Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  teor 654367f026 Allow fallbacks serving consensuses that expired less than 24 hours ago il y a 8 ans
  teor 2d2bbaf259 Avoid checking fallback candidates' DirPorts if they are down in OnionOO il y a 8 ans
  teor 4c832bcfac Be more tolerant of a decreased number of fallbacks il y a 8 ans
  teor 124c342364 Reduce fallback bandwidth requirement to 1 MByte/s il y a 8 ans
  teor 35da99a712 Allow 3 fallbacks per operator il y a 8 ans
  teor ee3e8fc3e9 Require fallbacks to have 90% Running, V2Dir, and Guard flags il y a 8 ans
  teor 396bddaa4c Require fallback directories to have the same address and port for 7 days il y a 8 ans
  teor 9629a25d10 Display the fingerprint when downloading consensuses from fallbacks il y a 8 ans
  teor 8381d928cf Exclude relays that deliver an expired consensus from the fallback list il y a 8 ans
  teor 243d6fa0c7 Exclude relay versions affected by #20499 from the fallback list il y a 8 ans
  teor 864a8eb283 Make fallback sort order configurable il y a 8 ans
  teor 31e1439642 Select 200 fallback directories by default for each release il y a 8 ans
  teor 4eba30ca59 Provide bandwidth and consensus weight for each candidate fallback il y a 8 ans
  teor 6ed8e3764b Add a missed return to fallbackdir_comment() in updateFallbackDirs.py il y a 8 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) 26146dbe9e Comment-out fallbacks in a way the stem fallback parser understands il y a 8 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) 4090612246 Avoid errors in updateFallbackDirs.py when there are no fallbacks il y a 8 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) 6ce53668f4 Document how to test the hard-coded fallback list il y a 8 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) ab06b79cba Simplify string cleansing in fallback update script il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) d41f92b006 Improve logging in fallback update script il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) 46d813922a Improve comments in fallback update script il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) ba7691071e Report fallback directory detail changes when rebuilding list il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) c157a31ee8 Limit fallbacks from the same operator il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) 999834324b Simplify fallback list output il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) 78ec782f76 Select fallbacks by bandwidth rather than consensus weight il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) e115523c98 Only count active fallbacks in updateFallbackDirs.py il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) 205a641e1d Remove fallback directory weights il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) 7e1b8ae79c Improve fallback selection and output il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) e2202146d1 Update default fallback directories for (Feb 2016) il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) a6017d61e1 Fix minor fallback directory script issues with time zones il y a 9 ans
  teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) 9580036986 Check if fallback directories can serve the consensus fast enough il y a 9 ans