
Initial commit

Kim Laine 6 年 前
4 ファイル変更1066 行追加0 行削除
  1. 31 0
  2. 185 0
  3. 717 0
  4. 133 0

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+LDIR = ../SEAL/SEAL/bin
+CFLAGS=-std=c++11 -I. -I$(IDIR) -O3
+LIBS=-L$(LDIR) -lseal
+_DEPS = pir.hpp
+DEPS = $(patsubst %,$(IDIR)/%,$(_DEPS))
+_OBJ = pir.o main.o 
+OBJ = $(patsubst %,$(ODIR)/%,$(_OBJ))
+$(ODIR)/%.o: %.cpp
+	@mkdir -p $(@D)
+	$(CPP) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)
+$(BDIR)/main: $(OBJ)
+	@mkdir -p $(@D)
+	$(CPP) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
+all: main
+.PHONY: clean
+	rm -f $(ODIR)/*.o *~ core $(INCDIR)/*~ $(BDIR)/* 

+ 185 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#include "pir.hpp"
+#include <time.h>
+#define BILLION 1000000000L
+#define MILLION (1.0*1000000L)
+#define KILO (1.0*1024L)
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <random>
+#define PBSTR "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||"
+#define PBWIDTH 60
+#define NUM_SLOT 64
+#define NUM_THREAD 2
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+  uint64_t number_of_items = 1 << 22;
+  uint64_t size_per_item = 288 << 3; // 288 B. 
+  int n = 2048;
+  int logt = 21;
+  uint64_t plainMod = static_cast<uint64_t> (1) << logt;
+  double hao_const =  0.5 * log2(number_of_items *size_per_item) - 0.5 * log2(n);
+  int logtprime = logt; 
+  while(true){
+    if (logtprime + ceil(hao_const - 0.5*log2(logtprime)) == logt) break;
+    logtprime--; 
+  }
+  int number_of_plaintexts = ceil (((double)(number_of_items)* size_per_item / n) / logtprime );
+  EncryptionParameters parms;
+  parms.set_poly_modulus("1x^" + std::to_string(n) + " + 1");
+  vector<SmallModulus> coeff_mod_array;
+  int logq = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
+  {
+    coeff_mod_array.emplace_back(SmallModulus());
+    coeff_mod_array[i] = small_mods_60bit(i);
+    logq += coeff_mod_array[i].bit_count();
+  }
+  parms.set_coeff_modulus(coeff_mod_array);
+  parms.set_plain_modulus(plainMod);
+  pirParams pirparms;
+  uint64_t newplainMod = 1 << logtprime;
+  int item_per_plaintext = floor((double)get_power_of_two(newplainMod) *n / size_per_item);
+  pirparms.d = 2;
+  pirparms.alpha = 1;
+  pirparms.dbc = 8;
+  pirparms.N = number_of_plaintexts;
+  int sqrt_items = ceil(sqrt(number_of_plaintexts));
+  int bound1 = ceil((double) number_of_plaintexts / sqrt_items);
+  int bound2 = sqrt_items;
+  vector<int> Nvec = { bound1, bound2 };
+  pirparms.Nvec = Nvec;
+  // Initialize PIR client....
+  PIRClient client(parms, pirparms);
+  GaloisKeys galois_keys = client.generate_galois_keys();
+  EncryptionParameters newparms = client.get_new_parms();
+  galois_keys.mutable_hash_block() = newparms.hash_block();
+  PIRServer server(client.get_new_parms(), client.get_pir_parms());
+  server.set_galois_key(0, galois_keys);
+  int index = 3; // we want to obtain the 3rd item. 
+  random_device rd;
+  vector<uint64_t> no_choose(n+1);
+  vector<uint64_t> choose(n+1);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n+1; i++) {
+    no_choose[i] = rd() % newplainMod;
+    choose[i] = rd() % newplainMod;
+    if (i == n) {
+      choose[i] = 0; 
+      no_choose[i] = 0; 
+    }
+  }
+  unique_ptr<uint64_t> items_anchor(new uint64_t[bound1*bound2*(n + 1)]); 
+  vector<Plaintext> items;
+  uint64_t * items_ptr = items_anchor.get();
+  for (int i = 0; i < bound1*bound2; i++) {
+    items.emplace_back(n + 1, items_ptr); 
+    if (i != index) {
+      util::set_uint_uint(no_choose.data(), n+1, items_ptr);
+    } else {
+      util::set_uint_uint(choose.data(), n+1, items_ptr);
+    }
+    items_ptr += n + 1; 
+  }
+  server.set_database(&items);
+  auto time_querygen_start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+  pirQuery query = client.generate_query(index);
+  for (int i = 0; i < query.size(); i++) {
+    query[i].mutable_hash_block() = newparms.hash_block();
+  }
+  auto time_querygen_end = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+  cout << "PIRClient query generation time : " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(time_querygen_end - time_querygen_start).count() / 1000
+    << " ms" << endl;
+  cout << "Query size = " << (double) n * 2 * logq * pirparms.d / (1024 * 8) << "KB" << endl;
+  auto time_pre_start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+  server.preprocess_database();
+  auto time_pre_end = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+  cout << "pre-processing time = " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(time_pre_end - time_pre_start).count() / 1000
+    << " ms" << endl;
+  pirQuery query_ser = deserialize_ciphertexts(2, serialize_ciphertexts(query), 32828);
+  auto time_server_start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+  pirReply reply = server.generate_reply(query_ser, 0);
+  auto time_server_end = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+  cout << "Server reply generation time : " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(time_server_end - time_server_start).count() / 1000
+    << " ms" << endl;
+  cout<<"Reply ciphertexts"<<reply.size()<<endl;
+  cout << "Reply size = " << (double) reply.size() * n * 2 * logq  / (1024 * 8) << "KB" << endl;
+  auto time_decode_start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+  Plaintext result = client.decode_reply(reply);
+  auto time_decode_end = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+  cout << "PIRClient decoding time : " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(time_decode_end - time_decode_start).count() / 1000
+    << " ms" << endl;
+  cout << "Result = ";
+  bool pircorrect = true;
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    if (result[i] != choose[i]) {
+      pircorrect = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (pircorrect) {
+    cout << "PIR result correct!!" << endl;
+  }
+  else {
+    cout << "PIR result wrong!" << endl;
+  }
+  return 0;

+ 717 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+#include "pir.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+#include <vector>
+using namespace seal;
+using namespace seal::util;
+PIRClient::PIRClient(const seal::EncryptionParameters &parms, pirParams & pirparms) {
+  parms_ = parms; 
+  SEALContext context(parms);
+  keygen_.reset(new KeyGenerator(context));
+  encryptor_.reset(new Encryptor(context, keygen_->public_key()));
+  uint64_t plainMod = parms.plain_modulus().value();
+  int N = pirparms.Nvec[0];
+  int logN = ceil(log(N) / log(2)); 
+  EncryptionParameters newparms = parms;
+  newparms.set_plain_modulus(plainMod >> logN); 
+  newparms_ = newparms;
+  SEALContext newcontext(newparms);
+  SecretKey secret_key = keygen_->secret_key();
+  secret_key.mutable_hash_block() = newparms.hash_block();
+  decryptor_.reset(new Decryptor(newcontext, secret_key));
+  evaluator_.reset(new Evaluator(newcontext));
+  int expansion_ratio = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < parms.coeff_modulus().size(); ++i)
+  {
+    double logqi = log(parms.coeff_modulus()[i].value());
+    expansion_ratio += ceil(logqi / log(newparms.plain_modulus().value()));
+  }
+  pirparms.expansion_ratio_ = expansion_ratio << 1;
+  pirparms_ = pirparms;
+pirQuery PIRClient::generate_query(int desiredIndex) { 
+  vector<int> indices = compute_indices(desiredIndex, pirparms_.Nvec); 
+  vector<Ciphertext> result;
+  for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+    Ciphertext dest;
+    encryptor_->encrypt(Plaintext("1x^" + std::to_string(indices[i])), dest);
+    result.push_back(dest); 
+  }
+  return result;
+Plaintext PIRClient::decode_reply(pirReply reply) {
+  int exp_ratio = pirparms_.expansion_ratio_;
+  vector<Ciphertext> temp = reply;
+  int recursion_level = pirparms_.d;
+  for (int i = 0; i < recursion_level; i++) {
+    vector<Ciphertext> newtemp;
+    vector<Plaintext> tempplain;
+    for (int j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++) {
+      Plaintext ptxt;
+      decryptor_->decrypt(temp[j], ptxt);
+      tempplain.push_back(ptxt);  
+      if ( (j + 1) % exp_ratio == 0 && j > 0) {
+        // Combine into one ciphertext. 
+        Ciphertext combined = compose_to_ciphertext(tempplain); 
+        newtemp.push_back(combined);
+      }
+    }	
+    if (i == recursion_level - 1) {
+      if (temp.size() != 1) throw;
+      return tempplain[0];
+    }
+    else {
+      tempplain.clear();
+      temp = newtemp;
+    }
+  }
+GaloisKeys PIRClient::generate_galois_keys() {
+  vector<uint64_t> galois_elts;
+  int n = parms_.poly_modulus().coeff_count() - 1;
+  int logn = get_power_of_two(n);
+  for (int i = 0; i < logn; i++)
+  {
+    galois_elts.push_back((n + exponentiate_uint64(2, i)) / exponentiate_uint64(2, i));
+  }
+  GaloisKeys galois_keys;
+  keygen_->generate_galois_keys(pirparms_.dbc, galois_elts, galois_keys);
+  return galois_keys;
+void PIRClient::print_info(Ciphertext & encrypted)
+  Plaintext ptxt;
+  decryptor_->decrypt(encrypted, ptxt);
+// Given a vector N1, ..., Nd and a number desired index j between 0 and prod(N_i). 
+// Return j indices j1, ..., jd such that  j = j1 (N/N1) + j2 (N/N1N2) + ..... 
+vector<int> compute_indices(int desiredIndex, vector<int> Nvec) {
+  int d = Nvec.size();
+  int product = 1;
+  for (int i = 0; i < Nvec.size(); i++) {
+    product *= Nvec[i];
+  }
+  int j = desiredIndex;
+  vector<int> result;
+  for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
+    product /= Nvec[i]; 
+    int ji = j / product; 
+    result.push_back(ji); 
+    j -= ji*product; 
+  }
+  return result;
+PIRServer::PIRServer(const seal::EncryptionParameters & parms, const pirParams &pirparams) {
+  parms_ = parms;
+  pirparams_ = pirparams;
+  SEALContext context(parms);
+  evaluator_.reset(new Evaluator(context));
+  is_db_preprocessed_ = false;
+void PIRServer::preprocess_database() {
+  if (!is_db_preprocessed_) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < dataBase_->size(); i++) {
+      evaluator_->transform_to_ntt(dataBase_->operator[](i));
+    }
+    is_db_preprocessed_ = true;
+  }
+void PIRServer::set_database(vector<Plaintext> *db) {
+  if (db == nullptr) {
+    throw invalid_argument("db cannot be null");
+  }
+  dataBase_ = db;
+pirReply PIRServer::generate_reply(pirQuery query, int client_id) {
+  vector<int> Nvec = pirparams_.Nvec;
+  uint64_t product = 1; 
+  for (int i = 0; i < Nvec.size(); i++) {
+    product *= Nvec[i]; 
+  }
+  int coeff_count = parms_.poly_modulus().coeff_count(); 
+  vector<Plaintext> *cur = dataBase_;
+  vector<Plaintext> intermediate_plain; // decompose.... 
+  auto my_pool = MemoryPoolHandle::New();
+  for (int i = 0; i < Nvec.size(); i++) {
+    int Ni = Nvec[i];
+    vector<Ciphertext> expanded_query = expand_query(query[i], Ni, galoisKeys_[client_id]);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    cout << "query ciphertext check: " << endl;
+    for (int tt = 0; tt < expanded_query.size(); tt++) {
+      client.print_info(expanded_query[tt]);
+    }
+    // Transform expanded query to NTT, and ... 
+    for (int jj = 0; jj < expanded_query.size(); jj++) {
+      evaluator_->transform_to_ntt(expanded_query[jj]);
+    }
+    // Transform plaintext to NTT. If database is pre-processed, can skip
+    if ((!is_db_preprocessed_) || i > 0) {
+      for (int jj = 0; jj < cur->size(); jj++) {
+        evaluator_->transform_to_ntt((*cur)[jj]);
+      }
+    }
+    product /= Ni;
+    vector<Ciphertext> intermediate(product);
+    Ciphertext temp1;
+    for (int k = 0; k < product; k++) {
+      evaluator_->multiply_plain_ntt(expanded_query[0], (*cur)[k], intermediate[k]);
+      for (int j = 1; j < Ni; j++) {
+        evaluator_->multiply_plain_ntt(expanded_query[j], (*cur)[k + j*product], temp1);
+        evaluator_->add(intermediate[k], temp1); // Adds to the first component.
+      }
+    }
+    for (int jj = 0; jj < intermediate.size(); jj++) {
+      evaluator_->transform_from_ntt(intermediate[jj]);
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    cout << "intermediate ciphertext check: " << endl;
+    for (int tt = 0; tt < intermediate.size(); tt++) {
+      cout << tt + 1 << " / " << intermediate.size() << " ";
+      client.print_info(intermediate[tt]);
+    }
+    if (i == Nvec.size() - 1) {
+      return intermediate;
+    } else {
+      intermediate_plain.clear();
+      intermediate_plain.reserve(pirparams_.expansion_ratio_ * product);
+      cur = &intermediate_plain;
+      util::Pointer tempplain_ptr(allocate_zero_poly(pirparams_.expansion_ratio_ * product, coeff_count, my_pool));
+      for (int rr = 0; rr < product; rr++) {
+        decompose_to_plaintexts_ptr(intermediate[rr], tempplain_ptr.get() + rr * pirparams_.expansion_ratio_* coeff_count);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        cout << "compose decompose check: " << endl;
+        client.print_info(evaluator_->compose_to_ciphertext(tempplain));
+        for (int jj = 0; jj < pirparams_.expansion_ratio_; jj++){
+          int offset = rr * pirparams_.expansion_ratio_* coeff_count + jj * coeff_count;
+          intermediate_plain.emplace_back(coeff_count, tempplain_ptr.get() + offset);
+        }
+      }
+      product *= pirparams_.expansion_ratio_; // multiply by expansion rate.
+    }
+  }
+vector<Ciphertext> PIRServer::expand_query(const Ciphertext &encrypted, int d, const GaloisKeys &galkey) {
+  uint64_t plainMod = parms_.plain_modulus().value();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  cout << "PIRServer side plain modulus = " << plainMod << endl;
+  // Assume that d is a power of 2. If not, round it to the next power of 2. 
+  int logd = ceil(log(d) / log(2));
+  Plaintext two("2");
+  vector<int> galois_elts;
+  int n = parms_.poly_modulus().coeff_count() - 1;
+  for (int i = 0; i < logd; i++) {
+    galois_elts.push_back((n + exponentiate_uint64(2, i)) / exponentiate_uint64(2, i));
+  }
+  vector<Ciphertext> temp;
+  temp.push_back(encrypted);
+  Ciphertext tempctxt;
+  Ciphertext tempctxt_rotated;
+  Ciphertext tempctxt_shifted;
+  Ciphertext tempctxt_rotatedshifted;
+  int shift = 1;
+  for (int i = 0; i < logd -1; i++) {
+    vector<Ciphertext> newtemp(temp.size() << 1);
+    int index_raw = (n << 1) - (1 << i);
+    int index = (index_raw * galois_elts[i]) % (n << 1);
+    for (int a = 0; a < temp.size(); a++) {
+      evaluator_->apply_galois(temp[a], galois_elts[i], galkey, tempctxt_rotated); // Can be done in-place
+      evaluator_->add(temp[a], tempctxt_rotated, newtemp[a]);
+      multiply_power_of_X(temp[a], tempctxt_shifted, index_raw);
+      multiply_power_of_X(tempctxt_rotated, tempctxt_rotatedshifted, index);
+      evaluator_->add(tempctxt_shifted, tempctxt_rotatedshifted, newtemp[a+temp.size()]); // Enc(2^i x^j) if j = 0 (mod 2**i).
+    }
+    temp = newtemp;
+  }
+  // Last iteration of the loop 
+  vector<Ciphertext> newtemp(temp.size() << 1);
+  int index_raw = (n << 1) - (1 << (logd - 1));
+  int index = (index_raw * galois_elts[logd - 1]) % (n << 1);
+  for (int a = 0; a < temp.size(); a++) {
+    if(a >= (d - (1 << (logd - 1)))) { // corner case. 
+      evaluator_->multiply_plain(temp[a], two, newtemp[a]);// plain multiplication by 2.
+    }
+    else {
+      evaluator_->apply_galois(temp[a], galois_elts[logd-1], galkey, tempctxt_rotated); // Can be done in-place
+      evaluator_->add(temp[a], tempctxt_rotated, newtemp[a]);
+      multiply_power_of_X(temp[a], tempctxt_shifted, index_raw);
+      multiply_power_of_X(tempctxt_rotated, tempctxt_rotatedshifted, index);
+      evaluator_->add(tempctxt_shifted, tempctxt_rotatedshifted, newtemp[a + temp.size()]); // Enc(2^i x^j) if j = 0 (mod 2**i).
+    }
+  }
+  vector<Ciphertext>::const_iterator first = newtemp.begin();
+  vector<Ciphertext>::const_iterator last = newtemp.begin() + d;
+  vector<Ciphertext> newVec(first, last);
+  return newVec;
+void PIRServer::multiply_power_of_X(const Ciphertext &encrypted, Ciphertext & destination, int index)
+  // Extract parameter
+  int coeff_mod_count = parms_.coeff_modulus().size();
+  int coeff_count = parms_.poly_modulus().coeff_count();
+  int coeff_bit_count = coeff_mod_count * bits_per_uint64;
+  int encrypted_ptr_increment = coeff_count * coeff_mod_count;
+  int encrypted_count = encrypted.size();
+  // First copy over. 
+  destination = encrypted;
+  // Prepare for destination
+  // Multiply X^index for each ciphertext polynomial
+  for (int i = 0; i < encrypted_count; i++)
+  {
+    for (int j = 0; j < coeff_mod_count; j++)
+    {
+      negacyclic_shift_poly_coeffmod(encrypted.pointer(i) + (j * coeff_count), coeff_count - 1, index, parms_.coeff_modulus()[j], destination.mutable_pointer(i) + (j * coeff_count));
+    }
+  }
+Ciphertext PIRClient::compose_to_ciphertext(vector<Plaintext> plains) {
+  Ciphertext result;
+  int encrypted_count = 2;
+  int coeff_count = newparms_.poly_modulus().coeff_count();
+  int coeff_mod_count = newparms_.coeff_modulus().size();
+  int array_poly_uint64_count = coeff_count * coeff_mod_count;
+  result.reserve(newparms_, encrypted_count);
+  int plain_bit_count = newparms_.plain_modulus().bit_count();
+  uint64_t plainMod = newparms_.plain_modulus().value();
+  // A triple for loop. Going over polys, moduli, and decomposed index.
+  for (int i = 0; i < encrypted_count; i++) {
+    uint64_t *encrypted_pointer = result.mutable_pointer(i);
+    for (int j = 0; j < coeff_mod_count; j++)
+    {
+      // populate one poly at a time.
+      // create a polynomial to store the current decomposition value which will be copied into the array to populate it at the current index.
+      double logqj = log(newparms_.coeff_modulus()[j].value());
+      int expansion_ratio = ceil(logqj / log(plainMod));
+      uint64_t cur = 1;
+      for (int k = 0; k < expansion_ratio; k++)
+      {
+        // Compose here
+        const uint64_t *plain_coeff = plains[k + j*(expansion_ratio)+i*(coeff_mod_count*expansion_ratio)].pointer();
+        for (int m = 0; m < coeff_count - 1; m++)
+        {
+          if (k == 0) {
+            *(encrypted_pointer + m + j*coeff_count) = *(plain_coeff + m) * cur;
+          }
+          else {
+            *(encrypted_pointer + m + j*coeff_count) += *(plain_coeff + m) * cur;
+          }
+        }
+        *(encrypted_pointer + coeff_count - 1 + j*coeff_count) = 0;
+        cur *= plainMod;
+      }
+      // Reduction modulo qj. This is needed? 
+      for (int m = 0; m < coeff_count; m++)
+      {
+        *(encrypted_pointer + m + j*coeff_count) %= newparms_.coeff_modulus()[j].value();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  result.mutable_hash_block() = newparms_.hash_block();
+  return result;
+void PIRServer::decompose_to_plaintexts_ptr(const Ciphertext &encrypted, uint64_t* plain_ptr) {
+  vector<Plaintext> result;
+  int coeff_count = parms_.poly_modulus().coeff_count();
+  int coeff_mod_count = parms_.coeff_modulus().size();
+  int array_poly_uint64_count = coeff_count * coeff_mod_count;
+  int plain_bit_count = parms_.plain_modulus().bit_count();
+  int encrypted_count = encrypted.size();
+  // Generate powers of t.
+  uint64_t plainModMinusOne = parms_.plain_modulus().value() -1;
+  int exp = ceil(log2(plainModMinusOne + 1)); 
+  for (int i = 0; i < encrypted_count; i++) {
+    const uint64_t * encrypted_pointer = encrypted.pointer(i);
+    for (int j = 0; j < coeff_mod_count; j++)
+    {
+      // populate one poly at a time.
+      // create a polynomial to store the current decomposition value which will be copied into the array to populate it at the current index.
+      int shift = 0;
+      int logqj = log2(parms_.coeff_modulus()[j].value());
+      int expansion_ratio = (logqj + exp -1) / exp;
+      uint64_t curexp = 0;
+      for (int k = 0; k < expansion_ratio; k++)
+      {
+        // Decompose here
+        for (int m = 0; m < coeff_count; m++)
+        {
+          *plain_ptr = (*(encrypted_pointer + m + (j * coeff_count)) >> curexp) & plainModMinusOne;
+          plain_ptr++;
+        }
+        curexp += exp;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+std::vector<Plaintext> PIRServer::decompose_to_plaintexts(const Ciphertext &encrypted) {
+  vector<Plaintext> result;
+  int coeff_count = parms_.poly_modulus().coeff_count();
+  int coeff_mod_count = parms_.coeff_modulus().size();
+  int array_poly_uint64_count = coeff_count * coeff_mod_count;
+  int plain_bit_count = parms_.plain_modulus().bit_count();
+  int encrypted_count = encrypted.size();
+  // Generate powers of t.
+  uint64_t plainMod = parms_.plain_modulus().value();
+  for (int i = 0; i < encrypted_count; i++) {
+    const uint64_t * encrypted_pointer = encrypted.pointer(i);
+    for (int j = 0; j < coeff_mod_count; j++)
+    {
+      // populate one poly at a time.
+      // create a polynomial to store the current decomposition value which will be copied into the array to populate it at the current index.
+      int shift = 0;
+      int logqj = log(parms_.coeff_modulus()[j].value());
+      int expansion_ratio = ceil(logqj / log(plainMod));
+      uint64_t cur = 1;
+      for (int k = 0; k < expansion_ratio; k++)
+      {
+        // Decompose here
+        BigPoly temp;
+        temp.resize(coeff_count, plain_bit_count);
+        temp.set_zero();
+        uint64_t *plain_coeff = temp.pointer();
+        for (int m = 0; m < coeff_count; m++)
+        {
+          *(plain_coeff + m) = (*(encrypted_pointer + m + (j * coeff_count)) / cur) % plainMod;
+        }
+        result.push_back(Plaintext(temp));
+        cur *= plainMod;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+void vector_to_plaintext(const std::vector<std::uint64_t> &coeffs, Plaintext &plain)
+  int coeff_count = coeffs.size();
+  plain.resize(coeff_count);
+util:set_uint_uint(coeffs.data(), coeff_count, plain.pointer());
+string serialize_ciphertext(Ciphertext c) {
+  std::stringstream output(std::ios::binary|std::ios::out);
+  c.save(output);
+  return output.str();
+string serialize_ciphertexts(vector<Ciphertext> c) {
+  string s;
+  for(int i=0; i<c.size(); i++) {
+    s.append(serialize_ciphertext(c[i]));
+  }
+  return s;
+Ciphertext* deserialize_ciphertext(string s) {
+  Ciphertext *c = new Ciphertext();
+  std::stringstream input(std::ios::binary|std::ios::in);
+  input.str(s);
+  c->load(input);
+  return c;
+vector<Ciphertext> deserialize_ciphertexts(int count, string s, int len_ciphertext) {
+  vector<Ciphertext> c;
+  for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
+    c.push_back(*(deserialize_ciphertext(s.substr(i*len_ciphertext, len_ciphertext))));
+  }
+  return c;
+string serialize_plaintext(Plaintext p) {
+  std::stringstream output(std::ios::binary|std::ios::out);
+  p.save(output);
+  return output.str();
+string serialize_plaintexts(vector<Plaintext> p) {
+  string s;
+  for(int i=0; i<p.size(); i++) {
+    s.append(serialize_plaintext(p[i]));
+  }
+  return s;
+Plaintext* deserialize_plaintext(string s) {
+  Plaintext *c = new Plaintext();
+  std::stringstream input(std::ios::binary|std::ios::in);
+  input.str(s);
+  c->load(input);
+  return c;
+vector<Plaintext> deserialize_plaintexts(int count, string s, int len_plaintext) {
+  vector<Plaintext> p;
+  for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
+    p.push_back(*(deserialize_plaintext(s.substr(i*len_plaintext, len_plaintext))));
+  }
+  return p;
+string serialize_galoiskeys(GaloisKeys g) {
+  std::stringstream output(std::ios::binary|std::ios::out);
+  g.save(output);
+  return output.str();
+GaloisKeys* deserialize_galoiskeys(string s) {
+  GaloisKeys *g = new GaloisKeys();
+  std::stringstream input(std::ios::binary|std::ios::in);
+  input.str(s);
+  g->load(input);
+  return g;
+cpp_buffer_free(char *buf) {
+  free(buf);
+cpp_client_setup(uint64_t len_total_bytes, uint64_t num_db_entries) {
+  uint64_t number_of_items = num_db_entries;
+  uint64_t size_per_item = (len_total_bytes/num_db_entries) << 3;
+  int n = 2048;
+  int logt = 22;
+  uint64_t plainMod = static_cast<uint64_t> (1) << logt;
+  int number_of_plaintexts = ceil (((double)(number_of_items)* size_per_item / n) / logt );
+  EncryptionParameters parms;
+  parms.set_poly_modulus("1x^" + std::to_string(n) + " + 1");
+  vector<SmallModulus> coeff_mod_array;
+  int logq = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
+  {
+    coeff_mod_array.emplace_back(SmallModulus());
+    coeff_mod_array[i] = small_mods_60bit(i);
+    logq += coeff_mod_array[i].bit_count();
+  }
+  parms.set_coeff_modulus(coeff_mod_array);
+  parms.set_plain_modulus(plainMod);
+  pirParams pirparms;
+  int item_per_plaintext = floor((double)get_power_of_two(plainMod) *n / size_per_item);
+  pirparms.d = 2;
+  pirparms.alpha = 1;
+  pirparms.dbc = 8;
+  pirparms.N = number_of_plaintexts;
+  int sqrt_items = ceil(sqrt(number_of_plaintexts));
+  int bound1 = number_of_plaintexts / sqrt_items;
+  int bound2 = sqrt_items;
+  vector<int> Nvec = { bound1, bound2 };
+  pirparms.Nvec = Nvec;
+  PIRClient *client = new PIRClient(parms, pirparms);
+  return (void*) client;
+cpp_client_generate_query(void* pir, uint64_t chosen_idx, uint64_t* rlen_total_bytes, uint64_t* rnum_logical_entries) {
+  pirQuery query = ((PIRClient*) pir)->generate_query(chosen_idx);
+  string s = serialize_ciphertexts(query);
+  *rlen_total_bytes = s.length();
+  *rnum_logical_entries = query.size();
+  char *outptr, *result; 
+  result = (char*)calloc(*rlen_total_bytes, sizeof(char));
+  memcpy(result, s.c_str(), s.length());
+  return result;
+cpp_client_generate_galois_keys(void *pir, uint64_t *rlen_total_bytes) {
+  GaloisKeys g = ((PIRClient*) pir)->generate_galois_keys();
+  string s = serialize_galoiskeys(g); //.c_str();
+  char *outptr, *result; 
+  result = (char*)calloc(s.length(), sizeof(char));
+  memcpy(result, s.c_str(), s.length());
+  *rlen_total_bytes = s.length();
+  return result;
+  char*
+cpp_client_process_reply(void* pir, char* r, uint64_t len_total_bytes, uint64_t num_logical_entries, uint64_t* rlen_total_bytes)
+  string s(r);
+  vector<Ciphertext> reply = deserialize_ciphertexts(num_logical_entries, s, 32828);
+  Plaintext p = ((PIRClient*) pir)->decode_reply(reply);
+  string resp = serialize_plaintext(p);
+  *rlen_total_bytes = resp.length();
+  char *result = (char*)calloc(*rlen_total_bytes, sizeof(char));
+  memcpy(result, resp.c_str(), resp.length());
+  return result;
+  void 
+cpp_client_free(void *pir)
+  delete (PIRClient*) pir;
+  void* 
+cpp_server_setup(uint64_t len_total_bytes, char *db, uint64_t num_logical_entries) 
+  uint64_t max_entry_size_bytes = len_total_bytes/num_logical_entries;
+  uint64_t number_of_items = num_logical_entries;
+  uint64_t size_per_item = max_entry_size_bytes << 3; // 288 B. 
+  int n = 2048;
+  int logt = 22;
+  uint64_t plainMod = static_cast<uint64_t> (1) << logt;
+  int number_of_plaintexts = ceil (((double)(number_of_items)* size_per_item / n) / logt );
+  EncryptionParameters parms;
+  parms.set_poly_modulus("1x^" + std::to_string(n) + " + 1");
+  vector<SmallModulus> coeff_mod_array;
+  int logq = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
+  {
+    coeff_mod_array.emplace_back(SmallModulus());
+    coeff_mod_array[i] = small_mods_60bit(i);
+    logq += coeff_mod_array[i].bit_count();
+  }
+  parms.set_coeff_modulus(coeff_mod_array);
+  parms.set_plain_modulus(plainMod);
+  pirParams pirparms;
+  int item_per_plaintext = floor((double)get_power_of_two(plainMod) *n / size_per_item);
+  pirparms.d = 2;
+  pirparms.alpha = 1;
+  pirparms.dbc = 8;
+  pirparms.N = number_of_plaintexts;
+  int sqrt_items = ceil(sqrt(number_of_plaintexts));
+  int bound1 = number_of_plaintexts / sqrt_items;
+  int bound2 = sqrt_items;
+  vector<int> Nvec = { bound1, bound2 };
+  pirparms.Nvec = Nvec;
+  PIRServer *server = new PIRServer(parms, pirparms);
+  string d(db);
+  vector<Plaintext> items = deserialize_plaintexts(num_logical_entries, d, max_entry_size_bytes);
+  server->set_database(&items);
+  server->preprocess_database();
+  return (void*) server;
+  void
+cpp_server_set_galois_keys(void *pir, char *q, uint64_t len_total_bytes, int client_id)
+  string s(q);
+  GaloisKeys *g = deserialize_galoiskeys(s);
+  ((PIRServer*)pir)->set_galois_key(client_id, *g);
+  char* 
+cpp_server_process_query(void* pir, char* q, uint64_t len_total_bytes, uint64_t num_logical_entries, uint64_t* rlen_total_bytes, uint64_t* rnum_logical_entries, int client_id)
+  string str(q);
+  pirQuery query = deserialize_ciphertexts(num_logical_entries, str, len_total_bytes/num_logical_entries);
+  pirReply reply = ((PIRServer*) pir)->generate_reply(query, client_id);
+  string s = serialize_ciphertexts(reply);
+  *rlen_total_bytes = s.length();
+  *rnum_logical_entries = reply.size();
+  char *outptr, *result; 
+  result = (char*)calloc(*rlen_total_bytes, sizeof(char));
+  memcpy(result, s.c_str(), s.length());
+  return result;
+  void 
+cpp_server_free(void *pir)
+  delete (PIRServer*) pir;

+ 133 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#ifndef SEAL_PIR_H
+#define SEAL_PIR_H
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <chrono>
+#include "seal/memorypoolhandle.h"
+#include "seal/encryptor.h"
+#include "seal/decryptor.h"
+#include "seal/encryptionparams.h"
+#include "seal/publickey.h"
+#include "seal/secretkey.h"
+#include "seal/evaluationkeys.h"
+#include "seal/galoiskeys.h"
+#include "seal/seal.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "seal/util/polyarith.h"
+#include "seal/util/uintarith.h"
+#include "seal/util/polyarithsmallmod.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace seal;
+using namespace seal::util;
+typedef std::vector<Plaintext> dataBase;
+typedef std::vector<Ciphertext> pirQuery;
+typedef std::vector<Ciphertext> pirReply;
+vector<Ciphertext> deserialize_ciphertexts(int count, string s, int len_ciphertext);
+string serialize_ciphertexts(vector<Ciphertext> c);
+string serialize_plaintext(Plaintext p);
+string serialize_plaintexts(vector<Plaintext> p); 
+struct pirParams {
+  int N;
+  int size;
+  int alpha; 
+  int d; 
+  vector<int> Nvec;
+  int expansion_ratio_;
+  int dbc;
+void vector_to_plaintext(const std::vector<std::uint64_t> &coeffs, Plaintext &plain); 
+vector<int> compute_indices(int desiredIndex, vector<int> Nvec); 
+class PIRClient {
+  public:
+    PIRClient(const seal::EncryptionParameters & parms, pirParams & pirparms);
+    pirQuery generate_query(int desiredIndex);
+    Plaintext decode_reply(pirReply reply);
+    GaloisKeys generate_galois_keys();
+    void print_info(Ciphertext &encrypted);
+    EncryptionParameters get_new_parms() {
+      return newparms_;
+    }
+    pirParams get_pir_parms() {
+      return pirparms_;
+    }
+    Ciphertext compose_to_ciphertext(vector<Plaintext> plains);
+  private:
+    EncryptionParameters parms_;
+    EncryptionParameters newparms_;
+    pirParams pirparms_;
+    unique_ptr<Encryptor> encryptor_;
+    unique_ptr<Decryptor> decryptor_;
+    unique_ptr<Evaluator> evaluator_;
+    unique_ptr<KeyGenerator> keygen_;
+class PIRServer
+  public: 
+    PIRServer(const seal::EncryptionParameters &parms, const pirParams &pirparams);
+    // Reads the database from file.
+    void read_database_from_file(string file); 
+    // Preprocess the databse 
+    void preprocess_database();
+    void set_database(vector<Plaintext> *db);
+    pirReply generate_reply(pirQuery query, int client_id);
+    vector<Ciphertext> expand_query(const Ciphertext & encrypted, int d, const GaloisKeys &galkey);
+    void set_galois_key(int client_id, GaloisKeys galkey) {
+      galoisKeys_[client_id] = galkey;
+    }
+    void multiply_power_of_X(const Ciphertext &encrypted, Ciphertext & destination, int index);
+    void decompose_to_plaintexts_ptr(const Ciphertext & encrypted, uint64_t* plain_ptr);
+    vector<Plaintext> decompose_to_plaintexts(const Ciphertext &encrypted);
+  private:
+    EncryptionParameters parms_;
+    pirParams pirparams_;
+    map<int, GaloisKeys> galoisKeys_;
+    dataBase *dataBase_ = nullptr;
+    unique_ptr<Evaluator> evaluator_;
+    bool is_db_preprocessed_;
+extern "C" {
+  void cpp_buffer_free(char* buf);
+  // client-specific methods
+  void* cpp_client_setup(uint64_t len_db_total_bytes, uint64_t num_db_entries);
+  char* cpp_client_generate_galois_keys(void *pir); 
+  char* cpp_client_generate_query(void* pir, uint64_t chosen_idx, uint64_t* rlen_query_total_bytes, uint64_t* rnum_query_slots);
+  char* cpp_client_process_reply(void* pir, char* r, uint64_t len_response_total_bytes, uint64_t num_response_slots, uint64_t* rlen_answer_total_bytes);
+  void cpp_client_update_db_params(void* pir, uint64_t len_db_total_bytes, uint64_t num_db_entries, uint64_t alpha, uint64_t d);
+  void cpp_client_free(void* pir);
+  // server-specific methods
+  void* cpp_server_setup(uint64_t len_db_total_bytes, char *db, uint64_t num_db_entries); 
+  char* cpp_server_process_query(void* pir, char* q, uint64_t len_query_total_bytes, uint64_t num_query_slots, uint64_t* rlen_response_total_bytes, uint64_t* rnum_response_slots);
+  void cpp_server_set_galois_keys(void *pir, char *q, uint64_t len_total_bytes, int client_id);
+  void cpp_server_free(void* pir);