@@ -35,32 +35,6 @@ private:
size_t count;
-template<typename T>
-PreCompStorage<T>::PreCompStorage(unsigned player, bool preprocessing,
- const char *filenameprefix, unsigned thread_num) {
- if (preprocessing) return;
- std::string filename(filenameprefix);
- char suffix[20];
- sprintf(suffix, ".p%d.t%u", player%10, thread_num);
- filename.append(suffix);
- storage.open(filename);
- if (storage.fail()) {
- std::cerr << "Failed to open " << filename << "\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- count = 0;
-template<typename T>
-void PreCompStorage<T>::get(T& nextval) {
- storage.read((char *)&nextval, sizeof(T));
- if (storage.gcount() != sizeof(T)) {
- std::cerr << "Failed to read precomputed value from storage\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- ++count;
// If we want to send Lamport clocks in messages, define this. It adds
// an 8-byte header to each message (length and Lamport clock), so it
// has a small network cost. We always define and pass the Lamport
@@ -158,154 +132,21 @@ class MPCSingleIO {
// * The messagequeuelock must be held when this is called! *
// This method may be called from either thread (the work thread or
// the async_write handler thread).
- void async_send_from_msgqueue() {
- std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> tosend;
- tosend.push_back(boost::asio::buffer(messagequeue.front().header));
- tosend.push_back(boost::asio::buffer(messagequeue.front().message));
- boost::asio::async_write(sock,
- tosend,
- boost::asio::buffer(messagequeue.front()),
- [&](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t amt){
- messagequeuelock.lock();
- messagequeue.pop();
- if (messagequeue.size() > 0) {
- async_send_from_msgqueue();
- }
- messagequeuelock.unlock();
- });
- }
+ void async_send_from_msgqueue();
MPCSingleIO(tcp::socket &&sock) :
sock(std::move(sock)), totread(0), totwritten(0) {}
// Returns 1 if a new message is started, 0 otherwise
- size_t queue(const void *data, size_t len, lamport_t lamport) {
- // Is this a new message?
- size_t newmsg = 0;
- dataqueue.append((const char *)data, len);
- // If this is the first queue() since the last explicit send(),
- // which we'll know because message_lamport will be nullopt, set
- // message_lamport to the current Lamport clock. Note that the
- // boolean test tests whether message_lamport is nullopt, not
- // whether its value is zero.
- if (!message_lamport) {
- message_lamport = lamport;
- newmsg = 1;
- }
- // If we already have some full packets worth of data, may as
- // well send it.
- if (dataqueue.size() > 28800) {
- send(true);
- }
- return newmsg;
- }
+ size_t queue(const void *data, size_t len, lamport_t lamport);
- void send(bool implicit_send = false) {
- size_t thissize = dataqueue.size();
- // Ignore spurious calls to send(), except for resetting
- // message_lamport if this was an explicit send().
- if (thissize == 0) {
- // If this was an explicit send(), reset the message_lamport so
- // that it gets updated at the next queue().
- if (!implicit_send) {
- message_lamport.reset();
- }
- return;
- }
+ void send(bool implicit_send = false);
- iotrace.push_back(thissize);
- messagequeuelock.lock();
- // Move the current message to send into the message queue (this
- // moves a pointer to the data, not copying the data itself)
- messagequeue.emplace(std::move(dataqueue),
- message_lamport.value());
- // If this was an explicit send(), reset the message_lamport so
- // that it gets updated at the next queue().
- if (!implicit_send) {
- message_lamport.reset();
- }
- messagequeue.emplace(std::move(dataqueue));
- // If this is now the first thing in the message queue, launch
- // an async_write to write it
- if (messagequeue.size() == 1) {
- async_send_from_msgqueue();
- }
- messagequeuelock.unlock();
- }
+ size_t recv(void *data, size_t len, lamport_t &lamport);
- size_t recv(void *data, size_t len, lamport_t &lamport) {
- char *cdata = (char *)data;
- size_t res = 0;
- while (len > 0) {
- while (recvdataremain == 0) {
- // Read a new header
- char hdr[sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(lamport_t)];
- uint32_t datalen;
- lamport_t recv_lamport;
- boost::asio::read(sock, boost::asio::buffer(hdr, sizeof(hdr)));
- memmove(&datalen, hdr, sizeof(datalen));
- memmove(&recv_lamport, hdr+sizeof(datalen), sizeof(lamport_t));
- lamport_t new_lamport = recv_lamport + 1;
- if (lamport < new_lamport) {
- lamport = new_lamport;
- }
- if (datalen > 0) {
- recvdata.resize(datalen, '\0');
- boost::asio::read(sock, boost::asio::buffer(recvdata));
- recvdataremain = datalen;
- }
- }
- size_t amttoread = len;
- if (amttoread > recvdataremain) {
- amttoread = recvdataremain;
- }
- memmove(cdata, recvdata.data()+recvdata.size()-recvdataremain,
- amttoread);
- cdata += amttoread;
- len -= amttoread;
- recvdataremain -= amttoread;
- res += amttoread;
- }
- return res;
- size_t res = boost::asio::read(sock, boost::asio::buffer(data, len));
- iotrace.push_back(-(ssize_t(res)));
- return res;
- }
- void dumptrace(std::ostream &os, const char *label = NULL) {
- if (label) {
- os << label << " ";
- }
- os << "IO trace:";
- for (auto& s: iotrace) {
- os << " " << s;
- }
- os << "\n";
- }
+ void dumptrace(std::ostream &os, const char *label = NULL);
void resettrace() {
@@ -334,41 +175,9 @@ struct MPCIO {
- void reset_stats()
- {
- msgs_sent.clear();
- msg_bytes_sent.clear();
- for (size_t i=0; i<num_threads; ++i) {
- msgs_sent.push_back(0);
- msg_bytes_sent.push_back(0);
- }
- steady_start = boost::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- cpu_start = boost::chrono::process_cpu_clock::now();
- }
+ void reset_stats();
- void dump_stats(std::ostream &os)
- {
- size_t tot_msgs_sent = 0;
- size_t tot_msg_bytes_sent = 0;
- for (auto& n : msgs_sent) {
- tot_msgs_sent += n;
- }
- for (auto& n : msg_bytes_sent) {
- tot_msg_bytes_sent += n;
- }
- auto steady_elapsed =
- boost::chrono::steady_clock::now() - steady_start;
- auto cpu_elapsed =
- boost::chrono::process_cpu_clock::now() - cpu_start;
- os << tot_msgs_sent << " messages sent\n";
- os << tot_msg_bytes_sent << " message bytes sent\n";
- os << lamport << " Lamport clock (latencies)\n";
- os << boost::chrono::duration_cast
- <boost::chrono::milliseconds>(steady_elapsed) <<
- " wall clock time\n";
- os << cpu_elapsed << " {real;user;system}\n";
- }
+ void dump_stats(std::ostream &os);
// A class to represent all of a computation peer's IO, either to other
@@ -385,50 +194,13 @@ struct MPCPeerIO : public MPCIO {
MPCPeerIO(unsigned player, bool preprocessing,
std::deque<tcp::socket> &peersocks,
- std::deque<tcp::socket> &serversocks) :
- MPCIO(player, preprocessing, peersocks.size())
- {
- unsigned num_threads = unsigned(peersocks.size());
- for (unsigned i=0; i<num_threads; ++i) {
- triples.emplace_back(player, preprocessing, "triples", i);
- }
- for (unsigned i=0; i<num_threads; ++i) {
- halftriples.emplace_back(player, preprocessing, "halves", i);
- }
- for (auto &&sock : peersocks) {
- peerios.emplace_back(std::move(sock));
- }
- for (auto &&sock : serversocks) {
- serverios.emplace_back(std::move(sock));
- }
- }
+ std::deque<tcp::socket> &serversocks);
- void dump_precomp_stats(std::ostream &os)
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<triples.size(); ++i) {
- if (i > 0) {
- os << " ";
- }
- os << "T" << i << " t:" << triples[i].get_stats() <<
- " h:" << halftriples[i].get_stats();
- }
- os << "\n";
- }
+ void dump_precomp_stats(std::ostream &os);
- void reset_precomp_stats()
- {
- for (size_t i=0; i<triples.size(); ++i) {
- triples[i].reset_stats();
- halftriples[i].reset_stats();
- }
- }
+ void reset_precomp_stats();
- void dump_stats(std::ostream &os)
- {
- MPCIO::dump_stats(os);
- os << "Precomputed values used: ";
- dump_precomp_stats(os);
- }
+ void dump_stats(std::ostream &os);
// A class to represent all of the server party's IO, either to
@@ -440,16 +212,7 @@ struct MPCServerIO : public MPCIO {
MPCServerIO(bool preprocessing,
std::deque<tcp::socket> &p0socks,
- std::deque<tcp::socket> &p1socks) :
- MPCIO(2, preprocessing, p0socks.size())
- {
- for (auto &&sock : p0socks) {
- p0ios.emplace_back(std::move(sock));
- }
- for (auto &&sock : p1socks) {
- p1ios.emplace_back(std::move(sock));
- }
- }
+ std::deque<tcp::socket> &p1socks);
// A handle to one thread's sockets and streams in a MPCIO
@@ -470,31 +233,10 @@ public:
// if your threads do interthread communication amongst themselves
// (in which case call it in the sending thread before the send, and
// call it in the receiving thread after the receive).
- void sync_lamport() {
- // Update the mpcio Lamport time to be max of the thread Lamport
- // time and what we thought it was before. We use this
- // compare_exchange construction in order to atomically
- // do the comparison, computation, and replacement
- lamport_t old_lamport = mpcio.lamport;
- lamport_t new_lamport = thread_lamport;
- do {
- if (new_lamport < old_lamport) {
- new_lamport = old_lamport;
- }
- // The next line atomically checks if lamport still has
- // the value old_lamport; if so, it changes its value to
- // new_lamport and returns true (ending the loop). If
- // not, it sets old_lamport to the current value of
- // lamport, and returns false (continuing the loop so
- // that new_lamport can be recomputed based on this new
- // value).
- } while (!mpcio.lamport.compare_exchange_weak(
- old_lamport, new_lamport));
- thread_lamport = new_lamport;
- }
+ void sync_lamport();
// The normal case, where the MPCIO is created inside the thread,
- // and so destructed when the thread ends, is handles automatically
+ // and so destructed when the thread ends, is handled automatically
// here.
@@ -502,151 +244,38 @@ public:
// Queue up data to the peer or to the server
- void queue_peer(const void *data, size_t len) {
- if (mpcio.player < 2) {
- MPCPeerIO &mpcpio = static_cast<MPCPeerIO&>(mpcio);
- size_t newmsg = mpcpio.peerios[thread_num].queue(data, len, thread_lamport);
- mpcpio.msgs_sent[thread_num] += newmsg;
- mpcpio.msg_bytes_sent[thread_num] += len;
- }
- }
- void queue_server(const void *data, size_t len) {
- if (mpcio.player < 2) {
- MPCPeerIO &mpcpio = static_cast<MPCPeerIO&>(mpcio);
- size_t newmsg = mpcpio.serverios[thread_num].queue(data, len, thread_lamport);
- mpcpio.msgs_sent[thread_num] += newmsg;
- mpcpio.msg_bytes_sent[thread_num] += len;
- }
- }
+ void queue_peer(const void *data, size_t len);
+ void queue_server(const void *data, size_t len);
// Receive data from the peer or to the server
- size_t recv_peer(void *data, size_t len) {
- if (mpcio.player < 2) {
- MPCPeerIO &mpcpio = static_cast<MPCPeerIO&>(mpcio);
- return mpcpio.peerios[thread_num].recv(data, len, thread_lamport);
- }
- return 0;
- }
+ size_t recv_peer(void *data, size_t len);
+ size_t recv_server(void *data, size_t len);
- size_t recv_server(void *data, size_t len) {
- if (mpcio.player < 2) {
- MPCPeerIO &mpcpio = static_cast<MPCPeerIO&>(mpcio);
- return mpcpio.serverios[thread_num].recv(data, len, thread_lamport);
- }
- return 0;
- }
// Queue up data to p0 or p1
- void queue_p0(const void *data, size_t len) {
- if (mpcio.player == 2) {
- MPCServerIO &mpcsrvio = static_cast<MPCServerIO&>(mpcio);
- size_t newmsg = mpcsrvio.p0ios[thread_num].queue(data, len, thread_lamport);
- mpcsrvio.msgs_sent[thread_num] += newmsg;
- mpcsrvio.msg_bytes_sent[thread_num] += len;
- }
- }
- void queue_p1(const void *data, size_t len) {
- if (mpcio.player == 2) {
- MPCServerIO &mpcsrvio = static_cast<MPCServerIO&>(mpcio);
- size_t newmsg = mpcsrvio.p1ios[thread_num].queue(data, len, thread_lamport);
- mpcsrvio.msgs_sent[thread_num] += newmsg;
- mpcsrvio.msg_bytes_sent[thread_num] += len;
- }
- }
+ void queue_p0(const void *data, size_t len);
+ void queue_p1(const void *data, size_t len);
// Receive data from p0 or p1
- size_t recv_p0(void *data, size_t len) {
- if (mpcio.player == 2) {
- MPCServerIO &mpcsrvio = static_cast<MPCServerIO&>(mpcio);
- return mpcsrvio.p0ios[thread_num].recv(data, len, thread_lamport);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- size_t recv_p1(void *data, size_t len) {
- if (mpcio.player == 2) {
- MPCServerIO &mpcsrvio = static_cast<MPCServerIO&>(mpcio);
- return mpcsrvio.p1ios[thread_num].recv(data, len, thread_lamport);
- }
- return 0;
- }
+ size_t recv_p0(void *data, size_t len);
+ size_t recv_p1(void *data, size_t len);
// Send all queued data for this thread
- void send() {
- if (mpcio.player < 2) {
- MPCPeerIO &mpcpio = static_cast<MPCPeerIO&>(mpcio);
- mpcpio.peerios[thread_num].send();
- mpcpio.serverios[thread_num].send();
- } else {
- MPCServerIO &mpcsrvio = static_cast<MPCServerIO&>(mpcio);
- mpcsrvio.p0ios[thread_num].send();
- mpcsrvio.p1ios[thread_num].send();
- }
- }
+ void send();
// Functions to get precomputed values. If we're in the online
// phase, get them from PreCompStorage. If we're in the
// preprocessing phase, read them from the server.
- MultTriple triple() {
- MultTriple val;
- if (mpcio.player < 2) {
- MPCPeerIO &mpcpio = static_cast<MPCPeerIO&>(mpcio);
- if (mpcpio.preprocessing) {
- recv_server(&val, sizeof(val));
- } else {
- mpcpio.triples[thread_num].get(val);
- }
- } else if (mpcio.preprocessing) {
- // Create triples (X0,Y0,Z0),(X1,Y1,Z1) such that
- // (X0*Y1 + Y0*X1) = (Z0+Z1)
- value_t X0, Y0, Z0, X1, Y1, Z1;
- arc4random_buf(&X0, sizeof(X0));
- arc4random_buf(&Y0, sizeof(Y0));
- arc4random_buf(&Z0, sizeof(Z0));
- arc4random_buf(&X1, sizeof(X1));
- arc4random_buf(&Y1, sizeof(Y1));
- Z1 = X0 * Y1 + X1 * Y0 - Z0;
- MultTriple T0, T1;
- T0 = std::make_tuple(X0, Y0, Z0);
- T1 = std::make_tuple(X1, Y1, Z1);
- queue_p0(&T0, sizeof(T0));
- queue_p1(&T1, sizeof(T1));
- }
- return val;
- }
- HalfTriple halftriple() {
- HalfTriple val;
- if (mpcio.player < 2) {
- MPCPeerIO &mpcpio = static_cast<MPCPeerIO&>(mpcio);
- if (mpcpio.preprocessing) {
- recv_server(&val, sizeof(val));
- } else {
- mpcpio.halftriples[thread_num].get(val);
- }
- } else if (mpcio.preprocessing) {
- // Create half-triples (X0,Z0),(Y1,Z1) such that
- // X0*Y1 = Z0 + Z1
- value_t X0, Z0, Y1, Z1;
- arc4random_buf(&X0, sizeof(X0));
- arc4random_buf(&Z0, sizeof(Z0));
- arc4random_buf(&Y1, sizeof(Y1));
- Z1 = X0 * Y1 - Z0;
- HalfTriple H0, H1;
- H0 = std::make_tuple(X0, Z0);
- H1 = std::make_tuple(Y1, Z1);
- queue_p0(&H0, sizeof(H0));
- queue_p1(&H1, sizeof(H1));
- }
- return val;
- }
+ MultTriple triple();
+ HalfTriple halftriple();
// Accessors
inline int player() { return mpcio.player; }
inline bool preprocessing() { return mpcio.preprocessing; }
inline bool is_server() { return mpcio.player == 2; }