design document,
-and a byte-level specification,
-and a Debian package (in Unstable)
-Works on Linux, BSD, OSX, Cygwin, ...
-User-space, doesn't need kernel mods or root
-%size 9
-%%Talk Overview
-%%A bit about Onion Routing
-%%Improvements we've made
-%%Some related work
-%%Ask me questions
-Anonymity: Who needs it?
-Private citizens
-	advocacy, counseling, whistleblowing, reporting, ...
-%size 6
-Higher-level protocols
-	voting, e-cash, auctions
-%size 6
-Government applications
-	research, law enforcement
-%size 6
-Business applications
-%size 5
-(hide relationships and volumes of communication)
-	Who is visiting job sites?
-	Which groups are talking to patent lawyers?
-	Who are your suppliers and customers?
-	Is the CEO talking to a buyout partner?
-Anonymity is a network effect
-	Systems need traffic (many low-sensitivity users) to attract the high-sensitivity users
-	Most users do not value anonymity much
-	Weak security (fast system) can mean more users
-		which can mean 
-%cont, font "italic"
-%cont, font "standard"
-	High-sensitivity agents have incentive to run nodes
-		so they can be certain first node in their path is good
-		to attract traffic for their messages
-	There can be an optimal level of free-riding
-Onion Routing is...
-An overlay network
-Users build virtual circuits through the network
-One layer of encryption at each hop
-Fixed-size cells
-Tor's goals
-Conservative design
-	minimize new design work needed
-%size 6
-Support testing of future research
-Design for deployment; deploy for use
-Threat model -- what we aim for
-Protect against somebody watching Alice
-Protect against curious Bob
-Protect against `some' curious nodes in the middle
-Differences / limitations
-We're TCP-only, not all IP (but we're user-space and very portable)
-Not as strong as high-latency systems (Mixmaster, Mixminion)
-Not peer-to-peer
-No protocol normalization
-Not unobservable (no steg, etc)
-Perfect forward secrecy
-Telescoping circuit
-	negotiates keys at each hop
-	no more need for replay detection
-No mixing, padding, traffic shaping (yet)
-Please show us they're worth the usability tradeoff
-%%Many TCP streams can share one circuit
-Many TCP streams share a circuit
-Previous designs built a new circuit for each stream
-	lots of public key ops per request
-	plus anonymity dangers from making so many circuits
-Leaky-pipe circuit topology
-Alice can direct cells to any node in her circuit
-	So we can support long-range padding,
-	have multiple streams exiting at different places in the circuit
-	etc
-%size 6
-Unclear whether this is dangerous or useful
-More research needed
-Congestion control
-Simple rate limiting
-Plus have to keep internal nodes from overflowing
-(Can't use global state or inter-node control)
-Directory servers
-To solve the `introduction' problem
-Approve new servers
-Tell clients who's up right now
-	plus their keys, location, etc
-Variable exit policies
-Each server allows different outgoing connections
-E.g. no servers allow outgoing mail currently
-End-to-end integrity checking
-In previous onion routing, an insider could change
-the text being transmitted:
-"dir" => "rm *"
-Even an external adversary could do this!
-Rendezvous points
-allow hidden services
-don't need (brittle) reply onions
-	Access-controlled: Bob can control who he talks to
-	Robust: Bob's service is available even when some Tor nodes go down
-	Smear-resistant: Evil service can't frame a rendezvous router
-	Application-transparent: Don't need to modify Bob's apache
-%size 6
-(Not implemented yet)
-How do we compare security?
-Assume adversary owns c of n nodes
-	can choose which
-%size 6
-What's the chance for a random Alice and Bob that he wins?
-Freedom, Tor: (c/n)^2
-Peekabooty, six-four, etc: c/n
-Jap (if no padding): 1 if c>1
-Anonymizer: 1 if c>0
-Future work
-Threshold directory agreement
-Scalability: Morphmix/p2p extensions?
-Restricted-route (non-clique topology)
-Non-TCP transport
-Implement rendezvous points
-Make it work better
-We have working code
-Plus a design document,
-and a byte-level specification
-and a Debian package (in Unstable)
-%size 9
-%size 6
-Privacy Enhancing Technologies workshop
-%size 9

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-cell-struct.eps: cell-struct.fig
-	fig2dev -L eps $< $@
-interaction.eps: interaction.fig
-	fig2dev -L eps $< $@
-cell-struct.pdf: cell-struct.fig
-	fig2dev -L pdf $< $@
-interaction.pdf: interaction.fig
-	fig2dev -L pdf $< $@
- cell-struct.eps interaction.eps tor-design.bib tor-design.tex usenix.sty latex8.bst
-	latex tor-design.tex
-	bibtex tor-design
-	latex tor-design.tex
-	latex tor-design.tex
-	dvips -o $@ tor-design.dvi
-tor-design.pdf: cell-struct.pdf interaction.pdf tor-design.bib tor-design.tex usenix.sty latex8.bst
-	pdflatex tor-design.tex
-	bibtex tor-design
-	pdflatex tor-design.tex
-	pdflatex tor-design.tex

+ 0 - 2112

@@ -1,2112 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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-<title> Design of a blocking-resistant anonymity system\DRAFT</title>
-<h1 align="center">Design of a blocking-resistant anonymity system<br />DRAFT </h1>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<h3 align="center">Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson </h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<h2> Abstract</h2>
-Internet censorship is on the rise as websites around the world are
-increasingly blocked by government-level firewalls.  Although popular
-anonymizing networks like Tor were originally designed to keep attackers from
-tracing people's activities, many people are also using them to evade local
-censorship.  But if the censor simply denies access to the Tor network
-itself, blocked users can no longer benefit from the security Tor offers.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Here we describe a design that builds upon the current Tor network
-to provide an anonymizing network that resists blocking
-by government-level attackers.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc1">
-1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Introduction and Goals</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Anonymizing networks like Tor&nbsp;[<a href="#tor-design" name="CITEtor-design">11</a>] bounce traffic around a
-network of encrypting relays.  Unlike encryption, which hides only <i>what</i>
-is said, these networks also aim to hide who is communicating with whom, which
-users are using which websites, and similar relations.  These systems have a
-broad range of users, including ordinary citizens who want to avoid being
-profiled for targeted advertisements, corporations who don't want to reveal
-information to their competitors, and law enforcement and government
-intelligence agencies who need to do operations on the Internet without being
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Historical anonymity research has focused on an
-attacker who monitors the user (call her Alice) and tries to discover her
-activities, yet lets her reach any piece of the network. In more modern
-threat models such as Tor's, the adversary is allowed to perform active
-attacks such as modifying communications to trick Alice
-into revealing her destination, or intercepting some connections
-to run a man-in-the-middle attack. But these systems still assume that
-Alice can eventually reach the anonymizing network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-An increasing number of users are using the Tor software
-less for its anonymity properties than for its censorship
-resistance properties &mdash; if they use Tor to access Internet sites like
-and Blogspot, they are no longer affected by local censorship
-and firewall rules. In fact, an informal user study
-showed China as the third largest user base
-for Tor clients, with perhaps ten thousand people accessing the Tor
-network from China each day.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The current Tor design is easy to block if the attacker controls Alice's
-connection to the Tor network &mdash; by blocking the directory authorities,
-by blocking all the server IP addresses in the directory, or by filtering
-based on the fingerprint of the Tor TLS handshake. Here we describe an
-extended design that builds upon the current Tor network to provide an
-network that resists censorship as well as anonymity-breaking attacks.
-In section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:adversary">2</a> we discuss our threat model &mdash; that is,
-the assumptions we make about our adversary. Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:current-tor">3</a>
-describes the components of the current Tor design and how they can be
-leveraged for a new blocking-resistant design. Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:related">4</a>
-explains the features and drawbacks of the currently deployed solutions.
-In sections&nbsp;<a href="#sec:bridges">5</a> through&nbsp;<a href="#sec:discovery">7</a>, we explore the
-components of our designs in detail.  Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:security">8</a> considers
-security implications and Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:reachability">9</a> presents other
-issues with maintaining connectivity and sustainability for the design.
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:future">10</a> speculates about future more complex designs,
-and finally Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:conclusion">11</a> summarizes our next steps and
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc2">
-<a name="sec:adversary">
-2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Adversary assumptions</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-To design an effective anti-censorship tool, we need a good model for the
-goals and resources of the censors we are evading.  Otherwise, we risk
-spending our effort on keeping the adversaries from doing things they have no
-interest in doing, and thwarting techniques they do not use.
-The history of blocking-resistance designs is littered with conflicting
-assumptions about what adversaries to expect and what problems are
-in the critical path to a solution. Here we describe our best
-understanding of the current situation around the world.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In the traditional security style, we aim to defeat a strong
-attacker &mdash; if we can defend against this attacker, we inherit protection
-against weaker attackers as well.  After all, we want a general design
-that will work for citizens of China, Thailand, and other censored
-countries; for
-whistleblowers in firewalled corporate networks; and for people in
-unanticipated oppressive situations. In fact, by designing with
-a variety of adversaries in mind, we can take advantage of the fact that
-adversaries will be in different stages of the arms race at each location,
-so a server blocked in one locale can still be useful in others.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We assume that the attackers' goals are somewhat complex.
-<dl compact="compact">
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>The attacker would like to restrict the flow of certain kinds of
-  information, particularly when this information is seen as embarrassing to
-  those in power (such as information about rights violations or corruption),
-  or when it enables or encourages others to oppose them effectively (such as
-  information about opposition movements or sites that are used to organize
-  protests).</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>As a second-order effect, censors aim to chill citizens' behavior by
-  creating an impression that their online activities are monitored.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>In some cases, censors make a token attempt to block a few sites for
-  obscenity, blasphemy, and so on, but their efforts here are mainly for
-  show. In other cases, they really do try hard to block such content.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Complete blocking (where nobody at all can ever download censored
-  content) is not a
-  goal. Attackers typically recognize that perfect censorship is not only
-  impossible, but unnecessary: if "undesirable" information is known only
-  to a small few, further censoring efforts can be focused elsewhere.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Similarly, the censors are not attempting to shut down or block <i>
-  every</i> anti-censorship tool &mdash; merely the tools that are popular and
-  effective (because these tools impede the censors' information restriction
-  goals) and those tools that are highly visible (thus making the censors
-  look ineffectual to their citizens and their bosses).</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Reprisal against <i>most</i> passive consumers of <i>most</i> kinds of
-  blocked information is also not a goal, given the broadness of most
-  censorship regimes. This seems borne out by fact.<a href="#tthFtNtAAB" name="tthFrefAAB"><sup>1</sup></a></dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Producers and distributors of targeted information are in much
-  greater danger than consumers; the attacker would like to not only block
-  their work, but identify them for reprisal.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>The censors (or their governments) would like to have a working, useful
-  Internet. There are economic, political, and social factors that prevent
-  them from "censoring" the Internet by outlawing it entirely, or by
-  blocking access to all but a tiny list of sites.
-  Nevertheless, the censors <i>are</i> willing to block innocuous content
-  (like the bulk of a newspaper's reporting) in order to censor other content
-  distributed through the same channels (like that newspaper's coverage of
-  the censored country).
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We assume there are three main technical network attacks in use by censors
-currently&nbsp;[<a href="#clayton:pet2006" name="CITEclayton:pet2006">7</a>]:
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<dl compact="compact">
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Block a destination or type of traffic by automatically searching for
-  certain strings or patterns in TCP packets.  Offending packets can be
-  dropped, or can trigger a response like closing the
-  connection.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Block a destination by listing its IP address at a
-  firewall or other routing control point.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Intercept DNS requests and give bogus responses for certain
-  destination hostnames.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We assume the network firewall has limited CPU and memory per
-connection&nbsp;[<a href="#clayton:pet2006" name="CITEclayton:pet2006">7</a>].  Against an adversary who could carefully
-examine the contents of every packet and correlate the packets in every
-stream on the network, we would need some stronger mechanism such as
-steganography, which introduces its own
-problems&nbsp;[<a href="#active-wardens" name="CITEactive-wardens">15</a>,<a href="#tcpstego" name="CITEtcpstego">26</a>].  But we make a "weak
-steganography" assumption here: to remain unblocked, it is necessary to
-remain unobservable only by computational resources on par with a modern
-router, firewall, proxy, or IDS.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We assume that while various different regimes can coordinate and share
-notes, there will be a time lag between one attacker learning how to overcome
-a facet of our design and other attackers picking it up.  (The most common
-vector of transmission seems to be commercial providers of censorship tools:
-once a provider adds a feature to meet one country's needs or requests, the
-feature is available to all of the provider's customers.)  Conversely, we
-assume that insider attacks become a higher risk only after the early stages
-of network development, once the system has reached a certain level of
-success and visibility.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We do not assume that government-level attackers are always uniform
-across the country. For example, users of different ISPs in China
-experience different censorship policies and mechanisms.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We assume that the attacker may be able to use political and economic
-resources to secure the cooperation of extraterritorial or multinational
-corporations and entities in investigating information sources.
-For example, the censors can threaten the service providers of
-troublesome blogs with economic reprisals if they do not reveal the
-authors' identities.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We assume that our users have control over their hardware and
-software &mdash; they don't have any spyware installed, there are no
-cameras watching their screens, etc. Unfortunately, in many situations
-these threats are real&nbsp;[<a href="#zuckerman-threatmodels" name="CITEzuckerman-threatmodels">28</a>]; yet
-software-based security systems like ours are poorly equipped to handle
-a user who is entirely observed and controlled by the adversary. See
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:cafes-and-livecds">8.4</a> for more discussion of what little
-we can do about this issue.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Similarly, we assume that the user will be able to fetch a genuine
-version of Tor, rather than one supplied by the adversary; see
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:trust-chain">8.5</a> for discussion on helping the user
-confirm that he has a genuine version and that he can connect to the
-real Tor network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc3">
-<a name="sec:current-tor">
-3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Adapting the current Tor design to anti-censorship</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Tor is popular and sees a lot of use &mdash; it's the largest anonymity
-network of its kind, and has
-attracted more than 800 volunteer-operated routers from around the
-world.  Tor protects each user by routing their traffic through a multiply
-encrypted "circuit" built of a few randomly selected servers, each of which
-can remove only a single layer of encryption.  Each server sees only the step
-before it and the step after it in the circuit, and so no single server can
-learn the connection between a user and her chosen communication partners.
-In this section, we examine some of the reasons why Tor has become popular,
-with particular emphasis to how we can take advantage of these properties
-for a blocking-resistance design.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Tor aims to provide three security properties:
-<dl compact="compact">
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd>1. A local network attacker can't learn, or influence, your
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd>2. No single router in the Tor network can link you to your
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd>3. The destination, or somebody watching the destination,
-can't learn your location.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-For blocking-resistance, we care most clearly about the first
-property. But as the arms race progresses, the second property
-will become important &mdash; for example, to discourage an adversary
-from volunteering a relay in order to learn that Alice is reading
-or posting to certain websites. The third property helps keep users safe from
-collaborating websites: consider websites and other Internet services
-that have been pressured
-recently into revealing the identity of bloggers
-or treating clients differently depending on their network
-location&nbsp;[<a href="#goodell-syverson06" name="CITEgoodell-syverson06">17</a>].
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The Tor design provides other features as well that are not typically
-present in manual or ad hoc circumvention techniques.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-First, Tor has a well-analyzed and well-understood way to distribute
-information about servers.
-Tor directory authorities automatically aggregate, test,
-and publish signed summaries of the available Tor routers. Tor clients
-can fetch these summaries to learn which routers are available and
-which routers are suitable for their needs. Directory information is cached
-throughout the Tor network, so once clients have bootstrapped they never
-need to interact with the authorities directly. (To tolerate a minority
-of compromised directory authorities, we use a threshold trust scheme &mdash;
-see Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:trust-chain">8.5</a> for details.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Second, the list of directory authorities is not hard-wired.
-Clients use the default authorities if no others are specified,
-but it's easy to start a separate (or even overlapping) Tor network just
-by running a different set of authorities and convincing users to prefer
-a modified client. For example, we could launch a distinct Tor network
-inside China; some users could even use an aggregate network made up of
-both the main network and the China network. (But we should not be too
-quick to create other Tor networks &mdash; part of Tor's anonymity comes from
-users behaving like other users, and there are many unsolved anonymity
-questions if different users know about different pieces of the network.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Third, in addition to automatically learning from the chosen directories
-which Tor routers are available and working, Tor takes care of building
-paths through the network and rebuilding them as needed. So the user
-never has to know how paths are chosen, never has to manually pick
-working proxies, and so on. More generally, at its core the Tor protocol
-is simply a tool that can build paths given a set of routers. Tor is
-quite flexible about how it learns about the routers and how it chooses
-the paths. Harvard's Blossom project&nbsp;[<a href="#blossom-thesis" name="CITEblossom-thesis">16</a>] makes this
-flexibility more concrete: Blossom makes use of Tor not for its security
-properties but for its reachability properties. It runs a separate set
-of directory authorities, its own set of Tor routers (called the Blossom
-network), and uses Tor's flexible path-building to let users view Internet
-resources from any point in the Blossom network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Fourth, Tor separates the role of <em>internal relay</em> from the
-role of <em>exit relay</em>. That is, some volunteers choose just to relay
-traffic between Tor users and Tor routers, and others choose to also allow
-connections to external Internet resources. Because we don't force all
-volunteers to play both roles, we end up with more relays. This increased
-diversity in turn is what gives Tor its security: the more options the
-user has for her first hop, and the more options she has for her last hop,
-the less likely it is that a given attacker will be watching both ends
-of her circuit&nbsp;[<a href="#tor-design" name="CITEtor-design">11</a>]. As a bonus, because our design attracts
-more internal relays that want to help out but don't want to deal with
-being an exit relay, we end up providing more options for the first
-hop &mdash; the one most critical to being able to reach the Tor network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Fifth, Tor is sustainable. Zero-Knowledge Systems offered the commercial
-but now defunct Freedom Network&nbsp;[<a href="#freedom21-security" name="CITEfreedom21-security">2</a>], a design with
-security comparable to Tor's, but its funding model relied on collecting
-money from users to pay relay operators. Modern commercial proxy systems
-need to keep collecting money to support their infrastructure. On the
-other hand, Tor has built a self-sustaining community of volunteers who
-donate their time and resources. This community trust is rooted in Tor's
-open design: we tell the world exactly how Tor works, and we provide all
-the source code. Users can decide for themselves, or pay any security
-expert to decide, whether it is safe to use. Further, Tor's modularity
-as described above, along with its open license, mean that its impact
-will continue to grow.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Sixth, Tor has an established user base of hundreds of
-thousands of people from around the world. This diversity of
-users contributes to sustainability as above: Tor is used by
-ordinary citizens, activists, corporations, law enforcement, and
-even government and military users,
-and they can
-only achieve their security goals by blending together in the same
-network&nbsp;[<a href="#econymics" name="CITEeconymics">1</a>,<a href="#usability:weis2006" name="CITEusability:weis2006">9</a>]. This user base also provides
-something else: hundreds of thousands of different and often-changing
-addresses that we can leverage for our blocking-resistance design.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Finally and perhaps most importantly, Tor provides anonymity and prevents any
-single server from linking users to their communication partners.  Despite
-initial appearances, <i>distributed-trust anonymity is critical for
-anti-censorship efforts</i>.  If any single server can expose dissident bloggers
-or compile a list of users' behavior, the censors can profitably compromise
-that server's operator, perhaps by  applying economic pressure to their
-breaking into their computer, pressuring their family (if they have relatives
-in the censored area), or so on.  Furthermore, in designs where any relay can
-expose its users, the censors can spread suspicion that they are running some
-of the relays and use this belief to chill use of the network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We discuss and adapt these components further in
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:bridges">5</a>. But first we examine the strengths and
-weaknesses of other blocking-resistance approaches, so we can expand
-our repertoire of building blocks and ideas.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc4">
-<a name="sec:related">
-4</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Current proxy solutions</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Relay-based blocking-resistance schemes generally have two main
-components: a relay component and a discovery component. The relay part
-encompasses the process of establishing a connection, sending traffic
-back and forth, and so on &mdash; everything that's done once the user knows
-where she's going to connect. Discovery is the step before that: the
-process of finding one or more usable relays.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-For example, we can divide the pieces of Tor in the previous section
-into the process of building paths and sending
-traffic over them (relay) and the process of learning from the directory
-servers about what routers are available (discovery).  With this distinction
-in mind, we now examine several categories of relay-based schemes.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.1">
-4.1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Centrally-controlled shared proxies</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Existing commercial anonymity solutions (like are based
-on a set of single-hop proxies. In these systems, each user connects to
-a single proxy, which then relays traffic between the user and her
-destination. These public proxy
-systems are typically characterized by two features: they control and
-operate the proxies centrally, and many different users get assigned
-to each proxy.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In terms of the relay component, single proxies provide weak security
-compared to systems that distribute trust over multiple relays, since a
-compromised proxy can trivially observe all of its users' actions, and
-an eavesdropper only needs to watch a single proxy to perform timing
-correlation attacks against all its users' traffic and thus learn where
-everyone is connecting. Worse, all users
-need to trust the proxy company to have good security itself as well as
-to not reveal user activities.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-On the other hand, single-hop proxies are easier to deploy, and they
-can provide better performance than distributed-trust designs like Tor,
-since traffic only goes through one relay. They're also more convenient
-from the user's perspective &mdash; since users entirely trust the proxy,
-they can just use their web browser directly.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Whether public proxy schemes are more or less scalable than Tor is
-still up for debate: commercial anonymity systems can use some of their
-revenue to provision more bandwidth as they grow, whereas volunteer-based
-anonymity systems can attract thousands of fast relays to spread the load.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The discovery piece can take several forms. Most commercial anonymous
-proxies have one or a handful of commonly known websites, and their users
-log in to those websites and relay their traffic through them. When
-these websites get blocked (generally soon after the company becomes
-popular), if the company cares about users in the blocked areas, they
-start renting lots of disparate IP addresses and rotating through them
-as they get blocked. They notify their users of new addresses (by email,
-for example). It's an arms race, since attackers can sign up to receive the
-email too, but operators have one nice trick available to them: because they
-have a list of paying subscribers, they can notify certain subscribers
-about updates earlier than others.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Access control systems on the proxy let them provide service only to
-users with certain characteristics, such as paying customers or people
-from certain IP address ranges.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Discovery in the face of a government-level firewall is a complex and
-topic, and we're stuck in this same arms race ourselves; we explore it
-in more detail in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:discovery">7</a>. But first we examine the
-other end of the spectrum &mdash; getting volunteers to run the proxies,
-and telling only a few people about each proxy.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.2">
-4.2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Independent personal proxies</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Personal proxies such as Circumventor&nbsp;[<a href="#circumventor" name="CITEcircumventor">18</a>] and
-CGIProxy&nbsp;[<a href="#cgiproxy" name="CITEcgiproxy">23</a>] use the same technology as the public ones as
-far as the relay component goes, but they use a different strategy for
-discovery. Rather than managing a few centralized proxies and constantly
-getting new addresses for them as the old addresses are blocked, they
-aim to have a large number of entirely independent proxies, each managing
-its own (much smaller) set of users.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-As the Circumventor site explains, "You don't
-actually install the Circumventor <em>on</em> the computer that is blocked
-from accessing Web sites. You, or a friend of yours, has to install the
-Circumventor on some <em>other</em> machine which is not censored."
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-This tactic has great advantages in terms of blocking-resistance &mdash; recall
-our assumption in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:adversary">2</a> that the attention
-a system attracts from the attacker is proportional to its number of
-users and level of publicity. If each proxy only has a few users, and
-there is no central list of proxies, most of them will never get noticed by
-the censors.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-On the other hand, there's a huge scalability question that so far has
-prevented these schemes from being widely useful: how does the fellow
-in China find a person in Ohio who will run a Circumventor for him? In
-some cases he may know and trust some people on the outside, but in many
-cases he's just out of luck. Just as hard, how does a new volunteer in
-Ohio find a person in China who needs it?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-This challenge leads to a hybrid design-centrally &mdash; distributed
-personal proxies &mdash; which we will investigate in more detail in
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:discovery">7</a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.3">
-4.3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Open proxies</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Yet another currently used approach to bypassing firewalls is to locate
-open and misconfigured proxies on the Internet. A quick Google search
-for "open proxy list" yields a wide variety of freely available lists
-of HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS proxies. Many small companies have sprung up
-providing more refined lists to paying customers.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-There are some downsides to using these open proxies though. First,
-the proxies are of widely varying quality in terms of bandwidth and
-stability, and many of them are entirely unreachable. Second, unlike
-networks of volunteers like Tor, the legality of routing traffic through
-these proxies is questionable: it's widely believed that most of them
-don't realize what they're offering, and probably wouldn't allow it if
-they realized. Third, in many cases the connection to the proxy is
-unencrypted, so firewalls that filter based on keywords in IP packets
-will not be hindered. Fourth, in many countries (including China), the
-firewall authorities hunt for open proxies as well, to preemptively
-block them. And last, many users are suspicious that some
-open proxies are a little <em>too</em> convenient: are they run by the
-adversary, in which case they get to monitor all the user's requests
-just as single-hop proxies can?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-A distributed-trust design like Tor resolves each of these issues for
-the relay component, but a constantly changing set of thousands of open
-relays is clearly a useful idea for a discovery component. For example,
-users might be able to make use of these proxies to bootstrap their
-first introduction into the Tor network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.4">
-4.4</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Blocking resistance and JAP</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-K&#246;psell and Hilling's Blocking Resistance
-design&nbsp;[<a href="#koepsell:wpes2004" name="CITEkoepsell:wpes2004">20</a>] is probably
-the closest related work, and is the starting point for the design in this
-paper.  In this design, the JAP anonymity system&nbsp;[<a href="#web-mix" name="CITEweb-mix">3</a>] is used
-as a base instead of Tor.  Volunteers operate a large number of access
-points that relay traffic to the core JAP
-network, which in turn anonymizes users' traffic.  The software to run these
-relays is, as in our design, included in the JAP client software and enabled
-only when the user decides to enable it.  Discovery is handled with a
-CAPTCHA-based mechanism; users prove that they aren't an automated process,
-and are given the address of an access point.  (The problem of a determined
-attacker with enough manpower to launch many requests and enumerate all the
-access points is not considered in depth.)  There is also some suggestion
-that information about access points could spread through existing social
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.5">
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The Infranet design&nbsp;[<a href="#infranet" name="CITEinfranet">14</a>] uses one-hop relays to deliver web
-content, but disguises its communications as ordinary HTTP traffic.  Requests
-are split into multiple requests for URLs on the relay, which then encodes
-its responses in the content it returns.  The relay needs to be an actual
-website with plausible content and a number of URLs which the user might want
-to access &mdash; if the Infranet software produced its own cover content, it would
-be far easier for censors to identify.  To keep the censors from noticing
-that cover content changes depending on what data is embedded, Infranet needs
-the cover content to have an innocuous reason for changing frequently: the
-paper recommends watermarked images and webcams.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The attacker and relay operators in Infranet's threat model are significantly
-different than in ours.  Unlike our attacker, Infranet's censor can't be
-bypassed with encrypted traffic (presumably because the censor blocks
-encrypted traffic, or at least considers it suspicious), and has more
-computational resources to devote to each connection than ours (so it can
-notice subtle patterns over time).  Unlike our bridge operators, Infranet's
-operators (and users) have more bandwidth to spare; the overhead in typical
-steganography schemes is far higher than Tor's.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The Infranet design does not include a discovery element.  Discovery,
-however, is a critical point: if whatever mechanism allows users to learn
-about relays also allows the censor to do so, he can trivially discover and
-block their addresses, even if the steganography would prevent mere traffic
-observation from revealing the relays' addresses.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.6">
-4.6</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;RST-evasion and other packet-level tricks</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In their analysis of China's firewall's content-based blocking, Clayton,
-Murdoch and Watson discovered that rather than blocking all packets in a TCP
-streams once a forbidden word was noticed, the firewall was simply forging
-RST packets to make the communicating parties believe that the connection was
-closed&nbsp;[<a href="#clayton:pet2006" name="CITEclayton:pet2006">7</a>]. They proposed altering operating systems
-to ignore forged RST packets. This approach might work in some cases, but
-in practice it appears that many firewalls start filtering by IP address
-once a sufficient number of RST packets have been sent.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Other packet-level responses to filtering include splitting
-sensitive words across multiple TCP packets, so that the censors'
-firewalls can't notice them without performing expensive stream
-reconstruction&nbsp;[<a href="#ptacek98insertion" name="CITEptacek98insertion">27</a>]. This technique relies on the
-same insight as our weak steganography assumption.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.7">
-4.7</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Internal caching networks</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Freenet&nbsp;[<a href="#freenet-pets00" name="CITEfreenet-pets00">6</a>] is an anonymous peer-to-peer data store.
-Analyzing Freenet's security can be difficult, as its design is in flux as
-new discovery and routing mechanisms are proposed, and no complete
-specification has (to our knowledge) been written.  Freenet servers relay
-requests for specific content (indexed by a digest of the content)
-"toward" the server that hosts it, and then cache the content as it
-follows the same path back to
-the requesting user.  If Freenet's routing mechanism is successful in
-allowing nodes to learn about each other and route correctly even as some
-node-to-node links are blocked by firewalls, then users inside censored areas
-can ask a local Freenet server for a piece of content, and get an answer
-without having to connect out of the country at all.  Of course, operators of
-servers inside the censored area can still be targeted, and the addresses of
-external servers can still be blocked.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.8">
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The popular Skype voice-over-IP software uses multiple techniques to tolerate
-restrictive networks, some of which allow it to continue operating in the
-presence of censorship.  By switching ports and using encryption, Skype
-attempts to resist trivial blocking and content filtering.  Even if no
-encryption were used, it would still be expensive to scan all voice
-traffic for sensitive words.  Also, most current keyloggers are unable to
-store voice traffic.  Nevertheless, Skype can still be blocked, especially at
-its central login server.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.9">
-4.9</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Tor itself</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-And last, we include Tor itself in the list of current solutions
-to firewalls. Tens of thousands of people use Tor from countries that
-routinely filter their Internet. Tor's website has been blocked in most
-of them. But why hasn't the Tor network been blocked yet?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We have several theories. The first is the most straightforward: tens of
-thousands of people are simply too few to matter. It may help that Tor is
-perceived to be for experts only, and thus not worth attention yet. The
-more subtle variant on this theory is that we've positioned Tor in the
-public eye as a tool for retaining civil liberties in more free countries,
-so perhaps blocking authorities don't view it as a threat. (We revisit
-this idea when we consider whether and how to publicize a Tor variant
-that improves blocking-resistance &mdash; see Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:publicity">9.5</a>
-for more discussion.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The broader explanation is that the maintenance of most government-level
-filters is aimed at stopping widespread information flow and appearing to be
-in control, not by the impossible goal of blocking all possible ways to bypass
-censorship. Censors realize that there will always
-be ways for a few people to get around the firewall, and as long as Tor
-has not publically threatened their control, they see no urgent need to
-block it yet.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We should recognize that we're <em>already</em> in the arms race. These
-constraints can give us insight into the priorities and capabilities of
-our various attackers.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc5">
-<a name="sec:bridges">
-5</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;The relay component of our blocking-resistant design</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:current-tor">3</a> describes many reasons why Tor is
-well-suited as a building block in our context, but several changes will
-allow the design to resist blocking better. The most critical changes are
-to get more relay addresses, and to distribute them to users differently.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc5.1">
-5.1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Bridge relays</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Today, Tor servers operate on less than a thousand distinct IP addresses;
-an adversary
-could enumerate and block them all with little trouble.  To provide a
-means of ingress to the network, we need a larger set of entry points, most
-of which an adversary won't be able to enumerate easily.  Fortunately, we
-have such a set: the Tor users.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor. We can leverage
-our already self-selected user base to produce a list of thousands of
-frequently-changing IP addresses. Specifically, we can give them a little
-button in the GUI that says "Tor for Freedom", and users who click
-the button will turn into <em>bridge relays</em> (or just <em>bridges</em>
-for short). They can rate limit relayed connections to 10 KB/s (almost
-nothing for a broadband user in a free country, but plenty for a user
-who otherwise has no access at all), and since they are just relaying
-bytes back and forth between blocked users and the main Tor network, they
-won't need to make any external connections to Internet sites. Because
-of this separation of roles, and because we're making use of software
-that the volunteers have already installed for their own use, we expect
-our scheme to attract and maintain more volunteers than previous schemes.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-As usual, there are new anonymity and security implications from running a
-bridge relay, particularly from letting people relay traffic through your
-Tor client; but we leave this discussion for Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:security">8</a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc5.2">
-5.2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;The bridge directory authority</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-How do the bridge relays advertise their existence to the world? We
-introduce a second new component of the design: a specialized directory
-authority that aggregates and tracks bridges. Bridge relays periodically
-publish server descriptors (summaries of their keys, locations, etc,
-signed by their long-term identity key), just like the relays in the
-"main" Tor network, but in this case they publish them only to the
-bridge directory authorities.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The main difference between bridge authorities and the directory
-authorities for the main Tor network is that the main authorities provide
-a list of every known relay, but the bridge authorities only give
-out a server descriptor if you already know its identity key. That is,
-you can keep up-to-date on a bridge's location and other information
-once you know about it, but you can't just grab a list of all the bridges.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The identity key, IP address, and directory port for each bridge
-authority ship by default with the Tor software, so the bridge relays
-can be confident they're publishing to the right location, and the
-blocked users can establish an encrypted authenticated channel. See
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:trust-chain">8.5</a> for more discussion of the public key
-infrastructure and trust chain.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Bridges use Tor to publish their descriptors privately and securely,
-so even an attacker monitoring the bridge directory authority's network
-can't make a list of all the addresses contacting the authority.
-Bridges may publish to only a subset of the
-authorities, to limit the potential impact of an authority compromise.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc5.3">
-<a name="subsec:relay-together">
-5.3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Putting them together</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-If a blocked user knows the identity keys of a set of bridge relays, and
-he has correct address information for at least one of them, he can use
-that one to make a secure connection to the bridge authority and update
-his knowledge about the other bridge relays. He can also use it to make
-secure connections to the main Tor network and directory servers, so he
-can build circuits and connect to the rest of the Internet. All of these
-updates happen in the background: from the blocked user's perspective,
-he just accesses the Internet via his Tor client like always.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-So now we've reduced the problem from how to circumvent the firewall
-for all transactions (and how to know that the pages you get have not
-been modified by the local attacker) to how to learn about a working
-bridge relay.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-There's another catch though. We need to make sure that the network
-traffic we generate by simply connecting to a bridge relay doesn't stand
-out too much.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc6">
-<a name="sec:network-fingerprint">
-<a name="subsec:enclave-dirs">
-6</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Hiding Tor's network fingerprint</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Currently, Tor uses two protocols for its network communications. The
-main protocol uses TLS for encrypted and authenticated communication
-between Tor instances. The second protocol is standard HTTP, used for
-fetching directory information. All Tor servers listen on their "ORPort"
-for TLS connections, and some of them opt to listen on their "DirPort"
-as well, to serve directory information. Tor servers choose whatever port
-numbers they like; the server descriptor they publish to the directory
-tells users where to connect.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-One format for communicating address information about a bridge relay is
-its IP address and DirPort. From there, the user can ask the bridge's
-directory cache for an up-to-date copy of its server descriptor, and
-learn its current circuit keys, its ORPort, and so on.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-However, connecting directly to the directory cache involves a plaintext
-HTTP request. A censor could create a network fingerprint (known as a
-<em>signature</em> in the intrusion detection field) for the request
-and/or its response, thus preventing these connections. To resolve this
-vulnerability, we've modified the Tor protocol so that users can connect
-to the directory cache via the main Tor port &mdash; they establish a TLS
-connection with the bridge as normal, and then send a special "begindir"
-relay command to establish an internal connection to its directory cache.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Therefore a better way to summarize a bridge's address is by its IP
-address and ORPort, so all communications between the client and the
-bridge will use ordinary TLS. But there are other details that need
-more investigation.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-What port should bridges pick for their ORPort? We currently recommend
-that they listen on port 443 (the default HTTPS port) if they want to
-be most useful, because clients behind standard firewalls will have
-the best chance to reach them. Is this the best choice in all cases,
-or should we encourage some fraction of them pick random ports, or other
-ports commonly permitted through firewalls like 53 (DNS) or 110
-(POP)?  Or perhaps we should use other ports where TLS traffic is
-expected, like 993 (IMAPS) or 995 (POP3S).  We need more research on our
-potential users, and their current and anticipated firewall restrictions.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Furthermore, we need to look at the specifics of Tor's TLS handshake.
-Right now Tor uses some predictable strings in its TLS handshakes. For
-example, it sets the X.509 organizationName field to "Tor", and it puts
-the Tor server's nickname in the certificate's commonName field. We
-should tweak the handshake protocol so it doesn't rely on any unusual details
-in the certificate, yet it remains secure; the certificate itself
-should be made to resemble an ordinary HTTPS certificate.  We should also try
-to make our advertised cipher-suites closer to what an ordinary web server
-would support.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Tor's TLS handshake uses two-certificate chains: one certificate
-contains the self-signed identity key for
-the router, and the second contains a current TLS key, signed by the
-identity key. We use these to authenticate that we're talking to the right
-router, and to limit the impact of TLS-key exposure.  Most (though far from
-all) consumer-oriented HTTPS services provide only a single certificate.
-These extra certificates may help identify Tor's TLS handshake; instead,
-bridges should consider using only a single TLS key certificate signed by
-their identity key, and providing the full value of the identity key in an
-early handshake cell.  More significantly, Tor currently has all clients
-present certificates, so that clients are harder to distinguish from servers.
-But in a blocking-resistance environment, clients should not present
-certificates at all.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Last, what if the adversary starts observing the network traffic even
-more closely? Even if our TLS handshake looks innocent, our traffic timing
-and volume still look different than a user making a secure web connection
-to his bank. The same techniques used in the growing trend to build tools
-to recognize encrypted Bittorrent traffic
-could be used to identify Tor communication and recognize bridge
-relays. Rather than trying to look like encrypted web traffic, we may be
-better off trying to blend with some other encrypted network protocol. The
-first step is to compare typical network behavior for a Tor client to
-typical network behavior for various other protocols. This statistical
-cat-and-mouse game is made more complex by the fact that Tor transports a
-variety of protocols, and we'll want to automatically handle web browsing
-differently from, say, instant messaging.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc6.1">
-<a name="subsec:id-address">
-6.1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Identity keys as part of addressing information</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We have described a way for the blocked user to bootstrap into the
-network once he knows the IP address and ORPort of a bridge. What about
-local spoofing attacks? That is, since we never learned an identity
-key fingerprint for the bridge, a local attacker could intercept our
-connection and pretend to be the bridge we had in mind. It turns out
-that giving false information isn't that bad &mdash; since the Tor client
-ships with trusted keys for the bridge directory authority and the Tor
-network directory authorities, the user can learn whether he's being
-given a real connection to the bridge authorities or not. (After all,
-if the adversary intercepts every connection the user makes and gives
-him a bad connection each time, there's nothing we can do.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-What about anonymity-breaking attacks from observing traffic, if the
-blocked user doesn't start out knowing the identity key of his intended
-bridge? The vulnerabilities aren't so bad in this case either &mdash; the
-adversary could do similar attacks just by monitoring the network
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Once the Tor client has fetched the bridge's server descriptor, it should
-remember the identity key fingerprint for that bridge relay. Thus if
-the bridge relay moves to a new IP address, the client can query the
-bridge directory authority to look up a fresh server descriptor using
-this fingerprint.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-So we've shown that it's <em>possible</em> to bootstrap into the network
-just by learning the IP address and ORPort of a bridge, but are there
-situations where it's more convenient or more secure to learn the bridge's
-identity fingerprint as well as instead, while bootstrapping? We keep
-that question in mind as we next investigate bootstrapping and discovery.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc7">
-<a name="sec:discovery">
-7</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Discovering working bridge relays</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Tor's modular design means that we can develop a better relay component
-independently of developing the discovery component. This modularity's
-great promise is that we can pick any discovery approach we like; but the
-unfortunate fact is that we have no magic bullet for discovery. We're
-in the same arms race as all the other designs we described in
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:related">4</a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In this section we describe a variety of approaches to adding discovery
-components for our design.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc7.1">
-<a name="subsec:first-bridge">
-7.1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Bootstrapping: finding your first bridge.</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:relay-together">5.3</a>, we showed that a user who knows
-a working bridge address can use it to reach the bridge authority and
-to stay connected to the Tor network. But how do new users reach the
-bridge authority in the first place? After all, the bridge authority
-will be one of the first addresses that a censor blocks.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-First, we should recognize that most government firewalls are not
-perfect. That is, they may allow connections to Google cache or some
-open proxy servers, or they let file-sharing traffic, Skype, instant
-messaging, or World-of-Warcraft connections through. Different users will
-have different mechanisms for bypassing the firewall initially. Second,
-we should remember that most people don't operate in a vacuum; users will
-hopefully know other people who are in other situations or have other
-resources available. In the rest of this section we develop a toolkit
-of different options and mechanisms, so that we can enable users in a
-diverse set of contexts to bootstrap into the system.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-(For users who can't use any of these techniques, hopefully they know
-a friend who can &mdash; for example, perhaps the friend already knows some
-bridge relay addresses. If they can't get around it at all, then we
-can't help them &mdash; they should go meet more people or learn more about
-the technology running the firewall in their area.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-By deploying all the schemes in the toolkit at once, we let bridges and
-blocked users employ the discovery approach that is most appropriate
-for their situation.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc7.2">
-7.2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Independent bridges, no central discovery</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The first design is simply to have no centralized discovery component at
-all. Volunteers run bridges, and we assume they have some blocked users
-in mind and communicate their address information to them out-of-band
-(for example, through Gmail). This design allows for small personal
-bridges that have only one or a handful of users in mind, but it can
-also support an entire community of users. For example, Citizen Lab's
-upcoming Psiphon single-hop proxy tool&nbsp;[<a href="#psiphon" name="CITEpsiphon">13</a>] plans to use this
-<em>social network</em> approach as its discovery component.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-There are several ways to do bootstrapping in this design. In the simple
-case, the operator of the bridge informs each chosen user about his
-bridge's address information and/or keys. A different approach involves
-blocked users introducing new blocked users to the bridges they know.
-That is, somebody in the blocked area can pass along a bridge's address to
-somebody else they trust. This scheme brings in appealing but complex game
-theoretic properties: the blocked user making the decision has an incentive
-only to delegate to trustworthy people, since an adversary who learns
-the bridge's address and filters it makes it unavailable for both of them.
-Also, delegating known bridges to members of your social network can be
-dangerous: an the adversary who can learn who knows which bridges may
-be able to reconstruct the social network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Note that a central set of bridge directory authorities can still be
-compatible with a decentralized discovery process. That is, how users
-first learn about bridges is entirely up to the bridges, but the process
-of fetching up-to-date descriptors for them can still proceed as described
-in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:bridges">5</a>. Of course, creating a central place that
-knows about all the bridges may not be smart, especially if every other
-piece of the system is decentralized. Further, if a user only knows
-about one bridge and he loses track of it, it may be quite a hassle to
-reach the bridge authority. We address these concerns next.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc7.3">
-7.3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Families of bridges, no central discovery</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Because the blocked users are running our software too, we have many
-opportunities to improve usability or robustness. Our second design builds
-on the first by encouraging volunteers to run several bridges at once
-(or coordinate with other bridge volunteers), such that some
-of the bridges are likely to be available at any given time.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The blocked user's Tor client would periodically fetch an updated set of
-recommended bridges from any of the working bridges. Now the client can
-learn new additions to the bridge pool, and can expire abandoned bridges
-or bridges that the adversary has blocked, without the user ever needing
-to care. To simplify maintenance of the community's bridge pool, each
-community could run its own bridge directory authority &mdash; reachable via
-the available bridges, and also mirrored at each bridge.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc7.4">
-7.4</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Public bridges with central discovery</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-What about people who want to volunteer as bridges but don't know any
-suitable blocked users? What about people who are blocked but don't
-know anybody on the outside? Here we describe how to make use of these
-<em>public bridges</em> in a way that still makes it hard for the attacker
-to learn all of them.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The basic idea is to divide public bridges into a set of pools based on
-identity key. Each pool corresponds to a <em>distribution strategy</em>:
-an approach to distributing its bridge addresses to users. Each strategy
-is designed to exercise a different scarce resource or property of
-the user.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-How do we divide bridges between these strategy pools such that they're
-evenly distributed and the allocation is hard to influence or predict,
-but also in a way that's amenable to creating more strategies later
-on without reshuffling all the pools? We assign a given bridge
-to a strategy pool by hashing the bridge's identity key along with a
-secret that only the bridge authority knows: the first n bits of this
-hash dictate the strategy pool number, where n is a parameter that
-describes how many strategy pools we want at this point. We choose n=3
-to start, so we divide bridges between 8 pools; but as we later invent
-new distribution strategies, we can increment n to split the 8 into
-16. Since a bridge can't predict the next bit in its hash, it can't
-anticipate which identity key will correspond to a certain new pool
-when the pools are split. Further, since the bridge authority doesn't
-provide any feedback to the bridge about which strategy pool it's in,
-an adversary who signs up bridges with the goal of filling a certain
-pool&nbsp;[<a href="#casc-rep" name="CITEcasc-rep">12</a>] will be hindered.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The first distribution strategy (used for the first pool) publishes bridge
-addresses in a time-release fashion. The bridge authority divides the
-available bridges into partitions, and each partition is deterministically
-available only in certain time windows. That is, over the course of a
-given time slot (say, an hour), each requester is given a random bridge
-from within that partition. When the next time slot arrives, a new set
-of bridges from the pool are available for discovery. Thus some bridge
-address is always available when a new
-user arrives, but to learn about all bridges the attacker needs to fetch
-all new addresses at every new time slot. By varying the length of the
-time slots, we can make it harder for the attacker to guess when to check
-back. We expect these bridges will be the first to be blocked, but they'll
-help the system bootstrap until they <em>do</em> get blocked. Further,
-remember that we're dealing with different blocking regimes around the
-world that will progress at different rates &mdash; so this pool will still
-be useful to some users even as the arms races progress.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The second distribution strategy publishes bridge addresses based on the IP
-address of the requesting user. Specifically, the bridge authority will
-divide the available bridges in the pool into a bunch of partitions
-(as in the first distribution scheme), hash the requester's IP address
-with a secret of its own (as in the above allocation scheme for creating
-pools), and give the requester a random bridge from the appropriate
-partition. To raise the bar, we should discard the last octet of the
-IP address before inputting it to the hash function, so an attacker
-who only controls a single "/24" network only counts as one user. A
-large attacker like China will still be able to control many addresses,
-but the hassle of establishing connections from each network (or spoofing
-TCP connections) may still slow them down. Similarly, as a special case,
-we should treat IP addresses that are Tor exit nodes as all being on
-the same network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The third strategy combines the time-based and location-based
-strategies to further constrain and rate-limit the available bridge
-addresses. Specifically, the bridge address provided in a given time
-slot to a given network location is deterministic within the partition,
-rather than chosen randomly each time from the partition. Thus, repeated
-requests during that time slot from a given network are given the same
-bridge address as the first request.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The fourth strategy is based on Circumventor's discovery strategy.
-The Circumventor project, realizing that its adoption will remain limited
-if it has no central coordination mechanism, has started a mailing list to
-distribute new proxy addresses every few days. From experimentation it
-seems they have concluded that sending updates every three or four days
-is sufficient to stay ahead of the current attackers.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The fifth strategy provides an alternative approach to a mailing list:
-users provide an email address and receive an automated response
-listing an available bridge address. We could limit one response per
-email address. To further rate limit queries, we could require a CAPTCHA
-in each case too. In fact, we wouldn't need to
-implement the CAPTCHA on our side: if we only deliver bridge addresses
-to Yahoo or GMail addresses, we can leverage the rate-limiting schemes
-that other parties already impose for account creation.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The sixth strategy ties in the social network design with public
-bridges and a reputation system. We pick some seeds &mdash; trusted people in
-blocked areas &mdash; and give them each a few dozen bridge addresses and a few
-<em>delegation tokens</em>. We run a website next to the bridge authority,
-where users can log in (they connect via Tor, and they don't need to
-provide actual identities, just persistent pseudonyms). Users can delegate
-trust to other people they know by giving them a token, which can be
-exchanged for a new account on the website. Accounts in "good standing"
-then accrue new bridge addresses and new tokens. As usual, reputation
-schemes bring in a host of new complexities&nbsp;[<a href="#rep-anon" name="CITErep-anon">10</a>]: how do we
-decide that an account is in good standing? We could tie reputation
-to whether the bridges they're told about have been blocked &mdash; see
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:geoip">7.7</a> below for initial thoughts on how to discover
-whether bridges have been blocked. We could track reputation between
-accounts (if you delegate to somebody who screws up, it impacts you too),
-or we could use blinded delegation tokens&nbsp;[<a href="#chaum-blind" name="CITEchaum-blind">5</a>] to prevent
-the website from mapping the seeds' social network. We put off deeper
-discussion of the social network reputation strategy for future work.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Pools seven and eight are held in reserve, in case our currently deployed
-tricks all fail at once and the adversary blocks all those bridges &mdash; so
-we can adapt and move to new approaches quickly, and have some bridges
-immediately available for the new schemes. New strategies might be based
-on some other scarce resource, such as relaying traffic for others or
-other proof of energy spent. (We might also worry about the incentives
-for bridges that sign up and get allocated to the reserve pools: will they
-be unhappy that they're not being used? But this is a transient problem:
-if Tor users are bridges by default, nobody will mind not being used yet.
-See also Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:incentives">9.4</a>.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc7.5">
-7.5</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Public bridges with coordinated discovery</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We presented the above discovery strategies in the context of a single
-bridge directory authority, but in practice we will want to distribute the
-operations over several bridge authorities &mdash; a single point of failure
-or attack is a bad move. The first answer is to run several independent
-bridge directory authorities, and bridges gravitate to one based on
-their identity key. The better answer would be some federation of bridge
-authorities that work together to provide redundancy but don't introduce
-new security issues. We could even imagine designs where the bridge
-authorities have encrypted versions of the bridge's server descriptors,
-and the users learn a decryption key that they keep private when they
-first hear about the bridge &mdash; this way the bridge authorities would not
-be able to learn the IP address of the bridges.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We leave this design question for future work.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc7.6">
-7.6</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Assessing whether bridges are useful</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Learning whether a bridge is useful is important in the bridge authority's
-decision to include it in responses to blocked users. For example, if
-we end up with a list of thousands of bridges and only a few dozen of
-them are reachable right now, most blocked users will not end up knowing
-about working bridges.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-There are three components for assessing how useful a bridge is. First,
-is it reachable from the public Internet? Second, what proportion of
-the time is it available? Third, is it blocked in certain jurisdictions?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The first component can be tested just as we test reachability of
-ordinary Tor servers. Specifically, the bridges do a self-test &mdash; connect
-to themselves via the Tor network &mdash; before they are willing to
-publish their descriptor, to make sure they're not obviously broken or
-misconfigured. Once the bridges publish, the bridge authority also tests
-reachability to make sure they're not confused or outright lying.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The second component can be measured and tracked by the bridge authority.
-By doing periodic reachability tests, we can get a sense of how often the
-bridge is available. More complex tests will involve bandwidth-intensive
-checks to force the bridge to commit resources in order to be counted as
-available. We need to evaluate how the relationship of uptime percentage
-should weigh into our choice of which bridges to advertise. We leave
-this to future work.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The third component is perhaps the trickiest: with many different
-adversaries out there, how do we keep track of which adversaries have
-blocked which bridges, and how do we learn about new blocks as they
-occur? We examine this problem next.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc7.7">
-<a name="subsec:geoip">
-7.7</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How do we know if a bridge relay has been blocked?</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-There are two main mechanisms for testing whether bridges are reachable
-from inside each blocked area: active testing via users, and passive
-testing via bridges.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In the case of active testing, certain users inside each area
-sign up as testing relays. The bridge authorities can then use a
-Blossom-like&nbsp;[<a href="#blossom-thesis" name="CITEblossom-thesis">16</a>] system to build circuits through them
-to each bridge and see if it can establish the connection. But how do
-we pick the users? If we ask random users to do the testing (or if we
-solicit volunteers from the users), the adversary should sign up so he
-can enumerate the bridges we test. Indeed, even if we hand-select our
-testers, the adversary might still discover their location and monitor
-their network activity to learn bridge addresses.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Another answer is not to measure directly, but rather let the bridges
-report whether they're being used.
-Specifically, bridges should install a GeoIP database such as the public
-IP-To-Country list&nbsp;[<a href="#ip-to-country" name="CITEip-to-country">19</a>], and then periodically report to the
-bridge authorities which countries they're seeing use from. This data
-would help us track which countries are making use of the bridge design,
-and can also let us learn about new steps the adversary has taken in
-the arms race. (The compressed GeoIP database is only several hundred
-kilobytes, and we could even automate the update process by serving it
-from the bridge authorities.)
-More analysis of this passive reachability
-testing design is needed to resolve its many edge cases: for example,
-if a bridge stops seeing use from a certain area, does that mean the
-bridge is blocked or does that mean those users are asleep?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-There are many more problems with the general concept of detecting whether
-bridges are blocked. First, different zones of the Internet are blocked
-in different ways, and the actual firewall jurisdictions do not match
-country borders. Our bridge scheme could help us map out the topology
-of the censored Internet, but this is a huge task. More generally,
-if a bridge relay isn't reachable, is that because of a network block
-somewhere, because of a problem at the bridge relay, or just a temporary
-outage somewhere in between? And last, an attacker could poison our
-bridge database by signing up already-blocked bridges. In this case,
-if we're stingy giving out bridge addresses, users in that country won't
-learn working bridges.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-All of these issues are made more complex when we try to integrate this
-testing into our social network reputation system above.
-Since in that case we punish or reward users based on whether bridges
-get blocked, the adversary has new attacks to trick or bog down the
-reputation tracking. Indeed, the bridge authority doesn't even know
-what zone the blocked user is in, so do we blame him for any possible
-censored zone, or what?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Clearly more analysis is required. The eventual solution will probably
-involve a combination of passive measurement via GeoIP and active
-measurement from trusted testers.  More generally, we can use the passive
-feedback mechanism to track usage of the bridge network as a whole &mdash; which
-would let us respond to attacks and adapt the design, and it would also
-let the general public track the progress of the project.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc7.8">
-7.8</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Advantages of deploying all solutions at once</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-For once, we're not in the position of the defender: we don't have to
-defend against every possible filtering scheme; we just have to defend
-against at least one. On the flip side, the attacker is forced to guess
-how to allocate his resources to defend against each of these discovery
-strategies. So by deploying all of our strategies at once, we not only
-increase our chances of finding one that the adversary has difficulty
-blocking, but we actually make <em>all</em> of the strategies more robust
-in the face of an adversary with limited resources.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc8">
-<a name="sec:security">
-8</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Security considerations</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc8.1">
-8.1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Possession of Tor in oppressed areas</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Many people speculate that installing and using a Tor client in areas with
-particularly extreme firewalls is a high risk &mdash; and the risk increases
-as the firewall gets more restrictive. This notion certainly has merit, but
-a counter pressure as well: as the firewall gets more restrictive, more
-ordinary people behind it end up using Tor for more mainstream activities,
-such as learning
-about Wall Street prices or looking at pictures of women's ankles. So
-as the restrictive firewall pushes up the number of Tor users, the
-"typical" Tor user becomes more mainstream, and therefore mere
-use or possession of the Tor software is not so surprising.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-It's hard to say which of these pressures will ultimately win out,
-but we should keep both sides of the issue in mind.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc8.2">
-<a name="subsec:upload-padding">
-8.2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Observers can tell who is publishing and who is reading</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Tor encrypts traffic on the local network, and it obscures the eventual
-destination of the communication, but it doesn't do much to obscure the
-traffic volume. In particular, a user publishing a home video will have a
-different network fingerprint than a user reading an online news article.
-Based on our assumption in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:adversary">2</a> that users who
-publish material are in more danger, should we work to improve Tor's
-security in this situation?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In the general case this is an extremely challenging task:
-effective <em>end-to-end traffic confirmation attacks</em>
-are known where the adversary observes the origin and the
-destination of traffic and confirms that they are part of the
-same communication&nbsp;[<a href="#danezis:pet2004" name="CITEdanezis:pet2004">8</a>,<a href="#e2e-traffic" name="CITEe2e-traffic">24</a>]. Related are
-<em>website fingerprinting attacks</em>, where the adversary downloads
-a few hundred popular websites, makes a set of "fingerprints" for each
-site, and then observes the target Tor client's traffic to look for
-a match&nbsp;[<a href="#pet05-bissias" name="CITEpet05-bissias">4</a>,<a href="#defensive-dropping" name="CITEdefensive-dropping">21</a>]. But can we do better
-against a limited adversary who just does coarse-grained sweeps looking
-for unusually prolific publishers?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-One answer is for bridge users to automatically send bursts of padding
-traffic periodically. (This traffic can be implemented in terms of
-long-range drop cells, which are already part of the Tor specification.)
-Of course, convincingly simulating an actual human publishing interesting
-content is a difficult arms race, but it may be worthwhile to at least
-start the race. More research remains.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc8.3">
-8.3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Anonymity effects from acting as a bridge relay</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Against some attacks, relaying traffic for others can improve
-anonymity. The simplest example is an attacker who owns a small number
-of Tor servers. He will see a connection from the bridge, but he won't
-be able to know whether the connection originated there or was relayed
-from somebody else. More generally, the mere uncertainty of whether the
-traffic originated from that user may be helpful.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-There are some cases where it doesn't seem to help: if an attacker can
-watch all of the bridge's incoming and outgoing traffic, then it's easy
-to learn which connections were relayed and which started there. (In this
-case he still doesn't know the final destinations unless he is watching
-them too, but in this case bridges are no better off than if they were
-an ordinary client.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-There are also some potential downsides to running a bridge. First, while
-we try to make it hard to enumerate all bridges, it's still possible to
-learn about some of them, and for some people just the fact that they're
-running one might signal to an attacker that they place a higher value
-on their anonymity. Second, there are some more esoteric attacks on Tor
-relays that are not as well-understood or well-tested &mdash; for example, an
-attacker may be able to "observe" whether the bridge is sending traffic
-even if he can't actually watch its network, by relaying traffic through
-it and noticing changes in traffic timing&nbsp;[<a href="#attack-tor-oak05" name="CITEattack-tor-oak05">25</a>]. On
-the other hand, it may be that limiting the bandwidth the bridge is
-willing to relay will allow this sort of attacker to determine if it's
-being used as a bridge but not easily learn whether it is adding traffic
-of its own.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We also need to examine how entry guards fit in. Entry guards
-(a small set of nodes that are always used for the first
-step in a circuit) help protect against certain attacks
-where the attacker runs a few Tor servers and waits for
-the user to choose these servers as the beginning and end of her
-circuit<a href="#tthFtNtAAC" name="tthFrefAAC"><sup>2</sup></a>.
-If the blocked user doesn't use the bridge's entry guards, then the bridge
-doesn't gain as much cover benefit. On the other hand, what design changes
-are needed for the blocked user to use the bridge's entry guards without
-learning what they are (this seems hard), and even if we solve that,
-do they then need to use the guards' guards and so on down the line?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-It is an open research question whether the benefits of running a bridge
-outweigh the risks. A lot of the decision rests on which attacks the
-users are most worried about. For most users, we don't think running a
-bridge relay will be that damaging, and it could help quite a bit.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc8.4">
-<a name="subsec:cafes-and-livecds">
-8.4</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Trusting local hardware: Internet cafes and LiveCDs</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Assuming that users have their own trusted hardware is not
-always reasonable.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-For Internet cafe Windows computers that let you attach your own USB key,
-a USB-based Tor image would be smart. There's Torpark, and hopefully
-there will be more thoroughly analyzed and trustworthy options down the
-road. Worries remain about hardware or software keyloggers and other
-spyware, as well as physical surveillance.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-If the system lets you boot from a CD or from a USB key, you can gain
-a bit more security by bringing a privacy LiveCD with you. (This
-approach isn't foolproof either of course, since hardware
-keyloggers and physical surveillance are still a worry).
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In fact, LiveCDs are also useful if it's your own hardware, since it's
-easier to avoid leaving private data and logs scattered around the
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc8.5">
-<a name="subsec:trust-chain">
-8.5</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;The trust chain</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Tor's "public key infrastructure" provides a chain of trust to
-let users verify that they're actually talking to the right servers.
-There are four pieces to this trust chain.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-First, when Tor clients are establishing circuits, at each step
-they demand that the next Tor server in the path prove knowledge of
-its private key&nbsp;[<a href="#tor-design" name="CITEtor-design">11</a>]. This step prevents the first node
-in the path from just spoofing the rest of the path. Second, the
-Tor directory authorities provide a signed list of servers along with
-their public keys &mdash; so unless the adversary can control a threshold
-of directory authorities, he can't trick the Tor client into using other
-Tor servers. Third, the location and keys of the directory authorities,
-in turn, is hard-coded in the Tor source code &mdash; so as long as the user
-got a genuine version of Tor, he can know that he is using the genuine
-Tor network. And last, the source code and other packages are signed
-with the GPG keys of the Tor developers, so users can confirm that they
-did in fact download a genuine version of Tor.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In the case of blocked users contacting bridges and bridge directory
-authorities, the same logic applies in parallel: the blocked users fetch
-information from both the bridge authorities and the directory authorities
-for the `main' Tor network, and they combine this information locally.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-How can a user in an oppressed country know that he has the correct
-key fingerprints for the developers? As with other security systems, it
-ultimately comes down to human interaction. The keys are signed by dozens
-of people around the world, and we have to hope that our users have met
-enough people in the PGP web of trust
-that they can learn
-the correct keys. For users that aren't connected to the global security
-community, though, this question remains a critical weakness.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc9">
-<a name="sec:reachability">
-9</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Maintaining reachability</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc9.1">
-9.1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How many bridge relays should you know about?</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The strategies described in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:discovery">7</a> talked about
-learning one bridge address at a time. But if most bridges are ordinary
-Tor users on cable modem or DSL connection, many of them will disappear
-and/or move periodically. How many bridge relays should a blocked user
-know about so that she is likely to have at least one reachable at any
-given point? This is already a challenging problem if we only consider
-natural churn: the best approach is to see what bridges we attract in
-reality and measure their churn. We may also need to factor in a parameter
-for how quickly bridges get discovered and blocked by the attacker;
-we leave this for future work after we have more deployment experience.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-A related question is: if the bridge relays change IP addresses
-periodically, how often does the blocked user need to fetch updates in
-order to keep from being cut out of the loop?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Once we have more experience and intuition, we should explore technical
-solutions to this problem too. For example, if the discovery strategies
-give out k bridge addresses rather than a single bridge address, perhaps
-we can improve robustness from the user perspective without significantly
-aiding the adversary. Rather than giving out a new random subset of k
-addresses at each point, we could bind them together into <em>bridge
-families</em>, so all users that learn about one member of the bridge family
-are told about the rest as well.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-This scheme may also help defend against attacks to map the set of
-bridges. That is, if all blocked users learn a random subset of bridges,
-the attacker should learn about a few bridges, monitor the country-level
-firewall for connections to them, then watch those users to see what
-other bridges they use, and repeat. By segmenting the bridge address
-space, we can limit the exposure of other users.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc9.2">
-<a name="subsec:block-cable">
-9.2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Cablemodem users don't usually provide important websites</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Another attacker we might be concerned about is that the attacker could
-just block all DSL and cablemodem network addresses, on the theory that
-they don't run any important services anyway. If most of our bridges
-are on these networks, this attack could really hurt.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The first answer is to aim to get volunteers both from traditionally
-"consumer" networks and also from traditionally "producer" networks.
-Since bridges don't need to be Tor exit nodes, as we improve our usability
-it seems quite feasible to get a lot of websites helping out.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The second answer (not as practical) would be to encourage more use of
-consumer networks for popular and useful Internet services.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-A related attack we might worry about is based on large countries putting
-economic pressure on companies that want to expand their business. For
-example, what happens if Verizon wants to sell services in China, and
-China pressures Verizon to discourage its users in the free world from
-running bridges?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc9.3">
-9.3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Scanning resistance: making bridges more subtle</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-If it's trivial to verify that a given address is operating as a bridge,
-and most bridges run on a predictable port, then it's conceivable our
-attacker could scan the whole Internet looking for bridges. (In fact,
-he can just concentrate on scanning likely networks like cablemodem
-and DSL services &mdash; see Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:block-cable">9.2</a>
-above for
-related attacks.) It would be nice to slow down this attack. It would
-be even nicer to make it hard to learn whether we're a bridge without
-first knowing some secret. We call this general property <em>scanning
-resistance</em>, and it goes along with normalizing Tor's TLS handshake and
-network fingerprint.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We could provide a password to the blocked user, and she (or her Tor
-client) provides a nonced hash of this password when she connects. We'd
-need to give her an ID key for the bridge too (in addition to the IP
-address and port &mdash; see Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:id-address">6.1</a>), and wait to
-present the password until we've finished the TLS handshake, else it
-would look unusual. If Alice can authenticate the bridge before she
-tries to send her password, we can resist an adversary who pretends
-to be the bridge and launches a man-in-the-middle attack to learn the
-password. But even if she can't, we still resist against widespread
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-How should the bridge behave if accessed without the correct
-authorization? Perhaps it should act like an unconfigured HTTPS server
-("welcome to the default Apache page"), or maybe it should mirror
-and act like common websites, or websites randomly chosen from Google.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We might assume that the attacker can recognize HTTPS connections that
-use self-signed certificates. (This process would be resource-intensive
-but not out of the realm of possibility.) But even in this case, many
-popular websites around the Internet use self-signed or just plain broken
-SSL certificates.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc9.4">
-<a name="subsec:incentives">
-9.4</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How to motivate people to run bridge relays</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-One of the traditional ways to get people to run software that benefits
-others is to give them motivation to install it themselves.  An often
-suggested approach is to install it as a stunning screensaver so everybody
-will be pleased to run it. We take a similar approach here, by leveraging
-the fact that these users are already interested in protecting their
-own Internet traffic, so they will install and run the software.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Eventually, we may be able to make all Tor users become bridges if they
-pass their self-reachability tests &mdash; the software and installers need
-more work on usability first, but we're making progress.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In the mean time, we can make a snazzy network graph with
-Vidalia<a href="#tthFtNtAAD" name="tthFrefAAD"><sup>3</sup></a> that
-emphasizes the connections the bridge user is currently relaying.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc9.5">
-<a name="subsec:publicity">
-9.5</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Publicity attracts attention</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Many people working on this field want to publicize the existence
-and extent of censorship concurrently with the deployment of their
-circumvention software. The easy reason for this two-pronged push is
-to attract volunteers for running proxies in their systems; but in many
-cases their main goal is not to focus on actually allowing individuals
-to circumvent the firewall, but rather to educate the world about the
-censorship. The media also tries to do its part by broadcasting the
-existence of each new circumvention system.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-But at the same time, this publicity attracts the attention of the
-censors. We can slow down the arms race by not attracting as much
-attention, and just spreading by word of mouth. If our goal is to
-establish a solid social network of bridges and bridge users before
-the adversary gets involved, does this extra attention work to our
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc9.6">
-9.6</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;The Tor website: how to get the software</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-One of the first censoring attacks against a system like ours is to
-block the website and make the software itself hard to find. Our system
-should work well once the user is running an authentic
-copy of Tor and has found a working bridge, but to get to that point
-we rely on their individual skills and ingenuity.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Right now, most countries that block access to Tor block only the main
-website and leave mirrors and the network itself untouched.
-Falling back on word-of-mouth is always a good last resort, but we should
-also take steps to make sure it's relatively easy for users to get a copy,
-such as publicizing the mirrors more and making copies available through
-other media. We might also mirror the latest version of the software on
-each bridge, so users who hear about an honest bridge can get a good
-See Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:first-bridge">7.1</a> for more discussion.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc10">
-<a name="sec:future">
-10</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Future designs</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc10.1">
-10.1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Bridges inside the blocked network too</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Assuming actually crossing the firewall is the risky part of the
-operation, can we have some bridge relays inside the blocked area too,
-and more established users can use them as relays so they don't need to
-communicate over the firewall directly at all? A simple example here is
-to make new blocked users into internal bridges also &mdash; so they sign up
-on the bridge authority as part of doing their query, and we give out
-their addresses
-rather than (or along with) the external bridge addresses. This design
-is a lot trickier because it brings in the complexity of whether the
-internal bridges will remain available, can maintain reachability with
-the outside world, etc.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-More complex future designs involve operating a separate Tor network
-inside the blocked area, and using <em>hidden service bridges</em> &mdash; bridges
-that can be accessed by users of the internal Tor network but whose
-addresses are not published or findable, even by these users &mdash; to get
-from inside the firewall to the rest of the Internet. But this design
-requires directory authorities to run inside the blocked area too,
-and they would be a fine target to take down the network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc11">
-<a name="sec:conclusion">
-11</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Next Steps</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Technical solutions won't solve the whole censorship problem. After all,
-the firewalls in places like China are <em>socially</em> very
-successful, even if technologies and tricks exist to get around them.
-However, having a strong technical solution is still necessary as one
-important piece of the puzzle.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In this paper, we have shown that Tor provides a great set of building
-blocks to start from. The next steps are to deploy prototype bridges and
-bridge authorities, implement some of the proposed discovery strategies,
-and then observe the system in operation and get more intuition about
-the actual requirements and adversaries we're up against.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<dl compact="compact">
- <dt><a href="#CITEeconymics" name="econymics">[1]</a></dt><dd>
-Alessandro Acquisti, Roger Dingledine, and Paul Syverson.
- On the economics of anonymity.
- In Rebecca&nbsp;N. Wright, editor, <em>Financial Cryptography</em>.
-  Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2742, 2003.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEfreedom21-security" name="freedom21-security">[2]</a></dt><dd>
-Adam Back, Ian Goldberg, and Adam Shostack.
- Freedom systems 2.1 security issues and analysis.
- White paper, Zero Knowledge Systems, Inc., May 2001.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEweb-mix" name="web-mix">[3]</a></dt><dd>
-Oliver Berthold, Hannes Federrath, and Stefan K&#246;psell.
- Web MIXes: A system for anonymous and unobservable Internet
-  access.
- In H.&nbsp;Federrath, editor, <em>Designing Privacy Enhancing
-  Technologies: Workshop on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability</em>.
-  Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009, 2000.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEpet05-bissias" name="pet05-bissias">[4]</a></dt><dd>
-George&nbsp;Dean Bissias, Marc Liberatore, and Brian&nbsp;Neil Levine.
- Privacy vulnerabilities in encrypted http streams.
- In <em>Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies workshop (PET
-  2005)</em>, May 2005.
-  <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEchaum-blind" name="chaum-blind">[5]</a></dt><dd>
-David Chaum.
- Blind signatures for untraceable payments.
- In D.&nbsp;Chaum, R.L. Rivest, and A.T. Sherman, editors, <em>Advances in
-  Cryptology: Proceedings of Crypto 82</em>, pages 199-203. Plenum Press, 1983.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEfreenet-pets00" name="freenet-pets00">[6]</a></dt><dd>
-Ian Clarke, Oskar Sandberg, Brandon Wiley, and Theodore&nbsp;W. Hong.
- Freenet: A distributed anonymous information storage and retrieval
-  system.
- In H.&nbsp;Federrath, editor, <em>Designing Privacy Enhancing
-  Technologies: Workshop on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability</em>,
-  pages 46-66. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009, July 2000.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEclayton:pet2006" name="clayton:pet2006">[7]</a></dt><dd>
-Richard Clayton, Steven&nbsp;J. Murdoch, and Robert N.&nbsp;M. Watson.
- Ignoring the great firewall of china.
- In <em>Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Privacy Enhancing
-  Technologies (PET 2006)</em>, Cambridge, UK, June 2006. Springer.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEdanezis:pet2004" name="danezis:pet2004">[8]</a></dt><dd>
-George Danezis.
- The traffic analysis of continuous-time mixes.
- In David Martin and Andrei Serjantov, editors, <em>Privacy Enhancing
-  Technologies (PET 2004)</em>, LNCS, May 2004.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEusability:weis2006" name="usability:weis2006">[9]</a></dt><dd>
-Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson.
- Anonymity loves company: Usability and the network effect.
- In <em>Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on the Economics of
-  Information Security (WEIS 2006)</em>, Cambridge, UK, June 2006.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITErep-anon" name="rep-anon">[10]</a></dt><dd>
-Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson, and Paul Syverson.
- Reputation in P2P Anonymity Systems.
- In <em>Proceedings of Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer
-  Systems</em>, June 2003.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEtor-design" name="tor-design">[11]</a></dt><dd>
-Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson, and Paul Syverson.
- Tor: The second-generation onion router.
- In <em>Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Security Symposium</em>, August
-  2004.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEcasc-rep" name="casc-rep">[12]</a></dt><dd>
-Roger Dingledine and Paul Syverson.
- Reliable MIX Cascade Networks through Reputation.
- In Matt Blaze, editor, <em>Financial Cryptography</em>. Springer-Verlag,
-  LNCS 2357, 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
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-Ronald&nbsp;Deibert et&nbsp;al.
- Psiphon.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEinfranet" name="infranet">[14]</a></dt><dd>
-Nick Feamster, Magdalena Balazinska, Greg Harfst, Hari Balakrishnan, and David
-  Karger.
- Infranet: Circumventing web censorship and surveillance.
- In <em>Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Security Symposium</em>, August
-  2002.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEactive-wardens" name="active-wardens">[15]</a></dt><dd>
-Gina Fisk, Mike Fisk, Christos Papadopoulos, and Joshua Neil.
- Eliminating steganography in internet traffic with active wardens.
- In Fabien Petitcolas, editor, <em>Information Hiding Workshop (IH
-  2002)</em>. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2578, October 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEblossom-thesis" name="blossom-thesis">[16]</a></dt><dd>
-Geoffrey Goodell.
- <em>Perspective Access Networks</em>.
- PhD thesis, Harvard University, July 2006.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEgoodell-syverson06" name="goodell-syverson06">[17]</a></dt><dd>
-Geoffrey Goodell and Paul Syverson.
- The right place at the right time: The use of network location in
-  authentication and abuse prevention, 2006.
- Submitted.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEcircumventor" name="circumventor">[18]</a></dt><dd>
-Bennett Haselton.
- How to install the Circumventor program.
-  <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEip-to-country" name="ip-to-country">[19]</a></dt><dd>
-Ip-to-country database.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEkoepsell:wpes2004" name="koepsell:wpes2004">[20]</a></dt><dd>
-Stefan K&#246;psell and Ulf Hilling.
- How to achieve blocking resistance for existing systems enabling
-  anonymous web surfing.
- In <em>Proceedings of the Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic
-  Society (WPES 2004)</em>, Washington, DC, USA, October 2004.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEdefensive-dropping" name="defensive-dropping">[21]</a></dt><dd>
-Brian&nbsp;N. Levine, Michael&nbsp;K. Reiter, Chenxi Wang, and Matthew Wright.
- Timing analysis in low-latency mix-based systems.
- In Ari Juels, editor, <em>Financial Cryptography</em>. Springer-Verlag,
-  LNCS (forthcoming), 2004.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEmackinnon-personal" name="mackinnon-personal">[22]</a></dt><dd>
-Rebecca MacKinnon.
- Private communication, 2006.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEcgiproxy" name="cgiproxy">[23]</a></dt><dd>
-James Marshall.
- CGIProxy: HTTP/FTP Proxy in a CGI Script.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEe2e-traffic" name="e2e-traffic">[24]</a></dt><dd>
-Nick Mathewson and Roger Dingledine.
- Practical traffic analysis: Extending and resisting statistical
-  disclosure.
- In David Martin and Andrei Serjantov, editors, <em>Privacy Enhancing
-  Technologies (PET 2004)</em>, LNCS, May 2004.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEattack-tor-oak05" name="attack-tor-oak05">[25]</a></dt><dd>
-Steven&nbsp;J. Murdoch and George Danezis.
- Low-cost traffic analysis of tor.
- In <em>IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy</em>. IEEE CS, May 2005.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEtcpstego" name="tcpstego">[26]</a></dt><dd>
-Steven&nbsp;J. Murdoch and Stephen Lewis.
- Embedding covert channels into TCP/IP.
- In Mauro Barni, Jordi Herrera-Joancomart&#237;, Stefan Katzenbeisser,
-  and Fernando P&#233;rez-Gonz&#225;lez, editors, <em>Information Hiding: 7th
-  International Workshop</em>, volume 3727 of <em>LNCS</em>, pages 247-261,
-  Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain), June 2005. Springer-Verlag.
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- <dt><a href="#CITEptacek98insertion" name="ptacek98insertion">[27]</a></dt><dd>
-Thomas&nbsp;H. Ptacek and Timothy&nbsp;N. Newsham.
- Insertion, evasion, and denial of service: Eluding network intrusion
-  detection.
- Technical report, Secure Networks, Inc., Suite 330, 1201 5th Street
-  S.W, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2R-0Y6, 1998.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEzuckerman-threatmodels" name="zuckerman-threatmodels">[28]</a></dt><dd>
-Ethan Zuckerman.
- We've got to adjust some of our threat models.
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.</dd>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<hr /><h3>Footnotes:</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="tthFtNtAAB"></a><a href="#tthFrefAAB"><sup>1</sup></a>So far in places
-  like China, the authorities mainly go after people who publish materials
-  and coordinate organized movements&nbsp;[<a href="#mackinnon-personal" name="CITEmackinnon-personal">22</a>].
-  If they find that a
-  user happens to be reading a site that should be blocked, the typical
-  response is simply to block the site. Of course, even with an encrypted
-  connection, the adversary may be able to distinguish readers from
-  publishers by observing whether Alice is mostly downloading bytes or mostly
-  uploading them &mdash; we discuss this issue more in
-  Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:upload-padding">8.2</a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="tthFtNtAAC"></a><a href="#tthFrefAAC"><sup>2</sup></a><a href="\#EntryGuards"><tt></tt></a>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="tthFtNtAAD"></a><a href="#tthFrefAAD"><sup>3</sup></a><a href=""><tt></tt></a>
-<br /><br /><hr /><small>File translated from
-T<sub><font size="-1">E</font></sub>X
-by <a href="">
-T<sub><font size="-1">T</font></sub>H</a>,
-version 3.77.<br />On 11 May 2007, 21:49.</small>


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-\newcommand{\workingnote}[1]{}        % The version that hides the note.
-%\newcommand{\workingnote}[1]{(**#1)}   % makes the note visible.
-\title{Design of a blocking-resistant anonymity system\\DRAFT}
-%\author{Roger Dingledine\inst{1} \and Nick Mathewson\inst{1}}
-\author{Roger Dingledine \\ The Tor Project \\ \and
-Nick Mathewson \\ The Tor Project \\}
-Internet censorship is on the rise as websites around the world are
-increasingly blocked by government-level firewalls.  Although popular
-anonymizing networks like Tor were originally designed to keep attackers from
-tracing people's activities, many people are also using them to evade local
-censorship.  But if the censor simply denies access to the Tor network
-itself, blocked users can no longer benefit from the security Tor offers.
-Here we describe a design that builds upon the current Tor network
-to provide an anonymizing network that resists blocking
-by government-level attackers. We have implemented and deployed this
-design, and talk briefly about early use.
-Anonymizing networks like Tor~\cite{tor-design} bounce traffic around a
-network of encrypting relays.  Unlike encryption, which hides only {\it what}
-is said, these networks also aim to hide who is communicating with whom, which
-users are using which websites, and so on.  These systems have a
-broad range of users, including ordinary citizens who want to avoid being
-profiled for targeted advertisements, corporations who don't want to reveal
-information to their competitors, and law enforcement and government
-intelligence agencies who need to do operations on the Internet without being
-Historical anonymity research has focused on an
-attacker who monitors the user (call her Alice) and tries to discover her
-activities, yet lets her reach any piece of the network. In more modern
-threat models such as Tor's, the adversary is allowed to perform active
-attacks such as modifying communications to trick Alice
-into revealing her destination, or intercepting some connections
-to run a man-in-the-middle attack. But these systems still assume that
-Alice can eventually reach the anonymizing network.
-An increasing number of users are using the Tor software
-less for its anonymity properties than for its censorship
-resistance properties---if they use Tor to access Internet sites like
-and Blogspot, they are no longer affected by local censorship
-and firewall rules. In fact, an informal user study
-%(described in Appendix~\ref{app:geoip})
-showed that a few hundred thousand users people access the Tor network
-each day, with about 20\% of them coming from China~\cite{something}.
-The current Tor design is easy to block if the attacker controls Alice's
-connection to the Tor network---by blocking the directory authorities,
-by blocking all the relay IP addresses in the directory, or by filtering
-based on the network fingerprint of the Tor TLS handshake. Here we
-describe an
-extended design that builds upon the current Tor network to provide an
-network that resists censorship as well as anonymity-breaking attacks.
-In section~\ref{sec:adversary} we discuss our threat model---that is,
-the assumptions we make about our adversary. Section~\ref{sec:current-tor}
-describes the components of the current Tor design and how they can be
-leveraged for a new blocking-resistant design. Section~\ref{sec:related}
-explains the features and drawbacks of the currently deployed solutions.
-In sections~\ref{sec:bridges} through~\ref{sec:discovery}, we explore the
-components of our designs in detail.  Section~\ref{sec:security} considers
-security implications and Section~\ref{sec:reachability} presents other
-issues with maintaining connectivity and sustainability for the design.
-%Section~\ref{sec:future} speculates about future more complex designs,
-Finally section~\ref{sec:conclusion} summarizes our next steps and
-% The other motivation is for places where we're concerned they will
-% try to enumerate a list of Tor users. So even if they're not blocking
-% the Tor network, it may be smart to not be visible as connecting to it.
-%And adding more different classes of users and goals to the Tor network
-%improves the anonymity for all Tor users~\cite{econymics,usability:weis2006}.
-% Adding use classes for countering blocking as well as anonymity has
-% benefits too. Should add something about how providing undetected
-% access to Tor would facilitate people talking to, e.g., govt. authorities
-% about threats to public safety etc. in an environment where Tor use
-% is not otherwise widespread and would make one stand out.
-\section{Adversary assumptions}
-To design an effective anti-censorship tool, we need a good model for the
-goals and resources of the censors we are evading.  Otherwise, we risk
-spending our effort on keeping the adversaries from doing things they have no
-interest in doing, and thwarting techniques they do not use.
-The history of blocking-resistance designs is littered with conflicting
-assumptions about what adversaries to expect and what problems are
-in the critical path to a solution. Here we describe our best
-understanding of the current situation around the world.
-In the traditional security style, we aim to defeat a strong
-attacker---if we can defend against this attacker, we inherit protection
-against weaker attackers as well.  After all, we want a general design
-that will work for citizens of China, Thailand, and other censored
-countries; for
-whistleblowers in firewalled corporate networks; and for people in
-unanticipated oppressive situations. In fact, by designing with
-a variety of adversaries in mind, we can take advantage of the fact that
-adversaries will be in different stages of the arms race at each location,
-so an address blocked in one locale can still be useful in others.
-We focus on an attacker with somewhat complex goals:
-\item The attacker would like to restrict the flow of certain kinds of
-  information, particularly when this information is seen as embarrassing to
-  those in power (such as information about rights violations or corruption),
-  or when it enables or encourages others to oppose them effectively (such as
-  information about opposition movements or sites that are used to organize
-  protests).
-\item As a second-order effect, censors aim to chill citizens' behavior by
-  creating an impression that their online activities are monitored.
-\item In some cases, censors make a token attempt to block a few sites for
-  obscenity, blasphemy, and so on, but their efforts here are mainly for
-  show. In other cases, they really do try hard to block such content.
-\item Complete blocking (where nobody at all can ever download censored
-  content) is not a
-  goal. Attackers typically recognize that perfect censorship is not only
-  impossible, it is unnecessary: if ``undesirable'' information is known only
-  to a small few, further censoring efforts can be focused elsewhere.
-\item Similarly, the censors do not attempt to shut down or block {\it
-  every} anti-censorship tool---merely the tools that are popular and
-  effective (because these tools impede the censors' information restriction
-  goals) and those tools that are highly visible (thus making the censors
-  look ineffectual to their citizens and their bosses).
-\item Reprisal against {\it most} passive consumers of {\it most} kinds of
-  blocked information is also not a goal, given the broadness of most
-  censorship regimes. This seems borne out by fact.\footnote{So far in places
-  like China, the authorities mainly go after people who publish materials
-  and coordinate organized movements~\cite{mackinnon-personal}.
-  If they find that a
-  user happens to be reading a site that should be blocked, the typical
-  response is simply to block the site. Of course, even with an encrypted
-  connection, the adversary may be able to distinguish readers from
-  publishers by observing whether Alice is mostly downloading bytes or mostly
-  uploading them---we discuss this issue more in
-  Section~\ref{subsec:upload-padding}.}
-\item Producers and distributors of targeted information are in much
-  greater danger than consumers; the attacker would like to not only block
-  their work, but identify them for reprisal.
-\item The censors (or their governments) would like to have a working, useful
-  Internet. There are economic, political, and social factors that prevent
-  them from ``censoring'' the Internet by outlawing it entirely, or by
-  blocking access to all but a tiny list of sites.
-  Nevertheless, the censors {\it are} willing to block innocuous content
-  (like the bulk of a newspaper's reporting) in order to censor other content
-  distributed through the same channels (like that newspaper's coverage of
-  the censored country).
-We assume there are three main technical network attacks in use by censors
-\item Block a destination or type of traffic by automatically searching for
-  certain strings or patterns in TCP packets.  Offending packets can be
-  dropped, or can trigger a response like closing the
-  connection.
-\item Block certain IP addresses or destination ports at a
-  firewall or other routing control point.
-\item Intercept DNS requests and give bogus responses for certain
-  destination hostnames.
-We assume the network firewall has limited CPU and memory per
-connection~\cite{clayton:pet2006}.  Against an adversary who could carefully
-examine the contents of every packet and correlate the packets in every
-stream on the network, we would need some stronger mechanism such as
-steganography, which introduces its own
-problems~\cite{active-wardens,tcpstego}.  But we make a ``weak
-steganography'' assumption here: to remain unblocked, it is necessary to
-remain unobservable only by computational resources on par with a modern
-router, firewall, proxy, or IDS.
-We assume that while various different regimes can coordinate and share
-notes, there will be a time lag between one attacker learning how to overcome
-a facet of our design and other attackers picking it up.  (The most common
-vector of transmission seems to be commercial providers of censorship tools:
-once a provider adds a feature to meet one country's needs or requests, the
-feature is available to all of the provider's customers.)  Conversely, we
-assume that insider attacks become a higher risk only after the early stages
-of network development, once the system has reached a certain level of
-success and visibility.
-We do not assume that government-level attackers are always uniform
-across the country. For example, users of different ISPs in China
-experience different censorship policies and mechanisms~\cite{china-ccs07}.
-%there is no single centralized place in China
-%that coordinates its specific censorship decisions and steps.
-We assume that the attacker may be able to use political and economic
-resources to secure the cooperation of extraterritorial or multinational
-corporations and entities in investigating information sources.
-For example, the censors can threaten the service providers of
-troublesome blogs with economic reprisals if they do not reveal the
-authors' identities.
-We assume that our users have control over their hardware and
-software---they don't have any spyware installed, there are no
-cameras watching their screens, etc. Unfortunately, in many situations
-these threats are real~\cite{zuckerman-threatmodels}; yet
-software-based security systems like ours are poorly equipped to handle
-a user who is entirely observed and controlled by the adversary. See
-Section~\ref{subsec:cafes-and-livecds} for more discussion of what little
-we can do about this issue.
-Similarly, we assume that the user will be able to fetch a genuine
-version of Tor, rather than one supplied by the adversary; see
-Section~\ref{subsec:trust-chain} for discussion on helping the user
-confirm that he has a genuine version and that he can connect to the
-real Tor network.
-\section{Adapting the current Tor design to anti-censorship}
-Tor is popular and sees a lot of use---it's the largest anonymity
-network of its kind, and has
-attracted more than 1500 volunteer-operated routers from around the
-world.  Tor protects each user by routing their traffic through a multiply
-encrypted ``circuit'' built of a few randomly selected relay, each of which
-can remove only a single layer of encryption.  Each relay sees only the step
-before it and the step after it in the circuit, and so no single relay can
-learn the connection between a user and her chosen communication partners.
-In this section, we examine some of the reasons why Tor has become popular,
-with particular emphasis to how we can take advantage of these properties
-for a blocking-resistance design.
-Tor aims to provide three security properties:
-\item 1. A local network attacker can't learn, or influence, your
-\item 2. No single router in the Tor network can link you to your
-\item 3. The destination, or somebody watching the destination,
-can't learn your location.
-For blocking-resistance, we care most clearly about the first
-property. But as the arms race progresses, the second property
-will become important---for example, to discourage an adversary
-from volunteering a relay in order to learn that Alice is reading
-or posting to certain websites. The third property helps keep users safe from
-collaborating websites: consider websites and other Internet services 
-that have been pressured
-recently into revealing the identity of bloggers
-or treating clients differently depending on their network
-The Tor design provides other features as well that are not typically
-present in manual or ad hoc circumvention techniques.
-First, Tor has a well-analyzed and well-understood way to distribute
-information about relay.
-Tor directory authorities automatically aggregate, test,
-and publish signed summaries of the available Tor routers. Tor clients
-can fetch these summaries to learn which routers are available and
-which routers are suitable for their needs. Directory information is cached
-throughout the Tor network, so once clients have bootstrapped they never
-need to interact with the authorities directly. (To tolerate a minority
-of compromised directory authorities, we use a threshold trust scheme---
-see Section~\ref{subsec:trust-chain} for details.)
-Second, the list of directory authorities is not hard-wired.
-Clients use the default authorities if no others are specified,
-but it's easy to start a separate (or even overlapping) Tor network just
-by running a different set of authorities and convincing users to prefer
-a modified client. For example, we could launch a distinct Tor network
-inside China; some users could even use an aggregate network made up of
-both the main network and the China network. (But we should not be too
-quick to create other Tor networks---part of Tor's anonymity comes from
-users behaving like other users, and there are many unsolved anonymity
-questions if different users know about different pieces of the network.)
-Third, in addition to automatically learning from the chosen directories
-which Tor routers are available and working, Tor takes care of building
-paths through the network and rebuilding them as needed. So the user
-never has to know how paths are chosen, never has to manually pick
-working proxies, and so on. More generally, at its core the Tor protocol
-is simply a tool that can build paths given a set of routers. Tor is
-quite flexible about how it learns about the routers and how it chooses
-the paths. Harvard's Blossom project~\cite{blossom-thesis} makes this
-flexibility more concrete: Blossom makes use of Tor not for its security
-properties but for its reachability properties. It runs a separate set
-of directory authorities, its own set of Tor routers (called the Blossom
-network), and uses Tor's flexible path-building to let users view Internet
-resources from any point in the Blossom network.
-Fourth, Tor separates the role of \emph{internal relay} from the
-role of \emph{exit relay}. That is, some volunteers choose just to relay
-traffic between Tor users and Tor routers, and others choose to also allow
-connections to external Internet resources. Because we don't force all
-volunteers to play both roles, we end up with more relays. This increased
-diversity in turn is what gives Tor its security: the more options the
-user has for her first hop, and the more options she has for her last hop,
-the less likely it is that a given attacker will be watching both ends
-of her circuit~\cite{tor-design}. As a bonus, because our design attracts
-more internal relays that want to help out but don't want to deal with
-being an exit relay, we end up providing more options for the first
-hop---the one most critical to being able to reach the Tor network.
-Fifth, Tor is sustainable. Zero-Knowledge Systems offered the commercial
-but now defunct Freedom Network~\cite{freedom21-security}, a design with
-security comparable to Tor's, but its funding model relied on collecting
-money from users to pay relay operators. Modern commercial proxy systems
-need to keep collecting money to support their infrastructure. On the
-other hand, Tor has built a self-sustaining community of volunteers who
-donate their time and resources. This community trust is rooted in Tor's
-open design: we tell the world exactly how Tor works, and we provide all
-the source code. Users can decide for themselves, or pay any security
-expert to decide, whether it is safe to use. Further, Tor's modularity
-as described above, along with its open license, mean that its impact
-will continue to grow.
-Sixth, Tor has an established user base of hundreds of
-thousands of people from around the world. This diversity of
-users contributes to sustainability as above: Tor is used by
-ordinary citizens, activists, corporations, law enforcement, and
-even government and military users,
-and they can
-only achieve their security goals by blending together in the same
-network~\cite{econymics,usability:weis2006}. This user base also provides
-something else: hundreds of thousands of different and often-changing
-addresses that we can leverage for our blocking-resistance design.
-Finally and perhaps most importantly, Tor provides anonymity and prevents any
-single relay from linking users to their communication partners.  Despite
-initial appearances, {\it distributed-trust anonymity is critical for
-anti-censorship efforts}.  If any single relay can expose dissident bloggers
-or compile a list of users' behavior, the censors can profitably compromise
-that relay's operator, perhaps by applying economic pressure to their
-breaking into their computer, pressuring their family (if they have relatives
-in the censored area), or so on.  Furthermore, in designs where any relay can
-expose its users, the censors can spread suspicion that they are running some
-of the relays and use this belief to chill use of the network.
-We discuss and adapt these components further in
-Section~\ref{sec:bridges}. But first we examine the strengths and
-weaknesses of other blocking-resistance approaches, so we can expand
-our repertoire of building blocks and ideas.
-\section{Current proxy solutions}
-Relay-based blocking-resistance schemes generally have two main
-components: a relay component and a discovery component. The relay part
-encompasses the process of establishing a connection, sending traffic
-back and forth, and so on---everything that's done once the user knows
-where she's going to connect. Discovery is the step before that: the
-process of finding one or more usable relays.
-For example, we can divide the pieces of Tor in the previous section
-into the process of building paths and sending
-traffic over them (relay) and the process of learning from the directory
-authorities about what routers are available (discovery).  With this
-in mind, we now examine several categories of relay-based schemes.
-\subsection{Centrally-controlled shared proxies}
-Existing commercial anonymity solutions (like are based
-on a set of single-hop proxies. In these systems, each user connects to
-a single proxy, which then relays traffic between the user and her
-destination. These public proxy
-systems are typically characterized by two features: they control and
-operate the proxies centrally, and many different users get assigned
-to each proxy.
-In terms of the relay component, single proxies provide weak security
-compared to systems that distribute trust over multiple relays, since a
-compromised proxy can trivially observe all of its users' actions, and
-an eavesdropper only needs to watch a single proxy to perform timing
-correlation attacks against all its users' traffic and thus learn where
-everyone is connecting. Worse, all users
-need to trust the proxy company to have good security itself as well as
-to not reveal user activities.
-On the other hand, single-hop proxies are easier to deploy, and they
-can provide better performance than distributed-trust designs like Tor,
-since traffic only goes through one relay. They're also more convenient
-from the user's perspective---since users entirely trust the proxy,
-they can just use their web browser directly.
-Whether public proxy schemes are more or less scalable than Tor is
-still up for debate: commercial anonymity systems can use some of their
-revenue to provision more bandwidth as they grow, whereas volunteer-based
-anonymity systems can attract thousands of fast relays to spread the load.
-The discovery piece can take several forms. Most commercial anonymous
-proxies have one or a handful of commonly known websites, and their users
-log in to those websites and relay their traffic through them. When
-these websites get blocked (generally soon after the company becomes
-popular), if the company cares about users in the blocked areas, they
-start renting lots of disparate IP addresses and rotating through them
-as they get blocked. They notify their users of new addresses (by email,
-for example). It's an arms race, since attackers can sign up to receive the
-email too, but operators have one nice trick available to them: because they
-have a list of paying subscribers, they can notify certain subscribers
-about updates earlier than others.
-Access control systems on the proxy let them provide service only to
-users with certain characteristics, such as paying customers or people
-from certain IP address ranges.
-Discovery in the face of a government-level firewall is a complex and
-topic, and we're stuck in this same arms race ourselves; we explore it
-in more detail in Section~\ref{sec:discovery}. But first we examine the
-other end of the spectrum---getting volunteers to run the proxies,
-and telling only a few people about each proxy.
-\subsection{Independent personal proxies}
-Personal proxies such as Circumventor~\cite{circumventor} and
-CGIProxy~\cite{cgiproxy} use the same technology as the public ones as
-far as the relay component goes, but they use a different strategy for
-discovery. Rather than managing a few centralized proxies and constantly
-getting new addresses for them as the old addresses are blocked, they
-aim to have a large number of entirely independent proxies, each managing
-its own (much smaller) set of users.
-As the Circumventor site explains, ``You don't
-actually install the Circumventor \emph{on} the computer that is blocked
-from accessing Web sites. You, or a friend of yours, has to install the
-Circumventor on some \emph{other} machine which is not censored.''
-This tactic has great advantages in terms of blocking-resistance---recall
-our assumption in Section~\ref{sec:adversary} that the attention
-a system attracts from the attacker is proportional to its number of
-users and level of publicity. If each proxy only has a few users, and
-there is no central list of proxies, most of them will never get noticed by
-the censors.
-On the other hand, there's a huge scalability question that so far has
-prevented these schemes from being widely useful: how does the fellow
-in China find a person in Ohio who will run a Circumventor for him? In
-some cases he may know and trust some people on the outside, but in many
-cases he's just out of luck. Just as hard, how does a new volunteer in
-Ohio find a person in China who needs it?
-% another key feature of a proxy run by your uncle is that you
-% self-censor, so you're unlikely to bring abuse complaints onto
-% your uncle. self-censoring clearly has a downside too, though.
-This challenge leads to a hybrid design---centrally-distributed
-personal proxies---which we will investigate in more detail in
-\subsection{Open proxies}
-Yet another currently used approach to bypassing firewalls is to locate
-open and misconfigured proxies on the Internet. A quick Google search
-for ``open proxy list'' yields a wide variety of freely available lists
-of HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS proxies. Many small companies have sprung up
-providing more refined lists to paying customers.
-There are some downsides to using these open proxies though. First,
-the proxies are of widely varying quality in terms of bandwidth and
-stability, and many of them are entirely unreachable. Second, unlike
-networks of volunteers like Tor, the legality of routing traffic through
-these proxies is questionable: it's widely believed that most of them
-don't realize what they're offering, and probably wouldn't allow it if
-they realized. Third, in many cases the connection to the proxy is
-unencrypted, so firewalls that filter based on keywords in IP packets
-will not be hindered. Fourth, in many countries (including China), the
-firewall authorities hunt for open proxies as well, to preemptively
-block them. And last, many users are suspicious that some
-open proxies are a little \emph{too} convenient: are they run by the
-adversary, in which case they get to monitor all the user's requests
-just as single-hop proxies can?
-A distributed-trust design like Tor resolves each of these issues for
-the relay component, but a constantly changing set of thousands of open
-relays is clearly a useful idea for a discovery component. For example,
-users might be able to make use of these proxies to bootstrap their
-first introduction into the Tor network.
-\subsection{Blocking resistance and JAP}
-K\"{o}psell and Hilling's Blocking Resistance
-design~\cite{koepsell:wpes2004} is probably
-the closest related work, and is the starting point for the design in this
-paper.  In this design, the JAP anonymity system~\cite{web-mix} is used
-as a base instead of Tor.  Volunteers operate a large number of access
-points that relay traffic to the core JAP
-network, which in turn anonymizes users' traffic.  The software to run these
-relays is, as in our design, included in the JAP client software and enabled
-only when the user decides to enable it.  Discovery is handled with a
-CAPTCHA-based mechanism; users prove that they aren't an automated process,
-and are given the address of an access point.  (The problem of a determined
-attacker with enough manpower to launch many requests and enumerate all the
-access points is not considered in depth.)  There is also some suggestion
-that information about access points could spread through existing social
-The Infranet design~\cite{infranet} uses one-hop relays to deliver web
-content, but disguises its communications as ordinary HTTP traffic.  Requests
-are split into multiple requests for URLs on the relay, which then encodes
-its responses in the content it returns.  The relay needs to be an actual
-website with plausible content and a number of URLs which the user might want
-to access---if the Infranet software produced its own cover content, it would
-be far easier for censors to identify.  To keep the censors from noticing
-that cover content changes depending on what data is embedded, Infranet needs
-the cover content to have an innocuous reason for changing frequently: the
-paper recommends watermarked images and webcams.
-The attacker and relay operators in Infranet's threat model are significantly
-different than in ours.  Unlike our attacker, Infranet's censor can't be
-bypassed with encrypted traffic (presumably because the censor blocks
-encrypted traffic, or at least considers it suspicious), and has more
-computational resources to devote to each connection than ours (so it can
-notice subtle patterns over time).  Unlike our bridge operators, Infranet's
-operators (and users) have more bandwidth to spare; the overhead in typical
-steganography schemes is far higher than Tor's.
-The Infranet design does not include a discovery element.  Discovery,
-however, is a critical point: if whatever mechanism allows users to learn
-about relays also allows the censor to do so, he can trivially discover and
-block their addresses, even if the steganography would prevent mere traffic
-observation from revealing the relays' addresses.
-\subsection{RST-evasion and other packet-level tricks}
-In their analysis of China's firewall's content-based blocking, Clayton,
-Murdoch and Watson discovered that rather than blocking all packets in a TCP
-streams once a forbidden word was noticed, the firewall was simply forging
-RST packets to make the communicating parties believe that the connection was
-closed~\cite{clayton:pet2006}. They proposed altering operating systems
-to ignore forged RST packets. This approach might work in some cases, but
-in practice it appears that many firewalls start filtering by IP address
-once a sufficient number of RST packets have been sent.
-Other packet-level responses to filtering include splitting
-sensitive words across multiple TCP packets, so that the censors'
-firewalls can't notice them without performing expensive stream
-reconstruction~\cite{ptacek98insertion}. This technique relies on the
-same insight as our weak steganography assumption.
-%\subsection{Internal caching networks}
-%Freenet~\cite{freenet-pets00} is an anonymous peer-to-peer data store.
-%Analyzing Freenet's security can be difficult, as its design is in flux as
-%new discovery and routing mechanisms are proposed, and no complete
-%specification has (to our knowledge) been written.  Freenet servers relay
-%requests for specific content (indexed by a digest of the content)
-%``toward'' the server that hosts it, and then cache the content as it
-%follows the same path back to
-%the requesting user.  If Freenet's routing mechanism is successful in
-%allowing nodes to learn about each other and route correctly even as some
-%node-to-node links are blocked by firewalls, then users inside censored areas
-%can ask a local Freenet server for a piece of content, and get an answer
-%without having to connect out of the country at all.  Of course, operators of
-%servers inside the censored area can still be targeted, and the addresses of
-%external servers can still be blocked.
-%The popular Skype voice-over-IP software uses multiple techniques to tolerate
-%restrictive networks, some of which allow it to continue operating in the
-%presence of censorship.  By switching ports and using encryption, Skype
-%attempts to resist trivial blocking and content filtering.  Even if no
-%encryption were used, it would still be expensive to scan all voice
-%traffic for sensitive words.  Also, most current keyloggers are unable to
-%store voice traffic.  Nevertheless, Skype can still be blocked, especially at
-%its central login server.
-%*sjmurdoch* "we consider the login server to be the only central component in
-%the Skype p2p network."
-%-> *sjmurdoch* ok. what is the login server's role?
-%-> *sjmurdoch* and do you need to reach it directly to use skype?
-%*sjmurdoch* It checks the username and password
-%*sjmurdoch* It is necessary in the current implementation, but I don't know if
-%it is a fundemental limitation of the architecture
-\subsection{Tor itself}
-And last, we include Tor itself in the list of current solutions
-to firewalls. Tens of thousands of people use Tor from countries that
-routinely filter their Internet. Tor's website has been blocked in most
-of them. But why hasn't the Tor network been blocked yet?
-We have several theories. The first is the most straightforward: tens of
-thousands of people are simply too few to matter. It may help that Tor is
-perceived to be for experts only, and thus not worth attention yet. The
-more subtle variant on this theory is that we've positioned Tor in the
-public eye as a tool for retaining civil liberties in more free countries,
-so perhaps blocking authorities don't view it as a threat. (We revisit
-this idea when we consider whether and how to publicize a Tor variant
-that improves blocking-resistance---see Section~\ref{subsec:publicity}
-for more discussion.)
-The broader explanation is that the maintenance of most government-level
-filters is aimed at stopping widespread information flow and appearing to be
-in control, not by the impossible goal of blocking all possible ways to bypass
-censorship. Censors realize that there will always
-be ways for a few people to get around the firewall, and as long as Tor
-has not publically threatened their control, they see no urgent need to
-block it yet.
-We should recognize that we're \emph{already} in the arms race. These
-constraints can give us insight into the priorities and capabilities of
-our various attackers.
-\section{The relay component of our blocking-resistant design}
-Section~\ref{sec:current-tor} describes many reasons why Tor is
-well-suited as a building block in our context, but several changes will
-allow the design to resist blocking better. The most critical changes are
-to get more relay addresses, and to distribute them to users differently.
-%We need to address three problems:
-%- adapting the relay component of Tor so it resists blocking better.
-%- Discovery.
-%- Tor's network fingerprint.
-%Here we describe the new pieces we need to add to the current Tor design.
-\subsection{Bridge relays}
-Today, Tor relays operate on a few thousand distinct IP addresses;
-an adversary
-could enumerate and block them all with little trouble.  To provide a
-means of ingress to the network, we need a larger set of entry points, most
-of which an adversary won't be able to enumerate easily.  Fortunately, we
-have such a set: the Tor users.
-Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor. We can leverage
-our already self-selected user base to produce a list of thousands of
-frequently-changing IP addresses. Specifically, we can give them a little
-button in the GUI that says ``Tor for Freedom'', and users who click
-the button will turn into \emph{bridge relays} (or just \emph{bridges}
-for short). They can rate limit relayed connections to 10 KB/s (almost
-nothing for a broadband user in a free country, but plenty for a user
-who otherwise has no access at all), and since they are just relaying
-bytes back and forth between blocked users and the main Tor network, they
-won't need to make any external connections to Internet sites. Because
-of this separation of roles, and because we're making use of software
-that the volunteers have already installed for their own use, we expect
-our scheme to attract and maintain more volunteers than previous schemes.
-As usual, there are new anonymity and security implications from running a
-bridge relay, particularly from letting people relay traffic through your
-Tor client; but we leave this discussion for Section~\ref{sec:security}.
-%...need to outline instructions for a Tor config that will publish
-%to an alternate directory authority, and for controller commands
-%that will do this cleanly.
-\subsection{The bridge directory authority}
-How do the bridge relays advertise their existence to the world? We
-introduce a second new component of the design: a specialized directory
-authority that aggregates and tracks bridges. Bridge relays periodically
-publish relay descriptors (summaries of their keys, locations, etc,
-signed by their long-term identity key), just like the relays in the
-``main'' Tor network, but in this case they publish them only to the
-bridge directory authorities.
-The main difference between bridge authorities and the directory
-authorities for the main Tor network is that the main authorities provide
-a list of every known relay, but the bridge authorities only give
-out a relay descriptor if you already know its identity key. That is,
-you can keep up-to-date on a bridge's location and other information
-once you know about it, but you can't just grab a list of all the bridges.
-The identity key, IP address, and directory port for each bridge
-authority ship by default with the Tor software, so the bridge relays
-can be confident they're publishing to the right location, and the
-blocked users can establish an encrypted authenticated channel. See
-Section~\ref{subsec:trust-chain} for more discussion of the public key
-infrastructure and trust chain.
-Bridges use Tor to publish their descriptors privately and securely,
-so even an attacker monitoring the bridge directory authority's network
-can't make a list of all the addresses contacting the authority.
-Bridges may publish to only a subset of the
-authorities, to limit the potential impact of an authority compromise.
-%\subsection{A simple matter of engineering}
-%Although we've described bridges and bridge authorities in simple terms
-%above, some design modifications and features are needed in the Tor
-%codebase to add them. We describe the four main changes here.
-%Firstly, we need to get smarter about rate limiting:
-%Bandwidth classes
-%Secondly, while users can in fact configure which directory authorities
-%they use, we need to add a new type of directory authority and teach
-%bridges to fetch directory information from the main authorities while
-%publishing relay descriptors to the bridge authorities. We're most of
-%the way there, since we can already specify attributes for directory
-%add a separate flag named ``blocking''.
-%Thirdly, need to build paths using bridges as the first
-%hop. One more hole in the non-clique assumption.
-%Lastly, since bridge authorities don't answer full network statuses,
-%we need to add a new way for users to learn the current status for a
-%single relay or a small set of relays---to answer such questions as
-%``is it running?'' or ``is it behaving correctly?'' We describe in
-%Section~\ref{subsec:enclave-dirs} a way for the bridge authority to
-%publish this information without resorting to signing each answer
-\subsection{Putting them together}
-If a blocked user knows the identity keys of a set of bridge relays, and
-he has correct address information for at least one of them, he can use
-that one to make a secure connection to the bridge authority and update
-his knowledge about the other bridge relays. He can also use it to make
-secure connections to the main Tor network and directory authorities, so he
-can build circuits and connect to the rest of the Internet. All of these
-updates happen in the background: from the blocked user's perspective,
-he just accesses the Internet via his Tor client like always.
-So now we've reduced the problem from how to circumvent the firewall
-for all transactions (and how to know that the pages you get have not
-been modified by the local attacker) to how to learn about a working
-bridge relay.
-There's another catch though. We need to make sure that the network
-traffic we generate by simply connecting to a bridge relay doesn't stand
-out too much.
-%The following section describes ways to bootstrap knowledge of your first
-%bridge relay, and ways to maintain connectivity once you know a few
-%bridge relays.
-% (See Section~\ref{subsec:first-bridge} for a discussion
-%of exactly what information is sufficient to characterize a bridge relay.)
-\section{Hiding Tor's network fingerprint}
-Currently, Tor uses two protocols for its network communications. The
-main protocol uses TLS for encrypted and authenticated communication
-between Tor instances. The second protocol is standard HTTP, used for
-fetching directory information. All Tor relays listen on their ``ORPort''
-for TLS connections, and some of them opt to listen on their ``DirPort''
-as well, to serve directory information. Tor relays choose whatever port
-numbers they like; the relay descriptor they publish to the directory
-tells users where to connect.
-One format for communicating address information about a bridge relay is
-its IP address and DirPort. From there, the user can ask the bridge's
-directory cache for an up-to-date copy of its relay descriptor, and
-learn its current circuit keys, its ORPort, and so on.
-However, connecting directly to the directory cache involves a plaintext
-HTTP request. A censor could create a network fingerprint (known as a
-\emph{signature} in the intrusion detection field) for the request
-and/or its response, thus preventing these connections. To resolve this
-vulnerability, we've modified the Tor protocol so that users can connect
-to the directory cache via the main Tor port---they establish a TLS
-connection with the bridge as normal, and then send a special ``begindir''
-relay command to establish an internal connection to its directory cache.
-Therefore a better way to summarize a bridge's address is by its IP
-address and ORPort, so all communications between the client and the
-bridge will use ordinary TLS. But there are other details that need
-more investigation.
-What port should bridges pick for their ORPort? We currently recommend
-that they listen on port 443 (the default HTTPS port) if they want to
-be most useful, because clients behind standard firewalls will have
-the best chance to reach them. Is this the best choice in all cases,
-or should we encourage some fraction of them pick random ports, or other
-ports commonly permitted through firewalls like 53 (DNS) or 110
-(POP)?  Or perhaps we should use other ports where TLS traffic is
-expected, like 993 (IMAPS) or 995 (POP3S).  We need more research on our
-potential users, and their current and anticipated firewall restrictions.
-Furthermore, we need to look at the specifics of Tor's TLS handshake.
-Right now Tor uses some predictable strings in its TLS handshakes. For
-example, it sets the X.509 organizationName field to ``Tor'', and it puts
-the Tor relay's nickname in the certificate's commonName field. We
-should tweak the handshake protocol so it doesn't rely on any unusual details
-in the certificate, yet it remains secure; the certificate itself
-should be made to resemble an ordinary HTTPS certificate.  We should also try
-to make our advertised cipher-suites closer to what an ordinary web server
-would support.
-Tor's TLS handshake uses two-certificate chains: one certificate
-contains the self-signed identity key for
-the router, and the second contains a current TLS key, signed by the
-identity key. We use these to authenticate that we're talking to the right
-router, and to limit the impact of TLS-key exposure.  Most (though far from
-all) consumer-oriented HTTPS services provide only a single certificate.
-These extra certificates may help identify Tor's TLS handshake; instead,
-bridges should consider using only a single TLS key certificate signed by
-their identity key, and providing the full value of the identity key in an
-early handshake cell.  More significantly, Tor currently has all clients
-present certificates, so that clients are harder to distinguish from relays.
-But in a blocking-resistance environment, clients should not present
-certificates at all.
-Last, what if the adversary starts observing the network traffic even
-more closely? Even if our TLS handshake looks innocent, our traffic timing
-and volume still look different than a user making a secure web connection
-to his bank. The same techniques used in the growing trend to build tools
-to recognize encrypted Bittorrent traffic
-could be used to identify Tor communication and recognize bridge
-relays. Rather than trying to look like encrypted web traffic, we may be
-better off trying to blend with some other encrypted network protocol. The
-first step is to compare typical network behavior for a Tor client to
-typical network behavior for various other protocols. This statistical
-cat-and-mouse game is made more complex by the fact that Tor transports a
-variety of protocols, and we'll want to automatically handle web browsing
-differently from, say, instant messaging.
-% Tor cells are 512 bytes each. So TLS records will be roughly
-% multiples of this size? How bad is this? -RD
-% Look at ``Inferring the Source of Encrypted HTTP Connections''
-% by Marc Liberatore and Brian Neil Levine (CCS 2006)
-% They substantially flesh out the numbers for the  web fingerprinting
-% attack. -PS
-% Yes, but I meant detecting the fingerprint of Tor traffic itself, not
-% learning what websites we're going to. I wouldn't be surprised to
-% learn that these are related problems, but it's not obvious to me. -RD
-\subsection{Identity keys as part of addressing information}
-We have described a way for the blocked user to bootstrap into the
-network once he knows the IP address and ORPort of a bridge. What about
-local spoofing attacks? That is, since we never learned an identity
-key fingerprint for the bridge, a local attacker could intercept our
-connection and pretend to be the bridge we had in mind. It turns out
-that giving false information isn't that bad---since the Tor client
-ships with trusted keys for the bridge directory authority and the Tor
-network directory authorities, the user can learn whether he's being
-given a real connection to the bridge authorities or not. (After all,
-if the adversary intercepts every connection the user makes and gives
-him a bad connection each time, there's nothing we can do.)
-What about anonymity-breaking attacks from observing traffic, if the
-blocked user doesn't start out knowing the identity key of his intended
-bridge? The vulnerabilities aren't so bad in this case either---the
-adversary could do similar attacks just by monitoring the network
-% cue paper by steven and george
-Once the Tor client has fetched the bridge's relay descriptor, it should
-remember the identity key fingerprint for that bridge relay. Thus if
-the bridge relay moves to a new IP address, the client can query the
-bridge directory authority to look up a fresh relay descriptor using
-this fingerprint.
-So we've shown that it's \emph{possible} to bootstrap into the network
-just by learning the IP address and ORPort of a bridge, but are there
-situations where it's more convenient or more secure to learn the bridge's
-identity fingerprint as well as instead, while bootstrapping? We keep
-that question in mind as we next investigate bootstrapping and discovery.
-\section{Discovering working bridge relays}
-Tor's modular design means that we can develop a better relay component
-independently of developing the discovery component. This modularity's
-great promise is that we can pick any discovery approach we like; but the
-unfortunate fact is that we have no magic bullet for discovery. We're
-in the same arms race as all the other designs we described in
-In this section we describe a variety of approaches to adding discovery
-components for our design.
-\subsection{Bootstrapping: finding your first bridge.}
-In Section~\ref{subsec:relay-together}, we showed that a user who knows
-a working bridge address can use it to reach the bridge authority and
-to stay connected to the Tor network. But how do new users reach the
-bridge authority in the first place? After all, the bridge authority
-will be one of the first addresses that a censor blocks.
-First, we should recognize that most government firewalls are not
-perfect. That is, they may allow connections to Google cache or some
-open proxy servers, or they let file-sharing traffic, Skype, instant
-messaging, or World-of-Warcraft connections through. Different users will
-have different mechanisms for bypassing the firewall initially. Second,
-we should remember that most people don't operate in a vacuum; users will
-hopefully know other people who are in other situations or have other
-resources available. In the rest of this section we develop a toolkit
-of different options and mechanisms, so that we can enable users in a
-diverse set of contexts to bootstrap into the system.
-(For users who can't use any of these techniques, hopefully they know
-a friend who can---for example, perhaps the friend already knows some
-bridge relay addresses. If they can't get around it at all, then we
-can't help them---they should go meet more people or learn more about
-the technology running the firewall in their area.)
-By deploying all the schemes in the toolkit at once, we let bridges and
-blocked users employ the discovery approach that is most appropriate
-for their situation.
-\subsection{Independent bridges, no central discovery}
-The first design is simply to have no centralized discovery component at
-all. Volunteers run bridges, and we assume they have some blocked users
-in mind and communicate their address information to them out-of-band
-(for example, through Gmail). This design allows for small personal
-bridges that have only one or a handful of users in mind, but it can
-also support an entire community of users. For example, Citizen Lab's
-upcoming Psiphon single-hop proxy tool~\cite{psiphon} plans to use this
-\emph{social network} approach as its discovery component.
-There are several ways to do bootstrapping in this design. In the simple
-case, the operator of the bridge informs each chosen user about his
-bridge's address information and/or keys. A different approach involves
-blocked users introducing new blocked users to the bridges they know.
-That is, somebody in the blocked area can pass along a bridge's address to
-somebody else they trust. This scheme brings in appealing but complex game
-theoretic properties: the blocked user making the decision has an incentive
-only to delegate to trustworthy people, since an adversary who learns
-the bridge's address and filters it makes it unavailable for both of them.
-Also, delegating known bridges to members of your social network can be
-dangerous: an the adversary who can learn who knows which bridges may
-be able to reconstruct the social network.
-Note that a central set of bridge directory authorities can still be
-compatible with a decentralized discovery process. That is, how users
-first learn about bridges is entirely up to the bridges, but the process
-of fetching up-to-date descriptors for them can still proceed as described
-in Section~\ref{sec:bridges}. Of course, creating a central place that
-knows about all the bridges may not be smart, especially if every other
-piece of the system is decentralized. Further, if a user only knows
-about one bridge and he loses track of it, it may be quite a hassle to
-reach the bridge authority. We address these concerns next.
-\subsection{Families of bridges, no central discovery}
-Because the blocked users are running our software too, we have many
-opportunities to improve usability or robustness. Our second design builds
-on the first by encouraging volunteers to run several bridges at once
-(or coordinate with other bridge volunteers), such that some
-of the bridges are likely to be available at any given time.
-The blocked user's Tor client would periodically fetch an updated set of
-recommended bridges from any of the working bridges. Now the client can
-learn new additions to the bridge pool, and can expire abandoned bridges
-or bridges that the adversary has blocked, without the user ever needing
-to care. To simplify maintenance of the community's bridge pool, each
-community could run its own bridge directory authority---reachable via
-the available bridges, and also mirrored at each bridge.
-\subsection{Public bridges with central discovery}
-What about people who want to volunteer as bridges but don't know any
-suitable blocked users? What about people who are blocked but don't
-know anybody on the outside? Here we describe how to make use of these
-\emph{public bridges} in a way that still makes it hard for the attacker
-to learn all of them.
-The basic idea is to divide public bridges into a set of pools based on
-identity key. Each pool corresponds to a \emph{distribution strategy}:
-an approach to distributing its bridge addresses to users. Each strategy
-is designed to exercise a different scarce resource or property of
-the user.
-How do we divide bridges between these strategy pools such that they're
-evenly distributed and the allocation is hard to influence or predict,
-but also in a way that's amenable to creating more strategies later
-on without reshuffling all the pools? We assign a given bridge
-to a strategy pool by hashing the bridge's identity key along with a
-secret that only the bridge authority knows: the first $n$ bits of this
-hash dictate the strategy pool number, where $n$ is a parameter that
-describes how many strategy pools we want at this point. We choose $n=3$
-to start, so we divide bridges between 8 pools; but as we later invent
-new distribution strategies, we can increment $n$ to split the 8 into
-16. Since a bridge can't predict the next bit in its hash, it can't
-anticipate which identity key will correspond to a certain new pool
-when the pools are split. Further, since the bridge authority doesn't
-provide any feedback to the bridge about which strategy pool it's in,
-an adversary who signs up bridges with the goal of filling a certain
-pool~\cite{casc-rep} will be hindered.
-% This algorithm is not ideal. When we split pools, each existing
-% pool is cut in half, where half the bridges remain with the
-% old distribution policy, and half will be under what the new one
-% is. So the new distribution policy inherits a bunch of blocked
-% bridges if the old policy was too loose, or a bunch of unblocked
-% bridges if its policy was still secure. -RD
-% I think it should be more chordlike.
-% Bridges are allocated to wherever on the ring which is divided
-% into arcs (buckets).
-% If a bucket gets too full, you can just split it.
-% More on this below. -PFS
-The first distribution strategy (used for the first pool) publishes bridge
-addresses in a time-release fashion. The bridge authority divides the
-available bridges into partitions, and each partition is deterministically
-available only in certain time windows. That is, over the course of a
-given time slot (say, an hour), each requester is given a random bridge
-from within that partition. When the next time slot arrives, a new set
-of bridges from the pool are available for discovery. Thus some bridge
-address is always available when a new
-user arrives, but to learn about all bridges the attacker needs to fetch
-all new addresses at every new time slot. By varying the length of the
-time slots, we can make it harder for the attacker to guess when to check
-back. We expect these bridges will be the first to be blocked, but they'll
-help the system bootstrap until they \emph{do} get blocked. Further,
-remember that we're dealing with different blocking regimes around the
-world that will progress at different rates---so this pool will still
-be useful to some users even as the arms races progress.
-The second distribution strategy publishes bridge addresses based on the IP
-address of the requesting user. Specifically, the bridge authority will
-divide the available bridges in the pool into a bunch of partitions
-(as in the first distribution scheme), hash the requester's IP address
-with a secret of its own (as in the above allocation scheme for creating
-pools), and give the requester a random bridge from the appropriate
-partition. To raise the bar, we should discard the last octet of the
-IP address before inputting it to the hash function, so an attacker
-who only controls a single ``/24'' network only counts as one user. A
-large attacker like China will still be able to control many addresses,
-but the hassle of establishing connections from each network (or spoofing
-TCP connections) may still slow them down. Similarly, as a special case,
-we should treat IP addresses that are Tor exit nodes as all being on
-the same network.
-The third strategy combines the time-based and location-based
-strategies to further constrain and rate-limit the available bridge
-addresses. Specifically, the bridge address provided in a given time
-slot to a given network location is deterministic within the partition,
-rather than chosen randomly each time from the partition. Thus, repeated
-requests during that time slot from a given network are given the same
-bridge address as the first request.
-The fourth strategy is based on Circumventor's discovery strategy.
-The Circumventor project, realizing that its adoption will remain limited
-if it has no central coordination mechanism, has started a mailing list to
-distribute new proxy addresses every few days. From experimentation it
-seems they have concluded that sending updates every three or four days
-is sufficient to stay ahead of the current attackers.
-The fifth strategy provides an alternative approach to a mailing list:
-users provide an email address and receive an automated response
-listing an available bridge address. We could limit one response per
-email address. To further rate limit queries, we could require a CAPTCHA
-in each case too. In fact, we wouldn't need to
-implement the CAPTCHA on our side: if we only deliver bridge addresses
-to Yahoo or GMail addresses, we can leverage the rate-limiting schemes
-that other parties already impose for account creation.
-The sixth strategy ties in the social network design with public
-bridges and a reputation system. We pick some seeds---trusted people in
-blocked areas---and give them each a few dozen bridge addresses and a few
-\emph{delegation tokens}. We run a website next to the bridge authority,
-where users can log in (they connect via Tor, and they don't need to
-provide actual identities, just persistent pseudonyms). Users can delegate
-trust to other people they know by giving them a token, which can be
-exchanged for a new account on the website. Accounts in ``good standing''
-then accrue new bridge addresses and new tokens. As usual, reputation
-schemes bring in a host of new complexities~\cite{rep-anon}: how do we
-decide that an account is in good standing? We could tie reputation
-to whether the bridges they're told about have been blocked---see
-Section~\ref{subsec:geoip} below for initial thoughts on how to discover
-whether bridges have been blocked. We could track reputation between
-accounts (if you delegate to somebody who screws up, it impacts you too),
-or we could use blinded delegation tokens~\cite{chaum-blind} to prevent
-the website from mapping the seeds' social network. We put off deeper
-discussion of the social network reputation strategy for future work.
-Pools seven and eight are held in reserve, in case our currently deployed
-tricks all fail at once and the adversary blocks all those bridges---so
-we can adapt and move to new approaches quickly, and have some bridges
-immediately available for the new schemes. New strategies might be based
-on some other scarce resource, such as relaying traffic for others or
-other proof of energy spent. (We might also worry about the incentives
-for bridges that sign up and get allocated to the reserve pools: will they
-be unhappy that they're not being used? But this is a transient problem:
-if Tor users are bridges by default, nobody will mind not being used yet.
-See also Section~\ref{subsec:incentives}.)
-%Is it useful to load balance which bridges are handed out? The above
-%pool concept makes some bridges wildly popular and others less so.
-%But I guess that's the point.
-\subsection{Public bridges with coordinated discovery}
-We presented the above discovery strategies in the context of a single
-bridge directory authority, but in practice we will want to distribute the
-operations over several bridge authorities---a single point of failure
-or attack is a bad move. The first answer is to run several independent
-bridge directory authorities, and bridges gravitate to one based on
-their identity key. The better answer would be some federation of bridge
-authorities that work together to provide redundancy but don't introduce
-new security issues. We could even imagine designs where the bridge
-authorities have encrypted versions of the bridge's relay descriptors,
-and the users learn a decryption key that they keep private when they
-first hear about the bridge---this way the bridge authorities would not
-be able to learn the IP address of the bridges.
-We leave this design question for future work.
-\subsection{Assessing whether bridges are useful}
-Learning whether a bridge is useful is important in the bridge authority's
-decision to include it in responses to blocked users. For example, if
-we end up with a list of thousands of bridges and only a few dozen of
-them are reachable right now, most blocked users will not end up knowing
-about working bridges.
-There are three components for assessing how useful a bridge is. First,
-is it reachable from the public Internet? Second, what proportion of
-the time is it available? Third, is it blocked in certain jurisdictions?
-The first component can be tested just as we test reachability of
-ordinary Tor relays. Specifically, the bridges do a self-test---connect
-to themselves via the Tor network---before they are willing to
-publish their descriptor, to make sure they're not obviously broken or
-misconfigured. Once the bridges publish, the bridge authority also tests
-reachability to make sure they're not confused or outright lying.
-The second component can be measured and tracked by the bridge authority.
-By doing periodic reachability tests, we can get a sense of how often the
-bridge is available. More complex tests will involve bandwidth-intensive
-checks to force the bridge to commit resources in order to be counted as
-available. We need to evaluate how the relationship of uptime percentage
-should weigh into our choice of which bridges to advertise. We leave
-this to future work.
-The third component is perhaps the trickiest: with many different
-adversaries out there, how do we keep track of which adversaries have
-blocked which bridges, and how do we learn about new blocks as they
-occur? We examine this problem next.
-\subsection{How do we know if a bridge relay has been blocked?}
-There are two main mechanisms for testing whether bridges are reachable
-from inside each blocked area: active testing via users, and passive
-testing via bridges.
-In the case of active testing, certain users inside each area
-sign up as testing relays. The bridge authorities can then use a
-Blossom-like~\cite{blossom-thesis} system to build circuits through them
-to each bridge and see if it can establish the connection. But how do
-we pick the users? If we ask random users to do the testing (or if we
-solicit volunteers from the users), the adversary should sign up so he
-can enumerate the bridges we test. Indeed, even if we hand-select our
-testers, the adversary might still discover their location and monitor
-their network activity to learn bridge addresses.
-Another answer is not to measure directly, but rather let the bridges
-report whether they're being used.
-%If they periodically report to their
-%bridge directory authority how much use they're seeing, perhaps the
-%authority can make smart decisions from there.
-Specifically, bridges should install a GeoIP database such as the public
-IP-To-Country list~\cite{ip-to-country}, and then periodically report to the
-bridge authorities which countries they're seeing use from. This data
-would help us track which countries are making use of the bridge design,
-and can also let us learn about new steps the adversary has taken in
-the arms race. (The compressed GeoIP database is only several hundred
-kilobytes, and we could even automate the update process by serving it
-from the bridge authorities.)
-More analysis of this passive reachability
-testing design is needed to resolve its many edge cases: for example,
-if a bridge stops seeing use from a certain area, does that mean the
-bridge is blocked or does that mean those users are asleep?
-There are many more problems with the general concept of detecting whether
-bridges are blocked. First, different zones of the Internet are blocked
-in different ways, and the actual firewall jurisdictions do not match
-country borders. Our bridge scheme could help us map out the topology
-of the censored Internet, but this is a huge task. More generally,
-if a bridge relay isn't reachable, is that because of a network block
-somewhere, because of a problem at the bridge relay, or just a temporary
-outage somewhere in between? And last, an attacker could poison our
-bridge database by signing up already-blocked bridges. In this case,
-if we're stingy giving out bridge addresses, users in that country won't
-learn working bridges.
-All of these issues are made more complex when we try to integrate this
-testing into our social network reputation system above.
-Since in that case we punish or reward users based on whether bridges
-get blocked, the adversary has new attacks to trick or bog down the
-reputation tracking. Indeed, the bridge authority doesn't even know
-what zone the blocked user is in, so do we blame him for any possible
-censored zone, or what?
-Clearly more analysis is required. The eventual solution will probably
-involve a combination of passive measurement via GeoIP and active
-measurement from trusted testers.  More generally, we can use the passive
-feedback mechanism to track usage of the bridge network as a whole---which
-would let us respond to attacks and adapt the design, and it would also
-let the general public track the progress of the project.
-%Worry: the adversary could choose not to block bridges but just record
-%connections to them. So be it, I guess.
-\subsection{Advantages of deploying all solutions at once}
-For once, we're not in the position of the defender: we don't have to
-defend against every possible filtering scheme; we just have to defend
-against at least one. On the flip side, the attacker is forced to guess
-how to allocate his resources to defend against each of these discovery
-strategies. So by deploying all of our strategies at once, we not only
-increase our chances of finding one that the adversary has difficulty
-blocking, but we actually make \emph{all} of the strategies more robust
-in the face of an adversary with limited resources.
-%\subsection{Remaining unsorted notes}
-%In the first subsection we describe how to find a first bridge.
-%Going to be an arms race. Need a bag of tricks. Hard to say
-%which ones will work. Don't spend them all at once.
-%Some techniques are sufficient to get us an IP address and a port,
-%and others can get us IP:port:key. Lay out some plausible options
-%for how users can bootstrap into learning their first bridge.
-%\section{The account / reputation system}
-%\section{Social networks with directory-side support}
-%One answer is to measure based on whether the bridge addresses
-%we give it end up blocked. But how do we decide if they get blocked?
-%Perhaps each bridge should be known by a single bridge directory
-%authority. This makes it easier to trace which users have learned about
-%it, so easier to blame or reward. It also makes things more brittle,
-%since loss of that authority means its bridges aren't advertised until
-%they switch, and means its bridge users are sad too.
-%(Need a slick hash algorithm that will map our identity key to a
-%bridge authority, in a way that's sticky even when we add bridge
-%directory authorities, but isn't sticky when our authority goes
-%away. Does this exist?)
-%   [[Ian says: What about just using something like hash table chaining?
-%   This should work, so long as the client knows which authorities currently
-%   exist.]]
-%\subsection{Discovery based on social networks}
-%A token that can be exchanged at the bridge authority (assuming you
-%can reach it) for a new bridge address.
-%The account server runs as a Tor controller for the bridge authority.
-%Users can establish reputations, perhaps based on social network
-%connectivity, perhaps based on not getting their bridge relays blocked,
-%Probably the most critical lesson learned in past work on reputation
-%systems in privacy-oriented environments~\cite{rep-anon} is the need for
-%verifiable transactions. That is, the entity computing and advertising
-%reputations for participants needs to actually learn in a convincing
-%way that a given transaction was successful or unsuccessful.
-%(Lesson from designing reputation systems~\cite{rep-anon}: easy to
-%reward good behavior, hard to punish bad behavior.
-\section{Security considerations}
-\subsection{Possession of Tor in oppressed areas}
-Many people speculate that installing and using a Tor client in areas with
-particularly extreme firewalls is a high risk---and the risk increases
-as the firewall gets more restrictive. This notion certainly has merit, but
-a counter pressure as well: as the firewall gets more restrictive, more
-ordinary people behind it end up using Tor for more mainstream activities,
-such as learning
-about Wall Street prices or looking at pictures of women's ankles. So
-as the restrictive firewall pushes up the number of Tor users, the
-``typical'' Tor user becomes more mainstream, and therefore mere
-use or possession of the Tor software is not so surprising.
-It's hard to say which of these pressures will ultimately win out,
-but we should keep both sides of the issue in mind.
-%Nick, want to rewrite/elaborate on this section?
-%Ian suggests: 
-%  Possession of Tor: this is totally of-the-cuff, and there are lots of
-% security issues to think about, but what about an ActiveX version of
-% Tor?  The magic you learn (as opposed to a bridge address) is a plain
-% old HTTPS server, which feeds you an ActiveX applet pre-configured with
-% some bridge address (possibly on the same machine).  For bonus points,
-% somehow arrange that (a) the applet is signed in some way the user can
-% reliably check, but (b) don't end up with anything like an incriminating
-% long-term cert stored on the user's computer.  This may be marginally
-% useful in some Internet-cafe situations as well, though (a) is even
-% harder to get right there.
-\subsection{Observers can tell who is publishing and who is reading}
-Tor encrypts traffic on the local network, and it obscures the eventual
-destination of the communication, but it doesn't do much to obscure the
-traffic volume. In particular, a user publishing a home video will have a
-different network fingerprint than a user reading an online news article.
-Based on our assumption in Section~\ref{sec:adversary} that users who
-publish material are in more danger, should we work to improve Tor's
-security in this situation?
-In the general case this is an extremely challenging task:
-effective \emph{end-to-end traffic confirmation attacks}
-are known where the adversary observes the origin and the
-destination of traffic and confirms that they are part of the
-same communication~\cite{danezis:pet2004,e2e-traffic}. Related are
-\emph{website fingerprinting attacks}, where the adversary downloads
-a few hundred popular websites, makes a set of "fingerprints" for each
-site, and then observes the target Tor client's traffic to look for
-a match~\cite{pet05-bissias,defensive-dropping}. But can we do better
-against a limited adversary who just does coarse-grained sweeps looking
-for unusually prolific publishers?
-One answer is for bridge users to automatically send bursts of padding
-traffic periodically. (This traffic can be implemented in terms of
-long-range drop cells, which are already part of the Tor specification.)
-Of course, convincingly simulating an actual human publishing interesting
-content is a difficult arms race, but it may be worthwhile to at least
-start the race. More research remains.
-\subsection{Anonymity effects from acting as a bridge relay}
-Against some attacks, relaying traffic for others can improve
-anonymity. The simplest example is an attacker who owns a small number
-of Tor relays. He will see a connection from the bridge, but he won't
-be able to know whether the connection originated there or was relayed
-from somebody else. More generally, the mere uncertainty of whether the
-traffic originated from that user may be helpful.
-There are some cases where it doesn't seem to help: if an attacker can
-watch all of the bridge's incoming and outgoing traffic, then it's easy
-to learn which connections were relayed and which started there. (In this
-case he still doesn't know the final destinations unless he is watching
-them too, but in this case bridges are no better off than if they were
-an ordinary client.)
-There are also some potential downsides to running a bridge. First, while
-we try to make it hard to enumerate all bridges, it's still possible to
-learn about some of them, and for some people just the fact that they're
-running one might signal to an attacker that they place a higher value
-on their anonymity. Second, there are some more esoteric attacks on Tor
-relays that are not as well-understood or well-tested---for example, an
-attacker may be able to ``observe'' whether the bridge is sending traffic
-even if he can't actually watch its network, by relaying traffic through
-it and noticing changes in traffic timing~\cite{attack-tor-oak05}. On
-the other hand, it may be that limiting the bandwidth the bridge is
-willing to relay will allow this sort of attacker to determine if it's
-being used as a bridge but not easily learn whether it is adding traffic
-of its own.
-We also need to examine how entry guards fit in. Entry guards
-(a small set of nodes that are always used for the first
-step in a circuit) help protect against certain attacks
-where the attacker runs a few Tor relays and waits for
-the user to choose these relays as the beginning and end of her
-If the blocked user doesn't use the bridge's entry guards, then the bridge
-doesn't gain as much cover benefit. On the other hand, what design changes
-are needed for the blocked user to use the bridge's entry guards without
-learning what they are (this seems hard), and even if we solve that,
-do they then need to use the guards' guards and so on down the line?
-It is an open research question whether the benefits of running a bridge
-outweigh the risks. A lot of the decision rests on which attacks the
-users are most worried about. For most users, we don't think running a
-bridge relay will be that damaging, and it could help quite a bit.
-\subsection{Trusting local hardware: Internet cafes and LiveCDs}
-Assuming that users have their own trusted hardware is not
-always reasonable.
-For Internet cafe Windows computers that let you attach your own USB key,
-a USB-based Tor image would be smart. There's Torpark, and hopefully
-there will be more thoroughly analyzed and trustworthy options down the
-road. Worries remain about hardware or software keyloggers and other
-spyware, as well as physical surveillance.
-If the system lets you boot from a CD or from a USB key, you can gain
-a bit more security by bringing a privacy LiveCD with you. (This
-approach isn't foolproof either of course, since hardware
-keyloggers and physical surveillance are still a worry).
-In fact, LiveCDs are also useful if it's your own hardware, since it's
-easier to avoid leaving private data and logs scattered around the
-%\subsection{Forward compatibility and retiring bridge authorities}
-%Eventually we'll want to change the identity key and/or location
-%of a bridge authority. How do we do this mostly cleanly?
-\subsection{The trust chain}
-Tor's ``public key infrastructure'' provides a chain of trust to
-let users verify that they're actually talking to the right relays.
-There are four pieces to this trust chain.
-First, when Tor clients are establishing circuits, at each step
-they demand that the next Tor relay in the path prove knowledge of
-its private key~\cite{tor-design}. This step prevents the first node
-in the path from just spoofing the rest of the path. Second, the
-Tor directory authorities provide a signed list of relays along with
-their public keys---so unless the adversary can control a threshold
-of directory authorities, he can't trick the Tor client into using other
-Tor relays. Third, the location and keys of the directory authorities,
-in turn, is hard-coded in the Tor source code---so as long as the user
-got a genuine version of Tor, he can know that he is using the genuine
-Tor network. And last, the source code and other packages are signed
-with the GPG keys of the Tor developers, so users can confirm that they
-did in fact download a genuine version of Tor.
-In the case of blocked users contacting bridges and bridge directory
-authorities, the same logic applies in parallel: the blocked users fetch
-information from both the bridge authorities and the directory authorities
-for the `main' Tor network, and they combine this information locally.
-How can a user in an oppressed country know that he has the correct
-key fingerprints for the developers? As with other security systems, it
-ultimately comes down to human interaction. The keys are signed by dozens
-of people around the world, and we have to hope that our users have met
-enough people in the PGP web of trust
-that they can learn
-the correct keys. For users that aren't connected to the global security
-community, though, this question remains a critical weakness.
-%\subsection{Security through obscurity: publishing our design}
-%Many other schemes like dynaweb use the typical arms race strategy of
-%not publishing their plans. Our goal here is to produce a design---a
-%framework---that can be public and still secure. Where's the tradeoff?
-%\section{Performance improvements}
-%\subsection{Fetch relay descriptors just-in-time}
-%I guess we should encourage most places to do this, so blocked
-%users don't stand out.
-%network-status and directory optimizations. caching better. partitioning
-\section{Maintaining reachability}
-\subsection{How many bridge relays should you know about?}
-The strategies described in Section~\ref{sec:discovery} talked about
-learning one bridge address at a time. But if most bridges are ordinary
-Tor users on cable modem or DSL connection, many of them will disappear
-and/or move periodically. How many bridge relays should a blocked user
-know about so that she is likely to have at least one reachable at any
-given point? This is already a challenging problem if we only consider
-natural churn: the best approach is to see what bridges we attract in
-reality and measure their churn. We may also need to factor in a parameter
-for how quickly bridges get discovered and blocked by the attacker;
-we leave this for future work after we have more deployment experience.
-A related question is: if the bridge relays change IP addresses
-periodically, how often does the blocked user need to fetch updates in
-order to keep from being cut out of the loop?
-Once we have more experience and intuition, we should explore technical
-solutions to this problem too. For example, if the discovery strategies
-give out $k$ bridge addresses rather than a single bridge address, perhaps
-we can improve robustness from the user perspective without significantly
-aiding the adversary. Rather than giving out a new random subset of $k$
-addresses at each point, we could bind them together into \emph{bridge
-families}, so all users that learn about one member of the bridge family
-are told about the rest as well.
-This scheme may also help defend against attacks to map the set of
-bridges. That is, if all blocked users learn a random subset of bridges,
-the attacker should learn about a few bridges, monitor the country-level
-firewall for connections to them, then watch those users to see what
-other bridges they use, and repeat. By segmenting the bridge address
-space, we can limit the exposure of other users.
-\subsection{Cablemodem users don't usually provide important websites}
-Another attacker we might be concerned about is that the attacker could
-just block all DSL and cablemodem network addresses, on the theory that
-they don't run any important services anyway. If most of our bridges
-are on these networks, this attack could really hurt.
-The first answer is to aim to get volunteers both from traditionally
-``consumer'' networks and also from traditionally ``producer'' networks.
-Since bridges don't need to be Tor exit nodes, as we improve our usability
-it seems quite feasible to get a lot of websites helping out.
-The second answer (not as practical) would be to encourage more use of
-consumer networks for popular and useful Internet services. 
-%(But P2P exists;
-%minor websites exist; gaming exists; IM exists; ...)
-A related attack we might worry about is based on large countries putting
-economic pressure on companies that want to expand their business. For
-example, what happens if Verizon wants to sell services in China, and
-China pressures Verizon to discourage its users in the free world from
-running bridges?
-\subsection{Scanning resistance: making bridges more subtle}
-If it's trivial to verify that a given address is operating as a bridge,
-and most bridges run on a predictable port, then it's conceivable our
-attacker could scan the whole Internet looking for bridges. (In fact,
-he can just concentrate on scanning likely networks like cablemodem
-and DSL services---see Section~\ref{subsec:block-cable} above for
-related attacks.) It would be nice to slow down this attack. It would
-be even nicer to make it hard to learn whether we're a bridge without
-first knowing some secret. We call this general property \emph{scanning
-resistance}, and it goes along with normalizing Tor's TLS handshake and
-network fingerprint.
-We could provide a password to the blocked user, and she (or her Tor
-client) provides a nonced hash of this password when she connects. We'd
-need to give her an ID key for the bridge too (in addition to the IP
-address and port---see Section~\ref{subsec:id-address}), and wait to
-present the password until we've finished the TLS handshake, else it
-would look unusual. If Alice can authenticate the bridge before she
-tries to send her password, we can resist an adversary who pretends
-to be the bridge and launches a man-in-the-middle attack to learn the
-password. But even if she can't, we still resist against widespread
-How should the bridge behave if accessed without the correct
-authorization? Perhaps it should act like an unconfigured HTTPS server
-(``welcome to the default Apache page''), or maybe it should mirror
-and act like common websites, or websites randomly chosen from Google.
-We might assume that the attacker can recognize HTTPS connections that
-use self-signed certificates. (This process would be resource-intensive
-but not out of the realm of possibility.) But even in this case, many
-popular websites around the Internet use self-signed or just plain broken
-SSL certificates.
-%to unknown servers. It can then attempt to connect to them and block
-%connections to servers that seem suspicious. It may be that password
-%protected web sites will not be suspicious in general, in which case
-%that may be the easiest way to give controlled access to the bridge.
-%If such sites that have no other overt features are automatically
-%blocked when detected, then we may need to be more subtle.
-%Possibilities include serving an innocuous web page if a TLS encrypted
-%request is received without the authorization needed to access the Tor
-%network and only responding to a requested access to the Tor network
-%of proper authentication is given. If an unauthenticated request to
-%access the Tor network is sent, the bridge should respond as if
-%it has received a message it does not understand (as would be the
-%case were it not a bridge).
-% Ian suggests a ``socialist millionaires'' protocol here, for something.
-% Did we once mention knocking here?  it's a good idea, but we should clarify
-% what we mean.  Ian also notes that knocking itself is very fingerprintable,
-% and we should beware.
-\subsection{How to motivate people to run bridge relays}
-One of the traditional ways to get people to run software that benefits
-others is to give them motivation to install it themselves.  An often
-suggested approach is to install it as a stunning screensaver so everybody
-will be pleased to run it. We take a similar approach here, by leveraging
-the fact that these users are already interested in protecting their
-own Internet traffic, so they will install and run the software.
-Eventually, we may be able to make all Tor users become bridges if they
-pass their self-reachability tests---the software and installers need
-more work on usability first, but we're making progress.
-In the mean time, we can make a snazzy network graph with
-Vidalia\footnote{\url{}} that
-emphasizes the connections the bridge user is currently relaying.
-%anonymity implications, but hey.) (In many cases there won't be much
-%activity, so this may backfire. Or it may be better suited to full-fledged
-%Tor relay.)
-% Also consider everybody-a-relay. Many of the scalability questions
-% are easier when you're talking about making everybody a bridge.
-%\subsection{What if the clients can't install software?}
-%[this section should probably move to the related work section,
-%or just disappear entirely.]
-%Bridge users without Tor software
-%Bridge relays could always open their socks proxy. This is bad though,
-%because bridges learn the bridge users' destinations, and second because
-%we've learned that open socks proxies tend to attract abusive users who
-%have no idea they're using Tor.
-%Bridges could require passwords in the socks handshake (not supported
-%by most software including Firefox). Or they could run web proxies
-%that require authentication and then pass the requests into Tor. This
-%approach is probably a good way to help bootstrap the Psiphon network,
-%if one of its barriers to deployment is a lack of volunteers willing
-%to exit directly to websites. But it clearly drops some of the nice
-%anonymity and security features Tor provides.
-%A hybrid approach where the user gets his anonymity from Tor but his
-%software-less use from a web proxy running on a trusted machine on the
-%free side.
-\subsection{Publicity attracts attention}
-Many people working on this field want to publicize the existence
-and extent of censorship concurrently with the deployment of their
-circumvention software. The easy reason for this two-pronged push is
-to attract volunteers for running proxies in their systems; but in many
-cases their main goal is not to focus on getting more users signed up,
-but rather to educate the rest of the world about the
-censorship. The media also tries to do its part by broadcasting the
-existence of each new circumvention system.
-But at the same time, this publicity attracts the attention of the
-censors. We can slow down the arms race by not attracting as much
-attention, and just spreading by word of mouth. If our goal is to
-establish a solid social network of bridges and bridge users before
-the adversary gets involved, does this extra attention work to our
-\subsection{The Tor website: how to get the software}
-One of the first censoring attacks against a system like ours is to
-block the website and make the software itself hard to find. Our system
-should work well once the user is running an authentic
-copy of Tor and has found a working bridge, but to get to that point
-we rely on their individual skills and ingenuity.
-Right now, most countries that block access to Tor block only the main
-website and leave mirrors and the network itself untouched.
-Falling back on word-of-mouth is always a good last resort, but we should
-also take steps to make sure it's relatively easy for users to get a copy,
-such as publicizing the mirrors more and making copies available through
-other media. We might also mirror the latest version of the software on
-each bridge, so users who hear about an honest bridge can get a good
-See Section~\ref{subsec:first-bridge} for more discussion.
-% Ian suggests that we have every tor relay distribute a signed copy of the
-% software.
-\section{Next Steps}
-Technical solutions won't solve the whole censorship problem. After all,
-the firewalls in places like China are \emph{socially} very
-successful, even if technologies and tricks exist to get around them.
-However, having a strong technical solution is still necessary as one
-important piece of the puzzle.
-In this paper, we have shown that Tor provides a great set of building
-blocks to start from. The next steps are to deploy prototype bridges and
-bridge authorities, implement some of the proposed discovery strategies,
-and then observe the system in operation and get more intuition about
-the actual requirements and adversaries we're up against.
-\bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{tor-design}
-%\section{Counting Tor users by country}
-\section{Future designs}
-\subsection{Bridges inside the blocked network too}
-Assuming actually crossing the firewall is the risky part of the
-operation, can we have some bridge relays inside the blocked area too,
-and more established users can use them as relays so they don't need to
-communicate over the firewall directly at all? A simple example here is
-to make new blocked users into internal bridges also---so they sign up
-on the bridge authority as part of doing their query, and we give out
-their addresses
-rather than (or along with) the external bridge addresses. This design
-is a lot trickier because it brings in the complexity of whether the
-internal bridges will remain available, can maintain reachability with
-the outside world, etc.
-More complex future designs involve operating a separate Tor network
-inside the blocked area, and using \emph{hidden service bridges}---bridges
-that can be accessed by users of the internal Tor network but whose
-addresses are not published or findable, even by these users---to get
-from inside the firewall to the rest of the Internet. But this design
-requires directory authorities to run inside the blocked area too,
-and they would be a fine target to take down the network.
-% Hidden services as bridge directory authorities.
-ship geoip db to bridges. they look up users who tls to them in the db,
-and upload a signed list of countries and number-of-users each day. the
-bridge authority aggregates them and publishes stats.
-bridge relays have buddies
-they ask a user to test the reachability of their buddy.
-leaks O(1) bridges, but not O(n).
-we should not be blockable by ordinary cisco censorship features.
-that is, if they want to block our new design, they will need to
-add a feature to block exactly this.
-strategically speaking, this may come in handy.
-Bridges come in clumps of 4 or 8 or whatever. If you know one bridge
-in a clump, the authority will tell you the rest. Now bridges can
-ask users to test reachability of their buddies.
-Giving out clumps helps with dynamic IP addresses too. Whether it
-should be 4 or 8 depends on our churn.
-the account server. let's call it a database, it doesn't have to
-be a thing that human interacts with.
-so how do we reward people for being good?
-\subsubsection{Public Bridges with Coordinated Discovery}
-****Pretty much this whole subsubsection will probably need to be
-deferred until ``later'' and moved to after end document, but I'm leaving
-it here for now in case useful.******
-Rather than be entirely centralized, we can have a coordinated
-collection of bridge authorities, analogous to how Tor network
-directory authorities now work.
-Key components
-``Authorities'' will distribute caches of what they know to overlapping
-collections of nodes so that no one node is owned by one authority.
-Also so that it is impossible to DoS info maintained by one authority
-simply by making requests to it.
-Where a bridge gets assigned is not predictable by the bridge?
-If authorities don't know the IP addresses of the bridges they
-are responsible for, they can't abuse that info (or be attacked for
-having it). But, they also can't, e.g., control being sent massive
-lists of nodes that were never good. This raises another question.
-We generally decry use of IP address for location, etc. but we
-need to do that to limit the introduction of functional but useless
-IP addresses because, e.g., they are in China and the adversary
-owns massive chunks of the IP space there.
-We don't want an arbitrary someone to be able to contact the
-authorities and say an IP address is bad because it would be easy
-for an adversary to take down all the suspicious bridges
-even if they provide good cover websites, etc. Only the bridge
-itself and/or the directory authority can declare a bridge blocked
-from somewhere.
-9. Bridge directories must not simply be a handful of nodes that
-provide the list of bridges. They must flood or otherwise distribute
-information out to other Tor nodes as mirrors. That way it becomes
-difficult for censors to flood the bridge directory authorities with
-requests, effectively denying access for others. But, there's lots of
-churn and a much larger size than Tor directories.  We are forced to
-handle the directory scaling problem here much sooner than for the
-network in general. Authorities can pass their bridge directories
-(and policy info) to some moderate number of unidentified Tor nodes.
-Anyone contacting one of those nodes can get bridge info. the nodes
-must remain somewhat synched to prevent the adversary from abusing,
-e.g., a timed release policy or the distribution to those nodes must
-be resilient even if they are not coordinating.
-I think some kind of DHT like scheme would work here. A Tor node is
-assigned a chunk of the directory.  Lookups in the directory should be
-via hashes of keys (fingerprints) and that should determine the Tor
-nodes responsible. Ordinary directories can publish lists of Tor nodes
-responsible for fingerprint ranges.  Clients looking to update info on
-some bridge will make a Tor connection to one of the nodes responsible
-for that address.  Instead of shutting down a circuit after getting
-info on one address, extend it to another that is responsible for that
-address (the node from which you are extending knows you are doing so
-anyway). Keep going.  This way you can amortize the Tor connection.
-10. We need some way to give new identity keys out to those who need
-them without letting those get immediately blocked by authorities. One
-way is to give a fingerprint that gets you more fingerprints, as
-already described. These are meted out/updated periodically but allow
-us to keep track of which sources are compromised: if a distribution
-fingerprint repeatedly leads to quickly blocked bridges, it should be
-suspect, dropped, etc. Since we're using hashes, there shouldn't be a
-correlation with bridge directory mirrors, bridges, portions of the
-network observed, etc. It should just be that the authorities know
-about that key that leads to new addresses.
-This last point is very much like the issues in the valet nodes paper,
-which is essentially about blocking resistance wrt exiting the Tor network,
-while this paper is concerned with blocking the entering to the Tor network.
-In fact the tickets used to connect to the IPo (Introduction Point),
-could serve as an example, except that instead of authorizing
-a connection to the Hidden Service, it's authorizing the downloading
-of more fingerprints.
-Also, the fingerprints can follow the hash(q + '1' + cookie) scheme of
-that paper (where q = hash(PK + salt) gave the q.onion address).  This
-allows us to control and track which fingerprint was causing problems.
-Note that, unlike many settings, the reputation problem should not be
-hard here. If a bridge says it is blocked, then it might as well be.
-If an adversary can say that the bridge is blocked wrt
-$\mathit{censor}_i$, then it might as well be, since
-$\mathit{censor}_i$ can presumably then block that bridge if it so
-11. How much damage can the adversary do by running nodes in the Tor
-network and watching for bridge nodes connecting to it?  (This is
-analogous to an Introduction Point watching for Valet Nodes connecting
-to it.) What percentage of the network do you need to own to do how
-much damage. Here the entry-guard design comes in helpfully.  So we
-need to have bridges use entry-guards, but (cf. 3 above) not use
-bridges as entry-guards. Here's a serious tradeoff (again akin to the
-ratio of valets to IPos) the more bridges/client the worse the
-anonymity of that client. The fewer bridges/client the worse the 
-blocking resistance of that client.

+ 0 - 189

@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
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-% Polyline
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-% Polyline
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-% Polyline
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-675 1200 m
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-900 900 m
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-1275 1200 m
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-1800 1200 m
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-2625 1200 m
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-3150 1200 m
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-4200 1200 m
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-675 525 m
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-900 225 m
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-1425 225 m
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-2850 900 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (6) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman ff 180.00 scf sf
-4350 900 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (498) col0 sh gr
-% here ends figure;

+ 0 - 49

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#FIG 3.2
-1200 2
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 1200 975 1200 1275
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 1725 975 1725 1275
-2 2 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 600 975 4800 975 4800 1275 600 1275 600 975
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 1200 300 1200 600
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 1725 300 1725 600
-2 2 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 600 300 4800 300 4800 600 600 600 600 300
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 2550 975 2550 1275
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 3150 975 3150 1275
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 3450 975 3450 1275
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 3900 975 3900 1275
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 510 675 1200 CircID\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 90 900 900 2\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 180 435 1275 1200 Relay\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 735 1800 1200 StreamID\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 180 510 2625 1200 Digest\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 285 3150 1200 Len\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 510 4200 1200 DATA\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 510 675 525 CircID\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 420 1275 525 CMD\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 90 900 225 2\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 90 1425 225 1\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 510 3225 525 DATA\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 90 3225 900 2\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 420 3450 1200 CMD\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 90 3600 900 1\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 180 735 3300 225 509 bytes\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 90 1425 900 1\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 90 2100 900 2\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 90 2850 900 6\001
-4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 4 135 270 4350 900 498\001




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-\title{Challenges in deploying low-latency anonymity (DRAFT)}
-\author{Roger Dingledine\inst{1} \and
-Nick Mathewson\inst{1} \and
-Paul Syverson\inst{2}}
-\institute{The Free Haven Project \email{<\{arma,nickm\}>} \and
-Naval Research Laboratory \email{<>}}
-  There are many unexpected or unexpectedly difficult obstacles to
-  deploying anonymous communications.  Drawing on our experiences deploying
-  Tor (the second-generation onion routing network), we describe social
-  challenges and technical issues that must be faced
-  in building, deploying, and sustaining a scalable, distributed, low-latency
-  anonymity network.
-% Your network is not practical unless it is sustainable and distributed.
-Anonymous communication is full of surprises.  This paper discusses some
-unexpected challenges arising from our experiences deploying Tor, a
-low-latency general-purpose anonymous communication system.  We will discuss
-some of the difficulties we have experienced and how we have met them (or how
-we plan to meet them, if we know).  We also discuss some less
-troublesome open problems that we must nevertheless eventually address.
-%We will describe both those future challenges that we intend to explore and
-%those that we have decided not to explore and why.
-Tor is an overlay network for anonymizing TCP streams over the
-Internet~\cite{tor-design}.  It addresses limitations in earlier Onion
-Routing designs~\cite{or-ih96,or-jsac98,or-discex00,or-pet00} by adding
-perfect forward secrecy, congestion control, directory servers, data
-integrity, configurable exit policies, and location-hidden services using
-rendezvous points.  Tor works on the real-world Internet, requires no special
-privileges or kernel modifications, requires little synchronization or
-coordination between nodes, and provides a reasonable trade-off between
-anonymity, usability, and efficiency.
-We deployed the public Tor network in October 2003; since then it has
-grown to over a hundred volunteer-operated nodes
-and as much as 80 megabits of
-average traffic per second.  Tor's research strategy has focused on deploying
-a network to as many users as possible; thus, we have resisted designs that
-would compromise deployability by imposing high resource demands on node
-operators, and designs that would compromise usability by imposing
-unacceptable restrictions on which applications we support.  Although this
-strategy has
-drawbacks (including a weakened threat model, as discussed below), it has
-made it possible for Tor to serve many thousands of users and attract
-funding from diverse sources whose goals range from security on a
-national scale down to individual liberties.
-In~\cite{tor-design} we gave an overall view of Tor's
-design and goals.  Here we describe some policy, social, and technical
-issues that we face as we continue deployment.
-Rather than providing complete solutions to every problem, we
-instead lay out the challenges and constraints that we have observed while
-deploying Tor.  In doing so, we aim to provide a research agenda
-of general interest to projects attempting to build
-and deploy practical, usable anonymity networks in the wild.
-%While the Tor design paper~\cite{tor-design} gives an overall view its
-%design and goals,
-%this paper describes the policy and technical issues that Tor faces as
-%we continue deployment. Rather than trying to provide complete solutions
-%to every problem here, we lay out the assumptions and constraints
-%that we have observed through deploying Tor in the wild. In doing so, we
-%aim to create a research agenda for others to
-%help in addressing these issues.
-% Section~\ref{sec:what-is-tor} gives an
-%overview of the Tor
-%design and ours goals. Sections~\ref{sec:crossroads-policy}
-%and~\ref{sec:crossroads-design} go on to describe the practical challenges,
-%both policy and technical respectively,
-%that stand in the way of moving
-%from a practical useful network to a practical useful anonymous network.
-%\section{What Is Tor}
-Here we give a basic overview of the Tor design and its properties, and
-compare Tor to other low-latency anonymity designs.
-\subsection{Tor, threat models, and distributed trust}
-%Here we give a basic overview of the Tor design and its properties. For
-%details on the design, assumptions, and security arguments, we refer
-%the reader to the Tor design paper~\cite{tor-design}.
-Tor provides \emph{forward privacy}, so that users can connect to
-Internet sites without revealing their logical or physical locations
-to those sites or to observers.  It also provides \emph{location-hidden
-services}, so that servers can support authorized users without
-giving an effective vector for physical or online attackers.
-Tor provides these protections even when a portion of its
-infrastructure is compromised.
-To connect to a remote server via Tor, the client software learns a signed
-list of Tor nodes from one of several central \emph{directory servers}, and
-incrementally creates a private pathway or \emph{circuit} of encrypted
-connections through authenticated Tor nodes on the network, negotiating a
-separate set of encryption keys for each hop along the circuit.  The circuit
-is extended one node at a time, and each node along the way knows only the
-immediately previous and following nodes in the circuit, so no individual Tor
-node knows the complete path that each fixed-sized data packet (or
-\emph{cell}) will take.
-%Because each node sees no more than one hop in the
-Thus, neither an eavesdropper nor a compromised node can
-see both the connection's source and destination.  Later requests use a new
-circuit, to complicate long-term linkability between different actions by
-a single user.
-Tor also helps servers hide their locations while
-providing services such as web publishing or instant
-messaging.  Using ``rendezvous points'', other Tor users can
-connect to these authenticated hidden services, neither one learning the
-other's network identity.
-Tor attempts to anonymize the transport layer, not the application layer.
-This approach is useful for applications such as SSH
-where authenticated communication is desired. However, when anonymity from
-those with whom we communicate is desired,
-application protocols that include personally identifying information need
-additional application-level scrubbing proxies, such as
-Privoxy~\cite{privoxy} for HTTP\@.  Furthermore, Tor does not relay arbitrary
-IP packets; it only anonymizes TCP streams and DNS requests
-%, and only supports
-%connections via SOCKS
-(but see Section~\ref{subsec:tcp-vs-ip}).
-Most node operators do not want to allow arbitrary TCP traffic. % to leave
-%their server.
-To address this, Tor provides \emph{exit policies} so
-each exit node can block the IP addresses and ports it is unwilling to allow.
-Tor nodes advertise their exit policies to the directory servers, so that
-clients can tell which nodes will support their connections.
-As of January 2005, the Tor network has grown to around a hundred nodes
-on four continents, with a total capacity exceeding 1Gbit/s. Appendix A
-shows a graph of the number of working nodes over time, as well as a
-graph of the number of bytes being handled by the network over time.
-The network is now sufficiently diverse for further development
-and testing; but of course we always encourage new nodes
-to join.
-Tor research and development has been funded by ONR and DARPA
-for use in securing government
-communications, and by the Electronic Frontier Foundation for use
-in maintaining civil liberties for ordinary citizens online. The Tor
-protocol is one of the leading choices
-for the anonymizing layer in the European Union's PRIME directive to
-help maintain privacy in Europe.
-The AN.ON project in Germany
-has integrated an independent implementation of the Tor protocol into
-their popular Java Anon Proxy anonymizing client.
-% This wide variety of
-%interests helps maintain both the stability and the security of the
-{\bf Threat models and design philosophy.}
-The ideal Tor network would be practical, useful and anonymous. When
-trade-offs arise between these properties, Tor's research strategy has been
-to remain useful enough to attract many users,
-and practical enough to support them.  Only subject to these
-constraints do we try to maximize
-anonymity.\footnote{This is not the only possible
-direction in anonymity research: designs exist that provide more anonymity
-than Tor at the expense of significantly increased resource requirements, or
-decreased flexibility in application support (typically because of increased
-latency).  Such research does not typically abandon aspirations toward
-deployability or utility, but instead tries to maximize deployability and
-utility subject to a certain degree of structural anonymity (structural because
-usability and practicality affect usage which affects the actual anonymity
-provided by the network \cite{econymics,back01}).}
-%{We believe that these
-%approaches can be promising and useful, but that by focusing on deploying a
-%usable system in the wild, Tor helps us experiment with the actual parameters
-%of what makes a system ``practical'' for volunteer operators and ``useful''
-%for home users, and helps illuminate undernoticed issues which any deployed
-%volunteer anonymity network will need to address.}
-Because of our strategy, Tor has a weaker threat model than many designs in
-the literature.  In particular, because we
-support interactive communications without impractically expensive padding,
-we fall prey to a variety
-of intra-network~\cite{back01,attack-tor-oak05,flow-correlation04} and
-end-to-end~\cite{danezis:pet2004,SS03} anonymity-breaking attacks.
-Tor does not attempt to defend against a global observer.  In general, an
-attacker who can measure both ends of a connection through the Tor network
-% I say 'measure' rather than 'observe', to encompass murdoch-danezis
-% style attacks. -RD
-can correlate the timing and volume of data on that connection as it enters
-and leaves the network, and so link communication partners.
-Known solutions to this attack would seem to require introducing a
-prohibitive degree of traffic padding between the user and the network, or
-introducing an unacceptable degree of latency (but see Section
-\ref{subsec:mid-latency}).  Also, it is not clear that these methods would
-work at all against a minimally active adversary who could introduce timing
-patterns or additional traffic.  Thus, Tor only attempts to defend against
-external observers who cannot observe both sides of a user's connections.
-Against internal attackers who sign up Tor nodes, the situation is more
-complicated.  In the simplest case, if an adversary has compromised $c$ of
-$n$ nodes on the Tor network, then the adversary will be able to compromise
-a random circuit with probability $\frac{c^2}{n^2}$ (since the circuit
-initiator chooses hops randomly).  But there are
-complicating factors:
-(1)~If the user continues to build random circuits over time, an adversary
-  is pretty certain to see a statistical sample of the user's traffic, and
-  thereby can build an increasingly accurate profile of her behavior.  (See
-  Section~\ref{subsec:helper-nodes} for possible solutions.)
-(2)~An adversary who controls a popular service outside the Tor network
-  can be certain to observe all connections to that service; he
-  can therefore trace connections to that service with probability
-  $\frac{c}{n}$.
-(3)~Users do not in fact choose nodes with uniform probability; they
-  favor nodes with high bandwidth or uptime, and exit nodes that
-  permit connections to their favorite services.
-(See Section~\ref{subsec:routing-zones} for discussion of larger
-adversaries and our dispersal goals.)
-% I'm trying to make this paragraph work without reference to the
-% analysis/confirmation distinction, which we haven't actually introduced
-% yet, and which we realize isn't very stable anyway.  Also, I don't want to
-% deprecate these attacks if we can't demonstrate that they don't work, since
-% in case they *do* turn out to work well against Tor, we'll look pretty
-% foolish. -NM
-More powerful attacks may exist. In \cite{hintz-pet02} it was
-shown that an attacker who can catalog data volumes of popular
-responder destinations (say, websites with consistent data volumes) may not
-need to
-observe both ends of a stream to learn source-destination links for those
-Similarly, latencies of going through various routes can be
-cataloged~\cite{back01} to connect endpoints.
-% Also, \cite{kesdogan:pet2002} takes the
-% attack another level further, to narrow down where you could be
-% based on an intersection attack on subpages in a website. -RD
-It has not yet been shown whether these attacks will succeed or fail
-in the presence of the variability and volume quantization introduced by the
-Tor network, but it seems likely that these factors will at best delay
-rather than halt the attacks in the cases where they succeed.
-Along similar lines, the same paper suggests a ``clogging
-attack'' in which the throughput on a circuit is observed to slow
-down when an adversary clogs the right nodes with his own traffic.
-To determine the nodes in a circuit this attack requires the ability
-to continuously monitor the traffic exiting the network on a circuit
-that is up long enough to probe all network nodes in binary fashion.
-% Though somewhat related, clogging and interference are really different
-% attacks with different assumptions about adversary distribution and
-% capabilities as well as different techniques. -pfs
-Murdoch and Danezis~\cite{attack-tor-oak05} show a practical
-interference attack against portions of
-the fifty node Tor network as deployed in mid 2004.
-An outside attacker can actively trace a circuit through the Tor network
-by observing changes in the latency of his
-own traffic sent through various Tor nodes. This can be done
-simultaneously at multiple nodes; however, like clogging,
-this attack only reveals
-the Tor nodes in the circuit, not initiator and responder addresses,
-so it is still necessary to discover the endpoints to complete an
-effective attack. Increasing the size and diversity of the Tor network may
-help counter these attacks.
-%discuss $\frac{c^2}{n^2}$, except how in practice the chance of owning
-%the last hop is not $c/n$ since that doesn't take the destination (website)
-%into account. so in cases where the adversary does not also control the
-%final destination we're in good shape, but if he *does* then we'd be better
-%off with a system that lets each hop choose a path.
-%Isn't it more accurate to say ``If the adversary _always_ controls the final
-% dest, we would be just as well off with such as system.'' ?  If not, why
-% not? -nm
-% Sure. In fact, better off, since they seem to scale more easily. -rd
-%Murdoch and Danezis describe an attack
-%\cite{attack-tor-oak05} that lets an attacker determine the nodes used
-%in a circuit; yet s/he cannot identify the initiator or responder,
-%e.g., client or web server, through this attack. So the endpoints
-%remain secure, which is the goal. It is conceivable that an
-%adversary could attack or set up observation of all connections
-%to an arbitrary Tor node in only a few minutes.  If such an adversary
-%were to exist, s/he could use this probing to remotely identify a node
-%for further attack.  Of more likely immediate practical concern
-%an adversary with active access to the responder traffic
-%wants to keep a circuit alive long enough to attack an identified
-%node. Thus it is important to prevent the responding end of the circuit
-%from keeping it open indefinitely. 
-%Also, someone could identify nodes in this way and if in their
-%jurisdiction, immediately get a subpoena (if they even need one)
-%telling the node operator(s) that she must retain all the active
-%circuit data she now has.
-%Further, the enclave model, which had previously looked to be the most
-%generally secure, seems particularly threatened by this attack, since
-%it identifies endpoints when they're also nodes in the Tor network:
-%see Section~\ref{subsec:helper-nodes} for discussion of some ways to
-%address this issue.
-{\bf Distributed trust.}
-In practice Tor's threat model is based on
-dispersal and diversity.
-Our defense lies in having a diverse enough set of nodes
-to prevent most real-world
-adversaries from being in the right places to attack users,
-by distributing each transaction
-over several nodes in the network.  This ``distributed trust'' approach
-means the Tor network can be safely operated and used by a wide variety
-of mutually distrustful users, providing sustainability and security.
-%than some previous attempts at anonymizing networks.
-No organization can achieve this security on its own.  If a single
-corporation or government agency were to build a private network to
-protect its operations, any connections entering or leaving that network
-would be obviously linkable to the controlling organization.  The members
-and operations of that agency would be easier, not harder, to distinguish.
-Instead, to protect our networks from traffic analysis, we must
-collaboratively blend the traffic from many organizations and private
-citizens, so that an eavesdropper can't tell which users are which,
-and who is looking for what information.  %By bringing more users onto
-%the network, all users become more secure~\cite{econymics}.
-%[XXX I feel uncomfortable saying this last sentence now. -RD]
-%[So, I took it out. I think we can do without it. -PFS]
-The Tor network has a broad range of users, including ordinary citizens
-concerned about their privacy, corporations
-who don't want to reveal information to their competitors, and law
-enforcement and government intelligence agencies who need
-to do operations on the Internet without being noticed.
-Naturally, organizations will not want to depend on others for their
-security.  If most participating providers are reliable, Tor tolerates
-some hostile infiltration of the network.  For maximum protection,
-the Tor design includes an enclave approach that lets data be encrypted
-(and authenticated) end-to-end, so high-sensitivity users can be sure it
-hasn't been read or modified.  This even works for Internet services that
-don't have built-in encryption and authentication, such as unencrypted
-HTTP or chat, and it requires no modification of those services.
-\subsection{Related work}
-Tor differs from other deployed systems for traffic analysis resistance
-in its security and flexibility.  Mix networks such as
-Mixmaster~\cite{mixmaster-spec} or its successor Mixminion~\cite{minion-design}
-gain the highest degrees of anonymity at the expense of introducing highly
-variable delays, making them unsuitable for applications such as web
-browsing.  Commercial single-hop
-proxies~\cite{anonymizer} can provide good performance, but
-a single compromise can expose all users' traffic, and a single-point
-eavesdropper can perform traffic analysis on the entire network.
-%Also, their proprietary implementations place any infrastructure that
-%depends on these single-hop solutions at the mercy of their providers'
-%financial health as well as network security.
-The Java
-Anon Proxy~\cite{web-mix} provides similar functionality to Tor but
-handles only web browsing rather than all TCP\@.
-%Some peer-to-peer file-sharing overlay networks such as
-%Freenet~\cite{freenet} and Mute~\cite{mute}
-The Freedom 
-network from Zero-Knowledge Systems~\cite{freedom21-security}
-was even more flexible than Tor in
-transporting arbitrary IP packets, and also supported
-pseudonymity in addition to anonymity; but it had
-a different approach to sustainability (collecting money from users
-and paying ISPs to run Tor nodes), and was eventually shut down due to financial
-load.  Finally, %potentially more scalable
-% [I had added 'potentially' because the scalability of these designs
-% is not established, and I am uncomfortable making the
-% bolder unmodified assertion. Roger took 'potentially' out.
-% Here's an attempt at more neutral wording -pfs]
-peer-to-peer designs that are intended to be more scalable,
-for example Tarzan~\cite{tarzan:ccs02} and
-MorphMix~\cite{morphmix:fc04}, have been proposed in the literature but
-have not been fielded. These systems differ somewhat
-in threat model and presumably practical resistance to threats.
-Note that MorphMix differs from Tor only in
-node discovery and circuit setup; so Tor's architecture is flexible
-enough to contain a MorphMix experiment.
-We direct the interested reader
-to~\cite{tor-design} for a more in-depth review of related work.
-%XXXX six-four. crowds. i2p.
-%have a serious discussion of morphmix's assumptions, since they would
-%seem to be the direct competition. in fact tor is a flexible architecture
-%that would encompass morphmix, and they're nearly identical except for
-%path selection and node discovery. and the trust system morphmix has
-%seems overkill (and/or insecure) based on the threat model we've picked.
-% this para should probably move to the scalability / directory system. -RD
-% Nope. Cut for space, except for small comment added above -PFS
-\section{Social challenges}
-Many of the issues the Tor project needs to address extend beyond
-system design and technology development. In particular, the
-Tor project's \emph{image} with respect to its users and the rest of
-the Internet impacts the security it can provide.
-With this image issue in mind, this section discusses the Tor user base and
-Tor's interaction with other services on the Internet.
-\subsection{Communicating security}
-Usability for anonymity systems
-contributes to their security, because usability
-affects the possible anonymity set~\cite{econymics,back01}.
-Conversely, an unusable system attracts few users and thus can't provide
-much anonymity.
-This phenomenon has a second-order effect: knowing this, users should
-choose which anonymity system to use based in part on how usable
-and secure
-\emph{others} will find it, in order to get the protection of a larger
-anonymity set. Thus we might supplement the adage ``usability is a security
-parameter''~\cite{back01} with a new one: ``perceived usability is a
-security parameter.'' From here we can better understand the effects
-of publicity on security: the more convincing your
-advertising, the more likely people will believe you have users, and thus
-the more users you will attract. Perversely, over-hyped systems (if they
-are not too broken) may be a better choice than modestly promoted ones,
-if the hype attracts more users~\cite{usability-network-effect}.
-So it follows that we should come up with ways to accurately communicate
-the available security levels to the user, so she can make informed
-decisions. JAP aims to do this by including a
-comforting `anonymity meter' dial in the software's graphical interface,
-giving the user an impression of the level of protection for her current
-However, there's a catch. For users to share the same anonymity set,
-they need to act like each other. An attacker who can distinguish
-a given user's traffic from the rest of the traffic will not be
-distracted by anonymity set size. For high-latency systems like
-Mixminion, where the threat model is based on mixing messages with each
-other, there's an arms race between end-to-end statistical attacks and
-But for low-latency systems like Tor, end-to-end \emph{traffic
-correlation} attacks~\cite{danezis:pet2004,defensive-dropping,SS03}
-allow an attacker who can observe both ends of a communication
-to correlate packet timing and volume, quickly linking
-the initiator to her destination.
-Like Tor, the current JAP implementation does not pad connections
-apart from using small fixed-size cells for transport. In fact,
-JAP's cascade-based network topology may be more vulnerable to these
-attacks, because its network has fewer edges. JAP was born out of
-the ISDN mix design~\cite{isdn-mixes}, where padding made sense because
-every user had a fixed bandwidth allocation and altering the timing
-pattern of packets could be immediately detected. But in its current context
-as an Internet web anonymizer, adding sufficient padding to JAP
-would probably be prohibitively expensive and ineffective against a
-minimally active attacker.\footnote{Even if JAP could
-fund higher-capacity nodes indefinitely, our experience
-suggests that many users would not accept the increased per-user
-bandwidth requirements, leading to an overall much smaller user base. But
-see Section~\ref{subsec:mid-latency}.} Therefore, since under this threat
-model the number of concurrent users does not seem to have much impact
-on the anonymity provided, we suggest that JAP's anonymity meter is not
-accurately communicating security levels to its users.
-On the other hand, while the number of active concurrent users may not
-matter as much as we'd like, it still helps to have some other users
-on the network. We investigate this issue next.
-\subsection{Reputability and perceived social value}
-Another factor impacting the network's security is its reputability:
-the perception of its social value based on its current user base. If Alice is
-the only user who has ever downloaded the software, it might be socially
-accepted, but she's not getting much anonymity. Add a thousand
-activists, and she's anonymous, but everyone thinks she's an activist too.
-Add a thousand
-diverse citizens (cancer survivors, privacy enthusiasts, and so on)
-and now she's harder to profile.
-Furthermore, the network's reputability affects its operator base: more people
-are willing to run a service if they believe it will be used by human rights
-workers than if they believe it will be used exclusively for disreputable
-ends.  This effect becomes stronger if node operators themselves think they
-will be associated with their users' disreputable ends.
-So the more cancer survivors on Tor, the better for the human rights
-activists. The more malicious hackers, the worse for the normal users. Thus,
-reputability is an anonymity issue for two reasons. First, it impacts
-the sustainability of the network: a network that's always about to be
-shut down has difficulty attracting and keeping adequate nodes.
-Second, a disreputable network is more vulnerable to legal and
-political attacks, since it will attract fewer supporters.
-While people therefore have an incentive for the network to be used for
-``more reputable'' activities than their own, there are still trade-offs
-involved when it comes to anonymity. To follow the above example, a
-network used entirely by cancer survivors might welcome file sharers
-onto the network, though of course they'd prefer a wider
-variety of users.
-Reputability becomes even more tricky in the case of privacy networks,
-since the good uses of the network (such as publishing by journalists in
-dangerous countries) are typically kept private, whereas network abuses
-or other problems tend to be more widely publicized.
-The impact of public perception on security is especially important
-during the bootstrapping phase of the network, where the first few
-widely publicized uses of the network can dictate the types of users it
-attracts next.
-As an example, some U.S.~Department of Energy
-penetration testing engineers are tasked with compromising DoE computers
-from the outside. They only have a limited number of ISPs from which to
-launch their attacks, and they found that the defenders were recognizing
-attacks because they came from the same IP space. These engineers wanted
-to use Tor to hide their tracks. First, from a technical standpoint,
-Tor does not support the variety of IP packets one would like to use in
-such attacks (see Section~\ref{subsec:tcp-vs-ip}). But aside from this,
-we also decided that it would probably be poor precedent to encourage
-such use---even legal use that improves national security---and managed
-to dissuade them.
-%% "outside of academia, jap has just lost, permanently".  (That is,
-%% even though the crime detection issues are resolved and are unlikely
-%% to go down the same way again, public perception has not been kind.)
-\subsection{Sustainability and incentives}
-One of the unsolved problems in low-latency anonymity designs is
-how to keep the nodes running.  ZKS's Freedom network
-depended on paying third parties to run its servers; the JAP project's
-bandwidth depends on grants to pay for its bandwidth and
-administrative expenses.  In Tor, bandwidth and administrative costs are
-distributed across the volunteers who run Tor nodes, so we at least have
-reason to think that the Tor network could survive without continued research
-funding.\footnote{It also helps that Tor is implemented with free and open
-  source software that can be maintained by anybody with the ability and
-  inclination.}  But why are these volunteers running nodes, and what can we
-do to encourage more volunteers to do so?
-We have not formally surveyed Tor node operators to learn why they are
-running nodes, but
-from the information they have provided, it seems that many of them run Tor
-nodes for reasons of personal interest in privacy issues.  It is possible
-that others are running Tor nodes to protect their own
-anonymity, but of course they are
-hardly likely to tell us specifics if they are.
-%Significantly, Tor's threat model changes the anonymity incentives for running
-%a node.  In a high-latency mix network, users can receive additional
-%anonymity by running their own node, since doing so obscures when they are
-%injecting messages into the network.  But, anybody observing all I/O to a Tor
-%node can tell when the node is generating traffic that corresponds to
-%none of its incoming traffic.
-%I didn't buy the above for reason's subtle enough that I just cut it -PFS
-Tor exit node operators do attain a degree of
-``deniability'' for traffic that originates at that exit node.  For
-  example, it is likely in practice that HTTP requests from a Tor node's IP
-  will be assumed to be from the Tor network.
-  More significantly, people and organizations who use Tor for
-  anonymity depend on the
-  continued existence of the Tor network to do so; running a node helps to
-  keep the network operational.
-%\item Local Tor entry and exit nodes allow users on a network to run in an
-%  `enclave' configuration.  [XXXX need to resolve this. They would do this
-%   for E2E encryption + auth?]
-%We must try to make the costs of running a Tor node easily minimized.
-Since Tor is run by volunteers, the most crucial software usability issue is
-usability by operators: when an operator leaves, the network becomes less
-usable by everybody.  To keep operators pleased, we must try to keep Tor's
-resource and administrative demands as low as possible.
-Because of ISP billing structures, many Tor operators have underused capacity
-that they are willing to donate to the network, at no additional monetary
-cost to them.  Features to limit bandwidth have been essential to adoption.
-Also useful has been a ``hibernation'' feature that allows a Tor node that
-wants to provide high bandwidth, but no more than a certain amount in a
-giving billing cycle, to become dormant once its bandwidth is exhausted, and
-to reawaken at a random offset into the next billing cycle.  This feature has
-interesting policy implications, however; see
-the next section below.
-Exit policies help to limit administrative costs by limiting the frequency of
-abuse complaints (see Section~\ref{subsec:tor-and-blacklists}). We discuss
-technical incentive mechanisms in Section~\ref{subsec:incentives-by-design}.
-%[XXXX say more.  Why else would you run a node? What else can we do/do we
-%  already do to make running a node more attractive?]
-%[We can enforce incentives; see Section 6.1. We can rate-limit clients.
-%  We can put "top bandwidth nodes lists" up a la seti@home.]
-\subsection{Bandwidth and file-sharing}
-%One potentially problematical area with deploying Tor has been our response
-%to file-sharing applications.
-Once users have configured their applications to work with Tor, the largest
-remaining usability issue is performance.  Users begin to suffer
-when websites ``feel slow.''
-Clients currently try to build their connections through nodes that they
-guess will have enough bandwidth.  But even if capacity is allocated
-optimally, it seems unlikely that the current network architecture will have
-enough capacity to provide every user with as much bandwidth as she would
-receive if she weren't using Tor, unless far more nodes join the network.
-%Limited capacity does not destroy the network, however.  Instead, usage tends
-%towards an equilibrium: when performance suffers, users who value performance
-%over anonymity tend to leave the system, thus freeing capacity until the
-%remaining users on the network are exactly those willing to use that capacity
-%there is.
-Much of Tor's recent bandwidth difficulties have come from file-sharing
-applications.  These applications provide two challenges to
-any anonymizing network: their intensive bandwidth requirement, and the
-degree to which they are associated (correctly or not) with copyright
-High-bandwidth protocols can make the network unresponsive,
-but tend to be somewhat self-correcting as lack of bandwidth drives away
-users who need it.  Issues of copyright violation,
-however, are more interesting.  Typical exit node operators want to help
-people achieve private and anonymous speech, not to help people (say) host
-Vin Diesel movies for download; and typical ISPs would rather not
-deal with customers who draw menacing letters
-from the MPAA\@.  While it is quite likely that the operators are doing nothing
-illegal, many ISPs have policies of dropping users who get repeated legal
-threats regardless of the merits of those threats, and many operators would
-prefer to avoid receiving even meritless legal threats.
-So when letters arrive, operators are likely to face
-pressure to block file-sharing applications entirely, in order to avoid the
-But blocking file-sharing is not easy: popular
-protocols have evolved to run on non-standard ports to
-get around other port-based bans.  Thus, exit node operators who want to
-block file-sharing would have to find some way to integrate Tor with a
-protocol-aware exit filter.  This could be a technically expensive
-undertaking, and one with poor prospects: it is unlikely that Tor exit nodes
-would succeed where so many institutional firewalls have failed.  Another
-possibility for sensitive operators is to run a restrictive node that
-only permits exit connections to a restricted range of ports that are
-not frequently associated with file sharing.  There are increasingly few such
-Other possible approaches might include rate-limiting connections, especially
-long-lived connections or connections to file-sharing ports, so that
-high-bandwidth connections do not flood the network.  We might also want to
-give priority to cells on low-bandwidth connections to keep them interactive,
-but this could have negative anonymity implications.
-For the moment, it seems that Tor's bandwidth issues have rendered it
-unattractive for bulk file-sharing traffic; this may continue to be so in the
-future.  Nevertheless, Tor will likely remain attractive for limited use in
-file-sharing protocols that have separate control and data channels.
-%[We should say more -- but what?  That we'll see a similar
-%  equilibriating effect as with bandwidth, where sensitive ops switch to
-%  middleman, and we become less useful for file-sharing, so the file-sharing
-%  people back off, so we get more ops since there's less file-sharing, so the
-%  file-sharers come back, etc.]
-%in practice, plausible deniability is hypothetical and doesn't seem very
-%convincing. if ISPs find the activity antisocial, they don't care *why*
-%your computer is doing that behavior.
-\subsection{Tor and blacklists}
-It was long expected that, alongside legitimate users, Tor would also
-attract troublemakers who exploit Tor to abuse services on the
-Internet with vandalism, rude mail, and so on.
-Our initial answer to this situation was to use ``exit policies''
-to allow individual Tor nodes to block access to specific IP/port ranges.
-This approach aims to make operators more willing to run Tor by allowing
-them to prevent their nodes from being used for abusing particular
-services.  For example, all Tor nodes currently block SMTP (port 25),
-to avoid being used for spam.
-Exit policies are useful, but they are insufficient: if not all nodes
-block a given service, that service may try to block Tor instead.
-While being blockable is important to being good netizens, we would like
-to encourage services to allow anonymous access. Services should not
-need to decide between blocking legitimate anonymous use and allowing
-unlimited abuse.
-This is potentially a bigger problem than it may appear.
-On the one hand, services should be allowed to refuse connections from
-sources of possible abuse.
-But when a Tor node administrator decides whether he prefers to be able
-to post to Wikipedia from his IP address, or to allow people to read
-Wikipedia anonymously through his Tor node, he is making the decision
-for others as well. (For a while, Wikipedia
-blocked all posting from all Tor nodes based on IP addresses.) If
-the Tor node shares an address with a campus or corporate NAT,
-then the decision can prevent the entire population from posting.
-This is a loss for both Tor
-and Wikipedia: we don't want to compete for (or divvy up) the
-NAT-protected entities of the world.
-Worse, many IP blacklists are coarse-grained: they ignore Tor's exit
-policies, partly because it's easier to implement and partly
-so they can punish
-all Tor nodes. One IP blacklist even bans
-every class C network that contains a Tor node, and recommends banning SMTP
-from these networks even though Tor does not allow SMTP at all.  This
-strategic decision aims to discourage the
-operation of anything resembling an open proxy by encouraging its neighbors
-to shut it down to get unblocked themselves. This pressure even
-affects Tor nodes running in middleman mode (disallowing all exits) when
-those nodes are blacklisted too.
-Problems of abuse occur mainly with services such as IRC networks and
-Wikipedia, which rely on IP blocking to ban abusive users.  While at first
-blush this practice might seem to depend on the anachronistic assumption that
-each IP is an identifier for a single user, it is actually more reasonable in
-practice: it assumes that non-proxy IPs are a costly resource, and that an
-abuser can not change IPs at will.  By blocking IPs which are used by Tor
-nodes, open proxies, and service abusers, these systems hope to make
-ongoing abuse difficult.  Although the system is imperfect, it works
-tolerably well for them in practice.
-Of course, we would prefer that legitimate anonymous users be able to
-access abuse-prone services.  One conceivable approach would require
-would-be IRC users, for instance, to register accounts if they want to
-access the IRC network from Tor.  In practice this would not
-significantly impede abuse if creating new accounts were easily automatable;
-this is why services use IP blocking.  To deter abuse, pseudonymous
-identities need to require a significant switching cost in resources or human
-time.  Some popular webmail applications
-impose cost with Reverse Turing Tests, but this step may not deter all
-abusers.  Freedom used blind signatures to limit
-the number of pseudonyms for each paying account, but Tor has neither the
-ability nor the desire to collect payment.
-We stress that as far as we can tell, most Tor uses are not
-abusive. Most services have not complained, and others are actively
-working to find ways besides banning to cope with the abuse. For example,
-the Freenode IRC network had a problem with a coordinated group of
-abusers joining channels and subtly taking over the conversation; but
-when they labelled all users coming from Tor IPs as ``anonymous users,''
-removing the ability of the abusers to blend in, the abuse stopped.
-%The use of squishy IP-based ``authentication'' and ``authorization''
-%has not broken down even to the level that SSNs used for these
-%purposes have in commercial and public record contexts. Externalities
-%and misplaced incentives cause a continued focus on fighting identity
-%theft by protecting SSNs rather than developing better authentication
-%and incentive schemes \cite{price-privacy}. Similarly we can expect a
-%continued use of identification by IP number as long as there is no
-%workable alternative.
-%[XXX Mention correct DNS-RBL implementation. -NM]
-\section{Design choices}
-In addition to social issues, Tor also faces some design trade-offs that must
-be investigated as the network develops.
-\subsection{Transporting the stream vs transporting the packets}
-Tor transports streams; it does not tunnel packets.
-It has often been suggested that like the old Freedom
-network~\cite{freedom21-security}, Tor should
-``obviously'' anonymize IP traffic
-at the IP layer. Before this could be done, many issues need to be resolved:
-\item \emph{IP packets reveal OS characteristics.}  We would still need to do
-IP-level packet normalization, to stop things like TCP fingerprinting
-attacks. %There likely exist libraries that can help with this.
-This is unlikely to be a trivial task, given the diversity and complexity of
-TCP stacks.
-\item \emph{Application-level streams still need scrubbing.} We still need
-Tor to be easy to integrate with user-level application-specific proxies
-such as Privoxy. So it's not just a matter of capturing packets and
-anonymizing them at the IP layer.
-\item \emph{Certain protocols will still leak information.} For example, we
-must rewrite DNS requests so they are delivered to an unlinkable DNS server
-rather than the DNS server at a user's ISP; thus, we must understand the
-protocols we are transporting.
-\item \emph{The crypto is unspecified.} First we need a block-level encryption
-approach that can provide security despite
-packet loss and out-of-order delivery. Freedom allegedly had one, but it was
-never publicly specified.
-Also, TLS over UDP is not yet implemented or
-specified, though some early work has begun~\cite{dtls}.
-\item \emph{We'll still need to tune network parameters.} Since the above
-encryption system will likely need sequence numbers (and maybe more) to do
-replay detection, handle duplicate frames, and so on, we will be reimplementing
-a subset of TCP anyway---a notoriously tricky path.
-\item \emph{Exit policies for arbitrary IP packets mean building a secure
-IDS\@.}  Our node operators tell us that exit policies are one of
-the main reasons they're willing to run Tor.
-Adding an Intrusion Detection System to handle exit policies would
-increase the security complexity of Tor, and would likely not work anyway,
-as evidenced by the entire field of IDS and counter-IDS papers. Many
-potential abuse issues are resolved by the fact that Tor only transports
-valid TCP streams (as opposed to arbitrary IP including malformed packets
-and IP floods), so exit policies become even \emph{more} important as
-we become able to transport IP packets. We also need to compactly
-describe exit policies so clients can predict
-which nodes will allow which packets to exit.
-\item \emph{The Tor-internal name spaces would need to be redesigned.} We
-support hidden service {\tt{.onion}} addresses (and other special addresses,
-like {\tt{.exit}} which lets the user request a particular exit node),
-by intercepting the addresses when they are passed to the Tor client.
-Doing so at the IP level would require a more complex interface between
-Tor and the local DNS resolver.
-This list is discouragingly long, but being able to transport more
-protocols obviously has some advantages. It would be good to learn which
-items are actual roadblocks and which are easier to resolve than we think.
-To be fair, Tor's stream-based approach has run into
-stumbling blocks as well. While Tor supports the SOCKS protocol,
-which provides a standardized interface for generic TCP proxies, many
-applications do not support SOCKS\@. For them we already need to
-replace the networking system calls with SOCKS-aware
-versions, or run a SOCKS tunnel locally, neither of which is
-easy for the average user. %---even with good instructions.
-Even when applications can use SOCKS, they often make DNS requests
-themselves before handing an IP address to Tor, which advertises
-where the user is about to connect.
-We are still working on more usable solutions.
-%So to actually provide good anonymity, we need to make sure that
-%users have a practical way to use Tor anonymously.  Possibilities include
-%writing wrappers for applications to anonymize them automatically; improving
-%the applications' support for SOCKS; writing libraries to help application
-%writers use Tor properly; and implementing a local DNS proxy to reroute DNS
-%requests to Tor so that applications can simply point their DNS resolvers at
-%localhost and continue to use SOCKS for data only.
-Some users need to resist traffic correlation attacks.  Higher-latency
-mix-networks introduce variability into message
-arrival times: as timing variance increases, timing correlation attacks
-require increasingly more data~\cite{e2e-traffic}. Can we improve Tor's
-resistance without losing too much usability?
-We need to learn whether we can trade a small increase in latency
-for a large anonymity increase, or if we'd end up trading a lot of
-latency for only a minimal security gain. A trade-off might be worthwhile
-even if we
-could only protect certain use cases, such as infrequent short-duration
-transactions. % To answer this question
-We might adapt the techniques of~\cite{e2e-traffic} to a lower-latency mix
-network, where the messages are batches of cells in temporally clustered
-connections. These large fixed-size batches can also help resist volume
-signature attacks~\cite{hintz-pet02}. We could also experiment with traffic
-shaping to get a good balance of throughput and security.
-%Other padding regimens might supplement the
-%mid-latency option; however, we should continue the caution with which
-%we have always approached padding lest the overhead cost us too much
-%performance or too many volunteers.
-We must keep usability in mind too. How much can latency increase
-before we drive users away? We've already been forced to increase
-latency slightly, as our growing network incorporates more DSL and
-cable-modem nodes and more nodes in distant continents. Perhaps we can
-harness this increased latency to improve anonymity rather than just
-reduce usability. Further, if we let clients label certain circuits as
-mid-latency as they are constructed, we could handle both types of traffic
-on the same network, giving users a choice between speed and security---and
-giving researchers a chance to experiment with parameters to improve the
-quality of those choices.
-\subsection{Enclaves and helper nodes}
-It has long been thought that users can improve their anonymity by
-running their own node~\cite{tor-design,or-ih96,or-pet00}, and using
-it in an \emph{enclave} configuration, where all their circuits begin
-at the node under their control. Running Tor clients or servers at
-the enclave perimeter is useful when policy or other requirements
-prevent individual machines within the enclave from running Tor
-Of course, Tor's default path length of
-three is insufficient for these enclaves, since the entry and/or exit
-% [edit war: without the ``and/'' the natural reading here
-% is aut rather than vel. And the use of the plural verb does not work -pfs]
-themselves are sensitive. Tor thus increments path length by one
-for each sensitive endpoint in the circuit.
-Enclaves also help to protect against end-to-end attacks, since it's
-possible that traffic coming from the node has simply been relayed from
-elsewhere. However, if the node has recognizable behavior patterns,
-an attacker who runs nodes in the network can triangulate over time to
-gain confidence that it is in fact originating the traffic. Wright et
-al.~\cite{wright03} introduce the notion of a \emph{helper node}---a
-single fixed entry node for each user---to combat this \emph{predecessor
-However, the attack in~\cite{attack-tor-oak05} shows that simply adding
-to the path length, or using a helper node, may not protect an enclave
-node. A hostile web server can send constant interference traffic to
-all nodes in the network, and learn which nodes are involved in the
-circuit (though at least in the current attack, he can't learn their
-order). Using randomized path lengths may help some, since the attacker
-will never be certain he has identified all nodes in the path unless
-he probes the entire network, but as
-long as the network remains small this attack will still be feasible.
-Helper nodes also aim to help Tor clients, because choosing entry and exit
-randomly and changing them frequently allows an attacker who controls
-even a few nodes to eventually link some of their destinations. The goal
-is to take the risk once and for all about choosing a bad entry node,
-rather than taking a new risk for each new circuit. (Choosing fixed
-exit nodes is less useful, since even an honest exit node still doesn't
-protect against a hostile website.) But obstacles remain before
-we can implement helper nodes.
-For one, the literature does not describe how to choose helpers from a list
-of nodes that changes over time.  If Alice is forced to choose a new entry
-helper every $d$ days and $c$ of the $n$ nodes are bad, she can expect
-to choose a compromised node around
-every $dc/n$ days. Statistically over time this approach only helps
-if she is better at choosing honest helper nodes than at choosing
-honest nodes.  Worse, an attacker with the ability to DoS nodes could
-force users to switch helper nodes more frequently, or remove
-other candidate helpers.
-%Do general DoS attacks have anonymity implications? See e.g. Adam
-%Back's IH paper, but I think there's more to be pointed out here. -RD
-% Not sure what you want to say here. -NM
-%Game theory for helper nodes: if Alice offers a hidden service on a
-%server (enclave model), and nobody ever uses helper nodes, then against
-%George+Steven's attack she's totally nailed. If only Alice uses a helper
-%node, then she's still identified as the source of the data. If everybody
-%uses a helper node (including Alice), then the attack identifies the
-%helper node and also Alice, and knows which one is which. If everybody
-%uses a helper node (but not Alice), then the attacker figures the real
-%source was a client that is using Alice as a helper node. [How's my
-%logic here?] -RD
-% Not sure about the logic.  For the attack to work with helper nodes, the
-%attacker needs to guess that Alice is running the hidden service, right?
-%Otherwise, how can he know to measure her traffic specifically? -NM
-% In the Murdoch-Danezis attack, the adversary measures all servers. -RD
-%point to routing-zones section re: helper nodes to defend against
-%big stuff.
-\subsection{Location-hidden services}
-% This section is first up against the wall when the revolution comes.
-Tor's \emph{rendezvous points}
-let users provide TCP services to other Tor users without revealing
-the service's location. Since this feature is relatively recent, we describe
-a couple of our early observations from its deployment.
-First, our implementation of hidden services seems less hidden than we'd
-like, since they build a different rendezvous circuit for each user,
-and an external adversary can induce them to
-produce traffic. This insecurity means that they may not be suitable as
-a building block for Free Haven~\cite{freehaven-berk} or other anonymous
-publishing systems that aim to provide long-term security, though helper
-nodes, as discussed above, would seem to help.
-\emph{Hot-swap} hidden services, where more than one location can
-provide the service and loss of any one location does not imply a
-change in service, would help foil intersection and observation attacks
-where an adversary monitors availability of a hidden service and also
-monitors whether certain users or servers are online. The design
-challenges in providing such services without otherwise compromising
-the hidden service's anonymity remain an open problem;
-however, see~\cite{move-ndss05}.
-In practice, hidden services are used for more than just providing private
-access to a web server or IRC server. People are using hidden services
-as a poor man's VPN and firewall-buster. Many people want to be able
-to connect to the computers in their private network via secure shell,
-and rather than playing with dyndns and trying to pierce holes in their
-firewall, they run a hidden service on the inside and then rendezvous
-with that hidden service externally.
-News sites like Bloggers Without Borders ( are advertising
-a hidden-service address on their front page. Doing this can provide
-increased robustness if they use the dual-IP approach we describe
-but in practice they do it to increase visibility
-of the Tor project and their support for privacy, and to offer
-a way for their users, using unmodified software, to get end-to-end
-encryption and authentication to their website.
-\subsection{Location diversity and ISP-class adversaries}
-Anonymity networks have long relied on diversity of node location for
-protection against attacks---typically an adversary who can observe a
-larger fraction of the network can launch a more effective attack. One
-way to achieve dispersal involves growing the network so a given adversary
-sees less. Alternately, we can arrange the topology so traffic can enter
-or exit at many places (for example, by using a free-route network
-like Tor rather than a cascade network like JAP). Lastly, we can use
-distributed trust to spread each transaction over multiple jurisdictions.
-But how do we decide whether two nodes are in related locations?
-Feamster and Dingledine defined a \emph{location diversity} metric
-in~\cite{feamster:wpes2004}, and began investigating a variant of location
-diversity based on the fact that the Internet is divided into thousands of
-independently operated networks called {\em autonomous systems} (ASes).
-The key insight from their paper is that while we typically think of a
-connection as going directly from the Tor client to the first Tor node,
-actually it traverses many different ASes on each hop. An adversary at
-any of these ASes can monitor or influence traffic. Specifically, given
-plausible initiators and recipients, and given random path selection,
-some ASes in the simulation were able to observe 10\% to 30\% of the
-transactions (that is, learn both the origin and the destination) on
-the deployed Tor network (33 nodes as of June 2004).
-The paper concludes that for best protection against the AS-level
-adversary, nodes should be in ASes that have the most links to other ASes:
-Tier-1 ISPs such as AT\&T and Abovenet. Further, a given transaction
-is safest when it starts or ends in a Tier-1 ISP\@. Therefore, assuming
-initiator and responder are both in the U.S., it actually \emph{hurts}
-our location diversity to use far-flung nodes in
-continents like Asia or South America.
-% it's not just entering or exiting from them. using them as the middle
-% hop reduces your effective path length, which you presumably don't
-% want because you chose that path length for a reason.
-% Not sure I buy that argument. Two end nodes in the right ASs to
-% discourage linking are still not known to each other. If some
-% adversary in a single AS can bridge the middle node, it shouldn't
-% therefore be able to identify initiator or responder; although it could
-% contribute to further attacks given more assumptions.
-% Nonetheless, no change to the actual text for now.
-Many open questions remain. First, it will be an immense engineering
-challenge to get an entire BGP routing table to each Tor client, or to
-summarize it sufficiently. Without a local copy, clients won't be
-able to safely predict what ASes will be traversed on the various paths
-through the Tor network to the final destination. Tarzan~\cite{tarzan:ccs02}
-and MorphMix~\cite{morphmix:fc04} suggest that we compare IP prefixes to
-determine location diversity; but the above paper showed that in practice
-many of the Mixmaster nodes that share a single AS have entirely different
-IP prefixes. When the network has scaled to thousands of nodes, does IP
-prefix comparison become a more useful approximation? % Alternatively, can
-%relevant parts of the routing tables be summarized centrally and delivered to
-%clients in a less verbose format?
-%% i already said "or to summarize is sufficiently" above. is that not
-%% enough? -RD
-Second, we can take advantage of caching certain content at the
-exit nodes, to limit the number of requests that need to leave the
-network at all. What about taking advantage of caches like Akamai or
-Google~\cite{shsm03}? (Note that they're also well-positioned as global
-Third, if we follow the recommendations in~\cite{feamster:wpes2004}
- and tailor path selection
-to avoid choosing endpoints in similar locations, how much are we hurting
-anonymity against larger real-world adversaries who can take advantage
-of knowing our algorithm?
-Fourth, can we use this knowledge to figure out which gaps in our network
-most affect our robustness to this class of attack, and go recruit
-new nodes with those ASes in mind?
-%Tor's security relies in large part on the dispersal properties of its
-%network. We need to be more aware of the anonymity properties of various
-%approaches so we can make better design decisions in the future.
-\subsection{The Anti-censorship problem}
-Citizens in a variety of countries, such as most recently China and
-Iran, are blocked from accessing various sites outside
-their country. These users try to find any tools available to allow
-them to get around these firewalls. Some anonymity networks, such as
-Six-Four~\cite{six-four}, are designed specifically with this goal in
-mind; others like the Anonymizer~\cite{anonymizer} are paid by sponsors
-such as Voice of America to encourage Internet
-freedom. Even though Tor wasn't
-designed with ubiquitous access to the network in mind, thousands of
-users across the world are now using it for exactly this purpose.
-% Academic and NGO organizations, peacefire, \cite{berkman}, etc
-Anti-censorship networks hoping to bridge country-level blocks face
-a variety of challenges. One of these is that they need to find enough
-exit nodes---servers on the `free' side that are willing to relay
-traffic from users to their final destinations. Anonymizing
-networks like Tor are well-suited to this task since we have
-already gathered a set of exit nodes that are willing to tolerate some
-political heat.
-The other main challenge is to distribute a list of reachable relays
-to the users inside the country, and give them software to use those relays,
-without letting the censors also enumerate this list and block each
-relay. Anonymizer solves this by buying lots of seemingly-unrelated IP
-addresses (or having them donated), abandoning old addresses as they are
-`used up,' and telling a few users about the new ones. Distributed
-anonymizing networks again have an advantage here, in that we already
-have tens of thousands of separate IP addresses whose users might
-volunteer to provide this service since they've already installed and use
-the software for their own privacy~\cite{koepsell:wpes2004}. Because
-the Tor protocol separates routing from network discovery \cite{tor-design},
-volunteers could configure their Tor clients
-to generate node descriptors and send them to a special directory
-server that gives them out to dissidents who need to get around blocks.
-Of course, this still doesn't prevent the adversary
-from enumerating and preemptively blocking the volunteer relays.
-Perhaps a tiered-trust system could be built where a few individuals are
-given relays' locations. They could then recommend other individuals
-by telling them
-those addresses, thus providing a built-in incentive to avoid letting the
-adversary intercept them. Max-flow trust algorithms~\cite{advogato}
-might help to bound the number of IP addresses leaked to the adversary. Groups
-like the W3C are looking into using Tor as a component in an overall system to
-help address censorship; we wish them success.
-Tor is running today with hundreds of nodes and tens of thousands of
-users, but it will certainly not scale to millions.
-Scaling Tor involves four main challenges. First, to get a
-large set of nodes, we must address incentives for
-users to carry traffic for others. Next is safe node discovery, both
-while bootstrapping (Tor clients must robustly find an initial
-node list) and later (Tor clients must learn about a fair sample
-of honest nodes and not let the adversary control circuits).
-We must also detect and handle node speed and reliability as the network
-becomes increasingly heterogeneous: since the speed and reliability
-of a circuit is limited by its worst link, we must learn to track and
-predict performance. Finally, we must stop assuming that all points on
-the network can connect to all other points.
-\subsection{Incentives by Design}
-There are three behaviors we need to encourage for each Tor node: relaying
-traffic; providing good throughput and reliability while doing it;
-and allowing traffic to exit the network from that node.
-We encourage these behaviors through \emph{indirect} incentives: that
-is, by designing the system and educating users in such a way that users
-with certain goals will choose to relay traffic.  One
-main incentive for running a Tor node is social: volunteers
-altruistically donate their bandwidth and time.  We encourage this with
-public rankings of the throughput and reliability of nodes, much like
-seti@home.  We further explain to users that they can get
-deniability for any traffic emerging from the same address as a Tor
-exit node, and they can use their own Tor node
-as an entry or exit point with confidence that it's not run by an adversary.
-Further, users may run a node simply because they need such a network
-to be persistently available and usable, and the value of supporting this
-exceeds any countervening costs.
-Finally, we can encourage operators by improving the usability and feature
-set of the software:
-rate limiting support and easy packaging decrease the hassle of
-maintaining a node, and our configurable exit policies allow each
-operator to advertise a policy describing the hosts and ports to which
-he feels comfortable connecting.
-To date these incentives appear to have been adequate. As the system scales
-or as new issues emerge, however, we may also need to provide
- \emph{direct} incentives:
-providing payment or other resources in return for high-quality service.
-Paying actual money is problematic: decentralized e-cash systems are
-not yet practical, and a centralized collection system not only reduces
-robustness, but also has failed in the past (the history of commercial
-anonymizing networks is littered with failed attempts).  A more promising
-option is to use a tit-for-tat incentive scheme, where nodes provide better
-service to nodes that have provided good service for them.
-Unfortunately, such an approach introduces new anonymity problems.
-There are many surprising ways for nodes to game the incentive and
-reputation system to undermine anonymity---such systems are typically
-designed to encourage fairness in storage or bandwidth usage, not
-fairness of provided anonymity. An adversary can attract more traffic
-by performing well or can target individual users by selectively
-performing, to undermine their anonymity. Typically a user who
-chooses evenly from all nodes is most resistant to an adversary
-targeting him, but that approach hampers the efficient use
-of heterogeneous nodes.
-%When a node (call him Steve) performs well for Alice, does Steve gain
-%reputation with the entire system, or just with Alice? If the entire
-%system, how does Alice tell everybody about her experience in a way that
-%prevents her from lying about it yet still protects her identity? If
-%Steve's behavior only affects Alice's behavior, does this allow Steve to
-%selectively perform only for Alice, and then break her anonymity later
-%when somebody (presumably Alice) routes through his node?
-A possible solution is a simplified approach to the tit-for-tat
-incentive scheme based on two rules: (1) each node should measure the
-service it receives from adjacent nodes, and provide service relative
-to the received service, but (2) when a node is making decisions that
-affect its own security (such as building a circuit for its own
-application connections), it should choose evenly from a sufficiently
-large set of nodes that meet some minimum service
-threshold~\cite{casc-rep}.  This approach allows us to discourage
-bad service
-without opening Alice up as much to attacks.  All of this requires
-further study.
-\subsection{Trust and discovery}
-The published Tor design is deliberately simplistic in how
-new nodes are authorized and how clients are informed about Tor
-nodes and their status.
-All nodes periodically upload a signed description
-of their locations, keys, and capabilities to each of several well-known {\it
-  directory servers}.  These directory servers construct a signed summary
-of all known Tor nodes (a ``directory''), and a signed statement of which
-nodes they
-believe to be operational then (a ``network status'').  Clients
-periodically download a directory to learn the latest nodes and
-keys, and more frequently download a network status to learn which nodes are
-likely to be running.  Tor nodes also operate as directory caches, to
-lighten the bandwidth on the directory servers.
-To prevent Sybil attacks (wherein an adversary signs up many
-purportedly independent nodes to increase her network view),
-this design
-requires the directory server operators to manually
-approve new nodes.  Unapproved nodes are included in the directory,
-but clients
-do not use them at the start or end of their circuits.  In practice,
-directory administrators perform little actual verification, and tend to
-approve any Tor node whose operator can compose a coherent email.
-This procedure
-may prevent trivial automated Sybil attacks, but will do little
-against a clever and determined attacker.
-There are a number of flaws in this system that need to be addressed as we
-move forward. First,
-each directory server represents an independent point of failure: any
-compromised directory server could start recommending only compromised
-Second, as more nodes join the network, %the more unreasonable it
-%becomes to expect clients to know about them all.
-become infeasibly large, and downloading the list of nodes becomes
-Third, the validation scheme may do as much harm as it does good.  It 
-does not prevent clever attackers from mounting Sybil attacks,
-and it may deter node operators from joining the network---if
-they expect the validation process to be difficult, or they do not share
-any languages in common with the directory server operators.
-We could try to move the system in several directions, depending on our
-choice of threat model and requirements.  If we did not need to increase
-network capacity to support more users, we could simply
- adopt even stricter validation requirements, and reduce the number of
-nodes in the network to a trusted minimum.  
-But, we can only do that if we can simultaneously make node capacity
-scale much more than we anticipate to be feasible soon, and if we can find
-entities willing to run such nodes, an equally daunting prospect.
-In order to address the first two issues, it seems wise to move to a system
-including a number of semi-trusted directory servers, no one of which can
-compromise a user on its own.  Ultimately, of course, we cannot escape the
-problem of a first introducer: since most users will run Tor in whatever
-configuration the software ships with, the Tor distribution itself will
-remain a single point of failure so long as it includes the seed
-keys for directory servers, a list of directory servers, or any other means
-to learn which nodes are on the network.  But omitting this information
-from the Tor distribution would only delegate the trust problem to each
-individual user. %, most of whom are presumably less informed about how to make
-%trust decisions than the Tor developers.
-A well publicized, widely available, authoritatively and independently
-endorsed and signed list of initial directory servers and their keys
-is a possible solution. But, setting that up properly is itself a large 
-bootstrapping task.
-%Network discovery, sybil, node admission, scaling. It seems that the code
-%will ship with something and that's our trust root. We could try to get
-%people to build a web of trust, but no. Where we go from here depends
-%on what threats we have in mind. Really decentralized if your threat is
-%RIAA; less so if threat is to application data or individuals or...
-\subsection{Measuring performance and capacity}
-One of the paradoxes with engineering an anonymity network is that we'd like
-to learn as much as we can about how traffic flows so we can improve the
-network, but we want to prevent others from learning how traffic flows in
-order to trace users' connections through the network.  Furthermore, many
-mechanisms that help Tor run efficiently
-require measurements about the network.
-Currently, nodes try to deduce their own available bandwidth (based on how
-much traffic they have been able to transfer recently) and include this
-information in the descriptors they upload to the directory. Clients
-choose servers weighted by their bandwidth, neglecting really slow
-servers and capping the influence of really fast ones.
-This is, of course, eminently cheatable.  A malicious node can get a
-disproportionate amount of traffic simply by claiming to have more bandwidth
-than it does.  But better mechanisms have their problems.  If bandwidth data
-is to be measured rather than self-reported, it is usually possible for
-nodes to selectively provide better service for the measuring party, or
-sabotage the measured value of other nodes.  Complex solutions for
-mix networks have been proposed, but do not address the issues
-Even with no cheating, network measurement is complex.  It is common
-for views of a node's latency and/or bandwidth to vary wildly between
-observers.  Further, it is unclear whether total bandwidth is really
-the right measure; perhaps clients should instead be considering nodes
-based on unused bandwidth or observed throughput.
-%How to measure performance without letting people selectively deny service
-%by distinguishing pings. Heck, just how to measure performance at all. In
-%practice people have funny firewalls that don't match up to their exit
-%policies and Tor doesn't deal.
-%Network investigation: Is all this bandwidth publishing thing a good idea?
-%How can we collect stats better? Note weasel's smokeping, at
-%which probably gives george and steven enough info to break tor?
-And even if we can collect and use this network information effectively,
-we must ensure
-that it is not more useful to attackers than to us.  While it
-seems plausible that bandwidth data alone is not enough to reveal
-sender-recipient connections under most circumstances, it could certainly
-reveal the path taken by large traffic flows under low-usage circumstances.
-\subsection{Non-clique topologies}
-Tor's comparatively weak threat model may allow easier scaling than
-designs.  High-latency mix networks need to avoid partitioning attacks, where
-network splits let an attacker distinguish users in different partitions.
-Since Tor assumes the adversary cannot cheaply observe nodes at will,
-a network split may not decrease protection much.
-Thus, one option when the scale of a Tor network
-exceeds some size is simply to split it. Nodes could be allocated into
-partitions while hampering collaborating hostile nodes from taking over
-a single partition~\cite{casc-rep}.
-Clients could switch between
-networks, even on a per-circuit basis.
-%Future analysis may uncover
-%other dangers beyond those affecting mix-nets.
-More conservatively, we can try to scale a single Tor network. Likely
-problems with adding more servers to a single Tor network include an
-explosion in the number of sockets needed on each server as more servers
-join, and increased coordination overhead to keep each users' view of
-the network consistent. As we grow, we will also have more instances of
-servers that can't reach each other simply due to Internet topology or
-routing problems.
-%include restricting the number of sockets and the amount of bandwidth
-%used by each node.  The number of sockets is determined by the network's
-%connectivity and the number of users, while bandwidth capacity is determined
-%by the total bandwidth of nodes on the network.  The simplest solution to
-%bandwidth capacity is to add more nodes, since adding a Tor node of any
-%feasible bandwidth will increase the traffic capacity of the network.  So as
-%a first step to scaling, we should focus on making the network tolerate more
-%nodes, by reducing the interconnectivity of the nodes; later we can reduce
-%overhead associated with directories, discovery, and so on.
-We can address these points by reducing the network's connectivity.
-Danezis~\cite{danezis:pet2003} considers
-the anonymity implications of restricting routes on mix networks and
-recommends an approach based on expander graphs (where any subgraph is likely
-to have many neighbors).  It is not immediately clear that this approach will
-extend to Tor, which has a weaker threat model but higher performance
-requirements: instead of analyzing the
-probability of an attacker's viewing whole paths, we will need to examine the
-attacker's likelihood of compromising the endpoints.
-Tor may not need an expander graph per se: it
-may be enough to have a single central subnet that is highly connected, like
-an Internet backbone. %  As an
-%example, assume fifty nodes of relatively high traffic capacity.  This
-%\emph{center} forms a clique.  Assume each center node can
-%handle 200 connections to other nodes (including the other ones in the
-%center). Assume every noncenter node connects to three nodes in the
-%center and anyone out of the center that they want to.  Then the
-%network easily scales to c. 2500 nodes with commensurate increase in
-There are many open questions: how to distribute connectivity information
-(presumably nodes will learn about the central nodes
-when they download Tor), whether central nodes
-will need to function as a `backbone', and so on. As above,
-this could reduce the amount of anonymity available from a mix-net,
-but for a low-latency network where anonymity derives largely from
-the edges, it may be feasible.
-%In a sense, Tor already has a non-clique topology.
-%Individuals can set up and run Tor nodes without informing the
-%directory servers. This allows groups to run a
-%local Tor network of private nodes that connects to the public Tor
-%network. This network is hidden behind the Tor network, and its
-%only visible connection to Tor is at those points where it connects.
-%As far as the public network, or anyone observing it, is concerned,
-%they are running clients.
-\section{The Future}
-Tor is the largest and most diverse low-latency anonymity network
-available, but we are still in the beginning stages of deployment. Several
-major questions remain.
-First, will our volunteer-based approach to sustainability work in the
-long term? As we add more features and destabilize the network, the
-developers spend a lot of time keeping the server operators happy. Even
-though Tor is free software, the network would likely stagnate and die at
-this stage if the developers stopped actively working on it. We may get
-an unexpected boon from the fact that we're a general-purpose overlay
-network: as Tor grows more popular, other groups who need an overlay
-network on the Internet are starting to adapt Tor to their needs.
-Second, Tor is only one of many components that preserve privacy online.
-For applications where it is desirable to
-keep identifying information out of application traffic, someone must build
-more and better protocol-aware proxies that are usable by ordinary people.
-Third, we need to gain a reputation for social good, and learn how to
-coexist with the variety of Internet services and their established
-authentication mechanisms. We can't just keep escalating the blacklist
-standoff forever.
-Fourth, the current Tor
-architecture does not scale even to handle current user demand. We must
-find designs and incentives to let some clients relay traffic too, without
-sacrificing too much anonymity.
-These are difficult and open questions. Yet choosing not to solve them
-means leaving most users to a less secure network or no anonymizing
-network at all.
-\bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{tor-design}
-\caption{Number of Tor nodes over time, through January 2005. Lowest
-line is number of exit
-nodes that allow connections to port 80. Middle line is total number of
-verified (registered) Tor nodes. The line above that represents nodes
-that are running but not yet registered.}
-\caption{The sum of traffic reported by each node over time, through
-January 2005. The bottom
-pair show average throughput, and the top pair represent the largest 15
-minute burst in each 4 hour period.}
-%Making use of nodes with little bandwidth, or high latency/packet loss.
-%Running Tor nodes behind NATs, behind great-firewalls-of-China, etc.
-%Restricted routes. How to propagate to everybody the topology? BGP
-%style doesn't work because we don't want just *one* path. Point to
-%Geoff's stuff.

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-\title{Design challenges and social factors in deploying low-latency anonymity}
-\author{Roger Dingledine\inst{1} \and
-Nick Mathewson\inst{1} \and
-Paul Syverson\inst{2}}
-\institute{The Free Haven Project \email{<\{arma,nickm\}>} \and
-Naval Research Laboratory \email{<>}}
-  There are many unexpected or unexpectedly difficult obstacles to
-  deploying anonymous communications.  We describe the design
-  philosophy of Tor (the third-generation onion routing network), and,
-  drawing on our experiences deploying Tor, we describe social
-  challenges and related technical issues that must be faced in
-  building, deploying, and sustaining a scalable, distributed,
-  low-latency anonymity network.
-% Your network is not practical unless it is sustainable and distributed.
-Anonymous communication is full of surprises.  This article describes
-Tor, a low-latency general-purpose anonymous communication system, and
-discusses some unexpected challenges arising from our experiences
-deploying Tor.  We will discuss
-some of the difficulties we have experienced and how we have met them (or how
-we plan to meet them, if we know).
-%  We also discuss some less
-% troublesome open problems that we must nevertheless eventually address.
-%We will describe both those future challenges that we intend to explore and
-%those that we have decided not to explore and why.
-Tor is an overlay network for anonymizing TCP streams over the
-Internet~\cite{tor-design}.  It addresses limitations in earlier Onion
-Routing designs~\cite{or-ih96,or-jsac98,or-discex00,or-pet00} by adding
-perfect forward secrecy, congestion control, directory servers, data
-%configurable exit policies, Huh? That was part of the gen. 1 design -PFS
-and a revised design for location-hidden services using
-rendezvous points.  Tor works on the real-world Internet, requires no special
-privileges or kernel modifications, requires little synchronization or
-coordination between nodes, and provides a reasonable trade-off between
-anonymity, usability, and efficiency.
-We deployed the public Tor network in October 2003; since then it has
-grown to over nine hundred volunteer-operated nodes worldwide
-and over 100 megabytes average traffic per second from hundreds of
-thousands of concurrent users.
-Tor's research strategy has focused on deploying
-a network to as many users as possible; thus, we have resisted designs that
-would compromise deployability by imposing high resource demands on node
-operators, and designs that would compromise usability by imposing
-unacceptable restrictions on which applications we support.  Although this
-strategy has drawbacks (including a weakened threat model, as
-discussed below), it has made it possible for Tor to serve many
-hundreds of thousands of users and attract funding from diverse
-sources whose goals range from security on a national scale down to
-individual liberties.
-In~\cite{tor-design} we gave an overall view of Tor's design and
-goals.  Here we review that design at a higher level and describe
-some policy and social issues that we face as
-we continue deployment. Though we will discuss technical responses to
-these, we do not in this article discuss purely technical challenges
-facing Tor (e.g., transport protocol, resource scaling issues, moving
-to non-clique topologies, performance, etc.), nor do we even cover
-all of the social issues: we simply touch on some of the most salient of these.
-Also, rather than providing complete solutions to every problem, we
-instead lay out the challenges and constraints that we have observed while
-deploying Tor.  In doing so, we aim to provide a research agenda
-of general interest to projects attempting to build
-and deploy practical, usable anonymity networks in the wild.
-%While the Tor design paper~\cite{tor-design} gives an overall view its
-%design and goals,
-%this paper describes the policy and technical issues that Tor faces as
-%we continue deployment. Rather than trying to provide complete solutions
-%to every problem here, we lay out the assumptions and constraints
-%that we have observed through deploying Tor in the wild. In doing so, we
-%aim to create a research agenda for others to
-%help in addressing these issues.
-% Section~\ref{sec:what-is-tor} gives an
-%overview of the Tor
-%design and ours goals. Sections~\ref{sec:crossroads-policy}
-%and~\ref{sec:crossroads-design} go on to describe the practical challenges,
-%both policy and technical respectively,
-%that stand in the way of moving
-%from a practical useful network to a practical useful anonymous network.
-%\section{What Is Tor}
-Here we give a basic overview of the Tor design and its properties, and
-compare Tor to other low-latency anonymity designs.
-\subsection{Tor, threat models, and distributed trust}
-%Here we give a basic overview of the Tor design and its properties. For
-%details on the design, assumptions, and security arguments, we refer
-%the reader to the Tor design paper~\cite{tor-design}.
-Tor provides \emph{forward privacy}, so that users can connect to
-Internet sites without revealing their logical or physical locations
-to those sites or to observers.  It also provides \emph{location-hidden
-services}, so that servers can support authorized users without
-giving an effective vector for physical or online attackers.
-Tor provides these protections even when a portion of its
-infrastructure is compromised.
-To connect to a remote server via Tor, the client software learns a signed
-list of Tor nodes from one of several central \emph{directory servers}, and
-incrementally creates a private pathway or \emph{circuit} of encrypted
-connections through authenticated Tor nodes on the network, negotiating a
-separate set of encryption keys for each hop along the circuit.  The circuit
-is extended one node at a time, and each node along the way knows only the
-immediately previous and following nodes in the circuit, so no individual Tor
-node knows the complete path that each fixed-sized data packet (or
-\emph{cell}) will take.
-%Because each node sees no more than one hop in the
-Thus, neither an eavesdropper nor a compromised node can
-see both the connection's source and destination.  Later requests use a new
-circuit, to complicate long-term linkability between different actions by
-a single user.
-%Tor also helps servers hide their locations while
-%providing services such as web publishing or instant
-%messaging.  Using ``rendezvous points'', other Tor users can
-%connect to these authenticated hidden services, neither one learning the
-%other's network identity.
-Tor attempts to anonymize the transport layer, not the application layer.
-This approach is useful for applications such as SSH
-where authenticated communication is desired. However, when anonymity from
-those with whom we communicate is desired,
-application protocols that include personally identifying information need
-additional application-level scrubbing proxies, such as
-Privoxy~\cite{privoxy} for HTTP\@.  Furthermore, Tor does not relay arbitrary
-IP packets; it only anonymizes TCP streams and DNS requests.
-%, and only supports
-%connections via SOCKS
-%(but see Section~\ref{subsec:tcp-vs-ip}).
-%Most node operators do not want to allow arbitrary TCP traffic. % to leave
-%their server.
-%To address this, Tor provides \emph{exit policies} so
-%each exit node can block the IP addresses and ports it is unwilling to allow.
-%Tor nodes advertise their exit policies to the directory servers, so that
-%client can tell which nodes will support their connections.
-%***Covered in 3.4*** Matt Edman via -PFS
-%As of this writing, the Tor network has grown to around nine hundred nodes
-%on four continents, with a total average load exceeding 100 MB/s and
-%a total capacity exceeding %1Gbit/s. 
-%\\***What's the current capacity? -PFS***\\
-%***Covered in intro*** Matt Edman via -PFS
-%Appendix A
-%shows a graph of the number of working nodes over time, as well as a
-%graph of the number of bytes being handled by the network over time.
-%The network is now sufficiently diverse for further development
-%and testing; but of course we always encourage new nodes
-%to join.
-Building from earlier versions of onion routing developed at NRL,
-Tor was researched and developed by NRL and FreeHaven under
-funding by ONR and DARPA for use in securing government
-communications. Continuing development and deployment has also been
-funded by the Omidyar Network, the Electronic Frontier Foundation for use
-in maintaining civil liberties for ordinary citizens online, and the
-International Broadcasting Bureau and Reporters without Borders to combat
-blocking and censorship on the Internet. As we will see below,
-this wide variety of interests helps maintain both the stability and
-the security of the network.
-% The Tor
-%protocol was chosen
-%for the anonymizing layer in the European Union's PRIME directive to
-%help maintain privacy in Europe.
-%The AN.ON project in Germany
-%has integrated an independent implementation of the Tor protocol into
-%their popular Java Anon Proxy anonymizing client.
-{\bf Threat models and design philosophy.}
-The ideal Tor network would be practical, useful and anonymous. When
-trade-offs arise between these properties, Tor's research strategy has been
-to remain useful enough to attract many users,
-and practical enough to support them.  Only subject to these
-constraints do we try to maximize
-anonymity.\footnote{This is not the only possible
-direction in anonymity research: designs exist that provide more anonymity
-than Tor at the expense of significantly increased resource requirements, or
-decreased flexibility in application support (typically because of increased
-latency).  Such research does not typically abandon aspirations toward
-deployability or utility, but instead tries to maximize deployability and
-utility subject to a certain degree of structural anonymity (structural because
-usability and practicality affect usage which affects the actual anonymity
-provided by the network \cite{econymics,back01}).}
-%{We believe that these
-%approaches can be promising and useful, but that by focusing on deploying a
-%usable system in the wild, Tor helps us experiment with the actual parameters
-%of what makes a system ``practical'' for volunteer operators and ``useful''
-%for home users, and helps illuminate undernoticed issues which any deployed
-%volunteer anonymity network will need to address.}
-Because of our strategy, Tor has a weaker threat model than many designs in
-the literature.  In particular, because we
-support interactive communications without impractically expensive padding,
-we fall prey to a variety
-of intra-network~\cite{back01,attack-tor-oak05,flow-correlation04,hs-attack}
-end-to-end~\cite{danezis:pet2004,SS03} anonymity-breaking attacks.
-Tor does not attempt to defend against a global observer.  In general, an
-attacker who can measure both ends of a connection through the Tor network
-% I say 'measure' rather than 'observe', to encompass murdoch-danezis
-% style attacks. -RD
-can correlate the timing and volume of data on that connection as it enters
-and leaves the network, and so link communication partners.
-Known solutions to this attack would seem to require introducing a
-prohibitive degree of traffic padding between the user and the network, or
-introducing an unacceptable degree of latency.
-Also, it is not clear that these methods would
-work at all against a minimally active adversary who could introduce timing
-patterns or additional traffic.  Thus, Tor only attempts to defend against
-external observers who cannot observe both sides of a user's connections.
-Against internal attackers who sign up Tor nodes, the situation is more
-complicated.  In the simplest case, if an adversary has compromised $c$ of
-$n$ nodes on the Tor network, then the adversary will be able to compromise
-a random circuit with probability $\frac{c^2}{n^2}$~\cite{or-pet00}
-(since the circuit
-initiator chooses hops randomly).  But there are
-complicating factors:
-(1)~If the user continues to build random circuits over time, an adversary
-  is pretty certain to see a statistical sample of the user's traffic, and
-  thereby can build an increasingly accurate profile of her behavior. 
-(2)~An adversary who controls a popular service outside the Tor network
-  can be certain to observe all connections to that service; he
-  can therefore trace connections to that service with probability
-  $\frac{c}{n}$.
-(3)~Users do not in fact choose nodes with uniform probability; they
-  favor nodes with high bandwidth or uptime, and exit nodes that
-  permit connections to their favorite services.
-We demonstrated the severity of these problems in experiments on the
-live Tor network in 2006~\cite{hsattack} and introduced \emph{entry
-  guards} as a means to curtail them.  By choosing entry guards from
-a small persistent subset, it becomes difficult for an adversary to
-increase the number of circuits observed entering the network from any
-given client simply by causing
-numerous connections or by watching compromised nodes over time.% (See
-%also Section~\ref{subsec:routing-zones} for discussion of larger
-%adversaries and our dispersal goals.)
-% I'm trying to make this paragraph work without reference to the
-% analysis/confirmation distinction, which we haven't actually introduced
-% yet, and which we realize isn't very stable anyway.  Also, I don't want to
-% deprecate these attacks if we can't demonstrate that they don't work, since
-% in case they *do* turn out to work well against Tor, we'll look pretty
-% foolish. -NM
-% Matt suggests maybe cutting the following paragraph -PFS
-More powerful attacks may exist. In \cite{hintz-pet02} it was
-shown that an attacker who can catalog data volumes of popular
-responder destinations (say, websites with consistent data volumes) may not
-need to
-observe both ends of a stream to learn source-destination links for those
-responders. Entry guards should complicate such attacks as well.
-Similarly, latencies of going through various routes can be
-cataloged~\cite{back01} to connect endpoints.
-% Also, \cite{kesdogan:pet2002} takes the
-% attack another level further, to narrow down where you could be
-% based on an intersection attack on subpages in a website. -RD
-It has not yet been shown whether these attacks will succeed or fail
-in the presence of the variability and volume quantization introduced by the
-Tor network, but it seems likely that these factors will at best delay
-the time and data needed for success
-rather than prevent the attacks completely.
-Along similar lines, the same paper suggests a ``clogging
-attack'' in which the throughput on a circuit is observed to slow
-down when an adversary clogs the right nodes with his own traffic.
-To determine the nodes in a circuit this attack requires the ability
-to continuously monitor the traffic exiting the network on a circuit
-that is up long enough to probe all network nodes in binary fashion.
-% Though somewhat related, clogging and interference are really different
-% attacks with different assumptions about adversary distribution and
-% capabilities as well as different techniques. -pfs
-Murdoch and Danezis~\cite{attack-tor-oak05} show a practical
-interference attack against portions of
-the fifty node Tor network as deployed in mid 2004.
-An outside attacker can actively trace a circuit through the Tor network
-by observing changes in the latency of his
-own traffic sent through various Tor nodes. This can be done
-simultaneously at multiple nodes; however, like clogging,
-this attack only reveals
-the Tor nodes in the circuit, not initiator and responder addresses,
-so it is still necessary to discover the endpoints to complete an
-effective attack. The the size and diversity of the Tor network have
-increased many fold since then, and it is unknown if the attacks
-can scale to the current Tor network.
-%discuss $\frac{c^2}{n^2}$, except how in practice the chance of owning
-%the last hop is not $c/n$ since that doesn't take the destination (website)
-%into account. so in cases where the adversary does not also control the
-%final destination we're in good shape, but if he *does* then we'd be better
-%off with a system that lets each hop choose a path.
-%Isn't it more accurate to say ``If the adversary _always_ controls the final
-% dest, we would be just as well off with such as system.'' ?  If not, why
-% not? -nm
-% Sure. In fact, better off, since they seem to scale more easily. -rd
-%Murdoch and Danezis describe an attack
-%\cite{attack-tor-oak05} that lets an attacker determine the nodes used
-%in a circuit; yet s/he cannot identify the initiator or responder,
-%e.g., client or web server, through this attack. So the endpoints
-%remain secure, which is the goal. It is conceivable that an
-%adversary could attack or set up observation of all connections
-%to an arbitrary Tor node in only a few minutes.  If such an adversary
-%were to exist, s/he could use this probing to remotely identify a node
-%for further attack.  Of more likely immediate practical concern
-%an adversary with active access to the responder traffic
-%wants to keep a circuit alive long enough to attack an identified
-%node. Thus it is important to prevent the responding end of the circuit
-%from keeping it open indefinitely. 
-%Also, someone could identify nodes in this way and if in their
-%jurisdiction, immediately get a subpoena (if they even need one)
-%telling the node operator(s) that she must retain all the active
-%circuit data she now has.
-%Further, the enclave model, which had previously looked to be the most
-%generally secure, seems particularly threatened by this attack, since
-%it identifies endpoints when they're also nodes in the Tor network:
-%see Section~\ref{subsec:helper-nodes} for discussion of some ways to
-%address this issue.
-{\bf Distributed trust.}
-In practice Tor's threat model is based on
-dispersal and diversity.
-Our defense lies in having a diverse enough set of nodes
-to prevent most real-world
-adversaries from being in the right places to attack users,
-by distributing each transaction
-over several nodes in the network.  This ``distributed trust'' approach
-means the Tor network can be safely operated and used by a wide variety
-of mutually distrustful users, providing sustainability and security.
-%than some previous attempts at anonymizing networks.
-%No organization can achieve this security on its own.  If a single
-%corporation or government agency were to build a private network to
-%protect its operations, any connections entering or leaving that network
-%would be obviously linkable to the controlling organization.  The members
-%and operations of that agency would be easier, not harder, to distinguish.
-To protect our networks from traffic analysis, we must
-collaboratively blend the traffic from many organizations and private
-citizens, so that an eavesdropper can't tell which users are which,
-and who is looking for what information.  %By bringing more users onto
-%the network, all users become more secure~\cite{econymics}.
-%[XXX I feel uncomfortable saying this last sentence now. -RD]
-%[So, I took it out. I think we can do without it. -PFS]
-The Tor network has a broad range of users, including ordinary citizens
-concerned about their privacy, corporations
-who don't want to reveal information to their competitors, and law
-enforcement and government intelligence agencies who need
-to do operations on the Internet without being noticed.
-Naturally, organizations will not want to depend on others for their
-security.  If most participating providers are reliable, Tor tolerates
-some hostile infiltration of the network.  For maximum protection,
-the Tor design includes an enclave approach that lets data be encrypted
-(and authenticated) end-to-end, so high-sensitivity users can be sure it
-hasn't been read or modified.  This even works for Internet services that
-don't have built-in encryption and authentication, such as unencrypted
-HTTP or chat, and it requires no modification of those services.
-%\subsection{Related work}
-Tor differs from other deployed systems for traffic analysis resistance
-in its security and flexibility.  Mix networks such as
-Mixmaster~\cite{mixmaster-spec} or its successor Mixminion~\cite{minion-design}
-gain the highest degrees of anonymity at the expense of introducing highly
-variable delays, making them unsuitable for applications such as web
-browsing.  Commercial single-hop
-proxies~\cite{anonymizer} can provide good performance, but
-a single compromise can expose all users' traffic, and a single-point
-eavesdropper can perform traffic analysis on the entire network.
-%Also, their proprietary implementations place any infrastructure that
-%depends on these single-hop solutions at the mercy of their providers'
-%financial health as well as network security.
-The Java
-Anon Proxy (JAP)~\cite{web-mix} provides similar functionality to Tor but
-handles only web browsing rather than all TCP\@. Because all traffic
-passes through fixed ``cascades'' for which the endpoints are predictable,
-an adversary can know where to watch for traffic analysis from particular
-clients or to particular web servers. The design calls for padding to
-complicate this, although it does not appear to be implemented.
-%Some peer-to-peer file-sharing overlay networks such as
-%Freenet~\cite{freenet} and Mute~\cite{mute}
-The Freedom 
-network from Zero-Knowledge Systems~\cite{freedom21-security}
-was even more flexible than Tor in
-transporting arbitrary IP packets, and also supported
-pseudonymity in addition to anonymity; but it had
-a different approach to sustainability (collecting money from users
-and paying ISPs to run Tor nodes), and was eventually shut down due to financial
-load.  Finally, %potentially more scalable
-% [I had added 'potentially' because the scalability of these designs
-% is not established, and I am uncomfortable making the
-% bolder unmodified assertion. Roger took 'potentially' out.
-% Here's an attempt at more neutral wording -pfs]
-peer-to-peer designs that are intended to be more scalable,
-for example Tarzan~\cite{tarzan:ccs02} and
-MorphMix~\cite{morphmix:fc04}, have been proposed in the literature but
-have not been fielded. These systems differ somewhat
-in threat model and presumably practical resistance to threats.
-% Matt suggests cutting some or all of the rest of this paragraph. -PFS
-Note that MorphMix differs from Tor only in
-node discovery and circuit setup; so Tor's architecture is flexible
-enough to contain a MorphMix experiment. Recently, 
-Tor has adopted from MorphMix the approach of making it harder to
-own both ends of a circuit by requiring that nodes be chosen from
-different /16 subnets. This requires
-an adversary to own nodes in multiple address ranges to even have the
-possibility of observing both ends of a circuit.  We direct the
-interested reader to~\cite{tor-design} for a more in-depth review of
-related work.
-%XXXX six-four. crowds. i2p.
-%have a serious discussion of morphmix's assumptions, since they would
-%seem to be the direct competition. in fact tor is a flexible architecture
-%that would encompass morphmix, and they're nearly identical except for
-%path selection and node discovery. and the trust system morphmix has
-%seems overkill (and/or insecure) based on the threat model we've picked.
-% this para should probably move to the scalability / directory system. -RD
-% Nope. Cut for space, except for small comment added above -PFS
-\section{Social challenges}
-Many of the issues the Tor project needs to address extend beyond
-system design and technology development. In particular, the
-Tor project's \emph{image} with respect to its users and the rest of
-the Internet impacts the security it can provide.
-With this image issue in mind, this section discusses the Tor user base and
-Tor's interaction with other services on the Internet.
-\subsection{Communicating security}
-Usability for anonymity systems
-contributes to their security, because usability
-affects the possible anonymity set~\cite{econymics,back01}.
-Conversely, an unusable system attracts few users and thus can't provide
-much anonymity.
-This phenomenon has a second-order effect: knowing this, users should
-choose which anonymity system to use based in part on how usable
-and secure
-\emph{others} will find it, in order to get the protection of a larger
-anonymity set. Thus we might supplement the adage ``usability is a security
-parameter''~\cite{back01} with a new one: ``perceived usability is a
-security parameter.''~\cite{usability-network-effect}.
-% From here we can better understand the effects
-%of publicity on security: the more convincing your
-%advertising, the more likely people will believe you have users, and thus
-%the more users you will attract. Perversely, over-hyped systems (if they
-%are not too broken) may be a better choice than modestly promoted ones,
-%if the hype attracts more users~\cite{usability-network-effect}.
-%So it follows that we should come up with ways to accurately communicate
-%the available security levels to the user, so she can make informed
-%JAP aims to do this by including a
-%comforting `anonymity meter' dial in the software's graphical interface,
-%giving the user an impression of the level of protection for her current
-However, there's a catch. For users to share the same anonymity set,
-they need to act like each other. An attacker who can distinguish
-a given user's traffic from the rest of the traffic will not be
-distracted by anonymity set size. For high-latency systems like
-Mixminion, where the threat model is based on mixing messages with each
-other, there's an arms race between end-to-end statistical attacks and
-But for low-latency systems like Tor, end-to-end \emph{traffic
-correlation} attacks~\cite{danezis:pet2004,defensive-dropping,SS03,hs-attack}
-allow an attacker who can observe both ends of a communication
-to correlate packet timing and volume, quickly linking
-the initiator to her destination.
-Like Tor, the current JAP implementation does not pad connections
-apart from using small fixed-size cells for transport. In fact,
-JAP's cascade-based network topology may be more vulnerable to these
-attacks, because its network has fewer edges. JAP was born out of
-the ISDN mix design~\cite{isdn-mixes}, where padding made sense because
-every user had a fixed bandwidth allocation and altering the timing
-pattern of packets could be immediately detected. But in its current context
-as an Internet web anonymizer, adding sufficient padding to JAP
-would probably be prohibitively expensive and ineffective against a
-minimally active attacker.\footnote{Even if JAP could
-fund higher-capacity nodes indefinitely, our experience
-suggests that many users would not accept the increased per-user
-bandwidth requirements, leading to an overall much smaller user base.}
-Therefore, since under this threat
-model the number of concurrent users does not seem to have much impact
-on the anonymity provided, we suggest that JAP's anonymity meter is not
-accurately communicating security levels to its users.
-On the other hand, while the number of active concurrent users may not
-matter as much as we'd like, it still helps to have some other users
-on the network, in particular different types of users.
-We investigate this issue next.
-\subsection{Reputability and perceived social value}
-Another factor impacting the network's security is its reputability:
-the perception of its social value based on its current user base. If Alice is
-the only user who has ever downloaded the software, it might be socially
-accepted, but she's not getting much anonymity. Add a thousand
-activists, and she's anonymous, but everyone thinks she's an activist too.
-Add a thousand
-diverse citizens (cancer survivors, privacy enthusiasts, and so on)
-and now she's harder to profile.
-Furthermore, the network's reputability affects its operator base: more people
-are willing to run a service if they believe it will be used by human rights
-workers than if they believe it will be used exclusively for disreputable
-ends.  This effect becomes stronger if node operators themselves think they
-will be associated with their users' disreputable ends.
-So the more cancer survivors on Tor, the better for the human rights
-activists. The more malicious hackers, the worse for the normal users. Thus,
-reputability is an anonymity issue for two reasons. First, it impacts
-the sustainability of the network: a network that's always about to be
-shut down has difficulty attracting and keeping adequate nodes.
-Second, a disreputable network is more vulnerable to legal and
-political attacks, since it will attract fewer supporters.
-While people therefore have an incentive for the network to be used for
-``more reputable'' activities than their own, there are still trade-offs
-involved when it comes to anonymity. To follow the above example, a
-network used entirely by cancer survivors might welcome file sharers
-onto the network, though of course they'd prefer a wider
-variety of users.
-Reputability becomes even more tricky in the case of privacy networks,
-since the good uses of the network (such as publishing by journalists in
-dangerous countries) are typically kept private, whereas network abuses
-or other problems tend to be more widely publicized.
-The impact of public perception on security is especially important
-during the bootstrapping phase of the network, where the first few
-widely publicized uses of the network can dictate the types of users it
-attracts next.
-As an example, some U.S.~Department of Energy
-penetration testing engineers are tasked with compromising DoE computers
-from the outside. They only have a limited number of ISPs from which to
-launch their attacks, and they found that the defenders were recognizing
-attacks because they came from the same IP space. These engineers wanted
-to use Tor to hide their tracks. First, from a technical standpoint,
-Tor does not support the variety of IP packets one would like to use in
-such attacks.% (see Section~\ref{subsec:tcp-vs-ip}).
-But aside from this, we also decided that it would probably be poor
-precedent to encourage such use---even legal use that improves
-national security---and managed to dissuade them.
-%% "outside of academia, jap has just lost, permanently".  (That is,
-%% even though the crime detection issues are resolved and are unlikely
-%% to go down the same way again, public perception has not been kind.)
-\subsection{Sustainability and incentives}
-One of the unsolved problems in low-latency anonymity designs is
-how to keep the nodes running.  ZKS's Freedom network
-depended on paying third parties to run its servers; the JAP project's
-bandwidth depends on grants to pay for its bandwidth and
-administrative expenses.  In Tor, bandwidth and administrative costs are
-distributed across the volunteers who run Tor nodes, so we at least have
-reason to think that the Tor network could survive without continued research
-funding.\footnote{It also helps that Tor is implemented with free and open
-  source software that can be maintained by anybody with the ability and
-  inclination.}  But why are these volunteers running nodes, and what can we
-do to encourage more volunteers to do so?
-We have not formally surveyed Tor node operators to learn why they are
-running nodes, but
-from the information they have provided, it seems that many of them run Tor
-nodes for reasons of personal interest in privacy issues.  It is possible
-that others are running Tor nodes to protect their own
-anonymity, but of course they are
-hardly likely to tell us specifics if they are.
-%Significantly, Tor's threat model changes the anonymity incentives for running
-%a node.  In a high-latency mix network, users can receive additional
-%anonymity by running their own node, since doing so obscures when they are
-%injecting messages into the network.  But, anybody observing all I/O to a Tor
-%node can tell when the node is generating traffic that corresponds to
-%none of its incoming traffic.
-%I didn't buy the above for reason's subtle enough that I just cut it -PFS
-Tor exit node operators do attain a degree of
-``deniability'' for traffic that originates at that exit node.  For
-  example, it is likely in practice that HTTP requests from a Tor node's IP
-  will be assumed to be from the Tor network.
-  More significantly, people and organizations who use Tor for
-  anonymity depend on the
-  continued existence of the Tor network to do so; running a node helps to
-  keep the network operational.
-%\item Local Tor entry and exit nodes allow users on a network to run in an
-%  `enclave' configuration.  [XXXX need to resolve this. They would do this
-%   for E2E encryption + auth?]
-%We must try to make the costs of running a Tor node easily minimized.
-Since Tor is run by volunteers, the most crucial software usability issue is
-usability by operators: when an operator leaves, the network becomes less
-usable by everybody.  To keep operators pleased, we must try to keep Tor's
-resource and administrative demands as low as possible.
-Because of ISP billing structures, many Tor operators have underused capacity
-that they are willing to donate to the network, at no additional monetary
-cost to them.  Features to limit bandwidth have been essential to adoption.
-Also useful has been a ``hibernation'' feature that allows a Tor node that
-wants to provide high bandwidth, but no more than a certain amount in a
-given billing cycle, to become dormant once its bandwidth is exhausted, and
-to reawaken at a random offset into the next billing cycle.
-Exit policies help to limit administrative costs by limiting the frequency of
-abuse complaints (see Section~\ref{subsec:tor-and-blacklists}).
-% We discuss
-%technical incentive mechanisms in Section~\ref{subsec:incentives-by-design}.
-%[XXXX say more.  Why else would you run a node? What else can we do/do we
-%  already do to make running a node more attractive?]
-%[We can enforce incentives; see Section 6.1. We can rate-limit clients.
-%  We can put "top bandwidth nodes lists" up a la seti@home.]
-\subsection{Bandwidth and file-sharing}
-%One potentially problematical area with deploying Tor has been our response
-%to file-sharing applications.
-Once users have configured their applications to work with Tor, the largest
-remaining usability issue is performance.  Users begin to suffer
-when websites ``feel slow.''
-Clients currently try to build their connections through nodes that they
-guess will have enough bandwidth.  But even if capacity is allocated
-optimally, it seems unlikely that the current network architecture will have
-enough capacity to provide every user with as much bandwidth as she would
-receive if she weren't using Tor, unless far more nodes join the network.
-%Limited capacity does not destroy the network, however.  Instead, usage tends
-%towards an equilibrium: when performance suffers, users who value performance
-%over anonymity tend to leave the system, thus freeing capacity until the
-%remaining users on the network are exactly those willing to use that capacity
-%there is.
-Much of Tor's recent bandwidth difficulties have come from file-sharing
-applications.  These applications provide two challenges to
-any anonymizing network: their intensive bandwidth requirement, and the
-degree to which they are associated (correctly or not) with copyright
-High-bandwidth protocols can make the network unresponsive,
-but tend to be somewhat self-correcting as lack of bandwidth drives away
-users who need it.  Issues of copyright violation,
-however, are more interesting.  Typical exit node operators want to help
-people achieve private and anonymous speech, not to help people (say) host
-Vin Diesel movies for download; and typical ISPs would rather not
-deal with customers who draw menacing letters
-from the MPAA\@.  While it is quite likely that the operators are doing nothing
-illegal, many ISPs have policies of dropping users who get repeated legal
-threats regardless of the merits of those threats, and many operators would
-prefer to avoid receiving even meritless legal threats.
-So when letters arrive, operators are likely to face
-pressure to block file-sharing applications entirely, in order to avoid the
-But blocking file-sharing is not easy: popular
-protocols have evolved to run on non-standard ports to
-get around other port-based bans.  Thus, exit node operators who want to
-block file-sharing would have to find some way to integrate Tor with a
-protocol-aware exit filter.  This could be a technically expensive
-undertaking, and one with poor prospects: it is unlikely that Tor exit nodes
-would succeed where so many institutional firewalls have failed.  Another
-possibility for sensitive operators is to run a restrictive node that
-only permits exit connections to a restricted range of ports that are
-not frequently associated with file sharing.  There are increasingly few such
-Other possible approaches might include rate-limiting connections, especially
-long-lived connections or connections to file-sharing ports, so that
-high-bandwidth connections do not flood the network.  We might also want to
-give priority to cells on low-bandwidth connections to keep them interactive,
-but this could have negative anonymity implications.
-For the moment, it seems that Tor's bandwidth issues have rendered it
-unattractive for bulk file-sharing traffic; this may continue to be so in the
-future.  Nevertheless, Tor will likely remain attractive for limited use in
-file-sharing protocols that have separate control and data channels.
-%[We should say more -- but what?  That we'll see a similar
-%  equilibriating effect as with bandwidth, where sensitive ops switch to
-%  middleman, and we become less useful for file-sharing, so the file-sharing
-%  people back off, so we get more ops since there's less file-sharing, so the
-%  file-sharers come back, etc.]
-%in practice, plausible deniability is hypothetical and doesn't seem very
-%convincing. if ISPs find the activity antisocial, they don't care *why*
-%your computer is doing that behavior.
-\subsection{Tor and blacklists}
-It was long expected that, alongside legitimate users, Tor would also
-attract troublemakers who exploit Tor to abuse services on the
-Internet with vandalism, rude mail, and so on.
-Our initial answer to this situation was to use ``exit policies''
-to allow individual Tor nodes to block access to specific IP/port ranges.
-This approach aims to make operators more willing to run Tor by allowing
-them to prevent their nodes from being used for abusing particular
-services.  For example, by default Tor nodes block SMTP (port 25),
-to avoid the issue of spam. 
-Note that for spammers, Tor would be 
-a step back, a much less effective means of distributing spam than
-those currently available. This is thus primarily an unmistakable
-answer to those confused about Internet communication who might raise
-spam as an issue.
-Exit policies are useful, but they are insufficient: if not all nodes
-block a given service, that service may try to block Tor instead.
-While being blockable is important to being good netizens, we would like
-to encourage services to allow anonymous access. Services should not
-need to decide between blocking legitimate anonymous use and allowing
-unlimited abuse. For the time being, blocking by IP address is
-an expedient strategy, even if it undermines Internet stability and
-functionality in the long run~\cite{netauth}
-This is potentially a bigger problem than it may appear.
-On the one hand, services should be allowed to refuse connections from
-sources of possible abuse.
-But when a Tor node administrator decides whether he prefers to be able
-to post to Wikipedia from his IP address, or to allow people to read
-Wikipedia anonymously through his Tor node, he is making the decision
-for others as well. (For a while, Wikipedia
-blocked all posting from all Tor nodes based on IP addresses.) If
-the Tor node shares an address with a campus or corporate NAT,
-then the decision can prevent the entire population from posting.
-Similarly, whether intended or not, such blocking supports
-repression of free speech. In many locations where Internet access
-of various kinds is censored or even punished by imprisonment,
-Tor is a path both to the outside world and to others inside.
-Blocking posts from Tor makes the job of censoring authorities easier.
-This is a loss for both Tor
-and Wikipedia: we don't want to compete for (or divvy up) the
-NAT-protected entities of the world.
-This is also unfortunate because there are relatively simple technical
-Various schemes for escrowing anonymous posts until they are reviewed
-by editors would both prevent abuse and remove incentives for attempts
-to abuse. Further, pseudonymous reputation tracking of posters through Tor
-would allow those who establish adequate reputation to post without
-Software to support pseudonymous access via Tor designed precisely
-to interact with Wikipedia's access mechanism has even been developed
-and proposed to Wikimedia by Jason Holt~\cite{nym}, but has not been taken up.
-Perhaps worse, many IP blacklists are coarse-grained: they ignore Tor's exit
-policies, partly because it's easier to implement and partly
-so they can punish
-all Tor nodes. One IP blacklist even bans
-every class C network that contains a Tor node, and recommends banning SMTP
-from these networks even though Tor does not allow SMTP at all.  This
-strategic decision aims to discourage the
-operation of anything resembling an open proxy by encouraging its neighbors
-to shut it down to get unblocked themselves. This pressure even
-affects Tor nodes running in middleman mode (disallowing all exits) when
-those nodes are blacklisted too.
-% Perception of Tor as an abuse vector
-%is also partly driven by multiple base-rate fallacies~\cite{axelsson00}.
-Problems of abuse occur mainly with services such as IRC networks and
-Wikipedia, which rely on IP blocking to ban abusive users.  While at first
-blush this practice might seem to depend on the anachronistic assumption that
-each IP is an identifier for a single user, it is actually more reasonable in
-practice: it assumes that non-proxy IPs are a costly resource, and that an
-abuser can not change IPs at will.  By blocking IPs which are used by Tor
-nodes, open proxies, and service abusers, these systems hope to make
-ongoing abuse difficult.  Although the system is imperfect, it works
-tolerably well for them in practice.
-Of course, we would prefer that legitimate anonymous users be able to
-access abuse-prone services. 
- One conceivable approach would require
-would-be IRC users, for instance, to register accounts if they want to
-access the IRC network from Tor.  In practice this would not
-significantly impede abuse if creating new accounts were easily automatable;
-this is why services use IP blocking.  To deter abuse, pseudonymous
-identities need to require a significant switching cost in resources or human
-time.  Some popular webmail applications
-impose cost with Reverse Turing Tests, but this step may not deter all
-abusers.  Freedom used blind signatures to limit
-the number of pseudonyms for each paying account, but Tor has neither the
-ability nor the desire to collect payment.
-We stress that as far as we can tell, most Tor uses are not
-abusive. Most services have not complained, and others are actively
-working to find ways besides banning to cope with the abuse. For example,
-the Freenode IRC network had a problem with a coordinated group of
-abusers joining channels and subtly taking over the conversation; but
-when they labelled all users coming from Tor IPs as ``anonymous users,''
-removing the ability of the abusers to blend in, the abuse stopped.
-This is an illustration of how simple technical mechanisms can remove
-the ability to abuse anonymously without undermining the ability
-to communicate anonymously and can thus remove the incentive to attempt
-abusing in this way.
-%The use of squishy IP-based ``authentication'' and ``authorization''
-%has not broken down even to the level that SSNs used for these
-%purposes have in commercial and public record contexts. Externalities
-%and misplaced incentives cause a continued focus on fighting identity
-%theft by protecting SSNs rather than developing better authentication
-%and incentive schemes \cite{price-privacy}. Similarly we can expect a
-%continued use of identification by IP number as long as there is no
-%workable alternative.
-%[XXX Mention correct DNS-RBL implementation. -NM]
-\section{Design choices}
-In addition to social issues, Tor also faces some design trade-offs that must
-be investigated as the network develops.
-\subsection{Transporting the stream vs transporting the packets}
-Tor transports streams; it does not tunnel packets.
-It has often been suggested that like the old Freedom
-network~\cite{freedom21-security}, Tor should
-``obviously'' anonymize IP traffic
-at the IP layer. Before this could be done, many issues need to be resolved:
-\item \emph{IP packets reveal OS characteristics.}  We would still need to do
-IP-level packet normalization, to stop things like TCP fingerprinting
-attacks. %There likely exist libraries that can help with this.
-This is unlikely to be a trivial task, given the diversity and complexity of
-TCP stacks.
-\item \emph{Application-level streams still need scrubbing.} We still need
-Tor to be easy to integrate with user-level application-specific proxies
-such as Privoxy. So it's not just a matter of capturing packets and
-anonymizing them at the IP layer.
-\item \emph{Certain protocols will still leak information.} For example, we
-must rewrite DNS requests so they are delivered to an unlinkable DNS server
-rather than the DNS server at a user's ISP; thus, we must understand the
-protocols we are transporting.
-\item \emph{The crypto is unspecified.} First we need a block-level encryption
-approach that can provide security despite
-packet loss and out-of-order delivery. Freedom allegedly had one, but it was
-never publicly specified.
-Also, TLS over UDP is not yet implemented or
-specified, though some early work has begun~\cite{dtls}.
-\item \emph{We'll still need to tune network parameters.} Since the above
-encryption system will likely need sequence numbers (and maybe more) to do
-replay detection, handle duplicate frames, and so on, we will be reimplementing
-a subset of TCP anyway---a notoriously tricky path.
-\item \emph{Exit policies for arbitrary IP packets mean building a secure
-IDS\@.}  Our node operators tell us that exit policies are one of
-the main reasons they're willing to run Tor.
-Adding an Intrusion Detection System to handle exit policies would
-increase the security complexity of Tor, and would likely not work anyway,
-as evidenced by the entire field of IDS and counter-IDS papers. Many
-potential abuse issues are resolved by the fact that Tor only transports
-valid TCP streams (as opposed to arbitrary IP including malformed packets
-and IP floods), so exit policies become even \emph{more} important as
-we become able to transport IP packets. We also need to compactly
-describe exit policies so clients can predict
-which nodes will allow which packets to exit.
-\item \emph{The Tor-internal name spaces would need to be redesigned.} We
-support hidden service {\tt{.onion}} addresses (and other special addresses,
-like {\tt{.exit}} which lets the user request a particular exit node),
-by intercepting the addresses when they are passed to the Tor client.
-Doing so at the IP level would require a more complex interface between
-Tor and the local DNS resolver.
-This list is discouragingly long, but being able to transport more
-protocols obviously has some advantages. It would be good to learn which
-items are actual roadblocks and which are easier to resolve than we think.
-To be fair, Tor's stream-based approach has run into
-stumbling blocks as well. While Tor supports the SOCKS protocol,
-which provides a standardized interface for generic TCP proxies, many
-applications do not support SOCKS\@. For them we already need to
-replace the networking system calls with SOCKS-aware
-versions, or run a SOCKS tunnel locally, neither of which is
-easy for the average user. %---even with good instructions.
-Even when applications can use SOCKS, they often make DNS requests
-themselves before handing an IP address to Tor, which advertises
-where the user is about to connect.
-We are still working on more usable solutions.
-%So to actually provide good anonymity, we need to make sure that
-%users have a practical way to use Tor anonymously.  Possibilities include
-%writing wrappers for applications to anonymize them automatically; improving
-%the applications' support for SOCKS; writing libraries to help application
-%writers use Tor properly; and implementing a local DNS proxy to reroute DNS
-%requests to Tor so that applications can simply point their DNS resolvers at
-%localhost and continue to use SOCKS for data only.
-Some users need to resist traffic correlation attacks.  Higher-latency
-mix-networks introduce variability into message
-arrival times: as timing variance increases, timing correlation attacks
-require increasingly more data~\cite{e2e-traffic}. Can we improve Tor's
-resistance without losing too much usability?
-We need to learn whether we can trade a small increase in latency
-for a large anonymity increase, or if we'd end up trading a lot of
-latency for only a minimal security gain. A trade-off might be worthwhile
-even if we
-could only protect certain use cases, such as infrequent short-duration
-transactions. % To answer this question
-We might adapt the techniques of~\cite{e2e-traffic} to a lower-latency mix
-network, where the messages are batches of cells in temporally clustered
-connections. These large fixed-size batches can also help resist volume
-signature attacks~\cite{hintz-pet02}. We could also experiment with traffic
-shaping to get a good balance of throughput and security.
-%Other padding regimens might supplement the
-%mid-latency option; however, we should continue the caution with which
-%we have always approached padding lest the overhead cost us too much
-%performance or too many volunteers.
-We must keep usability in mind too. How much can latency increase
-before we drive users away? We've already been forced to increase
-latency slightly, as our growing network incorporates more DSL and
-cable-modem nodes and more nodes in distant continents. Perhaps we can
-harness this increased latency to improve anonymity rather than just
-reduce usability. Further, if we let clients label certain circuits as
-mid-latency as they are constructed, we could handle both types of traffic
-on the same network, giving users a choice between speed and security---and
-giving researchers a chance to experiment with parameters to improve the
-quality of those choices.
-\subsection{Enclaves and helper nodes}
-It has long been thought that users can improve their anonymity by
-running their own node~\cite{tor-design,or-ih96,or-pet00}, and using
-it in an \emph{enclave} configuration, where all their circuits begin
-at the node under their control. Running Tor clients or servers at
-the enclave perimeter is useful when policy or other requirements
-prevent individual machines within the enclave from running Tor
-Of course, Tor's default path length of
-three is insufficient for these enclaves, since the entry and/or exit
-% [edit war: without the ``and/'' the natural reading here
-% is aut rather than vel. And the use of the plural verb does not work -pfs]
-themselves are sensitive. Tor thus increments path length by one
-for each sensitive endpoint in the circuit.
-Enclaves also help to protect against end-to-end attacks, since it's
-possible that traffic coming from the node has simply been relayed from
-elsewhere. However, if the node has recognizable behavior patterns,
-an attacker who runs nodes in the network can triangulate over time to
-gain confidence that it is in fact originating the traffic. Wright et
-al.~\cite{wright03} introduce the notion of a \emph{helper node}---a
-single fixed entry node for each user---to combat this \emph{predecessor
-However, the attack in~\cite{attack-tor-oak05} shows that simply adding
-to the path length, or using a helper node, may not protect an enclave
-node. A hostile web server can send constant interference traffic to
-all nodes in the network, and learn which nodes are involved in the
-circuit (though at least in the current attack, he can't learn their
-order). Using randomized path lengths may help some, since the attacker
-will never be certain he has identified all nodes in the path unless
-he probes the entire network, but as
-long as the network remains small this attack will still be feasible.
-Helper nodes also aim to help Tor clients, because choosing entry and exit
-randomly and changing them frequently allows an attacker who controls
-even a few nodes to eventually link some of their destinations. The goal
-is to take the risk once and for all about choosing a bad entry node,
-rather than taking a new risk for each new circuit. (Choosing fixed
-exit nodes is less useful, since even an honest exit node still doesn't
-protect against a hostile website.) But obstacles remain before
-we can implement helper nodes.
-For one, the literature does not describe how to choose helpers from a list
-of nodes that changes over time.  If Alice is forced to choose a new entry
-helper every $d$ days and $c$ of the $n$ nodes are bad, she can expect
-to choose a compromised node around
-every $dc/n$ days. Statistically over time this approach only helps
-if she is better at choosing honest helper nodes than at choosing
-honest nodes.  Worse, an attacker with the ability to DoS nodes could
-force users to switch helper nodes more frequently, or remove
-other candidate helpers.
-%Do general DoS attacks have anonymity implications? See e.g. Adam
-%Back's IH paper, but I think there's more to be pointed out here. -RD
-% Not sure what you want to say here. -NM
-%Game theory for helper nodes: if Alice offers a hidden service on a
-%server (enclave model), and nobody ever uses helper nodes, then against
-%George+Steven's attack she's totally nailed. If only Alice uses a helper
-%node, then she's still identified as the source of the data. If everybody
-%uses a helper node (including Alice), then the attack identifies the
-%helper node and also Alice, and knows which one is which. If everybody
-%uses a helper node (but not Alice), then the attacker figures the real
-%source was a client that is using Alice as a helper node. [How's my
-%logic here?] -RD
-% Not sure about the logic.  For the attack to work with helper nodes, the
-%attacker needs to guess that Alice is running the hidden service, right?
-%Otherwise, how can he know to measure her traffic specifically? -NM
-% In the Murdoch-Danezis attack, the adversary measures all servers. -RD
-%point to routing-zones section re: helper nodes to defend against
-%big stuff.
-\subsection{Location-hidden services}
-% This section is first up against the wall when the revolution comes.
-Tor's \emph{rendezvous points}
-let users provide TCP services to other Tor users without revealing
-the service's location. Since this feature is relatively recent, we describe
-a couple of our early observations from its deployment.
-First, our implementation of hidden services seems less hidden than we'd
-like, since they build a different rendezvous circuit for each user,
-and an external adversary can induce them to
-produce traffic. This insecurity means that they may not be suitable as
-a building block for Free Haven~\cite{freehaven-berk} or other anonymous
-publishing systems that aim to provide long-term security, though helper
-nodes, as discussed above, would seem to help.
-\emph{Hot-swap} hidden services, where more than one location can
-provide the service and loss of any one location does not imply a
-change in service, would help foil intersection and observation attacks
-where an adversary monitors availability of a hidden service and also
-monitors whether certain users or servers are online. The design
-challenges in providing such services without otherwise compromising
-the hidden service's anonymity remain an open problem;
-however, see~\cite{move-ndss05}.
-In practice, hidden services are used for more than just providing private
-access to a web server or IRC server. People are using hidden services
-as a poor man's VPN and firewall-buster. Many people want to be able
-to connect to the computers in their private network via secure shell,
-and rather than playing with dyndns and trying to pierce holes in their
-firewall, they run a hidden service on the inside and then rendezvous
-with that hidden service externally.
-News sites like Bloggers Without Borders ( are advertising
-a hidden-service address on their front page. Doing this can provide
-increased robustness if they use the dual-IP approach we describe
-but in practice they do it to increase visibility
-of the Tor project and their support for privacy, and to offer
-a way for their users, using unmodified software, to get end-to-end
-encryption and authentication to their website.
-\subsection{Location diversity and ISP-class adversaries}
-Anonymity networks have long relied on diversity of node location for
-protection against attacks---typically an adversary who can observe a
-larger fraction of the network can launch a more effective attack. One
-way to achieve dispersal involves growing the network so a given adversary
-sees less. Alternately, we can arrange the topology so traffic can enter
-or exit at many places (for example, by using a free-route network
-like Tor rather than a cascade network like JAP). Lastly, we can use
-distributed trust to spread each transaction over multiple jurisdictions.
-But how do we decide whether two nodes are in related locations?
-Feamster and Dingledine defined a \emph{location diversity} metric
-in~\cite{feamster:wpes2004}, and began investigating a variant of location
-diversity based on the fact that the Internet is divided into thousands of
-independently operated networks called {\em autonomous systems} (ASes).
-The key insight from their paper is that while we typically think of a
-connection as going directly from the Tor client to the first Tor node,
-actually it traverses many different ASes on each hop. An adversary at
-any of these ASes can monitor or influence traffic. Specifically, given
-plausible initiators and recipients, and given random path selection,
-some ASes in the simulation were able to observe 10\% to 30\% of the
-transactions (that is, learn both the origin and the destination) on
-the deployed Tor network (33 nodes as of June 2004).
-The paper concludes that for best protection against the AS-level
-adversary, nodes should be in ASes that have the most links to other ASes:
-Tier-1 ISPs such as AT\&T and Abovenet. Further, a given transaction
-is safest when it starts or ends in a Tier-1 ISP\@. Therefore, assuming
-initiator and responder are both in the U.S., it actually \emph{hurts}
-our location diversity to use far-flung nodes in
-continents like Asia or South America.
-% it's not just entering or exiting from them. using them as the middle
-% hop reduces your effective path length, which you presumably don't
-% want because you chose that path length for a reason.
-% Not sure I buy that argument. Two end nodes in the right ASs to
-% discourage linking are still not known to each other. If some
-% adversary in a single AS can bridge the middle node, it shouldn't
-% therefore be able to identify initiator or responder; although it could
-% contribute to further attacks given more assumptions.
-% Nonetheless, no change to the actual text for now.
-Many open questions remain. First, it will be an immense engineering
-challenge to get an entire BGP routing table to each Tor client, or to
-summarize it sufficiently. Without a local copy, clients won't be
-able to safely predict what ASes will be traversed on the various paths
-through the Tor network to the final destination. Tarzan~\cite{tarzan:ccs02}
-and MorphMix~\cite{morphmix:fc04} suggest that we compare IP prefixes to
-determine location diversity; but the above paper showed that in practice
-many of the Mixmaster nodes that share a single AS have entirely different
-IP prefixes. When the network has scaled to thousands of nodes, does IP
-prefix comparison become a more useful approximation? % Alternatively, can
-%relevant parts of the routing tables be summarized centrally and delivered to
-%clients in a less verbose format?
-%% i already said "or to summarize is sufficiently" above. is that not
-%% enough? -RD
-Second, we can take advantage of caching certain content at the
-exit nodes, to limit the number of requests that need to leave the
-network at all. What about taking advantage of caches like Akamai or
-Google~\cite{shsm03}? (Note that they're also well-positioned as global
-Third, if we follow the recommendations in~\cite{feamster:wpes2004}
- and tailor path selection
-to avoid choosing endpoints in similar locations, how much are we hurting
-anonymity against larger real-world adversaries who can take advantage
-of knowing our algorithm?
-Fourth, can we use this knowledge to figure out which gaps in our network
-most affect our robustness to this class of attack, and go recruit
-new nodes with those ASes in mind?
-%Tor's security relies in large part on the dispersal properties of its
-%network. We need to be more aware of the anonymity properties of various
-%approaches so we can make better design decisions in the future.
-\subsection{The Anti-censorship problem}
-Citizens in a variety of countries, such as most recently China and
-Iran, are blocked from accessing various sites outside
-their country. These users try to find any tools available to allow
-them to get-around these firewalls. Some anonymity networks, such as
-Six-Four~\cite{six-four}, are designed specifically with this goal in
-mind; others like the Anonymizer~\cite{anonymizer} are paid by sponsors
-such as Voice of America to encourage Internet
-freedom. Even though Tor wasn't
-designed with ubiquitous access to the network in mind, thousands of
-users across the world are now using it for exactly this purpose.
-% Academic and NGO organizations, peacefire, \cite{berkman}, etc
-Anti-censorship networks hoping to bridge country-level blocks face
-a variety of challenges. One of these is that they need to find enough
-exit nodes---servers on the `free' side that are willing to relay
-traffic from users to their final destinations. Anonymizing
-networks like Tor are well-suited to this task since we have
-already gathered a set of exit nodes that are willing to tolerate some
-political heat.
-The other main challenge is to distribute a list of reachable relays
-to the users inside the country, and give them software to use those relays,
-without letting the censors also enumerate this list and block each
-relay. Anonymizer solves this by buying lots of seemingly-unrelated IP
-addresses (or having them donated), abandoning old addresses as they are
-`used up,' and telling a few users about the new ones. Distributed
-anonymizing networks again have an advantage here, in that we already
-have tens of thousands of separate IP addresses whose users might
-volunteer to provide this service since they've already installed and use
-the software for their own privacy~\cite{koepsell:wpes2004}. Because
-the Tor protocol separates routing from network discovery \cite{tor-design},
-volunteers could configure their Tor clients
-to generate node descriptors and send them to a special directory
-server that gives them out to dissidents who need to get around blocks.
-Of course, this still doesn't prevent the adversary
-from enumerating and preemptively blocking the volunteer relays.
-Perhaps a tiered-trust system could be built where a few individuals are
-given relays' locations. They could then recommend other individuals
-by telling them
-those addresses, thus providing a built-in incentive to avoid letting the
-adversary intercept them. Max-flow trust algorithms~\cite{advogato}
-might help to bound the number of IP addresses leaked to the adversary. Groups
-like the W3C are looking into using Tor as a component in an overall system to
-help address censorship; we wish them success.
-Tor is running today with hundreds of nodes and hundreds of thousands of
-users, but it will certainly not scale to millions.
-Scaling Tor involves four main challenges. First, to get a
-large set of nodes, we must address incentives for
-users to carry traffic for others. Next is safe node discovery, both
-while bootstrapping (Tor clients must robustly find an initial
-node list) and later (Tor clients must learn about a fair sample
-of honest nodes and not let the adversary control circuits).
-We must also detect and handle node speed and reliability as the network
-becomes increasingly heterogeneous: since the speed and reliability
-of a circuit is limited by its worst link, we must learn to track and
-predict performance. Finally, we must stop assuming that all points on
-the network can connect to all other points.
-\subsection{Incentives by Design}
-There are three behaviors we need to encourage for each Tor node: relaying
-traffic; providing good throughput and reliability while doing it;
-and allowing traffic to exit the network from that node.
-We encourage these behaviors through \emph{indirect} incentives: that
-is, by designing the system and educating users in such a way that users
-with certain goals will choose to relay traffic.  One
-main incentive for running a Tor node is social: volunteers
-altruistically donate their bandwidth and time.  We encourage this with
-public rankings of the throughput and reliability of nodes, much like
-seti@home.  We further explain to users that they can get
-deniability for any traffic emerging from the same address as a Tor
-exit node, and they can use their own Tor node
-as an entry or exit point with confidence that it's not run by an adversary.
-Further, users may run a node simply because they need such a network
-to be persistently available and usable, and the value of supporting this
-exceeds any countervening costs.
-Finally, we can encourage operators by improving the usability and feature
-set of the software:
-rate limiting support and easy packaging decrease the hassle of
-maintaining a node, and our configurable exit policies allow each
-operator to advertise a policy describing the hosts and ports to which
-he feels comfortable connecting.
-To date these incentives appear to have been adequate. As the system scales
-or as new issues emerge, however, we may also need to provide
- \emph{direct} incentives:
-providing payment or other resources in return for high-quality service.
-Paying actual money is problematic: decentralized e-cash systems are
-not yet practical, and a centralized collection system not only reduces
-robustness, but also has failed in the past (the history of commercial
-anonymizing networks is littered with failed attempts).  A more promising
-option is to use a tit-for-tat incentive scheme, where nodes provide better
-service to nodes that have provided good service for them.
-Unfortunately, such an approach introduces new anonymity problems.
-There are many surprising ways for nodes to game the incentive and
-reputation system to undermine anonymity---such systems are typically
-designed to encourage fairness in storage or bandwidth usage, not
-fairness of provided anonymity. An adversary can attract more traffic
-by performing well or can target individual users by selectively
-performing, to undermine their anonymity. Typically a user who
-chooses evenly from all nodes is most resistant to an adversary
-targeting him, but that approach hampers the efficient use
-of heterogeneous nodes.
-%When a node (call him Steve) performs well for Alice, does Steve gain
-%reputation with the entire system, or just with Alice? If the entire
-%system, how does Alice tell everybody about her experience in a way that
-%prevents her from lying about it yet still protects her identity? If
-%Steve's behavior only affects Alice's behavior, does this allow Steve to
-%selectively perform only for Alice, and then break her anonymity later
-%when somebody (presumably Alice) routes through his node?
-A possible solution is a simplified approach to the tit-for-tat
-incentive scheme based on two rules: (1) each node should measure the
-service it receives from adjacent nodes, and provide service relative
-to the received service, but (2) when a node is making decisions that
-affect its own security (such as building a circuit for its own
-application connections), it should choose evenly from a sufficiently
-large set of nodes that meet some minimum service
-threshold~\cite{casc-rep}.  This approach allows us to discourage
-bad service
-without opening Alice up as much to attacks.  All of this requires
-further study.
-\subsection{Trust and discovery}
-The published Tor design is deliberately simplistic in how
-new nodes are authorized and how clients are informed about Tor
-nodes and their status.
-All nodes periodically upload a signed description
-of their locations, keys, and capabilities to each of several well-known {\it
-  directory servers}.  These directory servers construct a signed summary
-of all known Tor nodes (a ``directory''), and a signed statement of which
-nodes they
-believe to be operational then (a ``network status'').  Clients
-periodically download a directory to learn the latest nodes and
-keys, and more frequently download a network status to learn which nodes are
-likely to be running.  Tor nodes also operate as directory caches, to
-lighten the bandwidth on the directory servers.
-To prevent Sybil attacks (wherein an adversary signs up many
-purportedly independent nodes to increase her network view),
-this design
-requires the directory server operators to manually
-approve new nodes.  Unapproved nodes are included in the directory,
-but clients
-do not use them at the start or end of their circuits.  In practice,
-directory administrators perform little actual verification, and tend to
-approve any Tor node whose operator can compose a coherent email.
-This procedure
-may prevent trivial automated Sybil attacks, but will do little
-against a clever and determined attacker.
-There are a number of flaws in this system that need to be addressed as we
-move forward. First,
-each directory server represents an independent point of failure: any
-compromised directory server could start recommending only compromised
-Second, as more nodes join the network, %the more unreasonable it
-%becomes to expect clients to know about them all.
-become infeasibly large, and downloading the list of nodes becomes
-Third, the validation scheme may do as much harm as it does good.  It 
-does not prevent clever attackers from mounting Sybil attacks,
-and it may deter node operators from joining the network---if
-they expect the validation process to be difficult, or they do not share
-any languages in common with the directory server operators.
-We could try to move the system in several directions, depending on our
-choice of threat model and requirements.  If we did not need to increase
-network capacity to support more users, we could simply
- adopt even stricter validation requirements, and reduce the number of
-nodes in the network to a trusted minimum.  
-But, we can only do that if can simultaneously make node capacity
-scale much more than we anticipate to be feasible soon, and if we can find
-entities willing to run such nodes, an equally daunting prospect.
-In order to address the first two issues, it seems wise to move to a system
-including a number of semi-trusted directory servers, no one of which can
-compromise a user on its own.  Ultimately, of course, we cannot escape the
-problem of a first introducer: since most users will run Tor in whatever
-configuration the software ships with, the Tor distribution itself will
-remain a single point of failure so long as it includes the seed
-keys for directory servers, a list of directory servers, or any other means
-to learn which nodes are on the network.  But omitting this information
-from the Tor distribution would only delegate the trust problem to each
-individual user. %, most of whom are presumably less informed about how to make
-%trust decisions than the Tor developers.
-A well publicized, widely available, authoritatively and independently
-endorsed and signed list of initial directory servers and their keys
-is a possible solution. But, setting that up properly is itself a large 
-bootstrapping task.
-%Network discovery, sybil, node admission, scaling. It seems that the code
-%will ship with something and that's our trust root. We could try to get
-%people to build a web of trust, but no. Where we go from here depends
-%on what threats we have in mind. Really decentralized if your threat is
-%RIAA; less so if threat is to application data or individuals or...
-\subsection{Measuring performance and capacity}
-One of the paradoxes with engineering an anonymity network is that we'd like
-to learn as much as we can about how traffic flows so we can improve the
-network, but we want to prevent others from learning how traffic flows in
-order to trace users' connections through the network.  Furthermore, many
-mechanisms that help Tor run efficiently
-require measurements about the network.
-Currently, nodes try to deduce their own available bandwidth (based on how
-much traffic they have been able to transfer recently) and include this
-information in the descriptors they upload to the directory. Clients
-choose servers weighted by their bandwidth, neglecting really slow
-servers and capping the influence of really fast ones.
-This is, of course, eminently cheatable.  A malicious node can get a
-disproportionate amount of traffic simply by claiming to have more bandwidth
-than it does.  But better mechanisms have their problems.  If bandwidth data
-is to be measured rather than self-reported, it is usually possible for
-nodes to selectively provide better service for the measuring party, or
-sabotage the measured value of other nodes.  Complex solutions for
-mix networks have been proposed, but do not address the issues
-Even with no cheating, network measurement is complex.  It is common
-for views of a node's latency and/or bandwidth to vary wildly between
-observers.  Further, it is unclear whether total bandwidth is really
-the right measure; perhaps clients should instead be considering nodes
-based on unused bandwidth or observed throughput.
-%How to measure performance without letting people selectively deny service
-%by distinguishing pings. Heck, just how to measure performance at all. In
-%practice people have funny firewalls that don't match up to their exit
-%policies and Tor doesn't deal.
-%Network investigation: Is all this bandwidth publishing thing a good idea?
-%How can we collect stats better? Note weasel's smokeping, at
-%which probably gives george and steven enough info to break tor?
-And even if we can collect and use this network information effectively,
-we must ensure
-that it is not more useful to attackers than to us.  While it
-seems plausible that bandwidth data alone is not enough to reveal
-sender-recipient connections under most circumstances, it could certainly
-reveal the path taken by large traffic flows under low-usage circumstances.
-\subsection{Non-clique topologies}
-Tor's comparatively weak threat model may allow easier scaling than
-designs.  High-latency mix networks need to avoid partitioning attacks, where
-network splits let an attacker distinguish users in different partitions.
-Since Tor assumes the adversary cannot cheaply observe nodes at will,
-a network split may not decrease protection much.
-Thus, one option when the scale of a Tor network
-exceeds some size is simply to split it. Nodes could be allocated into
-partitions while hampering collaborating hostile nodes from taking over
-a single partition~\cite{casc-rep}.
-Clients could switch between
-networks, even on a per-circuit basis.
-%Future analysis may uncover
-%other dangers beyond those affecting mix-nets.
-More conservatively, we can try to scale a single Tor network. Likely
-problems with adding more servers to a single Tor network include an
-explosion in the number of sockets needed on each server as more servers
-join, and increased coordination overhead to keep each users' view of
-the network consistent. As we grow, we will also have more instances of
-servers that can't reach each other simply due to Internet topology or
-routing problems.
-%include restricting the number of sockets and the amount of bandwidth
-%used by each node.  The number of sockets is determined by the network's
-%connectivity and the number of users, while bandwidth capacity is determined
-%by the total bandwidth of nodes on the network.  The simplest solution to
-%bandwidth capacity is to add more nodes, since adding a Tor node of any
-%feasible bandwidth will increase the traffic capacity of the network.  So as
-%a first step to scaling, we should focus on making the network tolerate more
-%nodes, by reducing the interconnectivity of the nodes; later we can reduce
-%overhead associated with directories, discovery, and so on.
-We can address these points by reducing the network's connectivity.
-Danezis~\cite{danezis:pet2003} considers
-the anonymity implications of restricting routes on mix networks and
-recommends an approach based on expander graphs (where any subgraph is likely
-to have many neighbors).  It is not immediately clear that this approach will
-extend to Tor, which has a weaker threat model but higher performance
-requirements: instead of analyzing the
-probability of an attacker's viewing whole paths, we will need to examine the
-attacker's likelihood of compromising the endpoints.
-Tor may not need an expander graph per se: it
-may be enough to have a single central subnet that is highly connected, like
-an Internet backbone. %  As an
-%example, assume fifty nodes of relatively high traffic capacity.  This
-%\emph{center} forms a clique.  Assume each center node can
-%handle 200 connections to other nodes (including the other ones in the
-%center). Assume every noncenter node connects to three nodes in the
-%center and anyone out of the center that they want to.  Then the
-%network easily scales to c. 2500 nodes with commensurate increase in
-There are many open questions: how to distribute connectivity information
-(presumably nodes will learn about the central nodes
-when they download Tor), whether central nodes
-will need to function as a `backbone', and so on. As above,
-this could reduce the amount of anonymity available from a mix-net,
-but for a low-latency network where anonymity derives largely from
-the edges, it may be feasible.
-%In a sense, Tor already has a non-clique topology.
-%Individuals can set up and run Tor nodes without informing the
-%directory servers. This allows groups to run a
-%local Tor network of private nodes that connects to the public Tor
-%network. This network is hidden behind the Tor network, and its
-%only visible connection to Tor is at those points where it connects.
-%As far as the public network, or anyone observing it, is concerned,
-%they are running clients.
-\section{The Future}
-Tor is the largest and most diverse low-latency anonymity network
-available, but we are still in the beginning stages of deployment. Several
-major questions remain.
-First, will our volunteer-based approach to sustainability work in the
-long term? As we add more features and destabilize the network, the
-developers spend a lot of time keeping the server operators happy. Even
-though Tor is free software, the network would likely stagnate and die at
-this stage if the developers stopped actively working on it. We may get
-an unexpected boon from the fact that we're a general-purpose overlay
-network: as Tor grows more popular, other groups who need an overlay
-network on the Internet are starting to adapt Tor to their needs.
-Second, Tor is only one of many components that preserve privacy online.
-For applications where it is desirable to
-keep identifying information out of application traffic, someone must build
-more and better protocol-aware proxies that are usable by ordinary people.
-Third, we need to gain a reputation for social good, and learn how to
-coexist with the variety of Internet services and their established
-authentication mechanisms. We can't just keep escalating the blacklist
-standoff forever.
-Fourth, the current Tor
-architecture does not scale even to handle current user demand. We must
-find designs and incentives to let some clients relay traffic too, without
-sacrificing too much anonymity.
-These are difficult and open questions. Yet choosing not to solve them
-means leaving most users to a less secure network or no anonymizing
-network at all.
-\bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{tor-design}
-\caption{Number of Tor nodes over time, through January 2005. Lowest
-line is number of exit
-nodes that allow connections to port 80. Middle line is total number of
-verified (registered) Tor nodes. The line above that represents nodes
-that are running but not yet registered.}
-\caption{The sum of traffic reported by each node over time, through
-January 2005. The bottom
-pair show average throughput, and the top pair represent the largest 15
-minute burst in each 4 hour period.}
-%Making use of nodes with little bandwidth, or high latency/packet loss.
-%Running Tor nodes behind NATs, behind great-firewalls-of-China, etc.
-%Restricted routes. How to propagate to everybody the topology? BGP
-%style doesn't work because we don't want just *one* path. Point to
-%Geoff's stuff.

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-% Polyline
-7.500 slw
-gs  clippath
-6015 1230 m 6015 1170 l 5864 1170 l 5984 1200 l 5864 1230 l cp
-n 3600 1200 m
- 6000 1200 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 5864 1230 m 5984 1200 l 5864 1170 l 5864 1230 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-3585 1470 m 3585 1530 l 3736 1530 l 3616 1500 l 3736 1470 l cp
-n 6000 1500 m
- 3600 1500 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 3736 1470 m 3616 1500 l 3736 1530 l 3736 1470 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-1185 1545 m 1185 1605 l 1336 1605 l 1216 1575 l 1336 1545 l cp
-n 3600 1575 m
- 1200 1575 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 1336 1545 m 1216 1575 l 1336 1605 l 1336 1545 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
- [15 45] 45 sd
-n 1050 1800 m
- 8325 1800 l gs col0 s gr  [] 0 sd
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-3615 2130 m 3615 2070 l 3464 2070 l 3584 2100 l 3464 2130 l cp
-n 1200 2100 m
- 3600 2100 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 3464 2130 m 3584 2100 l 3464 2070 l 3464 2130 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-6015 2205 m 6015 2145 l 5864 2145 l 5984 2175 l 5864 2205 l cp
-n 3600 2175 m
- 6000 2175 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 5864 2205 m 5984 2175 l 5864 2145 l 5864 2205 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
- [60] 0 sd
-gs  clippath
-8190 2430 m 8190 2370 l 8039 2370 l 8159 2400 l 8039 2430 l cp
-5985 2370 m 5985 2430 l 6136 2430 l 6016 2400 l 6136 2370 l cp
-n 6000 2400 m
- 8175 2400 l gs col0 s gr gr
- [] 0 sd
-% arrowhead
-n 6136 2370 m 6016 2400 l 6136 2430 l 6136 2370 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% arrowhead
-n 8039 2430 m 8159 2400 l 8039 2370 l 8039 2430 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-3585 2520 m 3585 2580 l 3736 2580 l 3616 2550 l 3736 2520 l cp
-n 6000 2550 m
- 3600 2550 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 3736 2520 m 3616 2550 l 3736 2580 l 3736 2520 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-1185 2595 m 1185 2655 l 1336 2655 l 1216 2625 l 1336 2595 l cp
-n 3600 2625 m
- 1200 2625 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 1336 2595 m 1216 2625 l 1336 2655 l 1336 2595 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-3615 3030 m 3615 2970 l 3464 2970 l 3584 3000 l 3464 3030 l cp
-n 1200 3000 m
- 3600 3000 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 3464 3030 m 3584 3000 l 3464 2970 l 3464 3030 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-6015 3105 m 6015 3045 l 5864 3045 l 5984 3075 l 5864 3105 l cp
-n 3600 3075 m
- 6000 3075 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 5864 3105 m 5984 3075 l 5864 3045 l 5864 3105 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-8190 3180 m 8190 3120 l 8039 3120 l 8159 3150 l 8039 3180 l cp
-n 6000 3150 m
- 8175 3150 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 8039 3180 m 8159 3150 l 8039 3120 l 8039 3180 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-5985 3420 m 5985 3480 l 6136 3480 l 6016 3450 l 6136 3420 l cp
-n 8175 3450 m
- 6000 3450 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 6136 3420 m 6016 3450 l 6136 3480 l 6136 3420 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-5985 3495 m 5985 3555 l 6136 3555 l 6016 3525 l 6136 3495 l cp
-n 8175 3525 m
- 6000 3525 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 6136 3495 m 6016 3525 l 6136 3555 l 6136 3495 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-5985 3570 m 5985 3630 l 6136 3630 l 6016 3600 l 6136 3570 l cp
-n 8175 3600 m
- 6000 3600 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 6136 3570 m 6016 3600 l 6136 3630 l 6136 3570 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-3585 3495 m 3585 3555 l 3736 3555 l 3616 3525 l 3736 3495 l cp
-n 6000 3525 m
- 3600 3525 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 3736 3495 m 3616 3525 l 3736 3555 l 3736 3495 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-3585 3645 m 3585 3705 l 3736 3705 l 3616 3675 l 3736 3645 l cp
-n 6000 3675 m
- 3600 3675 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 3736 3645 m 3616 3675 l 3736 3705 l 3736 3645 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-3585 3570 m 3585 3630 l 3736 3630 l 3616 3600 l 3736 3570 l cp
-n 6000 3600 m
- 3600 3600 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 3736 3570 m 3616 3600 l 3736 3630 l 3736 3570 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-1185 3645 m 1185 3705 l 1336 3705 l 1216 3675 l 1336 3645 l cp
-n 3600 3675 m
- 1200 3675 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 1336 3645 m 1216 3675 l 1336 3705 l 1336 3645 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-1185 3720 m 1185 3780 l 1336 3780 l 1216 3750 l 1336 3720 l cp
-n 3600 3750 m
- 1200 3750 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 1336 3720 m 1216 3750 l 1336 3780 l 1336 3720 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-gs  clippath
-1185 3795 m 1185 3855 l 1336 3855 l 1216 3825 l 1336 3795 l cp
-n 3600 3825 m
- 1200 3825 l gs col0 s gr gr
-% arrowhead
-n 1336 3795 m 1216 3825 l 1336 3855 l 1336 3795 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
-% Polyline
-15.000 slw
-n 8175 300 m
- 8175 3975 l gs col0 s gr 
-% Polyline
-7.500 slw
-n 6300 825 m 7950 825 l 7950 1725 l 6300 1725 l
- cp gs col7 1.00 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr 
-/Times-Bold-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
-3375 225 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (OR  1) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Bold-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
-1050 225 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Alice) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Bold-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
-5775 225 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (OR  2) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-6075 3075 m
-gs 1 -1 sc ("HTTP GET...") col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-4800 3975 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (. . .) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-7125 3975 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (. . .) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-2400 3975 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (. . .) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-7125 2325 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (\(TCP handshake\)) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Bold-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
-7875 225 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (website) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-7125 1425 m
-gs 1 -1 sc ({X}--AES encryption) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-7125 1200 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (E\(x\)--RSA encryption) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-7125 975 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Legend:) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-2400 225 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (\(link is TLS-encrypted\)) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-1275 1050 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Relay c1{Extend, OR2, E\(g^x2\)}) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-1275 2025 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Relay c1{{Begin <website>:80}}) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-3525 1500 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Relay c1{Extended, g^y2, H\(K2\)}) dup sw pop neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-3675 2100 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Relay c2{Begin <website>:80}) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-3525 2550 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Relay c1{{Connected}}) dup sw pop neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-5925 2475 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Relay c2{Connected}) dup sw pop neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-1275 2925 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Relay c1{{Data, "HTTP GET..."}}) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-3675 3000 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Relay c2{Data, "HTTP GET..."}) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-4800 225 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (\(link is TLS-encryped\)) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-7050 225 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (\(unencrypted\)) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-7125 1650 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (cN--a circID) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-3525 3600 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Relay c1{{Data, \(response\)}}) dup sw pop neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-8100 3375 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (\(response\)) dup sw pop neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-5925 3450 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Relay c2{Data, \(response\)}) dup sw pop neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-5925 1425 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Created c2, g^y2, H\(K2\)) dup sw pop neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-3675 1125 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Create c2, E\(g^x2\)) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-1275 450 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Create c1, E\(g^x1\)) col0 sh gr
-/Times-Roman-iso ff 150.00 scf sf
-3525 750 m
-gs 1 -1 sc (Created c1, g^y1, H\(K1\)) dup sw pop neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr

+ 0 - 122

@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#FIG 3.2
-1200 2
-2 1 0 2 0 7 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 6000 300 6000 3975
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 1200 525 3600 525
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 3600 825 1200 825
-2 1 0 2 0 7 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 1200 300 1200 3975
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 1200 1125 3600 1125
-2 1 0 2 0 7 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 3600 300 3600 3975
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 3600 1200 6000 1200
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 6000 1500 3600 1500
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 3600 1575 1200 1575
-2 1 2 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 1050 1800 8325 1800
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 1200 2100 3600 2100
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 3600 2175 6000 2175
-2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 1 1 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 6000 2400 8175 2400
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 6000 2550 3600 2550
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 3600 2625 1200 2625
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 1200 3000 3600 3000
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 3600 3075 6000 3075
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 6000 3150 8175 3150
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 8175 3450 6000 3450
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 8175 3525 6000 3525
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 8175 3600 6000 3600
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 6000 3525 3600 3525
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 6000 3675 3600 3675
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 6000 3600 3600 3600
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 3600 3675 1200 3675
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 3600 3750 1200 3750
-2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 3.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
-	 3600 3825 1200 3825
-2 1 0 2 0 7 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-	 8175 300 8175 3975
-2 2 0 1 0 7 50 0 20 3.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 6300 825 7950 825 7950 1725 6300 1725 6300 825
-4 0 0 50 0 2 12 0.0000 4 135 450 3375 225 OR  1\001
-4 0 0 50 0 2 12 0.0000 4 135 420 1050 225 Alice\001
-4 0 0 50 0 2 12 0.0000 4 135 450 5775 225 OR  2\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 105 960 6075 3075 "HTTP GET..."\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 15 135 4800 3975 . . .\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 15 135 7125 3975 . . .\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 15 135 2400 3975 . . .\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1050 7125 2325 (TCP handshake)\001
-4 0 0 50 0 2 12 0.0000 4 135 630 7875 225 website\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1335 7125 1425 {X}--AES encryption\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1410 7125 1200 E(x)--RSA encryption\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 480 7125 975 Legend:\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1455 2400 225 (link is TLS-encrypted)\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 2085 1275 1050 Relay c1{Extend, OR2, E(g^x2)}\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1965 1275 2025 Relay c1{{Begin <website>:80}}\001
-4 2 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 2190 3525 1500 Relay c1{Extended, g^y2, H(K2)}\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1845 3675 2100 Relay c2{Begin <website>:80}\001
-4 2 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1410 3525 2550 Relay c1{{Connected}}\001
-4 2 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1290 5925 2475 Relay c2{Connected}\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 2085 1275 2925 Relay c1{{Data, "HTTP GET..."}}\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1965 3675 3000 Relay c2{Data, "HTTP GET..."}\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1365 4800 225 (link is TLS-encryped)\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 870 7050 225 (unencrypted)\001
-4 1 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 105 780 7125 1650 cN--a circID\001
-4 2 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1860 3525 3600 Relay c1{{Data, (response)}}\001
-4 2 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 645 8100 3375 (response)\001
-4 2 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1650 5925 3450 Relay c2{Data, (response)}\001
-4 2 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1545 5925 1425 Created c2, g^y2, H(K2)\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1170 3675 1125 Create c2, E(g^x2)\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1170 1275 450 Create c1, E(g^x1)\001
-4 2 0 50 0 0 10 0.0000 4 135 1545 3525 750 Created c1, g^y1, H(K1)\001



+ 0 - 1122

@@ -1,1122 +0,0 @@
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------
-% by
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------
-% no guarantee is given that the format corresponds perfectly to 
-% IEEE 8.5" x 11" Proceedings, but most features should be ok.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------
-% `latex8' from BibTeX standard bibliography style `abbrv'
-% version 0.99a for BibTeX versions 0.99a or later, LaTeX version 2.09.
-% Copyright (C) 1985, all rights reserved.
-% Copying of this file is authorized only if either
-% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name, or
-% (2) if you do make changes, you name it something other than
-% btxbst.doc, plain.bst, unsrt.bst, alpha.bst, and abbrv.bst.
-% This restriction helps ensure that all standard styles are identical.
-% The file btxbst.doc has the documentation for this style.
-  { address
-    author
-    booktitle
-    chapter
-    edition
-    editor
-    howpublished
-    institution
-    journal
-    key
-    month
-    note
-    number
-    organization
-    pages
-    publisher
-    school
-    series
-    title
-    type
-    volume
-    year
-  }
-  {}
-  { label }
-INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.sentence after.block }
-FUNCTION {init.state.consts}
-{ #0 'before.all :=
-  #1 'mid.sentence :=
-  #2 'after.sentence :=
-  #3 'after.block :=
-STRINGS { s t }
-FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
-{ 's :=
-  output.state mid.sentence =
-    { ", " * write$ }
-    { output.state after.block =
- { add.period$ write$
-   newline$
-   "\newblock " write$
- }
- { output.state before.all =
-     'write$
-     { add.period$ " " * write$ }
-   if$
- }
-      if$
-      mid.sentence 'output.state :=
-    }
-  if$
-  s
-FUNCTION {output}
-{ duplicate$ empty$
-    'pop$
-    'output.nonnull
-  if$
-FUNCTION {output.check}
-{ 't :=
-  duplicate$ empty$
-    { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
-    'output.nonnull
-  if$
-FUNCTION {output.bibitem}
-{ newline$
-  "\bibitem{" write$
-  cite$ write$
-  "}" write$
-  newline$
-  ""
-  before.all 'output.state :=
-FUNCTION {fin.entry}
-{ add.period$
-  write$
-  newline$
-FUNCTION {new.block}
-{ output.state before.all =
-    'skip$
-    { after.block 'output.state := }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {new.sentence}
-{ output.state after.block =
-    'skip$
-    { output.state before.all =
- 'skip$
- { after.sentence 'output.state := }
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-{   { #0 }
-    { #1 }
-  if$
-{   'skip$
-    { pop$ #0 }
-  if$
-{   { pop$ #1 }
-    'skip$
-  if$
-FUNCTION {new.block.checka}
-{ empty$
-    'skip$
-    'new.block
-  if$
-FUNCTION {new.block.checkb}
-{ empty$
-  swap$ empty$
-  and
-    'skip$
-    'new.block
-  if$
-FUNCTION {new.sentence.checka}
-{ empty$
-    'skip$
-    'new.sentence
-  if$
-FUNCTION {new.sentence.checkb}
-{ empty$
-  swap$ empty$
-  and
-    'skip$
-    'new.sentence
-  if$
-FUNCTION {field.or.null}
-{ duplicate$ empty$
-    { pop$ "" }
-    'skip$
-  if$
-FUNCTION {emphasize}
-{ duplicate$ empty$
-    { pop$ "" }
-    { "{\em " swap$ * "}" * }
-  if$
-INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames }
-FUNCTION {format.names}
-{ 's :=
-  #1 'nameptr :=
-  s num.names$ 'numnames :=
-  numnames 'namesleft :=
-    { namesleft #0 > }
-    { s nameptr "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"$ 't :=
-      nameptr #1 >
- { namesleft #1 >
-     { ", " * t * }
-     { numnames #2 >
-  { "," * }
-  'skip$
-       if$
-       t "others" =
-  { " et~al." * }
-  { " and " * t * }
-       if$
-     }
-   if$
- }
- 't
-      if$
-      nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
-      namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
-    }
-  while$
-FUNCTION {format.authors}
-{ author empty$
-    { "" }
-    { author format.names }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {format.editors}
-{ editor empty$
-    { "" }
-    { editor format.names
-      editor num.names$ #1 >
- { ", editors" * }
- { ", editor" * }
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {format.title}
-{ title empty$
-    { "" }
-    { title "t"$ }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {n.dashify}
-{ 't :=
-  ""
-    { t empty$ not }
-    { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" =
- { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not
-     { "--" *
-       t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
-     }
-     {   { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = }
-  { "-" *
-    t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
-  }
-       while$
-     }
-   if$
- }
- { t #1 #1 substring$ *
-   t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- }
-      if$
-    }
-  while$
-{ year empty$
-    { month empty$
- { "" }
- { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$
-   month
- }
-      if$
-    }
-    { month empty$
- 'year
- { month " " * year * }
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {format.btitle}
-{ title emphasize
-{ duplicate$ text.length$ #3 <
-    { "~" }
-    { " " }
-  if$
-  swap$ * *
-FUNCTION {either.or.check}
-{ empty$
-    'pop$
-    { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {format.bvolume}
-{ volume empty$
-    { "" }
-    { "volume" volume
-      series empty$
- 'skip$
- { " of " * series emphasize * }
-      if$
-      "volume and number" number either.or.check
-    }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {format.number.series}
-{ volume empty$
-    { number empty$
- { series field.or.null }
- { output.state mid.sentence =
-     { "number" }
-     { "Number" }
-   if$
-   number
-   series empty$
-     { "there's a number but no series in " cite$ * warning$ }
-     { " in " * series * }
-   if$
- }
-      if$
-    }
-    { "" }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {format.edition}
-{ edition empty$
-    { "" }
-    { output.state mid.sentence =
- { edition "l"$ " edition" * }
- { edition "t"$ " edition" * }
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-INTEGERS { multiresult }
-{ 't :=
-  #0 'multiresult :=
-    { multiresult not
-      t empty$ not
-      and
-    }
-    { t #1 #1 substring$
-      duplicate$ "-" =
-      swap$ duplicate$ "," =
-      swap$ "+" =
-      or or
- { #1 'multiresult := }
- { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := }
-      if$
-    }
-  while$
-  multiresult
-FUNCTION {format.pages}
-{ pages empty$
-    { "" }
-    { pages
- { "pages" pages n.dashify }
- { "page" pages }
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pages}
-{ volume field.or.null
-  number empty$
-    'skip$
-    { "(" number * ")" * *
-      volume empty$
- { "there's a number but no volume in " cite$ * warning$ }
- 'skip$
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-  pages empty$
-    'skip$
-    { duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ format.pages }
- { ":" * pages n.dashify * }
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages}
-{ chapter empty$
-    'format.pages
-    { type empty$
- { "chapter" }
- { type "l"$ }
-      if$
-      chapter
-      pages empty$
- 'skip$
- { ", " * format.pages * }
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-{ booktitle empty$
-    { "" }
-    { editor empty$
- { "In " booktitle emphasize * }
- { "In " format.editors * ", " * booktitle emphasize * }
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {empty.misc.check}
-{ author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$
-  month empty$ year empty$ note empty$
-  and and and and and
-  key empty$ not and
-    { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ }
-    'skip$
-  if$
-FUNCTION {format.thesis.type}
-{ type empty$
-    'skip$
-    { pop$
-      type "t"$
-    }
-  if$
-{ type empty$
-    { "Technical Report" }
-    'type
-  if$
-  number empty$
-    { "t"$ }
-    { number }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {format.article.crossref}
-{ key empty$
-    { journal empty$
- { "need key or journal for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref *
-   warning$
-   ""
- }
- { "In {\em " journal * "\/}" * }
-      if$
-    }
-    { "In " key * }
-  if$
-  " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
-FUNCTION {format.crossref.editor}
-{ editor #1 "{vv~}{ll}"$
-  editor num.names$ duplicate$
-  #2 >
-    { pop$ " et~al." * }
-    { #2 <
- 'skip$
- { editor #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}"$ "others" =
-     { " et~al." * }
-     { " and " * editor #2 "{vv~}{ll}"$ * }
-   if$
- }
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-{ volume empty$
-    { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$
-      "In "
-    }
-    { "Volume" volume
-      " of " *
-    }
-  if$
-  editor empty$
-  editor field.or.null author field.or.null =
-  or
-    { key empty$
- { series empty$
-     { "need editor, key, or series for " cite$ * " to crossref " *
-       crossref * warning$
-       "" *
-     }
-     { "{\em " * series * "\/}" * }
-   if$
- }
- { key * }
-      if$
-    }
-    { format.crossref.editor * }
-  if$
-  " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
-FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref}
-{ editor empty$
-  editor field.or.null author field.or.null =
-  or
-    { key empty$
- { booktitle empty$
-     { "need editor, key, or booktitle for " cite$ * " to crossref " *
-       crossref * warning$
-       ""
-     }
-     { "In {\em " booktitle * "\/}" * }
-   if$
- }
- { "In " key * }
-      if$
-    }
-    { "In " format.crossref.editor * }
-  if$
-  " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
-FUNCTION {article}
-{ output.bibitem
-  format.authors "author" output.check
-  new.block
-  format.title "title" output.check
-  new.block
-  crossref missing$
-    { journal emphasize "journal" output.check
-      format.vol.num.pages output
- "year" output.check
-    }
-    { format.article.crossref output.nonnull
-      format.pages output
-    }
-  if$
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {book}
-{ output.bibitem
-  author empty$
-    { format.editors "author and editor" output.check }
-    { format.authors output.nonnull
-      crossref missing$
- { "author and editor" editor either.or.check }
- 'skip$
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-  new.block
-  format.btitle "title" output.check
-  crossref missing$
-    { format.bvolume output
-      new.block
-      format.number.series output
-      new.sentence
-      publisher "publisher" output.check
-      address output
-    }
-    { new.block
- output.nonnull
-    }
-  if$
-  format.edition output
- "year" output.check
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {booklet}
-{ output.bibitem
-  format.authors output
-  new.block
-  format.title "title" output.check
-  howpublished address new.block.checkb
-  howpublished output
-  address output
- output
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {inbook}
-{ output.bibitem
-  author empty$
-    { format.editors "author and editor" output.check }
-    { format.authors output.nonnull
-      crossref missing$
- { "author and editor" editor either.or.check }
- 'skip$
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-  new.block
-  format.btitle "title" output.check
-  crossref missing$
-    { format.bvolume output
-      format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check
-      new.block
-      format.number.series output
-      new.sentence
-      publisher "publisher" output.check
-      address output
-    }
-    { format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check
-      new.block
- output.nonnull
-    }
-  if$
-  format.edition output
- "year" output.check
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {incollection}
-{ output.bibitem
-  format.authors "author" output.check
-  new.block
-  format.title "title" output.check
-  new.block
-  crossref missing$
-    { "booktitle" output.check
-      format.bvolume output
-      format.number.series output
-      format.chapter.pages output
-      new.sentence
-      publisher "publisher" output.check
-      address output
-      format.edition output
- "year" output.check
-    }
-    { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull
-      format.chapter.pages output
-    }
-  if$
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {inproceedings}
-{ output.bibitem
-  format.authors "author" output.check
-  new.block
-  format.title "title" output.check
-  new.block
-  crossref missing$
-    { "booktitle" output.check
-      format.bvolume output
-      format.number.series output
-      format.pages output
-      address empty$
- { organization publisher new.sentence.checkb
-   organization output
-   publisher output
- "year" output.check
- }
- { address output.nonnull
- "year" output.check
-   new.sentence
-   organization output
-   publisher output
- }
-      if$
-    }
-    { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull
-      format.pages output
-    }
-  if$
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings }
-FUNCTION {manual}
-{ output.bibitem
-  author empty$
-    { organization empty$
- 'skip$
- { organization output.nonnull
-   address output
- }
-      if$
-    }
-    { format.authors output.nonnull }
-  if$
-  new.block
-  format.btitle "title" output.check
-  author empty$
-    { organization empty$
- { address new.block.checka
-   address output
- }
- 'skip$
-      if$
-    }
-    { organization address new.block.checkb
-      organization output
-      address output
-    }
-  if$
-  format.edition output
- output
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {mastersthesis}
-{ output.bibitem
-  format.authors "author" output.check
-  new.block
-  format.title "title" output.check
-  new.block
-  "Master's thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull
-  school "school" output.check
-  address output
- "year" output.check
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {misc}
-{ output.bibitem
-  format.authors output
-  title howpublished new.block.checkb
-  format.title output
-  howpublished new.block.checka
-  howpublished output
- output
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-  empty.misc.check
-FUNCTION {phdthesis}
-{ output.bibitem
-  format.authors "author" output.check
-  new.block
-  format.btitle "title" output.check
-  new.block
-  "PhD thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull
-  school "school" output.check
-  address output
- "year" output.check
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {proceedings}
-{ output.bibitem
-  editor empty$
-    { organization output }
-    { format.editors output.nonnull }
-  if$
-  new.block
-  format.btitle "title" output.check
-  format.bvolume output
-  format.number.series output
-  address empty$
-    { editor empty$
- { publisher new.sentence.checka }
- { organization publisher new.sentence.checkb
-   organization output
- }
-      if$
-      publisher output
- "year" output.check
-    }
-    { address output.nonnull
- "year" output.check
-      new.sentence
-      editor empty$
- 'skip$
- { organization output }
-      if$
-      publisher output
-    }
-  if$
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {techreport}
-{ output.bibitem
-  format.authors "author" output.check
-  new.block
-  format.title "title" output.check
-  new.block
- output.nonnull
-  institution "institution" output.check
-  address output
- "year" output.check
-  new.block
-  note output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {unpublished}
-{ output.bibitem
-  format.authors "author" output.check
-  new.block
-  format.title "title" output.check
-  new.block
-  note "note" output.check
- output
-  fin.entry
-FUNCTION {default.type} { misc }
-MACRO {jan} {"Jan."}
-MACRO {feb} {"Feb."}
-MACRO {mar} {"Mar."}
-MACRO {apr} {"Apr."}
-MACRO {may} {"May"}
-MACRO {jun} {"June"}
-MACRO {jul} {"July"}
-MACRO {aug} {"Aug."}
-MACRO {sep} {"Sept."}
-MACRO {oct} {"Oct."}
-MACRO {nov} {"Nov."}
-MACRO {dec} {"Dec."}
-MACRO {acmcs} {"ACM Comput. Surv."}
-MACRO {acta} {"Acta Inf."}
-MACRO {cacm} {"Commun. ACM"}
-MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM J. Res. Dev."}
-MACRO {ibmsj} {"IBM Syst.~J."}
-MACRO {ieeese} {"IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng."}
-MACRO {ieeetc} {"IEEE Trans. Comput."}
-MACRO {ieeetcad}
- {"IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Design Integrated Circuits"}
-MACRO {ipl} {"Inf. Process. Lett."}
-MACRO {jacm} {"J.~ACM"}
-MACRO {jcss} {"J.~Comput. Syst. Sci."}
-MACRO {scp} {"Sci. Comput. Programming"}
-MACRO {sicomp} {"SIAM J. Comput."}
-MACRO {tocs} {"ACM Trans. Comput. Syst."}
-MACRO {tods} {"ACM Trans. Database Syst."}
-MACRO {tog} {"ACM Trans. Gr."}
-MACRO {toms} {"ACM Trans. Math. Softw."}
-MACRO {toois} {"ACM Trans. Office Inf. Syst."}
-MACRO {toplas} {"ACM Trans. Prog. Lang. Syst."}
-MACRO {tcs} {"Theoretical Comput. Sci."}
-FUNCTION {sortify}
-{ purify$
-  "l"$
-INTEGERS { len }
-FUNCTION {chop.word}
-{ 's :=
-  'len :=
-  s #1 len substring$ =
-    { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ }
-    's
-  if$
-FUNCTION {sort.format.names}
-{ 's :=
-  #1 'nameptr :=
-  ""
-  s num.names$ 'numnames :=
-  numnames 'namesleft :=
-    { namesleft #0 > }
-    { nameptr #1 >
- { "   " * }
- 'skip$
-      if$
-      s nameptr "{vv{ } }{ll{ }}{  f{ }}{  jj{ }}"$ 't :=
-      nameptr numnames = t "others" = and
- { "et al" * }
- { t sortify * }
-      if$
-      nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
-      namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
-    }
-  while$
-FUNCTION {sort.format.title}
-{ 't :=
-  "A " #2
-    "An " #3
-      "The " #4 t chop.word
-    chop.word
-  chop.word
-  sortify
-  #1 global.max$ substring$
-FUNCTION {author.sort}
-{ author empty$
-    { key empty$
- { "to sort, need author or key in " cite$ * warning$
-   ""
- }
- { key sortify }
-      if$
-    }
-    { author sort.format.names }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {author.editor.sort}
-{ author empty$
-    { editor empty$
- { key empty$
-     { "to sort, need author, editor, or key in " cite$ * warning$
-       ""
-     }
-     { key sortify }
-   if$
- }
- { editor sort.format.names }
-      if$
-    }
-    { author sort.format.names }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {author.organization.sort}
-{ author empty$
-    { organization empty$
- { key empty$
-     { "to sort, need author, organization, or key in " cite$ * warning$
-       ""
-     }
-     { key sortify }
-   if$
- }
- { "The " #4 organization chop.word sortify }
-      if$
-    }
-    { author sort.format.names }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {editor.organization.sort}
-{ editor empty$
-    { organization empty$
- { key empty$
-     { "to sort, need editor, organization, or key in " cite$ * warning$
-       ""
-     }
-     { key sortify }
-   if$
- }
- { "The " #4 organization chop.word sortify }
-      if$
-    }
-    { editor sort.format.names }
-  if$
-FUNCTION {presort}
-{ type$ "book" =
-  type$ "inbook" =
-  or
-    'author.editor.sort
-    { type$ "proceedings" =
- 'editor.organization.sort
- { type$ "manual" =
-     'author.organization.sort
-     'author.sort
-   if$
- }
-      if$
-    }
-  if$
-  "    "
-  *
-  year field.or.null sortify
-  *
-  "    "
-  *
-  title field.or.null
-  sort.format.title
-  *
-  #1 entry.max$ substring$
-  'sort.key$ :=
-ITERATE {presort}
-STRINGS { longest.label }
-INTEGERS { number.label longest.label.width }
-FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label}
-{ "" 'longest.label :=
-  #1 'number.label :=
-  #0 'longest.label.width :=
-FUNCTION {longest.label.pass}
-{ number.label$ 'label :=
-  number.label #1 + 'number.label :=
-  label width$ longest.label.width >
-    { label 'longest.label :=
-      label width$ 'longest.label.width :=
-    }
-    'skip$
-  if$
-EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label}
-ITERATE {longest.label.pass}
-FUNCTION {begin.bib}
-{ preamble$ empty$
-    'skip$
-    { preamble$ write$ newline$ }
-  if$
-  "\begin{thebibliography}{"  longest.label  * 
-  "}\setlength{\itemsep}{-1ex}\small" * write$ newline$
-EXECUTE {begin.bib}
-EXECUTE {init.state.consts}
-ITERATE {call.type$}
-FUNCTION {end.bib}
-{ newline$
-  "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$
-EXECUTE {end.bib}
-% end of file latex8.bst
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------

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- \@starttoc{lot}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
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-        ?}\@warning
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-      \@tempcnta\@tempcntc\@tempcntb\@tempcntc\fi\fi}}\@citeo}{#1}}
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-               \ifnum\@tempcnta=\@tempcntb\the\@tempcnta\else
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-      \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne\the\@tempcnta\@citea\the\@tempcntb}\fi\fi}
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-            \let\p@enumiv\@empty
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-      \sfcode`\.=\@m}
-     {\def\@noitemerr
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-      \endlist}
-      \def\@cite#1{#1}%
-      \def\@lbibitem[#1]#2{\item[]\if@filesw
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-      \write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{#2}{#1}}}\fi\ignorespaces}
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-                \noindent\hangindent\wd0\box0}% order index entry
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-                \begin{multicols}{2}[\@makeschapterhead{\indexname}]%
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-                {\end{multicols}}
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-                \@dblfloat{table}}
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-  ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{\protect\numberline{\csname
-  the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup
-    \@parboxrestore
-    \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par
-  \endgroup}
-% LaTeX does not provide a command to enter the authors institute
-% addresses. The \institute command is defined here.
-\def\lastandname{\unskip, and}
-\def\clearheadinfo{\gdef\@author{No Author Given}%
-                   \gdef\@title{No Title Given}%
-                   \gdef\@subtitle{}%
-                   \gdef\@institute{No Institute Given}%
-                   \gdef\@thanks{}%
-                   \global\titlerunning={}\global\authorrunning={}%
-                   \global\toctitle={}\global\tocauthor={}}
- \begingroup
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- \ifnum\c@@inst=1\relax
- \else
-   \setcounter{footnote}{\c@@inst}%
-   \setcounter{@inst}{1}%
-   \noindent$^{\the@inst}$\enspace
- \fi
- \ignorespaces
- \@institute\par
- \endgroup}
-   {\star\star\star}\or \dagger\or \ddagger\or
-   \mathchar "278\or \mathchar "27B\or \|\or **\or \dagger\dagger
-   \or \ddagger\ddagger \else\@ctrerr\fi}}
-\def\homedir{\~{ }}
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-  \stepcounter{section}%
-  \setcounter{section}{0}%
-  \setcounter{subsection}{0}%
-  \setcounter{figure}{0}
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-  \setcounter{equation}{0}
-  \setcounter{footnote}{0}%
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-        \@maketitle
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-      \fi
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-      \newpage
-      \global\@topnum\z@   % Prevents figures from going at top of page.
-      \@maketitle
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-       \fi
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-       \ifdim\wd\titrun>\instindent
-          \typeout{Title too long for running head. Please supply}%
-          \typeout{a shorter form with \string\titlerunning\space prior to
-                   \string\maketitle}%
-          \global\setbox\titrun=\hbox{\small\rm
-          Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length}%
-       \fi
-       \xdef\@title{\copy\titrun}%
-    \fi
-    \if!\the\tocauthor!\relax
-      {\def\and{\noexpand\protect\noexpand\and}%
-      \protected@xdef\toc@uthor{\@author}}%
-    \else
-      \def\\{\noexpand\protect\noexpand\newline}%
-      \protected@xdef\scratch{\the\tocauthor}%
-      \protected@xdef\toc@uthor{\scratch}%
-    \fi
-    \addtocontents{toc}{{\protect\raggedright\protect\leftskip15\p@
-    \protect\rightskip\@tocrmarg
-    \protect\itshape\toc@uthor\protect\endgraf}}%
-    \if@runhead
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-         \value{@inst}=\value{@auth}%
-         \setcounter{@auth}{1}%
-       \else
-         \edef\@author{\the\authorrunning}%
-       \fi
-       \global\setbox\authrun=\hbox{\small\unboldmath\@author\unskip}%
-       \ifdim\wd\authrun>\instindent
-          \typeout{Names of authors too long for running head. Please supply}%
-          \typeout{a shorter form with \string\authorrunning\space prior to
-                   \string\maketitle}%
-          \global\setbox\authrun=\hbox{\small\rm
-          Authors Suppressed Due to Excessive Length}%
-       \fi
-       \xdef\@author{\copy\authrun}%
-       \markboth{\@author}{\@title}%
-     \fi
-  \endgroup
-  \setcounter{footnote}{0}%
-  \clearheadinfo}
- \markboth{}{}%
- \def\lastand{\ifnum\value{@inst}=2\relax
-                 \unskip{} \andname\
-              \else
-                 \unskip \lastandname\
-              \fi}%
- \def\and{\stepcounter{@auth}\relax
-          \ifnum\value{@auth}=\value{@inst}%
-             \lastand
-          \else
-             \unskip,
-          \fi}%
- \begin{center}%
- {\Large \bfseries\boldmath
-  \pretolerance=10000
-  \@title \par}\vskip .8cm
-\if!\@subtitle!\else {\large \bfseries\boldmath
-  \vskip -.65cm
-  \pretolerance=10000
-  \@subtitle \par}\vskip .8cm\fi
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- \def\thanks##1{}\@author}%
- \global\value{@inst}=\value{@auth}%
- \global\value{auco}=\value{@auth}%
- \setcounter{@auth}{1}%
-{\lineskip .5em
- {\small\institutename}
- \end{center}%
- }
-% definition of the "\spnewtheorem" command.
-% Usage:
-%     \spnewtheorem{env_nam}{caption}[within]{cap_font}{body_font}
-% or  \spnewtheorem{env_nam}[numbered_like]{caption}{cap_font}{body_font}
-% or  \spnewtheorem*{env_nam}{caption}{cap_font}{body_font}
-% New is "cap_font" and "body_font". It stands for
-% fontdefinition of the caption and the text itself.
-% "\spnewtheorem*" gives a theorem without number.
-% A defined spnewthoerem environment is used as described
-% by Lamport.
-% definition of \spnewtheorem with number
-  \@ifnextchar[{\@spxnthm{#1}{#2}}{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}}}
-\def\@spxnthm#1#2[#3]#4#5{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
-   {\@definecounter{#1}\@addtoreset{#1}{#3}%
-   \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\expandafter\noexpand
-     \csname the#3\endcsname \noexpand\@thmcountersep \@thmcounter{#1}}%
-   \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
-   \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}%
-                              \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
-\def\@spynthm#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
-   {\@definecounter{#1}%
-   \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@thmcounter{#1}}%
-   \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
-   \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#3}{#4}}%
-                               \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
-  \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\@latexerr{No theorem environment `#2' defined}\@eha}%
-  {\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
-  {\global\@namedef{the#1}{\@nameuse{the#2}}%
-  \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#3}%
-  \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#2}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}%
-  \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}}
-\def\@spthm#1#2#3#4{\topsep 7\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
-\def\@spxthm#1#2#3#4{\@spbegintheorem{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}{#3}{#4}%
-                    \ignorespaces}
-       the#1\endcsname}{#5}{#3}{#4}\ignorespaces}
-                 \item[\hskip\labelsep{#3#1\ #2\@thmcounterend}]#4}
-      \item[\hskip\labelsep{#4#1\ #2}]{#4(#3)\@thmcounterend\ }#5}
-% definition of \spnewtheorem* without number
-\def\@Ynthm#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
-   {\global\@namedef{#1}{\@Thm{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#3}{#4}}%
-    \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
-    \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
-\def\@Thm#1#2#3{\topsep 7\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
-       {#4}{#2}{#3}\ignorespaces}
-                           \item[\hskip\labelsep{#2#1\@thmcounterend}]}
-      \item[\hskip\labelsep{#3#1}]{#3(#2)\@thmcounterend\ }}
-   \def\@thmcountersep{.}
-   \spnewtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section]{\bfseries}{\itshape}
-   \spnewtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}{\bfseries}{\itshape}
-   \if@envcntreset
-      \@addtoreset{theorem}{section}
-   \else
-      \@addtoreset{theorem}{chapter}
-   \fi
-%definition of divers theorem environments
-\if@envcntsame % alle Umgebungen wie Theorem.
-   \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spothm{#1}[theorem]{#2}{#3}{#4}}
-\else % alle Umgebungen mit eigenem Zaehler
-   \if@envcntsect % mit section numeriert
-      \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spxnthm{#1}{#2}[section]{#3}{#4}}
-   \else % nicht mit section numeriert
-      \if@envcntreset
-         \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
-                                   \@addtoreset{#1}{section}}
-      \else
-         \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
-                                   \@addtoreset{#1}{chapter}}%
-      \fi
-   \fi
-    \def\@tempa{#1}%
-    \let\@tempd\@elt
-    \def\@elt##1{%
-        \def\@tempb{##1}%
-        \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\else
-            \@addtoreset{##1}{#2}%
-        \fi}%
-    \expandafter\expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempc\csname cl@#2\endcsname
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-\title{Design challenges and social factors in deploying low-latency anonymity}
-% Could still use a better title -PFS
-\author{Roger Dingledine\inst{1} \and
-Nick Mathewson\inst{1} \and
-Paul Syverson\inst{2}}
-\institute{The Tor Project \email{<\{arma,nickm\}>} \and
-Naval Research Laboratory \email{<>}}
-  There are many unexpected or unexpectedly difficult obstacles to
-  deploying anonymous communications.  We describe Tor (\emph{the}
-  onion routing), how to use it, our design philosophy, and some of
-  the challenges that we have faced and continue to face in building,
-  deploying, and sustaining a scalable, distributed, low-latency
-  anonymity network.
-This article describes Tor, a widely-used low-latency general-purpose
-anonymous communication system, and discusses some unexpected
-challenges arising from our experiences deploying Tor.  We will tell
-you how to use it, who uses it, how it works, why we designed it the
-way we did, and why this makes it usable and stable.
-Tor is an overlay network for anonymizing TCP streams over the
-Internet~\cite{tor-design}.  Tor works on the real-world Internet,
-requires no special privileges or kernel modifications, requires
-little synchronization or coordination between nodes, and provides a
-reasonable trade-off between anonymity, usability, and efficiency.
-Since deployment in October 2003 the public Tor network has grown to
-about a thousand volunteer-operated nodes worldwide and over 110
-megabytes average traffic per second from hundreds of thousands of
-concurrent users. 
-\section{Tor Design and Design Philosophy: Distributed Trust and Usability}
-Tor enables users to connect to Internet sites without revealing their
-logical or physical locations to those sites or to observers.  It
-enables hosts to be publicly accessible yet have similar protection
-against location through its \emph{location-hidden services}.
-To connect to a remote server via Tor the client software first learns
-a %signed
-list of Tor nodes from several central \emph{directory servers} via a
-voting protocol (to avoid dependence on or complete trust in any one
-of these servers). It then incrementally creates a private pathway or
-\emph{circuit} across the network. This circuit consists of
-encrypted connections through authenticated Tor nodes
-whose public keys were obtained from the directory servers. The client
-software negotiates a separate set of encryption keys for each hop along the
-circuit. The nodes in the circuit are chosen at random by the client
-subject to a preference for higher performing nodes to allocate
-resources effectively and with a client-chosen preferred set of first
-nodes called \emph{entry guards} to complicate profiling attacks by
-internal adversaries~\cite{hs-attack}.
-The circuit is extended one node at a time, tunneling extensions
-through already established portions of the circuit, and each node
-along the way knows only the immediately previous and following nodes
-in the circuit, so no individual Tor node knows the complete path that
-each fixed-sized data packet (or \emph{cell}) will take.  Thus,
-neither an eavesdropper nor a compromised node can see both the
-connection's source and destination.  Later requests use a new
-circuit to complicate long-term linkability between different actions
-by a single user.
-Tor attempts to anonymize the transport layer, not the application
-layer.  Thus, applications such as SSH can provide
-authenticated communication that is hidden by Tor from outside observers.
-When anonymity from communication partners is desired,
-application-level protocols that transmit identifying
-information need additional scrubbing proxies, such as
-Privoxy~\cite{privoxy} for HTTP\@.  Furthermore, Tor does not relay
-arbitrary IP packets; it only anonymizes TCP streams and DNS requests.
-Tor, the third generation of deployed onion-routing
-designs~\cite{or-ih96,or-jsac98,tor-design}, was researched, developed,
-and deployed by the Naval Research Laboratory and the Free Haven
-Project under ONR and DARPA funding for secure government
-communications.  In 2005, continuing work by Free Haven was funded by
-the Electronic Frontier Foundation for maintaining civil liberties of
-ordinary citizens online. In 2006, The Tor Project incorporated as a
-non-profit and has received continued funding from the Omidyar Network,
-the U.S. International Broadcasting Bureau, and other groups to combat
-blocking and censorship on the Internet. This diversity of funding fits
-Tor's overall philosophy: a wide variety of interests helps maintain
-both the stability and the security of the network.
-Usability is also a central goal. Downloading and installing Tor is
-easy. Simply go to\\
- and download.  Tor comes with install
-wizards and a GUI for major operating systems: GNU/Linux, OS X, and
-Windows. It also runs on various flavors of BSD and UNIX\@. Basic
-instructions, documentation, FAQs, etc.\ are available in many
-languages. The Tor GUI Vidalia makes server configuration easy, e.g.,
-choosing how much bandwidth to allocate to Tor, exit policy choices,
-etc. And, the GUI Torbutton allows Firefox users a one-click toggle of
-whether browsing goes through Tor or not.  Tor is easily configured by
-a site administrator to run at either individual desktops or just at a
-site firewall or combinations of these.
-The ideal Tor network would be practical, useful and anonymous. When
-trade-offs arise between these properties, Tor's research strategy has
-been to remain useful enough to attract many users, and practical
-enough to support them.  Only subject to these constraints do we try
-to maximize anonymity.  Tor thus differs from other deployed systems
-for traffic analysis resistance in its security and flexibility.  Mix
-networks such as
-% Mixmaster~\cite{mixmaster-spec} or its successor 
-Mixminion~\cite{minion-design} gain the highest degrees of practical
-anonymity at the expense of introducing highly variable delays, making
-them unsuitable for applications such as web browsing.  Commercial
-single-hop proxies~\cite{anonymizer} can provide good performance, but
-a single-point compromise can expose all users' traffic, and a
-single-point eavesdropper can perform traffic analysis on the entire
-network.  Also, their proprietary implementations place any
-infrastructure that depends on these single-hop solutions at the mercy
-of their providers' financial health as well as network security.
-There are numerous other designs for distributed anonymous low-latency
-Some have been deployed or even commercialized; some exist only on
-paper. Though each has something unique to offer, we feel Tor has
-advantages over each of them that make it a superior choice for most
-users and applications. For example, unlike purely P2P designs we
-neither limit ordinary users to content and services available only
-within our network nor require them to take on responsibility for
-connections outside the network, unless they separately choose to run
-server nodes. Nonetheless because we support low-latency interactive
-communications, end-to-end \emph{traffic correlation}
-allow an attacker who can observe both ends of a communication to
-correlate packet timing and volume, quickly linking the initiator to
-her destination.
-Our defense lies in having a diverse enough set of nodes to prevent
-most real-world adversaries from being in the right places to attack
-users, by distributing each transaction over several nodes in the
-network.  This ``distributed trust'' approach means the Tor network
-can be safely operated and used by a wide variety of mutually
-distrustful users, providing sustainability and security.
-The Tor network has a broad range of users, making it difficult for
-eavesdroppers to track them or profile interests. These include
-ordinary citizens concerned about their privacy, corporations who
-don't want to reveal information to their competitors, and law
-enforcement and government intelligence agencies who need to do
-operations on the Internet without being noticed.  Naturally,
-organizations will not want to depend on others for their security.
-If most participating providers are reliable, Tor tolerates some
-hostile infiltration of the network.
-This distribution of trust is central to the Tor philosophy and
-pervades Tor at all levels: Onion routing has been open source since
-the mid-nineties (mistrusting users can inspect the code themselves);
-Tor is free software (anyone could take up the development of Tor from
-the current team); anyone can use Tor without license or charge (which
-encourages a broad user base with diverse interests); Tor is designed to be
-usable (also promotes a large, diverse user base) and configurable (so
-users can easily set up and run server nodes); the Tor
-infrastructure is run by volunteers (it is not dependent on the
-economic viability or business strategy of any company) who are
-scattered around the globe (not completely under the jurisdiction of
-any single country); ongoing development and deployment has been
-funded by diverse sources (development does not fully depend on
-funding from any one source or even funding for any one primary
-purpose or sources in any one jurisdiction). All of these contribute
-to Tor's resilience and sustainability.
-\section{Social challenges}
-Many of the issues the Tor project needs to address extend beyond
-system design and technology development. In particular, the Tor
-project's \emph{image} with respect to its users and the rest of the
-Internet impacts the security it can provide.  With this image issue
-in mind, this section discusses the Tor user base and Tor's
-interaction with other services on the Internet.
-\subsection{Communicating security}
-Usability for anonymity systems contributes to their security, because
-usability affects the possible anonymity set~\cite{econymics,back01}.
-Conversely, an unusable system attracts few users and thus can't
-provide much anonymity.
-This phenomenon has a second-order effect: knowing this, users should
-choose which anonymity system to use based in part on how usable and
-secure \emph{others} will find it, in order to get the protection of a
-larger anonymity set. Thus we might supplement the adage ``usability
-is a security parameter''~\cite{back01} with a new one: ``perceived
-usability is a security parameter.''~\cite{usability-network-effect}.
-\subsection{Reputability and perceived social value}
-Another factor impacting the network's security is its reputability,
-the perception of its social value based on its current user base. If
-Alice is the only user who has ever downloaded the software, it might
-be socially accepted, but she's not getting much anonymity. Add a
-thousand activists, and she's anonymous, but everyone thinks she's an
-activist too.  Add a thousand diverse citizens (cancer survivors,
-people concerned about identity theft, law enforcement agents, and so
-on) and now she's harder to profile.
-Furthermore, the network's reputability affects its operator base:
-more people are willing to run a service if they believe it will be
-used by human rights workers than if they believe it will be used
-exclusively for disreputable ends.  This effect becomes stronger if
-node operators themselves think they will be associated with their
-users' ends.
-So the more cancer survivors on Tor, the better for the human rights
-activists. The more malicious hackers, the worse for the normal
-users. Thus, reputability is an anonymity issue for two
-reasons. First, it impacts the sustainability of the network: a
-network that's always about to be shut down has difficulty attracting
-and keeping adequate nodes.  Second, a disreputable network is more
-vulnerable to legal and political attacks, since it will attract fewer
-Reputability becomes even more tricky in the case of privacy networks,
-since the good uses of the network (such as publishing by journalists
-in dangerous countries, protecting road warriors from profiling and
-potential physical harm, tracking of criminals by law enforcement,
-protecting corporate research interests, etc.) are typically kept private,
-whereas network abuses or other problems tend to be more widely
-For someone willing to be antisocial or even break the law, Tor is
-usually a poor choice to hide bad behavior. For example, Tor nodes are
-publicly identified, unlike the million-node botnets that are now
-common on the Internet. Nonetheless, we always expected that,
-alongside legitimate users, Tor would also attract troublemakers who
-exploit Tor to abuse services on the Internet with vandalism, rude
-mail, and so on.  \emph{Exit policies} have allowed individual nodes
-to block access to specific IP/port ranges.  This approach aims to
-make operators more willing to run Tor by allowing them to prevent
-their nodes from being used for abusing particular services.  For
-example, by default Tor nodes block SMTP (port 25), to avoid the issue
-of spam.
-Exit policies are useful but insufficient: if not all nodes block a
-given service, that service may try to block Tor instead.  While being
-blockable is important to being good netizens, we would like to
-encourage services to allow anonymous access. Services should not need
-to decide between blocking legitimate anonymous use and allowing
-unlimited abuse.  Nonetheless, blocking IP addresses is a
-course-grained solution~\cite{netauth}: entire apartment buildings,
-campuses, and even countries sometimes share a single IP address.
-Also, whether intended or not, such blocking supports repression of
-free speech. In many locations where Internet access of various kinds
-is censored or even punished by imprisonment, Tor is a path both to
-the outside world and to others inside.  Blocking posts from Tor makes
-the job of censoring authorities easier.  This is a loss for both Tor
-and services that block, such as Wikipedia: we don't want to compete
-for (or divvy up) the NAT-protected entities of the world.  This is
-also unfortunate because there are relatively simple technical
-solutions~\cite{nym}.  Various schemes for escrowing anonymous posts
-until they are reviewed by editors would both prevent abuse and remove
-incentives for attempts to abuse. Further, pseudonymous reputation
-tracking of posters through Tor would allow those who establish
-adequate reputation to post without escrow~\cite{nym,nymble}.
-We stress that as far as we can tell, most Tor uses are not
-abusive. Most services have not complained, and others are actively
-working to find ways besides banning to cope with the abuse. For
-example, the Freenode IRC network had a problem with a coordinated
-group of abusers joining channels and subtly taking over the
-conversation; but when they labelled all users coming from Tor IP
-addresses as ``anonymous users,'' removing the ability of the abusers
-to blend in, the abusers stopped using Tor.  This is an illustration of
-how simple
-technical mechanisms can remove the ability to abuse anonymously
-without undermining the ability to communicate anonymously and can
-thus remove the incentive to attempt abusing in this way.
-\section{The Future}
-Tor is the largest and most diverse low-latency anonymity network
-available, but we are still in the early stages. Several major
-questions remain.
-First, will our volunteer-based approach to sustainability continue to
-work as well in the long term as it has the first several years?
-Besides node operation, Tor research, deployment, maintainance, and
-development is increasingly done by volunteers: package maintenance
-for various OSes, document translation, GUI design and implementation,
-live CDs, specification of new design changes, etc.\
-Second, Tor is only one of many components that preserve privacy
-online.  For applications where it is desirable to keep identifying
-information out of application traffic, someone must build more and
-better protocol-aware proxies that are usable by ordinary people.
-Third, we need to maintain a reputation for social good, and learn how to
-coexist with the variety of Internet services and their established
-authentication mechanisms. We can't just keep escalating the blacklist
-standoff forever.
-Fourth, the current Tor architecture hardly scales even to handle
-current user demand. We must deploy designs and incentives to further
-encourage clients to relay traffic too, without thereby trading away
-too much anonymity or other properties.
-These are difficult and open questions. Yet choosing not to solve them
-means leaving most users to a less secure network or no anonymizing
-network at all.\\
-\noindent{\bf Acknowledgment:} Thanks to Matt Edman for many
-  helpful comments on a draft of this article.
-\bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{tor-design}

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-% hs-attack
-  title = {Locating Hidden Servers},
-  author = {Lasse {\O}verlier and Paul Syverson}, 
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy}, 
-  year = {2006}, 
-  month = {May}, 
-  publisher = {IEEE CS},
-  author = 	 {Kevin Bauer and Damon McCoy and Dirk Grunwald and Tadayoshi Kohno and Douglas Sicker},
-  title = 	 {Low-Resource Routing Attacks Against Anonymous Systems},
-  institution =  {University of Colorado at Boulder},
-  year = 	 2007,
-  number = 	 {CU-CS-1025-07}
-  title = {Low-Resource Routing Attacks Against Tor},
-  author = {Kevin Bauer and Damon McCoy and Dirk Grunwald and Tadayoshi Kohno and Douglas Sicker},
-  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2007)}},
-  year = {2007},
-  month = {October},
-  address = {Washington, DC, USA},
-% fix me
-  author = "Andrew Tannenbaum",
-  title = "Computer Networks",
-  year = "1996",
-  publisher = "Prentice Hall, 3rd edition",
-@article{ meadows96,
-    author = "Catherine Meadows",
-    title = "The {NRL} Protocol Analyzer: An Overview",
-    journal = "Journal of Logic Programming",
-    volume = "26",
-    number = "2",
-    pages = "113--131",
-    year = "1996",
-  title = {Unobservable Surfing on the World Wide Web: Is Private Information Retrieval an
-        alternative to the MIX based Approach?},
-  author = {Dogan Kesdogan and Mark Borning and Michael Schmeink},
-  booktitle = {Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2002)},
-  year = {2002},
-  month = {April},
-  editor = {Roger Dingledine and Paul Syverson},
-  publisher = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2482},
-  title = {Statistical Disclosure Attacks},
-  author = {George Danezis},
-  booktitle = {Security and Privacy in the Age of Uncertainty ({SEC2003})},
-  organization = {{IFIP TC11}},
-  year = {2003},
-  month = {May},
-  address = {Athens},
-  pages = {421--426},
-  publisher = {Kluwer},
-  title = {Limits of Anonymity in Open Environments},
-  author = {Dogan Kesdogan and Dakshi Agrawal and Stefan Penz},
-  booktitle = {Information Hiding Workshop (IH 2002)},
-  year = {2002},
-  month = {October},
-  editor = {Fabien Petitcolas},
-  publisher = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2578},
-  title = {{ISDN-mixes: Untraceable communication with very small bandwidth overhead}},
-  author = {Andreas Pfitzmann and Birgit Pfitzmann and Michael Waidner},
-  booktitle = {GI/ITG Conference on Communication in Distributed Systems},
-  year = {1991},
-  month = {February},
-  pages = {451-463},
-  author = 	 {Anja Jerichow and Jan M\"{u}ller and Andreas
-                  Pfitzmann and Birgit Pfitzmann and Michael Waidner},
-  title = 	 {Real-Time Mixes: A Bandwidth-Efficient Anonymity Protocol},
-  journal = 	 {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},
-  year = 	 1998,
-  volume =	 16,
-  number =	 4,
-  pages =	 {495--509},
-  month =	 {May}
-  title = {Tarzan: A Peer-to-Peer Anonymizing Network Layer},
-  author = {Michael J. Freedman and Robert Morris},
-  booktitle = {9th {ACM} {C}onference on {C}omputer and {C}ommunications
-        {S}ecurity ({CCS 2002})},
-  year = {2002},
-  month = {November},
-  address = {Washington, DC},
-  title = {{Cebolla: Pragmatic IP Anonymity}},
-  author = {Zach Brown},
-  booktitle = {Ottawa Linux Symposium},
-  year = {2002},
-  month = {June},
-  author = "M. Bellare and P. Rogaway and D. Wagner",
-  title = {The {EAX} Mode of Operation: A Two-Pass Authenticated-Encryption Scheme Optimized for Simplicity and Efficiency},
-  booktitle = {Fast Software Encryption 2004},
-  month = {February},
-  year = {2004},
-  title = {{The Dark Side of the Web: An Open Proxy's View}},
-  author = {Vivek S. Pai and Limin Wang and KyoungSoo Park and Ruoming Pang and Larry Peterson},
-  note = {\newline \url{}},
-%  note = {Submitted to HotNets-II. \url{}},
-  key =          {anonymizer},
-  title =        {The {Anonymizer}},
-  note =         {\url{}}
-  key =          {privoxy},
-  title =        {{Privoxy}},
-  note =         {\url{}}
-  key =          {i2p},
-  title =        {{I2P}},
-  note =         {\url{}}
-  author = 	 {Jason Holt},
-  title = 	 {nym: practical pseudonymity for anonymous networks},
-  note = 	 {Paper and source code at \url{}}
-  author = 	 {Peter C. Johnson and Apu Kapadia and Patrick P. Tsang and Sean W. Smith},
-  title = 	 {Nymble: Anonymous {IP}-address Blocking},
-  booktitle = {Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2007)},
-  year = 	 2007,
-  publisher = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 4776}
-  title = {{Analysis of an Anonymity Network for Web Browsing}},
-  author = {Marc Rennhard and Sandro Rafaeli and Laurent Mathy and Bernhard Plattner and
-        David Hutchison},
-  booktitle = {{IEEE 7th Intl. Workshop on Enterprise Security (WET ICE
-        2002)}},
-  year = {2002},
-  month = {June},
-  address = {Pittsburgh, USA},
-%  pages = {49--54},
-  title = {On the Economics of Anonymity},
-  author = {Alessandro Acquisti and Roger Dingledine and Paul Syverson},
-  booktitle = {Financial Cryptography},
-  year = {2003},
-  editor = {Rebecca N. Wright},
-  publisher = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2742},
-  title = {Timing Analysis in Low-Latency Mix-Based Systems},
-  author = {Brian N. Levine and Michael K. Reiter and Chenxi Wang and Matthew Wright},
-  booktitle = {Financial Cryptography},
-  year = {2004},
-  editor = {Ari Juels},
-  publisher = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS (forthcoming)},
-  title = {Practical Anonymity for the Masses with MorphMix},
-  author = {Marc Rennhard and Bernhard Plattner},
-  booktitle = {Financial Cryptography},
-  year = {2004},
-  editor = {Ari Juels},
-  publisher = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS (forthcoming)},
-  title = {The Eternity Service},
-  author = {Ross Anderson},
-  booktitle = {Pragocrypt '96},
-  year = {1996},
-  %note =  {\url{}},
-  title = {Mixminion: Design of a Type {III} Anonymous Remailer Protocol},
-  author = {George Danezis and Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson},
-  booktitle = {2003 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy},
-  year = {2003},
-  month = {May},
-  publisher = {IEEE CS},
-  pages = {2--15},
-  %note = {\url{}},
-@inproceedings{ rao-pseudonymity,
-    author = "Josyula R. Rao and Pankaj Rohatgi",
-    title = "Can Pseudonymity Really Guarantee Privacy?",
-    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Ninth USENIX Security Symposium",
-    year = {2000},
-    month = Aug,
-    publisher = {USENIX},
-    pages = "85--96",
-    %note = {\url{
-    author = "Birgit Pfitzmann and Andreas Pfitzmann",
-    title = "How to Break the Direct {RSA}-Implementation of {MIXes}",
-    booktitle = {Eurocrypt 89},
-    publisher = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 434},
-    year = {1990},
-    note = {\url{}},
-   author =      {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson},
-   title =       {Tor Protocol Specifications},
-   note =        {\url{}},
-   author =      {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson},
-   title =       {Tor Incentives Design Brainstorms},
-   note =        {\url{}},
-  author =       {M{\"o}ller, Bodo},
-  title =        {Provably Secure Public-Key Encryption for Length-Preserving Chaumian Mixes},
-  booktitle =    {{CT-RSA} 2003},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2612},
-  year =         2003,
-  author =       {Adam Back and Ulf M\"oller and Anton Stiglic},
-  title =        {Traffic Analysis Attacks and Trade-Offs in Anonymity Providing Systems},
-  booktitle =    {Information Hiding (IH 2001)},
-  pages =        {245--257},
-  year =         2001,
-  editor =       {Ira S. Moskowitz},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2137},
-  %note =         {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {Charles Rackoff and Daniel R. Simon},
-   title =       {Cryptographic Defense Against Traffic Analysis},
-   booktitle =   {{ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing},
-   pages =       {672--681},
-   year =        {1993},
-   %note =        {\url{}},
-   author =      {Roger Dingledine and Michael J. Freedman and David Molnar},
-   title =       {The Free Haven Project: Distributed Anonymous Storage Service},
-   booktitle =   {Designing Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Workshop
-                  on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability},
-   year =        2000,
-   month =       {July},
-   editor =      {H. Federrath},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009},
-   @InProceedings{move-ndss05,
-  author = 	 {Angelos Stavrou and Angelos D. Keromytis and Jason Nieh and Vishal Misra and Dan Rubenstein},
-  title = 	 {MOVE: An End-to-End Solution To Network Denial of Service},
-  booktitle = 	 {{ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS05)}},
-  year =	 2005,
-  month =	 {February},
-  publisher =	 {Internet Society}
-%note =        {\url{}},
-  author =       {J. F. Raymond},
-  title =        {{Traffic Analysis: Protocols, Attacks, Design Issues,
-                  and Open Problems}},
-  booktitle =    {Designing Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Workshop
-                  on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability},
-  year =         2000,
-  month =        {July},
-  pages =        {10-29},
-  editor =       {H. Federrath},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009},
-  author = "John Douceur",
-  title = {{The Sybil Attack}},
-  booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1st International Peer To Peer Systems Workshop (IPTPS)",
-  month = Mar,
-  year = 2002,
-  author =	 {Paul Syverson and Adam Shostack},
-  editor =	 {L. Jean Camp and Stephen Lewis},
-  title = 	 {What Price Privacy? (and why identity theft is about neither identity nor theft)},
-  booktitle =	 {Economics of Information Security},
-  chapter = 	 10,
-  publisher = 	 {Kluwer},
-  year = 	 2004,
-  pages =	 {129--142}
-  author =       {Andrei Serjantov and Roger Dingledine and Paul Syverson},
-  title =        {From a Trickle to a Flood: Active Attacks on Several
-                  Mix Types},
-  booktitle =    {Information Hiding (IH 2002)},
-  year =         {2002},
-  editor =       {Fabien Petitcolas},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2578},
-  author =      {Oliver Berthold and Heinrich Langos},
-  title =       {Dummy Traffic Against Long Term Intersection Attacks},
-  booktitle =    {Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2002)},
-  year =         {2002},
-  editor =       {Roger Dingledine and Paul Syverson},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2482}
-  author = 	 {Andrew Hintz},
-  title = 	 {Fingerprinting Websites Using Traffic Analysis},
-  booktitle = 	 {Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2002)},
-  pages =	 {171--178},
-  year =	 2002,
-  editor =	 {Roger Dingledine and Paul Syverson},
-  publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2482}
-   author =      {Paul Syverson and Michael Reed and David Goldschlag},
-   title =       {{O}nion {R}outing Access Configurations},
-   booktitle =   {DARPA Information Survivability Conference and
-                  Exposition (DISCEX 2000)},
-   year =        {2000},
-   publisher =   {IEEE CS Press},
-   pages =       {34--40},
-   volume =      {1},
-   %note =        {\newline \url{}},
-  title =        {{Towards an Analysis of Onion Routing Security}},
-  author =       {Paul Syverson and Gene Tsudik and Michael Reed and
-                  Carl Landwehr},
-  booktitle =    {Designing Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Workshop
-                  on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability},
-  year =         2000,
-  month =        {July},
-  pages =        {96--114},
-  editor =       {H. Federrath},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009},
-  %note =         {\url{}},
-  title =        {Freenet: A Distributed Anonymous Information Storage
-    and Retrieval System},
-  author =       {Ian Clarke and Oskar Sandberg and Brandon Wiley and
-    Theodore W. Hong},
-  booktitle =    {Designing Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Workshop
-                  on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability},
-  year =         2000,
-  month =        {July},
-  pages =        {46--66},
-  editor =       {H. Federrath},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009},
-  %note =         {\url{}},
-  author =       {David M. Goldschlag and Michael G. Reed and Paul
-                  F. Syverson},
-  title =        {Hiding Routing Information},
-  booktitle =    {Information Hiding, First International Workshop},
-  pages =        {137--150},
-  year =         1996,
-  editor =       {R. Anderson},
-  month =        {May},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1174},
-  author = 	 {Hannes Federrath and Anja Jerichow and Andreas Pfitzmann},
-  title = 	 {{MIXes} in Mobile Communication Systems: Location
-                  Management with Privacy},
-  booktitle =    {Information Hiding, First International Workshop},
-  pages =        {121--135},
-  year =         1996,
-  editor =       {R. Anderson},
-  month =        {May},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1174},
-  author = 	 {Michael G. Reed and Paul F. Syverson and David
-                  M. Goldschlag},
-  title = 	 {Protocols Using Anonymous Connections: Mobile Applications},
-  booktitle = 	 {Security Protocols: 5th International Workshop},
-  pages =	 {13--23},
-  year =	 1997,
-  editor =	 {Bruce Christianson and Bruno Crispo and Mark Lomas
-                  and Michael Roe},
-  month =	 {April},
-  publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1361}
-  author =       {Michael G. Reed and Paul F. Syverson and David
-                  M. Goldschlag},
-  title =        {Anonymous Connections and Onion Routing},
-  journal =      {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},
-  year =         1998,
-  volume =       16,
-  number =       4,
-  pages =        {482--494},
-  month =        {May},
-  %note =         {\url{}}
-   author =      {T. Dierks and C. Allen},
-   title =       {The {TLS} {P}rotocol --- {V}ersion 1.0},
-   howpublished = {IETF RFC 2246},
-   month =       {January},
-   year =        {1999},
-%note =        {\url{}},
-   author =      {J. Postel},
-   title =       {Simple {M}ail {T}ransfer {P}rotocol},
-   howpublished = {IETF RFC 2821 (also STD0010)},
-   month =       {April},
-   year =        {2001},
-   note =        {\url{}},
-   author =      {M. Crispin},
-   title =       {Internet {M}essage {A}ccess {P}rotocol --- {V}ersion 4rev1},
-   howpublished = {IETF RFC 2060},
-   month =       {December},
-   year =        {1996},
-   note =        {\url{}},
-  title = {PipeNet 1.1},
-  author = {Wei Dai},
-  year = 1996,
-  month = {August},
-  howpublished = {Usenet post},
-  note = {\url{} First mentioned
-      in a post to the cypherpunks list, Feb.\ 1995.},
-   author =      {J. Myers and M. Rose},
-   title =       {Post {O}ffice {P}rotocol --- {V}ersion 3},
-   howpublished = {IETF RFC 1939 (also STD0053)},
-   month =       {May},
-   year =        {1996},
-   note =        {\url{}},
-   author =      {C. Andrew Neff},
-   title =       {A Verifiable Secret Shuffle and its Application to E-Voting},
-   booktitle =    {8th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications
-                  Security (CCS-8)},
-   pages =       {116--125},
-   year =        2001,
-   editor =      {P. Samarati},
-   month =       {November},
-   publisher =   {ACM Press},
-   %note =        {\url{
-   %                    technicaldocs/shuffle.pdf}},
-   author =      {Danny Dolev and Cynthia Dwork and Moni Naor},
-   title =       {Non-Malleable Cryptography},
-   booktitle =   {23rd ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC)},
-   pages =       {542--552},
-   year =        1991,
-   note =        {Updated version at
-                  \url{}},
-   author =      {Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir and David A. Wagner},
-   title =       {Time-lock puzzles and timed-release Crypto},
-   year =        1996,
-   type =        {MIT LCS technical memo},
-   number =      {MIT/LCS/TR-684},
-   month =       {February},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {Oliver Berthold and Hannes Federrath and Stefan K\"opsell},
-   title =       {Web {MIX}es: A system for anonymous and unobservable
-                  {I}nternet access},
-  booktitle =    {Designing Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Workshop
-                  on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability},
-   editor =       {H. Federrath},
-   publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009},
-   year =        {2000},
-%   pages =       {115--129},
-   author =      {Oliver Berthold and Andreas Pfitzmann and Ronny Standtke},
-   title =       {The disadvantages of free {MIX} routes and how to overcome
-                  them},
-   booktitle =   {Designing Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Workshop
-                  on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability},
-   pages =       {30--45},
-   year =        2000,
-   editor =       {H. Federrath},
-   publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009},
-   %note =        {\url{
-   %                    disadvantages_berthold.pdf}},
-   author =      {Dan Boneh and Moni Naor},
-   title =       {Timed Commitments},
-   booktitle =   {Advances in Cryptology -- {CRYPTO} 2000},
-   pages =       {236--254},
-   year =        2000,
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1880},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {David M. Goldschlag and Stuart G. Stubblebine},
-   title =       {Publicly Verifiable Lotteries: Applications of
-                  Delaying Functions},
-   booktitle =   {Financial Cryptography},
-   pages =       {214--226},
-   year =        1998,
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1465},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {Paul Syverson},
-   title =       {Weakly Secret Bit Commitment: Applications to
-                  Lotteries and Fair Exchange},
-   booktitle =   {Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW11)},
-   pages =       {2--13},
-   year =        1998,
-   address =     {Rockport Massachusetts},
-   month =       {June},
-   publisher =   {IEEE CS Press},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {Victor Shoup},
-   title =       {A Proposal for an {ISO} {S}tandard for Public Key Encryption (version 2.1)},
-   note =        {Revised December 20, 2001. \url{}},
-   author =      {Victor Shoup},
-   title =       {{OAEP} Reconsidered},
-   howpublished = {{IACR} e-print 2000/060},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {E. Fujisaki and D. Pointcheval and T. Okamoto and J. Stern},
-   title =       {{RSA}-{OAEP} is Still Alive!},
-   howpublished = {{IACR} e-print 2000/061},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-  author = {Peter Palfrader},
-  title = {Echolot: a pinger for anonymous remailers},
-  note = {\url{}},
-   author =      {Lance Cottrell},
-   title =       {Mixmaster and Remailer Attacks},
-   note =        {\url{}},
-   author =      {Ulf M{\"o}ller and Lance Cottrell and Peter
-                  Palfrader and Len Sassaman},
-   title =       {Mixmaster {P}rotocol --- {V}ersion 2},
-   year =        {2003},
-   month =       {July},
-   howpublished = {Draft},
-   note =        {\url{}},
-    author = "Drew Dean and Adam Stubblefield",
-    title = {{Using Client Puzzles to Protect TLS}},
-    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 10th USENIX Security Symposium",
-    year = {2001},
-    month = Aug,
-    publisher = {USENIX},
-  author =       {Markus Jakobsson and Ari Juels},
-  title =        {Proofs of Work and Bread Pudding Protocols},
-  booktitle =    {Proceedings of the IFIP TC6 and TC11 Joint Working
-                  Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security
-                  (CMS '99)},
-  year =         1999,
-  month =        {September},
-  publisher =    {Kluwer}
-   author =      {Adam Back},
-   title =       {Hash cash},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {Roger Dingledine and Michael J. Freedman and David Molnar},
-   title =       {Accountability},
-   booktitle =   {Peer-to-peer: Harnessing the Benefits of a Disruptive
-                  Technology},
-   year =        {2001},
-   publisher =   {O'Reilly and Associates},
-   author =      {Yongfei Han},
-   title =       {Investigation of non-repudiation protocols},
-   booktitle =   {ACISP '96},
-   year =        1996,
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag},
-  key =          {socks5},
-  title =        {{SOCKS} {P}rotocol {V}ersion 5},
-  howpublished=  {IETF RFC 1928},
-  month =        {March},
-  year =         1996,
-  note =         {\url{}}
-   author =      {Masayuki Abe},
-   title =       {Universally Verifiable {MIX} With Verification Work Independent of
-                  The Number of {MIX} Servers},
-   booktitle =   {{EUROCRYPT} 1998},
-   year =        {1998},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1403},
-   author =      {Yvo Desmedt and Kaoru Kurosawa},
-   title =       {How To Break a Practical {MIX} and Design a New One},
-   booktitle =   {{EUROCRYPT} 2000},
-   year =        {2000},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1803},
-   note =        {\url{}},
-   author =      {M. Mitomo and K. Kurosawa},
-   title =       {{Attack for Flash MIX}},
-   booktitle =   {{ASIACRYPT} 2000},
-   year =        {2000},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1976},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {M. Ohkubo and M. Abe},
-   title =       {A {L}ength-{I}nvariant {H}ybrid {MIX}},
-   booktitle =   {Advances in Cryptology - {ASIACRYPT} 2000},
-   year =        {2000},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1976},
-  author = {Jun Furukawa and Kazue Sako},
-  title = {An Efficient Scheme for Proving a Shuffle},
-  editor    = {Joe Kilian},
-  booktitle = {CRYPTO 2001},
-  year      = {2001},
-  publisher = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2139},
-  author = "Markus Jakobsson and Ari Juels",
-  title = "An Optimally Robust Hybrid Mix Network (Extended Abstract)",
-  booktitle =   {Principles of Distributed Computing - {PODC} '01},
-  year = "2001",
-  publisher =   {ACM Press},
-  note = {\url{}},
-   author =      {D. Kesdogan and M. Egner and T. B\"uschkes},
-   title =       {Stop-and-Go {MIX}es Providing Probabilistic Anonymity in an Open
-                  System},
-   booktitle =   {Information Hiding (IH 1998)},
-   year =        {1998},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1525},
-   %note =        {\url{}},
-  author =       {David Koblas and Michelle R. Koblas},
-  title =        {{SOCKS}},
-  booktitle =    {UNIX Security III Symposium (1992 USENIX Security
-                  Symposium)},
-  pages =        {77--83},
-  year =         1992,
-  publisher =    {USENIX},
-   author =      {Markus Jakobsson},
-   title =       {Flash {M}ixing},
-   booktitle =   {Principles of Distributed Computing - {PODC} '99},
-   year =        {1999},
-   publisher =   {ACM Press},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {Joe Kilian and Kazue Sako},
-   title =       {Receipt-Free {MIX}-Type Voting Scheme - A Practical Solution to
-                  the Implementation of a Voting Booth},
-   booktitle =   {EUROCRYPT '95},
-   year =        {1995},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag},
-   author =      {M. Bellare and P. Rogaway},
-   year =        {1994},
-   booktitle =   {EUROCRYPT '94},
-   title =       {Optimal {A}symmetric {E}ncryption {P}adding : How To Encrypt With
-                  {RSA}},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-  title = {Mixing {E}-mail With {B}abel},
-  author = {Ceki G\"ulc\"u and Gene Tsudik},
-  booktitle = {{Network and Distributed Security Symposium (NDSS 96)}},
-  year = 1996,
-  month = {February},
-  pages = {2--16},
-  publisher = {IEEE},
-  %note = {\url{}},
-   author =      {RProcess},
-   title =       {Selective Denial of Service Attacks},
-   note =        {\newline \url{\_09\_DoS\_remail\_vuln.html}},
-  author = {Sameer Parekh},
-  title = {Prospects for Remailers},
-  journal = {First Monday},
-  volume = {1},
-  number = {2},
-  month = {August},
-  year = {1996},
-  note = {\url{}},
-   author =      {David Chaum},
-   title =       {Untraceable electronic mail, return addresses, and digital pseudo-nyms},
-   journal =     {Communications of the ACM},
-   year =        {1981},
-   volume =      {4},
-   number =      {2},
-   month =       {February},
-   %note =        {\url{}},
-  author =       {David Mazi\`{e}res and M. Frans Kaashoek},
-  title =        {{The Design, Implementation and Operation of an Email
-                  Pseudonym Server}},
-  booktitle =    {$5^{th}$ ACM Conference on Computer and
-                  Communications Security (CCS'98)},
-  year =         1998,
-  publisher =    {ACM Press},
-  %note =        {\newline \url{}},
-  author =       {Marc Waldman and David Mazi\`{e}res},
-  title =        {Tangler: A Censorship-Resistant Publishing System
-                  Based on Document Entanglements},
-  booktitle =    {$8^{th}$ ACM Conference on Computer and
-                  Communications Security (CCS-8)},
-  pages =        {86--135},
-  year =         2001,
-  publisher =    {ACM Press},
-  %note =         {\url{}}
-   author =      {Tim May},
-   title =       {Payment mixes for anonymity},
-   howpublished = {E-mail archived at
-                  \url{http://\newline}},
-   author =      {J. Helsingius},
-   title =       {{\tt} press release},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {J. Garay and R. Gennaro and C. Jutla and T. Rabin},
-   title =       {Secure distributed storage and retrieval},
-   booktitle =   {11th International Workshop, WDAG '97},
-   pages =       {275--289},
-   year =        {1997},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1320},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {C. Park and K. Itoh and K. Kurosawa},
-   title =       {Efficient anonymous channel and all/nothing election scheme},
-   booktitle =   {Advances in Cryptology -- {EUROCRYPT} '93},
-   pages =       {248--259},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 765},
-   key =         {PGP},
-   title =       {{PGP} {FAQ}},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {James Riordan and Bruce Schneier},
-   title =       {A Certified E-mail Protocol with No Trusted Third Party},
-   journal =     {13th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference},
-   month =       {December},
-   year =        {1998},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-  author =       {Michael K. Reiter and Aviel D. Rubin},
-  title =        {Crowds: Anonymity for Web Transactions},
-  journal =      {ACM TISSEC},
-  year =         1998,
-  volume =       1,
-  number =       1,
-  pages =        {66--92},
-  month =        {June},
-  %note =         {\url{}}
-   author =      {Michael K. Reiter and Aviel D. Rubin},
-   title =       {Crowds: Anonymity for Web Transactions},
-   journal =     {{DIMACS} Technical Report (Revised)},
-   volume =      {97},
-   number =      {15},
-   month =       {August},
-   year =        {1997},
-   author =      {Raph Levien},
-   title =       {Advogato's Trust Metric},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {Marc Waldman and Aviel Rubin and Lorrie Cranor},
-   title =       {Publius: {A} robust, tamper-evident, censorship-resistant and
-                  source-anonymous web publishing system},
-   booktitle =   {Proc. 9th USENIX Security Symposium},
-   pages =       {59--72},
-   year =        {2000},
-   month =       {August},
-   %note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {Russell Samuels},
-   title =       {Untraceable Nym Creation on the {F}reedom {N}etwork},
-   year =        {1999},
-   month =       {November},
-   day =         {21},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-  title = {Freedom Systems 2.0 Architecture},
-  author = {Philippe Boucher and Adam Shostack and Ian Goldberg},
-  institution = {Zero Knowledge Systems, {Inc.}},
-  year = {2000},
-  month = {December},
-  type = {White Paper},
-  day = {18},
-  title = {Freedom Systems 2.1 Security Issues and Analysis},
-  author = {Adam Back and Ian Goldberg and Adam Shostack},
-  institution = {Zero Knowledge Systems, {Inc.}},
-  year = {2001},
-  month = {May},
-  type = {White Paper},
-  title = {Wide-area cooperative storage with {CFS}},
-  author = {Frank Dabek and M. Frans Kaashoek and David Karger and Robert Morris and Ion Stoica},
-  booktitle = {18th {ACM} {S}ymposium on {O}perating {S}ystems {P}rinciples ({SOSP} '01)},
-  year = {2001},
-  month = {October},
-  address = {Chateau Lake Louise, Banff, Canada},
-  title = {Passive Attack Analysis for Connection-Based Anonymity Systems},
-  author = {Andrei Serjantov and Peter Sewell},
-  booktitle = {Computer Security -- ESORICS 2003},
-  publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2808},
-  year = {2003},
-  month = {October},
-  %note = {\url{}},
-   author =      {M. Bellare and A. Desai and D. Pointcheval and P. Rogaway},
-   title =       {Relations Among Notions of Security for Public-Key Encryption
-                  Schemes},
-   howpublished = {
-                  Extended abstract in {\em Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '98}, LNCS Vol. 1462.
-                  Springer-Verlag, 1998.
-                  Full version available from \newline \url{}},
-  author =      {Roger Dingledine and Michael J. Freedman and David
-                  Hopwood and David Molnar},
-  title =       {{A Reputation System to Increase MIX-net
-                  Reliability}},
-  booktitle =   {Information Hiding (IH 2001)},
-  pages =       {126--141},
-  year =        2001,
-  editor =      {Ira S. Moskowitz},
-  publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2137},
-  %note =        {\url{}},
-   author =      {Roger Dingledine and Paul Syverson},
-   title =       {{Reliable MIX Cascade Networks through Reputation}},
-  booktitle =    {Financial Cryptography},
-  year =         2002,
-  editor =       {Matt Blaze},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2357},
-  %note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {Zhou and Gollmann},
-   title =       {Certified Electronic Mail},
-   booktitle =   {{ESORICS: European Symposium on Research in Computer
-                  Security}},
-   publisher =   {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1146},
-   year =        {1996},
-   note =        {\newline \url{}},
-   author =      {Anja Jerichow and Jan M\"uller and Andreas Pfitzmann and
-                  Birgit Pfitzmann and Michael Waidner},
-   title =       {{Real-Time MIXes: A Bandwidth-Efficient Anonymity Protocol}},
-   howpublished = {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 1998.},
-   note =        {\url{}},
-  author =       {George Danezis},
-  title =        {Mix-networks with Restricted Routes},
-  booktitle =    {Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2003)},
-  year =         2003,
-  editor =       {Roger Dingledine},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag LNCS 2760}
-  author =       {Krista Bennett and Christian Grothoff},
-  title =        {{GAP} -- practical anonymous networking},
-  booktitle =    {Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2003)},
-  year =         2003,
-  editor =       {Roger Dingledine},
-  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag LNCS 2760}
-  author =       {Brian Neal Levine and Clay Shields},
-  title =        {Hordes: A Multicast-Based Protocol for Anonymity},
-  journal =      {Journal of Computer Security},
-  year =         2002,
-  volume =       10,
-  number =       3,
-  pages =        {213--240}
-  author =       {Sharad Goel and Mark Robson and Milo Polte and Emin G\"{u}n Sirer},
-  title =        {Herbivore: A Scalable and Efficient Protocol for Anonymous Communication},
-  institution =  {Cornell University Computing and Information Science},
-  year =         2003,
-  type =         {Technical Report},
-  number =       {TR2003-1890},
-  month =        {February}
-  author =       {Rob Sherwood and Bobby Bhattacharjee and Aravind Srinivasan},
-  title =        {$P^5$: A Protocol for Scalable Anonymous Communication},
-  booktitle =    {IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy},
-  pages =        {58--70},
-  year =         2002,
-  publisher =    {IEEE CS}
-  title = {A Pseudonymous Communications Infrastructure for the Internet},
-  author = {Ian Goldberg},
-  school = {UC Berkeley},
-  year = {2000},
-  month = {Dec},
-  author =       {Ian Goldberg and David Wagner},
-  title =        {TAZ Servers and the Rewebber Network: Enabling
-                  Anonymous Publishing on the World Wide Web},
-  journal =      {First Monday},
-  year =         1998,
-  volume =       3,
-  number =       4,
-  month =        {August},
-  note =         {\url{}}
-  key =          {tcp-over-tcp-is-bad},
-  title =        {Why {TCP} Over {TCP} Is A Bad Idea},
-  author =       {Olaf Titz},
-  note =         {\url{}}
-  title = {An Analysis of the Degradation of Anonymous Protocols},
-  author = {Matthew Wright and Micah Adler and Brian Neil Levine and Clay Shields},
-  booktitle = {{Network and Distributed Security Symposium (NDSS 02)}},
-  year = {2002},
-  month = {February},
-  publisher = {IEEE},
-  title = {Defending Anonymous Communication Against Passive Logging Attacks},
-  author = {Matthew Wright and Micah Adler and Brian Neil Levine and Clay Shields},
-  booktitle = {IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy},
-  pages= {28--41},
-  year = {2003},
-  month = {May},
-  publisher = {IEEE CS},
-  author = 	 {Steven J. Murdoch and George Danezis},
-  title = 	 {Low-cost Traffic Analysis of {T}or},
-  booktitle = 	 {IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy},
-  year =	 2005,
-  month =	 {May},
-  publisher =	 {IEEE CS}
-  author={{The AN.ON Project}},
-  howpublished={Press release},
-  year={2003},
-  month={September},
-  title={German Police proceeds against anonymity service},
-  note={\url{}}
-  title = {Using Caching for Browsing Anonymity},
-  author = {Anna Shubina and Sean Smith},
-  journal = {ACM SIGEcom Exchanges},
-  volume = {4},
-  number = {2},
-  year = {2003},
-  month = {Sept},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  title = {Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router},
-  author = {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson and Paul Syverson},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Security Symposium},
-  year = {2004},
-  month = {August},
-  note = {\url{}}
-  title = {On Flow Correlation Attacks and Countermeasures in Mix Networks},
-  author = {Ye Zhu and Xinwen Fu and Bryan Graham and Riccardo Bettati and Wei Zhao},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies workshop (PET 2004)},
-  year = {2004},
-  month = {May},
-  series = {LNCS},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  author = "George Danezis",
-  title = "The Traffic Analysis of Continuous-Time Mixes",
-  booktitle= {Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2004)},
-  editor = {David Martin and Andrei Serjantov},
-  month = {May},
-  year = {2004},
-  series = {LNCS},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  title = {Location Diversity in Anonymity Networks},
-  author = {Nick Feamster and Roger Dingledine},
-  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2004)}},
-  year = {2004},
-  month = {October},
-  address = {Washington, DC, USA},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  title = {How to Achieve Blocking Resistance for Existing Systems Enabling Anonymous Web Surfing},
-  author = {Stefan K\"opsell and Ulf Hilling},
-  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2004)}},
-  year = {2004},
-  month = {October},
-  address = {Washington, DC, USA},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  title = {Synchronous Batching: From Cascades to Free Routes},
-  author = {Roger Dingledine and Vitaly Shmatikov and Paul Syverson},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies workshop (PET 2004)},
-  editor = {David Martin and Andrei Serjantov},
-  year = {2004},
-  month = {May},
-  series = {LNCS},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  author = "Nick Mathewson and Roger Dingledine",
-  title = "Practical Traffic Analysis: Extending and Resisting Statistical Disclosure",
-  booktitle= {Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2004)},
-  editor = {David Martin and Andrei Serjantov},
-  month = {May},
-  year = {2004},
-  series = {LNCS},
-  note = {\url{}},
-   author =      {E. Rescorla and N. Modadugu},
-   title =       {{Datagram Transport Layer Security}},
-   howpublished = {IETF Draft},
-   month =       {December},
-   year =        {2003},
-   note =        {\url{}},
-   author={Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson},
-   title={Anonymity Loves Company: Usability and the Network Effect},
-   booktitle = {Designing Security Systems That People Can Use},
-   year = {2005},
-   publisher = {O'Reilly Media},
-  title = {Anonymity Loves Company: Usability and the Network Effect},
-  author = {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on the Economics of Information Security
-        (WEIS 2006)},
-  year = {2006},
-  month = {June},
-  address = {Cambridge, UK},
-  bookurl = {},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  key =          {six-four},
-  title =        {{The Six/Four System}},
-  note =         {\url{}}
-  title = {Ignoring the Great Firewall of China},
-  author = {Richard Clayton and Steven J. Murdoch and Robert N. M. Watson},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2006)},
-  year = {2006},
-  month = {June},
-  address = {Cambridge, UK},
-  publisher = {Springer},
-  bookurl = {},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  key =          {zuckerman-threatmodels},
-  title =        {We've got to adjust some of our threat models},
-  author =       {Ethan Zuckerman},
-  note =         {\url{}}
-  key =          {cgiproxy},
-  title =        {{CGIProxy: HTTP/FTP Proxy in a CGI Script}},
-  author =       {James Marshall},
-  note =         {\url{}}
-  key =          {circumventor},
-  title =        {{How to install the Circumventor program}},
-  author =       {Bennett Haselton},
-  note =         {\url{}}
-  key =          {psiphon},
-  title =        {Psiphon},
-  author =       {Ronald Deibert et al},
-  note =         {\url{}}
-@InProceedings{tcpstego,                                                                    author =       {Steven J. Murdoch and Stephen Lewis},
-  title =        {Embedding Covert Channels into {TCP/IP}},
-  booktitle = {Information Hiding: 7th International Workshop},
-  pages  =       {247--261},
-  year =         {2005},
-  editor =       {Mauro Barni and Jordi Herrera-Joancomart\'{\i} and
-Stefan Katzenbeisser and Fernando P\'{e}rez-Gonz\'{a}lez},
-  volume =       {3727},
-  series =       {LNCS},
-  address =      {Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain)},
-  month =        {June},
-  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
-  url = {}
-  title = {Perspective Access Networks},
-  author = {Geoffrey Goodell},
-  school = {Harvard University},
-  year = {2006},
-  month = {July},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  title = {On the Security of the Tor Authentication Protocol},
-  author = {Ian Goldberg},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET 2006)},
-  year = {2006},
-  month = {June},
-  address = {Cambridge, UK},
-  publisher = {Springer},
-  bookurl = {},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  title = {{Reputation in P2P Anonymity Systems}},
-  author = {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson and Paul Syverson},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems},
-  year = {2003},
-  month = {June},
-  note = {\url{}},
-   author       = {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson and Paul Syverson},
-   title        = {Challenges in deploying low-latency anonymity},
-   year         = {2005},
-   note         = {Manuscript}
-  author =       {David Chaum},
-  title =        {Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments},
-  booktitle =    {Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of Crypto 82},
-  pages =        {199--203},
-  year =         1983,
-  editor =       {D. Chaum and R.L. Rivest and A.T. Sherman},
-  publisher =    {Plenum Press}
-  author = {Geoffrey Goodell and Paul Syverson},
-  title = {The Right Place at the Right Time: Examining the use of network location in authentication and abuse prevention},
-  journal = 	 {Communications of the ACM},
-  year = 	 2007,
-  volume = 	 50,
-  number = 	 5,
-  pages = 	 {113--117},
-  month = 	 {May}
-  key = {ip-to-country},
-  title = {IP-to-country database},
-  note = {\url{}},
-  author = {Rebecca MacKinnon},
-  title = {Private communication},
-  year = {2006},
-  title = {Privacy Vulnerabilities in Encrypted HTTP Streams},
-  author = {George Dean Bissias and Marc Liberatore and Brian Neil Levine},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies workshop (PET 2005)},
-  year = {2005},
-  month = {May},
-  note = {\url{}},
-   author =      {Nick Feamster and Magdalena Balazinska and Greg Harfst and Hari Balakrishnan and David Karger},
-   title =       {Infranet: Circumventing Web Censorship and Surveillance},
-   booktitle =   {Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Security Symposium},
-   year =        {2002},
-   month =       {August},
-   note = {\url{}},
-@techreport{ ptacek98insertion,
-  author = "Thomas H. Ptacek and Timothy N. Newsham",
-  title = "Insertion, Evasion, and Denial of Service: Eluding Network Intrusion Detection",
-  institution = "Secure Networks, Inc.",
-  address = "Suite 330, 1201 5th Street S.W, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2R-0Y6",
-  year = "1998",
-  url = "",
-  author = "Gina Fisk and Mike Fisk and Christos Papadopoulos and Joshua Neil",
-  title = "Eliminating Steganography in Internet Traffic with Active Wardens",
-  booktitle = {Information Hiding Workshop (IH 2002)},
-  year = {2002},
-  month = {October},
-  editor = {Fabien Petitcolas},
-  publisher = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2578},
-  title = {Don't Clog the Queue: Circuit Clogging and Mitigation in {P2P} anonymity schemes},
-  author = {Jon McLachlan and Nicholas Hopper},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of Financial Cryptography (FC '08)},
-  year = {2008},
-  month = {January},
-  title = {A Tune-up for {Tor}: Improving Security and Performance in the {Tor} Network},
-  author = {Robin Snader and Nikita Borisov},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Network and Distributed Security Symposium - {NDSS} '08},
-  year = {2008},
-  month = {February},
-  publisher = {Internet Society},
-  title = {Metrics for Security and Performance in Low-Latency Anonymity Networks},
-  author = {Steven J. Murdoch and Robert N. M. Watson},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETS 2008)},
-  year = {2008},
-  month = {July},
-  address = {Leuven, Belgium},
-  pages = {115--132},
-  editor = {Nikita Borisov and Ian Goldberg},
-  publisher = {Springer},
-  bookurl = {},
-  title = {Bridging and Fingerprinting: Epistemic Attacks on Route Selection},
-  author = {George Danezis and Paul Syverson},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETS 2008)},
-  year = {2008},
-  month = {July},
-  address = {Leuven, Belgium},
-  pages = {133--150},
-  editor = {Nikita Borisov and Ian Goldberg},
-  publisher = {Springer},
-  bookurl = {},
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-<title> Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router </title>
-<h1 align="center">Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router </h1> 
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<h3 align="center">
-Roger Dingledine, The Free Haven Project, <tt></tt><br>
-Nick Mathewson, The Free Haven Project, <tt></tt><br>
-Paul Syverson, Naval Research Lab, <tt></tt> </h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<h2> Abstract</h2>
-We present Tor, a circuit-based low-latency anonymous communication
-service. This second-generation Onion Routing system addresses limitations
-in the original design by adding perfect forward secrecy, congestion
-control, directory servers, integrity checking, configurable exit policies,
-and a practical design for location-hidden services via rendezvous
-points. Tor works on the real-world
-Internet, requires no special privileges or kernel modifications, requires
-little synchronization or coordination between nodes, and provides a
-reasonable tradeoff between anonymity, usability, and efficiency.
-We briefly describe our experiences with an international network of
-more than 30 nodes. We close with a list of open problems in anonymous communication.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc1">
-<a name="sec:intro">
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Onion Routing is a distributed overlay network designed to anonymize
-TCP-based applications like web browsing, secure shell,
-and instant messaging. Clients choose a path through the network and
-build a <em>circuit</em>, in which each node (or "onion router" or "OR")
-in the path knows its predecessor and successor, but no other nodes in
-the circuit.  Traffic flows down the circuit in fixed-size
-<em>cells</em>, which are unwrapped by a symmetric key at each node
-(like the layers of an onion) and relayed downstream. The
-Onion Routing project published several design and analysis
-papers [<a href="#or-ih96" name="CITEor-ih96">27</a>,<a href="#or-jsac98" name="CITEor-jsac98">41</a>,<a href="#or-discex00" name="CITEor-discex00">48</a>,<a href="#or-pet00" name="CITEor-pet00">49</a>]. While a wide area Onion
-Routing network was deployed briefly, the only long-running
-public implementation was a fragile
-proof-of-concept that ran on a single machine. Even this simple deployment
-processed connections from over sixty thousand distinct IP addresses from
-all over the world at a rate of about fifty thousand per day.
-But many critical design and deployment issues were never
-resolved, and the design has not been updated in years. Here
-we describe Tor, a protocol for asynchronous, loosely federated onion
-routers that provides the following improvements over the old Onion
-Routing design:
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Perfect forward secrecy:</b> In the original Onion Routing design,
-a single hostile node could record traffic and
-later compromise successive nodes in the circuit and force them
-to decrypt it. Rather than using a single multiply encrypted data
-structure (an <em>onion</em>) to lay each circuit,
-Tor now uses an incremental or <em>telescoping</em> path-building design,
-where the initiator negotiates session keys with each successive hop in
-the circuit.  Once these keys are deleted, subsequently compromised nodes
-cannot decrypt old traffic.  As a side benefit, onion replay detection
-is no longer necessary, and the process of building circuits is more
-reliable, since the initiator knows when a hop fails and can then try
-extending to a new node.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Separation of "protocol cleaning" from anonymity:</b>
-Onion Routing originally required a separate "application
-proxy" for each supported application protocol &mdash; most of which were
-never written, so many applications were never supported.  Tor uses the
-standard and near-ubiquitous SOCKS&nbsp;[<a href="#socks4" name="CITEsocks4">32</a>] proxy interface, allowing
-us to support most TCP-based programs without modification.  Tor now
-relies on the filtering features of privacy-enhancing
-application-level proxies such as Privoxy&nbsp;[<a href="#privoxy" name="CITEprivoxy">39</a>], without trying
-to duplicate those features itself.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>No mixing, padding, or traffic shaping (yet):</b> Onion
-Routing originally called for batching and reordering cells as they arrived,
-assumed padding between ORs, and in
-later designs added padding between onion proxies (users) and
-ORs&nbsp;[<a href="#or-ih96" name="CITEor-ih96">27</a>,<a href="#or-jsac98" name="CITEor-jsac98">41</a>].  Tradeoffs between padding protection
-and cost were discussed, and <em>traffic shaping</em> algorithms were
-theorized&nbsp;[<a href="#or-pet00" name="CITEor-pet00">49</a>] to provide good security without expensive
-padding, but no concrete padding scheme was suggested.
-Recent research&nbsp;[<a href="#econymics" name="CITEeconymics">1</a>]
-and deployment experience&nbsp;[<a href="#freedom21-security" name="CITEfreedom21-security">4</a>] suggest that this
-level of resource use is not practical or economical; and even full
-link padding is still vulnerable&nbsp;[<a href="#defensive-dropping" name="CITEdefensive-dropping">33</a>]. Thus,
-until we have a proven and convenient design for traffic shaping or
-low-latency mixing that improves anonymity against a realistic
-adversary, we leave these strategies out.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Many TCP streams can share one circuit:</b> Onion Routing originally
-built a separate circuit for each
-application-level request, but this required
-multiple public key operations for every request, and also presented
-a threat to anonymity from building so many circuits; see
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:maintaining-anonymity">9</a>.  Tor multiplexes multiple TCP
-streams along each circuit to improve efficiency and anonymity.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Leaky-pipe circuit topology:</b> Through in-band signaling
-within the circuit, Tor initiators can direct traffic to nodes partway
-down the circuit. This novel approach
-allows traffic to exit the circuit from the middle &mdash; possibly
-frustrating traffic shape and volume attacks based on observing the end
-of the circuit. (It also allows for long-range padding if
-future research shows this to be worthwhile.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Congestion control:</b> Earlier anonymity designs do not
-address traffic bottlenecks. Unfortunately, typical approaches to
-load balancing and flow control in overlay networks involve inter-node
-control communication and global views of traffic. Tor's decentralized
-congestion control uses end-to-end acks to maintain anonymity
-while allowing nodes at the edges of the network to detect congestion
-or flooding and send less data until the congestion subsides.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Directory servers:</b> The earlier Onion Routing design
-planned to flood state information through the network &mdash; an approach
-that can be unreliable and complex. Tor takes a simplified view toward distributing this
-information. Certain more trusted nodes act as <em>directory
-servers</em>: they provide signed directories describing known
-routers and their current state. Users periodically download them
-via HTTP.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Variable exit policies:</b> Tor provides a consistent mechanism
-for each node to advertise a policy describing the hosts
-and ports to which it will connect. These exit policies are critical
-in a volunteer-based distributed infrastructure, because each operator
-is comfortable with allowing different types of traffic to exit
-from his node.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>End-to-end integrity checking:</b> The original Onion Routing
-design did no integrity checking on data. Any node on the
-circuit could change the contents of data cells as they passed by &mdash; for
-example, to alter a connection request so it would connect
-to a different webserver, or to `tag' encrypted traffic and look for
-corresponding corrupted traffic at the network edges&nbsp;[<a href="#minion-design" name="CITEminion-design">15</a>].
-Tor hampers these attacks by verifying data integrity before it leaves
-the network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Rendezvous points and hidden services:</b>
-Tor provides an integrated mechanism for responder anonymity via
-location-protected servers.  Previous Onion Routing designs included
-long-lived "reply onions" that could be used to build circuits
-to a hidden server, but these reply onions did not provide forward
-security, and became useless if any node in the path went down
-or rotated its keys.  In Tor, clients negotiate <i>rendezvous points</i>
-to connect with hidden servers; reply onions are no longer required.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Unlike Freedom&nbsp;[<a href="#freedom2-arch" name="CITEfreedom2-arch">8</a>], Tor does not require OS kernel
-patches or network stack support.  This prevents us from anonymizing
-non-TCP protocols, but has greatly helped our portability and
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We have implemented all of the above features, including rendezvous
-points. Our source code is
-available under a free license, and Tor
-is not covered by the patent that affected distribution and use of
-earlier versions of Onion Routing.
-We have deployed a wide-area alpha network
-to test the design, to get more experience with usability
-and users, and to provide a research platform for experimentation.
-As of this writing, the network stands at 32 nodes spread over two continents.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We review previous work in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:related-work">2</a>, describe
-our goals and assumptions in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:assumptions">3</a>,
-and then address the above list of improvements in
-Sections&nbsp;<a href="#sec:design">4</a>,&nbsp;<a href="#sec:rendezvous">5</a>, and&nbsp;<a href="#sec:other-design">6</a>.
-We summarize
-in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:attacks">7</a> how our design stands up to
-known attacks, and talk about our early deployment experiences in
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:in-the-wild">8</a>. We conclude with a list of open problems in
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:maintaining-anonymity">9</a> and future work for the Onion
-Routing project in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:conclusion">10</a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc2">
-<a name="sec:related-work">
-2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Related work</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Modern anonymity systems date to Chaum's <b>Mix-Net</b>
-design&nbsp;[<a href="#chaum-mix" name="CITEchaum-mix">10</a>]. Chaum
-proposed hiding the correspondence between sender and recipient by
-wrapping messages in layers of public-key cryptography, and relaying them
-through a path composed of "mixes."  Each mix in turn
-decrypts, delays, and re-orders messages before relaying them
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Subsequent relay-based anonymity designs have diverged in two
-main directions. Systems like <b>Babel</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#babel" name="CITEbabel">28</a>],
-<b>Mixmaster</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#mixmaster-spec" name="CITEmixmaster-spec">36</a>],
-and <b>Mixminion</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#minion-design" name="CITEminion-design">15</a>] have tried
-to maximize anonymity at the cost of introducing comparatively large and
-variable latencies. Because of this decision, these <em>high-latency</em>
-networks resist strong global adversaries,
-but introduce too much lag for interactive tasks like web browsing,
-Internet chat, or SSH connections.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Tor belongs to the second category: <em>low-latency</em> designs that
-try to anonymize interactive network traffic. These systems handle
-a variety of bidirectional protocols. They also provide more convenient
-mail delivery than the high-latency anonymous email
-networks, because the remote mail server provides explicit and timely
-delivery confirmation. But because these designs typically
-involve many packets that must be delivered quickly, it is
-difficult for them to prevent an attacker who can eavesdrop both ends of the
-communication from correlating the timing and volume
-of traffic entering the anonymity network with traffic leaving it&nbsp;[<a href="#SS03" name="CITESS03">45</a>].
-protocols are similarly vulnerable to an active adversary who introduces
-timing patterns into traffic entering the network and looks
-for correlated patterns among exiting traffic.
-Although some work has been done to frustrate these attacks, most designs
-protect primarily against traffic analysis rather than traffic
-confirmation (see Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:threat-model">3.1</a>).
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The simplest low-latency designs are single-hop proxies such as the
-<b>Anonymizer</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#anonymizer" name="CITEanonymizer">3</a>]: a single trusted server strips the
-data's origin before relaying it.  These designs are easy to
-analyze, but users must trust the anonymizing proxy.
-Concentrating the traffic to this single point increases the anonymity set
-(the people a given user is hiding among), but it is vulnerable if the
-adversary can observe all traffic entering and leaving the proxy.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-More complex are distributed-trust, circuit-based anonymizing systems.
-In these designs, a user establishes one or more medium-term bidirectional
-end-to-end circuits, and tunnels data in fixed-size cells.
-Establishing circuits is computationally expensive and typically
-requires public-key
-cryptography, whereas relaying cells is comparatively inexpensive and
-typically requires only symmetric encryption.
-Because a circuit crosses several servers, and each server only knows
-the adjacent servers in the circuit, no single server can link a
-user to her communication partners.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The <b>Java Anon Proxy</b> (also known as JAP or Web MIXes) uses fixed shared
-routes known as <em>cascades</em>.  As with a single-hop proxy, this
-approach aggregates users into larger anonymity sets, but again an
-attacker only needs to observe both ends of the cascade to bridge all
-the system's traffic.  The Java Anon Proxy's design
-calls for padding between end users and the head of the
-cascade&nbsp;[<a href="#web-mix" name="CITEweb-mix">7</a>]. However, it is not demonstrated whether the current
-implementation's padding policy improves anonymity.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>PipeNet</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#back01" name="CITEback01">5</a>,<a href="#pipenet" name="CITEpipenet">12</a>], another low-latency design proposed
-around the same time as Onion Routing, gave
-stronger anonymity but allowed a single user to shut
-down the network by not sending. Systems like <b>ISDN
-mixes</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#isdn-mixes" name="CITEisdn-mixes">38</a>] were designed for other environments with
-different assumptions.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In P2P designs like <b>Tarzan</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#tarzan:ccs02" name="CITEtarzan:ccs02">24</a>] and
-<b>MorphMix</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#morphmix:fc04" name="CITEmorphmix:fc04">43</a>], all participants both generate
-traffic and relay traffic for others. These systems aim to conceal
-whether a given peer originated a request
-or just relayed it from another peer. While Tarzan and MorphMix use
-layered encryption as above, <b>Crowds</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#crowds-tissec" name="CITEcrowds-tissec">42</a>] simply assumes
-an adversary who cannot observe the initiator: it uses no public-key
-encryption, so any node on a circuit can read users' traffic.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Hordes</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#hordes-jcs" name="CITEhordes-jcs">34</a>] is based on Crowds but also uses multicast
-responses to hide the initiator. <b>Herbivore</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#herbivore" name="CITEherbivore">25</a>] and
-<b>P</b><sup><b>5</b></sup>&nbsp;[<a href="#p5" name="CITEp5">46</a>] go even further, requiring broadcast.
-These systems are designed primarily for communication among peers,
-although Herbivore users can make external connections by
-requesting a peer to serve as a proxy.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Systems like <b>Freedom</b> and the original Onion Routing build circuits
-all at once, using a layered "onion" of public-key encrypted messages,
-each layer of which provides session keys and the address of the
-next server in the circuit. Tor as described herein, Tarzan, MorphMix,
-<b>Cebolla</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#cebolla" name="CITEcebolla">9</a>], and Rennhard's <b>Anonymity Network</b>&nbsp;[<a href="#anonnet" name="CITEanonnet">44</a>]
-build circuits
-in stages, extending them one hop at a time.
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsubsec:constructing-a-circuit">4.2</a> describes how this
-approach enables perfect forward secrecy.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Circuit-based designs must choose which protocol layer
-to anonymize. They may intercept IP packets directly, and
-relay them whole (stripping the source address) along the
-circuit&nbsp;[<a href="#freedom2-arch" name="CITEfreedom2-arch">8</a>,<a href="#tarzan:ccs02" name="CITEtarzan:ccs02">24</a>].  Like
-Tor, they may accept TCP streams and relay the data in those streams,
-ignoring the breakdown of that data into TCP
-segments&nbsp;[<a href="#morphmix:fc04" name="CITEmorphmix:fc04">43</a>,<a href="#anonnet" name="CITEanonnet">44</a>]. Finally, like Crowds, they may accept
-application-level protocols such as HTTP and relay the application
-requests themselves.
-Making this protocol-layer decision requires a compromise between flexibility
-and anonymity.  For example, a system that understands HTTP
-can strip
-identifying information from requests, can take advantage of caching
-to limit the number of requests that leave the network, and can batch
-or encode requests to minimize the number of connections.
-On the other hand, an IP-level anonymizer can handle nearly any protocol,
-even ones unforeseen by its designers (though these systems require
-kernel-level modifications to some operating systems, and so are more
-complex and less portable). TCP-level anonymity networks like Tor present
-a middle approach: they are application neutral (so long as the
-application supports, or can be tunneled across, TCP), but by treating
-application connections as data streams rather than raw TCP packets,
-they avoid the inefficiencies of tunneling TCP over
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Distributed-trust anonymizing systems need to prevent attackers from
-adding too many servers and thus compromising user paths.
-Tor relies on a small set of well-known directory servers, run by
-independent parties, to decide which nodes can
-join. Tarzan and MorphMix allow unknown users to run servers, and use
-a limited resource (like IP addresses) to prevent an attacker from
-controlling too much of the network.  Crowds suggests requiring
-written, notarized requests from potential crowd members.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Anonymous communication is essential for censorship-resistant
-systems like Eternity&nbsp;[<a href="#eternity" name="CITEeternity">2</a>], Free&nbsp;Haven&nbsp;[<a href="#freehaven-berk" name="CITEfreehaven-berk">19</a>],
-Publius&nbsp;[<a href="#publius" name="CITEpublius">53</a>], and Tangler&nbsp;[<a href="#tangler" name="CITEtangler">52</a>]. Tor's rendezvous
-points enable connections between mutually anonymous entities; they
-are a building block for location-hidden servers, which are needed by
-Eternity and Free&nbsp;Haven.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc3">
-<a name="sec:assumptions">
-3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Design goals and assumptions</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<font size="+1"><b>Goals</b></font><br />
-Like other low-latency anonymity designs, Tor seeks to frustrate
-attackers from linking communication partners, or from linking
-multiple communications to or from a single user.  Within this
-main goal, however, several considerations have directed
-Tor's evolution.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Deployability:</b> The design must be deployed and used in the
-real world.  Thus it
-must not be expensive to run (for example, by requiring more bandwidth
-than volunteers are willing to provide); must not place a heavy
-liability burden on operators (for example, by allowing attackers to
-implicate onion routers in illegal activities); and must not be
-difficult or expensive to implement (for example, by requiring kernel
-patches, or separate proxies for every protocol).  We also cannot
-require non-anonymous parties (such as websites)
-to run our software.  (Our rendezvous point design does not meet
-this goal for non-anonymous users talking to hidden servers,
-however; see Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:rendezvous">5</a>.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Usability:</b> A hard-to-use system has fewer users &mdash; and because
-anonymity systems hide users among users, a system with fewer users
-provides less anonymity.  Usability is thus not only a convenience:
-it is a security requirement&nbsp;[<a href="#econymics" name="CITEeconymics">1</a>,<a href="#back01" name="CITEback01">5</a>]. Tor should
-therefore not
-require modifying familiar applications; should not introduce prohibitive
-and should require as few configuration decisions
-as possible.  Finally, Tor should be easily implementable on all common
-platforms; we cannot require users to change their operating system
-to be anonymous.  (Tor currently runs on Win32, Linux,
-Solaris, BSD-style Unix, MacOS X, and probably others.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Flexibility:</b> The protocol must be flexible and well-specified,
-so Tor can serve as a test-bed for future research.
-Many of the open problems in low-latency anonymity
-networks, such as generating dummy traffic or preventing Sybil
-attacks&nbsp;[<a href="#sybil" name="CITEsybil">22</a>], may be solvable independently from the issues
-solved by
-Tor. Hopefully future systems will not need to reinvent Tor's design.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Simple design:</b> The protocol's design and security
-parameters must be well-understood. Additional features impose implementation
-and complexity costs; adding unproven techniques to the design threatens
-deployability, readability, and ease of security analysis. Tor aims to
-deploy a simple and stable system that integrates the best accepted
-approaches to protecting anonymity.<br />
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<font size="+1"><b>Non-goals</b></font><a name="subsec:non-goals">
-</a><br />
-In favoring simple, deployable designs, we have explicitly deferred
-several possible goals, either because they are solved elsewhere, or because
-they are not yet solved.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Not peer-to-peer:</b> Tarzan and MorphMix aim to scale to completely
-decentralized peer-to-peer environments with thousands of short-lived
-servers, many of which may be controlled by an adversary.  This approach
-is appealing, but still has many open
-problems&nbsp;[<a href="#tarzan:ccs02" name="CITEtarzan:ccs02">24</a>,<a href="#morphmix:fc04" name="CITEmorphmix:fc04">43</a>].
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Not secure against end-to-end attacks:</b> Tor does not claim
-to completely solve end-to-end timing or intersection
-attacks. Some approaches, such as having users run their own onion routers,
-may help;
-see Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:maintaining-anonymity">9</a> for more discussion.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>No protocol normalization:</b> Tor does not provide <em>protocol
-normalization</em> like Privoxy or the Anonymizer. If senders want anonymity from
-responders while using complex and variable
-protocols like HTTP, Tor must be layered with a filtering proxy such
-as Privoxy to hide differences between clients, and expunge protocol
-features that leak identity.
-Note that by this separation Tor can also provide services that
-are anonymous to the network yet authenticated to the responder, like
-SSH. Similarly, Tor does not integrate
-tunneling for non-stream-based protocols like UDP; this must be
-provided by an external service if appropriate.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Not steganographic:</b> Tor does not try to conceal who is connected
-to the network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc3.1">
-<a name="subsec:threat-model">
-3.1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Threat Model</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-A global passive adversary is the most commonly assumed threat when
-analyzing theoretical anonymity designs. But like all practical
-low-latency systems, Tor does not protect against such a strong
-adversary. Instead, we assume an adversary who can observe some fraction
-of network traffic; who can generate, modify, delete, or delay
-traffic;  who can operate onion routers of his own; and who can
-compromise some fraction of the onion routers.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In low-latency anonymity systems that use layered encryption, the
-adversary's typical goal is to observe both the initiator and the
-responder. By observing both ends, passive attackers can confirm a
-suspicion that Alice is
-talking to Bob if the timing and volume patterns of the traffic on the
-connection are distinct enough; active attackers can induce timing
-signatures on the traffic to force distinct patterns. Rather
-than focusing on these <em>traffic confirmation</em> attacks,
-we aim to prevent <em>traffic
-analysis</em> attacks, where the adversary uses traffic patterns to learn
-which points in the network he should attack.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Our adversary might try to link an initiator Alice with her
-communication partners, or try to build a profile of Alice's
-behavior. He might mount passive attacks by observing the network edges
-and correlating traffic entering and leaving the network &mdash; by
-relationships in packet timing, volume, or externally visible
-options. The adversary can also mount active attacks by compromising
-routers or keys; by replaying traffic; by selectively denying service
-to trustworthy routers to move users to
-compromised routers, or denying service to users to see if traffic
-elsewhere in the
-network stops; or by introducing patterns into traffic that can later be
-detected. The adversary might subvert the directory servers to give users
-differing views of network state. Additionally, he can try to decrease
-the network's reliability by attacking nodes or by performing antisocial
-activities from reliable nodes and trying to get them taken down &mdash; making
-the network unreliable flushes users to other less anonymous
-systems, where they may be easier to attack. We summarize
-in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:attacks">7</a> how well the Tor design defends against
-each of these attacks.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc4">
-<a name="sec:design">
-4</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;The Tor Design</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The Tor network is an overlay network; each onion router (OR)
-runs as a normal
-user-level process without any special privileges.
-Each onion router maintains a TLS&nbsp;[<a href="#TLS" name="CITETLS">17</a>]
-connection to every other onion router.
-Each user
-runs local software called an onion proxy (OP) to fetch directories,
-establish circuits across the network,
-and handle connections from user applications.  These onion proxies accept
-TCP streams and multiplex them across the circuits. The onion
-router on the other side
-of the circuit connects to the requested destinations
-and relays data.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Each onion router maintains a long-term identity key and a short-term
-onion key. The identity
-key is used to sign TLS certificates, to sign the OR's <em>router
-descriptor</em> (a summary of its keys, address, bandwidth, exit policy,
-and so on), and (by directory servers) to sign directories. The onion key is used to decrypt requests
-from users to set up a circuit and negotiate ephemeral keys. 
-The TLS protocol also establishes a short-term link key when communicating
-between ORs. Short-term keys are rotated periodically and
-independently, to limit the impact of key compromise.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:cells">4.1</a> presents the fixed-size
-<em>cells</em> that are the unit of communication in Tor. We describe
-in Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:circuits">4.2</a> how circuits are
-built, extended, truncated, and destroyed. Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:tcp">4.3</a>
-describes how TCP streams are routed through the network.  We address
-integrity checking in Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:integrity-checking">4.4</a>,
-and resource limiting in Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:rate-limit">4.5</a>.
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:congestion">4.6</a> talks about congestion control and
-fairness issues.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.1">
-<a name="subsec:cells">
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Onion routers communicate with one another, and with users' OPs, via
-TLS connections with ephemeral keys.  Using TLS conceals the data on
-the connection with perfect forward secrecy, and prevents an attacker
-from modifying data on the wire or impersonating an OR.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Traffic passes along these connections in fixed-size cells.  Each cell
-is 512 bytes, and consists of a header and a payload. The header includes a circuit
-identifier (circID) that specifies which circuit the cell refers to
-(many circuits can be multiplexed over the single TLS connection), and
-a command to describe what to do with the cell's payload.  (Circuit
-identifiers are connection-specific: each circuit has a different
-circID on each OP/OR or OR/OR connection it traverses.)
-Based on their command, cells are either <em>control</em> cells, which are
-always interpreted by the node that receives them, or <em>relay</em> cells,
-which carry end-to-end stream data.   The control cell commands are:
-<em>padding</em> (currently used for keepalive, but also usable for link
-padding); <em>create</em> or <em>created</em> (used to set up a new circuit);
-and <em>destroy</em> (to tear down a circuit).
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Relay cells have an additional header (the relay header) at the front
-of the payload, containing a streamID (stream identifier: many streams can
-be multiplexed over a circuit); an end-to-end checksum for integrity
-checking; the length of the relay payload; and a relay command.
-The entire contents of the relay header and the relay cell payload
-are encrypted or decrypted together as the relay cell moves along the
-circuit, using the 128-bit AES cipher in counter mode to generate a
-cipher stream.  The relay commands are: <em>relay
-data</em> (for data flowing down the stream), <em>relay begin</em> (to open a
-stream), <em>relay end</em> (to close a stream cleanly), <em>relay
-teardown</em> (to close a broken stream), <em>relay connected</em>
-(to notify the OP that a relay begin has succeeded), <em>relay
-extend</em> and <em>relay extended</em> (to extend the circuit by a hop,
-and to acknowledge), <em>relay truncate</em> and <em>relay truncated</em>
-(to tear down only part of the circuit, and to acknowledge), <em>relay
-sendme</em> (used for congestion control), and <em>relay drop</em> (used to
-implement long-range dummies).
-We give a visual overview of cell structure plus the details of relay
-cell structure, and then describe each of these cell types and commands
-in more detail below.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="tth_fIg1">
-</a> <center><img src="cell-struct.png" alt="cell-struct.png" />
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.2">
-<a name="subsec:circuits">
-4.2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Circuits and streams</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Onion Routing originally built one circuit for each
-TCP stream.  Because building a circuit can take several tenths of a
-second (due to public-key cryptography and network latency),
-this design imposed high costs on applications like web browsing that
-open many TCP streams.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In Tor, each circuit can be shared by many TCP streams.  To avoid
-delays, users construct circuits preemptively.  To limit linkability
-among their streams, users' OPs build a new circuit
-periodically if the previous ones have been used,
-and expire old used circuits that no longer have any open streams.
-OPs consider rotating to a new circuit once a minute: thus
-even heavy users spend negligible time
-building circuits, but a limited number of requests can be linked
-to each other through a given exit node. Also, because circuits are built
-in the background, OPs can recover from failed circuit creation
-without harming user experience.<br />
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="tth_fIg1">
-</a> <center><img src="interaction.png" alt="interaction.png" />
-<center>Figure 1: Alice builds a two-hop circuit and begins fetching a web page.</center>
-<a name="fig:interaction">
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="subsubsec:constructing-a-circuit"></a>
-<font size="+1"><b>Constructing a circuit</b></font>
-<br />
-A user's OP constructs circuits incrementally, negotiating a
-symmetric key with each OR on the circuit, one hop at a time. To begin
-creating a new circuit, the OP (call her Alice) sends a
-<em>create</em> cell to the first node in her chosen path (call him Bob).
-(She chooses a new
-circID C<sub>AB</sub> not currently used on the connection from her to Bob.)
-The <em>create</em> cell's
-payload contains the first half of the Diffie-Hellman handshake
-(g<sup>x</sup>), encrypted to the onion key of Bob. Bob
-responds with a <em>created</em> cell containing g<sup>y</sup>
-along with a hash of the negotiated key K=g<sup>xy</sup>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Once the circuit has been established, Alice and Bob can send one
-another relay cells encrypted with the negotiated
-key.<a href="#tthFtNtAAB" name="tthFrefAAB"><sup>1</sup></a>  More detail is given in
-the next section.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-To extend the circuit further, Alice sends a <em>relay extend</em> cell
-to Bob, specifying the address of the next OR (call her Carol), and
-an encrypted g<sup>x<sub>2</sub></sup> for her.  Bob copies the half-handshake into a
-<em>create</em> cell, and passes it to Carol to extend the circuit.
-(Bob chooses a new circID C<sub>BC</sub> not currently used on the connection
-between him and Carol.  Alice never needs to know this circID; only Bob
-associates C<sub>AB</sub> on his connection with Alice to C<sub>BC</sub> on
-his connection with Carol.)
-When Carol responds with a <em>created</em> cell, Bob wraps the payload
-into a <em>relay extended</em> cell and passes it back to Alice.  Now
-the circuit is extended to Carol, and Alice and Carol share a common key
-K<sub>2</sub> = g<sup>x<sub>2</sub> y<sub>2</sub></sup>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-To extend the circuit to a third node or beyond, Alice
-proceeds as above, always telling the last node in the circuit to
-extend one hop further.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-This circuit-level handshake protocol achieves unilateral entity
-authentication (Alice knows she's handshaking with the OR, but
-the OR doesn't care who is opening the circuit &mdash; Alice uses no public key
-and remains anonymous) and unilateral key authentication
-(Alice and the OR agree on a key, and Alice knows only the OR learns
-it). It also achieves forward
-secrecy and key freshness. More formally, the protocol is as follows
-(where E<sub>PK<sub>Bob</sub></sub>(&#183;) is encryption with Bob's public key,
-H is a secure hash function, and <font face="symbol">|</font
-> is concatenation):
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="tth_tAb1">
-<tr><td align="right">Alice </td><td align="center">-&#62; </td><td align="center">Bob </td><td>: E<sub>PK<sub>Bob</sub></sub>(g<sup>x</sup>) </td></tr>
-<tr><td align="right">Bob </td><td align="center">-&#62; </td><td align="center">Alice </td><td>: g<sup>y</sup>, H(K <font face="symbol">|</font
-> "<span class="roman">handshake</span>")
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- In the second step, Bob proves that it was he who received g<sup>x</sup>,
-and who chose y. We use PK encryption in the first step
-(rather than, say, using the first two steps of STS, which has a
-signature in the second step) because a single cell is too small to
-hold both a public key and a signature. Preliminary analysis with the
-NRL protocol analyzer&nbsp;[<a href="#meadows96" name="CITEmeadows96">35</a>] shows this protocol to be
-secure (including perfect forward secrecy) under the
-traditional Dolev-Yao model.<br />
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<font size="+1"><b>Relay cells</b></font><br />
-Once Alice has established the circuit (so she shares keys with each
-OR on the circuit), she can send relay cells.
-Upon receiving a relay
-cell, an OR looks up the corresponding circuit, and decrypts the relay
-header and payload with the session key for that circuit.
-If the cell is headed away from Alice the OR then checks whether the
-decrypted cell has a valid digest (as an optimization, the first
-two bytes of the integrity check are zero, so in most cases we can avoid
-computing the hash).
-If valid, it accepts the relay cell and processes it as described
-below.  Otherwise,
-the OR looks up the circID and OR for the
-next step in the circuit, replaces the circID as appropriate, and
-sends the decrypted relay cell to the next OR.  (If the OR at the end
-of the circuit receives an unrecognized relay cell, an error has
-occurred, and the circuit is torn down.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-OPs treat incoming relay cells similarly: they iteratively unwrap the
-relay header and payload with the session keys shared with each
-OR on the circuit, from the closest to farthest.
-If at any stage the digest is valid, the cell must have
-originated at the OR whose encryption has just been removed.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-To construct a relay cell addressed to a given OR, Alice assigns the
-digest, and then iteratively
-encrypts the cell payload (that is, the relay header and payload) with
-the symmetric key of each hop up to that OR.  Because the digest is
-encrypted to a different value at each step, only at the targeted OR
-will it have a meaningful value.<a href="#tthFtNtAAC" name="tthFrefAAC"><sup>2</sup></a>
-This <em>leaky pipe</em> circuit topology
-allows Alice's streams to exit at different ORs on a single circuit.
-Alice may choose different exit points because of their exit policies,
-or to keep the ORs from knowing that two streams
-originate from the same person.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-When an OR later replies to Alice with a relay cell, it
-encrypts the cell's relay header and payload with the single key it
-shares with Alice, and sends the cell back toward Alice along the
-circuit.  Subsequent ORs add further layers of encryption as they
-relay the cell back to Alice.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-To tear down a circuit, Alice sends a <em>destroy</em> control
-cell. Each OR in the circuit receives the <em>destroy</em> cell, closes
-all streams on that circuit, and passes a new <em>destroy</em> cell
-forward. But just as circuits are built incrementally, they can also
-be torn down incrementally: Alice can send a <em>relay
-truncate</em> cell to a single OR on a circuit. That OR then sends a
-<em>destroy</em> cell forward, and acknowledges with a
-<em>relay truncated</em> cell. Alice can then extend the circuit to
-different nodes, without signaling to the intermediate nodes (or
-a limited observer) that she has changed her circuit.
-Similarly, if a node on the circuit goes down, the adjacent
-node can send a <em>relay truncated</em> cell back to Alice.  Thus the
-"break a node and see which circuits go down"
-attack&nbsp;[<a href="#freedom21-security" name="CITEfreedom21-security">4</a>] is weakened.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.3">
-<a name="subsec:tcp">
-4.3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Opening and closing streams</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-When Alice's application wants a TCP connection to a given
-address and port, it asks the OP (via SOCKS) to make the
-connection. The OP chooses the newest open circuit (or creates one if
-needed), and chooses a suitable OR on that circuit to be the
-exit node (usually the last node, but maybe others due to exit policy
-conflicts; see Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:exitpolicies">6.2</a>.) The OP then opens
-the stream by sending a <em>relay begin</em> cell to the exit node,
-using a new random streamID. Once the
-exit node connects to the remote host, it responds
-with a <em>relay connected</em> cell.  Upon receipt, the OP sends a
-SOCKS reply to notify the application of its success. The OP
-now accepts data from the application's TCP stream, packaging it into
-<em>relay data</em> cells and sending those cells along the circuit to
-the chosen OR.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-There's a catch to using SOCKS, however &mdash; some applications pass the
-alphanumeric hostname to the Tor client, while others resolve it into
-an IP address first and then pass the IP address to the Tor client. If
-the application does DNS resolution first, Alice thereby reveals her
-destination to the remote DNS server, rather than sending the hostname
-through the Tor network to be resolved at the far end. Common applications
-like Mozilla and SSH have this flaw.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-With Mozilla, the flaw is easy to address: the filtering HTTP
-proxy called Privoxy gives a hostname to the Tor client, so Alice's
-computer never does DNS resolution.
-But a portable general solution, such as is needed for
-SSH, is
-an open problem. Modifying or replacing the local nameserver
-can be invasive, brittle, and unportable. Forcing the resolver
-library to prefer TCP rather than UDP is hard, and also has
-portability problems. Dynamically intercepting system calls to the
-resolver library seems a promising direction. We could also provide
-a tool similar to <em>dig</em> to perform a private lookup through the
-Tor network. Currently, we encourage the use of privacy-aware proxies
-like Privoxy wherever possible.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Closing a Tor stream is analogous to closing a TCP stream: it uses a
-two-step handshake for normal operation, or a one-step handshake for
-errors. If the stream closes abnormally, the adjacent node simply sends a
-<em>relay teardown</em> cell. If the stream closes normally, the node sends
-a <em>relay end</em> cell down the circuit, and the other side responds with
-its own <em>relay end</em> cell. Because
-all relay cells use layered encryption, only the destination OR knows
-that a given relay cell is a request to close a stream.  This two-step
-handshake allows Tor to support TCP-based applications that use half-closed
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.4">
-<a name="subsec:integrity-checking">
-4.4</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Integrity checking on streams</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Because the old Onion Routing design used a stream cipher without integrity
-checking, traffic was
-vulnerable to a malleability attack: though the attacker could not
-decrypt cells, any changes to encrypted data
-would create corresponding changes to the data leaving the network.
-This weakness allowed an adversary who could guess the encrypted content
-to change a padding cell to a destroy
-cell; change the destination address in a <em>relay begin</em> cell to the
-adversary's webserver; or change an FTP command from
-<tt>dir</tt> to <tt>rm&nbsp;*</tt>. (Even an external
-adversary could do this, because the link encryption similarly used a
-stream cipher.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Because Tor uses TLS on its links, external adversaries cannot modify
-data. Addressing the insider malleability attack, however, is
-more complex.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We could do integrity checking of the relay cells at each hop, either
-by including hashes or by using an authenticating cipher mode like
-EAX&nbsp;[<a href="#eax" name="CITEeax">6</a>], but there are some problems. First, these approaches
-impose a message-expansion overhead at each hop, and so we would have to
-either leak the path length or waste bytes by padding to a maximum
-path length. Second, these solutions can only verify traffic coming
-from Alice: ORs would not be able to produce suitable hashes for
-the intermediate hops, since the ORs on a circuit do not know the
-other ORs' session keys. Third, we have already accepted that our design
-is vulnerable to end-to-end timing attacks; so tagging attacks performed
-within the circuit provide no additional information to the attacker.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Thus, we check integrity only at the edges of each stream. (Remember that
-in our leaky-pipe circuit topology, a stream's edge could be any hop
-in the circuit.) When Alice
-negotiates a key with a new hop, they each initialize a SHA-1
-digest with a derivative of that key,
-thus beginning with randomness that only the two of them know.
-Then they each incrementally add to the SHA-1 digest the contents of
-all relay cells they create, and include with each relay cell the
-first four bytes of the current digest.  Each also keeps a SHA-1
-digest of data received, to verify that the received hashes are correct.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-To be sure of removing or modifying a cell, the attacker must be able
-to deduce the current digest state (which depends on all
-traffic between Alice and Bob, starting with their negotiated key).
-Attacks on SHA-1 where the adversary can incrementally add to a hash
-to produce a new valid hash don't work, because all hashes are
-end-to-end encrypted across the circuit.  The computational overhead
-of computing the digests is minimal compared to doing the AES
-encryption performed at each hop of the circuit. We use only four
-bytes per cell to minimize overhead; the chance that an adversary will
-correctly guess a valid hash
-acceptably low, given that the OP or OR tear down the circuit if they
-receive a bad hash.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.5">
-<a name="subsec:rate-limit">
-4.5</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Rate limiting and fairness</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Volunteers are more willing to run services that can limit
-their bandwidth usage. To accommodate them, Tor servers use a
-token bucket approach&nbsp;[<a href="#tannenbaum96" name="CITEtannenbaum96">50</a>] to
-enforce a long-term average rate of incoming bytes, while still
-permitting short-term bursts above the allowed bandwidth.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Because the Tor protocol outputs about the same number of bytes as it
-takes in, it is sufficient in practice to limit only incoming bytes.
-With TCP streams, however, the correspondence is not one-to-one:
-relaying a single incoming byte can require an entire 512-byte cell.
-(We can't just wait for more bytes, because the local application may
-be awaiting a reply.) Therefore, we treat this case as if the entire
-cell size had been read, regardless of the cell's fullness.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Further, inspired by Rennhard et al's design in&nbsp;[<a href="#anonnet" name="CITEanonnet">44</a>], a
-circuit's edges can heuristically distinguish interactive streams from bulk
-streams by comparing the frequency with which they supply cells.  We can
-provide good latency for interactive streams by giving them preferential
-service, while still giving good overall throughput to the bulk
-streams. Such preferential treatment presents a possible end-to-end
-attack, but an adversary observing both
-ends of the stream can already learn this information through timing
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc4.6">
-<a name="subsec:congestion">
-4.6</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Congestion control</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Even with bandwidth rate limiting, we still need to worry about
-congestion, either accidental or intentional. If enough users choose the
-same OR-to-OR connection for their circuits, that connection can become
-saturated. For example, an attacker could send a large file
-through the Tor network to a webserver he runs, and then
-refuse to read any of the bytes at the webserver end of the
-circuit. Without some congestion control mechanism, these bottlenecks
-can propagate back through the entire network. We don't need to
-reimplement full TCP windows (with sequence numbers,
-the ability to drop cells when we're full and retransmit later, and so
-because TCP already guarantees in-order delivery of each
-We describe our response below.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Circuit-level throttling:</b>
-To control a circuit's bandwidth usage, each OR keeps track of two
-windows. The <em>packaging window</em> tracks how many relay data cells the OR is
-allowed to package (from incoming TCP streams) for transmission back to the OP,
-and the <em>delivery window</em> tracks how many relay data cells it is willing
-to deliver to TCP streams outside the network. Each window is initialized
-(say, to 1000 data cells). When a data cell is packaged or delivered,
-the appropriate window is decremented. When an OR has received enough
-data cells (currently 100), it sends a <em>relay sendme</em> cell towards the OP,
-with streamID zero. When an OR receives a <em>relay sendme</em> cell with
-streamID zero, it increments its packaging window. Either of these cells
-increments the corresponding window by 100. If the packaging window
-reaches 0, the OR stops reading from TCP connections for all streams
-on the corresponding circuit, and sends no more relay data cells until
-receiving a <em>relay sendme</em> cell.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The OP behaves identically, except that it must track a packaging window
-and a delivery window for every OR in the circuit. If a packaging window
-reaches 0, it stops reading from streams destined for that OR.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<b>Stream-level throttling</b>:
-The stream-level congestion control mechanism is similar to the
-circuit-level mechanism. ORs and OPs use <em>relay sendme</em> cells
-to implement end-to-end flow control for individual streams across
-circuits. Each stream begins with a packaging window (currently 500 cells),
-and increments the window by a fixed value (50) upon receiving a <em>relay
-sendme</em> cell. Rather than always returning a <em>relay sendme</em> cell as soon
-as enough cells have arrived, the stream-level congestion control also
-has to check whether data has been successfully flushed onto the TCP
-stream; it sends the <em>relay sendme</em> cell only when the number of bytes pending
-to be flushed is under some threshold (currently 10 cells' worth).
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-These arbitrarily chosen parameters seem to give tolerable throughput
-and delay; see Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:in-the-wild">8</a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc5">
-<a name="sec:rendezvous">
-5</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Rendezvous Points and hidden services</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Rendezvous points are a building block for <em>location-hidden
-services</em> (also known as <em>responder anonymity</em>) in the Tor
-network.  Location-hidden services allow Bob to offer a TCP
-service, such as a webserver, without revealing his IP address.
-This type of anonymity protects against distributed DoS attacks:
-attackers are forced to attack the onion routing network
-because they do not know Bob's IP address.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Our design for location-hidden servers has the following goals.
-<b>Access-control:</b> Bob needs a way to filter incoming requests,
-so an attacker cannot flood Bob simply by making many connections to him.
-<b>Robustness:</b> Bob should be able to maintain a long-term pseudonymous
-identity even in the presence of router failure. Bob's service must
-not be tied to a single OR, and Bob must be able to migrate his service
-across ORs. <b>Smear-resistance:</b>
-A social attacker
-should not be able to "frame" a rendezvous router by
-offering an illegal or disreputable location-hidden service and
-making observers believe the router created that service.
-<b>Application-transparency:</b> Although we require users
-to run special software to access location-hidden servers, we must not
-require them to modify their applications.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We provide location-hiding for Bob by allowing him to advertise
-several onion routers (his <em>introduction points</em>) as contact
-points. He may do this on any robust efficient
-key-value lookup system with authenticated updates, such as a
-distributed hash table (DHT) like CFS&nbsp;[<a href="#cfs:sosp01" name="CITEcfs:sosp01">11</a>].<a href="#tthFtNtAAD" name="tthFrefAAD"><sup>3</sup></a> Alice, the client, chooses an OR as her
-<em>rendezvous point</em>. She connects to one of Bob's introduction
-points, informs him of her rendezvous point, and then waits for him
-to connect to the rendezvous point. This extra level of indirection
-helps Bob's introduction points avoid problems associated with serving
-unpopular files directly (for example, if Bob serves
-material that the introduction point's community finds objectionable,
-or if Bob's service tends to get attacked by network vandals).
-The extra level of indirection also allows Bob to respond to some requests
-and ignore others.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc5.1">
-5.1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Rendezvous points in Tor</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The following steps are
-performed on behalf of Alice and Bob by their local OPs;
-application integration is described more fully below.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<dl compact="compact">
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Bob generates a long-term public key pair to identify his service.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Bob chooses some introduction points, and advertises them on
-      the lookup service, signing the advertisement with his public key.  He
-      can add more later.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Bob builds a circuit to each of his introduction points, and tells
-      them to wait for requests.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Alice learns about Bob's service out of band (perhaps Bob told her,
-      or she found it on a website).  She retrieves the details of Bob's
-      service from the lookup service.  If Alice wants to access Bob's
-      service anonymously, she must connect to the lookup service via Tor.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Alice chooses an OR as the rendezvous point (RP) for her connection to
-      Bob's service. She builds a circuit to the RP, and gives it a
-      randomly chosen "rendezvous cookie" to recognize Bob.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Alice opens an anonymous stream to one of Bob's introduction
-      points, and gives it a message (encrypted with Bob's public key)
-      telling it about herself,
-      her RP and rendezvous cookie, and the
-      start of a DH
-      handshake. The introduction point sends the message to Bob.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>If Bob wants to talk to Alice, he builds a circuit to Alice's
-      RP and sends the rendezvous cookie, the second half of the DH
-      handshake, and a hash of the session
-      key they now share. By the same argument as in
-      Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsubsec:constructing-a-circuit">4.2</a>, Alice knows she
-      shares the key only with Bob.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>The RP connects Alice's circuit to Bob's. Note that RP can't
-      recognize Alice, Bob, or the data they transmit.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>Alice sends a <em>relay begin</em> cell along the circuit. It
-      arrives at Bob's OP, which connects to Bob's
-      webserver.</dd>
- <dt><b></b></dt>
-	<dd><li>An anonymous stream has been established, and Alice and Bob
-      communicate as normal.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-When establishing an introduction point, Bob provides the onion router
-with the public key identifying his service.  Bob signs his
-messages, so others cannot usurp his introduction point
-in the future. He uses the same public key to establish the other
-introduction points for his service, and periodically refreshes his
-entry in the lookup service.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The message that Alice gives
-the introduction point includes a hash of Bob's public key and an optional initial authorization token (the
-introduction point can do prescreening, for example to block replays). Her
-message to Bob may include an end-to-end authorization token so Bob
-can choose whether to respond.
-The authorization tokens can be used to provide selective access:
-important users can get uninterrupted access.
-During normal situations, Bob's service might simply be offered
-directly from mirrors, while Bob gives out tokens to high-priority users. If
-the mirrors are knocked down,
-those users can switch to accessing Bob's service via
-the Tor rendezvous system.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Bob's introduction points are themselves subject to DoS &mdash; he must
-open many introduction points or risk such an attack.
-He can provide selected users with a current list or future schedule of
-unadvertised introduction points;
-this is most practical
-if there is a stable and large group of introduction points
-available. Bob could also give secret public keys
-for consulting the lookup service. All of these approaches
-limit exposure even when
-some selected users collude in the DoS.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc5.2">
-5.2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Integration with user applications</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Bob configures his onion proxy to know the local IP address and port of his
-service, a strategy for authorizing clients, and his public key. The onion
-proxy anonymously publishes a signed statement of Bob's
-public key, an expiration time, and
-the current introduction points for his service onto the lookup service,
-by the hash of his public key.  Bob's webserver is unmodified,
-and doesn't even know that it's hidden behind the Tor network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Alice's applications also work unchanged &mdash; her client interface
-remains a SOCKS proxy.  We encode all of the necessary information
-into the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) Alice uses when establishing her
-connection. Location-hidden services use a virtual top level domain
-called <tt>.onion</tt>: thus hostnames take the form <tt>x.y.onion</tt> where
-<tt>x</tt> is the authorization cookie and <tt>y</tt> encodes the hash of
-the public key. Alice's onion proxy
-examines addresses; if they're destined for a hidden server, it decodes
-the key and starts the rendezvous as described above.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc5.3">
-5.3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Previous rendezvous work</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Rendezvous points in low-latency anonymity systems were first
-described for use in ISDN telephony&nbsp;[<a href="#jerichow-jsac98" name="CITEjerichow-jsac98">30</a>,<a href="#isdn-mixes" name="CITEisdn-mixes">38</a>].
-Later low-latency designs used rendezvous points for hiding location
-of mobile phones and low-power location
-trackers&nbsp;[<a href="#federrath-ih96" name="CITEfederrath-ih96">23</a>,<a href="#reed-protocols97" name="CITEreed-protocols97">40</a>].  Rendezvous for
-anonymizing low-latency
-Internet connections was suggested in early Onion Routing
-work&nbsp;[<a href="#or-ih96" name="CITEor-ih96">27</a>], but the first published design was by Ian
-Goldberg&nbsp;[<a href="#ian-thesis" name="CITEian-thesis">26</a>]. His design differs from
-ours in three ways. First, Goldberg suggests that Alice should manually
-hunt down a current location of the service via Gnutella; our approach
-makes lookup transparent to the user, as well as faster and more robust.
-Second, in Tor the client and server negotiate session keys
-with Diffie-Hellman, so plaintext is not exposed even at the rendezvous
-point. Third,
-our design minimizes the exposure from running the
-service, to encourage volunteers to offer introduction and rendezvous
-services. Tor's introduction points do not output any bytes to the
-clients; the rendezvous points don't know the client or the server,
-and can't read the data being transmitted. The indirection scheme is
-also designed to include authentication/authorization &mdash; if Alice doesn't
-include the right cookie with her request for service, Bob need not even
-acknowledge his existence.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc6">
-<a name="sec:other-design">
-6</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Other design decisions</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc6.1">
-<a name="subsec:dos">
-6.1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Denial of service</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Providing Tor as a public service creates many opportunities for
-denial-of-service attacks against the network.  While
-flow control and rate limiting (discussed in
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:congestion">4.6</a>) prevent users from consuming more
-bandwidth than routers are willing to provide, opportunities remain for
-users to
-consume more network resources than their fair share, or to render the
-network unusable for others.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-First of all, there are several CPU-consuming denial-of-service
-attacks wherein an attacker can force an OR to perform expensive
-cryptographic operations.  For example, an attacker can 
-fake the start of a TLS handshake, forcing the OR to carry out its
-(comparatively expensive) half of the handshake at no real computational
-cost to the attacker.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We have not yet implemented any defenses for these attacks, but several
-approaches are possible. First, ORs can
-require clients to solve a puzzle&nbsp;[<a href="#puzzles-tls" name="CITEpuzzles-tls">16</a>] while beginning new
-TLS handshakes or accepting <em>create</em> cells.  So long as these
-tokens are easy to verify and computationally expensive to produce, this
-approach limits the attack multiplier.  Additionally, ORs can limit
-the rate at which they accept <em>create</em> cells and TLS connections,
-so that
-the computational work of processing them does not drown out the
-symmetric cryptography operations that keep cells
-flowing.  This rate limiting could, however, allow an attacker
-to slow down other users when they build new circuits.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Adversaries can also attack the Tor network's hosts and network
-links. Disrupting a single circuit or link breaks all streams passing
-along that part of the circuit. Users similarly lose service
-when a router crashes or its operator restarts it. The current
-Tor design treats such attacks as intermittent network failures, and
-depends on users and applications to respond or recover as appropriate. A
-future design could use an end-to-end TCP-like acknowledgment protocol,
-so no streams are lost unless the entry or exit point is
-disrupted. This solution would require more buffering at the network
-edges, however, and the performance and anonymity implications from this
-extra complexity still require investigation.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc6.2">
-<a name="subsec:exitpolicies">
-6.2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exit policies and abuse</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Exit abuse is a serious barrier to wide-scale Tor deployment. Anonymity
-presents would-be vandals and abusers with an opportunity to hide
-the origins of their activities. Attackers can harm the Tor network by
-implicating exit servers for their abuse. Also, applications that commonly
-use IP-based authentication (such as institutional mail or webservers)
-can be fooled by the fact that anonymous connections appear to originate
-at the exit OR.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We stress that Tor does not enable any new class of abuse. Spammers
-and other attackers already have access to thousands of misconfigured
-systems worldwide, and the Tor network is far from the easiest way
-to launch attacks.
-But because the
-onion routers can be mistaken for the originators of the abuse,
-and the volunteers who run them may not want to deal with the hassle of
-explaining anonymity networks to irate administrators, we must block or limit
-abuse through the Tor network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-To mitigate abuse issues, each onion router's <em>exit policy</em>
-describes to which external addresses and ports the router will
-connect. On one end of the spectrum are <em>open exit</em>
-nodes that will connect anywhere. On the other end are <em>middleman</em>
-nodes that only relay traffic to other Tor nodes, and <em>private exit</em>
-nodes that only connect to a local host or network.  A private
-exit can allow a client to connect to a given host or
-network more securely &mdash; an external adversary cannot eavesdrop traffic
-between the private exit and the final destination, and so is less sure of
-Alice's destination and activities. Most onion routers in the current
-network function as
-<em>restricted exits</em> that permit connections to the world at large,
-but prevent access to certain abuse-prone addresses and services such
-as SMTP.
-The OR might also be able to authenticate clients to
-prevent exit abuse without harming anonymity&nbsp;[<a href="#or-discex00" name="CITEor-discex00">48</a>].
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Many administrators use port restrictions to support only a
-limited set of services, such as HTTP, SSH, or AIM.
-This is not a complete solution, of course, since abuse opportunities for these
-protocols are still well known.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-We have not yet encountered any abuse in the deployed network, but if
-we do we should consider using proxies to clean traffic for certain
-protocols as it leaves the network.  For example, much abusive HTTP
-behavior (such as exploiting buffer overflows or well-known script
-vulnerabilities) can be detected in a straightforward manner.
-Similarly, one could run automatic spam filtering software (such as
-SpamAssassin) on email exiting the OR network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-ORs may also rewrite exiting traffic to append
-headers or other information indicating that the traffic has passed
-through an anonymity service.  This approach is commonly used
-by email-only anonymity systems.  ORs can also
-run on servers with hostnames like <tt>anonymous</tt> to further
-alert abuse targets to the nature of the anonymous traffic.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-A mixture of open and restricted exit nodes allows the most
-flexibility for volunteers running servers. But while having many
-middleman nodes provides a large and robust network,
-having only a few exit nodes reduces the number of points
-an adversary needs to monitor for traffic analysis, and places a
-greater burden on the exit nodes.  This tension can be seen in the
-Java Anon Proxy
-cascade model, wherein only one node in each cascade needs to handle
-abuse complaints &mdash; but an adversary only needs to observe the entry
-and exit of a cascade to perform traffic analysis on all that
-cascade's users. The hydra model (many entries, few exits) presents a
-different compromise: only a few exit nodes are needed, but an
-adversary needs to work harder to watch all the clients; see
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:conclusion">10</a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Finally, we note that exit abuse must not be dismissed as a peripheral
-issue: when a system's public image suffers, it can reduce the number
-and diversity of that system's users, and thereby reduce the anonymity
-of the system itself.  Like usability, public perception is a
-security parameter.  Sadly, preventing abuse of open exit nodes is an
-unsolved problem, and will probably remain an arms race for the
-foreseeable future.  The abuse problems faced by Princeton's CoDeeN
-project&nbsp;[<a href="#darkside" name="CITEdarkside">37</a>] give us a glimpse of likely issues.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-     <h3><a name="tth_sEc6.3">
-<a name="subsec:dirservers">
-6.3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Directory Servers</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-First-generation Onion Routing designs&nbsp;[<a href="#freedom2-arch" name="CITEfreedom2-arch">8</a>,<a href="#or-jsac98" name="CITEor-jsac98">41</a>] used
-in-band network status updates: each router flooded a signed statement
-to its neighbors, which propagated it onward. But anonymizing networks
-have different security goals than typical link-state routing protocols.
-For example, delays (accidental or intentional)
-that can cause different parts of the network to have different views
-of link-state and topology are not only inconvenient: they give
-attackers an opportunity to exploit differences in client knowledge.
-We also worry about attacks to deceive a
-client about the router membership list, topology, or current network
-state. Such <em>partitioning attacks</em> on client knowledge help an
-adversary to efficiently deploy resources
-against a target&nbsp;[<a href="#minion-design" name="CITEminion-design">15</a>].
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Tor uses a small group of redundant, well-known onion routers to
-track changes in network topology and node state, including keys and
-exit policies.  Each such <em>directory server</em> acts as an HTTP
-server, so clients can fetch current network state
-and router lists, and so other ORs can upload
-state information.  Onion routers periodically publish signed
-statements of their state to each directory server. The directory servers
-combine this information with their own views of network liveness,
-and generate a signed description (a <em>directory</em>) of the entire
-network state. Client software is
-pre-loaded with a list of the directory servers and their keys,
-to bootstrap each client's view of the network.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-When a directory server receives a signed statement for an OR, it
-checks whether the OR's identity key is recognized. Directory
-servers do not advertise unrecognized ORs &mdash; if they did,
-an adversary could take over the network by creating many
-servers&nbsp;[<a href="#sybil" name="CITEsybil">22</a>]. Instead, new nodes must be approved by the
-server administrator before they are included. Mechanisms for automated
-node approval are an area of active research, and are discussed more
-in Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:maintaining-anonymity">9</a>.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Of course, a variety of attacks remain. An adversary who controls
-a directory server can track clients by providing them different
-information &mdash; perhaps by listing only nodes under its control, or by
-informing only certain clients about a given node. Even an external
-adversary can exploit differences in client knowledge: clients who use
-a node listed on one directory server but not the others are vulnerable.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Thus these directory servers must be synchronized and redundant, so
-that they can agree on a common directory.  Clients should only trust
-this directory if it is signed by a threshold of the directory
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-The directory servers in Tor are modeled after those in
-Mixminion&nbsp;[<a href="#minion-design" name="CITEminion-design">15</a>], but our situation is easier. First,
-we make the
-simplifying assumption that all participants agree on the set of
-directory servers. Second, while Mixminion needs to predict node
-behavior, Tor only needs a threshold consensus of the current
-state of the network. Third, we assume that we can fall back to the
-human administrators to discover and resolve problems when a consensus
-directory cannot be reached. Since there are relatively few directory
-servers (currently 3, but we expect as many as 9 as the network scales),
-we can afford operations like broadcast to simplify the consensus-building
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-To avoid attacks where a router connects to all the directory servers
-but refuses to relay traffic from other routers, the directory servers
-must also build circuits and use them to anonymously test router
-reliability&nbsp;[<a href="#mix-acc" name="CITEmix-acc">18</a>]. Unfortunately, this defense is not yet
-designed or
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Using directory servers is simpler and more flexible than flooding.
-Flooding is expensive, and complicates the analysis when we
-start experimenting with non-clique network topologies. Signed
-directories can be cached by other
-onion routers,
-so directory servers are not a performance
-bottleneck when we have many users, and do not aid traffic analysis by
-forcing clients to announce their existence to any
-central point.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc7">
-<a name="sec:attacks">
-7</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Attacks and Defenses</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Below we summarize a variety of attacks, and discuss how well our
-design withstands them.<br />
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<font size="+1"><b>Passive attacks</b></font><br />
-<em>Observing user traffic patterns.</em> Observing a user's connection
-will not reveal her destination or data, but it will
-reveal traffic patterns (both sent and received). Profiling via user
-connection patterns requires further processing, because multiple
-application streams may be operating simultaneously or in series over
-a single circuit.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Observing user content.</em> While content at the user end is encrypted,
-connections to responders may not be (indeed, the responding website
-itself may be hostile). While filtering content is not a primary goal
-of Onion Routing, Tor can directly use Privoxy and related
-filtering services to anonymize application data streams.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Option distinguishability.</em> We allow clients to choose
-configuration options. For example, clients concerned about request
-linkability should rotate circuits more often than those concerned
-about traceability. Allowing choice may attract users with different 
-needs; but clients who are
-in the minority may lose more anonymity by appearing distinct than they
-gain by optimizing their behavior&nbsp;[<a href="#econymics" name="CITEeconymics">1</a>].
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>End-to-end timing correlation.</em>  Tor only minimally hides
-such correlations. An attacker watching patterns of
-traffic at the initiator and the responder will be
-able to confirm the correspondence with high probability. The
-greatest protection currently available against such confirmation is to hide
-the connection between the onion proxy and the first Tor node,
-by running the OP on the Tor node or behind a firewall. This approach
-requires an observer to separate traffic originating at the onion
-router from traffic passing through it: a global observer can do this,
-but it might be beyond a limited observer's capabilities.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>End-to-end size correlation.</em> Simple packet counting
-will also be effective in confirming
-endpoints of a stream. However, even without padding, we may have some
-limited protection: the leaky pipe topology means different numbers
-of packets may enter one end of a circuit than exit at the other.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Website fingerprinting.</em> All the effective passive
-attacks above are traffic confirmation attacks,
-which puts them outside our design goals. There is also
-a passive traffic analysis attack that is potentially effective.
-Rather than searching exit connections for timing and volume
-correlations, the adversary may build up a database of
-"fingerprints" containing file sizes and access patterns for
-targeted websites. He can later confirm a user's connection to a given
-site simply by consulting the database. This attack has
-been shown to be effective against SafeWeb&nbsp;[<a href="#hintz-pet02" name="CITEhintz-pet02">29</a>].
-It may be less effective against Tor, since
-streams are multiplexed within the same circuit, and
-fingerprinting will be limited to
-the granularity of cells (currently 512 bytes). Additional
-defenses could include
-larger cell sizes, padding schemes to group websites
-into large sets, and link
-padding or long-range dummies.<a href="#tthFtNtAAE" name="tthFrefAAE"><sup>4</sup></a><br />
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<font size="+1"><b>Active attacks</b></font><br />
-<em>Compromise keys.</em> An attacker who learns the TLS session key can
-see control cells and encrypted relay cells on every circuit on that
-connection; learning a circuit
-session key lets him unwrap one layer of the encryption. An attacker
-who learns an OR's TLS private key can impersonate that OR for the TLS
-key's lifetime, but he must
-also learn the onion key to decrypt <em>create</em> cells (and because of
-perfect forward secrecy, he cannot hijack already established circuits
-without also compromising their session keys). Periodic key rotation
-limits the window of opportunity for these attacks. On the other hand,
-an attacker who learns a node's identity key can replace that node
-indefinitely by sending new forged descriptors to the directory servers.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Iterated compromise.</em> A roving adversary who can
-compromise ORs (by system intrusion, legal coercion, or extralegal
-coercion) could march down the circuit compromising the
-nodes until he reaches the end.  Unless the adversary can complete
-this attack within the lifetime of the circuit, however, the ORs
-will have discarded the necessary information before the attack can
-be completed.  (Thanks to the perfect forward secrecy of session
-keys, the attacker cannot force nodes to decrypt recorded
-traffic once the circuits have been closed.)  Additionally, building
-circuits that cross jurisdictions can make legal coercion
-harder &mdash; this phenomenon is commonly called "jurisdictional
-arbitrage." The Java Anon Proxy project recently experienced the
-need for this approach, when
-a German court forced them to add a backdoor to
-their nodes&nbsp;[<a href="#jap-backdoor" name="CITEjap-backdoor">51</a>].
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Run a recipient.</em> An adversary running a webserver
-trivially learns the timing patterns of users connecting to it, and
-can introduce arbitrary patterns in its responses.
-End-to-end attacks become easier: if the adversary can induce
-users to connect to his webserver (perhaps by advertising
-content targeted to those users), he now holds one end of their
-connection.  There is also a danger that application
-protocols and associated programs can be induced to reveal information
-about the initiator. Tor depends on Privoxy and similar protocol cleaners
-to solve this latter problem.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Run an onion proxy.</em> It is expected that end users will
-nearly always run their own local onion proxy. However, in some
-settings, it may be necessary for the proxy to run
-remotely &mdash; typically, in institutions that want
-to monitor the activity of those connecting to the proxy.
-Compromising an onion proxy compromises all future connections
-through it.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>DoS non-observed nodes.</em> An observer who can only watch some
-of the Tor network can increase the value of this traffic
-by attacking non-observed nodes to shut them down, reduce
-their reliability, or persuade users that they are not trustworthy.
-The best defense here is robustness.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Run a hostile OR.</em>  In addition to being a local observer,
-an isolated hostile node can create circuits through itself, or alter
-traffic patterns to affect traffic at other nodes. Nonetheless, a hostile
-node must be immediately adjacent to both endpoints to compromise the
-anonymity of a circuit. If an adversary can
-run multiple ORs, and can persuade the directory servers
-that those ORs are trustworthy and independent, then occasionally
-some user will choose one of those ORs for the start and another
-as the end of a circuit. If an adversary
-controls m &gt; 1 of N nodes, he can correlate at most
-([m/N])<sup>2</sup> of the traffic &mdash; although an
-could still attract a disproportionately large amount of traffic
-by running an OR with a permissive exit policy, or by
-degrading the reliability of other routers.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Introduce timing into messages.</em> This is simply a stronger
-version of passive timing attacks already discussed earlier.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Tagging attacks.</em> A hostile node could "tag" a
-cell by altering it. If the
-stream were, for example, an unencrypted request to a Web site,
-the garbled content coming out at the appropriate time would confirm
-the association. However, integrity checks on cells prevent
-this attack.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Replace contents of unauthenticated protocols.</em>  When
-relaying an unauthenticated protocol like HTTP, a hostile exit node
-can impersonate the target server. Clients
-should prefer protocols with end-to-end authentication.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Replay attacks.</em> Some anonymity protocols are vulnerable
-to replay attacks.  Tor is not; replaying one side of a handshake
-will result in a different negotiated session key, and so the rest
-of the recorded session can't be used.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Smear attacks.</em> An attacker could use the Tor network for
-socially disapproved acts, to bring the
-network into disrepute and get its operators to shut it down.
-Exit policies reduce the possibilities for abuse, but
-ultimately the network requires volunteers who can tolerate
-some political heat.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Distribute hostile code.</em> An attacker could trick users
-into running subverted Tor software that did not, in fact, anonymize
-their connections &mdash; or worse, could trick ORs into running weakened
-software that provided users with less anonymity.  We address this
-problem (but do not solve it completely) by signing all Tor releases
-with an official public key, and including an entry in the directory
-that lists which versions are currently believed to be secure.  To
-prevent an attacker from subverting the official release itself
-(through threats, bribery, or insider attacks), we provide all
-releases in source code form, encourage source audits, and
-frequently warn our users never to trust any software (even from
-us) that comes without source.<br />
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<font size="+1"><b>Directory attacks</b></font><br />
-<em>Destroy directory servers.</em>  If a few directory
-servers disappear, the others still decide on a valid
-directory.  So long as any directory servers remain in operation,
-they will still broadcast their views of the network and generate a
-consensus directory.  (If more than half are destroyed, this
-directory will not, however, have enough signatures for clients to
-use it automatically; human intervention will be necessary for
-clients to decide whether to trust the resulting directory.)
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Subvert a directory server.</em>  By taking over a directory server,
-an attacker can partially influence the final directory.  Since ORs
-are included or excluded by majority vote, the corrupt directory can
-at worst cast a tie-breaking vote to decide whether to include
-marginal ORs.  It remains to be seen how often such marginal cases
-occur in practice.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Subvert a majority of directory servers.</em> An adversary who controls
-more than half the directory servers can include as many compromised
-ORs in the final directory as he wishes. We must ensure that directory
-server operators are independent and attack-resistant.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Encourage directory server dissent.</em>  The directory
-agreement protocol assumes that directory server operators agree on
-the set of directory servers.  An adversary who can persuade some
-of the directory server operators to distrust one another could
-split the quorum into mutually hostile camps, thus partitioning
-users based on which directory they use.  Tor does not address
-this attack.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Trick the directory servers into listing a hostile OR.</em>
-Our threat model explicitly assumes directory server operators will
-be able to filter out most hostile ORs.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Convince the directories that a malfunctioning OR is
-working.</em>  In the current Tor implementation, directory servers
-assume that an OR is running correctly if they can start a TLS
-connection to it.  A hostile OR could easily subvert this test by
-accepting TLS connections from ORs but ignoring all cells. Directory
-servers must actively test ORs by building circuits and streams as
-appropriate.  The tradeoffs of a similar approach are discussed
-in&nbsp;[<a href="#mix-acc" name="CITEmix-acc">18</a>].<br />
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<font size="+1"><b>Attacks against rendezvous points</b></font><br />
-<em>Make many introduction requests.</em>  An attacker could
-try to deny Bob service by flooding his introduction points with
-requests.  Because the introduction points can block requests that
-lack authorization tokens, however, Bob can restrict the volume of
-requests he receives, or require a certain amount of computation for
-every request he receives.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Attack an introduction point.</em> An attacker could
-disrupt a location-hidden service by disabling its introduction
-points.  But because a service's identity is attached to its public
-key, the service can simply re-advertise
-itself at a different introduction point. Advertisements can also be
-done secretly so that only high-priority clients know the address of
-Bob's introduction points or so that different clients know of different
-introduction points. This forces the attacker to disable all possible
-introduction points.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Compromise an introduction point.</em> An attacker who controls
-Bob's introduction point can flood Bob with
-introduction requests, or prevent valid introduction requests from
-reaching him. Bob can notice a flood, and close the circuit.  To notice
-blocking of valid requests, however, he should periodically test the
-introduction point by sending rendezvous requests and making
-sure he receives them.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Compromise a rendezvous point.</em>  A rendezvous
-point is no more sensitive than any other OR on
-a circuit, since all data passing through the rendezvous is encrypted
-with a session key shared by Alice and Bob.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc8">
-<a name="sec:in-the-wild">
-8</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Early experiences: Tor in the Wild</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-As of mid-May 2004, the Tor network consists of 32 nodes
-(24 in the US, 8 in Europe), and more are joining each week as the code
-matures. (For comparison, the current remailer network
-has about 40 nodes.) Each node has at least a 768Kb/768Kb connection, and
-many have 10Mb. The number of users varies (and of course, it's hard to
-tell for sure), but we sometimes have several hundred users &mdash; administrators at
-several companies have begun sending their entire departments' web
-traffic through Tor, to block other divisions of
-their company from reading their traffic. Tor users have reported using
-the network for web browsing, FTP, IRC, AIM, Kazaa, SSH, and
-recipient-anonymous email via rendezvous points. One user has anonymously
-set up a Wiki as a hidden service, where other users anonymously publish
-the addresses of their hidden services.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Each Tor node currently processes roughly 800,000 relay
-cells (a bit under half a gigabyte) per week. On average, about 80%
-of each 498-byte payload is full for cells going back to the client,
-whereas about 40% is full for cells coming from the client. (The difference
-arises because most of the network's traffic is web browsing.) Interactive
-traffic like SSH brings down the average a lot &mdash; once we have more
-experience, and assuming we can resolve the anonymity issues, we may
-partition traffic into two relay cell sizes: one to handle
-bulk traffic and one for interactive traffic.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Based in part on our restrictive default exit policy (we
-reject SMTP requests) and our low profile, we have had no abuse
-issues since the network was deployed in October
-2003. Our slow growth rate gives us time to add features,
-resolve bugs, and get a feel for what users actually want from an
-anonymity system.  Even though having more users would bolster our
-anonymity sets, we are not eager to attract the Kazaa or warez
-communities &mdash; we feel that we must build a reputation for privacy, human
-rights, research, and other socially laudable activities.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-As for performance, profiling shows that Tor spends almost
-all its CPU time in AES, which is fast.  Current latency is attributable
-to two factors. First, network latency is critical: we are
-intentionally bouncing traffic around the world several times. Second,
-our end-to-end congestion control algorithm focuses on protecting
-volunteer servers from accidental DoS rather than on optimizing
-performance. To quantify these effects, we did some informal tests using a network of 4
-nodes on the same machine (a heavily loaded 1GHz Athlon). We downloaded a 60
-megabyte file from <tt></tt> every 30 minutes for 54 hours (108 sample
-points). It arrived in about 300 seconds on average, compared to 210s for a
-direct download. We ran a similar test on the production Tor network,
-fetching the front page of <tt></tt> (55 kilobytes):
-while a direct
-download consistently took about 0.3s, the performance through Tor varied.
-Some downloads were as fast as 0.4s, with a median at 2.8s, and
-90% finishing within 5.3s.  It seems that as the network expands, the chance
-of building a slow circuit (one that includes a slow or heavily loaded node
-or link) is increasing.  On the other hand, as our users remain satisfied
-with this increased latency, we can address our performance incrementally as we
-proceed with development. 
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Although Tor's clique topology and full-visibility directories present
-scaling problems, we still expect the network to support a few hundred
-nodes and maybe 10,000 users before we're forced to become
-more distributed. With luck, the experience we gain running the current
-topology will help us choose among alternatives when the time comes.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc9">
-<a name="sec:maintaining-anonymity">
-9</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Open Questions in Low-latency Anonymity</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-In addition to the non-goals in
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:non-goals">3</a>, many questions must be solved
-before we can be confident of Tor's security.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Many of these open issues are questions of balance. For example,
-how often should users rotate to fresh circuits? Frequent rotation
-is inefficient, expensive, and may lead to intersection attacks and
-predecessor attacks&nbsp;[<a href="#wright03" name="CITEwright03">54</a>], but infrequent rotation makes the
-user's traffic linkable. Besides opening fresh circuits, clients can
-also exit from the middle of the circuit,
-or truncate and re-extend the circuit. More analysis is
-needed to determine the proper tradeoff.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-How should we choose path lengths? If Alice always uses two hops,
-then both ORs can be certain that by colluding they will learn about
-Alice and Bob. In our current approach, Alice always chooses at least
-three nodes unrelated to herself and her destination.
-Should Alice choose a random path length (e.g.&nbsp;from a geometric
-distribution) to foil an attacker who
-uses timing to learn that he is the fifth hop and thus concludes that
-both Alice and the responder are running ORs?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Throughout this paper, we have assumed that end-to-end traffic
-confirmation will immediately and automatically defeat a low-latency
-anonymity system. Even high-latency anonymity systems can be
-vulnerable to end-to-end traffic confirmation, if the traffic volumes
-are high enough, and if users' habits are sufficiently
-distinct&nbsp;[<a href="#statistical-disclosure" name="CITEstatistical-disclosure">14</a>,<a href="#limits-open" name="CITElimits-open">31</a>]. Can anything be
-done to
-make low-latency systems resist these attacks as well as high-latency
-systems? Tor already makes some effort to conceal the starts and ends of
-streams by wrapping long-range control commands in identical-looking
-relay cells. Link padding could frustrate passive observers who count
-packets; long-range padding could work against observers who own the
-first hop in a circuit. But more research remains to find an efficient
-and practical approach. Volunteers prefer not to run constant-bandwidth
-padding; but no convincing traffic shaping approach has been
-specified. Recent work on long-range padding&nbsp;[<a href="#defensive-dropping" name="CITEdefensive-dropping">33</a>]
-shows promise. One could also try to reduce correlation in packet timing
-by batching and re-ordering packets, but it is unclear whether this could
-improve anonymity without introducing so much latency as to render the
-network unusable.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-A cascade topology may better defend against traffic confirmation by
-aggregating users, and making padding and
-mixing more affordable.  Does the hydra topology (many input nodes,
-few output nodes) work better against some adversaries? Are we going
-to get a hydra anyway because most nodes will be middleman nodes?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Common wisdom suggests that Alice should run her own OR for best
-anonymity, because traffic coming from her node could plausibly have
-come from elsewhere. How much mixing does this approach need?  Is it
-immediately beneficial because of real-world adversaries that can't
-observe Alice's router, but can run routers of their own?
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-To scale to many users, and to prevent an attacker from observing the
-whole network, it may be necessary
-to support far more servers than Tor currently anticipates.
-This introduces several issues.  First, if approval by a central set
-of directory servers is no longer feasible, what mechanism should be used
-to prevent adversaries from signing up many colluding servers? Second,
-if clients can no longer have a complete picture of the network,
-how can they perform discovery while preventing attackers from
-manipulating or exploiting gaps in their knowledge?  Third, if there
-are too many servers for every server to constantly communicate with
-every other, which non-clique topology should the network use?
-(Restricted-route topologies promise comparable anonymity with better
-scalability&nbsp;[<a href="#danezis-pets03" name="CITEdanezis-pets03">13</a>], but whatever topology we choose, we
-need some way to keep attackers from manipulating their position within
-it&nbsp;[<a href="#casc-rep" name="CITEcasc-rep">21</a>].) Fourth, if no central authority is tracking
-server reliability, how do we stop unreliable servers from making
-the network unusable?  Fifth, do clients receive so much anonymity
-from running their own ORs that we should expect them all to do
-so&nbsp;[<a href="#econymics" name="CITEeconymics">1</a>], or do we need another incentive structure to
-motivate them?  Tarzan and MorphMix present possible solutions.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-When a Tor node goes down, all its circuits (and thus streams) must break.
-Will users abandon the system because of this brittleness? How well
-does the method in Section&nbsp;<a href="#subsec:dos">6.1</a> allow streams to survive
-node failure? If affected users rebuild circuits immediately, how much
-anonymity is lost? It seems the problem is even worse in a peer-to-peer
-environment &mdash; such systems don't yet provide an incentive for peers to
-stay connected when they're done retrieving content, so we would expect
-a higher churn rate.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <h2><a name="tth_sEc10">
-<a name="sec:conclusion">
-10</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Future Directions</h2>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-Tor brings together many innovations into a unified deployable system. The
-next immediate steps include:
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Scalability:</em> Tor's emphasis on deployability and design simplicity
-has led us to adopt a clique topology, semi-centralized
-directories, and a full-network-visibility model for client
-knowledge. These properties will not scale past a few hundred servers.
-Section&nbsp;<a href="#sec:maintaining-anonymity">9</a> describes some promising
-approaches, but more deployment experience will be helpful in learning
-the relative importance of these bottlenecks.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Bandwidth classes:</em> This paper assumes that all ORs have
-good bandwidth and latency. We should instead adopt the MorphMix model,
-where nodes advertise their bandwidth level (DSL, T1, T3), and
-Alice avoids bottlenecks by choosing nodes that match or
-exceed her bandwidth. In this way DSL users can usefully join the Tor
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Incentives:</em> Volunteers who run nodes are rewarded with publicity
-and possibly better anonymity&nbsp;[<a href="#econymics" name="CITEeconymics">1</a>]. More nodes means increased
-scalability, and more users can mean more anonymity. We need to continue
-examining the incentive structures for participating in Tor. Further,
-we need to explore more approaches to limiting abuse, and understand
-why most people don't bother using privacy systems.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Cover traffic:</em> Currently Tor omits cover traffic &mdash; its costs
-in performance and bandwidth are clear but its security benefits are
-not well understood. We must pursue more research on link-level cover
-traffic and long-range cover traffic to determine whether some simple padding
-method offers provable protection against our chosen adversary.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Caching at exit nodes:</em> Perhaps each exit node should run a
-caching web proxy&nbsp;[<a href="#shsm03" name="CITEshsm03">47</a>], to improve anonymity for cached pages
-(Alice's request never
-leaves the Tor network), to improve speed, and to reduce bandwidth cost.
-On the other hand, forward security is weakened because caches
-constitute a record of retrieved files.  We must find the right
-balance between usability and security.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Better directory distribution:</em>
-Clients currently download a description of
-the entire network every 15 minutes. As the state grows larger
-and clients more numerous, we may need a solution in which
-clients receive incremental updates to directory state.
-More generally, we must find more
-scalable yet practical ways to distribute up-to-date snapshots of
-network status without introducing new attacks.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Further specification review:</em> Our public
-byte-level specification&nbsp;[<a href="#tor-spec" name="CITEtor-spec">20</a>] needs
-external review.  We hope that as Tor
-is deployed, more people will examine its
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Multisystem interoperability:</em> We are currently working with the
-designer of MorphMix to unify the specification and implementation of
-the common elements of our two systems. So far, this seems
-to be relatively straightforward.  Interoperability will allow testing
-and direct comparison of the two designs for trust and scalability.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<em>Wider-scale deployment:</em> The original goal of Tor was to
-gain experience in deploying an anonymizing overlay network, and
-learn from having actual users.  We are now at a point in design
-and development where we can start deploying a wider network.  Once
-we have many actual users, we will doubtlessly be better
-able to evaluate some of our design decisions, including our
-robustness/latency tradeoffs, our performance tradeoffs (including
-cell size), our abuse-prevention mechanisms, and
-our overall usability.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- We thank Peter Palfrader, Geoff Goodell, Adam Shostack, Joseph Sokol-Margolis,
-   John Bashinski, and Zack Brown
-   for editing and comments;
- Matej Pfajfar, Andrei Serjantov, Marc Rennhard for design discussions;
- Bram Cohen for congestion control discussions;
- Adam Back for suggesting telescoping circuits; and
- Cathy Meadows for formal analysis of the <em>extend</em> protocol.
- This work has been supported by ONR and DARPA.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<dl compact="compact">
-<font size="-1"></font> <dt><a href="#CITEeconymics" name="econymics">[1]</a></dt><dd>
-A.&nbsp;Acquisti, R.&nbsp;Dingledine, and P.&nbsp;Syverson.
- On the economics of anonymity.
- In R.&nbsp;N. Wright, editor, <em>Financial Cryptography</em>.
-  Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2742, 2003.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEeternity" name="eternity">[2]</a></dt><dd>
- The eternity service.
- In <em>Pragocrypt '96</em>, 1996.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEanonymizer" name="anonymizer">[3]</a></dt><dd>
-The Anonymizer.
- <tt>&lt;;.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEfreedom21-security" name="freedom21-security">[4]</a></dt><dd>
-A.&nbsp;Back, I.&nbsp;Goldberg, and A.&nbsp;Shostack.
- Freedom systems 2.1 security issues and analysis.
- White paper, Zero Knowledge Systems, Inc., May 2001.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEback01" name="back01">[5]</a></dt><dd>
-A.&nbsp;Back, U.&nbsp;M&#246;ller, and A.&nbsp;Stiglic.
- Traffic analysis attacks and trade-offs in anonymity providing
-  systems.
- In I.&nbsp;S. Moskowitz, editor, <em>Information Hiding (IH 2001)</em>, pages
-  245-257. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2137, 2001.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEeax" name="eax">[6]</a></dt><dd>
-M.&nbsp;Bellare, P.&nbsp;Rogaway, and D.&nbsp;Wagner.
- The EAX mode of operation: A two-pass authenticated-encryption
-  scheme optimized for simplicity and efficiency.
- In <em>Fast Software Encryption 2004</em>, February 2004.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEweb-mix" name="web-mix">[7]</a></dt><dd>
-O.&nbsp;Berthold, H.&nbsp;Federrath, and S.&nbsp;K&#246;psell.
- Web MIXes: A system for anonymous and unobservable Internet
-  access.
- In H.&nbsp;Federrath, editor, <em>Designing Privacy Enhancing
-  Technologies: Workshop on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability</em>.
-  Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009, 2000.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEfreedom2-arch" name="freedom2-arch">[8]</a></dt><dd>
-P.&nbsp;Boucher, A.&nbsp;Shostack, and I.&nbsp;Goldberg.
- Freedom systems 2.0 architecture.
- White paper, Zero Knowledge Systems, Inc., December 2000.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEcebolla" name="cebolla">[9]</a></dt><dd>
- Cebolla: Pragmatic IP Anonymity.
- In <em>Ottawa Linux Symposium</em>, June 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEchaum-mix" name="chaum-mix">[10]</a></dt><dd>
- Untraceable electronic mail, return addresses, and digital
-  pseudo-nyms.
- <em>Communications of the ACM</em>, 4(2), February 1981.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEcfs:sosp01" name="cfs:sosp01">[11]</a></dt><dd>
-F.&nbsp;Dabek, M.&nbsp;F. Kaashoek, D.&nbsp;Karger, R.&nbsp;Morris, and I.&nbsp;Stoica.
- Wide-area cooperative storage with CFS.
- In <em>18th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
-  (SOSP '01)</em>, Chateau Lake Louise, Banff, Canada, October 2001.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEpipenet" name="pipenet">[12]</a></dt><dd>
- Pipenet 1.1.
- Usenet post, August 1996.
- <tt>&lt;;weidai/pipenet.txt&#62; First mentioned in a
-  post to the cypherpunks list, Feb.&nbsp;1995.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEdanezis-pets03" name="danezis-pets03">[13]</a></dt><dd>
- Mix-networks with restricted routes.
- In R.&nbsp;Dingledine, editor, <em>Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET
-  2003)</em>. Springer-Verlag LNCS 2760, 2003.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEstatistical-disclosure" name="statistical-disclosure">[14]</a></dt><dd>
- Statistical disclosure attacks.
- In <em>Security and Privacy in the Age of Uncertainty (SEC2003)</em>,
-  pages 421-426, Athens, May 2003. IFIP TC11, Kluwer.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEminion-design" name="minion-design">[15]</a></dt><dd>
-G.&nbsp;Danezis, R.&nbsp;Dingledine, and N.&nbsp;Mathewson.
- Mixminion: Design of a type III anonymous remailer protocol.
- In <em>2003 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy</em>, pages 2-15.
-  IEEE CS, May 2003.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEpuzzles-tls" name="puzzles-tls">[16]</a></dt><dd>
-D.&nbsp;Dean and A.&nbsp;Stubblefield.
- Using Client Puzzles to Protect TLS.
- In <em>Proceedings of the 10th USENIX Security Symposium</em>. USENIX,
-  Aug. 2001.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITETLS" name="TLS">[17]</a></dt><dd>
-T.&nbsp;Dierks and C.&nbsp;Allen.
- The TLS Protocol - Version 1.0.
- IETF RFC 2246, January 1999.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEmix-acc" name="mix-acc">[18]</a></dt><dd>
-R.&nbsp;Dingledine, M.&nbsp;J. Freedman, D.&nbsp;Hopwood, and D.&nbsp;Molnar.
- A Reputation System to Increase MIX-net Reliability.
- In I.&nbsp;S. Moskowitz, editor, <em>Information Hiding (IH 2001)</em>, pages
-  126-141. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2137, 2001.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEfreehaven-berk" name="freehaven-berk">[19]</a></dt><dd>
-R.&nbsp;Dingledine, M.&nbsp;J. Freedman, and D.&nbsp;Molnar.
- The free haven project: Distributed anonymous storage service.
- In H.&nbsp;Federrath, editor, <em>Designing Privacy Enhancing
-  Technologies: Workshop on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability</em>.
-  Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009, July 2000.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEtor-spec" name="tor-spec">[20]</a></dt><dd>
-R.&nbsp;Dingledine and N.&nbsp;Mathewson.
- Tor protocol specifications.
- <tt>&lt;;.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEcasc-rep" name="casc-rep">[21]</a></dt><dd>
-R.&nbsp;Dingledine and P.&nbsp;Syverson.
- Reliable MIX Cascade Networks through Reputation.
- In M.&nbsp;Blaze, editor, <em>Financial Cryptography</em>. Springer-Verlag,
-  LNCS 2357, 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEsybil" name="sybil">[22]</a></dt><dd>
- The Sybil Attack.
- In <em>Proceedings of the 1st International Peer To Peer Systems
-  Workshop (IPTPS)</em>, Mar. 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEfederrath-ih96" name="federrath-ih96">[23]</a></dt><dd>
-H.&nbsp;Federrath, A.&nbsp;Jerichow, and A.&nbsp;Pfitzmann.
- MIXes in mobile communication systems: Location management with
-  privacy.
- In R.&nbsp;Anderson, editor, <em>Information Hiding, First International
-  Workshop</em>, pages 121-135. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1174, May 1996.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEtarzan:ccs02" name="tarzan:ccs02">[24]</a></dt><dd>
-M.&nbsp;J. Freedman and R.&nbsp;Morris.
- Tarzan: A peer-to-peer anonymizing network layer.
- In <em>9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications
-  Security (CCS 2002)</em>, Washington, DC, November 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEherbivore" name="herbivore">[25]</a></dt><dd>
-S.&nbsp;Goel, M.&nbsp;Robson, M.&nbsp;Polte, and E.&nbsp;G. Sirer.
- Herbivore: A scalable and efficient protocol for anonymous
-  communication.
- Technical Report TR2003-1890, Cornell University Computing and
-  Information Science, February 2003.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEian-thesis" name="ian-thesis">[26]</a></dt><dd>
- <em>A Pseudonymous Communications Infrastructure for the Internet</em>.
- PhD thesis, UC Berkeley, Dec 2000.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEor-ih96" name="or-ih96">[27]</a></dt><dd>
-D.&nbsp;M. Goldschlag, M.&nbsp;G. Reed, and P.&nbsp;F. Syverson.
- Hiding routing information.
- In R.&nbsp;Anderson, editor, <em>Information Hiding, First International
-  Workshop</em>, pages 137-150. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1174, May 1996.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEbabel" name="babel">[28]</a></dt><dd>
-C.&nbsp;G&#252;lc&#252; and G.&nbsp;Tsudik.
- Mixing E-mail with Babel.
- In <em>Network and Distributed Security Symposium (NDSS 96)</em>,
-  pages 2-16. IEEE, February 1996.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEhintz-pet02" name="hintz-pet02">[29]</a></dt><dd>
- Fingerprinting websites using traffic analysis.
- In R.&nbsp;Dingledine and P.&nbsp;Syverson, editors, <em>Privacy Enhancing
-  Technologies (PET 2002)</em>, pages 171-178. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2482, 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEjerichow-jsac98" name="jerichow-jsac98">[30]</a></dt><dd>
-A.&nbsp;Jerichow, J.&nbsp;M&#252;ller, A.&nbsp;Pfitzmann, B.&nbsp;Pfitzmann, and M.&nbsp;Waidner.
- Real-time mixes: A bandwidth-efficient anonymity protocol.
- <em>IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications</em>,
-  16(4):495-509, May 1998.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITElimits-open" name="limits-open">[31]</a></dt><dd>
-D.&nbsp;Kesdogan, D.&nbsp;Agrawal, and S.&nbsp;Penz.
- Limits of anonymity in open environments.
- In F.&nbsp;Petitcolas, editor, <em>Information Hiding Workshop (IH
-  2002)</em>. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2578, October 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEsocks4" name="socks4">[32]</a></dt><dd>
-D.&nbsp;Koblas and M.&nbsp;R. Koblas.
- In <em>UNIX Security III Symposium (1992 USENIX Security
-  Symposium)</em>, pages 77-83. USENIX, 1992.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEdefensive-dropping" name="defensive-dropping">[33]</a></dt><dd>
-B.&nbsp;N. Levine, M.&nbsp;K. Reiter, C.&nbsp;Wang, and M.&nbsp;Wright.
- Timing analysis in low-latency mix-based systems.
- In A.&nbsp;Juels, editor, <em>Financial Cryptography</em>. Springer-Verlag,
-  LNCS (forthcoming), 2004.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEhordes-jcs" name="hordes-jcs">[34]</a></dt><dd>
-B.&nbsp;N. Levine and C.&nbsp;Shields.
- Hordes: A multicast-based protocol for anonymity.
- <em>Journal of Computer Security</em>, 10(3):213-240, 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEmeadows96" name="meadows96">[35]</a></dt><dd>
- The NRL protocol analyzer: An overview.
- <em>Journal of Logic Programming</em>, 26(2):113-131, 1996.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEmixmaster-spec" name="mixmaster-spec">[36]</a></dt><dd>
-U.&nbsp;M&#246;ller, L.&nbsp;Cottrell, P.&nbsp;Palfrader, and L.&nbsp;Sassaman.
- Mixmaster Protocol - Version 2.
- Draft, July 2003.
- <tt>&lt;;.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEdarkside" name="darkside">[37]</a></dt><dd>
-V.&nbsp;S. Pai, L.&nbsp;Wang, K.&nbsp;Park, R.&nbsp;Pang, and L.&nbsp;Peterson.
- The Dark Side of the Web: An Open Proxy's View.
- <tt>&lt;;.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEisdn-mixes" name="isdn-mixes">[38]</a></dt><dd>
-A.&nbsp;Pfitzmann, B.&nbsp;Pfitzmann, and M.&nbsp;Waidner.
- ISDN-mixes: Untraceable communication with very small bandwidth
-  overhead.
- In <em>GI/ITG Conference on Communication in Distributed Systems</em>,
-  pages 451-463, February 1991.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEprivoxy" name="privoxy">[39]</a></dt><dd>
- <tt>&lt;;.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEreed-protocols97" name="reed-protocols97">[40]</a></dt><dd>
-M.&nbsp;G. Reed, P.&nbsp;F. Syverson, and D.&nbsp;M. Goldschlag.
- Protocols using anonymous connections: Mobile applications.
- In B.&nbsp;Christianson, B.&nbsp;Crispo, M.&nbsp;Lomas, and M.&nbsp;Roe, editors, <em>
-  Security Protocols: 5th International Workshop</em>, pages 13-23.
-  Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1361, April 1997.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEor-jsac98" name="or-jsac98">[41]</a></dt><dd>
-M.&nbsp;G. Reed, P.&nbsp;F. Syverson, and D.&nbsp;M. Goldschlag.
- Anonymous connections and onion routing.
- <em>IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications</em>,
-  16(4):482-494, May 1998.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEcrowds-tissec" name="crowds-tissec">[42]</a></dt><dd>
-M.&nbsp;K. Reiter and A.&nbsp;D. Rubin.
- Crowds: Anonymity for web transactions.
- <em>ACM TISSEC</em>, 1(1):66-92, June 1998.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEmorphmix:fc04" name="morphmix:fc04">[43]</a></dt><dd>
-M.&nbsp;Rennhard and B.&nbsp;Plattner.
- Practical anonymity for the masses with morphmix.
- In A.&nbsp;Juels, editor, <em>Financial Cryptography</em>. Springer-Verlag,
-  LNCS (forthcoming), 2004.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEanonnet" name="anonnet">[44]</a></dt><dd>
-M.&nbsp;Rennhard, S.&nbsp;Rafaeli, L.&nbsp;Mathy, B.&nbsp;Plattner, and D.&nbsp;Hutchison.
- Analysis of an Anonymity Network for Web Browsing.
- In <em>IEEE 7th Intl. Workshop on Enterprise Security (WET ICE
-  2002)</em>, Pittsburgh, USA, June 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITESS03" name="SS03">[45]</a></dt><dd>
-A.&nbsp;Serjantov and P.&nbsp;Sewell.
- Passive attack analysis for connection-based anonymity systems.
- In <em>Computer Security - ESORICS 2003</em>. Springer-Verlag, LNCS
-  2808, October 2003.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEp5" name="p5">[46]</a></dt><dd>
-R.&nbsp;Sherwood, B.&nbsp;Bhattacharjee, and A.&nbsp;Srinivasan.
- p<sup>5</sup>: A protocol for scalable anonymous communication.
- In <em>IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy</em>, pages 58-70. IEEE
-  CS, 2002.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEshsm03" name="shsm03">[47]</a></dt><dd>
-A.&nbsp;Shubina and S.&nbsp;Smith.
- Using caching for browsing anonymity.
- <em>ACM SIGEcom Exchanges</em>, 4(2), Sept 2003.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEor-discex00" name="or-discex00">[48]</a></dt><dd>
-P.&nbsp;Syverson, M.&nbsp;Reed, and D.&nbsp;Goldschlag.
- Onion Routing access configurations.
- In <em>DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition
-  (DISCEX 2000)</em>, volume&nbsp;1, pages 34-40. IEEE CS Press, 2000.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEor-pet00" name="or-pet00">[49]</a></dt><dd>
-P.&nbsp;Syverson, G.&nbsp;Tsudik, M.&nbsp;Reed, and C.&nbsp;Landwehr.
- Towards an Analysis of Onion Routing Security.
- In H.&nbsp;Federrath, editor, <em>Designing Privacy Enhancing
-  Technologies: Workshop on Design Issue in Anonymity and Unobservability</em>,
-  pages 96-114. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2009, July 2000.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEtannenbaum96" name="tannenbaum96">[50]</a></dt><dd>
- Computer networks, 1996.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEjap-backdoor" name="jap-backdoor">[51]</a></dt><dd>
-The AN.ON Project.
- German police proceeds against anonymity service.
- Press release, September 2003.
-  <tt>&lt;;.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEtangler" name="tangler">[52]</a></dt><dd>
-M.&nbsp;Waldman and D.&nbsp;Mazi&#232;res.
- Tangler: A censorship-resistant publishing system based on document
-  entanglements.
- In <em>8<sup>th</sup> ACM Conference on Computer and Communications
-  Security (CCS-8)</em>, pages 86-135. ACM Press, 2001.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEpublius" name="publius">[53]</a></dt><dd>
-M.&nbsp;Waldman, A.&nbsp;Rubin, and L.&nbsp;Cranor.
- Publius: A robust, tamper-evident, censorship-resistant and
-  source-anonymous web publishing system.
- In <em>Proc. 9th USENIX Security Symposium</em>, pages 59-72, August
-  2000.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
- <dt><a href="#CITEwright03" name="wright03">[54]</a></dt><dd>
-M.&nbsp;Wright, M.&nbsp;Adler, B.&nbsp;N. Levine, and C.&nbsp;Shields.
- Defending anonymous communication against passive logging attacks.
- In <em>IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy</em>, pages 28-41. IEEE
-  CS, May 2003.</dd>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<hr /><h3>Footnotes:</h3>
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="tthFtNtAAB"></a><a href="#tthFrefAAB"><sup>1</sup></a>Actually, the negotiated key is used to derive two
-  symmetric keys: one for each direction.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="tthFtNtAAC"></a><a href="#tthFrefAAC"><sup>2</sup></a>
-        With 48 bits of digest per cell, the probability of an accidental
-collision is far lower than the chance of hardware failure.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="tthFtNtAAD"></a><a href="#tthFrefAAD"><sup>3</sup></a>
-Rather than rely on an external infrastructure, the Onion Routing network
-can run the lookup service itself.  Our current implementation provides a
-simple lookup system on the
-directory servers.
-<div class="p"><!----></div>
-<a name="tthFtNtAAE"></a><a href="#tthFrefAAE"><sup>4</sup></a>Note that this fingerprinting
-attack should not be confused with the much more complicated latency
-attacks of&nbsp;[<a href="#back01" name="CITEback01">5</a>], which require a fingerprint of the latencies
-of all circuits through the network, combined with those from the
-network edges to the target user and the responder website.
-<br /><br /><hr /><small>File translated from
-T<sub><font size="-1">E</font></sub>X
-by <a href="">
-T<sub><font size="-1">T</font></sub>H</a>,
-version 3.59.<br />On 18 May 2004, 10:45.</small>


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-\renewcommand\url{\begingroup \def\UrlLeft{<}\def\UrlRight{>}\urlstyle{tt}\Url}
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-%\newcommand{\workingnote}[1]{(**#1)}   % The version that makes the note visible.
-% If an URL ends up with '%'s in it, that's because the line *in the .bib/.tex
-% file* is too long, so break it there (it doesn't matter if the next line is
-% indented with spaces). -DH
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-% page.
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-%% Use dvipdfm instead. --DH
-%  \pdfcompresslevel=9
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-\title{Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router} %\\DRAFT VERSION}
-% Putting the 'Private' back in 'Virtual Private Network'
-\author{Roger Dingledine \\ The Free Haven Project \\ \and
-Nick Mathewson \\ The Free Haven Project \\ \and
-Paul Syverson \\ Naval Research Lab \\}
-We present Tor, a circuit-based low-latency anonymous communication
-service. This second-generation Onion Routing system addresses limitations
-in the original design by adding perfect forward secrecy, congestion
-control, directory servers, integrity checking, configurable exit policies,
-and a practical design for location-hidden services via rendezvous
-points. Tor works on the real-world
-Internet, requires no special privileges or kernel modifications, requires
-little synchronization or coordination between nodes, and provides a
-reasonable tradeoff between anonymity, usability, and efficiency.
-We briefly describe our experiences with an international network of
-more than 30 nodes. % that has been running for several months.
-We close with a list of open problems in anonymous communication.
-%\textbf{Keywords:} anonymity, peer-to-peer, remailer, nymserver, reply block
-Onion Routing is a distributed overlay network designed to anonymize
-TCP-based applications like web browsing, secure shell,
-and instant messaging. Clients choose a path through the network and
-build a \emph{circuit}, in which each node (or ``onion router'' or ``OR'')
-in the path knows its predecessor and successor, but no other nodes in
-the circuit.  Traffic flows down the circuit in fixed-size
-\emph{cells}, which are unwrapped by a symmetric key at each node
-(like the layers of an onion) and relayed downstream. The
-Onion Routing project published several design and analysis
-papers \cite{or-ih96,or-jsac98,or-discex00,or-pet00}. While a wide area Onion
-Routing network was deployed briefly, the only long-running
-public implementation was a fragile
-proof-of-concept that ran on a single machine. Even this simple deployment
-processed connections from over sixty thousand distinct IP addresses from
-all over the world at a rate of about fifty thousand per day.
-But many critical design and deployment issues were never
-resolved, and the design has not been updated in years. Here
-we describe Tor, a protocol for asynchronous, loosely federated onion
-routers that provides the following improvements over the old Onion
-Routing design:
-\textbf{Perfect forward secrecy:} In the original Onion Routing design,
-a single hostile node could record traffic and
-later compromise successive nodes in the circuit and force them
-to decrypt it. Rather than using a single multiply encrypted data
-structure (an \emph{onion}) to lay each circuit,
-Tor now uses an incremental or \emph{telescoping} path-building design,
-where the initiator negotiates session keys with each successive hop in
-the circuit.  Once these keys are deleted, subsequently compromised nodes
-cannot decrypt old traffic.  As a side benefit, onion replay detection
-is no longer necessary, and the process of building circuits is more
-reliable, since the initiator knows when a hop fails and can then try
-extending to a new node.
-\textbf{Separation of ``protocol cleaning'' from anonymity:}
-Onion Routing originally required a separate ``application
-proxy'' for each supported application protocol---most of which were
-never written, so many applications were never supported.  Tor uses the
-standard and near-ubiquitous SOCKS~\cite{socks4} proxy interface, allowing
-us to support most TCP-based programs without modification.  Tor now
-relies on the filtering features of privacy-enhancing
-application-level proxies such as Privoxy~\cite{privoxy}, without trying
-to duplicate those features itself.
-\textbf{No mixing, padding, or traffic shaping (yet):} Onion
-Routing originally called for batching and reordering cells as they arrived,
-assumed padding between ORs, and in
-later designs added padding between onion proxies (users) and
-ORs~\cite{or-ih96,or-jsac98}.  Tradeoffs between padding protection
-and cost were discussed, and \emph{traffic shaping} algorithms were
-theorized~\cite{or-pet00} to provide good security without expensive
-padding, but no concrete padding scheme was suggested.
-Recent research~\cite{econymics}
-and deployment experience~\cite{freedom21-security} suggest that this
-level of resource use is not practical or economical; and even full
-link padding is still vulnerable~\cite{defensive-dropping}. Thus,
-until we have a proven and convenient design for traffic shaping or
-low-latency mixing that improves anonymity against a realistic
-adversary, we leave these strategies out.
-\textbf{Many TCP streams can share one circuit:} Onion Routing originally
-built a separate circuit for each
-application-level request, but this required
-multiple public key operations for every request, and also presented
-a threat to anonymity from building so many circuits; see
-Section~\ref{sec:maintaining-anonymity}.  Tor multiplexes multiple TCP
-streams along each circuit to improve efficiency and anonymity.
-\textbf{Leaky-pipe circuit topology:} Through in-band signaling
-within the circuit, Tor initiators can direct traffic to nodes partway
-down the circuit. This novel approach
-allows traffic to exit the circuit from the middle---possibly
-frustrating traffic shape and volume attacks based on observing the end
-of the circuit. (It also allows for long-range padding if
-future research shows this to be worthwhile.)
-\textbf{Congestion control:} Earlier anonymity designs do not
-address traffic bottlenecks. Unfortunately, typical approaches to
-load balancing and flow control in overlay networks involve inter-node
-control communication and global views of traffic. Tor's decentralized
-congestion control uses end-to-end acks to maintain anonymity
-while allowing nodes at the edges of the network to detect congestion
-or flooding and send less data until the congestion subsides.
-\textbf{Directory servers:} The earlier Onion Routing design
-planned to flood state information through the network---an approach
-that can be unreliable and complex. % open to partitioning attacks.
-Tor takes a simplified view toward distributing this
-information. Certain more trusted nodes act as \emph{directory
-servers}: they provide signed directories describing known
-routers and their current state. Users periodically download them
-via HTTP.
-\textbf{Variable exit policies:} Tor provides a consistent mechanism
-for each node to advertise a policy describing the hosts
-and ports to which it will connect. These exit policies are critical
-in a volunteer-based distributed infrastructure, because each operator
-is comfortable with allowing different types of traffic to exit
-from his node.
-\textbf{End-to-end integrity checking:} The original Onion Routing
-design did no integrity checking on data. Any node on the
-circuit could change the contents of data cells as they passed by---for
-example, to alter a connection request so it would connect
-to a different webserver, or to `tag' encrypted traffic and look for
-corresponding corrupted traffic at the network edges~\cite{minion-design}.
-Tor hampers these attacks by verifying data integrity before it leaves
-the network.
-%\textbf{Improved robustness to failed nodes:} A failed node
-%in the old design meant that circuit building failed, but thanks to
-%Tor's step-by-step circuit building, users notice failed nodes
-%while building circuits and route around them. Additionally, liveness
-%information from directories allows users to avoid unreliable nodes in
-%the first place.
-%% Can't really claim this, now that we've found so many variants of
-%% attack on partial-circuit-building. -RD
-\textbf{Rendezvous points and hidden services:}
-Tor provides an integrated mechanism for responder anonymity via
-location-protected servers.  Previous Onion Routing designs included
-long-lived ``reply onions'' that could be used to build circuits
-to a hidden server, but these reply onions did not provide forward
-security, and became useless if any node in the path went down
-or rotated its keys.  In Tor, clients negotiate {\it rendezvous points}
-to connect with hidden servers; reply onions are no longer required.
-Unlike Freedom~\cite{freedom2-arch}, Tor does not require OS kernel
-patches or network stack support.  This prevents us from anonymizing
-non-TCP protocols, but has greatly helped our portability and
-%Unlike Freedom~\cite{freedom2-arch}, Tor only anonymizes
-%TCP-based protocols---not requiring patches (or built-in support) in an
-%operating system's network stack has been valuable to Tor's
-%portability and deployability.
-We have implemented all of the above features, including rendezvous
-points. Our source code is
-available under a free license, and Tor
-%, as far as we know, is unencumbered by patents.
-is not covered by the patent that affected distribution and use of
-earlier versions of Onion Routing.
-We have deployed a wide-area alpha network
-to test the design, to get more experience with usability
-and users, and to provide a research platform for experimentation.
-As of this writing, the network stands at 32 nodes %in thirteen
-%distinct administrative domains
-spread over two continents.
-We review previous work in Section~\ref{sec:related-work}, describe
-our goals and assumptions in Section~\ref{sec:assumptions},
-and then address the above list of improvements in
-Sections~\ref{sec:design},~\ref{sec:rendezvous}, and~\ref{sec:other-design}.
-We summarize
-in Section~\ref{sec:attacks} how our design stands up to
-known attacks, and talk about our early deployment experiences in
-Section~\ref{sec:in-the-wild}. We conclude with a list of open problems in
-Section~\ref{sec:maintaining-anonymity} and future work for the Onion
-Routing project in Section~\ref{sec:conclusion}.
-\section{Related work}
-Modern anonymity systems date to Chaum's {\bf Mix-Net}
-design~\cite{chaum-mix}. Chaum
-proposed hiding the correspondence between sender and recipient by
-wrapping messages in layers of public-key cryptography, and relaying them
-through a path composed of ``mixes.''  Each mix in turn
-decrypts, delays, and re-orders messages before relaying them
-%toward their destinations.
-Subsequent relay-based anonymity designs have diverged in two
-main directions. Systems like {\bf Babel}~\cite{babel},
-{\bf Mixmaster}~\cite{mixmaster-spec},
-and {\bf Mixminion}~\cite{minion-design} have tried
-to maximize anonymity at the cost of introducing comparatively large and
-variable latencies. Because of this decision, these \emph{high-latency}
-networks resist strong global adversaries,
-but introduce too much lag for interactive tasks like web browsing,
-Internet chat, or SSH connections.
-Tor belongs to the second category: \emph{low-latency} designs that
-try to anonymize interactive network traffic. These systems handle
-a variety of bidirectional protocols. They also provide more convenient
-mail delivery than the high-latency anonymous email
-networks, because the remote mail server provides explicit and timely
-delivery confirmation. But because these designs typically
-involve many packets that must be delivered quickly, it is
-difficult for them to prevent an attacker who can eavesdrop both ends of the
-communication from correlating the timing and volume
-of traffic entering the anonymity network with traffic leaving it~\cite{SS03}.
-protocols are similarly vulnerable to an active adversary who introduces
-timing patterns into traffic entering the network and looks
-for correlated patterns among exiting traffic.
-Although some work has been done to frustrate these attacks, most designs
-protect primarily against traffic analysis rather than traffic
-confirmation (see Section~\ref{subsec:threat-model}).
-The simplest low-latency designs are single-hop proxies such as the
-{\bf Anonymizer}~\cite{anonymizer}: a single trusted server strips the
-data's origin before relaying it.  These designs are easy to
-analyze, but users must trust the anonymizing proxy.
-Concentrating the traffic to this single point increases the anonymity set
-(the people a given user is hiding among), but it is vulnerable if the
-adversary can observe all traffic entering and leaving the proxy.
-More complex are distributed-trust, circuit-based anonymizing systems.
-In these designs, a user establishes one or more medium-term bidirectional
-end-to-end circuits, and tunnels data in fixed-size cells.
-Establishing circuits is computationally expensive and typically
-requires public-key
-cryptography, whereas relaying cells is comparatively inexpensive and
-typically requires only symmetric encryption.
-Because a circuit crosses several servers, and each server only knows
-the adjacent servers in the circuit, no single server can link a
-user to her communication partners.
-The {\bf Java Anon Proxy} (also known as JAP or Web MIXes) uses fixed shared
-routes known as \emph{cascades}.  As with a single-hop proxy, this
-approach aggregates users into larger anonymity sets, but again an
-attacker only needs to observe both ends of the cascade to bridge all
-the system's traffic.  The Java Anon Proxy's design
-calls for padding between end users and the head of the
-cascade~\cite{web-mix}. However, it is not demonstrated whether the current
-implementation's padding policy improves anonymity.
-{\bf PipeNet}~\cite{back01, pipenet}, another low-latency design proposed
-around the same time as Onion Routing, gave
-stronger anonymity but allowed a single user to shut
-down the network by not sending. Systems like {\bf ISDN
-mixes}~\cite{isdn-mixes} were designed for other environments with
-different assumptions.
-%XXX please can we fix this sentence to something less demeaning
-In P2P designs like {\bf Tarzan}~\cite{tarzan:ccs02} and
-{\bf MorphMix}~\cite{morphmix:fc04}, all participants both generate
-traffic and relay traffic for others. These systems aim to conceal
-whether a given peer originated a request
-or just relayed it from another peer. While Tarzan and MorphMix use
-layered encryption as above, {\bf Crowds}~\cite{crowds-tissec} simply assumes
-an adversary who cannot observe the initiator: it uses no public-key
-encryption, so any node on a circuit can read users' traffic.
-{\bf Hordes}~\cite{hordes-jcs} is based on Crowds but also uses multicast
-responses to hide the initiator. {\bf Herbivore}~\cite{herbivore} and
-$\mbox{\bf P}^{\mathbf 5}$~\cite{p5} go even further, requiring broadcast.
-These systems are designed primarily for communication among peers,
-although Herbivore users can make external connections by
-requesting a peer to serve as a proxy.
-Systems like {\bf Freedom} and the original Onion Routing build circuits
-all at once, using a layered ``onion'' of public-key encrypted messages,
-each layer of which provides session keys and the address of the
-next server in the circuit. Tor as described herein, Tarzan, MorphMix,
-{\bf Cebolla}~\cite{cebolla}, and Rennhard's {\bf Anonymity Network}~\cite{anonnet}
-build circuits
-in stages, extending them one hop at a time.
-Section~\ref{subsubsec:constructing-a-circuit} describes how this
-approach enables perfect forward secrecy.
-Circuit-based designs must choose which protocol layer
-to anonymize. They may intercept IP packets directly, and
-relay them whole (stripping the source address) along the
-circuit~\cite{freedom2-arch,tarzan:ccs02}.  Like
-Tor, they may accept TCP streams and relay the data in those streams,
-ignoring the breakdown of that data into TCP
-segments~\cite{morphmix:fc04,anonnet}. Finally, like Crowds, they may accept
-application-level protocols such as HTTP and relay the application
-requests themselves.
-Making this protocol-layer decision requires a compromise between flexibility
-and anonymity.  For example, a system that understands HTTP
-can strip
-identifying information from requests, can take advantage of caching
-to limit the number of requests that leave the network, and can batch
-or encode requests to minimize the number of connections.
-On the other hand, an IP-level anonymizer can handle nearly any protocol,
-even ones unforeseen by its designers (though these systems require
-kernel-level modifications to some operating systems, and so are more
-complex and less portable). TCP-level anonymity networks like Tor present
-a middle approach: they are application neutral (so long as the
-application supports, or can be tunneled across, TCP), but by treating
-application connections as data streams rather than raw TCP packets,
-they avoid the inefficiencies of tunneling TCP over
-Distributed-trust anonymizing systems need to prevent attackers from
-adding too many servers and thus compromising user paths.
-Tor relies on a small set of well-known directory servers, run by
-independent parties, to decide which nodes can
-join. Tarzan and MorphMix allow unknown users to run servers, and use
-a limited resource (like IP addresses) to prevent an attacker from
-controlling too much of the network.  Crowds suggests requiring
-written, notarized requests from potential crowd members.
-Anonymous communication is essential for censorship-resistant
-systems like Eternity~\cite{eternity}, Free~Haven~\cite{freehaven-berk},
-Publius~\cite{publius}, and Tangler~\cite{tangler}. Tor's rendezvous
-points enable connections between mutually anonymous entities; they
-are a building block for location-hidden servers, which are needed by
-Eternity and Free~Haven.
-% didn't include rewebbers. No clear place to put them, so I'll leave
-% them out for now. -RD
-\section{Design goals and assumptions}
-\noindent{\large\bf Goals}\\
-Like other low-latency anonymity designs, Tor seeks to frustrate
-attackers from linking communication partners, or from linking
-multiple communications to or from a single user.  Within this
-main goal, however, several considerations have directed
-Tor's evolution.
-\textbf{Deployability:} The design must be deployed and used in the
-real world.  Thus it
-must not be expensive to run (for example, by requiring more bandwidth
-than volunteers are willing to provide); must not place a heavy
-liability burden on operators (for example, by allowing attackers to
-implicate onion routers in illegal activities); and must not be
-difficult or expensive to implement (for example, by requiring kernel
-patches, or separate proxies for every protocol).  We also cannot
-require non-anonymous parties (such as websites)
-to run our software.  (Our rendezvous point design does not meet
-this goal for non-anonymous users talking to hidden servers,
-however; see Section~\ref{sec:rendezvous}.)
-\textbf{Usability:} A hard-to-use system has fewer users---and because
-anonymity systems hide users among users, a system with fewer users
-provides less anonymity.  Usability is thus not only a convenience:
-it is a security requirement~\cite{econymics,back01}. Tor should
-therefore not
-require modifying familiar applications; should not introduce prohibitive
-and should require as few configuration decisions
-as possible.  Finally, Tor should be easily implementable on all common
-platforms; we cannot require users to change their operating system
-to be anonymous.  (Tor currently runs on Win32, Linux,
-Solaris, BSD-style Unix, MacOS X, and probably others.)
-\textbf{Flexibility:} The protocol must be flexible and well-specified,
-so Tor can serve as a test-bed for future research.
-Many of the open problems in low-latency anonymity
-networks, such as generating dummy traffic or preventing Sybil
-attacks~\cite{sybil}, may be solvable independently from the issues
-solved by
-Tor. Hopefully future systems will not need to reinvent Tor's design.
-%(But note that while a flexible design benefits researchers,
-%there is a danger that differing choices of extensions will make users
-%distinguishable. Experiments should be run on a separate network.)
-\textbf{Simple design:} The protocol's design and security
-parameters must be well-understood. Additional features impose implementation
-and complexity costs; adding unproven techniques to the design threatens
-deployability, readability, and ease of security analysis. Tor aims to
-deploy a simple and stable system that integrates the best accepted
-approaches to protecting anonymity.\\
-\noindent{\large\bf Non-goals}\label{subsec:non-goals}\\
-In favoring simple, deployable designs, we have explicitly deferred
-several possible goals, either because they are solved elsewhere, or because
-they are not yet solved.
-\textbf{Not peer-to-peer:} Tarzan and MorphMix aim to scale to completely
-decentralized peer-to-peer environments with thousands of short-lived
-servers, many of which may be controlled by an adversary.  This approach
-is appealing, but still has many open
-\textbf{Not secure against end-to-end attacks:} Tor does not claim
-to completely solve end-to-end timing or intersection
-attacks. Some approaches, such as having users run their own onion routers,
-may help;
-see Section~\ref{sec:maintaining-anonymity} for more discussion.
-\textbf{No protocol normalization:} Tor does not provide \emph{protocol
-normalization} like Privoxy or the Anonymizer. If senders want anonymity from
-responders while using complex and variable
-protocols like HTTP, Tor must be layered with a filtering proxy such
-as Privoxy to hide differences between clients, and expunge protocol
-features that leak identity.
-Note that by this separation Tor can also provide services that
-are anonymous to the network yet authenticated to the responder, like
-SSH. Similarly, Tor does not integrate
-tunneling for non-stream-based protocols like UDP; this must be
-provided by an external service if appropriate.
-\textbf{Not steganographic:} Tor does not try to conceal who is connected
-to the network.
-\subsection{Threat Model}
-A global passive adversary is the most commonly assumed threat when
-analyzing theoretical anonymity designs. But like all practical
-low-latency systems, Tor does not protect against such a strong
-adversary. Instead, we assume an adversary who can observe some fraction
-of network traffic; who can generate, modify, delete, or delay
-traffic;  who can operate onion routers of his own; and who can
-compromise some fraction of the onion routers.
-In low-latency anonymity systems that use layered encryption, the
-adversary's typical goal is to observe both the initiator and the
-responder. By observing both ends, passive attackers can confirm a
-suspicion that Alice is
-talking to Bob if the timing and volume patterns of the traffic on the
-connection are distinct enough; active attackers can induce timing
-signatures on the traffic to force distinct patterns. Rather
-than focusing on these \emph{traffic confirmation} attacks,
-we aim to prevent \emph{traffic
-analysis} attacks, where the adversary uses traffic patterns to learn
-which points in the network he should attack.
-Our adversary might try to link an initiator Alice with her
-communication partners, or try to build a profile of Alice's
-behavior. He might mount passive attacks by observing the network edges
-and correlating traffic entering and leaving the network---by
-relationships in packet timing, volume, or externally visible
-options. The adversary can also mount active attacks by compromising
-routers or keys; by replaying traffic; by selectively denying service
-to trustworthy routers to move users to
-compromised routers, or denying service to users to see if traffic
-elsewhere in the
-network stops; or by introducing patterns into traffic that can later be
-detected. The adversary might subvert the directory servers to give users
-differing views of network state. Additionally, he can try to decrease
-the network's reliability by attacking nodes or by performing antisocial
-activities from reliable nodes and trying to get them taken down---making
-the network unreliable flushes users to other less anonymous
-systems, where they may be easier to attack. We summarize
-in Section~\ref{sec:attacks} how well the Tor design defends against
-each of these attacks.
-\section{The Tor Design}
-The Tor network is an overlay network; each onion router (OR)
-runs as a normal
-user-level process without any special privileges.
-Each onion router maintains a TLS~\cite{TLS}
-connection to every other onion router.
-%(We discuss alternatives to this clique-topology assumption in
-% A subset of the ORs also act as
-%directory servers, tracking which routers are in the network;
-%see Section~\ref{subsec:dirservers} for directory server details.
-Each user
-runs local software called an onion proxy (OP) to fetch directories,
-establish circuits across the network,
-and handle connections from user applications.  These onion proxies accept
-TCP streams and multiplex them across the circuits. The onion
-router on the other side
-of the circuit connects to the requested destinations
-and relays data.
-Each onion router maintains a long-term identity key and a short-term
-onion key. The identity
-key is used to sign TLS certificates, to sign the OR's \emph{router
-descriptor} (a summary of its keys, address, bandwidth, exit policy,
-and so on), and (by directory servers) to sign directories. %Changing
-%the identity key of a router is considered equivalent to creating a
-%new router. 
-The onion key is used to decrypt requests
-from users to set up a circuit and negotiate ephemeral keys. 
-The TLS protocol also establishes a short-term link key when communicating
-between ORs. Short-term keys are rotated periodically and
-independently, to limit the impact of key compromise.
-Section~\ref{subsec:cells} presents the fixed-size
-\emph{cells} that are the unit of communication in Tor. We describe
-in Section~\ref{subsec:circuits} how circuits are
-built, extended, truncated, and destroyed. Section~\ref{subsec:tcp}
-describes how TCP streams are routed through the network.  We address
-integrity checking in Section~\ref{subsec:integrity-checking},
-and resource limiting in Section~\ref{subsec:rate-limit}.
-Section~\ref{subsec:congestion} talks about congestion control and
-fairness issues.
-Onion routers communicate with one another, and with users' OPs, via
-TLS connections with ephemeral keys.  Using TLS conceals the data on
-the connection with perfect forward secrecy, and prevents an attacker
-from modifying data on the wire or impersonating an OR.
-Traffic passes along these connections in fixed-size cells.  Each cell
-is 512 bytes, %(but see Section~\ref{sec:conclusion} for a discussion of
-%allowing large cells and small cells on the same network),
-and consists of a header and a payload. The header includes a circuit
-identifier (circID) that specifies which circuit the cell refers to
-(many circuits can be multiplexed over the single TLS connection), and
-a command to describe what to do with the cell's payload.  (Circuit
-identifiers are connection-specific: each circuit has a different
-circID on each OP/OR or OR/OR connection it traverses.)
-Based on their command, cells are either \emph{control} cells, which are
-always interpreted by the node that receives them, or \emph{relay} cells,
-which carry end-to-end stream data.   The control cell commands are:
-\emph{padding} (currently used for keepalive, but also usable for link
-padding); \emph{create} or \emph{created} (used to set up a new circuit);
-and \emph{destroy} (to tear down a circuit).
-Relay cells have an additional header (the relay header) at the front
-of the payload, containing a streamID (stream identifier: many streams can
-be multiplexed over a circuit); an end-to-end checksum for integrity
-checking; the length of the relay payload; and a relay command.
-The entire contents of the relay header and the relay cell payload
-are encrypted or decrypted together as the relay cell moves along the
-circuit, using the 128-bit AES cipher in counter mode to generate a
-cipher stream.  The relay commands are: \emph{relay
-data} (for data flowing down the stream), \emph{relay begin} (to open a
-stream), \emph{relay end} (to close a stream cleanly), \emph{relay
-teardown} (to close a broken stream), \emph{relay connected}
-(to notify the OP that a relay begin has succeeded), \emph{relay
-extend} and \emph{relay extended} (to extend the circuit by a hop,
-and to acknowledge), \emph{relay truncate} and \emph{relay truncated}
-(to tear down only part of the circuit, and to acknowledge), \emph{relay
-sendme} (used for congestion control), and \emph{relay drop} (used to
-implement long-range dummies).
-We give a visual overview of cell structure plus the details of relay
-cell structure, and then describe each of these cell types and commands
-in more detail below.
-\subsection{Circuits and streams}
-Onion Routing originally built one circuit for each
-TCP stream.  Because building a circuit can take several tenths of a
-second (due to public-key cryptography and network latency),
-this design imposed high costs on applications like web browsing that
-open many TCP streams.
-In Tor, each circuit can be shared by many TCP streams.  To avoid
-delays, users construct circuits preemptively.  To limit linkability
-among their streams, users' OPs build a new circuit
-periodically if the previous ones have been used,
-and expire old used circuits that no longer have any open streams.
-OPs consider rotating to a new circuit once a minute: thus
-even heavy users spend negligible time
-building circuits, but a limited number of requests can be linked
-to each other through a given exit node. Also, because circuits are built
-in the background, OPs can recover from failed circuit creation
-without harming user experience.\\
-\caption{Alice builds a two-hop circuit and begins fetching a web page.}
-\noindent{\large\bf Constructing a circuit}\label{subsubsec:constructing-a-circuit}\\
-%\subsubsection{Constructing a circuit}
-A user's OP constructs circuits incrementally, negotiating a
-symmetric key with each OR on the circuit, one hop at a time. To begin
-creating a new circuit, the OP (call her Alice) sends a
-\emph{create} cell to the first node in her chosen path (call him Bob).
-(She chooses a new
-circID $C_{AB}$ not currently used on the connection from her to Bob.)
-The \emph{create} cell's
-payload contains the first half of the Diffie-Hellman handshake
-($g^x$), encrypted to the onion key of Bob. Bob
-responds with a \emph{created} cell containing $g^y$
-along with a hash of the negotiated key $K=g^{xy}$.
-Once the circuit has been established, Alice and Bob can send one
-another relay cells encrypted with the negotiated
-key.\footnote{Actually, the negotiated key is used to derive two
-  symmetric keys: one for each direction.}  More detail is given in
-the next section.
-To extend the circuit further, Alice sends a \emph{relay extend} cell
-to Bob, specifying the address of the next OR (call her Carol), and
-an encrypted $g^{x_2}$ for her.  Bob copies the half-handshake into a
-\emph{create} cell, and passes it to Carol to extend the circuit.
-(Bob chooses a new circID $C_{BC}$ not currently used on the connection
-between him and Carol.  Alice never needs to know this circID; only Bob
-associates $C_{AB}$ on his connection with Alice to $C_{BC}$ on
-his connection with Carol.)
-When Carol responds with a \emph{created} cell, Bob wraps the payload
-into a \emph{relay extended} cell and passes it back to Alice.  Now
-the circuit is extended to Carol, and Alice and Carol share a common key
-$K_2 = g^{x_2 y_2}$.
-To extend the circuit to a third node or beyond, Alice
-proceeds as above, always telling the last node in the circuit to
-extend one hop further.
-This circuit-level handshake protocol achieves unilateral entity
-authentication (Alice knows she's handshaking with the OR, but
-the OR doesn't care who is opening the circuit---Alice uses no public key
-and remains anonymous) and unilateral key authentication
-(Alice and the OR agree on a key, and Alice knows only the OR learns
-it). It also achieves forward
-secrecy and key freshness. More formally, the protocol is as follows
-(where $E_{PK_{Bob}}(\cdot)$ is encryption with Bob's public key,
-$H$ is a secure hash function, and $|$ is concatenation):
-\mathrm{Alice} \rightarrow \mathrm{Bob}&: E_{PK_{Bob}}(g^x) \\
-\mathrm{Bob} \rightarrow \mathrm{Alice}&: g^y, H(K | \mathrm{``handshake"}) \\
-\noindent In the second step, Bob proves that it was he who received $g^x$,
-and who chose $y$. We use PK encryption in the first step
-(rather than, say, using the first two steps of STS, which has a
-signature in the second step) because a single cell is too small to
-hold both a public key and a signature. Preliminary analysis with the
-NRL protocol analyzer~\cite{meadows96} shows this protocol to be
-secure (including perfect forward secrecy) under the
-traditional Dolev-Yao model.\\
-\noindent{\large\bf Relay cells}\\
-%\subsubsection{Relay cells}
-Once Alice has established the circuit (so she shares keys with each
-OR on the circuit), she can send relay cells.
-%Recall that every relay cell has a streamID that indicates to which
-%stream the cell belongs.  %This streamID allows a relay cell to be
-%addressed to any OR on the circuit.  
-Upon receiving a relay
-cell, an OR looks up the corresponding circuit, and decrypts the relay
-header and payload with the session key for that circuit.
-If the cell is headed away from Alice the OR then checks whether the
-decrypted cell has a valid digest (as an optimization, the first
-two bytes of the integrity check are zero, so in most cases we can avoid
-computing the hash).
-%is recognized---either because it
-%corresponds to an open stream at this OR for the given circuit, or because
-%it is the control streamID (zero).
-If valid, it accepts the relay cell and processes it as described
-below.  Otherwise,
-the OR looks up the circID and OR for the
-next step in the circuit, replaces the circID as appropriate, and
-sends the decrypted relay cell to the next OR.  (If the OR at the end
-of the circuit receives an unrecognized relay cell, an error has
-occurred, and the circuit is torn down.)
-OPs treat incoming relay cells similarly: they iteratively unwrap the
-relay header and payload with the session keys shared with each
-OR on the circuit, from the closest to farthest.
-If at any stage the digest is valid, the cell must have
-originated at the OR whose encryption has just been removed.
-To construct a relay cell addressed to a given OR, Alice assigns the
-digest, and then iteratively
-encrypts the cell payload (that is, the relay header and payload) with
-the symmetric key of each hop up to that OR.  Because the digest is
-encrypted to a different value at each step, only at the targeted OR
-will it have a meaningful value.\footnote{
-  % Should we just say that 2^56 is itself negligible?
-  % Assuming 4-hop circuits with 10 streams per hop, there are 33
-  % possible bad streamIDs before the last circuit.  This still
-  % gives an error only once every 2 million terabytes (approx).
-With 48 bits of digest per cell, the probability of an accidental
-collision is far lower than the chance of hardware failure.}
-This \emph{leaky pipe} circuit topology
-allows Alice's streams to exit at different ORs on a single circuit.
-Alice may choose different exit points because of their exit policies,
-or to keep the ORs from knowing that two streams
-originate from the same person.
-When an OR later replies to Alice with a relay cell, it
-encrypts the cell's relay header and payload with the single key it
-shares with Alice, and sends the cell back toward Alice along the
-circuit.  Subsequent ORs add further layers of encryption as they
-relay the cell back to Alice.
-To tear down a circuit, Alice sends a \emph{destroy} control
-cell. Each OR in the circuit receives the \emph{destroy} cell, closes
-all streams on that circuit, and passes a new \emph{destroy} cell
-forward. But just as circuits are built incrementally, they can also
-be torn down incrementally: Alice can send a \emph{relay
-truncate} cell to a single OR on a circuit. That OR then sends a
-\emph{destroy} cell forward, and acknowledges with a
-\emph{relay truncated} cell. Alice can then extend the circuit to
-different nodes, without signaling to the intermediate nodes (or
-a limited observer) that she has changed her circuit.
-Similarly, if a node on the circuit goes down, the adjacent
-node can send a \emph{relay truncated} cell back to Alice.  Thus the
-``break a node and see which circuits go down''
-attack~\cite{freedom21-security} is weakened.
-\subsection{Opening and closing streams}
-When Alice's application wants a TCP connection to a given
-address and port, it asks the OP (via SOCKS) to make the
-connection. The OP chooses the newest open circuit (or creates one if
-needed), and chooses a suitable OR on that circuit to be the
-exit node (usually the last node, but maybe others due to exit policy
-conflicts; see Section~\ref{subsec:exitpolicies}.) The OP then opens
-the stream by sending a \emph{relay begin} cell to the exit node,
-using a new random streamID. Once the
-exit node connects to the remote host, it responds
-with a \emph{relay connected} cell.  Upon receipt, the OP sends a
-SOCKS reply to notify the application of its success. The OP
-now accepts data from the application's TCP stream, packaging it into
-\emph{relay data} cells and sending those cells along the circuit to
-the chosen OR.
-There's a catch to using SOCKS, however---some applications pass the
-alphanumeric hostname to the Tor client, while others resolve it into
-an IP address first and then pass the IP address to the Tor client. If
-the application does DNS resolution first, Alice thereby reveals her
-destination to the remote DNS server, rather than sending the hostname
-through the Tor network to be resolved at the far end. Common applications
-like Mozilla and SSH have this flaw.
-With Mozilla, the flaw is easy to address: the filtering HTTP
-proxy called Privoxy gives a hostname to the Tor client, so Alice's
-computer never does DNS resolution.
-But a portable general solution, such as is needed for
-SSH, is
-an open problem. Modifying or replacing the local nameserver
-can be invasive, brittle, and unportable. Forcing the resolver
-library to prefer TCP rather than UDP is hard, and also has
-portability problems. Dynamically intercepting system calls to the
-resolver library seems a promising direction. We could also provide
-a tool similar to \emph{dig} to perform a private lookup through the
-Tor network. Currently, we encourage the use of privacy-aware proxies
-like Privoxy wherever possible.
-Closing a Tor stream is analogous to closing a TCP stream: it uses a
-two-step handshake for normal operation, or a one-step handshake for
-errors. If the stream closes abnormally, the adjacent node simply sends a
-\emph{relay teardown} cell. If the stream closes normally, the node sends
-a \emph{relay end} cell down the circuit, and the other side responds with
-its own \emph{relay end} cell. Because
-all relay cells use layered encryption, only the destination OR knows
-that a given relay cell is a request to close a stream.  This two-step
-handshake allows Tor to support TCP-based applications that use half-closed
-% such as broken HTTP clients that close their side of the
-%stream after writing but are still willing to read.
-\subsection{Integrity checking on streams}
-Because the old Onion Routing design used a stream cipher without integrity
-checking, traffic was
-vulnerable to a malleability attack: though the attacker could not
-decrypt cells, any changes to encrypted data
-would create corresponding changes to the data leaving the network.
-This weakness allowed an adversary who could guess the encrypted content
-to change a padding cell to a destroy
-cell; change the destination address in a \emph{relay begin} cell to the
-adversary's webserver; or change an FTP command from
-{\tt dir} to {\tt rm~*}. (Even an external
-adversary could do this, because the link encryption similarly used a
-stream cipher.)
-Because Tor uses TLS on its links, external adversaries cannot modify
-data. Addressing the insider malleability attack, however, is
-more complex.
-We could do integrity checking of the relay cells at each hop, either
-by including hashes or by using an authenticating cipher mode like
-EAX~\cite{eax}, but there are some problems. First, these approaches
-impose a message-expansion overhead at each hop, and so we would have to
-either leak the path length or waste bytes by padding to a maximum
-path length. Second, these solutions can only verify traffic coming
-from Alice: ORs would not be able to produce suitable hashes for
-the intermediate hops, since the ORs on a circuit do not know the
-other ORs' session keys. Third, we have already accepted that our design
-is vulnerable to end-to-end timing attacks; so tagging attacks performed
-within the circuit provide no additional information to the attacker.
-Thus, we check integrity only at the edges of each stream. (Remember that
-in our leaky-pipe circuit topology, a stream's edge could be any hop
-in the circuit.) When Alice
-negotiates a key with a new hop, they each initialize a SHA-1
-digest with a derivative of that key,
-thus beginning with randomness that only the two of them know.
-Then they each incrementally add to the SHA-1 digest the contents of
-all relay cells they create, and include with each relay cell the
-first four bytes of the current digest.  Each also keeps a SHA-1
-digest of data received, to verify that the received hashes are correct.
-To be sure of removing or modifying a cell, the attacker must be able
-to deduce the current digest state (which depends on all
-traffic between Alice and Bob, starting with their negotiated key).
-Attacks on SHA-1 where the adversary can incrementally add to a hash
-to produce a new valid hash don't work, because all hashes are
-end-to-end encrypted across the circuit.  The computational overhead
-of computing the digests is minimal compared to doing the AES
-encryption performed at each hop of the circuit. We use only four
-bytes per cell to minimize overhead; the chance that an adversary will
-correctly guess a valid hash
-%, plus the payload the current cell,
-acceptably low, given that the OP or OR tear down the circuit if they
-receive a bad hash.
-\subsection{Rate limiting and fairness}
-Volunteers are more willing to run services that can limit
-their bandwidth usage. To accommodate them, Tor servers use a
-token bucket approach~\cite{tannenbaum96} to
-enforce a long-term average rate of incoming bytes, while still
-permitting short-term bursts above the allowed bandwidth.
-% Current bucket sizes are set to ten seconds' worth of traffic.
-%Further, we want to avoid starving any Tor streams. Entire circuits
-%could starve if we read greedily from connections and one connection
-%uses all the remaining bandwidth. We solve this by dividing the number
-%of tokens in the bucket by the number of connections that want to read,
-%and reading at most that number of bytes from each connection. We iterate
-%this procedure until the number of tokens in the bucket is under some
-%threshold (currently 10KB), at which point we greedily read from connections.
-Because the Tor protocol outputs about the same number of bytes as it
-takes in, it is sufficient in practice to limit only incoming bytes.
-With TCP streams, however, the correspondence is not one-to-one:
-relaying a single incoming byte can require an entire 512-byte cell.
-(We can't just wait for more bytes, because the local application may
-be awaiting a reply.) Therefore, we treat this case as if the entire
-cell size had been read, regardless of the cell's fullness.
-Further, inspired by Rennhard et al's design in~\cite{anonnet}, a
-circuit's edges can heuristically distinguish interactive streams from bulk
-streams by comparing the frequency with which they supply cells.  We can
-provide good latency for interactive streams by giving them preferential
-service, while still giving good overall throughput to the bulk
-streams. Such preferential treatment presents a possible end-to-end
-attack, but an adversary observing both
-ends of the stream can already learn this information through timing
-\subsection{Congestion control}
-Even with bandwidth rate limiting, we still need to worry about
-congestion, either accidental or intentional. If enough users choose the
-same OR-to-OR connection for their circuits, that connection can become
-saturated. For example, an attacker could send a large file
-through the Tor network to a webserver he runs, and then
-refuse to read any of the bytes at the webserver end of the
-circuit. Without some congestion control mechanism, these bottlenecks
-can propagate back through the entire network. We don't need to
-reimplement full TCP windows (with sequence numbers,
-the ability to drop cells when we're full and retransmit later, and so
-because TCP already guarantees in-order delivery of each
-%But we need to investigate further the effects of the current
-%parameters on throughput and latency, while also keeping privacy in mind;
-%see Section~\ref{sec:maintaining-anonymity} for more discussion.
-We describe our response below.
-\textbf{Circuit-level throttling:}
-To control a circuit's bandwidth usage, each OR keeps track of two
-windows. The \emph{packaging window} tracks how many relay data cells the OR is
-allowed to package (from incoming TCP streams) for transmission back to the OP,
-and the \emph{delivery window} tracks how many relay data cells it is willing
-to deliver to TCP streams outside the network. Each window is initialized
-(say, to 1000 data cells). When a data cell is packaged or delivered,
-the appropriate window is decremented. When an OR has received enough
-data cells (currently 100), it sends a \emph{relay sendme} cell towards the OP,
-with streamID zero. When an OR receives a \emph{relay sendme} cell with
-streamID zero, it increments its packaging window. Either of these cells
-increments the corresponding window by 100. If the packaging window
-reaches 0, the OR stops reading from TCP connections for all streams
-on the corresponding circuit, and sends no more relay data cells until
-receiving a \emph{relay sendme} cell.
-The OP behaves identically, except that it must track a packaging window
-and a delivery window for every OR in the circuit. If a packaging window
-reaches 0, it stops reading from streams destined for that OR.
-\textbf{Stream-level throttling}:
-The stream-level congestion control mechanism is similar to the
-circuit-level mechanism. ORs and OPs use \emph{relay sendme} cells
-to implement end-to-end flow control for individual streams across
-circuits. Each stream begins with a packaging window (currently 500 cells),
-and increments the window by a fixed value (50) upon receiving a \emph{relay
-sendme} cell. Rather than always returning a \emph{relay sendme} cell as soon
-as enough cells have arrived, the stream-level congestion control also
-has to check whether data has been successfully flushed onto the TCP
-stream; it sends the \emph{relay sendme} cell only when the number of bytes pending
-to be flushed is under some threshold (currently 10 cells' worth).
-%% Maybe omit this next paragraph. -NM
-%Currently, non-data relay cells do not affect the windows. Thus we
-%avoid potential deadlock issues, for example, arising because a stream
-%can't send a \emph{relay sendme} cell when its packaging window is empty.
-These arbitrarily chosen parameters seem to give tolerable throughput
-and delay; see Section~\ref{sec:in-the-wild}.
-\section{Rendezvous Points and hidden services}
-Rendezvous points are a building block for \emph{location-hidden
-services} (also known as \emph{responder anonymity}) in the Tor
-network.  Location-hidden services allow Bob to offer a TCP
-service, such as a webserver, without revealing his IP address.
-This type of anonymity protects against distributed DoS attacks:
-attackers are forced to attack the onion routing network
-because they do not know Bob's IP address.
-Our design for location-hidden servers has the following goals.
-\textbf{Access-control:} Bob needs a way to filter incoming requests,
-so an attacker cannot flood Bob simply by making many connections to him.
-\textbf{Robustness:} Bob should be able to maintain a long-term pseudonymous
-identity even in the presence of router failure. Bob's service must
-not be tied to a single OR, and Bob must be able to migrate his service
-across ORs. \textbf{Smear-resistance:}
-A social attacker
-should not be able to ``frame'' a rendezvous router by
-offering an illegal or disreputable location-hidden service and
-making observers believe the router created that service.
-\textbf{Application-transparency:} Although we require users
-to run special software to access location-hidden servers, we must not
-require them to modify their applications.
-We provide location-hiding for Bob by allowing him to advertise
-several onion routers (his \emph{introduction points}) as contact
-points. He may do this on any robust efficient
-key-value lookup system with authenticated updates, such as a
-distributed hash table (DHT) like CFS~\cite{cfs:sosp01}.\footnote{
-Rather than rely on an external infrastructure, the Onion Routing network
-can run the lookup service itself.  Our current implementation provides a
-simple lookup system on the
-directory servers.} Alice, the client, chooses an OR as her
-\emph{rendezvous point}. She connects to one of Bob's introduction
-points, informs him of her rendezvous point, and then waits for him
-to connect to the rendezvous point. This extra level of indirection
-helps Bob's introduction points avoid problems associated with serving
-unpopular files directly (for example, if Bob serves
-material that the introduction point's community finds objectionable,
-or if Bob's service tends to get attacked by network vandals).
-The extra level of indirection also allows Bob to respond to some requests
-and ignore others.
-\subsection{Rendezvous points in Tor}
-The following steps are
-%We give an overview of the steps of a rendezvous. These are
-performed on behalf of Alice and Bob by their local OPs;
-application integration is described more fully below.
-\item Bob generates a long-term public key pair to identify his service.
-\item Bob chooses some introduction points, and advertises them on
-      the lookup service, signing the advertisement with his public key.  He
-      can add more later.
-\item Bob builds a circuit to each of his introduction points, and tells
-      them to wait for requests.
-\item Alice learns about Bob's service out of band (perhaps Bob told her,
-      or she found it on a website).  She retrieves the details of Bob's
-      service from the lookup service.  If Alice wants to access Bob's
-      service anonymously, she must connect to the lookup service via Tor.
-\item Alice chooses an OR as the rendezvous point (RP) for her connection to
-      Bob's service. She builds a circuit to the RP, and gives it a
-      randomly chosen ``rendezvous cookie'' to recognize Bob.
-\item Alice opens an anonymous stream to one of Bob's introduction
-      points, and gives it a message (encrypted with Bob's public key)
-      telling it about herself,
-      her RP and rendezvous cookie, and the
-      start of a DH
-      handshake. The introduction point sends the message to Bob.
-\item If Bob wants to talk to Alice, he builds a circuit to Alice's
-      RP and sends the rendezvous cookie, the second half of the DH
-      handshake, and a hash of the session
-      key they now share. By the same argument as in
-      Section~\ref{subsubsec:constructing-a-circuit}, Alice knows she
-      shares the key only with Bob.
-\item The RP connects Alice's circuit to Bob's. Note that RP can't
-      recognize Alice, Bob, or the data they transmit.
-\item Alice sends a \emph{relay begin} cell along the circuit. It
-      arrives at Bob's OP, which connects to Bob's
-      webserver.
-\item An anonymous stream has been established, and Alice and Bob
-      communicate as normal.
-When establishing an introduction point, Bob provides the onion router
-with the public key identifying his service.  Bob signs his
-messages, so others cannot usurp his introduction point
-in the future. He uses the same public key to establish the other
-introduction points for his service, and periodically refreshes his
-entry in the lookup service.
-The message that Alice gives
-the introduction point includes a hash of Bob's public key % to identify
-%the service, along with
-and an optional initial authorization token (the
-introduction point can do prescreening, for example to block replays). Her
-message to Bob may include an end-to-end authorization token so Bob
-can choose whether to respond.
-The authorization tokens can be used to provide selective access:
-important users can get uninterrupted access.
-%important users get tokens to ensure uninterrupted access. %to the
-During normal situations, Bob's service might simply be offered
-directly from mirrors, while Bob gives out tokens to high-priority users. If
-the mirrors are knocked down,
-%by distributed DoS attacks or even
-%physical attack,
-those users can switch to accessing Bob's service via
-the Tor rendezvous system.
-Bob's introduction points are themselves subject to DoS---he must
-open many introduction points or risk such an attack.
-He can provide selected users with a current list or future schedule of
-unadvertised introduction points;
-this is most practical
-if there is a stable and large group of introduction points
-available. Bob could also give secret public keys
-for consulting the lookup service. All of these approaches
-limit exposure even when
-some selected users collude in the DoS\@.
-\subsection{Integration with user applications}
-Bob configures his onion proxy to know the local IP address and port of his
-service, a strategy for authorizing clients, and his public key. The onion
-proxy anonymously publishes a signed statement of Bob's
-public key, an expiration time, and
-the current introduction points for his service onto the lookup service,
-by the hash of his public key.  Bob's webserver is unmodified,
-and doesn't even know that it's hidden behind the Tor network.
-Alice's applications also work unchanged---her client interface
-remains a SOCKS proxy.  We encode all of the necessary information
-into the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) Alice uses when establishing her
-connection. Location-hidden services use a virtual top level domain
-called {\tt .onion}: thus hostnames take the form {\tt x.y.onion} where
-{\tt x} is the authorization cookie and {\tt y} encodes the hash of
-the public key. Alice's onion proxy
-examines addresses; if they're destined for a hidden server, it decodes
-the key and starts the rendezvous as described above.
-\subsection{Previous rendezvous work}
-%XXXX Should this get integrated into the earlier related work section? -NM
-Rendezvous points in low-latency anonymity systems were first
-described for use in ISDN telephony~\cite{jerichow-jsac98,isdn-mixes}.
-Later low-latency designs used rendezvous points for hiding location
-of mobile phones and low-power location
-trackers~\cite{federrath-ih96,reed-protocols97}.  Rendezvous for
-anonymizing low-latency
-Internet connections was suggested in early Onion Routing
-work~\cite{or-ih96}, but the first published design was by Ian
-Goldberg~\cite{ian-thesis}. His design differs from
-ours in three ways. First, Goldberg suggests that Alice should manually
-hunt down a current location of the service via Gnutella; our approach
-makes lookup transparent to the user, as well as faster and more robust.
-Second, in Tor the client and server negotiate session keys
-with Diffie-Hellman, so plaintext is not exposed even at the rendezvous
-point. Third,
-our design minimizes the exposure from running the
-service, to encourage volunteers to offer introduction and rendezvous
-services. Tor's introduction points do not output any bytes to the
-clients; the rendezvous points don't know the client or the server,
-and can't read the data being transmitted. The indirection scheme is
-also designed to include authentication/authorization---if Alice doesn't
-include the right cookie with her request for service, Bob need not even
-acknowledge his existence.
-\section{Other design decisions}
-\subsection{Denial of service}
-Providing Tor as a public service creates many opportunities for
-denial-of-service attacks against the network.  While
-flow control and rate limiting (discussed in
-Section~\ref{subsec:congestion}) prevent users from consuming more
-bandwidth than routers are willing to provide, opportunities remain for
-users to
-consume more network resources than their fair share, or to render the
-network unusable for others.
-First of all, there are several CPU-consuming denial-of-service
-attacks wherein an attacker can force an OR to perform expensive
-cryptographic operations.  For example, an attacker can 
-%\emph{create} cell full of junk bytes can force an OR to perform an RSA
-%Similarly, an attacker can
-fake the start of a TLS handshake, forcing the OR to carry out its
-(comparatively expensive) half of the handshake at no real computational
-cost to the attacker.
-We have not yet implemented any defenses for these attacks, but several
-approaches are possible. First, ORs can
-require clients to solve a puzzle~\cite{puzzles-tls} while beginning new
-TLS handshakes or accepting \emph{create} cells.  So long as these
-tokens are easy to verify and computationally expensive to produce, this
-approach limits the attack multiplier.  Additionally, ORs can limit
-the rate at which they accept \emph{create} cells and TLS connections,
-so that
-the computational work of processing them does not drown out the
-symmetric cryptography operations that keep cells
-flowing.  This rate limiting could, however, allow an attacker
-to slow down other users when they build new circuits.
-% What about link-to-link rate limiting?
-Adversaries can also attack the Tor network's hosts and network
-links. Disrupting a single circuit or link breaks all streams passing
-along that part of the circuit. Users similarly lose service
-when a router crashes or its operator restarts it. The current
-Tor design treats such attacks as intermittent network failures, and
-depends on users and applications to respond or recover as appropriate. A
-future design could use an end-to-end TCP-like acknowledgment protocol,
-so no streams are lost unless the entry or exit point is
-disrupted. This solution would require more buffering at the network
-edges, however, and the performance and anonymity implications from this
-extra complexity still require investigation.
-\subsection{Exit policies and abuse}
-% originally, we planned to put the "users only know the hostname,
-% not the IP, but exit policies are by IP" problem here too. Not
-% worth putting in the submission, but worth thinking about putting
-% in sometime somehow. -RD
-Exit abuse is a serious barrier to wide-scale Tor deployment. Anonymity
-presents would-be vandals and abusers with an opportunity to hide
-the origins of their activities. Attackers can harm the Tor network by
-implicating exit servers for their abuse. Also, applications that commonly
-use IP-based authentication (such as institutional mail or webservers)
-can be fooled by the fact that anonymous connections appear to originate
-at the exit OR.
-We stress that Tor does not enable any new class of abuse. Spammers
-and other attackers already have access to thousands of misconfigured
-systems worldwide, and the Tor network is far from the easiest way
-to launch attacks.
-%Indeed, because of its limited
-%anonymity, Tor is probably not a good way to commit crimes.
-But because the
-onion routers can be mistaken for the originators of the abuse,
-and the volunteers who run them may not want to deal with the hassle of
-explaining anonymity networks to irate administrators, we must block or limit
-abuse through the Tor network.
-To mitigate abuse issues, each onion router's \emph{exit policy}
-describes to which external addresses and ports the router will
-connect. On one end of the spectrum are \emph{open exit}
-nodes that will connect anywhere. On the other end are \emph{middleman}
-nodes that only relay traffic to other Tor nodes, and \emph{private exit}
-nodes that only connect to a local host or network.  A private
-exit can allow a client to connect to a given host or
-network more securely---an external adversary cannot eavesdrop traffic
-between the private exit and the final destination, and so is less sure of
-Alice's destination and activities. Most onion routers in the current
-network function as
-\emph{restricted exits} that permit connections to the world at large,
-but prevent access to certain abuse-prone addresses and services such
-as SMTP.
-The OR might also be able to authenticate clients to
-prevent exit abuse without harming anonymity~\cite{or-discex00}.
-%The abuse issues on closed (e.g. military) networks are different
-%from the abuse on open networks like the Internet. While these IP-based
-%access controls are still commonplace on the Internet, on closed networks,
-%nearly all participants will be honest, and end-to-end authentication
-%can be assumed for important traffic.
-Many administrators use port restrictions to support only a
-limited set of services, such as HTTP, SSH, or AIM.
-This is not a complete solution, of course, since abuse opportunities for these
-protocols are still well known.
-We have not yet encountered any abuse in the deployed network, but if
-we do we should consider using proxies to clean traffic for certain
-protocols as it leaves the network.  For example, much abusive HTTP
-behavior (such as exploiting buffer overflows or well-known script
-vulnerabilities) can be detected in a straightforward manner.
-Similarly, one could run automatic spam filtering software (such as
-SpamAssassin) on email exiting the OR network.
-ORs may also rewrite exiting traffic to append
-headers or other information indicating that the traffic has passed
-through an anonymity service.  This approach is commonly used
-by email-only anonymity systems.  ORs can also
-run on servers with hostnames like {\tt anonymous} to further
-alert abuse targets to the nature of the anonymous traffic.
-A mixture of open and restricted exit nodes allows the most
-flexibility for volunteers running servers. But while having many
-middleman nodes provides a large and robust network,
-having only a few exit nodes reduces the number of points
-an adversary needs to monitor for traffic analysis, and places a
-greater burden on the exit nodes.  This tension can be seen in the
-Java Anon Proxy
-cascade model, wherein only one node in each cascade needs to handle
-abuse complaints---but an adversary only needs to observe the entry
-and exit of a cascade to perform traffic analysis on all that
-cascade's users. The hydra model (many entries, few exits) presents a
-different compromise: only a few exit nodes are needed, but an
-adversary needs to work harder to watch all the clients; see
-Finally, we note that exit abuse must not be dismissed as a peripheral
-issue: when a system's public image suffers, it can reduce the number
-and diversity of that system's users, and thereby reduce the anonymity
-of the system itself.  Like usability, public perception is a
-security parameter.  Sadly, preventing abuse of open exit nodes is an
-unsolved problem, and will probably remain an arms race for the
-foreseeable future.  The abuse problems faced by Princeton's CoDeeN
-project~\cite{darkside} give us a glimpse of likely issues.
-\subsection{Directory Servers}
-First-generation Onion Routing designs~\cite{freedom2-arch,or-jsac98} used
-in-band network status updates: each router flooded a signed statement
-to its neighbors, which propagated it onward. But anonymizing networks
-have different security goals than typical link-state routing protocols.
-For example, delays (accidental or intentional)
-that can cause different parts of the network to have different views
-of link-state and topology are not only inconvenient: they give
-attackers an opportunity to exploit differences in client knowledge.
-We also worry about attacks to deceive a
-client about the router membership list, topology, or current network
-state. Such \emph{partitioning attacks} on client knowledge help an
-adversary to efficiently deploy resources
-against a target~\cite{minion-design}.
-Tor uses a small group of redundant, well-known onion routers to
-track changes in network topology and node state, including keys and
-exit policies.  Each such \emph{directory server} acts as an HTTP
-server, so clients can fetch current network state
-and router lists, and so other ORs can upload
-state information.  Onion routers periodically publish signed
-statements of their state to each directory server. The directory servers
-combine this information with their own views of network liveness,
-and generate a signed description (a \emph{directory}) of the entire
-network state. Client software is
-pre-loaded with a list of the directory servers and their keys,
-to bootstrap each client's view of the network.
-% XXX this means that clients will be forced to upgrade as the
-% XXX dirservers change or get compromised. argue that this is ok.
-When a directory server receives a signed statement for an OR, it
-checks whether the OR's identity key is recognized. Directory
-servers do not advertise unrecognized ORs---if they did,
-an adversary could take over the network by creating many
-servers~\cite{sybil}. Instead, new nodes must be approved by the
-server administrator before they are included. Mechanisms for automated
-node approval are an area of active research, and are discussed more
-in Section~\ref{sec:maintaining-anonymity}.
-Of course, a variety of attacks remain. An adversary who controls
-a directory server can track clients by providing them different
-information---perhaps by listing only nodes under its control, or by
-informing only certain clients about a given node. Even an external
-adversary can exploit differences in client knowledge: clients who use
-a node listed on one directory server but not the others are vulnerable.
-Thus these directory servers must be synchronized and redundant, so
-that they can agree on a common directory.  Clients should only trust
-this directory if it is signed by a threshold of the directory
-The directory servers in Tor are modeled after those in
-Mixminion~\cite{minion-design}, but our situation is easier. First,
-we make the
-simplifying assumption that all participants agree on the set of
-directory servers. Second, while Mixminion needs to predict node
-behavior, Tor only needs a threshold consensus of the current
-state of the network. Third, we assume that we can fall back to the
-human administrators to discover and resolve problems when a consensus
-directory cannot be reached. Since there are relatively few directory
-servers (currently 3, but we expect as many as 9 as the network scales),
-we can afford operations like broadcast to simplify the consensus-building
-To avoid attacks where a router connects to all the directory servers
-but refuses to relay traffic from other routers, the directory servers
-must also build circuits and use them to anonymously test router
-reliability~\cite{mix-acc}. Unfortunately, this defense is not yet
-designed or
-Using directory servers is simpler and more flexible than flooding.
-Flooding is expensive, and complicates the analysis when we
-start experimenting with non-clique network topologies. Signed
-directories can be cached by other
-onion routers,
-so directory servers are not a performance
-bottleneck when we have many users, and do not aid traffic analysis by
-forcing clients to announce their existence to any
-central point.
-\section{Attacks and Defenses}
-Below we summarize a variety of attacks, and discuss how well our
-design withstands them.\\
-\noindent{\large\bf Passive attacks}\\
-\emph{Observing user traffic patterns.} Observing a user's connection
-will not reveal her destination or data, but it will
-reveal traffic patterns (both sent and received). Profiling via user
-connection patterns requires further processing, because multiple
-application streams may be operating simultaneously or in series over
-a single circuit.
-\emph{Observing user content.} While content at the user end is encrypted,
-connections to responders may not be (indeed, the responding website
-itself may be hostile). While filtering content is not a primary goal
-of Onion Routing, Tor can directly use Privoxy and related
-filtering services to anonymize application data streams.
-\emph{Option distinguishability.} We allow clients to choose
-configuration options. For example, clients concerned about request
-linkability should rotate circuits more often than those concerned
-about traceability. Allowing choice may attract users with different 
-%There is economic incentive to attract users by
-%allowing this choice; 
-needs; but clients who are
-in the minority may lose more anonymity by appearing distinct than they
-gain by optimizing their behavior~\cite{econymics}.
-\emph{End-to-end timing correlation.}  Tor only minimally hides
-such correlations. An attacker watching patterns of
-traffic at the initiator and the responder will be
-able to confirm the correspondence with high probability. The
-greatest protection currently available against such confirmation is to hide
-the connection between the onion proxy and the first Tor node,
-by running the OP on the Tor node or behind a firewall. This approach
-requires an observer to separate traffic originating at the onion
-router from traffic passing through it: a global observer can do this,
-but it might be beyond a limited observer's capabilities.
-\emph{End-to-end size correlation.} Simple packet counting
-will also be effective in confirming
-endpoints of a stream. However, even without padding, we may have some
-limited protection: the leaky pipe topology means different numbers
-of packets may enter one end of a circuit than exit at the other.
-\emph{Website fingerprinting.} All the effective passive
-attacks above are traffic confirmation attacks,
-which puts them outside our design goals. There is also
-a passive traffic analysis attack that is potentially effective.
-Rather than searching exit connections for timing and volume
-correlations, the adversary may build up a database of
-``fingerprints'' containing file sizes and access patterns for
-targeted websites. He can later confirm a user's connection to a given
-site simply by consulting the database. This attack has
-been shown to be effective against SafeWeb~\cite{hintz-pet02}.
-It may be less effective against Tor, since
-streams are multiplexed within the same circuit, and
-fingerprinting will be limited to
-the granularity of cells (currently 512 bytes). Additional
-defenses could include
-larger cell sizes, padding schemes to group websites
-into large sets, and link
-padding or long-range dummies.\footnote{Note that this fingerprinting
-attack should not be confused with the much more complicated latency
-attacks of~\cite{back01}, which require a fingerprint of the latencies
-of all circuits through the network, combined with those from the
-network edges to the target user and the responder website.}\\
-\noindent{\large\bf Active attacks}\\
-\emph{Compromise keys.} An attacker who learns the TLS session key can
-see control cells and encrypted relay cells on every circuit on that
-connection; learning a circuit
-session key lets him unwrap one layer of the encryption. An attacker
-who learns an OR's TLS private key can impersonate that OR for the TLS
-key's lifetime, but he must
-also learn the onion key to decrypt \emph{create} cells (and because of
-perfect forward secrecy, he cannot hijack already established circuits
-without also compromising their session keys). Periodic key rotation
-limits the window of opportunity for these attacks. On the other hand,
-an attacker who learns a node's identity key can replace that node
-indefinitely by sending new forged descriptors to the directory servers.
-\emph{Iterated compromise.} A roving adversary who can
-compromise ORs (by system intrusion, legal coercion, or extralegal
-coercion) could march down the circuit compromising the
-nodes until he reaches the end.  Unless the adversary can complete
-this attack within the lifetime of the circuit, however, the ORs
-will have discarded the necessary information before the attack can
-be completed.  (Thanks to the perfect forward secrecy of session
-keys, the attacker cannot force nodes to decrypt recorded
-traffic once the circuits have been closed.)  Additionally, building
-circuits that cross jurisdictions can make legal coercion
-harder---this phenomenon is commonly called ``jurisdictional
-arbitrage.'' The Java Anon Proxy project recently experienced the
-need for this approach, when
-a German court forced them to add a backdoor to
-their nodes~\cite{jap-backdoor}.
-\emph{Run a recipient.} An adversary running a webserver
-trivially learns the timing patterns of users connecting to it, and
-can introduce arbitrary patterns in its responses.
-End-to-end attacks become easier: if the adversary can induce
-users to connect to his webserver (perhaps by advertising
-content targeted to those users), he now holds one end of their
-connection.  There is also a danger that application
-protocols and associated programs can be induced to reveal information
-about the initiator. Tor depends on Privoxy and similar protocol cleaners
-to solve this latter problem.
-\emph{Run an onion proxy.} It is expected that end users will
-nearly always run their own local onion proxy. However, in some
-settings, it may be necessary for the proxy to run
-remotely---typically, in institutions that want
-to monitor the activity of those connecting to the proxy.
-Compromising an onion proxy compromises all future connections
-through it.
-\emph{DoS non-observed nodes.} An observer who can only watch some
-of the Tor network can increase the value of this traffic
-by attacking non-observed nodes to shut them down, reduce
-their reliability, or persuade users that they are not trustworthy.
-The best defense here is robustness.
-\emph{Run a hostile OR.}  In addition to being a local observer,
-an isolated hostile node can create circuits through itself, or alter
-traffic patterns to affect traffic at other nodes. Nonetheless, a hostile
-node must be immediately adjacent to both endpoints to compromise the
-anonymity of a circuit. If an adversary can
-run multiple ORs, and can persuade the directory servers
-that those ORs are trustworthy and independent, then occasionally
-some user will choose one of those ORs for the start and another
-as the end of a circuit. If an adversary
-controls $m>1$ of $N$ nodes, he can correlate at most
-$\left(\frac{m}{N}\right)^2$ of the traffic---although an
-could still attract a disproportionately large amount of traffic
-by running an OR with a permissive exit policy, or by
-degrading the reliability of other routers.
-\emph{Introduce timing into messages.} This is simply a stronger
-version of passive timing attacks already discussed earlier.
-\emph{Tagging attacks.} A hostile node could ``tag'' a
-cell by altering it. If the
-stream were, for example, an unencrypted request to a Web site,
-the garbled content coming out at the appropriate time would confirm
-the association. However, integrity checks on cells prevent
-this attack.
-\emph{Replace contents of unauthenticated protocols.}  When
-relaying an unauthenticated protocol like HTTP, a hostile exit node
-can impersonate the target server. Clients
-should prefer protocols with end-to-end authentication.
-\emph{Replay attacks.} Some anonymity protocols are vulnerable
-to replay attacks.  Tor is not; replaying one side of a handshake
-will result in a different negotiated session key, and so the rest
-of the recorded session can't be used.
-\emph{Smear attacks.} An attacker could use the Tor network for
-socially disapproved acts, to bring the
-network into disrepute and get its operators to shut it down.
-Exit policies reduce the possibilities for abuse, but
-ultimately the network requires volunteers who can tolerate
-some political heat.
-\emph{Distribute hostile code.} An attacker could trick users
-into running subverted Tor software that did not, in fact, anonymize
-their connections---or worse, could trick ORs into running weakened
-software that provided users with less anonymity.  We address this
-problem (but do not solve it completely) by signing all Tor releases
-with an official public key, and including an entry in the directory
-that lists which versions are currently believed to be secure.  To
-prevent an attacker from subverting the official release itself
-(through threats, bribery, or insider attacks), we provide all
-releases in source code form, encourage source audits, and
-frequently warn our users never to trust any software (even from
-us) that comes without source.\\
-\noindent{\large\bf Directory attacks}\\
-\emph{Destroy directory servers.}  If a few directory
-servers disappear, the others still decide on a valid
-directory.  So long as any directory servers remain in operation,
-they will still broadcast their views of the network and generate a
-consensus directory.  (If more than half are destroyed, this
-directory will not, however, have enough signatures for clients to
-use it automatically; human intervention will be necessary for
-clients to decide whether to trust the resulting directory.)
-\emph{Subvert a directory server.}  By taking over a directory server,
-an attacker can partially influence the final directory.  Since ORs
-are included or excluded by majority vote, the corrupt directory can
-at worst cast a tie-breaking vote to decide whether to include
-marginal ORs.  It remains to be seen how often such marginal cases
-occur in practice.
-\emph{Subvert a majority of directory servers.} An adversary who controls
-more than half the directory servers can include as many compromised
-ORs in the final directory as he wishes. We must ensure that directory
-server operators are independent and attack-resistant.
-\emph{Encourage directory server dissent.}  The directory
-agreement protocol assumes that directory server operators agree on
-the set of directory servers.  An adversary who can persuade some
-of the directory server operators to distrust one another could
-split the quorum into mutually hostile camps, thus partitioning
-users based on which directory they use.  Tor does not address
-this attack.
-\emph{Trick the directory servers into listing a hostile OR.}
-Our threat model explicitly assumes directory server operators will
-be able to filter out most hostile ORs.
-% If this is not true, an
-% attacker can flood the directory with compromised servers.
-\emph{Convince the directories that a malfunctioning OR is
-working.}  In the current Tor implementation, directory servers
-assume that an OR is running correctly if they can start a TLS
-connection to it.  A hostile OR could easily subvert this test by
-accepting TLS connections from ORs but ignoring all cells. Directory
-servers must actively test ORs by building circuits and streams as
-appropriate.  The tradeoffs of a similar approach are discussed
-\noindent{\large\bf Attacks against rendezvous points}\\
-\emph{Make many introduction requests.}  An attacker could
-try to deny Bob service by flooding his introduction points with
-requests.  Because the introduction points can block requests that
-lack authorization tokens, however, Bob can restrict the volume of
-requests he receives, or require a certain amount of computation for
-every request he receives.
-\emph{Attack an introduction point.} An attacker could
-disrupt a location-hidden service by disabling its introduction
-points.  But because a service's identity is attached to its public
-key, the service can simply re-advertise
-itself at a different introduction point. Advertisements can also be
-done secretly so that only high-priority clients know the address of
-Bob's introduction points or so that different clients know of different
-introduction points. This forces the attacker to disable all possible
-introduction points.
-\emph{Compromise an introduction point.} An attacker who controls
-Bob's introduction point can flood Bob with
-introduction requests, or prevent valid introduction requests from
-reaching him. Bob can notice a flood, and close the circuit.  To notice
-blocking of valid requests, however, he should periodically test the
-introduction point by sending rendezvous requests and making
-sure he receives them.
-\emph{Compromise a rendezvous point.}  A rendezvous
-point is no more sensitive than any other OR on
-a circuit, since all data passing through the rendezvous is encrypted
-with a session key shared by Alice and Bob.
-\section{Early experiences: Tor in the Wild}
-As of mid-May 2004, the Tor network consists of 32 nodes
-(24 in the US, 8 in Europe), and more are joining each week as the code
-matures. (For comparison, the current remailer network
-has about 40 nodes.) % We haven't asked PlanetLab to provide
-%Tor nodes, since their AUP wouldn't allow exit nodes (see
-%also~\cite{darkside}) and because we aim to build a long-term community of
-%node operators and developers.}
-Each node has at least a 768Kb/768Kb connection, and
-many have 10Mb. The number of users varies (and of course, it's hard to
-tell for sure), but we sometimes have several hundred users---administrators at
-several companies have begun sending their entire departments' web
-traffic through Tor, to block other divisions of
-their company from reading their traffic. Tor users have reported using
-the network for web browsing, FTP, IRC, AIM, Kazaa, SSH, and
-recipient-anonymous email via rendezvous points. One user has anonymously
-set up a Wiki as a hidden service, where other users anonymously publish
-the addresses of their hidden services.
-Each Tor node currently processes roughly 800,000 relay
-cells (a bit under half a gigabyte) per week. On average, about 80\%
-of each 498-byte payload is full for cells going back to the client,
-whereas about 40\% is full for cells coming from the client. (The difference
-arises because most of the network's traffic is web browsing.) Interactive
-traffic like SSH brings down the average a lot---once we have more
-experience, and assuming we can resolve the anonymity issues, we may
-partition traffic into two relay cell sizes: one to handle
-bulk traffic and one for interactive traffic.
-Based in part on our restrictive default exit policy (we
-reject SMTP requests) and our low profile, we have had no abuse
-issues since the network was deployed in October
-2003. Our slow growth rate gives us time to add features,
-resolve bugs, and get a feel for what users actually want from an
-anonymity system.  Even though having more users would bolster our
-anonymity sets, we are not eager to attract the Kazaa or warez
-communities---we feel that we must build a reputation for privacy, human
-rights, research, and other socially laudable activities.
-As for performance, profiling shows that Tor spends almost
-all its CPU time in AES, which is fast.  Current latency is attributable
-to two factors. First, network latency is critical: we are
-intentionally bouncing traffic around the world several times. Second,
-our end-to-end congestion control algorithm focuses on protecting
-volunteer servers from accidental DoS rather than on optimizing
-performance. % Right now the first $500 \times 500\mbox{B}=250\mbox{KB}$
-%of the stream arrives
-%quickly, and after that throughput depends on the rate that \emph{relay
-%sendme} acknowledgments arrive.
-To quantify these effects, we did some informal tests using a network of 4
-nodes on the same machine (a heavily loaded 1GHz Athlon). We downloaded a 60
-megabyte file from {\tt} every 30 minutes for 54 hours (108 sample
-points). It arrived in about 300 seconds on average, compared to 210s for a
-direct download. We ran a similar test on the production Tor network,
-fetching the front page of {\tt} (55 kilobytes):
-% every 20 seconds for 8952 data points
-while a direct
-download consistently took about 0.3s, the performance through Tor varied.
-Some downloads were as fast as 0.4s, with a median at 2.8s, and
-90\% finishing within 5.3s.  It seems that as the network expands, the chance
-of building a slow circuit (one that includes a slow or heavily loaded node
-or link) is increasing.  On the other hand, as our users remain satisfied
-with this increased latency, we can address our performance incrementally as we
-proceed with development. %\footnote{For example, we have just begun pushing
-%a pipelining patch to the production network that seems to decrease
-%latency for medium-to-large files; we will present revised benchmarks
-%as they become available.}
-%With the current network's topology and load, users can typically get 1-2
-%megabits sustained transfer rate, which is good enough for now.
-%Indeed, the Tor
-%design aims foremost to provide a security research platform; performance
-%only needs to be sufficient to retain users~\cite{econymics,back01}.
-%We can tweak the congestion control
-%parameters to provide faster throughput at the cost of
-%larger buffers at each node; adding the heuristics mentioned in
-%Section~\ref{subsec:rate-limit} to favor low-volume
-%streams may also help. More research remains to find the
-%right balance.
-% We should say _HOW MUCH_ latency there is in these cases. -NM
-%performs badly on lossy networks. may need airhook or something else as
-%transport alternative?
-Although Tor's clique topology and full-visibility directories present
-scaling problems, we still expect the network to support a few hundred
-nodes and maybe 10,000 users before we're forced to become
-more distributed. With luck, the experience we gain running the current
-topology will help us choose among alternatives when the time comes.
-\section{Open Questions in Low-latency Anonymity}
-In addition to the non-goals in
-Section~\ref{subsec:non-goals}, many questions must be solved
-before we can be confident of Tor's security.
-Many of these open issues are questions of balance. For example,
-how often should users rotate to fresh circuits? Frequent rotation
-is inefficient, expensive, and may lead to intersection attacks and
-predecessor attacks~\cite{wright03}, but infrequent rotation makes the
-user's traffic linkable. Besides opening fresh circuits, clients can
-also exit from the middle of the circuit,
-or truncate and re-extend the circuit. More analysis is
-needed to determine the proper tradeoff.
-%% Duplicated by 'Better directory distribution' in section 9.
-%A similar question surrounds timing of directory operations: how often
-%should directories be updated?  Clients that update infrequently receive
-%an inaccurate picture of the network, but frequent updates can overload
-%the directory servers. More generally, we must find more
-%decentralized yet practical ways to distribute up-to-date snapshots of
-%network status without introducing new attacks.
-How should we choose path lengths? If Alice always uses two hops,
-then both ORs can be certain that by colluding they will learn about
-Alice and Bob. In our current approach, Alice always chooses at least
-three nodes unrelated to herself and her destination.
-%% This point is subtle, but not IMO necessary.  Anybody who thinks
-%% about it will see that it's implied by the above sentence; anybody
-%% who doesn't think about it is safe in his ignorance.
-%Thus normally she chooses
-%three nodes, but if she is running an OR and her destination is on an OR,
-%she uses five.
-Should Alice choose a random path length (e.g.~from a geometric
-distribution) to foil an attacker who
-uses timing to learn that he is the fifth hop and thus concludes that
-both Alice and the responder are running ORs?
-Throughout this paper, we have assumed that end-to-end traffic
-confirmation will immediately and automatically defeat a low-latency
-anonymity system. Even high-latency anonymity systems can be
-vulnerable to end-to-end traffic confirmation, if the traffic volumes
-are high enough, and if users' habits are sufficiently
-distinct~\cite{statistical-disclosure,limits-open}. Can anything be
-done to
-make low-latency systems resist these attacks as well as high-latency
-systems? Tor already makes some effort to conceal the starts and ends of
-streams by wrapping long-range control commands in identical-looking
-relay cells. Link padding could frustrate passive observers who count
-packets; long-range padding could work against observers who own the
-first hop in a circuit. But more research remains to find an efficient
-and practical approach. Volunteers prefer not to run constant-bandwidth
-padding; but no convincing traffic shaping approach has been
-specified. Recent work on long-range padding~\cite{defensive-dropping}
-shows promise. One could also try to reduce correlation in packet timing
-by batching and re-ordering packets, but it is unclear whether this could
-improve anonymity without introducing so much latency as to render the
-network unusable.
-A cascade topology may better defend against traffic confirmation by
-aggregating users, and making padding and
-mixing more affordable.  Does the hydra topology (many input nodes,
-few output nodes) work better against some adversaries? Are we going
-to get a hydra anyway because most nodes will be middleman nodes?
-Common wisdom suggests that Alice should run her own OR for best
-anonymity, because traffic coming from her node could plausibly have
-come from elsewhere. How much mixing does this approach need?  Is it
-immediately beneficial because of real-world adversaries that can't
-observe Alice's router, but can run routers of their own?
-To scale to many users, and to prevent an attacker from observing the
-whole network, it may be necessary
-to support far more servers than Tor currently anticipates.
-This introduces several issues.  First, if approval by a central set
-of directory servers is no longer feasible, what mechanism should be used
-to prevent adversaries from signing up many colluding servers? Second,
-if clients can no longer have a complete picture of the network,
-how can they perform discovery while preventing attackers from
-manipulating or exploiting gaps in their knowledge?  Third, if there
-are too many servers for every server to constantly communicate with
-every other, which non-clique topology should the network use?
-(Restricted-route topologies promise comparable anonymity with better
-scalability~\cite{danezis:pet2003}, but whatever topology we choose, we
-need some way to keep attackers from manipulating their position within
-it~\cite{casc-rep}.) Fourth, if no central authority is tracking
-server reliability, how do we stop unreliable servers from making
-the network unusable?  Fifth, do clients receive so much anonymity
-from running their own ORs that we should expect them all to do
-so~\cite{econymics}, or do we need another incentive structure to
-motivate them?  Tarzan and MorphMix present possible solutions.
-% advogato, captcha
-When a Tor node goes down, all its circuits (and thus streams) must break.
-Will users abandon the system because of this brittleness? How well
-does the method in Section~\ref{subsec:dos} allow streams to survive
-node failure? If affected users rebuild circuits immediately, how much
-anonymity is lost? It seems the problem is even worse in a peer-to-peer
-environment---such systems don't yet provide an incentive for peers to
-stay connected when they're done retrieving content, so we would expect
-a higher churn rate.
-\section{Future Directions}
-Tor brings together many innovations into a unified deployable system. The
-next immediate steps include:
-\emph{Scalability:} Tor's emphasis on deployability and design simplicity
-has led us to adopt a clique topology, semi-centralized
-directories, and a full-network-visibility model for client
-knowledge. These properties will not scale past a few hundred servers.
-Section~\ref{sec:maintaining-anonymity} describes some promising
-approaches, but more deployment experience will be helpful in learning
-the relative importance of these bottlenecks.
-\emph{Bandwidth classes:} This paper assumes that all ORs have
-good bandwidth and latency. We should instead adopt the MorphMix model,
-where nodes advertise their bandwidth level (DSL, T1, T3), and
-Alice avoids bottlenecks by choosing nodes that match or
-exceed her bandwidth. In this way DSL users can usefully join the Tor
-\emph{Incentives:} Volunteers who run nodes are rewarded with publicity
-and possibly better anonymity~\cite{econymics}. More nodes means increased
-scalability, and more users can mean more anonymity. We need to continue
-examining the incentive structures for participating in Tor. Further,
-we need to explore more approaches to limiting abuse, and understand
-why most people don't bother using privacy systems.
-\emph{Cover traffic:} Currently Tor omits cover traffic---its costs
-in performance and bandwidth are clear but its security benefits are
-not well understood. We must pursue more research on link-level cover
-traffic and long-range cover traffic to determine whether some simple padding
-method offers provable protection against our chosen adversary.
-%%\emph{Offer two relay cell sizes:} Traffic on the Internet tends to be
-%%large for bulk transfers and small for interactive traffic. One cell
-%%size cannot be optimal for both types of traffic.
-% This should go in the spec and todo, but not the paper yet. -RD
-\emph{Caching at exit nodes:} Perhaps each exit node should run a
-caching web proxy~\cite{shsm03}, to improve anonymity for cached pages
-(Alice's request never
-leaves the Tor network), to improve speed, and to reduce bandwidth cost.
-On the other hand, forward security is weakened because caches
-constitute a record of retrieved files.  We must find the right
-balance between usability and security.
-\emph{Better directory distribution:}
-Clients currently download a description of
-the entire network every 15 minutes. As the state grows larger
-and clients more numerous, we may need a solution in which
-clients receive incremental updates to directory state.
-More generally, we must find more
-scalable yet practical ways to distribute up-to-date snapshots of
-network status without introducing new attacks.
-\emph{Further specification review:} Our public
-byte-level specification~\cite{tor-spec} needs
-external review.  We hope that as Tor
-is deployed, more people will examine its
-\emph{Multisystem interoperability:} We are currently working with the
-designer of MorphMix to unify the specification and implementation of
-the common elements of our two systems. So far, this seems
-to be relatively straightforward.  Interoperability will allow testing
-and direct comparison of the two designs for trust and scalability.
-\emph{Wider-scale deployment:} The original goal of Tor was to
-gain experience in deploying an anonymizing overlay network, and
-learn from having actual users.  We are now at a point in design
-and development where we can start deploying a wider network.  Once
-we have many actual users, we will doubtlessly be better
-able to evaluate some of our design decisions, including our
-robustness/latency tradeoffs, our performance tradeoffs (including
-cell size), our abuse-prevention mechanisms, and
-our overall usability.
-%% commented out for anonymous submission
- We thank Peter Palfrader, Geoff Goodell, Adam Shostack, Joseph Sokol-Margolis,
-   John Bashinski, and Zack Brown
-   for editing and comments;
- Matej Pfajfar, Andrei Serjantov, Marc Rennhard for design discussions;
- Bram Cohen for congestion control discussions;
- Adam Back for suggesting telescoping circuits; and
- Cathy Meadows for formal analysis of the \emph{extend} protocol.
- This work has been supported by ONR and DARPA.
-% Style guide:
-%     U.S. spelling
-%     avoid contractions (it's, can't, etc.)
-%     prefer ``for example'' or ``such as'' to e.g.
-%     prefer ``that is'' to i.e.
-%     'mix', 'mixes' (as noun)
-%     'mix-net'
-%     'mix', 'mixing' (as verb)
-%     'middleman'  [Not with a hyphen; the hyphen has been optional
-%         since Middle English.]
-%     'nymserver'
-%     'Cypherpunk', 'Cypherpunks', 'Cypherpunk remailer'
-%     'Onion Routing design', 'onion router' [note capitalization]
-%     'SOCKS'
-%     Try not to use \cite as a noun.
-%     'Authorizating' sounds great, but it isn't a word.
-%     'First, second, third', not 'Firstly, secondly, thirdly'.
-%     'circuit', not 'channel'
-%     Typography: no space on either side of an em dash---ever.
-%     Hyphens are for multi-part words; en dashs imply movement or
-%        opposition (The Alice--Bob connection); and em dashes are
-%        for punctuation---like that.
-%     A relay cell; a control cell; a \emph{create} cell; a
-%     \emph{relay truncated} cell.  Never ``a \emph{relay truncated}.''
-%     'Substitute ``Damn'' every time you're inclined to write ``very;'' your
-%     editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.'
-%     -- Mark Twain

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-% definitions, arranged to do a better job of matching the USENIX
-% guidelines.
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-\title{Tor Development Roadmap: Wishlist for Nov 2006--Dec 2007}
-\author{Roger Dingledine \and Nick Mathewson \and Shava Nerad}
-% TO DO:
-%   add cites
-%   add time estimates
-%Hi, Roger!  Hi, Shava.  This paragraph should get deleted soon.  Right now,
-%this document goes into about as much detail as I'd like to go into for a
-%technical audience, since that's the audience I know best.  It doesn't have
-%time estimates everywhere.  It isn't well prioritized, and it doesn't
-%distinguish well between things that need lots of research and things that
-%don't.  The breakdowns don't all make sense.  There are lots of things where
-%I don't make it clear how they fit into larger goals, and lots of larger
-%goals that don't break down into little things. It isn't all stuff we can do
-%for sure, and it isn't even all stuff we can do for sure in 2007.  The
-%tmp\{\} macro indicates stuff I haven't said enough about.  That said, here
-Tor (the software) and Tor (the overall software/network/support/document
-suite) are now experiencing all the crises of success.  Over the next year,
-we're probably going to grow more in terms of users, developers, and funding
-than before.  This gives us the opportunity to perform long-neglected
-maintenance tasks.
-\section{Code and design infrastructure}
-\subsection{Protocol revision}
-To maintain backward compatibility, we've postponed major protocol
-changes and redesigns for a long time.  Because of this, there are a number
-of sensible revisions we've been putting off until we could deploy several of
-them at once.  To do each of these, we first need to discuss design
-alternatives with other cryptographers and outside collaborators to
-make sure that our choices are secure.
-First of all, our protocol needs better {\bf versioning support} so that we
-can make backward-incompatible changes to our core protocol.  There are
-difficult anonymity issues here, since many naive designs would make it easy
-to tell clients apart (and then track them) based on their supported versions.
-With protocol versioning support would come the ability to {\bf future-proof
-  our ciphersuites}.  For example, not only our OR protocol, but also our
-directory protocol, is pretty firmly tied to the SHA-1 hash function, which
-though not yet known to be insecure for our purposes, has begun to show
-its age.  We should
-remove assumptions throughout our design based on the assumption that public
-keys, secret keys, or digests will remain any particular size indefinitely.
-Our OR {\bf authentication protocol}, though provably
-secure\cite{tap:pet2006}, relies more on particular aspects of RSA and our
-implementation thereof than we had initially believed.  To future-proof
-against changes, we should replace it with a less delicate approach.
-\plan{For all the above: 2 person-months to specify, spread over several
-  months with time for interaction with external participants.  One
-  person-month to implement.  Start specifying in early 2007.}
-We might design a {\bf stream migration} feature so that streams tunneled
-over Tor could be more resilient to dropped connections and changed IPs.
-\plan{Not in 2007.}
-A new protocol could support {\bf multiple cell sizes}.  Right now, all data
-passes through the Tor network divided into 512-byte cells.  This is
-efficient for high-bandwidth protocols, but inefficient for protocols
-like SSH or AIM that send information in small chunks.  Of course, we need to
-investigate the extent to which multiple sizes could make it easier for an
-adversary to fingerprint a traffic pattern. \plan{Not in 2007.}
-As a part of our design, we should investigate possible {\bf cipher modes}
-other than counter mode.  For example, a mode with built-in integrity
-checking, error propagation, and random access could simplify our protocol
-significantly.  Sadly, many of these are patented and unavailable for us.
-\plan{Not in 2007.}
-\subsubsection{Improved directory efficiency}
-Right now, clients download a statement of the {\bf network status} made by
-each directory authority.  We could reduce network bandwidth significantly by
-having the authorities jointly sign a statement reflecting their vote on the
-current network status.  This would save clients up to 160K per hour, and
-make their view of the network more uniform.  Of course, we'd need to make
-sure the voting process was secure and resilient to failures in the
-network.\plan{Must do; specify in 2006. 2 weeks to specify, 3-4 weeks to
-  implement.}
-We should {\bf shorten router descriptors}, since the current format includes
-a great deal of information that's only of interest to the directory
-authorities, and not of interest to clients.  We can do this by having each
-router upload a short-form and a long-form signed descriptor, and having
-clients download only the short form.  Even a naive version of this would
-save about 40\% of the bandwidth currently spent by clients downloading
-descriptors.\plan{Must do; specify in 2006. 3-4 weeks.}
-We should {\bf have routers upload their descriptors even less often}, so
-that clients do not need to download replacements every 18 hours whether any
-information has changed or not.  (As of Tor, clients tolerate
-routers that don't upload often, but routers still upload at least every 18
-hours to support older clients.) \plan{Must do, but not until 0.1.1.x is
-deprecated in mid 2007. 1 week.}
-\subsubsection{Non-clique topology}
-Our current network design achieves a certain amount of its anonymity by
-making clients act like each other through the simple expedient of making
-sure that all clients know all servers, and that any server can talk to any
-other server.  But as the number of servers increases to serve an
-ever-greater number of clients, these assumptions become impractical.
-At worst, if these scalability issues become troubling before a solution is
-found, we can design and build a solution to {\bf split the network into
-multiple slices} until a better solution comes along.  This is not ideal,
-since rather than looking like all other users from a point of view of path
-selection, users would ``only'' look like 200,000--300,000 other
-users.\plan{Not unless needed.}
-We are in the process of designing {\bf improved schemes for network
-  scalability}.  Some approaches focus on limiting what an adversary can know
-about what a user knows; others focus on reducing the extent to which an
-adversary can exploit this knowledge.  These are currently in their infancy,
-and will probably not be needed in 2007, but they must be designed in 2007 if
-they are to be deployed in 2008.\plan{Design in 2007; unknown difficulty.
-  Write a paper.}
-\subsubsection{Relay incentives}
-To support more users on the network, we need to get more servers.  So far,
-we've relied on volunteerism to attract server operators, and so far it's
-served us well.  But in the long run, we need to {\bf design incentives for
-  users to run servers} and relay traffic for others.  Most obviously, we
-could try to build the network so that servers offered improved service for
-other servers, but we would need to do so without weakening anonymity and
-making it obvious which connections originate from users running servers.  We
-have some preliminary designs~\cite{incentives-txt,tor-challenges},
-but need to perform
-some more research to make sure they would be safe and effective.\plan{Write
-  a draft paper; 2 person-months.}
-Our {\bf Windows implementation}, though much improved, continues to lag
-behind Unix and Mac OS X, especially when running as a server.  We hope to
-merge promising patches from Mike Chiussi to address this point, and bring
-Windows performance on par with other platforms.\plan{Do in 2007; 1.5 months
-  to integrate not counting Mike's work.}
-We should have {\bf better support for portable devices}, including modes of
-operation that require less RAM, and that write to disk less frequently (to
-avoid wearing out flash RAM).\plan{Optional; 2 weeks.}
-We should {\bf stop using socketpair on Windows}; instead, we can use
-in-memory structures to communicate between cpuworkers and the main thread,
-and between connections.\plan{Optional; 1 week.}
-\subsection{Performance: resource usage}
-We've been working on {\bf using less RAM}, especially on servers.  This has
-paid off a lot for directory caches in the 0.1.2, which in some cases are
-using 90\% less memory than they used to require.  But we can do better,
-especially in the area around our buffer management algorithms, by using an
-approach more like the BSD and Linux kernels use instead of our current ring
-buffer approach.  (For OR connections, we can just use queues of cell-sized
-chunks produced with a specialized allocator.)  This could potentially save
-around 25 to 50\% of the memory currently allocated for network buffers, and
-make Tor a more attractive proposition for restricted-memory environments
-like old computers, mobile devices, and the like.\plan{Do in 2007; 2-3 weeks
-  plus one week measurement.}
-We should improve our {\bf bandwidth limiting}.  The current system has been
-crucial in making users willing to run servers: nobody is willing to run a
-server if it might use an unbounded amount of bandwidth, especially if they
-are charged for their usage.  We can make our system better by letting users
-configure bandwidth limits independently for their own traffic and traffic
-relayed for others; and by adding write limits for users running directory
-servers.\plan{Do in 2006; 2-3 weeks.}
-On many hosts, sockets are still in short supply, and will be until we can
-migrate our protocol to UDP.  We can {\bf use fewer sockets} by making our
-self-to-self connections happen internally to the code rather than involving
-the operating system's socket implementation.\plan{Optional; 1 week.}
-\subsection{Performance: network usage}
-We know too little about how well our current path
-selection algorithms actually spread traffic around the network in practice.
-We should {\bf research the efficacy of our traffic allocation} and either
-assure ourselves that it is close enough to optimal as to need no improvement
-(unlikely) or {\bf identify ways to improve network usage}, and get more
-users' traffic delivered faster.  Performing this research will require
-careful thought about anonymity implications.
-We should also {\bf examine the efficacy of our congestion control
-  algorithm}, and see whether we can improve client performance in the
-presence of a congested network through dynamic `sendme' window sizes or
-other means.  This will have anonymity implications too if we aren't careful.
-\plan{For both of the above: research, design and write
-  a measurement tool in 2007: 1 month.  See if we can interest a graduate
-  student.}
-We should work on making Tor's cell-based protocol  perform better on
-networks with low bandwidth
-and high packet loss.\plan{Do in 2007 if we're funded to do it; 4-6 weeks.}
-\subsection{Performance scenario: one Tor client, many users}
-We should {\bf improve Tor's performance when a single Tor handles many
-  clients}.  Many organizations want to manage a single Tor client on their
-firewall for many users, rather than having each user install a separate
-Tor client.  We haven't optimized for this scenario, and it is likely that
-there are some code paths in the current implementation that become
-inefficient when a single Tor is servicing hundreds or thousands of client
-connections.  (Additionally, it is likely that such clients have interesting
-anonymity requirements the we should investigate.)  We should profile Tor
-under appropriate loads, identify bottlenecks, and fix them.\plan{Do in 2007
-  if we're funded to do it; 4-8 weeks.}
-\subsection{Tor servers on asymmetric bandwidth}
-Tor should work better on servers that have asymmetric connections like cable
-or DSL.  Because Tor has separate TCP connections between each
-hop, if the incoming bytes are arriving just fine and the outgoing bytes are
-all getting dropped on the floor, the TCP push-back mechanisms don't really
-transmit this information back to the incoming streams.\plan{Do in 2007 since
-  related to bandwidth limiting.  3-4 weeks.}
-\subsection{Running Tor as both client and server}
-Many performance tradeoffs and balances that might need more attention.
-We first need to track and fix whatever bottlenecks emerge; but we also
-need to invent good algorithms for prioritizing the client's traffic
-without starving the server's traffic too much.\plan{No idea; try
-profiling and improving things in 2007.}
-\subsection{Protocol redesign for UDP}
-Tor has relayed only TCP traffic since its first versions, and has used
-TLS-over-TCP to do so.  This approach has proved reliable and flexible, but
-in the long term we will need to allow UDP traffic on the network, and switch
-some or all of the network to using a UDP transport.  {\bf Supporting UDP
-  traffic} will make Tor more suitable for protocols that require UDP, such
-as many VOIP protocols.  {\bf Using a UDP transport} could greatly reduce
-resource limitations on servers, and make the network far less interruptible
-by lossy connections.  Either of these protocol changes would require a great
-deal of design work, however.  We hope to be able to enlist the aid of a few
-talented graduate students to assist with the initial design and
-specification, but the actual implementation will require significant testing
-of different reliable transport approaches.\plan{Maybe do a design in 2007 if
-we find an interested academic.  Ian or Ben L might be good partners here.}
-\section{Blocking resistance}
-\subsection{Design for blocking resistance}
-We have written a design document explaining our general approach to blocking
-resistance.  We should workshop it with other experts in the field to get
-their ideas about how we can improve Tor's efficacy as an anti-censorship
-\subsection{Implementation: client-side and bridges-side}
-Our anticensorship design calls for some nodes to act as ``bridges''
-that are outside a national firewall, and others inside the firewall to
-act as pure clients.  This part of the design is quite clear-cut; we're
-probably ready to begin implementing it.  To {\bf implement bridges}, we
-need to have servers publish themselves as limited-availability relays
-to a special bridge authority if they judge they'd make good servers.
-We will also need to help provide documentation for port forwarding,
-and an easy configuration tool for running as a bridge.
-To {\bf implement clients}, we need to provide a flexible interface to
-learn about bridges and to act on knowledge of bridges. We also need
-to teach them how to know to use bridges as their first hop, and how to
-fetch directory information from both classes of directory authority.
-Clients also need to {\bf use the encrypted directory variant} added in Tor
-  This will let them retrieve directory information over Tor
-once they've got their initial bridges. We may want to get the rest of the
-Tor user base to begin using this encrypted directory variant too, to
-provide cover.
-Bridges will want to be able to {\bf listen on multiple addresses and ports}
-if they can, to give the adversary more ports to block.
-\subsection{Research: anonymity implications from becoming a bridge}
-\subsection{Implementation: bridge authority}
-The design here is also reasonably clear-cut: we need to run some
-directory authorities with a slightly modified protocol that doesn't leak
-the entire list of bridges. Thus users can learn up-to-date information
-for bridges they already know about, but they can't learn about arbitrary
-new bridges.
-\subsection{Normalizing the Tor protocol on the wire}
-Additionally, we should {\bf resist content-based filters}.  Though an
-adversary can't see what users are saying, some aspects of our protocol are
-easy to fingerprint {\em as} Tor.  We should correct this where possible.
-Look like Firefox; or look like nothing?
-Future research: investigate timing similarities with other protocols.
-\subsection{Access control for bridges}
-Design/impl: password-protecting bridges, in light of above.
-And/or more general access control.
-\subsection{Research: scanning-resistance}
-\subsection{Research/Design/Impl: how users discover bridges}
-Our design anticipates an arms race between discovery methods and censors.
-We need to begin the infrastructure on our side quickly, preferably in a
-flexible language like Python, so we can adapt quickly to censorship.
-phase one: personal bridges
-phase two: families of personal bridges
-phase three: more structured social network
-phase four: bag of tricks
-Research: phase five...
-Integration with Psiphon, etc?
-\subsection{Document best practices for users}
-Document best practices for various activities common among
-blocked users (e.g. WordPress use).
-\subsection{Research: how to know if a bridge has been blocked?}
-\subsection{GeoIP maintenance, and "private" user statistics}
-How to know if the whole idea is working?
-\subsection{Research: hiding whether the user is reading or publishing?}
-\subsection{Research: how many bridges do you need to know to maintain
-\subsection{Resisting censorship of the Tor website, docs, and mirrors}
-We should take some effort to consider {\bf initial distribution of Tor and
-  related information} in countries where the Tor website and mirrors are
-censored.  (Right now, most countries that block access to Tor block only the
-main website and leave mirrors and the network itself untouched.)  Falling
-back on word-of-mouth is always a good last resort, but we should also take
-steps to make sure it's relatively easy for users to get ahold of a copy.
-\subsection{Security research projects}
-We should investigate approaches with some promise to help Tor resist
-end-to-end traffic correlation attacks.  It's an open research question
-whether (and to what extent) {\bf mixed-latency} networks, {\bf low-volume
-  long-distance padding}, or other approaches can resist these attacks, which
-are currently some of the most effective against careful Tor users.  We
-should research these questions and perform simulations to identify
-opportunities for strengthening our design without dropping performance to
-unacceptable levels. %Cite something
-\plan{Start doing this in 2007; write a paper.  8-16 weeks.}
-We've got some preliminary results suggesting that {\bf a topology-aware
-  routing algorithm}~\cite{feamster:wpes2004} could reduce Tor users'
-vulnerability against local or ISP-level adversaries, by ensuring that they
-are never in a position to watch both ends of a connection.  We need to
-examine the effects of this approach in more detail and consider side-effects
-on anonymity against other kinds of adversaries.  If the approach still looks
-promising, we should investigate ways for clients to implement it (or an
-approximation of it) without having to download routing tables for the whole
-Internet. \plan{Not in 2007 unless a graduate student wants to do it.}
-%\tmp{defenses against end-to-end correlation}  We don't expect any to work
-%right now, but it would be useful to learn that one did.  Alternatively,
-%proving that one didn't would free up researchers in the field to go work on
-%other things.
-% See above; I think I got this.
-We should research the efficacy of {\bf website fingerprinting} attacks,
-wherein an adversary tries to match the distinctive traffic and timing
-pattern of the resources constituting a given website to the traffic pattern
-of a user's client.  These attacks work great in simulations, but in
-practice we hear they don't work nearly as well.  We should get some actual
-numbers to investigate the issue, and figure out what's going on.  If we
-resist these attacks, or can improve our design to resist them, we should.
-% add cites
-\plan{Possibly part of end-to-end correlation paper.  Otherwise, not in 2007
-  unless a graduate student is interested.}
-\subsection{Implementation security}
-Right now, each Tor node stores its keys unencrypted.  We should {\bf encrypt
-  more Tor keys} so that Tor authorities can require a startup password.  We
-should look into adding intermediary medium-term ``signing keys'' between
-identity keys and onion keys, so that a password could be required to replace
-a signing key, but not to start Tor.  This would improve Tor's long-term
-security, especially in its directory authority infrastructure.\plan{Design this
-  as a part of the revised ``v2.1'' directory protocol; implement it in
-  2007. 3-4 weeks.}
-We should also {\bf mark RAM that holds key material as non-swappable} so
-that there is no risk of recovering key material from a hard disk
-compromise.  This would require submitting patches upstream to OpenSSL, where
-support for marking memory as sensitive is currently in a very preliminary
-state.\plan{Nice to do, but not in immediate Tor scope.}
-There are numerous tools for identifying trouble spots in code (such as
-Coverity or even VS2005's code analysis tool) and we should convince somebody
-to run some of them against the Tor codebase.  Ideally, we could figure out a
-way to get our code checked periodically rather than just once.\plan{Almost
-  no time once we talk somebody into it.}
-We should try {\bf protocol fuzzing} to identify errors in our
-implementation.\plan{Not in 2007 unless we find a grad student or
-  undergraduate who wants to try.}
-Our guard nodes help prevent an attacker from being able to become a chosen
-client's entry point by having each client choose a few favorite entry points
-as ``guards'' and stick to them.   We should implement a {\bf directory
-  guards} feature to keep adversaries from enumerating Tor users by acting as
-a directory cache.\plan{Do in 2007; 2 weeks.}
-\subsection{Detect corrupt exits and other servers}
-With the success of our network, we've attracted servers in many locations,
-operated by many kinds of people.  Unfortunately, some of these locations
-have compromised or defective networks, and some of these people are
-untrustworthy or incompetent.  Our current design relies on authority
-administrators to identify bad nodes and mark them as nonfunctioning.  We
-should {\bf automate the process of identifying malfunctioning nodes} as
-We should create a generic {\bf feedback mechanism for add-on tools} like
-Mike Perry's ``Snakes on a Tor'' to report failing nodes to authorities.
-\plan{Do in 2006; 1-2 weeks.}
-We should write tools to {\bf detect more kinds of innocent node failure},
-such as nodes whose network providers intercept SSL, nodes whose network
-providers censor popular websites, and so on.  We should also try to detect
-{\bf routers that snoop traffic}; we could do this by launching connections
-to throwaway accounts, and seeing which accounts get used.\plan{Do in 2007;
-  ask Mike Perry if he's interested.  4-6 weeks.}
-We should add {\bf an efficient way for authorities to mark a set of servers
-  as probably collaborating} though not necessarily otherwise dishonest.
-This happens when an administrator starts multiple routers, but doesn't mark
-them as belonging to the same family.\plan{Do during v2.1 directory protocol
-  redesign; 1-2 weeks to implement.}
-To avoid attacks where an adversary claims good performance in order to
-attract traffic, we should {\bf have authorities measure node performance}
-(including stability and bandwidth) themselves, and not simply believe what
-they're told.  Measuring stability can be done by tracking MTBF.  Measuring
-bandwidth can be tricky, since it's hard to distinguish between a server with
-low capacity, and a high-capacity server with most of its capacity in
-use.\plan{Do ``Stable'' in 2007; 2-3 weeks.  ``Fast'' will be harder; do it
-  if we can interest a grad student.}
-{\bf Operating a directory authority should be easier.}  We rely on authority
-operators to keep the network running well, but right now their job involves
-too much busywork and administrative overhead.  A better interface for them
-to use could free their time to work on exception cases rather than on
-adding named nodes to the network.\plan{Do in 2007; 4-5 weeks.}
-\subsection{Protocol security}
-In addition to other protocol changes discussed above,
-% And should we move some of them down here? -NM
-we should add {\bf hooks for denial-of-service resistance}; we have some
-preliminary designs, but we shouldn't postpone them until we really need them.
-If somebody tries a DDoS attack against the Tor network, we won't want to
-wait for all the servers and clients to upgrade to a new
-version.\plan{Research project; do this in 2007 if funded.}
-\section{Development infrastructure}
-\subsection{Build farm}
-We've begun to deploy a cross-platform distributed build farm of hosts
-that build and test the Tor source every time it changes in our development
-We need to {\bf get more participants}, so that we can test a larger variety
-of platforms.  (Previously, we've only found out when our code had broken on
-obscure platforms when somebody got around to building it.)
-We need also to {\bf add our dependencies} to the build farm, so that we can
-ensure that libraries we need (especially libevent) do not stop working on
-any important platform between one release and the next.
-\plan{This is ongoing as more buildbots arrive.}
-\subsection{Improved testing harness}
-Currently, our {\bf unit tests} cover only about 20\% of the code base.  This
-is uncomfortably low; we should write more and switch to a more flexible
-testing framework.\plan{Ongoing basis, time permitting.}
-We should also write flexible {\bf automated single-host deployment tests} so
-we can more easily verify that the current codebase works with the
-network.\plan{Worthwhile in 2007; would save lots of time.  2-4 weeks.}
-We should build automated {\bf stress testing} frameworks so we can see which
-realistic loads cause Tor to perform badly, and regularly profile Tor against
-these loads.  This would give us {\it in vitro} performance values to
-supplement our deployment experience.\plan{Worthwhile in 2007; 2-6 weeks.}
-We should improve our memory profiling code.\plan{...}
-\subsection{Centralized build system}
-We currently rely on a separate packager to maintain the packaging system and
-to build Tor on each platform for which we distribute binaries.  Separate
-package maintainers is sensible, but separate package builders has meant
-long turnaround times between source releases and package releases.  We
-should create the necessary infrastructure for us to produce binaries for all
-major packages within an hour or so of source release.\plan{We should
-  brainstorm this at least in 2007.}
-\subsection{Improved metrics}
-We need a way to {\bf measure the network's health, capacity, and degree of
-  utilization}.  Our current means for doing this are ad hoc and not
-completely accurate
-We need better ways to {\bf tell which countries are users are coming from,
-  and how many there are}.  A good perspective of the network helps us
-allocate resources and identify trouble spots, but our current approaches
-will work less and less well as we make it harder for adversaries to
-enumerate users.  We'll probably want to shift to a smarter, statistical
-approach rather than our current ``count and extrapolate'' method.
-\plan{All of this in 2007 if funded; 4-8 weeks}
-% \tmp{We'd like to know how much of the network is getting used.}
-% I think this is covered above -NM
-\subsection{Controller library}
-We've done lots of design and development on our controller interface, which
-allows UI applications and other tools to interact with Tor.  We could
-encourage the development of more such tools by releasing a {\bf
-  general-purpose controller library}, ideally with API support for several
-popular programming languages.\plan{2006 or 2007; 1-2 weeks.}
-\section{User experience}
-\subsection{Get blocked less, get blocked less broadly}
-Right now, some services block connections from the Tor network because
-they don't have a better
-way to keep vandals from abusing them than blocking IP addresses associated
-with vandalism.  Our approach so far has been to educate them about better
-solutions that currently exist, but we should also {\bf create better
-solutions for limiting vandalism by anonymous users} like credential and
-blind-signature based implementations, and encourage their use. Other
-promising starting points including writing a patch and explanation for
-Wikipedia, and helping Freenode to document, maintain, and expand its
-current Tor-friendly position.\plan{Do a writeup here in 2007; 1-2 weeks.}
-Those who do block Tor users also block overbroadly, sometimes blacklisting
-operators of Tor servers that do not permit exit to their services.  We could
-obviate innocent reasons for doing so by designing a {\bf narrowly-targeted Tor
-  RBL service} so that those who wanted to overblock Tor could no longer
-plead incompetence.\plan{Possibly in 2007 if we decide it's a good idea; 3
-  weeks.}
-\subsection{All-in-one bundle}
-We need a well-tested, well-documented bundle of Tor and supporting
-applications configured to use it correctly.  We have an initial
-implementation well under way, but it will need additional work in
-identifying requisite Firefox extensions, identifying security threats,
-improving user experience, and so on.  This will need significantly more work
-before it's ready for a general public release.
-\subsection{LiveCD Tor}
-We need a nice bootable livecd containing a minimal OS and a few applications
-configured to use it correctly.  The Anonym.OS project demonstrated that this
-is quite feasible, but their project is not currently maintained.
-\subsection{A Tor client in a VM}
-\tmp{a.k.a JanusVM} which is quite related to the firewall-level deployment
-section below. JanusVM is a Linux kernel running in VMWare. It gets an IP
-address from the network, and serves as a DHCP server for its host Windows
-machine. It intercepts all outgoing traffic and redirects it into Privoxy,
-Tor, etc. This Linux-in-Windows approach may help us with scalability in
-the short term, and it may also be a good long-term solution rather than
-accepting all security risks in Windows.
-%\subsection{Interface improvements}
-%\tmp{Allow controllers to manipulate server status.}
-% (Why is this in the User Experience section?) -RD
-% I think it's better left to a generic ``make controller iface better'' item.
-\subsection{Firewall-level deployment}
-Another useful deployment mode for some users is using {\bf Tor in a firewall
-  configuration}, and directing all their traffic through Tor.  This can be a
-little tricky to set up currently, but it's an effective way to make sure no
-traffic leaves the host un-anonymized.  To achieve this, we need to {\bf
-  improve and port our new TransPort} feature which allows Tor to be used
-without SOCKS support; to {\bf add an anonymizing DNS proxy} feature to Tor;
-and to {\bf construct a recommended set of firewall configurations} to redirect
-traffic to Tor.
-This is an area where {\bf deployment via a livecd}, or an installation
-targeted at specialized home routing hardware, could be useful.
-\subsection{Assess software and configurations for anonymity risks}
-Right now, users and packagers are more or less on their own when selecting
-Firefox extensions.  We should {\bf assemble a recommended list of browser
-  extensions} through experiment, and include this in the application bundles
-we distribute.
-We should also describe {\bf best practices for using Tor with each class of
-  application}. For example, Ethan Zuckerman has written a detailed
-tutorial on how to use Tor, Firefox, GMail, and Wordpress to blog with
-improved safety. There are many other cases on the Internet where anonymity
-would be helpful, and there are a lot of ways to screw up using Tor.
-The Foxtor and Torbutton extensions serve similar purposes; we should pick a
-favorite, and merge in the useful features of the other.
-%\tmp{clean up our own bundled software:
-%E.g. Merge the good features of Foxtor into Torbutton}
-% What else did you have in mind? -NM
-Right now, most of our user-facing code is internationalized.  We need to
-internationalize the last few hold-outs (like the Tor expert installer), and get
-more translations for the parts that are already internationalized.
-Also, we should look into a {\bf unified translator's solution}.  Currently,
-since different tools have been internationalized using the
-framework-appropriate method, different tools require translators to localize
-them via different interfaces.  Inasmuch as possible, we should make
-translators only need to use a single tool to translate the whole Tor suite.
-It would be nice to set up some {\bf user support infrastructure} and
-{\bf contributor support infrastructure}, especially focusing on server
-operators and on coordinating volunteers.
-This includes intuitive and easy ticket systems for bug reports and
-feature suggestions (not just mailing lists with a half dozen people
-and no clear roles for who answers what), but it also includes a more
-personalized and efficient framework for interaction so we keep the
-attention and interest of the contributors, and so we make them feel
-helpful and wanted.
-\subsection{Unified documentation scheme}
-We need to {\bf inventory our documentation.}  Our documentation so far has
-been mostly produced on an {\it ad hoc} basis, in response to particular
-needs and requests.  We should figure out what documentation we have, which of
-it (if any) should get priority, and whether we can't put it all into a
-single format.
-We could {\bf unify the docs} into a single book-like thing.  This will also
-help us identify what sections of the ``book'' are missing.
-\subsection{Missing technical documentation}
-We should {\bf revise our design paper} to reflect the new decisions and
-research we've made since it was published in 2004.  This will help other
-researchers evaluate and suggest improvements to Tor's current design.
-Other projects sometimes implement the client side of our protocol.  We
-encourage this, but we should write {\bf a document about how to avoid
-excessive resource use}, so we don't need to worry that they will do so
-without regard to the effect of their choices on server resources.
-\subsection{Missing user documentation}
-Our documentation falls into two broad categories: some is `discoursive' and
-explains in detail why users should take certain actions, and other
-documentation is `comprehensive' and describes all of Tor's features.  Right
-now, we have no document that is both deep, readable, and thorough.  We
-should correct this by identifying missing spots in our design.
-\bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{tor-design}


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-\title{Tor Development Roadmap: Wishlist for 2008 and beyond}
-\author{Roger Dingledine \and Nick Mathewson}
-Tor (the software) and Tor (the overall software/network/support/document
-suite) are now experiencing all the crises of success.  Over the next
-years, we're probably going to grow even more in terms of users, developers,
-and funding than before. This document attempts to lay out all the
-well-understood next steps that Tor needs to take. We should periodically
-reorganize it to reflect current and intended priorities.
-\section{Everybody can be a relay}
-We've made a lot of progress towards letting an ordinary Tor client also
-serve as a Tor relay. But these issues remain.
-We should teach Vidalia how to speak UPNP to automatically open and
-forward ports on common (e.g. Linksys) routers. There are some promising
-Qt-based UPNP libs out there, and in any case there are others (e.g. in
-Perl) that we can base it on.
-\subsection{``ORPort auto'' to look for a reachable port}
-Vidalia defaults to port 443 on Windows and port 8080 elsewhere. But if
-that port is already in use, or the ISP filters incoming connections
-on that port (some cablemodem providers filter 443 inbound), the user
-needs to learn how to notice this, and then pick a new one and type it
-into Vidalia.
-We should add a new option ``auto'' that cycles through a set of preferred
-ports, testing bindability and reachability for each of them, and only
-complains to the user once it's given up on the common choices.
-\subsection{Incentives design}
-Roger has been working with researchers at Rice University to simulate
-and analyze a new design where the directory authorities assign gold
-stars to well-behaving relays, and then all the relays give priority
-to traffic from gold-starred relays. The great feature of the design is
-that not only does it provide the (explicit) incentive to run a relay,
-but it also aims to grow the overall capacity of the network, so even
-non-relays will benefit.
-It needs more analysis, and perhaps more design work, before we try
-deploying it.
-\subsection{Windows libevent}
-Tor relays still don't work well or reliably on Windows XP or Windows
-Vista, because we don't use the Windows-native ``overlapped IO''
-approach. Christian King made a good start at teaching libevent about
-overlapped IO during Google Summer of Code 2007, and next steps are
-to a) finish that, b) teach Tor to do openssl calls on buffers rather
-than directly to the network, and c) teach Tor to use the new libevent
-buffers approach.
-\subsection{Network scaling}
-If we attract many more relays, we will need to handle the growing pains
-in terms of getting all the directory information to all the users.
-The first piece of this issue is a practical question: since the
-directory size scales linearly with more relays, at some point it
-will no longer be practical for every client to learn about every
-relay. We can try to reduce the amount of information each client needs
-to fetch (e.g. based on fetching less information preemptively as in
-Section~\ref{subsec:fewer-descriptor-fetches} below), but eventually
-clients will need to learn about only a subset of the network, and we
-will need to design good ways to divide up the network information.
-The second piece is an anonymity question that arises from this
-partitioning: if Tor's security comes from having all the clients
-behaving in similar ways, yet we are now giving different clients
-different directory information, how can we minimize the new anonymity
-attacks we introduce?
-\subsection{Using fewer sockets}
-Since in the current network every Tor relay can reach every other Tor
-relay, and we have many times more users than relays, pretty much every
-possible link in the network is in use. That is, the current network
-is a clique in practice.
-And since each of these connections requires a TCP socket, it's going
-to be hard for the network to grow much larger: many systems come with
-a default of 1024 file descriptors allowed per process, and raising
-that ulimit is hard for end users. Worse, many low-end gateway/firewall
-routers can't handle this many connections in their routing table.
-One approach is a restricted-route topology~\cite{danezis:pet2003}:
-predefine which relays can reach which other relays, and communicate
-these restrictions to the relays and the clients. We need to compute
-which links are acceptable in a way that's decentralized yet scalable,
-and in a way that achieves a small-worlds property; and we
-need an efficient (compact) way to characterize the topology information
-so all the users could keep up to date.
-Another approach would be to switch to UDP-based transport between
-relays, so we don't need to keep the TCP sockets open at all. Needs more
-investigation too.
-\subsection{Auto bandwidth detection and rate limiting, especially for
-      asymmetric connections.}
-\subsection{Better algorithms for giving priority to local traffic}
-Proposal 111 made a lot of progress at separating local traffic from
-relayed traffic, so Tor users can rate limit the relayed traffic at a
-stricter level. But since we want to pass both traffic classes over the
-same TCP connection, we can't keep them entirely separate. The current
-compromise is that we treat all bytes to/from a given connectin as
-local traffic if any of the bytes within the past N seconds were local
-bytes.  But a) we could use some more intelligent heuristics, and b)
-this leaks information to an active attacker about when local traffic
-was sent/received.
-\subsection{Tolerate absurdly wrong clocks, even for relays}
-Many of our users are on Windows, running with a clock several days or
-even several years off from reality. Some of them are even intentionally
-in this state so they can run software that will only run in the past.
-Before Tor 0.1.1.x, Tor clients would still function if their clock was
-wildly off --- they simply got a copy of the directory and believed it.
-Starting in Tor 0.1.1.x (and even moreso in Tor 0.2.0.x), the clients
-only use networkstatus documents that they believe to be recent, so
-clients with extremely wrong clocks no longer work. (This bug has been
-an unending source of vague and confusing bug reports.)
-The first step is for clients to recognize when all the directory material
-they're fetching has roughly the same offset from their current time,
-and then automatically correct for it.
-Once that's working well, clients who opt to become bridge relays should
-be able to use the same approach to serve accurate directory information
-to their bridge users.
-\subsection{Risks from being a relay}
-Three different research
-papers~\cite{back01,clog-the-queue,attack-tor-oak05} describe ways to
-identify the nodes in a circuit by running traffic through candidate nodes
-and looking for dips in the traffic while the circuit is active. These
-clogging attacks are not that scary in the Tor context so long as relays
-are never clients too. But if we're trying to encourage more clients to
-turn on relay functionality too (whether as bridge relays or as normal
-relays), then we need to understand this threat better and learn how to
-mitigate it.
-One promising research direction is to investigate the RelayBandwidthRate
-feature that lets Tor rate limit relayed traffic differently from local
-traffic. Since the attacker's ``clogging'' traffic is not in the same
-bandwidth class as the traffic initiated by the user, it may be harder
-to detect interference. Or it may not be.
-\subsection{First a bridge, then a public relay?}
-Once enough of the items in this section are done, I want all clients
-to start out automatically detecting their reachability and opting
-to be bridge relays.
-Then if they realize they have enough consistency and bandwidth, they
-should automatically upgrade to being non-exit relays.
-What metrics should we use for deciding when we're fast enough
-and stable enough to switch? Given that the list of bridge relays needs
-to be kept secret, it doesn't make much sense to switch back.
-\section{Tor on low resources / slow links}
-\subsection{Reducing directory fetches further}
-\subsection{Using less ram}
-\subsection{Better DoS resistance for tor servers / authorities}
-\section{Blocking resistance}
-\subsection{Better bridge-address-distribution strategies}
-\subsection{Get more volunteers running bridges}
-\subsection{Handle multiple bridge authorities}
-\subsection{Anonymity for bridge users: second layer of entry guards, etc?}
-\subsection{More TLS normalization}
-\subsection{Harder to block Tor software distribution}
-\subsection{Integration with Psiphon}
-\subsection{Switch Privoxy out for Polipo}
-      - Make Vidalia able to launch more programs itself
-\subsection{Continue Torbutton improvements}
-      especially better docs
-\subsection{Vidalia and stability (especially wrt ongoing Windows problems)}
-      learn how to get useful crash reports (tracebacks) from Windows users
-\subsection{Polipo support on Windows}
-\subsection{Auto update for Tor, Vidalia, others}
-\subsection{Tor browser bundle for USB and standalone use}
-\subsection{LiveCD solution}
-\subsection{VM-based solution}
-\subsection{Tor-on-enclave-firewall configuration}
-\subsection{General tutorials on what common applications are Tor-friendly}
-\subsection{Controller libraries (torctl) plus documentation}
-\subsection{Localization and translation (Vidalia, Torbutton, web pages)}
-\section{Interacting better with Internet sites}
-\subsection{Make tordnsel (tor exitlist) better and more well-known}
-\subsection{Work with Wikipedia, Slashdot, Google(, IRC networks)}
-\subsection{IPv6 support for exit destinations}
-\section{Network health}
-\subsection{torflow / soat to detect bad relays}
-\subsection{make authorities more automated}
-\subsection{torstatus pages and better trend tracking}
-\subsection{better metrics for assessing network health / growth}
-      - geoip usage-by-country reporting and aggregation
-        (Once that's working, switch to Directory guards)
-\section{Performance research}
-\subsection{Load balance better}
-\subsection{Improve our congestion control algorithms}
-\subsection{Two-hops vs Three-hops}
-\subsection{Transport IP packets end-to-end}
-\section{Outreach and user education}
-\subsection{"Who uses Tor" use cases}
-\subsection{Law enforcement contacts}
-      - "Was this IP address a Tor relay recently?" database
-\subsection{Commercial/enterprise outreach. Help them use Tor well and
-      not fear it.}
-\subsection{NGO outreach and training.}
-      - "How to be a safe blogger"
-\subsection{More activist coordinators, more people to answer user questions}
-\subsection{More people to hold hands of server operators}
-\subsection{Teaching the media about Tor}
-\subsection{The-dangers-of-plaintext awareness}
-\subsection{ and other "privacy checkers"}
-\subsection{Stronger legal FAQ for US}
-\subsection{Legal FAQs for other countries}
-\section{Anonymity research}
-\subsection{estimate relay bandwidth more securely}
-\subsection{website fingerprinting attacks}
-\subsection{safer e2e defenses}
-\subsection{Using Tor when you really need anonymity. Can you compose it
-      with other steps, like more trusted guards or separate proxies?}
-\subsection{Topology-aware routing; routing-zones, steven's pet2007 paper.}
-\subsection{Exactly what do guard nodes provide?}
-Entry guards seem to defend against all sorts of attacks. Can we work
-through all the benefits they provide? Papers like Nikita's CCS 2007
-paper make me think their value is not well-understood by the research
-\section{Organizational growth and stability}
-\subsection{A contingency plan if Roger gets hit by a bus}
-      - Get a new executive director
-\subsection{More diversity of funding}
-      - Don't rely on any one funder as much
-      - Don't rely on any sector or funder category as much
-\subsection{More Tor-funded people who are skilled at peripheral apps like
-      Vidalia, Torbutton, Polipo, etc}
-\subsection{More coordinated media handling and strategy}
-\subsection{Clearer and more predictable trademark behavior}
-\subsection{More outside funding for internships, etc e.g. GSoC.}
-\section{Hidden services}
-\subsection{Scaling: how to handle many hidden services}
-\subsection{Performance: how to rendezvous with them quickly}
-\subsection{Authentication/authorization: how to tolerate DoS / load}
-\section{Tor as a general overlay network}
-\subsection{Choose paths / exit by country}
-\subsection{Easier to run your own private servers and have Tor use them
-      anywhere in the path}
-\subsection{Easier to run an independent Tor network}
-\section{Code security/correctness}
-\subsection{code audit}
-\subsection{more fuzzing tools}
-\subsection{build farm, better testing harness}
-\subsection{Long-overdue code refactoring and cleanup}
-\section{Protocol security}
-\subsection{safer circuit handshake}
-\subsection{protocol versioning for future compatibility}
-\subsection{cell sizes}
-\subsection{adapt to new key sizes, etc}
-\bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{tor-design}
-\section{Code and design infrastructure}
-\subsection{Protocol revision}
-To maintain backward compatibility, we've postponed major protocol
-changes and redesigns for a long time.  Because of this, there are a number
-of sensible revisions we've been putting off until we could deploy several of
-them at once.  To do each of these, we first need to discuss design
-alternatives with other cryptographers and outside collaborators to
-make sure that our choices are secure.
-First of all, our protocol needs better {\bf versioning support} so that we
-can make backward-incompatible changes to our core protocol.  There are
-difficult anonymity issues here, since many naive designs would make it easy
-to tell clients apart (and then track them) based on their supported versions.
-With protocol versioning support would come the ability to {\bf future-proof
-  our ciphersuites}.  For example, not only our OR protocol, but also our
-directory protocol, is pretty firmly tied to the SHA-1 hash function, which
-though not yet known to be insecure for our purposes, has begun to show
-its age.  We should
-remove assumptions throughout our design based on the assumption that public
-keys, secret keys, or digests will remain any particular size indefinitely.
-Our OR {\bf authentication protocol}, though provably
-secure\cite{tap:pet2006}, relies more on particular aspects of RSA and our
-implementation thereof than we had initially believed.  To future-proof
-against changes, we should replace it with a less delicate approach.
-\plan{For all the above: 2 person-months to specify, spread over several
-  months with time for interaction with external participants.  One
-  person-month to implement.  Start specifying in early 2007.}
-We might design a {\bf stream migration} feature so that streams tunneled
-over Tor could be more resilient to dropped connections and changed IPs.
-\plan{Not in 2007.}
-A new protocol could support {\bf multiple cell sizes}.  Right now, all data
-passes through the Tor network divided into 512-byte cells.  This is
-efficient for high-bandwidth protocols, but inefficient for protocols
-like SSH or AIM that send information in small chunks.  Of course, we need to
-investigate the extent to which multiple sizes could make it easier for an
-adversary to fingerprint a traffic pattern. \plan{Not in 2007.}
-As a part of our design, we should investigate possible {\bf cipher modes}
-other than counter mode.  For example, a mode with built-in integrity
-checking, error propagation, and random access could simplify our protocol
-significantly.  Sadly, many of these are patented and unavailable for us.
-\plan{Not in 2007.}
-\subsubsection{Improved directory efficiency}
-We should {\bf have routers upload their descriptors even less often}, so
-that clients do not need to download replacements every 18 hours whether any
-information has changed or not.  (As of Tor, clients tolerate
-routers that don't upload often, but routers still upload at least every 18
-hours to support older clients.) \plan{Must do, but not until 0.1.1.x is
-deprecated in mid 2007. 1 week.}
-\subsubsection{Non-clique topology}
-Our current network design achieves a certain amount of its anonymity by
-making clients act like each other through the simple expedient of making
-sure that all clients know all servers, and that any server can talk to any
-other server.  But as the number of servers increases to serve an
-ever-greater number of clients, these assumptions become impractical.
-At worst, if these scalability issues become troubling before a solution is
-found, we can design and build a solution to {\bf split the network into
-multiple slices} until a better solution comes along.  This is not ideal,
-since rather than looking like all other users from a point of view of path
-selection, users would ``only'' look like 200,000--300,000 other
-users.\plan{Not unless needed.}
-We are in the process of designing {\bf improved schemes for network
-  scalability}.  Some approaches focus on limiting what an adversary can know
-about what a user knows; others focus on reducing the extent to which an
-adversary can exploit this knowledge.  These are currently in their infancy,
-and will probably not be needed in 2007, but they must be designed in 2007 if
-they are to be deployed in 2008.\plan{Design in 2007; unknown difficulty.
-  Write a paper.}
-\subsubsection{Relay incentives}
-To support more users on the network, we need to get more servers.  So far,
-we've relied on volunteerism to attract server operators, and so far it's
-served us well.  But in the long run, we need to {\bf design incentives for
-  users to run servers} and relay traffic for others.  Most obviously, we
-could try to build the network so that servers offered improved service for
-other servers, but we would need to do so without weakening anonymity and
-making it obvious which connections originate from users running servers.  We
-have some preliminary designs~\cite{incentives-txt,tor-challenges},
-but need to perform
-some more research to make sure they would be safe and effective.\plan{Write
-  a draft paper; 2 person-months.}
-(XXX we did that)
-Our {\bf Windows implementation}, though much improved, continues to lag
-behind Unix and Mac OS X, especially when running as a server.  We hope to
-merge promising patches from Christian King to address this point, and bring
-Windows performance on par with other platforms.\plan{Do in 2007; 1.5 months
-  to integrate not counting Mike's work.}
-We should have {\bf better support for portable devices}, including modes of
-operation that require less RAM, and that write to disk less frequently (to
-avoid wearing out flash RAM).\plan{Optional; 2 weeks.}
-\subsection{Performance: resource usage}
-We've been working on {\bf using less RAM}, especially on servers.  This has
-paid off a lot for directory caches in the 0.1.2, which in some cases are
-using 90\% less memory than they used to require.  But we can do better,
-especially in the area around our buffer management algorithms, by using an
-approach more like the BSD and Linux kernels use instead of our current ring
-buffer approach.  (For OR connections, we can just use queues of cell-sized
-chunks produced with a specialized allocator.)  This could potentially save
-around 25 to 50\% of the memory currently allocated for network buffers, and
-make Tor a more attractive proposition for restricted-memory environments
-like old computers, mobile devices, and the like.\plan{Do in 2007; 2-3 weeks
-  plus one week measurement.} (XXX We did this, but we need to do something
-\subsection{Performance: network usage}
-We know too little about how well our current path
-selection algorithms actually spread traffic around the network in practice.
-We should {\bf research the efficacy of our traffic allocation} and either
-assure ourselves that it is close enough to optimal as to need no improvement
-(unlikely) or {\bf identify ways to improve network usage}, and get more
-users' traffic delivered faster.  Performing this research will require
-careful thought about anonymity implications.
-We should also {\bf examine the efficacy of our congestion control
-  algorithm}, and see whether we can improve client performance in the
-presence of a congested network through dynamic `sendme' window sizes or
-other means.  This will have anonymity implications too if we aren't careful.
-\plan{For both of the above: research, design and write
-  a measurement tool in 2007: 1 month.  See if we can interest a graduate
-  student.}
-We should work on making Tor's cell-based protocol  perform better on
-networks with low bandwidth
-and high packet loss.\plan{Do in 2007 if we're funded to do it; 4-6 weeks.}
-\subsection{Performance scenario: one Tor client, many users}
-We should {\bf improve Tor's performance when a single Tor handles many
-  clients}.  Many organizations want to manage a single Tor client on their
-firewall for many users, rather than having each user install a separate
-Tor client.  We haven't optimized for this scenario, and it is likely that
-there are some code paths in the current implementation that become
-inefficient when a single Tor is servicing hundreds or thousands of client
-connections.  (Additionally, it is likely that such clients have interesting
-anonymity requirements the we should investigate.)  We should profile Tor
-under appropriate loads, identify bottlenecks, and fix them.\plan{Do in 2007
-  if we're funded to do it; 4-8 weeks.}
-\subsection{Tor servers on asymmetric bandwidth}
-Tor should work better on servers that have asymmetric connections like cable
-or DSL.  Because Tor has separate TCP connections between each
-hop, if the incoming bytes are arriving just fine and the outgoing bytes are
-all getting dropped on the floor, the TCP push-back mechanisms don't really
-transmit this information back to the incoming streams.\plan{Do in 2007 since
-  related to bandwidth limiting.  3-4 weeks.}
-\subsection{Running Tor as both client and server}
-Many performance tradeoffs and balances that might need more attention.
-We first need to track and fix whatever bottlenecks emerge; but we also
-need to invent good algorithms for prioritizing the client's traffic
-without starving the server's traffic too much.\plan{No idea; try
-profiling and improving things in 2007.}
-\subsection{Protocol redesign for UDP}
-Tor has relayed only TCP traffic since its first versions, and has used
-TLS-over-TCP to do so.  This approach has proved reliable and flexible, but
-in the long term we will need to allow UDP traffic on the network, and switch
-some or all of the network to using a UDP transport.  {\bf Supporting UDP
-  traffic} will make Tor more suitable for protocols that require UDP, such
-as many VOIP protocols.  {\bf Using a UDP transport} could greatly reduce
-resource limitations on servers, and make the network far less interruptible
-by lossy connections.  Either of these protocol changes would require a great
-deal of design work, however.  We hope to be able to enlist the aid of a few
-talented graduate students to assist with the initial design and
-specification, but the actual implementation will require significant testing
-of different reliable transport approaches.\plan{Maybe do a design in 2007 if
-we find an interested academic.  Ian or Ben L might be good partners here.}
-\section{Blocking resistance}
-\subsection{Design for blocking resistance}
-We have written a design document explaining our general approach to blocking
-resistance.  We should workshop it with other experts in the field to get
-their ideas about how we can improve Tor's efficacy as an anti-censorship
-\subsection{Implementation: client-side and bridges-side}
-Bridges will want to be able to {\bf listen on multiple addresses and ports}
-if they can, to give the adversary more ports to block.
-\subsection{Research: anonymity implications from becoming a bridge}
-see arma's bridge proposal; e.g. should bridge users use a second layer of
-entry guards?
-\subsection{Implementation: bridge authority}
-we run some
-directory authorities with a slightly modified protocol that doesn't leak
-the entire list of bridges. Thus users can learn up-to-date information
-for bridges they already know about, but they can't learn about arbitrary
-new bridges.
-we need a design for distributing the bridge authority over more than one
-\subsection{Normalizing the Tor protocol on the wire}
-Additionally, we should {\bf resist content-based filters}.  Though an
-adversary can't see what users are saying, some aspects of our protocol are
-easy to fingerprint {\em as} Tor.  We should correct this where possible.
-Look like Firefox; or look like nothing?
-Future research: investigate timing similarities with other protocols.
-\subsection{Research: scanning-resistance}
-\subsection{Research/Design/Impl: how users discover bridges}
-Our design anticipates an arms race between discovery methods and censors.
-We need to begin the infrastructure on our side quickly, preferably in a
-flexible language like Python, so we can adapt quickly to censorship.
-phase one: personal bridges
-phase two: families of personal bridges
-phase three: more structured social network
-phase four: bag of tricks
-Research: phase five...
-Integration with Psiphon, etc?
-\subsection{Document best practices for users}
-Document best practices for various activities common among
-blocked users (e.g. WordPress use).
-\subsection{Research: how to know if a bridge has been blocked?}
-\subsection{GeoIP maintenance, and "private" user statistics}
-How to know if the whole idea is working?
-\subsection{Research: hiding whether the user is reading or publishing?}
-\subsection{Research: how many bridges do you need to know to maintain
-\subsection{Resisting censorship of the Tor website, docs, and mirrors}
-We should take some effort to consider {\bf initial distribution of Tor and
-  related information} in countries where the Tor website and mirrors are
-censored.  (Right now, most countries that block access to Tor block only the
-main website and leave mirrors and the network itself untouched.)  Falling
-back on word-of-mouth is always a good last resort, but we should also take
-steps to make sure it's relatively easy for users to get ahold of a copy.
-\subsection{Security research projects}
-We should investigate approaches with some promise to help Tor resist
-end-to-end traffic correlation attacks.  It's an open research question
-whether (and to what extent) {\bf mixed-latency} networks, {\bf low-volume
-  long-distance padding}, or other approaches can resist these attacks, which
-are currently some of the most effective against careful Tor users.  We
-should research these questions and perform simulations to identify
-opportunities for strengthening our design without dropping performance to
-unacceptable levels. %Cite something
-\plan{Start doing this in 2007; write a paper.  8-16 weeks.}
-We've got some preliminary results suggesting that {\bf a topology-aware
-  routing algorithm}~\cite{feamster:wpes2004} could reduce Tor users'
-vulnerability against local or ISP-level adversaries, by ensuring that they
-are never in a position to watch both ends of a connection.  We need to
-examine the effects of this approach in more detail and consider side-effects
-on anonymity against other kinds of adversaries.  If the approach still looks
-promising, we should investigate ways for clients to implement it (or an
-approximation of it) without having to download routing tables for the whole
-Internet. \plan{Not in 2007 unless a graduate student wants to do it.}
-%\tmp{defenses against end-to-end correlation}  We don't expect any to work
-%right now, but it would be useful to learn that one did.  Alternatively,
-%proving that one didn't would free up researchers in the field to go work on
-%other things.
-% See above; I think I got this.
-We should research the efficacy of {\bf website fingerprinting} attacks,
-wherein an adversary tries to match the distinctive traffic and timing
-pattern of the resources constituting a given website to the traffic pattern
-of a user's client.  These attacks work great in simulations, but in
-practice we hear they don't work nearly as well.  We should get some actual
-numbers to investigate the issue, and figure out what's going on.  If we
-resist these attacks, or can improve our design to resist them, we should.
-% add cites
-\plan{Possibly part of end-to-end correlation paper.  Otherwise, not in 2007
-  unless a graduate student is interested.}
-\subsection{Implementation security}
-We should also {\bf mark RAM that holds key material as non-swappable} so
-that there is no risk of recovering key material from a hard disk
-compromise.  This would require submitting patches upstream to OpenSSL, where
-support for marking memory as sensitive is currently in a very preliminary
-state.\plan{Nice to do, but not in immediate Tor scope.}
-There are numerous tools for identifying trouble spots in code (such as
-Coverity or even VS2005's code analysis tool) and we should convince somebody
-to run some of them against the Tor codebase.  Ideally, we could figure out a
-way to get our code checked periodically rather than just once.\plan{Almost
-  no time once we talk somebody into it.}
-We should try {\bf protocol fuzzing} to identify errors in our
-implementation.\plan{Not in 2007 unless we find a grad student or
-  undergraduate who wants to try.}
-Our guard nodes help prevent an attacker from being able to become a chosen
-client's entry point by having each client choose a few favorite entry points
-as ``guards'' and stick to them.   We should implement a {\bf directory
-  guards} feature to keep adversaries from enumerating Tor users by acting as
-a directory cache.\plan{Do in 2007; 2 weeks.}
-\subsection{Detect corrupt exits and other servers}
-With the success of our network, we've attracted servers in many locations,
-operated by many kinds of people.  Unfortunately, some of these locations
-have compromised or defective networks, and some of these people are
-untrustworthy or incompetent.  Our current design relies on authority
-administrators to identify bad nodes and mark them as nonfunctioning.  We
-should {\bf automate the process of identifying malfunctioning nodes} as
-We should create a generic {\bf feedback mechanism for add-on tools} like
-Mike Perry's ``Snakes on a Tor'' to report failing nodes to authorities.
-\plan{Do in 2006; 1-2 weeks.}
-We should write tools to {\bf detect more kinds of innocent node failure},
-such as nodes whose network providers intercept SSL, nodes whose network
-providers censor popular websites, and so on.  We should also try to detect
-{\bf routers that snoop traffic}; we could do this by launching connections
-to throwaway accounts, and seeing which accounts get used.\plan{Do in 2007;
-  ask Mike Perry if he's interested.  4-6 weeks.}
-We should add {\bf an efficient way for authorities to mark a set of servers
-  as probably collaborating} though not necessarily otherwise dishonest.
-This happens when an administrator starts multiple routers, but doesn't mark
-them as belonging to the same family.\plan{Do during v2.1 directory protocol
-  redesign; 1-2 weeks to implement.}
-To avoid attacks where an adversary claims good performance in order to
-attract traffic, we should {\bf have authorities measure node performance}
-(including stability and bandwidth) themselves, and not simply believe what
-they're told. We also measure stability by tracking MTBF.  Measuring
-bandwidth will be tricky, since it's hard to distinguish between a server with
-low capacity, and a high-capacity server with most of its capacity in
-use. See also Nikita's NDSS 2008 paper.\plan{Do it if we can interest
-a grad student.}
-{\bf Operating a directory authority should be easier.}  We rely on authority
-operators to keep the network running well, but right now their job involves
-too much busywork and administrative overhead.  A better interface for them
-to use could free their time to work on exception cases rather than on
-adding named nodes to the network.\plan{Do in 2007; 4-5 weeks.}
-\subsection{Protocol security}
-In addition to other protocol changes discussed above,
-% And should we move some of them down here? -NM
-we should add {\bf hooks for denial-of-service resistance}; we have some
-preliminary designs, but we shouldn't postpone them until we really need them.
-If somebody tries a DDoS attack against the Tor network, we won't want to
-wait for all the servers and clients to upgrade to a new
-version.\plan{Research project; do this in 2007 if funded.}
-\section{Development infrastructure}
-\subsection{Build farm}
-We've begun to deploy a cross-platform distributed build farm of hosts
-that build and test the Tor source every time it changes in our development
-We need to {\bf get more participants}, so that we can test a larger variety
-of platforms.  (Previously, we've only found out when our code had broken on
-obscure platforms when somebody got around to building it.)
-We need also to {\bf add our dependencies} to the build farm, so that we can
-ensure that libraries we need (especially libevent) do not stop working on
-any important platform between one release and the next.
-\plan{This is ongoing as more buildbots arrive.}
-\subsection{Improved testing harness}
-Currently, our {\bf unit tests} cover only about 20\% of the code base.  This
-is uncomfortably low; we should write more and switch to a more flexible
-testing framework.\plan{Ongoing basis, time permitting.}
-We should also write flexible {\bf automated single-host deployment tests} so
-we can more easily verify that the current codebase works with the
-network.\plan{Worthwhile in 2007; would save lots of time.  2-4 weeks.}
-We should build automated {\bf stress testing} frameworks so we can see which
-realistic loads cause Tor to perform badly, and regularly profile Tor against
-these loads.  This would give us {\it in vitro} performance values to
-supplement our deployment experience.\plan{Worthwhile in 2007; 2-6 weeks.}
-We should improve our memory profiling code.\plan{...}
-\subsection{Centralized build system}
-We currently rely on a separate packager to maintain the packaging system and
-to build Tor on each platform for which we distribute binaries.  Separate
-package maintainers is sensible, but separate package builders has meant
-long turnaround times between source releases and package releases.  We
-should create the necessary infrastructure for us to produce binaries for all
-major packages within an hour or so of source release.\plan{We should
-  brainstorm this at least in 2007.}
-\subsection{Improved metrics}
-We need a way to {\bf measure the network's health, capacity, and degree of
-  utilization}.  Our current means for doing this are ad hoc and not
-completely accurate
-We need better ways to {\bf tell which countries are users are coming from,
-  and how many there are}.  A good perspective of the network helps us
-allocate resources and identify trouble spots, but our current approaches
-will work less and less well as we make it harder for adversaries to
-enumerate users.  We'll probably want to shift to a smarter, statistical
-approach rather than our current ``count and extrapolate'' method.
-\plan{All of this in 2007 if funded; 4-8 weeks}
-% \tmp{We'd like to know how much of the network is getting used.}
-% I think this is covered above -NM
-\subsection{Controller library}
-We've done lots of design and development on our controller interface, which
-allows UI applications and other tools to interact with Tor.  We could
-encourage the development of more such tools by releasing a {\bf
-  general-purpose controller library}, ideally with API support for several
-popular programming languages.\plan{2006 or 2007; 1-2 weeks.}
-\section{User experience}
-\subsection{Get blocked less, get blocked less broadly}
-Right now, some services block connections from the Tor network because
-they don't have a better
-way to keep vandals from abusing them than blocking IP addresses associated
-with vandalism.  Our approach so far has been to educate them about better
-solutions that currently exist, but we should also {\bf create better
-solutions for limiting vandalism by anonymous users} like credential and
-blind-signature based implementations, and encourage their use. Other
-promising starting points including writing a patch and explanation for
-Wikipedia, and helping Freenode to document, maintain, and expand its
-current Tor-friendly position.\plan{Do a writeup here in 2007; 1-2 weeks.}
-Those who do block Tor users also block overbroadly, sometimes blacklisting
-operators of Tor servers that do not permit exit to their services.  We could
-obviate innocent reasons for doing so by designing a {\bf narrowly-targeted Tor
-  RBL service} so that those who wanted to overblock Tor could no longer
-plead incompetence.\plan{Possibly in 2007 if we decide it's a good idea; 3
-  weeks.}
-\subsection{All-in-one bundle}
-We need a well-tested, well-documented bundle of Tor and supporting
-applications configured to use it correctly.  We have an initial
-implementation well under way, but it will need additional work in
-identifying requisite Firefox extensions, identifying security threats,
-improving user experience, and so on.  This will need significantly more work
-before it's ready for a general public release.
-\subsection{LiveCD Tor}
-We need a nice bootable livecd containing a minimal OS and a few applications
-configured to use it correctly.  The Anonym.OS project demonstrated that this
-is quite feasible, but their project is not currently maintained.
-\subsection{A Tor client in a VM}
-\tmp{a.k.a JanusVM} which is quite related to the firewall-level deployment
-section below. JanusVM is a Linux kernel running in VMWare. It gets an IP
-address from the network, and serves as a DHCP server for its host Windows
-machine. It intercepts all outgoing traffic and redirects it into Privoxy,
-Tor, etc. This Linux-in-Windows approach may help us with scalability in
-the short term, and it may also be a good long-term solution rather than
-accepting all security risks in Windows.
-%\subsection{Interface improvements}
-%\tmp{Allow controllers to manipulate server status.}
-% (Why is this in the User Experience section?) -RD
-% I think it's better left to a generic ``make controller iface better'' item.
-\subsection{Firewall-level deployment}
-Another useful deployment mode for some users is using {\bf Tor in a firewall
-  configuration}, and directing all their traffic through Tor.  This can be a
-little tricky to set up currently, but it's an effective way to make sure no
-traffic leaves the host un-anonymized.  To achieve this, we need to {\bf
-  improve and port our new TransPort} feature which allows Tor to be used
-without SOCKS support; to {\bf add an anonymizing DNS proxy} feature to Tor;
-and to {\bf construct a recommended set of firewall configurations} to redirect
-traffic to Tor.
-This is an area where {\bf deployment via a livecd}, or an installation
-targeted at specialized home routing hardware, could be useful.
-\subsection{Assess software and configurations for anonymity risks}
-Right now, users and packagers are more or less on their own when selecting
-Firefox extensions.  We should {\bf assemble a recommended list of browser
-  extensions} through experiment, and include this in the application bundles
-we distribute.
-We should also describe {\bf best practices for using Tor with each class of
-  application}. For example, Ethan Zuckerman has written a detailed
-tutorial on how to use Tor, Firefox, GMail, and Wordpress to blog with
-improved safety. There are many other cases on the Internet where anonymity
-would be helpful, and there are a lot of ways to screw up using Tor.
-The Foxtor and Torbutton extensions serve similar purposes; we should pick a
-favorite, and merge in the useful features of the other.
-%\tmp{clean up our own bundled software:
-%E.g. Merge the good features of Foxtor into Torbutton}
-% What else did you have in mind? -NM
-Right now, most of our user-facing code is internationalized.  We need to
-internationalize the last few hold-outs (like the Tor expert installer), and get
-more translations for the parts that are already internationalized.
-Also, we should look into a {\bf unified translator's solution}.  Currently,
-since different tools have been internationalized using the
-framework-appropriate method, different tools require translators to localize
-them via different interfaces.  Inasmuch as possible, we should make
-translators only need to use a single tool to translate the whole Tor suite.
-It would be nice to set up some {\bf user support infrastructure} and
-{\bf contributor support infrastructure}, especially focusing on server
-operators and on coordinating volunteers.
-This includes intuitive and easy ticket systems for bug reports and
-feature suggestions (not just mailing lists with a half dozen people
-and no clear roles for who answers what), but it also includes a more
-personalized and efficient framework for interaction so we keep the
-attention and interest of the contributors, and so we make them feel
-helpful and wanted.
-\subsection{Unified documentation scheme}
-We need to {\bf inventory our documentation.}  Our documentation so far has
-been mostly produced on an {\it ad hoc} basis, in response to particular
-needs and requests.  We should figure out what documentation we have, which of
-it (if any) should get priority, and whether we can't put it all into a
-single format.
-We could {\bf unify the docs} into a single book-like thing.  This will also
-help us identify what sections of the ``book'' are missing.
-\subsection{Missing technical documentation}
-We should {\bf revise our design paper} to reflect the new decisions and
-research we've made since it was published in 2004.  This will help other
-researchers evaluate and suggest improvements to Tor's current design.
-Other projects sometimes implement the client side of our protocol.  We
-encourage this, but we should write {\bf a document about how to avoid
-excessive resource use}, so we don't need to worry that they will do so
-without regard to the effect of their choices on server resources.
-\subsection{Missing user documentation}
-Our documentation falls into two broad categories: some is `discoursive' and
-explains in detail why users should take certain actions, and other
-documentation is `comprehensive' and describes all of Tor's features.  Right
-now, we have no document that is both deep, readable, and thorough.  We
-should correct this by identifying missing spots in our design.
-\bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{tor-design}

+ 0 - 175

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-%center, size 9, font "thick", back "white", fore "black"
-%size 8
-Next-generation Onion Routing
-%size 7
-Roger Dingledine
-Nick Mathewson
-Paul Syverson
-%%The Free Haven Project
-%%%font "typewriter", fore "blue"
-Low-latency anonymity system
-Deployed: 19 nodes, hundreds of users (?)
-Many improvements on earlier design
-Free software -- available source code
-Design is not covered by earlier onion routing
-Perfect forward secrecy
-Telescoping circuit
-	negotiates keys at each hop
-%%Separation from "protocol cleaning"
-No mixing, padding, traffic shaping (yet)
-Please show us they're worth the usability tradeoff
-%%Many TCP streams can share one circuit
-Congestion control
-Simple rate limiting
-Plus have to keep internal nodes from overflowing
-Directory servers
-Approve new servers
-Tell clients who's up right now
-	plus their keys, location, etc
-Variable exit policies
-Each server allows different outgoing connections
-E.g. no servers allow outgoing mail currently
-End-to-end integrity checking
-In previous onion routing, an insider could change
-the text being transmitted:
-"dir" => "rm *"
-Even an external adversary could do this!
-Rendezvous points
-allow hidden services
-Differences / limitations
-We're TCP-only, not all IP (but we're user-space and very portable)
-Not peer-to-peer
-No protocol normalization
-%%Not unobservable
-We have working code
-Plus a design document,
-and a byte-level specification
-%size 9