@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+// User behavior in simulation
+use crate::{
+ bridge::Bridge,
+ censor::{Censor, Secrecy::*, Totality::*},
+ config::Config,
+use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
+use lox_cli::{networking::*, *};
+use lox_library::{
+ bridge_table::BridgeLine, cred::Lox, proto::check_blockage::MIN_TRUST_LEVEL, scalar_u32,
+use rand::Rng;
+use std::{cmp::min, collections::HashMap};
+use troll_patrol::{
+ get_date, negative_report::NegativeReport, positive_report::PositiveReport, BridgeDistributor,
+use x25519_dalek::PublicKey;
+// Helper function to probabilistically return true or false
+pub fn event_happens(probability: f64) -> bool {
+ let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+ let num: f64 = rng.gen_range(0.0..1.0);
+ num < probability
+pub struct User {
+ // Does this user cooperate with a censor?
+ pub is_censor: bool,
+ // The user always has a primary credential. If this credential's bucket is
+ // blocked, the user may replace it or temporarily hold two credentials
+ // while waiting to migrate from the primary credential.
+ pub primary_cred: Lox,
+ secondary_cred: Option<Lox>,
+ // Does the user submit reports to Troll Patrol?
+ submits_reports: bool,
+ // How likely is this user to use bridges on a given day?
+ prob_use_bridges: f64,
+impl User {
+ pub async fn new(config: &Config, is_censor: bool) -> Result<Self> {
+ let cred = get_lox_credential(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &get_open_invitation(&config.la_net).await?,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?
+ .0;
+ // Probabilistically decide whether this user submits reports
+ let submits_reports = if is_censor {
+ false
+ } else {
+ event_happens(config.prob_user_submits_reports)
+ };
+ // Randomly determine how likely this user is to use bridges on
+ // a given day
+ let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+ let prob_use_bridges = rng.gen_range(0.0..=1.0);
+ Ok(Self {
+ is_censor,
+ primary_cred: cred,
+ secondary_cred: None,
+ submits_reports: submits_reports,
+ prob_use_bridges: prob_use_bridges,
+ })
+ }
+ pub async fn trusted_user(config: &Config) -> Result<Self> {
+ let cred = get_lox_credential(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &get_open_invitation(&config.la_net).await?,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?
+ .0;
+ Ok(Self {
+ is_censor: false,
+ primary_cred: cred,
+ secondary_cred: None,
+ submits_reports: true,
+ prob_use_bridges: 1.0,
+ })
+ }
+ // TODO: This should probably return an actual error type
+ pub async fn invite(
+ &mut self,
+ config: &Config,
+ censor: &mut Censor,
+ invited_user_is_censor: bool,
+ ) -> Result<Self> {
+ let etable = get_reachability_credential(&config.la_net).await?;
+ let (new_cred, invite) = issue_invite(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &self.primary_cred,
+ &etable,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ get_reachability_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ get_invitation_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?;
+ self.primary_cred = new_cred;
+ if self.is_censor {
+ // Make sure censor has access to each bridge and each
+ // credential
+ let (bucket, _reachcred) = get_bucket(&config.la_net, &self.primary_cred).await?;
+ for bl in bucket {
+ let fingerprint = bl.get_hashed_fingerprint();
+ censor.learn_bridge(&fingerprint);
+ censor.give_lox_cred(&fingerprint, &self.primary_cred);
+ }
+ }
+ let friend_cred = redeem_invite(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &invite,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ get_invitation_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?
+ .0;
+ // Calling function decides if the invited user is a censor
+ let is_censor = invited_user_is_censor;
+ // Probabilistically decide whether this user submits reports
+ let submits_reports = if is_censor {
+ false
+ } else {
+ event_happens(config.prob_user_submits_reports)
+ };
+ // Randomly determine how likely this user is to use bridges on
+ // a given day
+ let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+ let prob_use_bridges = rng.gen_range(0.0..=1.0);
+ Ok(Self {
+ is_censor,
+ primary_cred: friend_cred,
+ secondary_cred: None,
+ submits_reports: submits_reports,
+ prob_use_bridges: prob_use_bridges,
+ })
+ }
+ // Attempt to "connect" to the bridge, returns true if successful.
+ // Note that this does not involve making a real connection to a
+ // real bridge. The function is async because the *censor* might
+ // submit a positive report during this function.
+ pub fn connect(&self, config: &Config, bridge: &mut Bridge, censor: &Censor) -> bool {
+ if censor.blocks_bridge(config, &bridge.fingerprint) {
+ if config.censor_totality == Full
+ || config.censor_totality == Partial
+ && event_happens(censor.partial_blocking_percent)
+ {
+ // If censor tries to hide its censorship, record a
+ // false connection
+ if config.censor_secrecy == Hiding {
+ bridge.connect_total();
+ }
+ // Return false because the connection failed
+ return false;
+ } else if config.censor_totality == Throttling {
+ // With some probability, the user connects but gives up
+ // because there is too much interference. In this case,
+ // a real connection occurs, but we treat it like a
+ // false connection from the censor.
+ if event_happens(config.prob_user_treats_throttling_as_blocking) {
+ bridge.connect_total();
+ // Return false because there was interference
+ // detected in the connection
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Connection may randomly fail, without censor intervention
+ let mut connection_fails = true;
+ // The user retries some number of times
+ for _ in 0..=config.num_connection_retries {
+ if !event_happens(config.prob_connection_fails) {
+ connection_fails = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if connection_fails {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If we haven't returned yet, the connection succeeded
+ bridge.connect_real();
+ true
+ }
+ pub async fn get_new_credential(config: &Config) -> Result<(Lox, BridgeLine)> {
+ get_lox_credential(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &get_open_invitation(&config.la_net).await?,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await
+ }
+ pub async fn send_negative_reports(
+ config: &Config,
+ reports: Vec<NegativeReport>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ let date = get_date();
+ let pubkey = match serde_json::from_slice::<Option<PublicKey>>(
+ &config
+ .tp_net
+ .request("/nrkey".to_string(), serde_json::to_string(&date)?.into())
+ .await?,
+ )? {
+ Some(v) => v,
+ None => return Err(anyhow!("No available negative report encryption key")),
+ };
+ for report in reports {
+ config
+ .tp_net
+ .request(
+ "/negativereport".to_string(),
+ bincode::serialize(&report.encrypt(&pubkey))?,
+ )
+ .await?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub async fn send_positive_reports(
+ config: &Config,
+ reports: Vec<PositiveReport>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ for report in reports {
+ config
+ .tp_net
+ .request("/positivereport".to_string(), report.to_json().into_bytes())
+ .await?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub async fn daily_tasks(
+ &mut self,
+ config: &Config,
+ num_users_requesting_invites: u32,
+ num_censor_invites: u32,
+ bridges: &mut HashMap<[u8; 20], Bridge>,
+ censor: &mut Censor,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<User>> {
+ if self.is_censor {
+ self.daily_tasks_censor(config, bridges, censor).await
+ } else {
+ self.daily_tasks_non_censor(
+ config,
+ num_users_requesting_invites,
+ num_censor_invites,
+ bridges,
+ censor,
+ )
+ .await
+ }
+ }
+ // User performs daily connection attempts, etc. and returns a
+ // vector of newly invited friends.
+ // TODO: The map of bridges and the censor should be Arc<Mutex<>>
+ // or something so we can parallelize this.
+ pub async fn daily_tasks_non_censor(
+ &mut self,
+ config: &Config,
+ num_users_requesting_invites: u32,
+ num_censor_invites: u32,
+ bridges: &mut HashMap<[u8; 20], Bridge>,
+ censor: &mut Censor,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<User>> {
+ // Probabilistically decide if the user should use bridges today
+ if event_happens(self.prob_use_bridges) {
+ // Download bucket to see if bridge is still reachable. (We
+ // assume that this step can be done even if the user can't
+ // actually talk to the LA.)
+ let (bucket, reachcred) = get_bucket(&config.la_net, &self.primary_cred).await?;
+ let level = match scalar_u32(&self.primary_cred.trust_level) {
+ Some(v) => v,
+ None => return Err(anyhow!("Failed to get trust level from credential")),
+ };
+ // Make sure each bridge in bucket is in the global bridges set
+ for bridgeline in bucket {
+ if bridgeline != BridgeLine::default() {
+ if !bridges.contains_key(&bridgeline.get_hashed_fingerprint()) {
+ let bridge = Bridge::from_bridge_line(&bridgeline);
+ bridges.insert(bridgeline.get_hashed_fingerprint(), bridge);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Can we level up the main credential?
+ let can_level_up = reachcred.is_some()
+ && (level == 0
+ && eligible_for_trust_promotion(&config.la_net, &self.primary_cred).await
+ || level > 0
+ && eligible_for_level_up(&config.la_net, &self.primary_cred).await);
+ // Can we migrate the main credential?
+ let can_migrate = reachcred.is_none() && level >= MIN_TRUST_LEVEL;
+ // Can we level up the secondary credential?
+ let mut second_level_up = false;
+ let mut failed = Vec::<BridgeLine>::new();
+ let mut succeeded = Vec::<BridgeLine>::new();
+ // Try to connect to each bridge
+ for i in 0..bucket.len() {
+ // At level 0, we only have 1 bridge
+ if bucket[i] != BridgeLine::default() {
+ if self.connect(
+ &config,
+ bridges
+ .get_mut(&bucket[i].get_hashed_fingerprint())
+ .unwrap(),
+ &censor,
+ ) {
+ succeeded.push(bucket[i]);
+ } else {
+ failed.push(bucket[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we were not able to connect to any bridges, get a
+ // second credential
+ let second_cred = if succeeded.len() < 1 {
+ if self.secondary_cred.is_some() {
+ std::mem::replace(&mut self.secondary_cred, None)
+ } else {
+ // Get new credential
+ match Self::get_new_credential(&config).await {
+ Ok((cred, _bl)) => Some(cred),
+ Err(e) => {
+ eprintln!("Failed to get new Lox credential. Error: {}", e);
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If we're able to connect with the primary credential, don't
+ // keep a secondary one.
+ None
+ };
+ if second_cred.is_some() {
+ let second_cred = second_cred.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let (second_bucket, second_reachcred) =
+ get_bucket(&config.la_net, &second_cred).await?;
+ for bridgeline in second_bucket {
+ if bridgeline != BridgeLine::default() {
+ if !bridges.contains_key(&bridgeline.get_hashed_fingerprint()) {
+ bridges.insert(
+ bridgeline.get_hashed_fingerprint(),
+ Bridge::from_bridge_line(&bridgeline),
+ );
+ }
+ // Attempt to connect to second cred's bridge
+ if self.connect(
+ &config,
+ bridges
+ .get_mut(&bridgeline.get_hashed_fingerprint())
+ .unwrap(),
+ censor,
+ ) {
+ succeeded.push(bridgeline);
+ if second_reachcred.is_some()
+ && eligible_for_trust_promotion(&config.la_net, &second_cred).await
+ {
+ second_level_up = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ failed.push(bridgeline);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut negative_reports = Vec::<NegativeReport>::new();
+ let mut positive_reports = Vec::<PositiveReport>::new();
+ if self.submits_reports {
+ for bridgeline in &failed {
+ negative_reports.push(NegativeReport::from_bridgeline(
+ *bridgeline,
+ config.country.to_string(),
+ BridgeDistributor::Lox,
+ ));
+ }
+ if level >= 3 {
+ for bridgeline in &succeeded {
+ // If we haven't received a positive report yet,
+ // add a record about it with today's date
+ let bridge = bridges
+ .get_mut(&bridgeline.get_hashed_fingerprint())
+ .unwrap();
+ if bridge.first_positive_report == 0 {
+ bridge.first_positive_report = get_date();
+ }
+ positive_reports.push(
+ PositiveReport::from_lox_credential(
+ bridgeline.get_hashed_fingerprint(),
+ None,
+ &self.primary_cred,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ config.country.to_string(),
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // We might restrict these steps to succeeded.len() > 0, but
+ // we do assume the user can contact the LA somehow, so
+ // let's just allow it.
+ if can_level_up {
+ let cred = if level == 0 {
+ trust_migration(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &self.primary_cred,
+ &trust_promotion(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &self.primary_cred,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ get_migration_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?
+ } else {
+ level_up(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &self.primary_cred,
+ &reachcred.unwrap(),
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ get_reachability_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?
+ };
+ self.primary_cred = cred;
+ self.secondary_cred = None;
+ }
+ // We favor starting over at level 1 to migrating to level
+ // 1, but if we have a level 4 credential for a bridge that
+ // hasn't been marked blocked, save the credential so we can
+ // migrate to a level 2 cred. Note that second_level_up is
+ // only true if we were unable to connect with bridges from
+ // our primary credential.
+ else if second_level_up && (level <= MIN_TRUST_LEVEL || reachcred.is_none()) {
+ let second_cred = second_cred.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let cred = trust_migration(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &second_cred,
+ &trust_promotion(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &second_cred,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ get_migration_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?;
+ self.primary_cred = cred;
+ self.secondary_cred = None;
+ } else if can_migrate {
+ let cred = blockage_migration(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &self.primary_cred,
+ &check_blockage(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &self.primary_cred,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ get_migration_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?;
+ self.primary_cred = cred;
+ self.secondary_cred = None;
+ } else if second_cred.is_some() {
+ // Couldn't connect with primary credential
+ if succeeded.len() > 0 {
+ // Keep the second credential only if it's useful
+ self.secondary_cred = second_cred;
+ }
+ }
+ if negative_reports.len() > 0 {
+ Self::send_negative_reports(&config, negative_reports).await?;
+ }
+ if positive_reports.len() > 0 {
+ Self::send_positive_reports(&config, positive_reports).await?;
+ }
+ // Invite friends if applicable
+ let invitations = match scalar_u32(&self.primary_cred.invites_remaining) {
+ Some(v) => v,
+ None => 0, // This is probably an error case that should not happen
+ };
+ let mut new_friends = Vec::<User>::new();
+ for _i in 0..min(invitations, num_users_requesting_invites) {
+ if event_happens(config.prob_user_invites_friend) {
+ // Invite non-censor friend
+ match self.invite(&config, censor, false).await {
+ Ok(friend) => {
+ // You really shouldn't push your friends,
+ // especially new ones whose boundaries you
+ // might not know well.
+ new_friends.push(friend);
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ println!("{}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Invite censor users if applicable
+ let invitations = invitations - new_friends.len() as u32;
+ for _i in 0..min(invitations, num_censor_invites) {
+ if event_happens(config.prob_user_invites_friend) {
+ // Invite non-censor friend
+ match self.invite(&config, censor, true).await {
+ Ok(friend) => {
+ new_friends.push(friend);
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ println!("{}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(new_friends)
+ } else {
+ Ok(Vec::<User>::new())
+ }
+ }
+ // User cooperates with censor and performs daily tasks to try to
+ // learn more bridges.
+ pub async fn daily_tasks_censor(
+ &mut self,
+ config: &Config,
+ bridges: &mut HashMap<[u8; 20], Bridge>,
+ censor: &mut Censor,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<User>> {
+ // Download bucket to see if bridge is still reachable and if we
+ // have any new bridges
+ let (bucket, reachcred) = get_bucket(&config.la_net, &self.primary_cred).await?;
+ let level = scalar_u32(&self.primary_cred.trust_level).unwrap();
+ // Make sure each bridge is in global bridges set and known by
+ // censor
+ for bridgeline in bucket {
+ if bridgeline != BridgeLine::default() {
+ if !bridges.contains_key(&bridgeline.get_hashed_fingerprint()) {
+ let bridge = Bridge::from_bridge_line(&bridgeline);
+ bridges.insert(bridgeline.get_hashed_fingerprint(), bridge);
+ }
+ censor.learn_bridge(&bridgeline.get_hashed_fingerprint());
+ }
+ }
+ // Censor user tries to level up their primary credential
+ if reachcred.is_some() {
+ if level == 0 && eligible_for_trust_promotion(&config.la_net, &self.primary_cred).await
+ || level > 0 && eligible_for_level_up(&config.la_net, &self.primary_cred).await
+ {
+ let new_cred = if level == 0 {
+ trust_migration(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &self.primary_cred,
+ &trust_promotion(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &self.primary_cred,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?,
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ get_migration_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?
+ } else {
+ level_up(
+ &config.la_net,
+ &self.primary_cred,
+ &reachcred.unwrap(),
+ get_lox_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ get_reachability_pub(&config.la_pubkeys),
+ )
+ .await?
+ };
+ self.primary_cred = new_cred;
+ let (bucket, _reachcred) = get_bucket(&config.la_net, &self.primary_cred).await?;
+ // Make sure each bridge is in global bridges set and
+ // known by censor
+ for bl in bucket {
+ let fingerprint = bl.get_hashed_fingerprint();
+ if !bridges.contains_key(&fingerprint) {
+ let bridge = Bridge::from_bridge_line(&bl);
+ bridges.insert(fingerprint, bridge);
+ }
+ censor.learn_bridge(&fingerprint);
+ censor.give_lox_cred(&fingerprint, &self.primary_cred);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LA has identified this bucket as blocked. This change
+ // will not be reverted, so replace the primary credential
+ // with a new level 0 credential and work on gaining trust
+ // for that one.
+ let res = Self::get_new_credential(&config).await;
+ if res.is_ok() {
+ let (new_cred, bl) = res.unwrap();
+ let fingerprint = bl.get_hashed_fingerprint();
+ if !bridges.contains_key(&fingerprint) {
+ let bridge = Bridge::from_bridge_line(&bl);
+ bridges.insert(fingerprint, bridge);
+ }
+ censor.learn_bridge(&fingerprint);
+ // Censor doesn't want new_cred yet
+ self.primary_cred = new_cred;
+ } else {
+ eprintln!("Censor failed to get new credential");
+ }
+ }
+ // Separately from primary credential, censor user requests a
+ // new secondary credential each day just to block the
+ // open-entry bridges. This is stored but not reused.
+ let res = Self::get_new_credential(&config).await;
+ if res.is_ok() {
+ let (_new_cred, bl) = res.unwrap();
+ let fingerprint = bl.get_hashed_fingerprint();
+ if !bridges.contains_key(&fingerprint) {
+ let bridge = Bridge::from_bridge_line(&bl);
+ bridges.insert(fingerprint, bridge);
+ }
+ censor.learn_bridge(&fingerprint);
+ // Censor doesn't want new_cred. User doesn't actually use
+ // secondary_cred, so don't store it.
+ } else {
+ eprintln!("Censor failed to get new credential");
+ }
+ // Censor user invites as many censor friends as possible
+ let invitations = scalar_u32(&self.primary_cred.invites_remaining).unwrap();
+ let mut new_friends = Vec::<User>::new();
+ for _ in 0..invitations {
+ match self.invite(&config, censor, true).await {
+ Ok(friend) => {
+ new_friends.push(friend);
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ println!("{}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(new_friends)
+ }