build-fig9-livenet 820 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Build the PRAC, 3P-Circuit-ORAM, and Ramen code on the host, not in a
  3. # docker. Basically run the contents of their respective Dockerfiles.
  4. # Does not assume it's running as root. Be sure to run
  5. # ./setup-fig9-livenet as root first, though. Run this on the three
  6. # machines that will run the three multiparty computation parties.
  7. # cd into the directory containing this script (from the bash faq 028)
  8. if [[ $BASH_SOURCE = */* ]]; then
  9. cd -- "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/" || exit
  10. fi
  11. # Clone the repos
  12. ./clone-fig9-livenet
  13. echo "Building PRAC..."
  14. echo
  15. ( cd .. && make -j`nproc` ) || exit 1
  16. echo
  17. echo "Building Circuit ORAM..."
  18. echo
  19. ( cd comps/circuit-oram && ant ) || exit 1
  20. echo
  21. echo "Building Ramen..."
  22. echo
  23. ( cd comps/ramen && cargo build --release --example=bench_doram ) || exit 1
  24. echo
  25. echo "Done."