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AVL Insertion, Deletion, and UTs

sshsshy 2 rokov pred
4 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 2897 pridanie a 1 odobranie
  1. 1 1
  2. 2689 0
  3. 202 0
  4. 5 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LDLIBS=-lbsd -lboost_system -lboost_context -lboost_chrono -lboost_thread -lpthr
 SRCS=prac.cpp mpcio.cpp preproc.cpp online.cpp mpcops.cpp rdpf.cpp \
-    cdpf.cpp duoram.cpp cell.cpp bst.cpp
+    cdpf.cpp duoram.cpp cell.cpp bst.cpp avl.cpp

+ 2689 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2689 @@
+#include <functional>
+#include "avl.hpp"
+void print_green(std::string line) {
+    printf("%s%s%s", KGRN, line.c_str(), KNRM);
+void print_red(std::string line) {
+    printf("%s%s%s", KRED, line.c_str(), KNRM);
+// Pretty-print a reconstructed BST, rooted at node. is_left_child and
+// is_right_child indicate whether node is a left or right child of its
+// parent.  They cannot both be true, but the root of the tree has both
+// of them false.
+void AVL::pretty_print(const std::vector<Node> &R, value_t node,
+    const std::string &prefix = "", bool is_left_child = false,
+    bool is_right_child = false)
+    if (node == 0) {
+        // NULL pointer
+        if (is_left_child) {
+            printf("%s\xE2\x95\xA7\n", prefix.c_str()); // ╧
+        } else if (is_right_child) {
+            printf("%s\xE2\x95\xA4\n", prefix.c_str()); // ╤
+        } else {
+            printf("%s\xE2\x95\xA2\n", prefix.c_str()); // ╢
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    const Node &n = R[node];
+    value_t left_ptr = getAVLLeftPtr(n.pointers).xshare;
+    value_t right_ptr = getAVLRightPtr(n.pointers).xshare;
+    std::string rightprefix(prefix), leftprefix(prefix),
+        nodeprefix(prefix);
+    if (is_left_child) {
+        rightprefix.append("\xE2\x94\x82"); // │
+        leftprefix.append(" ");
+        nodeprefix.append("\xE2\x94\x94"); // └
+    } else if (is_right_child) {
+        rightprefix.append(" ");
+        leftprefix.append("\xE2\x94\x82"); // │
+        nodeprefix.append("\xE2\x94\x8C"); // ┌
+    } else {
+        rightprefix.append(" ");
+        leftprefix.append(" ");
+        nodeprefix.append("\xE2\x94\x80"); // ─
+    }
+    pretty_print(R, right_ptr, rightprefix, false, true);
+    printf("%s\xE2\x94\xA4", nodeprefix.c_str()); // ┤
+    dumpAVL(n);
+    printf("\n");
+    pretty_print(R, left_ptr, leftprefix, true, false);
+void AVL::print_oram(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield) {
+    auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+    auto R = A.reconstruct();
+    for(size_t i=0;i<R.size();++i) {
+        printf("\n%04lx ", i);
+        R[i].dump();
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+void AVL::pretty_print(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield) {
+    RegXS peer_root;
+    RegXS reconstructed_root = root;
+    if (tio.player() == 1) {
+        tio.queue_peer(&root, sizeof(root));
+    } else {
+        RegXS peer_root;
+        tio.recv_peer(&peer_root, sizeof(peer_root));
+        reconstructed_root += peer_root;
+    }
+    auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+    auto R = A.reconstruct();
+    if(tio.player()==0) {
+        pretty_print(R, reconstructed_root.xshare);
+    }
+// Check the BST invariant of the tree (that all keys to the left are
+// less than or equal to this key, all keys to the right are strictly
+// greater, and this is true recursively).  Returns a
+// tuple<bool,address_t>, where the bool says whether the BST invariant
+// holds, and the address_t is the height of the tree (which will be
+// useful later when we check AVL trees).
+std::tuple<bool, bool, address_t> AVL::check_avl(const std::vector<Node> &R,
+    value_t node, value_t min_key = 0, value_t max_key = ~0)
+    if (node == 0) {
+        return { true, true, 0 };
+    }
+    const Node &n = R[node];
+    value_t key = n.key.ashare;
+    value_t left_ptr = getAVLLeftPtr(n.pointers).xshare;
+    value_t right_ptr = getAVLRightPtr(n.pointers).xshare;
+    auto [leftok, leftavlok, leftheight ] = check_avl(R, left_ptr, min_key, key);
+    auto [rightok, rightavlok, rightheight ] = check_avl(R, right_ptr, key+1, max_key);
+    address_t height = leftheight;
+    if (rightheight > height) {
+        height = rightheight;
+    }
+    height += 1;
+    int heightgap = leftheight - rightheight;
+    bool avlok = (abs(heightgap)<2);
+    //printf("node = %ld, leftok = %d, rightok = %d\n", node, leftok, rightok);
+    return { leftok && rightok && key >= min_key && key <= max_key,
+        avlok && leftavlok && rightavlok, height};
+void AVL::check_avl(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield) {
+    auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+    auto R = A.reconstruct();
+    RegXS rec_root = this->root;
+    if (tio.player() == 1) {
+        tio.queue_peer(&(this->root), sizeof(this->root));
+    } else {
+        RegXS peer_root;
+        tio.recv_peer(&peer_root, sizeof(peer_root));
+        rec_root+= peer_root;
+    }
+    if (tio.player() == 0) {
+      auto [ bst_ok, avl_ok, height ] = check_avl(R, rec_root.xshare);
+      printf("BST structure %s\nAVL structure %s\nTree height = %u\n",
+          bst_ok ? "ok" : "NOT OK", avl_ok ? "ok" : "NOT OK", height);
+    }
+void AVL::initialize(int num_players, size_t size) {
+    this->MAX_SIZE = size;
+    oram = new Duoram<Node>(num_players, size);
+  Rotate: (gp = grandparent (if exists), p = parent, c = child)
+  This rotates the p -> c link.
+   gp                           gp
+     \                            \
+      p   --- Left rotate  --->    c
+       \                          /
+        c                        p
+   gp                           gp
+     \                            \
+      p  --- Right rotate  --->    c
+     /                              \
+    c                                p
+void AVL::rotate(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS &gp_pointers, RegXS p_ptr,
+      RegXS &p_pointers, RegXS c_ptr, RegXS &c_pointers, RegBS dir_gpp,
+      RegBS dir_pc, RegBS isReal, RegBS F_gp) {
+    bool player0 = tio.player()==0;
+    RegXS gp_left = getAVLLeftPtr(gp_pointers);
+    RegXS gp_right = getAVLRightPtr(gp_pointers);
+    RegXS p_left = getAVLLeftPtr(p_pointers);
+    RegXS p_right = getAVLRightPtr(p_pointers);
+    RegXS c_left = getAVLLeftPtr(c_pointers);
+    RegXS c_right = getAVLRightPtr(c_pointers);
+    RegXS ptr_upd;
+    // F_gpp: Flag to update gp -> p link, F_pc: Flag to update p -> c link
+    RegBS F_gpp, F_pc, F_gppr, F_gppl;
+    // We care about !F_gp. If !F_gp, then we do the gp->p link updates.
+    // Otherwise, we do NOT do any updates to gp-> p link;
+    // since F_gp==1, implies gp does not exist and parent is root.
+    if(player0)
+        F_gp^=1;
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_gpp, F_gp, isReal);
+    // i) gp[dir_gpp] <-- c_ptr
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ptr_upd, F_gpp, p_ptr, c_ptr);
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_gppr, F_gpp, dir_gpp);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, gp_right, F_gppr, gp_right, ptr_upd);
+    if(player0)
+        dir_gpp^=1;
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_gppl, F_gpp, dir_gpp);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, gp_left, F_gppl, gp_left, ptr_upd);
+    setAVLLeftPtr(gp_pointers, gp_left);
+    setAVLRightPtr(gp_pointers, gp_right);
+    // ii) p[dir_pc] <-- c[!dir_pc] and iii) c[!dir_pc] <-- p_ptr
+    RegBS not_dir_pc = dir_pc;
+    if(player0)
+        not_dir_pc^=1;
+    RegXS c_not_dir_pc; //c[!dir_pc]
+    // ndpc_right: if not_dir_pc is right
+    // ndpc_left: if not_dir_pc is left
+    RegBS F_ndpc_right, F_ndpc_left;
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_ndpc_right, isReal, not_dir_pc);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, c_not_dir_pc, F_ndpc_right, c_not_dir_pc, c_right, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    // Negating not_dir_pc to handle left case
+    if(player0)
+        not_dir_pc^=1;
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_ndpc_left, isReal, not_dir_pc);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, c_not_dir_pc, F_ndpc_left, c_not_dir_pc, c_left, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    // Now c_not_dir_pc = c[!dir_pc]
+    // ii) p[dir_pc] <-- c[!dir_pc]
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, p_left, F_ndpc_right, p_left, c_not_dir_pc, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, p_right, F_ndpc_left, p_right, c_not_dir_pc, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    setAVLLeftPtr(p_pointers, p_left);
+    setAVLRightPtr(p_pointers, p_right);
+    // iii): c[!dir_pc] <-- p_ptr
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ptr_upd, isReal, c_not_dir_pc, p_ptr, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_pc, dir_pc, isReal);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, c_left, F_pc, c_left, ptr_upd, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    if(player0)
+        dir_pc^=1;
+    // dir_pc <-- !dir_pc
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_pc, dir_pc, isReal);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, c_right, F_pc, c_right, ptr_upd, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    setAVLLeftPtr(c_pointers, c_left);
+    setAVLRightPtr(c_pointers, c_right);
+  In updateBalanceDel, the position of imbalance, and shift direction for both
+  cases are inverted, since a bal_upd on a child implies it reduced height.
+  If F_rs: (bal_upd & right_child)
+    imbalance, bal_l, balanced, bal_r
+    And then left shift to get imbalance bit, and new bal_l, bal_r bits
+  else if F_ls: (bal_upd & left_child)
+    bal_l, balanced, bal_r, imbalance
+    And then right shift to get imbalance bit, and new bal_l, bal_r bits
+std::tuple<RegBS, RegBS, RegBS, RegBS> AVL::updateBalanceDel(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield,
+        RegBS bal_l, RegBS bal_r, RegBS bal_upd, RegBS child_dir) {
+    bool player0 = tio.player()==0;
+    RegBS s0;
+    RegBS F_rs, F_ls, balanced, imbalance;
+    /*
+    bool rec_bal_l, rec_bal_r, rec_bal_upd;
+    rec_bal_l = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, bal_l);
+    rec_bal_r = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, bal_r);
+    rec_bal_upd = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, bal_upd);
+    printf("In updateBalanceDel, beforeBalance: rec_bal_l = %d, rec_bal_r = %d, rec_bal_upd = %d\n",
+        rec_bal_l, rec_bal_r, rec_bal_upd);
+    */
+    // balanced = is the node currently balanced
+    balanced = bal_l ^ bal_r;
+    //F_ls (Flag left shift) <- child_dir & bal_upd
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_ls, child_dir, bal_upd);
+    if(player0) {
+        child_dir^=1;
+        balanced^=1;
+    }
+    //F_rs (Flag right shift) <- !child_dir & bal_upd
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_rs, child_dir, bal_upd);
+    /*
+    bool rec_F_ls, rec_F_rs;
+    rec_F_ls = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_ls);
+    rec_F_rs = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_rs);
+    printf("In updateBalanceDel: rec_F_ls = %d, rec_F_rs = %d\n",
+        rec_F_ls, rec_F_rs);
+    */
+    // Left shift if F_ls
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, imbalance, F_ls, imbalance, bal_l);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_l, F_ls, bal_l, balanced);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, balanced, F_ls, balanced, bal_r);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_r, F_ls, bal_r, s0);
+    // Right shift if F_rs
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, imbalance, F_rs, imbalance, bal_r);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_r, F_rs, bal_r, balanced);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, balanced, F_rs, balanced, bal_l);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_l, F_rs, bal_l, s0);
+    /*
+    rec_bal_l = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, bal_l);
+    rec_bal_r = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, bal_r);
+    rec_bal_upd = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, bal_upd);
+    printf("In updateBalanceDel, afterBalance: rec_bal_l = %d, rec_bal_r = %d, rec_bal_upd = %d\n",
+        rec_bal_l, rec_bal_r, rec_bal_upd);
+    */
+    // if(bal_upd) and not imbalance bal_upd<-0
+    RegBS bu0;
+    if(player0){
+        imbalance^=1;
+    }
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, bu0, bal_upd, imbalance);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_upd, bu0, bal_upd, s0);
+    if(player0){
+        imbalance^=1;
+    }
+    // Any bal_upd, propogates all the way up to root
+    return {bal_l, bal_r, bal_upd, imbalance};
+  If F_rs: (bal_upd & right_child)
+    bal_l, balanced, bal_r, imbalance
+    And then right shift to get imbalance bit, and new bal_l, bal_r bits
+  else if F_ls: (bal_upd & left_child)
+    imbalance, bal_l, balanced, bal_r
+    And then left shift to get imbalance bit, and new bal_l, bal_r bits
+std::tuple<RegBS, RegBS, RegBS, RegBS> AVL::updateBalanceIns(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield,
+        RegBS bal_l, RegBS bal_r, RegBS bal_upd, RegBS child_dir) {
+    bool player0 = tio.player()==0;
+    RegBS s1, s0;
+    s1.set(tio.player()==1);
+    RegBS F_rs, F_ls, balanced, imbalance;
+    // balanced = is the node currently balanced
+    balanced = bal_l ^ bal_r;
+    //F_rs (Flag right shift) <- child_dir & bal_upd
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_rs, child_dir, bal_upd);
+    if(player0) {
+        child_dir^=1;
+        balanced^=1;
+    }
+    //F_ls (Flag left shift) <- !child_dir & bal_upd
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_ls, child_dir, bal_upd);
+    // Right shift if child_dir = 1 & bal_upd = 1
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, imbalance, F_rs, imbalance, bal_r);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_r, F_rs, bal_r, balanced);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, balanced, F_rs, balanced, bal_l);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_l, F_rs, bal_l, s0);
+    // Left shift if child_dir = 0 & bal_upd = 1
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, imbalance, F_ls, imbalance, bal_l);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_l, F_ls, bal_l, balanced);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, balanced, F_ls, balanced, bal_r);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_r, F_ls, bal_r, s0);
+    // bal_upd' <- bal_upd ^ imbalance
+    RegBS F_bu0;
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_bu0, bal_upd, balanced);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_upd, F_bu0, bal_upd, s0);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_upd, imbalance, bal_upd, s0);
+    return {bal_l, bal_r, bal_upd, imbalance};
+std::tuple<RegBS, RegBS, RegXS, RegBS> AVL::insert(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS ptr,
+    RegAS insert_key, Duoram<Node>::Flat &A, int TTL, RegBS isDummy, avl_insert_return *ret) {
+    if(TTL==0) {
+        RegBS z;
+        return {z, z, z, z};
+    }
+    RegBS isReal = isDummy ^ (tio.player());
+    Node cnode = A[ptr];
+    // Compare key
+    auto [lteq, gt] = compare_keys(tio, yield, cnode.key, insert_key);
+    // Depending on [lteq, gt] select the next_ptr
+    RegXS next_ptr;
+    RegXS left = getAVLLeftPtr(cnode.pointers);
+    RegXS right = getAVLRightPtr(cnode.pointers);
+    RegBS bal_l = getLeftBal(cnode.pointers);
+    RegBS bal_r = getRightBal(cnode.pointers);
+    /*
+    size_t rec_left = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, left);
+    size_t rec_right = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, right);
+    size_t rec_key = reconstruct_RegAS(tio, yield, cnode.key);
+    printf("\n\nKey = %ld\n", rec_key);
+    printf("rec_left = %ld, rec_right = %ld\n", rec_left, rec_right);
+    */
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, next_ptr, gt, left, right, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    /*
+    size_t rec_next_ptr = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, next_ptr);
+    printf("rec_next_ptr = %ld\n", rec_next_ptr);
+    */
+    CDPF dpf = tio.cdpf(yield);
+    size_t &aes_ops = tio.aes_ops();
+    // F_z: Check if this is last node on path
+    RegBS F_z = dpf.is_zero(tio, yield, next_ptr, aes_ops);
+    RegBS F_i;
+    // F_i: If this was last node on path (F_z), and isReal insert.
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_i, (isReal), F_z);
+    isDummy^=F_i;
+    auto [bal_upd, F_gp, prev_node, prev_dir] = insert(tio, yield,
+          next_ptr, insert_key, A, TTL-1, isDummy, ret);
+    /*
+    rec_bal_upd = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, bal_upd);
+    rec_F_gp = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_gp);
+    printf("Insert returns: rec_bal_upd = %d, rec_F_gp = %d\n",
+          rec_bal_upd, rec_F_gp);
+    size_t rec_ptr = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, ptr);
+    printf("\nrec_ptr = %ld\n", rec_ptr);
+    */
+    // Save insertion pointer and direction
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ret->i_node, F_i, ret->i_node, ptr, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ret->dir_i, F_i, ret->dir_i, gt);
+    // Update balance
+    // If we inserted at this level (F_i), bal_upd is set to 1
+    mpc_or(tio, yield, bal_upd, bal_upd, F_i);
+    auto [new_bal_l, new_bal_r, new_bal_upd, imbalance] = updateBalanceIns(tio, yield, bal_l, bal_r, bal_upd, gt);
+    // Store if this insert triggers an imbalance
+    ret->imbalance ^= imbalance;
+    // Save grandparent pointer
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ret->gp_node, F_gp, ret->gp_node, ptr, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ret->dir_gpp, F_gp, ret->dir_gpp, gt);
+    // Save parent pointer
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ret->p_node, imbalance, ret->p_node, ptr, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ret->dir_pc, imbalance, ret->dir_pc, gt);
+    // Save child pointer
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ret->c_node, imbalance, ret->c_node, prev_node, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ret->dir_cn, imbalance, ret->dir_cn, prev_dir);
+    // Store new_bal_l and new_bal_r for this node
+    // but this can be handled in the rotation component in one shot,
+    // since insertion rotations always resolve with p,c having 0,0 balance
+    setLeftBal(cnode.pointers, new_bal_l);
+    setRightBal(cnode.pointers, new_bal_r);
+    A[ptr].NODE_POINTERS = cnode.pointers;
+    // s0 = shares of 0
+    RegBS s0;
+    // Update F_gp flag: If there was an imbalance then we set this to store
+    // the grandparent node (node in the level above) into the ret_struct
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, F_gp, imbalance, s0, imbalance);
+    return {new_bal_upd, F_gp, ptr, gt};
+// Insert(root, ptr, key, TTL, isDummy) -> (new_ptr, wptr, wnode, f_p)
+void AVL::insert(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, const Node &node) {
+    bool player0 = tio.player()==0;
+    auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+    // If there are no items in tree. Make this new item the root.
+    if(num_items==0) {
+        Node zero;
+        A[0] = zero;
+        A[1] = node;
+        (root).set(1*tio.player());
+        num_items++;
+        return;
+    } else {
+        // Insert node into next free slot in the ORAM
+        int new_id;
+        RegXS insert_address;
+        num_items++;
+        int TTL = AVL_TTL(num_items);
+        bool insertAtEmptyLocation = (numEmptyLocations() > 0);
+        if(insertAtEmptyLocation) {
+            insert_address = empty_locations.back();
+            empty_locations.pop_back();
+            A[insert_address] = node;
+        } else {
+            new_id = num_items;
+            A[new_id] = node;
+            insert_address.set(new_id * tio.player());
+        }
+        RegBS isDummy;
+        avl_insert_return ret;
+        RegAS insert_key = node.key;
+        // Recursive insert function
+        auto [bal_upd, F_gp, prev_node, prev_dir] = insert(tio, yield, root, insert_key, A, TTL, isDummy, &ret);
+        /*
+        // Debug code
+        bool rec_bal_upd, rec_F_gp, ret_dir_pc, ret_dir_cn;
+        rec_bal_upd = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, bal_upd);
+        rec_F_gp = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_gp);
+        ret_dir_pc = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, ret.dir_pc);
+        ret_dir_cn = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, ret.dir_cn);
+        printf("(Top level) Insert returns: rec_bal_upd = %d, rec_F_gp = %d\n",
+              rec_bal_upd, rec_F_gp);
+        printf("(Top level) Insert returns: ret.dir_pc = %d, rt.dir_cn = %d\n",
+              ret_dir_pc, ret_dir_cn);
+        */
+        // Perform actual insertion
+        RegXS ins_pointers = A[ret.i_node].NODE_POINTERS;
+        RegXS left_ptr = getAVLLeftPtr(ins_pointers);
+        RegXS right_ptr = getAVLRightPtr(ins_pointers);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, right_ptr, ret.dir_i, right_ptr, insert_address, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+        // ret.dir_i -> !(ret.dir_i)
+        if(player0) {
+            ret.dir_i^=1;
+        }
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, left_ptr, ret.dir_i, left_ptr, insert_address, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+        // We never use ret.dir_i again, so don't bother reverting the negation above.
+        setAVLLeftPtr(ins_pointers, left_ptr);
+        setAVLRightPtr(ins_pointers, right_ptr);
+        A[ret.i_node].NODE_POINTERS = ins_pointers;
+        // Perform balance procedure
+        RegXS gp_pointers = A[ret.gp_node].NODE_POINTERS;
+        RegXS parent_pointers = A[ret.p_node].NODE_POINTERS;
+        RegXS child_pointers = A[ret.c_node].NODE_POINTERS;
+        // n_node (child's next node)
+        RegXS child_left = getAVLLeftPtr(child_pointers);
+        RegXS child_right = getAVLRightPtr(child_pointers);
+        RegXS n_node;
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, n_node, ret.dir_cn, n_node, child_right, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+        // dir_cn -> !(dir_cn); to handle left case
+        if(player0) {
+            ret.dir_cn^=1;
+        }
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, n_node, ret.dir_cn, n_node, child_left, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+        // Undo dir_cn negation
+        if(player0) {
+            ret.dir_cn^=1;
+        }
+        RegXS n_pointers = A[n_node].NODE_POINTERS;
+        // F_dr = (dir_pc != dir_cn) : i.e., double rotation case if
+        // (parent->child) and (child->new_node) are not in the same direction
+        RegBS F_dr = (ret.dir_pc) ^ (ret.dir_cn);
+        /* Flags:  F_cn_rot = child->node rotate
+                   F_ur = update root.
+           In case of an imbalance we have to always rotate p->c link. (L or R case)
+           In case of an imbalance where p->c and c->n are in different directions, we have
+           to perform a double rotation (LR or RL case). In such cases, first rotate
+           c->n link, and then p->c link
+           (Note: in the second rotation c is actually n, since the the first rotation
+            swaps their positions)
+        */
+        RegBS F_cn_rot, F_ur;
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_ur, F_gp, ret.imbalance);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_cn_rot, ret.imbalance, F_dr);
+        RegBS s0;
+        // Get the n children information for 2nd rotate fix before rotations happen.
+        RegBS n_bal_l, n_bal_r;
+        RegXS n_l = getAVLLeftPtr(n_pointers);
+        RegXS n_r = getAVLRightPtr(n_pointers);
+        n_bal_l = getLeftBal(n_pointers);
+        n_bal_r = getRightBal(n_pointers);
+        // First rotation: c->n link
+        rotate(tio, yield, parent_pointers, ret.c_node, child_pointers, n_node,
+            n_pointers, ret.dir_pc, ret.dir_cn, F_cn_rot, s0);
+        // If F_cn_rot, i.e. we did first rotation. Then c and n need to swap before the second rotate.
+        RegXS new_child_pointers, new_child;
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, new_child_pointers, F_cn_rot, child_pointers, n_pointers);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, new_child, F_cn_rot, ret.c_node, n_node, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+        // Second rotation: p->c link
+        rotate(tio, yield, gp_pointers, ret.p_node, parent_pointers, new_child,
+            new_child_pointers, ret.dir_gpp, ret.dir_pc, ret.imbalance, F_gp);
+        // Set parent and child balances to 0 if there was an imbalance.
+        // parent balances are already set to 0 from updateBalanceIns
+        RegBS temp_bal, p_bal_l, p_bal_r, p_bal_ndpc;
+        RegBS c_bal_l, c_bal_r, c_bal_dpc, n_bal_dpc, n_bal_ndpc;
+        p_bal_l = getLeftBal(parent_pointers);
+        p_bal_r = getRightBal(parent_pointers);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, child_pointers, F_cn_rot, new_child_pointers, child_pointers);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, n_pointers, F_cn_rot, n_pointers, new_child_pointers);
+        c_bal_l = getLeftBal(child_pointers);
+        c_bal_r = getRightBal(child_pointers);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, c_bal_l, ret.imbalance, c_bal_l, s0);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, c_bal_r, ret.imbalance, c_bal_r, s0);
+        /*   In the double rotation case: balance of c and p have a tweak
+           p_bal_ndpc <- !(n_bal_ndpc)
+           c_bal_dpc <- !(n_bal_dpc) */
+        CDPF cdpf = tio.cdpf(yield);
+        size_t &aes_ops = tio.aes_ops();
+        RegBS n_l0 = cdpf.is_zero(tio, yield, n_l, aes_ops);
+        RegBS n_r0 = cdpf.is_zero(tio, yield, n_r, aes_ops);
+        RegBS p_c_update, n_has_children;
+        // n_has_children = !(n_l0 & n_r0)
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, n_has_children, n_l0, n_r0);
+        if(player0) {
+            n_has_children^=1;
+        }
+        /*
+        bool rec_n_l0, rec_n_r0, rec_n_hc;
+        rec_n_l0 = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, n_l0);
+        rec_n_r0 = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, n_r0);
+        rec_n_hc = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, n_has_children);
+        printf("n_l0 = %d, n_r0 = %d, n_has_children = %d\n", rec_n_l0, rec_n_r0, rec_n_hc);
+        */
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, p_c_update, F_cn_rot, n_has_children);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, n_bal_ndpc, ret.dir_pc, n_bal_r, n_bal_l);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, n_bal_dpc, ret.dir_pc, n_bal_l, n_bal_r);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, p_bal_ndpc, ret.dir_pc, p_bal_r, p_bal_l);
+        // !n_bal_ndpc, !n_bal_dpc
+        if(player0) {
+            n_bal_ndpc^=1;
+            n_bal_dpc^=1;
+        }
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, p_bal_ndpc, p_c_update, p_bal_ndpc, n_bal_ndpc);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, c_bal_dpc, p_c_update, c_bal_dpc, n_bal_dpc);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, p_bal_r, ret.dir_pc, p_bal_ndpc, p_bal_r);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, p_bal_l, ret.dir_pc, p_bal_l, p_bal_ndpc);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, c_bal_r, ret.dir_pc, c_bal_r, c_bal_dpc);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, c_bal_l, ret.dir_pc, c_bal_dpc, c_bal_l);
+        setLeftBal(parent_pointers, p_bal_l);
+        setRightBal(parent_pointers, p_bal_r);
+        setLeftBal(child_pointers, c_bal_l);
+        setRightBal(child_pointers, c_bal_r);
+        // Write back update pointers and balances into gp, p, c, and n
+        A[ret.c_node].NODE_POINTERS = child_pointers;
+        A[ret.p_node].NODE_POINTERS = parent_pointers;
+        A[ret.gp_node].NODE_POINTERS = gp_pointers;
+        A[n_node].NODE_POINTERS = n_pointers;
+        // Handle root pointer switch (if F_gp is true in the return from insert())
+        // If F_gp and we did a double rotation: root <-- new node
+        // If F_gp and we did a single rotation: root <-- child node
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, root, F_ur, root, ret.c_node, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_ur, F_gp, F_dr);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, root, F_ur, root, n_node, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+    }
+bool BST::lookup(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS ptr, RegAS key, Duoram<Node>::Flat &A,
+    int TTL, RegBS isDummy, Node *ret_node) {
+    if(TTL==0) {
+        // Reconstruct and return isDummy
+        // If we found the key, then isDummy will be true
+        bool found = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, isDummy);
+        return found;
+    }
+    RegBS isNotDummy = isDummy ^ (tio.player());
+    Node cnode = A[ptr];
+    // Compare key
+    CDPF cdpf = tio.cdpf(yield);
+    auto [lt, eq, gt] =, yield, key - cnode.key, tio.aes_ops());
+    // Depending on [lteq, gt] select the next ptr/index as
+    // upper 32 bits of cnode.pointers if lteq
+    // lower 32 bits of cnode.pointers if gt
+    RegXS left = extractLeftPtr(cnode.pointers);
+    RegXS right = extractRightPtr(cnode.pointers);
+    RegXS next_ptr;
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, next_ptr, gt, left, right, 32);
+    RegBS F_found;
+    // If we haven't found the key yet, and the lookup matches the current node key,
+    // then we found the node to return
+    mpc_and(tio, yield, F_found, isNotDummy, eq);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_node->key, eq, ret_node->key, cnode.key);
+    mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_node->value, eq, ret_node->value, cnode.value);
+    isDummy^=F_found;
+    bool found = lookup(tio, yield, next_ptr, key, A, TTL-1, isDummy, ret_node);
+    return found;
+bool AVL::lookup(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS key, Node *ret_node) {
+    auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+    RegBS isDummy;
+    bool found = lookup(tio, yield, root, key, A, num_items, isDummy, ret_node);
+    return found;
+std::tuple<bool, RegBS> AVL::del(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS ptr, RegAS del_key,
+      Duoram<Node>::Flat &A, RegBS af, RegBS fs, int TTL,
+      avl_del_return &ret_struct) {
+    bool player0 = tio.player()==0;
+    if(TTL==0) {
+        //Reconstruct and return af
+        bool success = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, af);
+        RegBS zero;
+        //printf("Reconstructed flag = %d\n", success);
+        if(player0)
+          ret_struct.F_r^=1;
+        return {success, zero};
+    } else {
+        Node node = A[ptr];
+        // Compare key
+        CDPF cdpf = tio.cdpf(yield);
+        auto [lt, eq, gt] =, yield, del_key - node.key, tio.aes_ops());
+        // c is the direction bit for next_ptr
+        // (c=0: go left or c=1: go right)
+        RegBS c = gt;
+        // lf = local found. We found the key to delete in this level.
+        RegBS lf = eq;
+        // Select the next ptr
+        RegXS left = getAVLLeftPtr(node.pointers);
+        RegXS right = getAVLRightPtr(node.pointers);
+        size_t &aes_ops = tio.aes_ops();
+        // Check if left and right children are 0, and compute F_0, F_1, F_2
+        RegBS l0 = cdpf.is_zero(tio, yield, left, aes_ops);
+        RegBS r0 = cdpf.is_zero(tio, yield, right, aes_ops);
+        RegBS F_0, F_1, F_2;
+        // F_0 = l0 & r0
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_0, l0, r0);
+        // F_1 = l0 \xor r0
+        F_1 = l0 ^ r0;
+        // F_2 = !(F_0 + F_1) (Only 1 of F_0, F_1, and F_2 can be true)
+        F_2 = F_0 ^ F_1;
+        if(player0)
+            F_2^=1;
+        // We set next ptr based on c, but we need to handle three
+        // edge cases where we do not pick next_ptr by just the comparison result
+        RegXS next_ptr, cs_ptr;
+        RegBS c_prime;
+        // Case 1: found the node here (lf), and node has only one child.
+        // Then we iterate down the only child.
+        RegBS F_c1, F_c2, F_c3, F_c4;
+        // Case 1: lf & F_1
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_c1, lf, F_1);
+        // Set c_prime for Case 1
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, c_prime, F_c1, c, l0);
+        // s1: shares of 1 bit, s0: shares of 0 bit
+        RegBS s1, s0;
+        s1.set(tio.player()==1);
+        // Case 2: found the node here (lf) and node has both children (F_2)
+        // In find successor case, so we find inorder successor for node to be deleted
+        // (inorder successor = go right and then find leftmost child.)
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_c2, lf, F_2);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, c_prime, F_c2, c_prime, s1);
+        /*
+        // Reconstruct and Debug Block 2
+        bool F_c2_rec, s1_rec;
+        F_c2_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_c2);
+        s1_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, s1);
+        c_prime_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, c_prime);
+        printf("c_prime = %d, F_c2 = %d, s1 = %d\n", c_prime_rec, F_c2_rec, s1_rec);
+        */
+        // Case 3: finding successor (fs) and node has both children (F_2)
+        // Go left.
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_c3, fs, F_2);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, c_prime, F_c3, c_prime, s0);
+        // Case 4: finding successor (fs) and node has no more left children (l0)
+        // This is the successor node then.
+        // Go right (since no more left)
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_c4, fs, l0);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, c_prime, F_c4, c_prime, l0);
+        // Set next_ptr
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, next_ptr, c_prime, left, right, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+        // cs_ptr: child's sibling pointer
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_ptr, c_prime, right, left, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+        RegBS af_prime, fs_prime;
+        mpc_or(tio, yield, af_prime, af, lf);
+        // If in Case 2, set fs. We are now finding successor
+        mpc_or(tio, yield, fs_prime, fs, F_c2);
+        // If in Case 4. Successor found here already. Toggle fs off
+        fs_prime=fs_prime^F_c4;
+        TTL-=1;
+        auto [key_found, bal_upd] = del(tio, yield, next_ptr, del_key, A, af_prime, fs_prime, TTL, ret_struct);
+        // If we didn't find the key, we can end here.
+        if(!key_found) {
+          return {0, s0};
+        }
+        /* F_rs: Flag for updating the correct child pointer of this node
+           This happens if F_r is set in ret_struct. F_r indicates if we need
+           to update a child pointer at this level by skipping the current
+           child in the direction of traversal. We do this in two cases:
+             i) F_d & (!F_2) : If we delete here, and this node does not have
+                2 children (;i.e., we are not in the finding successor case)
+            ii) F_ns: Found the successor (no more left children while
+                traversing to find successor)
+           In cases i and ii we skip the next node, and make the current node
+           point to the node after the next node.
+           iii) We did rotation(s) at the lower level, changing the child in
+                that position. So we update it to the correct node in that
+                position now.
+           Whether skip happens or just update happens is handled by how
+           ret_struct.ret_ptr is set.
+        */
+        RegBS F_rr; // Flag to resolve F_r by updating correct child ptr
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_rr, c_prime, ret_struct.F_r);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, right, F_rr, right, ret_struct.ret_ptr);
+        if(player0)
+            c_prime^=1;
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_rr, c_prime, ret_struct.F_r);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, left, F_rr, left, ret_struct.ret_ptr);
+        if(player0)
+            c_prime^=1;
+        setAVLLeftPtr(node.pointers, left);
+        setAVLRightPtr(node.pointers, right);
+        // Delay storing pointers back until balance updates are done as well.
+        // Since we resolved the F_r flag returned, we set it back to 0.
+        ret_struct.F_r = s0;
+        RegBS p_bal_l, p_bal_r;
+        p_bal_l = getLeftBal(node.pointers);
+        p_bal_r = getRightBal(node.pointers);
+        auto [new_p_bal_l, new_p_bal_r, new_bal_upd, imb] =
+            updateBalanceDel(tio, yield, p_bal_l, p_bal_r, bal_upd, c_prime);
+        /*
+        // Reconstruct and Debug Block
+        bool rec_new_bal_upd, rec_imb, rec_bal_upd;
+        size_t rec_ckey;
+        rec_new_bal_upd = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, new_bal_upd);
+        rec_imb = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, imb);
+        rec_bal_upd = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, bal_upd);
+        rec_ckey = reconstruct_RegAS(tio, yield, node.key);
+        bool rec_F_c1, rec_F_c2, rec_F_c3, rec_F_c4;
+        rec_F_c1 = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_c1);
+        rec_F_c2 = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_c2);
+        rec_F_c3 = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_c3);
+        rec_F_c4 = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_c4);
+        printf("Current Key = %lu\n", rec_ckey);
+        printf("F_c1 = %d, F_c2 = %d, F_c3 = %d, F_c4 = %d\n", rec_F_c1, rec_F_c2, rec_F_c3, rec_F_c4);
+        printf("bal_upd = %d, new_bal_upd = %d, imb= %d\n", rec_bal_upd, rec_new_bal_upd, rec_imb);
+        */
+        // F_ri: subflag for F_r. F_ri = returned flag set to 1 from imbalance fix.
+        RegBS F_ri;
+        // Perform rotations if imbalance (else dummy rotations)
+        /*
+           For capturing both the symmetric L and R cases of rotations, we'll capture directions with
+           dpc  = dir_pc = direction from parent to child, and
+           ndpc = not(dir_pc)
+           When we travelled down the stack, we went from p->c. But in deletions to handle any imbalance
+           we look at c's sibling cs (child's sibling). And the rotation is between p and cs if there
+           was an imbalance at p, and perhaps even cs and it's child (the child in dir_pc, as that's the
+           only case that results in a double rotation when deleting).
+           In case of an imbalance we have to always rotate p->cs link. (L or R case)
+           If cs.bal_(dir_pc), then we have a double rotation (LR or RL) case.
+           In such cases, first rotate cs->gcs link, and then p->cs link. gcs = grandchild on cs path
+           Layout: In the R (or LR) case:
+                 p
+               /   \
+              cs    c
+             /  \
+            a   gcs
+                /  \
+               x    y
+           - One of x or y must exist for it to be an LR case,
+             since then cs.bal_(dir_pc) = cs.bal_r = 1
+           Layout: In the L (or RL) case:
+                 p
+               /   \
+              c     cs
+                   /  \
+                 gcs   a
+                /   \
+               x     y
+           - One of x or y must exist for it to be an RL case,
+             since then cs.bal_(dir_pc) = cs.bal_l = 1
+           (Note: if double rotation case, in the second rotation cs is actually gcs,
+            since the the first rotation swaps their positions)
+        */
+        Node cs_node = A[cs_ptr];
+        //dirpc = dir_pc = dpc = c_prime
+        RegBS cs_bal_l, cs_bal_r, cs_bal_dpc, cs_bal_ndpc, F_dr, not_c_prime;
+        RegXS gcs_ptr, cs_left, cs_right, cs_dpc, cs_ndpc, null;
+        // child's sibling node's balances in dir_pc (dpc), and not_dir_pc (ndpc)
+        cs_bal_l = getLeftBal(cs_node.pointers);
+        cs_bal_r = getRightBal(cs_node.pointers);
+        cs_left = getAVLLeftPtr(cs_node.pointers);
+        cs_right = getAVLRightPtr(cs_node.pointers);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_bal_dpc, c_prime, cs_bal_l, cs_bal_r);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_bal_ndpc, c_prime, cs_bal_r, cs_bal_l);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_dpc, c_prime, cs_left, cs_right);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_ndpc, c_prime, cs_right, cs_left);
+        // We need to double rotate (LR or RL case) if cs_bal_dpc is 1
+        F_dr = cs_bal_dpc;
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, gcs_ptr, cs_bal_dpc, cs_ndpc, cs_dpc, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+        Node gcs_node = A[gcs_ptr];
+        not_c_prime = c_prime;
+        if(player0) {
+          not_c_prime^=1;
+        }
+        // First rotation: cs->gcs link
+        rotate(tio, yield, node.pointers, cs_ptr, cs_node.pointers, gcs_ptr,
+            gcs_node.pointers, not_c_prime, c_prime, F_dr, s0);
+        // If F_dr, we did first rotation. Then cs and gcs need to swap before the second rotate.
+        RegXS new_cs_pointers, new_cs, new_ptr;
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, new_cs_pointers, F_dr, cs_node.pointers, gcs_node.pointers);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, new_cs, F_dr, cs_ptr, gcs_ptr, AVL_PTR_SIZE);
+        // Second rotation: p->cs link
+        // Since we don't have access to gp node here we just send a null and s0
+        // for gp_pointers and dir_gpp. Instead this pointer fix is handled by F_r
+        // and ret_struct.ret_ptr.
+        rotate(tio, yield, null, ptr, node.pointers, new_cs,
+            new_cs_pointers, s0, not_c_prime, imb, s1);
+        // If imb (we do some rotation), then update F_r, and ret_ptr, to
+        // fix the gp->p link (The F_r clauses later, and this are mutually
+        // exclusive events. They will never trigger together.)
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, new_ptr, F_dr, cs_ptr, gcs_ptr);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, F_ri, imb, s0, s1);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_struct.ret_ptr, imb, ret_struct.ret_ptr, new_ptr);
+        // Write back new_cs_pointers correctly to (cs_node/gcs_node).pointers
+        // and then balance the nodes
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_node.pointers, F_dr, new_cs_pointers, cs_node.pointers);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, gcs_node.pointers, F_dr, gcs_node.pointers, new_cs_pointers);
+        /*
+           Update balances based on imbalance and type of rotations that happen.
+           In the case of an imbalance, updateBalance() sets bal_l and bal_r of p to 0.
+        */
+        RegBS IC1, IC2, IC3; // Imbalance Case 1, 2 or 3
+        // IC1 = Single rotation (L/R). L/R = dpc
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC1, imb, cs_bal_ndpc);
+        // IC3 = Double rotation (LR/RL). 1st rotate direction = ndpc, 2nd direction = dpc
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC3, imb, cs_bal_dpc);
+        // IC2 = Single rotation (L/R).
+        IC2 = IC1 ^ IC3;
+        if(player0) {
+          IC2^=1;
+        }
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC2, imb, IC2);
+        /*
+        bool rec_IC1, rec_IC2, rec_IC3;
+        rec_IC1 = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, IC1);
+        rec_IC2 = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, IC2);
+        rec_IC3 = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, IC3);
+        printf("rec_IC1 = %d, rec_IC2 = %d, rec_IC3 = %d\n", rec_IC1, rec_IC2, rec_IC3);
+        */
+        // IC1, IC2, IC3: CS.bal = 0 0
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_bal_dpc, imb, cs_bal_dpc, s0);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_bal_ndpc, imb, cs_bal_ndpc, s0);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_bal_r, c_prime, cs_bal_ndpc, cs_bal_dpc);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_bal_l, c_prime, cs_bal_dpc, cs_bal_ndpc);
+        // IC2: p.bal_ndpc = 1, cs.bal_dpc = 1
+        // (IC2 & not_c_prime)
+        cs_bal_dpc^=IC2;
+        RegBS p_bal_dpc, p_bal_ndpc;
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, p_bal_ndpc, c_prime, new_p_bal_r, new_p_bal_l);
+        p_bal_ndpc^=IC2;
+        RegBS IC2_ndpc_l, IC2_ndpc_r, IC2_dpc_l, IC2_dpc_r;
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC2_ndpc_l, IC2, c_prime);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC2_ndpc_r, IC2, not_c_prime);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC2_dpc_l, IC2, not_c_prime);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC2_dpc_r, IC2, c_prime);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, new_p_bal_l, IC2_ndpc_l, new_p_bal_l, p_bal_ndpc);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, new_p_bal_r, IC2_ndpc_r, new_p_bal_r, p_bal_ndpc);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_bal_l, IC2_dpc_l, cs_bal_l, cs_bal_dpc);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_bal_r, IC2_dpc_r, cs_bal_r, cs_bal_dpc);
+        // In the IC2 case bal_upd = 0 (The rotation doesn't end up
+        // decreasing height of this subtree.
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_upd, IC2, bal_upd, s0);
+        // IC3:
+        // To set balance in this case we need to know if gcs.dpc child exists
+        // and similarly if gcs.ndpc child exitst.
+        // if(gcs.ndpc child exists): cs.bal_ndpc = 1
+        // if(gcs.dpc child exists): p.bal_dpc = 1
+        RegBS gcs_dpc_exists, gcs_ndpc_exists;
+        RegXS gcs_l = getAVLLeftPtr(gcs_node.pointers);
+        RegXS gcs_r = getAVLRightPtr(gcs_node.pointers);
+        RegBS gcs_bal_l = getLeftBal(gcs_node.pointers);
+        RegBS gcs_bal_r = getRightBal(gcs_node.pointers);
+        RegXS gcs_dpc, gcs_ndpc;
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, gcs_dpc, c_prime, gcs_l, gcs_r);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, gcs_ndpc, not_c_prime, gcs_l, gcs_r);
+        gcs_dpc_exists = cdpf.is_zero(tio, yield, gcs_dpc, aes_ops);
+        gcs_ndpc_exists = cdpf.is_zero(tio, yield, gcs_ndpc, aes_ops);
+        cs_bal_ndpc^=IC3;
+        RegBS IC3_ndpc_l, IC3_ndpc_r, IC3_dpc_l, IC3_dpc_r;
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC3_ndpc_l, IC3, c_prime);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC3_ndpc_r, IC3, not_c_prime);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC3_dpc_l, IC3, not_c_prime);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, IC3_dpc_r, IC3, c_prime);
+        RegBS f0, f1, f2, f3;
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, f0, IC3_dpc_l, gcs_dpc_exists);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, f1, IC3_dpc_r, gcs_dpc_exists);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, f2, IC3_ndpc_l, gcs_ndpc_exists);
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, f3, IC3_ndpc_r, gcs_ndpc_exists);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, new_p_bal_l, f0, new_p_bal_l, IC3);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, new_p_bal_r, f1, new_p_bal_r, IC3);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_bal_l, f2, cs_bal_l, IC3);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, cs_bal_r, f3, cs_bal_r, IC3);
+        // In IC3 gcs.bal = 0 0
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, gcs_bal_l, IC3, gcs_bal_l, s0);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, gcs_bal_r, IC3, gcs_bal_r, s0);
+        // Write back <cs_bal_dpc, cs_bal_ndpc> and <gcs_bal_l, gcs_bal_r>
+        setLeftBal(gcs_node.pointers, gcs_bal_l);
+        setRightBal(gcs_node.pointers, gcs_bal_r);
+        setLeftBal(cs_node.pointers, cs_bal_l);
+        setRightBal(cs_node.pointers, cs_bal_r);
+        A[cs_ptr].NODE_POINTERS = cs_node.pointers;
+        A[gcs_ptr].NODE_POINTERS = gcs_node.pointers;
+        // Write back updated pointers correctly accounting for rotations
+        setLeftBal(node.pointers, new_p_bal_l);
+        setRightBal(node.pointers, new_p_bal_r);
+        A[ptr].NODE_POINTERS = node.pointers;
+        // Update the return structure
+        // F_dh = Delete Here flag,
+        // F_sf = successor found (no more left children while trying to find successor)
+        // F_rs = subflag for F_r. F_rs = flag for F_r set to 1 from handling a skip fix
+        // (deleting a node with single child, or found successor cases)
+        RegBS F_dh, F_sf, F_rs;
+        mpc_or(tio, yield, ret_struct.F_ss, ret_struct.F_ss, F_c2);
+        if(player0)
+            af^=1;
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_dh, lf, af);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_struct.N_d, F_dh, ret_struct.N_d, ptr);
+        // F_sf = Successor found = F_c4 = Finding successor & no more left child
+        F_sf = F_c4;
+        if(player0)
+            F_2^=1;
+        // If we have to i) delete here, and it doesn't have two children
+        // we have to update child pointer in parent with the returned pointer
+        mpc_and(tio, yield, F_rs, F_dh, F_2);
+        // ii) if we found successor here
+        mpc_or(tio, yield, F_rs, F_rs, F_sf);
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_struct.N_s, F_sf, ret_struct.N_s, ptr);
+        // F_rs and F_ri will never trigger together. So the line below
+        // set ret_ptr to the correct pointer to handle either case
+        // If neither F_rs nor F_ri, we set the ret_ptr to current ptr.
+        RegBS F_nr;
+        mpc_or(tio, yield, F_nr, F_rs, F_ri);
+        // F_nr = F_rs || F_ri
+        ret_struct.F_r = F_nr;
+        /*
+        bool rec_ret_F_r, rec_F_rs, rec_F_ri;
+        rec_ret_F_r = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, ret_struct.F_r);
+        rec_F_rs = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_rs);
+        rec_F_ri = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_ri);
+        printf("rec_ret_F_r = %d, rec_F_rs = %d, rec_F_ri = %d\n", rec_ret_F_r, rec_F_rs, rec_F_ri);
+        */
+        if(player0) {
+          F_nr^=1;
+        }
+        // F_nr = !(F_rs || F_ri)
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_struct.ret_ptr, F_nr, ret_struct.ret_ptr, ptr);
+        // If F_rs, we skipped a node, so update bal_upd to 1
+        mpc_select(tio, yield, bal_upd, F_rs, bal_upd, s1);
+        /*
+        rec_F_rs = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_rs);
+        bool rec_bal_upd_set = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, bal_upd);
+        printf("after bal_upd select from rec_F_rs = %d, rec_bal_upd = %d\n",
+            rec_F_rs, rec_bal_upd_set);
+        */
+        // Swap deletion node with successor node done outside of recursive traversal.
+        return {key_found, bal_upd};
+    }
+bool AVL::del(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS del_key) {
+    if(num_items==0)
+        return 0;
+    auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+    if(num_items==1) {
+        //Delete root
+        Node zero;
+        empty_locations.emplace_back(root);
+        A[root] = zero;
+        num_items--;
+        return 1;
+    } else {
+        int TTL = AVL_TTL(num_items);
+        // Flags for already found (af) item to delete and find successor (fs)
+        // if this deletion requires a successor swap
+        RegBS af, fs;
+        avl_del_return ret_struct;
+        auto [success, bal_upd] = del(tio, yield, root, del_key, A, af, fs, TTL, ret_struct);
+        printf ("Success =  %d\n", success);
+        if(!success){
+            return 0;
+        }
+        else{
+            num_items--;
+            /*
+            printf("In delete's swap portion\n");
+            Node del_node = A.reconstruct(A[ret_struct.N_d]);
+            Node suc_node = A.reconstruct(A[ret_struct.N_s]);
+            printf("del_node key = %ld, suc_node key = %ld\n",
+                del_node.key.ashare, suc_node.key.ashare);
+            printf("flag_s = %d\n", ret_struct.F_ss.bshare);
+            */
+            Node del_node = A[ret_struct.N_d];
+            Node suc_node = A[ret_struct.N_s];
+            RegAS zero_as; RegXS zero_xs;
+            // Update root if needed
+            mpc_select(tio, yield, root, ret_struct.F_r, root, ret_struct.ret_ptr);
+            /*
+            bool rec_F_ss = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, ret_struct.F_ss);
+            size_t rec_del_key = reconstruct_RegAS(tio, yield, del_node.key);
+            size_t rec_suc_key = reconstruct_RegAS(tio, yield, suc_node.key);
+            printf("rec_F_ss = %d, del_node.key = %lu, suc_nod.key = %lu\n",
+                rec_F_ss, rec_del_key, rec_suc_key);
+            */
+            mpc_select(tio, yield, del_node.key, ret_struct.F_ss, del_node.key, suc_node.key);
+            mpc_select(tio, yield, del_node.value, ret_struct.F_ss, del_node.value, suc_node.value);
+            A[ret_struct.N_d].NODE_KEY = del_node.key;
+            A[ret_struct.N_d].NODE_VALUE = del_node.value;
+            A[ret_struct.N_s].NODE_KEY = zero_as;
+            A[ret_struct.N_s].NODE_VALUE = zero_xs;
+            RegXS empty_loc;
+            mpc_select(tio, yield, empty_loc, ret_struct.F_ss, ret_struct.N_d, ret_struct.N_s);
+            //Add deleted (empty) location into the empty_locations vector for reuse in next insert()
+            empty_locations.emplace_back(empty_loc);
+        }
+      return 1;
+    }
+// Now we use the AVL class in various ways.  This function is called by
+// online.cpp.
+void avl(MPCIO &mpcio,
+    const PRACOptions &opts, char **args)
+    nbits_t depth=4;
+    if (*args) {
+        depth = atoi(*args);
+        ++args;
+    }
+    size_t items = (size_t(1)<<depth)-1;
+    if (*args) {
+        items = atoi(*args);
+        ++args;
+    }
+    MPCTIO tio(mpcio, 0, opts.num_threads);
+    run_coroutines(tio, [&tio, depth, items] (yield_t &yield) {
+        size_t size = size_t(1)<<depth;
+        AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+        // Insert a few elements
+        int insert_array[] = {10, 10, 13, 11, 14, 8, 15, 20, 17, 19, 7, 12};
+        size_t insert_array_size = 11;
+        //int insert_array[] = {10, 10, 13, 11, 14, 8, 15, 20, 17, 19, 7, 12};
+        //size_t insert_array_size = 11;
+        //int insert_array[] = {6, 3, 10, 1, 2};
+        //size_t insert_array_size = 4;
+        Node node;
+        for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+          newnode(node);
+          node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+          printf("Insert %d\n", insert_array[i]);
+          tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+          tree.print_oram(tio, yield);
+          tree.pretty_print(tio, yield);
+          tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+        }
+        RegAS del_key;
+        del_key.set(10 * tio.player());
+        printf("Delete 10\n");
+        tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+        tree.print_oram(tio, yield);
+        tree.pretty_print(tio, yield);
+        tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+        del_key.set(14 * tio.player());
+        printf("Delete 14\n");
+        tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+        tree.print_oram(tio, yield);
+        tree.pretty_print(tio, yield);
+        tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+        del_key.set(12 * tio.player());
+        printf("Delete 12\n");
+        tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+        tree.print_oram(tio, yield);
+        tree.pretty_print(tio, yield);
+        tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+    });
+void avl_tests(MPCIO &mpcio,
+    const PRACOptions &opts, char **args)
+    // Not taking arguments for tests
+    nbits_t depth=4;
+    size_t items = (size_t(1)<<depth)-1;
+    MPCTIO tio(mpcio, 0, opts.num_threads);
+    run_coroutines(tio, [&tio, depth, items] (yield_t &yield) {
+        size_t size = size_t(1)<<depth;
+        bool player0 = tio.player()==0;
+        // (T1) : Test 1 : L rotation (root modified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+              5                   7
+               \                /   \
+                7       --->   5     9
+                 \
+                  9
+            T1 checks:
+            - root is 7
+            - 5,7,9 in correct positions
+            - 5 and 9 have no children and 0 balances
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {5, 7, 9};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 2;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, left_node, right_node;
+            size_t left_index, right_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            left_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            right_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            left_node = R[left_index];
+            right_node = R[right_index];
+            if(left_node.key.share()!=5 || right_node.key.share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            //To check that left and right have no children and 0 balances
+            size_t sum = left_node.pointers.share() + right_node.pointers.share();
+            if(sum!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T1 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T1 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T2) : Test 2 : L rotation (root unmodified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                 5                        5
+               /   \                    /   \
+              3     7                  3     9
+                     \     --->             /  \
+                      9          7         7    12
+                       \
+                        12
+            T2 checks:
+            - root is 5
+            - 3, 7, 9, 12 in expected positions
+            - Nodes 3, 7, 12 have 0 balance and no children
+            - 5's bal = 0 1
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {5, 3, 7, 9, 12};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 4;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n3, n7, n9, n12;
+            size_t n3_index, n7_index, n9_index, n12_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n3_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n9_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n3 = R[n3_index];
+            n9 = R[n9_index];
+            n7_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n9.pointers).share();
+            n12_index = getAVLRightPtr(n9.pointers).share();
+            n7 = R[n7_index];
+            n12 = R[n12_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n3.key.share()!=3 || n9.key.share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n7.key.share()!=7 || n12.key.share()!=12) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node children and balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n3.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n7.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n12.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            int one = (getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            if(one!=1) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T2 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T2 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T3) : Test 3 : R rotation (root modified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                   9                 7
+                  /                /   \
+                 7         --->   5     9
+                /
+               5
+            T3 checks:
+            - root is 7
+            - 5,7,9 in correct positions
+            - 5 and 9 have no children
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {9, 7, 5};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 2;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, left_node, right_node;
+            size_t left_index, right_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            left_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            right_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            left_node = R[left_index];
+            right_node = R[right_index];
+            if(left_node.key.share()!=5 || right_node.key.share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            //To check that left and right have no children and 0 balances
+            size_t sum = left_node.pointers.share() + right_node.pointers.share();
+            if(sum!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T3 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else{
+                    print_red("T3 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T4) : Test 4 : R rotation (root unmodified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                     9                        9
+                   /   \                    /   \
+                  7     12                 5     12
+                 /              --->      / \
+                5                    7   3   7
+               /
+              3
+            T4 checks:
+            - root is 9
+            - 3,5,7,12 are in correct positions
+            - Nodes 3,7,12 have 0 balance
+            - Nodes 3,7,12 have no children
+            - 9's bal = 1 0
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {9, 12, 7, 5, 3};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 4;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n3, n7, n5, n12;
+            size_t n3_index, n7_index, n5_index, n12_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n5_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n12_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n5 = R[n5_index];
+            n12 = R[n12_index];
+            n3_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n5.pointers).share();
+            n7_index = getAVLRightPtr(n5.pointers).share();
+            n7 = R[n7_index];
+            n3 = R[n3_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n12.key.share()!=12 || n5.key.share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n3.key.share()!=3 || n7.key.share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n3.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n7.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n12.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            int one = (getLeftBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            if(one!=1) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T4 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T4 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T5) : Test 5 : LR rotation (root modified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                    9              9           7
+                   /              /          /   \
+                  5      -->     7     -->  5     9
+                   \            /
+                    7          5
+            T5 checks:
+            - root is 7
+            - 9,5,7 are in correct positions
+            - Nodes 5,7,9 have 0 balance
+            - Nodes 5,9 have no children
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {9, 5, 7};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 2;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n9, n5;
+            size_t n9_index, n5_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n5_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n9_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n5 = R[n5_index];
+            n9 = R[n9_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n9.key.share()!=9 || n5.key.share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n5.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n9.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T5 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T5 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T6) : Test 6 : LR rotation (root unmodified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                 9                      9                   9
+               /   \                  /   \               /   \
+              7     12               7     12            5     12
+             /             --->     /           --->    / \
+            3                      5                   3   7
+             \                    /
+              5                  3
+            T6 checks:
+            - root is 9
+            - 3,5,7,12 are in correct positions
+            - Nodes 3,7,12 have 0 balance
+            - Nodes 3,7,12 have no children
+            - 9's bal = 1 0
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {9, 12, 7, 3, 5};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 4;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n3, n7, n5, n12;
+            size_t n3_index, n7_index, n5_index, n12_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n5_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n12_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n5 = R[n5_index];
+            n12 = R[n12_index];
+            n3_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n5.pointers).share();
+            n7_index = getAVLRightPtr(n5.pointers).share();
+            n7 = R[n7_index];
+            n3 = R[n3_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n5.key.share()!=5 || n12.key.share()!=12) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n3.key.share()!=3 || n7.key.share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n3.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n7.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n12.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            int one = (getLeftBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            if(one!=1) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T6 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T6 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T7) : Test 7 : RL rotation (root modified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                5              5                7
+                 \              \             /   \
+                  9      -->     7      -->  5     9
+                 /                \
+                7                  9
+            T7 checks:
+            - root is 7
+            - 9,5,7 are in correct positions
+            - Nodes 5,7,9 have 0 balance
+            - Nodes 5,9 have no children
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {5, 9, 7};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 2;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n9, n5;
+            size_t n9_index, n5_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n5_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n9_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n5 = R[n5_index];
+            n9 = R[n9_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n9.key.share()!=9 || n5.key.share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n5.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n9.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T7 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T7 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T8) : Test 8 : RL rotation (root unmodified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                 5                     5                   5
+               /   \                 /   \               /   \
+              3     12              3     12            3     9
+                   /      --->           /     --->          /  \
+                  7                     9                   7    12
+                   \                   /
+                    9                 7
+            T8 checks:
+            - root is 5
+            - 3,9,7,12 are in correct positions
+            - Nodes 3,7,12 have 0 balance
+            - Nodes 3,7,12 have no children
+            - 5's bal = 0 1
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {5, 3, 12, 7, 9};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 4;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n3, n7, n9, n12;
+            size_t n3_index, n7_index, n9_index, n12_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n3_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n9_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n3 = R[n3_index];
+            n9 = R[n9_index];
+            n7_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n9.pointers).share();
+            n12_index = getAVLRightPtr(n9.pointers).share();
+            n7 = R[n7_index];
+            n12 = R[n12_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n3.key.share()!=3 || n9.key.share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n7.key.share()!=7 || n12.key.share()!=12) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n3.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n7.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n12.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            int one = (getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            if(one!=1) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T8 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T8 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Deletion Tests:
+        // (T9) : Test 9 : L rotation (root modified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+              5                    7
+             / \       Del 3     /   \
+            3   7     ------>   5     9
+                 \
+                  9
+            T9 checks:
+            - root is 7
+            - 5,7,9 in correct positions
+            - 5 and 9 have no children and 0 balances
+            - 7 has 0 balances
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {5, 3, 7, 9};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 3;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            RegAS del_key;
+            del_key.set(3 * tio.player());
+            tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+            tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, left_node, right_node;
+            size_t left_index, right_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            left_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            right_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            left_node = R[left_index];
+            right_node = R[right_index];
+            if(left_node.key.share()!=5 || right_node.key.share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            //To check that left and right have no children and 0 balances
+            size_t sum = left_node.pointers.share() + right_node.pointers.share();
+            if(sum!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T9 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T9 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T10) : Test 10 : L rotation (root unmodified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                 5                        5
+               /   \                    /   \
+              3     7      Del 6       3     9
+             /     / \    ------>     /     /  \
+            1     6   9              1     7    12
+                       \
+                        12
+            T10 checks:
+            - root is 5
+            - 3, 7, 9, 12 in expected positions
+            - Nodes 3, 7, 12 have 0 balance and no children
+            - 5's bal = 0 1
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {5, 3, 7, 9, 6, 1, 12};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 6;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            RegAS del_key;
+            del_key.set(6 * tio.player());
+            tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+            tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n1, n3, n7, n9, n12;
+            size_t n1_index, n3_index, n7_index, n9_index, n12_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n3_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n9_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n3 = R[n3_index];
+            n9 = R[n9_index];
+            n7_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n9.pointers).share();
+            n12_index = getAVLRightPtr(n9.pointers).share();
+            n7 = R[n7_index];
+            n12 = R[n12_index];
+            n1_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n3.pointers).share();
+            n1 = R[n1_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n3.key.share()!=3 || n9.key.share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n7.key.share()!=7 || n12.key.share()!=12 || n1.key.share()!=1) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node children and balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n1.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n7.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n12.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n3.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            int one = (getLeftBal(n3.pointers).share());
+            if(one!=1) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T10 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T10 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T11) : Test 11 : R rotation (root modified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                   9                   7
+                  / \     Del 12     /   \
+                 7   12  ------->   5     9
+                /
+               5
+            T11 checks:
+            - root is 7
+            - 5,7,9 in correct positions and balances to 0
+            - 5 and 9 have no children
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {9, 7, 12, 5};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 3;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            RegAS del_key;
+            del_key.set(12 * tio.player());
+            tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+            tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, left_node, right_node;
+            size_t left_index, right_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            left_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            right_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            left_node = R[left_index];
+            right_node = R[right_index];
+            if(left_node.key.share()!=5 || right_node.key.share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            //To check that left and right have no children and 0 balances
+            size_t zero = left_node.pointers.share() + right_node.pointers.share();
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(left_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(left_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(right_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(right_node.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T11 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else{
+                    print_red("T11 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T12) : Test 12 : R rotation (root unmodified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                     9                        9
+                   /   \                    /   \
+                  7     12      Del 8      5     12
+                 / \     \     ------>    / \     \
+                5   8     15             3   7     15
+               /
+              3
+            T4 checks:
+            - root is 9
+            - 3,5,7,12,15 are in correct positions
+            - Nodes 3,7,15 have 0 balance
+            - Nodes 3,7,15 have no children
+            - 9,5 bal = 0 0
+            - 12 bal = 0 1
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {9, 12, 7, 5, 8, 15, 3};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 6;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            RegAS del_key;
+            del_key.set(8 * tio.player());
+            tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+            tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n3, n7, n5, n12, n15;
+            size_t n3_index, n7_index, n5_index, n12_index, n15_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n5_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n12_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n5 = R[n5_index];
+            n12 = R[n12_index];
+            n3_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n5.pointers).share();
+            n7_index = getAVLRightPtr(n5.pointers).share();
+            n7 = R[n7_index];
+            n3 = R[n3_index];
+            n15_index = getAVLRightPtr(n12.pointers).share();
+            n15 = R[n15_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n12.key.share()!=12 || n5.key.share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n3.key.share()!=3 || n7.key.share()!=7 || n15.key.share()!=15) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n3.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n7.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n15.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            int one = (getRightBal(n12.pointers).share());
+            if(one!=1) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T12 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T12 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T13) : Test 13 : LR rotation (root modified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                    9                   9           7
+                   / \     Del 12      /          /   \
+                  5   12  ------->    7     -->  5     9
+                   \                 /
+                    7               5
+            T5 checks:
+            - root is 7
+            - 9,5,7 are in correct positions
+            - Nodes 5,7,9 have 0 balance
+            - Nodes 5,9 have no children
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {9, 5, 12, 7};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 3;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            RegAS del_key;
+            del_key.set(12 * tio.player());
+            tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+            tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n9, n5;
+            size_t n9_index, n5_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n5_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n9_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n5 = R[n5_index];
+            n9 = R[n9_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n9.key.share()!=9 || n5.key.share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n5.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n9.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T13 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T13 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T14) : Test 14 : LR rotation (root unmodified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                 9                      9                     9
+               /   \                  /   \                 /   \
+              7     12     Del 8     7     12              5     12
+             / \          ------>   /             --->    / \
+            3   8                  5                     3   7
+             \                    /
+              5                  3
+            T6 checks:
+            - root is 9
+            - 3,5,7,12 are in correct positions
+            - Nodes 3,7,12 have 0 balance
+            - Nodes 3,7,12 have no children
+            - 9's bal = 1 0
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {9, 12, 7, 3, 5};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 4;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            RegAS del_key;
+            del_key.set(8 * tio.player());
+            tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+            tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n3, n7, n5, n12;
+            size_t n3_index, n7_index, n5_index, n12_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n5_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n12_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n5 = R[n5_index];
+            n12 = R[n12_index];
+            n3_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n5.pointers).share();
+            n7_index = getAVLRightPtr(n5.pointers).share();
+            n7 = R[n7_index];
+            n3 = R[n3_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n5.key.share()!=5 || n12.key.share()!=12) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n3.key.share()!=3 || n7.key.share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n3.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n7.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n12.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            int one = (getLeftBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            if(one!=1) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T14 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T14 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T15) : Test 15 : RL rotation (root modified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                5              5                7
+               / \     Del 3    \             /   \
+              3   9   ------->   7      -->  5     9
+                 /                \
+                7                  9
+            T15 checks:
+            - root is 7
+            - 9,5,7 are in correct positions
+            - Nodes 5,7,9 have 0 balance
+            - Nodes 5,9 have no children
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {5, 9, 3, 7};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 3;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            RegAS del_key;
+            del_key.set(3 * tio.player());
+            tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+            tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n9, n5;
+            size_t n9_index, n5_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=7) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n5_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n9_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n5 = R[n5_index];
+            n9 = R[n9_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n9.key.share()!=9 || n5.key.share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n5.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n9.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n5.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T15 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T15 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T16) : Test 16 : RL rotation (root unmodified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                 5                     5                   5
+               /   \                 /   \               /   \
+              3     12    Del 1     3     12            3     9
+             /      /    ------>          /     --->         / \
+            1      7                     9                  7   12
+                    \                   /
+                     9                 7
+            T8 checks:
+            - root is 5
+            - 3,9,7,12 are in correct positions
+            - Nodes 3,7,12 have 0 balance
+            - Nodes 3,7,12 have no children
+            - 5's bal = 0 1
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {5, 3, 12, 7, 1, 9};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 5;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            RegAS del_key;
+            del_key.set(1 * tio.player());
+            tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+            tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n3, n7, n9, n12;
+            size_t n3_index, n7_index, n9_index, n12_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n3_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n9_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n3 = R[n3_index];
+            n9 = R[n9_index];
+            n7_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n9.pointers).share();
+            n12_index = getAVLRightPtr(n9.pointers).share();
+            n7 = R[n7_index];
+            n12 = R[n12_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n3.key.share()!=3 || n9.key.share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n7.key.share()!=7 || n12.key.share()!=12) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n3.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n7.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n12.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            int one = (getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            if(one!=1) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T16 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T16 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // (T17) : Test 17 : Double imbalance (root modified)
+        /*
+            Operation:
+                      9                                     9
+                   /     \                               /     \
+                  5        12        Del 10             5        15
+                /   \     /  \      -------->        /    \      /  \
+               3     7   10   15                    3      7    12   20
+              / \   / \        \                   / \    / \
+             2   4 6   8        20                2   4  6   8
+            /                                    /
+           1                                    1
+                                5
+                             /     \
+                           3          9
+            ----->        / \       /   \
+                         2   4     7      15
+                        /         / \    /   \
+                       1         6   8  10    20
+            T17 checks:
+            - root is 5
+            - all other nodes are in correct positions
+            - balances and children are correct
+        */
+        {
+            AVL tree(tio.player(), size);
+            bool success = 1;
+            int insert_array[] = {9, 5, 12, 7, 3, 10, 15, 2, 4, 6, 8, 20, 1};
+            size_t insert_array_size = 12;
+            Node node;
+            for(size_t i = 0; i<=insert_array_size; i++) {
+              newnode(node);
+              node.key.set(insert_array[i] * tio.player());
+              tree.insert(tio, yield, node);
+              tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            }
+            RegAS del_key;
+            del_key.set(10 * tio.player());
+            tree.del(tio, yield, del_key);
+            tree.check_avl(tio, yield);
+            Duoram<Node>* oram = tree.get_oram();
+            RegXS root_xs = tree.get_root();
+            size_t root = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, root_xs);
+            auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield);
+            auto R = A.reconstruct();
+            Node root_node, n3, n7, n9;
+            Node n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n15, n20;
+            size_t n3_index, n7_index, n9_index;
+            size_t n1_index, n2_index, n4_index, n6_index;
+            size_t n8_index, n12_index, n15_index, n20_index;
+            root_node = R[root];
+            if((root_node.key).share()!=5) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            n3_index = (getAVLLeftPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n9_index = (getAVLRightPtr(root_node.pointers)).share();
+            n3 = R[n3_index];
+            n9 = R[n9_index];
+            n2_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n3.pointers).share();
+            n4_index = getAVLRightPtr(n3.pointers).share();
+            n7_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n9.pointers).share();
+            n15_index = getAVLRightPtr(n9.pointers).share();
+            n2 = R[n2_index];
+            n4 = R[n4_index];
+            n7 = R[n7_index];
+            n15 = R[n15_index];
+            n1_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n2.pointers).share();
+            n6_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n7.pointers).share();
+            n8_index = getAVLRightPtr(n7.pointers).share();
+            n12_index = getAVLLeftPtr(n15.pointers).share();
+            n20_index = getAVLRightPtr(n15.pointers).share();
+            n1 = R[n1_index];
+            n6 = R[n6_index];
+            n8 = R[n8_index];
+            n12 = R[n12_index];
+            n20 = R[n20_index];
+            // Node value checks
+            if(n3.key.share()!=3 || n9.key.share()!=9) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n2.key.share()!=2 || n4.key.share()!=4) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n7.key.share()!=7 || n15.key.share()!=15) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n1.key.share()!=1 || n6.key.share()!=6 || n8.key.share()!=8) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(n12.key.share()!=12 || n20.key.share()!=20) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            // Node balance checks
+            size_t zero = 0;
+            zero+=(n1.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n4.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n6.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n8.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n12.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(n20.pointers.share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n7.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n7.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n9.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(n15.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n15.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(n3.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getLeftBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            zero+=(getRightBal(root_node.pointers).share());
+            if(zero!=0) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            int one = (getLeftBal(n3.pointers).share());
+            if(one!=1) {
+                success = false;
+            }
+            if(player0) {
+                if(success) {
+                    print_green("T17 : SUCCESS\n");
+                } else {
+                    print_red("T17 : FAIL\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    });

+ 202 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+#ifndef __AVL_HPP__
+#define __AVL_HPP__
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "types.hpp"
+#include "duoram.hpp"
+#include "cdpf.hpp"
+#include "mpcio.hpp"
+#include "options.hpp"
+#include "bst.hpp"
+#define KNRM  "\x1B[0m"
+#define KRED  "\x1B[31m"
+#define KGRN  "\x1B[32m"
+#define KYEL  "\x1B[33m"
+#define KBLU  "\x1B[34m"
+#define KMAG  "\x1B[35m"
+#define KCYN  "\x1B[36m"
+#define KWHT  "\x1B[37m"
+  For AVL tree we'll treat the pointers fields as:
+  < L_ptr (31 bits), R_ptr (31 bits), bal_L (1 bit), bal_R (1 bit)>
+  Where L_ptr and R_ptr are pointers to the left and right child respectively,
+  and bal_L and bal_R are the balance bits.
+  Consequently AVL has its own versions of extract and set pointers for its children.
+#define AVL_PTR_SIZE 31
+inline int AVL_TTL(size_t n) {
+    double logn = log2(n);
+    double TTL = 1.44 * logn;
+    return (int(ceil(TTL)));
+inline RegXS getAVLLeftPtr(RegXS pointer){
+    return ((pointer&(0xFFFFFFFF00000000))>>33);
+inline RegXS getAVLRightPtr(RegXS pointer){
+    return ((pointer&(0x00000001FFFFFFFF))>>2);
+inline void setAVLLeftPtr(RegXS &pointer, RegXS new_ptr){
+    pointer&=(0x00000001FFFFFFFF);
+    pointer+=(new_ptr<<33);
+inline void setAVLRightPtr(RegXS &pointer, RegXS new_ptr){
+    pointer&=(0xFFFFFFFE00000003);
+    pointer+=(new_ptr<<2);
+inline RegBS getLeftBal(RegXS pointer){
+    RegBS bal_l;
+    bool bal_l_bit = ((pointer.share() & (0x0000000000000002))>>1) & 1;
+    bal_l.set(bal_l_bit);
+    return bal_l;
+inline RegBS getRightBal(RegXS pointer){
+    RegBS bal_r;
+    bool bal_r_bit = (pointer.share() & (0x0000000000000001)) & 1;
+    bal_r.set(bal_r_bit);
+    return bal_r;
+inline void setLeftBal(RegXS &pointer, RegBS bal_l){
+    value_t temp_ptr = pointer.share();
+    temp_ptr&=(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD);
+    temp_ptr^=((value_t)(bal_l.share()<<1));
+    pointer.set(temp_ptr);
+inline void setRightBal(RegXS &pointer, RegBS bal_r){
+    value_t temp_ptr = pointer.share();
+    temp_ptr&=(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE);
+    temp_ptr^=((value_t)(bal_r.share()));
+    pointer.set(temp_ptr);
+inline void dumpAVL(Node n) {
+    RegBS left_bal, right_bal;
+    left_bal = getLeftBal(n.pointers);
+    right_bal = getRightBal(n.pointers);
+    printf("[%016lx %016lx %d %d %016lx]", n.key.share(), n.pointers.share(),
+          left_bal.share(), right_bal.share(), n.value.share());
+struct avl_del_return {
+    // Flag to indicate if the key this deletion targets requires a successor swap
+    RegBS F_ss;
+    // Pointers to node to be deleted that would be replaced by successor node
+    RegXS N_d;
+    // Pointers to successor node that would replace deleted node
+    RegXS N_s;
+    // F_rs: Flag for updating child pointer with returned pointer
+    RegBS F_r;
+    RegXS ret_ptr;
+struct avl_insert_return {
+  RegXS gp_node; // grandparent node
+  RegXS p_node; // parent node
+  RegXS c_node; // child node
+  RegXS i_node; // insertion node
+  // Direction bits: 0 = Left, 1 = Right
+  RegBS dir_gpp; // Direction bit from grandparent to parent node
+  RegBS dir_pc; // Direction bit from p_node to c_node
+  RegBS dir_cn; // Direction bit from c_node to new_node
+  RegBS dir_i;
+  RegBS imbalance;
+class AVL {
+  private:
+    Duoram<Node> *oram;
+    RegXS root;
+    size_t num_items = 0;
+    size_t MAX_SIZE;
+    std::vector<RegXS> empty_locations;
+    std::tuple<RegBS, RegBS, RegXS, RegBS> insert(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS ptr,
+        RegAS ins_key, Duoram<Node>::Flat &A, int TTL, RegBS isDummy, avl_insert_return *ret);
+    void rotate(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS &gp_pointers, RegXS p_ptr,
+        RegXS &p_pointers, RegXS c_ptr, RegXS &c_pointers, RegBS dir_gpp,
+        RegBS dir_pc, RegBS isNotDummy, RegBS F_gp);
+    std::tuple<RegBS, RegBS, RegBS, RegBS> updateBalanceIns(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield,
+        RegBS bal_l, RegBS bal_r, RegBS bal_upd, RegBS child_dir);
+    std::tuple<bool, RegBS> del(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS ptr, RegAS del_key,
+        Duoram<Node>::Flat &A, RegBS F_af, RegBS F_fs, int TTL,
+        avl_del_return &ret_struct);
+    std::tuple<RegBS, RegBS, RegBS, RegBS> updateBalanceDel(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield,
+        RegBS bal_l, RegBS bal_r, RegBS bal_upd, RegBS child_dir);
+    /*
+    bool del(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS ptr, RegAS del_key,
+        Duoram<Node>::Flat &A, RegBS F_af, RegBS F_fs, int TTL,
+        del_return &ret_struct);
+    bool lookup(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS ptr, RegAS key,
+        Duoram<Node>::Flat &A, int TTL, RegBS isDummy, Node *ret_node);
+    */
+  public:
+    AVL(int num_players, size_t size) {
+      this->initialize(num_players, size);
+    };
+    ~AVL() {
+      if(oram)
+        delete oram;
+    };
+    size_t numEmptyLocations(){
+      return(empty_locations.size());
+    };
+    void initialize(int num_players, size_t size);
+    void insert(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, const Node &node);
+    // Deletes the first node that matches del_key
+    bool del(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS del_key);
+    // Returns the first node that matches key
+    bool lookup(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS key, Node *ret_node);
+    // Display and correctness check functions
+    void pretty_print(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield);
+    void pretty_print(const std::vector<Node> &R, value_t node,
+        const std::string &prefix, bool is_left_child, bool is_right_child);
+    void check_avl(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield);
+    std::tuple<bool, bool, address_t> check_avl(const std::vector<Node> &R,
+        value_t node, value_t min_key, value_t max_key);
+    void print_oram(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield);
+    // For test functions ONLY:
+    Duoram<Node>* get_oram() {
+        return oram;
+    };
+    RegXS get_root() {
+        return root;
+    };
+void avl(MPCIO &mpcio, const PRACOptions &opts, char **args);
+void avl_tests(MPCIO &mpcio, const PRACOptions &opts, char **args);

+ 5 - 0

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include "shapes.hpp"
 #include "node.hpp"
 #include "bst.hpp"
+#include "avl.hpp"
 static void online_test(MPCIO &mpcio,
     const PRACOptions &opts, char **args)
@@ -1620,6 +1621,10 @@ void online_main(MPCIO &mpcio, const PRACOptions &opts, char **args)
     } else if (!strcmp(*args, "bst")) {
         bst(mpcio, opts, args);
+    } else if (!strcmp(*args, "avl")) {
+        ++args;
+        //avl(mpcio, opts, args);
+        avl_tests(mpcio, opts, args);
     } else {
         std::cerr << "Unknown mode " << *args << "\n";