mpcio.hpp 16 KB

  1. #ifndef __MCPIO_HPP__
  2. #define __MCPIO_HPP__
  3. #include <iostream>
  4. #include <fstream>
  5. #include <vector>
  6. #include <array>
  7. #include <deque>
  8. #include <queue>
  9. #include <string>
  10. #include <atomic>
  11. #include <optional>
  12. #include <bsd/stdlib.h> // arc4random_buf
  13. #include <boost/asio.hpp>
  14. #include <boost/thread.hpp>
  15. #include <boost/chrono.hpp>
  16. #include "types.hpp"
  17. #include "corotypes.hpp"
  18. using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
  19. // Classes to represent stored precomputed data (e.g., multiplication triples)
  20. template<typename T, typename N>
  21. class PreCompStorage {
  22. public:
  23. PreCompStorage() : name(N::name), depth(0), count(0) {}
  24. PreCompStorage(unsigned player, ProcessingMode mode,
  25. const char *filenameprefix, unsigned thread_num);
  26. void init(unsigned player, ProcessingMode mode,
  27. const char *filenameprefix, unsigned thread_num,
  28. nbits_t depth = 0, nbits_t width = 1);
  29. void get(T& nextval);
  30. inline void inc() { ++count; }
  31. inline size_t get_stats() { return count; }
  32. inline void reset_stats() { count = 0; }
  33. private:
  34. std::ifstream storage;
  35. std::string name;
  36. nbits_t depth;
  37. nbits_t width;
  38. size_t count;
  39. };
  40. // If we want to send Lamport clocks in messages, define this. It adds
  41. // an 8-byte header to each message (length and Lamport clock), so it
  42. // has a small network cost. We always define and pass the Lamport
  43. // clock member of MPCIO to the IO functions for simplicity, but they're
  44. // ignored if this isn't defined
  46. using lamport_t = uint32_t;
  47. using atomic_lamport_t = std::atomic<lamport_t>;
  48. using opt_lamport_t = std::optional<lamport_t>;
  50. struct MessageWithHeader {
  51. std::string header;
  52. std::string message;
  53. MessageWithHeader(std::string &&msg, lamport_t lamport) :
  54. message(std::move(msg)) {
  55. char hdr[sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(lamport_t)];
  56. uint32_t msglen = uint32_t(message.size());
  57. memmove(hdr, &msglen, sizeof(msglen));
  58. memmove(hdr+sizeof(msglen), &lamport, sizeof(lamport));
  59. header.assign(hdr, sizeof(hdr));
  60. }
  61. };
  62. #endif
  63. // A class to wrap a socket to another MPC party. This wrapping allows
  64. // us to do some useful logging, and perform async_writes transparently
  65. // to the application.
  66. class MPCSingleIO {
  67. tcp::socket sock;
  68. size_t totread, totwritten;
  69. std::string dest;
  70. int thread_num;
  71. #ifdef RECORD_IOTRACE
  72. std::vector<ssize_t> iotrace;
  73. #endif
  74. // To avoid blocking if both we and our peer are trying to send
  75. // something very large, and neither side is receiving, we will send
  76. // with async_write. But this has a number of implications:
  77. // - The data to be sent has to be copied into this MPCSingleIO,
  78. // since asio::buffer pointers are not guaranteed to remain valid
  79. // after the end of the coroutine that created them
  80. // - We have to keep a queue of messages to be sent, in case
  81. // coroutines call send() before the previous message has finished
  82. // being sent
  83. // - This queue may be accessed from the async_write thread as well
  84. // as the work thread that uses this MPCSingleIO directly (there
  85. // should be only one of the latter), so we need some locking
  86. // This is where we accumulate data passed in queue()
  87. std::string dataqueue;
  88. // When send() is called, the above dataqueue is appended to this
  89. // messagequeue, and the dataqueue is reset. If messagequeue was
  90. // empty before this append, launch async_write to write the first
  91. // thing in the messagequeue. When async_write completes, it will
  92. // delete the first thing in the messagequeue, and see if there are
  93. // any more elements. If so, it will start another async_write.
  94. // The invariant is that there is an async_write currently running
  95. // iff messagequeue is nonempty.
  97. std::queue<MessageWithHeader> messagequeue;
  98. #else
  99. std::queue<std::string> messagequeue;
  100. #endif
  101. // If a single message is broken into chunks in order to get the
  102. // first part of it out on the wire while the rest of it is still
  103. // being computed, we want the Lamport clock of all the chunks to be
  104. // that of when the message is first created. This value will be
  105. // nullopt when there has been no queue() since the last explicit
  106. // send() (as opposed to the implicit send() called by queue()
  107. // itself if it wants to get a chunk on its way), and will be set to
  108. // the current lamport clock when that first queue() after each
  109. // explicit send() happens.
  110. opt_lamport_t message_lamport;
  112. // If Lamport clocks are being sent, then the data stream is divided
  113. // into chunks, each with a header containing the length of the
  114. // chunk and the Lamport clock. So when we read, we'll read a whole
  115. // chunk, and store it here. Then calls to recv() will read pieces
  116. // of this buffer until it has all been read, and then read the next
  117. // header and chunk.
  118. std::string recvdata;
  119. size_t recvdataremain;
  120. #endif
  121. // Never touch the above messagequeue without holding this lock (you
  122. // _can_ touch the strings it contains, though, if you looked one up
  123. // while holding the lock).
  124. boost::mutex messagequeuelock;
  125. // Asynchronously send the first message from the message queue.
  126. // * The messagequeuelock must be held when this is called! *
  127. // This method may be called from either thread (the work thread or
  128. // the async_write handler thread).
  129. void async_send_from_msgqueue();
  130. public:
  131. MPCSingleIO(tcp::socket &&sock, const char *dest, int thread_num) :
  132. sock(std::move(sock)), totread(0), totwritten(0), dest(dest),
  133. thread_num(thread_num)
  135. , recvdataremain(0)
  136. #endif
  137. {}
  138. // Returns 1 if a new message is started, 0 otherwise
  139. size_t queue(const void *data, size_t len, lamport_t lamport);
  140. void send(bool implicit_send = false);
  141. size_t recv(void *data, size_t len, lamport_t &lamport);
  142. #ifdef RECORD_IOTRACE
  143. void dumptrace(std::ostream &os, const char *label = NULL);
  144. void resettrace() {
  145. iotrace.clear();
  146. }
  147. #endif
  148. };
  149. // A base class to represent all of a computation peer or server's IO,
  150. // either to other parties or to local storage (the computation and
  151. // server cases are separate subclasses below).
  152. struct MPCIO {
  153. int player;
  154. ProcessingMode mode;
  155. size_t num_threads;
  156. atomic_lamport_t lamport;
  157. std::vector<size_t> msgs_sent;
  158. std::vector<size_t> msg_bytes_sent;
  159. std::vector<size_t> aes_ops;
  160. boost::chrono::steady_clock::time_point steady_start;
  161. boost::chrono::process_cpu_clock::time_point cpu_start;
  162. MPCIO(int player, ProcessingMode mode, size_t num_threads) :
  163. player(player), mode(mode),
  164. num_threads(num_threads), lamport(0)
  165. {
  166. reset_stats();
  167. }
  168. void reset_stats();
  169. static void dump_memusage(std::ostream &os);
  170. void dump_stats(std::ostream &os);
  171. };
  172. // A class to represent all of a computation peer's IO, either to other
  173. // parties or to local storage
  174. struct MPCPeerIO : public MPCIO {
  175. // We use a deque here instead of a vector because you can't have a
  176. // vector of a type without a copy constructor (tcp::socket is the
  177. // culprit), but you can have a deque of those for some reason.
  178. std::deque<MPCSingleIO> peerios;
  179. std::deque<MPCSingleIO> serverios;
  180. std::vector<PreCompStorage<MultTriple, MultTripleName>> multtriples;
  181. std::vector<PreCompStorage<HalfTriple, HalfTripleName>> halftriples;
  182. std::vector<PreCompStorage<AndTriple, AndTripleName>> andtriples;
  183. std::vector<PreCompStorage<
  184. SelectTriple<value_t>, ValSelectTripleName>> valselecttriples;
  185. std::vector<PreCompStorage<CDPF, CDPFName>> cdpfs;
  186. // The outer vector is (like above) one item per thread
  187. // The inner array is indexed by DPF depth (depth d is at entry d-1)
  188. // We have one of these whole vectors-of-arrays for each RDPF width,
  189. // wrapped into a tuple
  190. template <nbits_t WIDTH>
  191. using RDPFPrecomps =
  192. std::vector<std::array<
  193. PreCompStorage<RDPFTriple<WIDTH>, RDPFTripleName>,ADDRESS_MAX_BITS>>;
  194. std::tuple<
  195. RDPFPrecomps<1>,
  196. RDPFPrecomps<2>,
  197. RDPFPrecomps<3>,
  198. RDPFPrecomps<4>,
  199. RDPFPrecomps<5>> rdpftriples;
  200. MPCPeerIO(unsigned player, ProcessingMode mode,
  201. std::deque<tcp::socket> &peersocks,
  202. std::deque<tcp::socket> &serversocks);
  203. void dump_precomp_stats(std::ostream &os);
  204. void reset_precomp_stats();
  205. void dump_stats(std::ostream &os);
  206. };
  207. // A class to represent all of the server party's IO, either to
  208. // computational parties or to local storage
  209. struct MPCServerIO : public MPCIO {
  210. std::deque<MPCSingleIO> p0ios;
  211. std::deque<MPCSingleIO> p1ios;
  212. // The outer vector is (like above) one item per thread
  213. // The inner array is indexed by DPF depth (depth d is at entry d-1)
  214. // We have one of these whole vectors-of-arrays for each RDPF width,
  215. // wrapped into a tuple
  216. template <nbits_t WIDTH>
  217. using RDPFPrecomps =
  218. std::vector<std::array<
  219. PreCompStorage<RDPFPair<WIDTH>, RDPFPairName>,ADDRESS_MAX_BITS>>;
  220. std::tuple<
  221. RDPFPrecomps<1>,
  222. RDPFPrecomps<2>,
  223. RDPFPrecomps<3>,
  224. RDPFPrecomps<4>,
  225. RDPFPrecomps<5>> rdpfpairs;
  226. MPCServerIO(ProcessingMode mode,
  227. std::deque<tcp::socket> &p0socks,
  228. std::deque<tcp::socket> &p1socks);
  229. void dump_precomp_stats(std::ostream &os);
  230. void reset_precomp_stats();
  231. void dump_stats(std::ostream &os);
  232. };
  233. class MPCSingleIOStream {
  234. MPCSingleIO &sio;
  235. lamport_t &lamport;
  236. size_t &msgs_sent;
  237. size_t &msg_bytes_sent;
  238. public:
  239. MPCSingleIOStream(MPCSingleIO &sio, lamport_t &lamport,
  240. size_t &msgs_sent, size_t &msg_bytes_sent) :
  241. sio(sio), lamport(lamport), msgs_sent(msgs_sent),
  242. msg_bytes_sent(msg_bytes_sent) {}
  243. MPCSingleIOStream& write(const char *data, std::streamsize len) {
  244. size_t newmsg = sio.queue(data, len, lamport);
  245. msgs_sent += newmsg;
  246. msg_bytes_sent += len;
  247. return *this;
  248. }
  249. MPCSingleIOStream& read(char *data, std::streamsize len) {
  250. sio.recv(data, len, lamport);
  251. return *this;
  252. }
  253. };
  254. // A handle to one thread's sockets and streams in a MPCIO
  255. class MPCTIO {
  256. int thread_num;
  257. // The number of threads a coroutine using this MPCTIO can use for
  258. // local computation (no communication and no yielding). Multiple
  259. // coroutines with the same MPCTIO can have this value larger than
  260. // 1, since they will not be able to use multiple threads at the
  261. // same time.
  262. int local_cpu_nthreads;
  263. // The number of threads a coroutine using this MPCTIO can launch
  264. // into separate MPCTIOs with their own communication. It is
  265. // important that at most one coroutine using this MPCTIO can have
  266. // this value set larger than 1, since all MPCTIOs with the same
  267. // thread_num (and so using the same sockets) have to be controlled
  268. // by the same run_coroutines(tio, ...) call.
  269. int communication_nthreads;
  270. lamport_t thread_lamport;
  271. MPCIO &mpcio;
  272. std::optional<MPCSingleIOStream> peer_iostream;
  273. std::optional<MPCSingleIOStream> server_iostream;
  274. std::optional<MPCSingleIOStream> p0_iostream;
  275. std::optional<MPCSingleIOStream> p1_iostream;
  276. #ifdef VERBOSE_COMMS
  277. size_t round_num;
  278. #endif
  279. // We implement SelectTriple<bit_t> by fetching a single AndTriple
  280. // and using it for producing 64 bitwise SelectTriple<bit_t>s.
  281. AndTriple last_andtriple;
  282. nbits_t last_andtriple_bits_remaining;
  283. public:
  284. MPCTIO(MPCIO &mpcio, int thread_num, int num_threads = 1);
  285. // Sync our per-thread lamport clock with the master one in the
  286. // mpcio. You only need to call this explicitly if your MPCTIO
  287. // outlives your thread (in which case call it after the join), or
  288. // if your threads do interthread communication amongst themselves
  289. // (in which case call it in the sending thread before the send, and
  290. // call it in the receiving thread after the receive). If you want
  291. // to call MPCIO::dump_stats() in the middle of a run (while the
  292. // MPCTIO is still alive), call this as well.
  293. void sync_lamport();
  294. // Only call this if you can be sure that there are no outstanding
  295. // messages in flight, you can call it on all existing MPCTIOs, and
  296. // you really want to reset the Lamport clock in the midding of a
  297. // run.
  298. void reset_lamport();
  299. // The normal case, where the MPCIO is created inside the thread,
  300. // and so destructed when the thread ends, is handled automatically
  301. // here.
  302. ~MPCTIO() {
  303. send();
  304. sync_lamport();
  305. }
  306. // Computational peers use these functions:
  307. // Queue up data to the peer or to the server
  308. void queue_peer(const void *data, size_t len);
  309. void queue_server(const void *data, size_t len);
  310. // Receive data from the peer or to the server
  311. size_t recv_peer(void *data, size_t len);
  312. size_t recv_server(void *data, size_t len);
  313. // Or get these MPCSingleIOStreams
  314. MPCSingleIOStream& iostream_peer() { return peer_iostream.value(); }
  315. MPCSingleIOStream& iostream_server() { return server_iostream.value(); }
  316. // The server uses these functions:
  317. // Queue up data to p0 or p1
  318. void queue_p0(const void *data, size_t len);
  319. void queue_p1(const void *data, size_t len);
  320. // Receive data from p0 or p1
  321. size_t recv_p0(void *data, size_t len);
  322. size_t recv_p1(void *data, size_t len);
  323. // Or get these MPCSingleIOStreams
  324. MPCSingleIOStream& iostream_p0() { return p0_iostream.value(); }
  325. MPCSingleIOStream& iostream_p1() { return p1_iostream.value(); }
  326. // Everyone can use the remaining functions.
  327. // Send all queued data for this thread
  328. void send();
  329. // Functions to get precomputed values. If we're in the online
  330. // phase, get them from PreCompStorage. If we're in the
  331. // preprocessing phase, read them from the server.
  332. MultTriple multtriple(yield_t &yield);
  333. HalfTriple halftriple(yield_t &yield, bool tally=true);
  334. AndTriple andtriple(yield_t &yield);
  335. SelectTriple<DPFnode> nodeselecttriple(yield_t &yield);
  336. SelectTriple<value_t> valselecttriple(yield_t &yield);
  337. SelectTriple<bit_t> bitselecttriple(yield_t &yield);
  338. // These ones only work during the online phase
  339. // Computational peers call:
  340. template <nbits_t WIDTH = 1>
  341. RDPFTriple<WIDTH> rdpftriple(yield_t &yield, nbits_t depth,
  342. bool keep_expansion = true);
  343. // The server calls:
  344. template <nbits_t WIDTH = 1>
  345. RDPFPair<WIDTH> rdpfpair(yield_t &yield, nbits_t depth);
  346. // Anyone can call:
  347. CDPF cdpf(yield_t &yield);
  348. // Accessors
  349. inline int player() { return mpcio.player; }
  350. inline bool preprocessing() { return mpcio.mode == MODE_PREPROCESSING; }
  351. inline bool is_server() { return mpcio.player == 2; }
  352. inline size_t& aes_ops() { return mpcio.aes_ops[thread_num]; }
  353. inline size_t msgs_sent() { return mpcio.msgs_sent[thread_num]; }
  354. inline int cpu_nthreads(int nthreads=0) {
  355. int res = local_cpu_nthreads;
  356. if (nthreads > 0) {
  357. local_cpu_nthreads = nthreads;
  358. }
  359. return res;
  360. }
  361. inline int comm_nthreads(int nthreads=0) {
  362. int res = communication_nthreads;
  363. if (nthreads > 0) {
  364. communication_nthreads = nthreads;
  365. }
  366. return res;
  367. }
  368. };
  369. // Set up the socket connections between the two computational parties
  370. // (P0 and P1) and the server party (P2). For each connection, the
  371. // lower-numbered party does the accept() and the higher-numbered party
  372. // does the connect().
  373. // Computational parties call this version with player=0 or 1
  374. void mpcio_setup_computational(unsigned player,
  375. boost::asio::io_context &io_context,
  376. const char *p0addr, // can be NULL when player=0
  377. int num_threads,
  378. std::deque<tcp::socket> &peersocks,
  379. std::deque<tcp::socket> &serversocks);
  380. // Server calls this version
  381. void mpcio_setup_server(boost::asio::io_context &io_context,
  382. const char *p0addr, const char *p1addr, int num_threads,
  383. std::deque<tcp::socket> &p0socks,
  384. std::deque<tcp::socket> &p1socks);
  385. #include "mpcio.tcc"
  386. #endif