ecgroup.c File Reference

Elliptic curve group implementation. More...

#include <string.h>
#include "epid/common/math/bignum-internal.h"
#include "epid/common/math/ecgroup-internal.h"
#include "epid/common/math/ecgroup.h"
#include "epid/common/math/finitefield-internal.h"
#include "epid/common/memory.h"
#include "ext/ipp/include/ippcp.h"
#include "ext/ipp/include/ippcpepid.h"


 The number of attempts to hash a message to an element.


EpidStatus NewEcGroup (FiniteField const *ff, FfElement const *a, FfElement const *b, FfElement const *x, FfElement const *y, BigNum const *order, BigNum const *cofactor, EcGroup **g)
 Constructs a new EcGroup. More...
void DeleteEcGroup (EcGroup **g)
 Deletes a previously allocated EcGroup. More...
EpidStatus NewEcPoint (EcGroup const *g, EcPoint **p)
 Creates a new EcPoint. More...
void DeleteEcPoint (EcPoint **p)
 Deletes a previously allocated EcPoint. More...
EpidStatus eccontains (EcGroup *g, void const *p_str, size_t strlen, EcPoint *p, bool *in_group)
 Check and initialize element if it is in elliptic curve group. More...
EpidStatus ReadEcPoint (EcGroup *g, void const *p_str, size_t strlen, EcPoint *p)
 Deserializes an EcPoint from a string. More...
EpidStatus WriteEcPoint (EcGroup *g, EcPoint const *p, void *p_str, size_t strlen)
 Serializes an EcPoint to a string. More...
EpidStatus EcMul (EcGroup *g, EcPoint const *a, EcPoint const *b, EcPoint *r)
 Multiplies two elements in an elliptic curve group. More...
EpidStatus EcExp (EcGroup *g, EcPoint const *a, BigNumStr const *b, EcPoint *r)
 Raises a point in an elliptic curve group to a power. More...
EpidStatus EcSscmExp (EcGroup *g, EcPoint const *a, BigNumStr const *b, EcPoint *r)
 Software side-channel mitigated implementation of EcExp. More...
EpidStatus EcMultiExp (EcGroup *g, EcPoint const **a, BigNumStr const **b, size_t m, EcPoint *r)
 Multi-exponentiates elements in elliptic curve group. More...
EpidStatus EcSscmMultiExp (EcGroup *g, EcPoint const **a, BigNumStr const **b, size_t m, EcPoint *r)
 Software side-channel mitigated implementation of EcMultiExp. More...
EpidStatus EcGetRandom (EcGroup *g, BitSupplier rnd_func, void *rnd_func_param, EcPoint *r)
 Generates a random element from an elliptic curve group. More...
EpidStatus EcInGroup (EcGroup *g, void const *p_str, size_t strlen, bool *in_group)
 Checks if a point is in an elliptic curve group. More...
EpidStatus EcHash (EcGroup *g, void const *msg, size_t msg_len, HashAlg hash_alg, EcPoint *r)
 Hashes an arbitrary message to an element in an elliptic curve group. More...
EpidStatus EcMakePoint (EcGroup *g, FfElement const *x, EcPoint *r)
 Sets an EcPoint variable to a point on a curve. More...
EpidStatus EcInverse (EcGroup *g, EcPoint const *p, EcPoint *r)
 Computes the additive inverse of an EcPoint. More...
EpidStatus EcIsEqual (EcGroup *g, EcPoint const *a, EcPoint const *b, bool *is_equal)
 Checks if two EcPoints are equal. More...
EpidStatus EcIsIdentity (EcGroup *g, EcPoint const *p, bool *is_identity)
 Checks if an EcPoint is the identity element. More...

Detailed Description

Elliptic curve group implementation.

Function Documentation

EpidStatus eccontains ( EcGroup g,
void const *  p_str,
size_t  strlen,
EcPoint p,
bool in_group 

Check and initialize element if it is in elliptic curve group.

This is internal function. Takes a value p as input. If p is indeed an element of g, it outputs true, otherwise, it outputs false.

This is only used to check if input buffer are actually valid elements in group. If p is in g, this fills p and initializes it to internal FfElement format.

[in]gThe eliptic curve group in which to perform the check
[in]p_strSerialized eliptic curve group element to check
[in]strlenThe size of p_str in bytes.
[out]pDeserialized value of p_str
[out]in_groupResult of the check
See also