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BST insertion in AVL style

sshsshy 1 year ago
2 changed files with 331 additions and 1 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 330 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LDLIBS=-lbsd -lboost_system -lboost_context -lboost_chrono -lboost_thread -lpthr
 SRCS=prac.cpp mpcio.cpp preproc.cpp online.cpp mpcops.cpp rdpf.cpp \
-    cdpf.cpp duoram.cpp cell.cpp
+    cdpf.cpp duoram.cpp cell.cpp bst.cpp

+ 330 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+#include <functional>
+#include "types.hpp"
+#include "duoram.hpp"
+#include "node.hpp"
+// This file demonstrates how to implement custom ORAM wide cell types.
+// Such types can be structures of arbitrary numbers of RegAS and RegXS
+// fields.  The example here imagines a cell of a binary search tree,
+// where you would want the key to be additively shared (so that you can
+// easily do comparisons), the pointers field to be XOR shared (so that
+// you can easily do bit operations to pack two pointers and maybe some
+// tree balancing information into one field) and the value doesn't
+// really matter, but XOR shared is usually slightly more efficient.
+struct Node {
+    RegAS key;
+    RegXS pointers;
+    RegXS value;
+// Field-access macros so we can write A[i].NODE_KEY instead of
+// A[i].field(&Node::key)
+#define NODE_KEY field(&Node::key)
+#define NODE_POINTERS field(&Node::pointers)
+#define NODE_VALUE field(&Node::value)
+    // For debugging and checking answers
+    void dump() const {
+        printf("[%016lx %016lx %016lx]", key.share(), pointers.share(),
+            value.share());
+    }
+    // You'll need to be able to create a random element, and do the
+    // operations +=, +, -=, - (binary and unary).  Note that for
+    // XOR-shared fields, + and - are both really XOR.
+    inline void zeronode() {
+        key.set(0);
+        pointers.set(0);
+        value.set(0);
+    }
+    inline void newnode() {
+        key.randomize(8);
+        pointers.set(0);
+        value.randomize();
+    }
+    inline void randomize() {
+        key.randomize();
+        pointers.randomize();
+        value.randomize();
+    }
+    inline Node &operator+=(const Node &rhs) {
+        this->key += rhs.key;
+        this->pointers += rhs.pointers;
+        this->value += rhs.value;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    inline Node operator+(const Node &rhs) const {
+        Node res = *this;
+        res += rhs;
+        return res;
+    }
+    inline Node &operator-=(const Node &rhs) {
+        this->key -= rhs.key;
+        this->pointers -= rhs.pointers;
+        this->value -= rhs.value;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    inline Node operator-(const Node &rhs) const {
+        Node res = *this;
+        res -= rhs;
+        return res;
+    }
+    inline Node operator-() const {
+        Node res;
+        res.key = -this->key;
+        res.pointers = -this->pointers;
+        res.value = -this->value;
+        return res;
+    }
+    // Multiply each field by the local share of the corresponding field
+    // in the argument
+    inline Node mulshare(const Node &rhs) const {
+        Node res = *this;
+        res.key.mulshareeq(rhs.key);
+        res.pointers.mulshareeq(rhs.pointers);
+        res.value.mulshareeq(rhs.value);
+        return res;
+    }
+    // You need a method to turn a leaf node of a DPF into a share of a
+    // unit element of your type.  Typically set each RegAS to
+    // dpf.unit_as(leaf) and each RegXS or RegBS to dpf.unit_bs(leaf).
+    // Note that RegXS will extend a RegBS of 1 to the all-1s word, not
+    // the word with value 1.  This is used for ORAM reads, where the
+    // same DPF is used for all the fields.
+    inline void unit(const RDPF &dpf, DPFnode leaf) {
+        key = dpf.unit_as(leaf);
+        pointers = dpf.unit_bs(leaf);
+        value = dpf.unit_bs(leaf);
+    }
+    // Perform an update on each of the fields, using field-specific
+    // MemRefs constructed from the Shape shape and the index idx
+    template <typename Sh, typename U>
+    inline static void update(Sh &shape, yield_t &shyield, U idx,
+            const Node &M) {
+        run_coroutines(shyield,
+            [&shape, &idx, &M] (yield_t &yield) {
+                Sh Sh_coro = shape.context(yield);
+                Sh_coro[idx].NODE_KEY += M.key;
+            },
+            [&shape, &idx, &M] (yield_t &yield) {
+                Sh Sh_coro = shape.context(yield);
+                Sh_coro[idx].NODE_POINTERS += M.pointers;
+            },
+            [&shape, &idx, &M] (yield_t &yield) {
+                Sh Sh_coro = shape.context(yield);
+                Sh_coro[idx].NODE_VALUE += M.value;
+            });
+    }
+// I/O operations (for sending over the network)
+template <typename T>
+T& operator>>(T& is, Node &x)
+    is >> x.key >> x.pointers >> x.value;
+    return is;
+template <typename T>
+T& operator<<(T& os, const Node &x)
+    os << x.key << x.pointers << x.value;
+    return os;
+// This macro will define I/O on tuples of two or three of the cell type
+int num_items = 0;
+RegAS root;
+std::tuple<RegBS, RegBS> compare_keys(Node n1, Node n2, MPCTIO tio, yield_t &yield) {
+  CDPF cdpf = tio.cdpf(yield);
+  auto [lt, eq, gt] =, yield, n2.key - n1.key, tio.aes_ops());
+  RegBS lteq = lt^eq;
+  return {lteq, gt};
+RegBS check_key_zero(Node n1, MPCTIO tio, yield_t &yield) {
+  CDPF cdpf = tio.cdpf(yield);
+  RegAS zero;
+  auto [lt, eq, gt] =, yield, n1.key - zero, tio.aes_ops());
+  return eq;
+RegBS check_ptr_zero(RegXS ptr, MPCTIO tio, yield_t &yield) {
+  CDPF cdpf = tio.cdpf(yield);
+  RegAS ptr_as;
+  mpc_xs_to_as(tio, yield, ptr_as, ptr);
+  RegAS zero;
+  auto [lt, eq, gt] =, yield, ptr_as - zero, tio.aes_ops());
+  return eq;
+// Assuming pointer of 64 bits is split as:
+// - 32 bits Left ptr
+// - 32 bits Right ptr
+// < Left, Right>
+inline RegXS extractLeftPtr(RegXS pointer){ 
+  return ((pointer&(0xFFFFFFFF00000000))>>32); 
+inline RegXS extractRightPtr(RegXS pointer){
+  return (pointer&(0x00000000FFFFFFFF)); 
+inline void setLeftPtr(RegXS &pointer, RegXS new_ptr){ 
+  pointer&=(0x00000000FFFFFFFF);
+  pointer+=(new_ptr<<32);
+inline void setRightPtr(RegXS &pointer, RegXS new_ptr){
+  pointer&=(0xFFFFFFFF00000000);
+  pointer+=(new_ptr);
+std::tuple<RegAS, RegBS> insert(RegAS &ptr, Node &new_node, auto A, int TTL, RegBS isDummy, MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield) {
+  if(TTL==0) {
+    RegBS zero;
+    return {ptr, zero};
+  }
+  Node cnode = A[ptr];
+  //Compare key
+  auto [lteq, gt] = compare_keys(cnode, new_node, tio, yield);
+  // Depending on [lteq, gt] select the next ptr/index as
+  // upper 32 bits of cnode.pointers if lteq
+  // lower 32 bits of cnode.pointers if gt 
+  RegXS left = extractLeftPtr(cnode.pointers);
+  RegXS right = extractRightPtr(cnode.pointers);
+  RegXS next_ptr;
+  mpc_select(tio, yield, next_ptr, gt, left, right, 32);
+  RegBS F_z = check_ptr_zero(next_ptr, tio, yield); 
+  RegBS F_i;
+  if(tio.player()==0) {
+    isDummy^=1;
+  }
+  mpc_and(tio, yield, F_i, (isDummy), F_z);
+  if(tio.player()==0) {
+    isDummy^=1;
+  }
+  RegAS next_ptr_as;
+  mpc_xs_to_as(tio, yield, next_ptr_as, next_ptr, 32);
+  isDummy^=F_i;
+  auto [wptr, direction] = insert(next_ptr_as, new_node, A, TTL-1, isDummy, tio, yield);
+  RegAS ret_ptr;
+  RegBS ret_direction;
+  mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_ptr, F_i, wptr, ptr);
+  //ret_direction = direction + F_p(direction - gt)
+  mpc_and(tio, yield, ret_direction, F_i, direction^gt);
+  ret_direction^=direction;  
+  return {ret_ptr, ret_direction};
+// Insert(root, ptr, key, TTL, isDummy) -> (new_ptr, wptr, wnode, f_p)
+void insert(RegAS &root, Node &node, auto A, MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield) {
+  if(num_items==0) {
+    Node zero;
+    zero.zeronode();
+    A[0] = zero;
+    A[1] = node;
+    (root).set(1*tio.player());
+    num_items++;
+    return;
+  }
+  else {
+    // Insert node into next free slot in the ORAM
+    int new_id = 1 + num_items;
+    int TTL = num_items++;
+    A[new_id] = node;
+    RegXS new_addr;
+    new_addr.set(new_id * tio.player());
+    RegBS isDummy;
+    isDummy.set(0);
+    //Do a recursive insert
+    auto [wptr, direction] = insert(root, node, A, TTL, isDummy, tio, yield);
+    //Complete the insertion by reading wptr and updating its pointers
+    RegXS pointers = A[wptr].NODE_POINTERS;
+    RegXS left_ptr = extractLeftPtr(pointers);
+    RegXS right_ptr = extractRightPtr(pointers);
+    RegXS new_right_ptr, new_left_ptr;
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, new_right_ptr, direction, right_ptr, new_addr);
+    if(tio.player()==0) {
+      direction^=1;
+    }
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, new_left_ptr, direction, left_ptr, new_addr);
+    setLeftPtr(pointers, new_left_ptr);
+    setRightPtr(pointers, new_right_ptr);
+    A[wptr].NODE_POINTERS = pointers;
+  }
+// Now we use the cell in various ways.  This function is called by
+// online.cpp.
+void bst(MPCIO &mpcio,
+    const PRACOptions &opts, char **args)
+    nbits_t depth=5;
+    if (*args) {
+        depth = atoi(*args);
+        ++args;
+    }
+    MPCTIO tio(mpcio, 0, opts.num_threads);
+    run_coroutines(tio, [&tio, depth] (yield_t &yield) {
+        size_t size = size_t(1)<<depth;
+        Duoram<Node> oram(tio.player(), size);
+        auto A = oram.flat(tio, yield);
+        Node c; 
+        for(int i = 0; i<30; i++) {
+          c.newnode();
+          insert(root, c, A, tio, yield);
+        }
+        if (depth < 10) {
+            oram.dump();
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            if (tio.player() == 0) {
+                for(size_t i=0;i<R.size();++i) {
+                    printf("\n%04lx ", i);
+                    R[i].dump();
+                }
+                printf("\n");
+            }
+        }
+    });