@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Reproduce the live network experiments for Figure 9 of the paper.
+# We need these environment variables set:
+# PRAC_SSH_P0_USERHOST: the user@host to ssh to for P0
+# PRAC_SSH_P0_SSHOPTS: any options to ssh you need to ssh to P0
+# PRAC_SSH_P0_IP: the IP address P0 can listen for connections on
+# PRAC_SSH_P0_DIR: the directory relative to the homedir where the prac
+# repo is checked out and built
+# PRAC_SSH_P1_USERHOST: the user@host to ssh to for P1
+# PRAC_SSH_P1_SSHOPTS: any options to ssh you need to ssh to P1
+# PRAC_SSH_P1_IP: the IP address P1 can listen for connections on
+# PRAC_SSH_P1_DIR: the directory relative to the homedir where the prac
+# repo is checked out and built
+# PRAC_SSH_P2_USERHOST: the user@host to ssh to for P2
+# PRAC_SSH_P2_SSHOPTS: any options to ssh you need to ssh to P2
+# PRAC_SSH_P2_IP: the IP address P2 can listen for connections on
+# PRAC_SSH_P2_DIR: the directory relative to the homedir where the prac
+# repo is checked out and built
+# Add additional env vars
+export PRAC_USE_SSH=1
+# cd into the directory containing this script (from the bash faq 028)
+if [[ $BASH_SOURCE = */* ]]; then
+ cd -- "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/" || exit
+# The number of iterations to do
+if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
+ niters=3
+ niters="$1"
+# Run the PRAC experiments
+./repro fig9 $niters